Page 01

Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


This started out as a short, straightforward cuckold story. However, the main characters, Jack and Diane, seemed to take control of the storyline, making the sex broader and darker, and Diane's cuckolding of Jack turned into ...

A complicated relationship

I don't think I every really expected to get married, let alone to a woman with supermodel looks, who turned out to be a nymphomaniac who tried to turn me into a cuckold, then dragged me into incest with her family. After all that, I couldn't have imagined I'd still love her, but I do, though our relationship is, well, at best, complicated and few would surely ever understand it. I know I don't.

But I guess I should start back at the beginning. My name is Jack. Most people would call probably me a nerd, or a geek. I'm a lean six foot, but my arms and legs seem bigger than my body deserved, so I always look gangly, rather than athletic. My parents both died in a car accident when I was three, and I was brought up by my mother's older sister, whose children had already grown.

I was always hopeless at sports, even basketball, which otherwise I seemed to have the build for, so I never got any attention from girls at school, who always followed the sports jocks, it seemed. At home, it was like being an only child, in a family which never really wanted to have to look after any more children, and certainly not a nephew.

Perhaps it wasn't surprising, then, that I became a loner, but this suited me just fine, because I discovered I had a thing for computers, first with games, then rapidly moving on to teaching myself low-level programming. What I love about computers is that they are so ruthlessly logical, totally predictable and totally stupid, but yet can do a few simple things so unbelievably fast that most people think they are smart.

Did you know that all a computer processor can do is really to add, subtract, and to compare whether one numeric code is the same as a different one? To even to get them to do something as simple as multiplication, a human has had to work out a set of instructions to string together multiple additions to get the answer.

That's the whole challenge: to find ways of programming them to do clever things. When people say 'it's just a computer error', it's wrong. It's always the human who made the mistake, or failed to anticipate a special set of circumstances where the ruthlessly logical computer would just do what it was told, and deliver a perfectly wrong answer.

By the time I was a teenager, I could write code in many computer languages, and I could hack into no end of systems which were supposed to be private. I got a real buzz from being able to do it, though I never tried to do any harm, and looking back, I guess it just substituted for the excitement that normal kids seemed to get from sex. To start with the prospect of it, and then the first actual steps. So me, I never took any steps into sex, even when I was way past eighteen.

No, I just shrugged off the names I knew people were calling me, finished my education in computing science, and with funding from my surrogate parents, who were glad to be rid of me, I moved to Silicon Valley, and set up my own computer company, focusing on security.

It was hard at first. When I pointed out the holes in a company's system, their IT folk were defensive, and when I got past them, their bosses first reaction was that I was trying to hold them to ransom, like a Russian hacker. In the end, though, I broke through, becoming trusted and well rewarded. I took on staff, and expanded into image manipulation, you know, the sort that can create what is now called 'deep fake', where an individual's appearance can be convincingly grafted on to someone else's body in a totally different context.

And that's where this story really begins. I was twenty-four, still a virgin, though that wasn't something I thought about much, when a big, world-famous fashion house gave me a contract to create them a new app. What I was offering was a way for a customer to photograph or video themselves in a standard way, then they could select an item from the company's sales range, and the app would show them dressed in it. Perfectly.

The customer could change sizes, colours, patterns: everything. Then they could order it, confident that it would be a perfect fit when it arrived. Of course, the company also learned a lot about customer preferences as they tried things out, and ended up with an anonymised dataset of their customers' measurements, so they could avoid making styles, colors and sizes that no one wanted. That in itself must have been more than worth what they paid me.

This was how I first met Diane, when I was called to a meeting of a world-famous fashion house in Burbank. I suppose I was expecting that the meeting would be with IT guys: men and women, geeks a bit like me, so I when I'd signed in at the reception of the glitzy glass and steel lobby of the company, I was stunned when a smartly-dressed woman came to get me.

And she was not just a woman, but the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Well, she must have been for me even to have noticed.

"Hi, you must be Jack," she said, smiling, and offering her hand for me to shake.

"Um ... yes ... I guess so," I stammered back, as I took her hand.

Her grip was firm, not one of those awful dead fish handshakes I hated. Her hair was pale brown, her eyes emerald green with shards of brown, and her face was beautifully symmetrical. I knew she must be wearing make-up - I mean, surely no one had lips quite that color - but it was so subtly applied I couldn't spot it.

She led me to a glass-fronted elevator, and as we rose through the huge atrium, she was telling me things about the company and the building. Or at least, I think she was, because my brain was busy checking out her elegant curves: firm breasts, perfect for her size, and balanced beautifully below a slim waist by the hips that had wiggled so delightfully as I followed her, and a lovely, rounded butt.

I told myself that I was just checking her out to work out how well the app would handle her, though for the first time in my life, I knew I was lying to myself. Just a bit.

She took me into a light and airy office, furnished with a large desk in pale wood, matched by a filing system in the same material, with a large-sized iMac computer on the desk, and a coffee table in the same wood, surrounded by four, obviously designer chairs.

"Please, take a seat. I just need you to sign our NDA before we get started. We already signed yours electronically, didn't we, but we're still a bit more traditional."

I sat in one of the chairs, and watched as she took some papers from the files, then walked back over to the coffee table. I'd expected her to sit, but instead, she bent over and slid the paperwork towards me.

It was a long way down to bend, and there was no way I could have avoided seeing what I saw, as the loose scoop-neck of her dress fell forward, revealing her cleavage. Well, more than cleavage, because I could see almost all of her breasts hanging in front of me, and I couldn't help trying to work out whether those were her nipples, or just the material of what could only have been the tiniest bra.

"Well, do they look acceptable, Jack?" she asked.

"Um ... well ..." I mumbled, as I hastily started to turn the pages of the agreement.

"No, not the papers, silly. My tits. I don't think I've ever known anyone stare at them quite like that, not since they first grew, anyway. Girls have them, you know. Surely you've seen some before?"

I felt a blush start as I looked up to her smiling face, then I got hotter and hotter as it spread, until I'm sure I looked like a red balloon.

"Um ... yes ... nice ..." I muttered, not wanting to admit that I really hadn't seen many this close, and desperate not to insult the woman who I guessed would finally decide if we got the contract.

"You know, Jack, you're a refreshing treat from the guys around here. I think maybe we'll get along fine - as long as you sign, of course."

She was giggling now, and rather than standing back up, she jiggled her shoulders, making her breasts dance around inside the dress, causing me to go even redder.

In the end, the agreement looked fine, and after I'd signed, she took me to a meeting room, where I was to give a presentation, followed by a demonstration of the beta version of the app. The room was full of fashionably-dressed women, none older than thirty, I guessed, and a slightly smaller number of men.

I knew that some of the women would be thought attractive, perhaps even beautiful, but none quite matched Diane, who flirted outrageously with all the men. I noticed hands touching her ass, before she pushed them away, and arms brushing across her breasts.

"Everyone - this is Jack, who, as you can see is more of a geek than a fashionista, but he's here to tell us about his new software, which, if it works, could really give us an edge over our competitors."

I did the talk, demonstrating the app by photographing Diane, and two of the other women, showing how it was then possible to see how they would look in the example dresses I had on the system. Of course, there were lots of questions, but most of them I was able to deal with easily.

"Don't the clothes in the photograph get in the way, though?" someone asked.

"Well, it would be better if the pictures were taken with just underclothes, but as long as what the person is wearing is a good fit, it still works," I replied, to a question I'd had myself in the beginning.

"Ah. Are you sure you're not just trying to collect pictures of women in their undies?" Diane asked, smiling.

Of course, this was another one of the first things we had to deal with, making sure that the photographs were never transmitted.

"No, not at all? Didn't your IT guys check it out? Anyway, what would I want with images of women in their underclothes?"

"Oh Jack! With a name like yours, as well! You'd be able to jack off to them, wouldn't you? And the way you were looking at my tits earlier, and some of the women we have as clients, I bet you'd come easily even with their bits covered."

I don't think I'd ever been so embarrassed since I let out a fart trying to do gymnastics in junior school, and my face went even redder than before. That's it, I thought: that's the end of the deal.

"Seriously, though, Jack, yes we have looked at it carefully, and we would be happy to guarantee our customers' privacy."

It turned out I was wrong. Diane agreed to work towards a big launch at a fashion show in Vegas in just a few weeks' time.

"Thank you so much," I said after Diane gave me the signed contract back in her office, and I was so pleased, I totally lost it and gave her a hug.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I mumbled, as I realised I'd just crushed her tits against me, and whether she noticed it or not, I felt something unusual happening between my legs, and realised I'd just pressed my hardening cock into her belly.

"Don't worry, I was beginning to think I'd lost it, darling," she smiled back, brushing her hand across the front of my pants, sending my face red again. "I'll send the meeting invitations for the follow-up electronically."

I flew back home elated, but deeply disturbed. Elated because the contract would really put my little company on the map. Disturbed, because of the effect Diane had had on me. I'd never let girls trouble me, and I knew that there was no way a nerd like me could get anywhere with a beauty like her. At best, she'd flirt with me, the way she had with her team, but nothing good could come from it. She'd get what amusement she could from me, then spit me back out.

The trouble was, I just couldn't get the image of her tits out of my mind, the feel of them squashed against my chest, nor her touch against my traitor of a cock. And she'd planted the idea of jacking off in my mind, so after tossing and turning in bed thinking about her, that was what I did, imagining what those breasts were like.

Over the next few weeks, I had numerous visits back to the Company. Diane's behaviour was even more outrageous, though her team seemed to take it in their stride.

"You know, Jack, I really think we should do a proper comparison between a fully clothed woman, and one in just underclothes. You said it was better, and I'd like to know just how much. I'm game, who else is up for it?" Diane said at the third meeting, taking me by surprise.

It wasn't just her words that took me by surprise, but the way she was undoing her blouse, which she threw on the conference table, then undid her skirt, and let it drop to the floor, leaving her stood in a white lacy bra and panties. I groaned to myself as I noticed the dark circles of her nipples showing through her bra, and what looked like a patch of hair through her panties.

While I groaned, the rest of the team cheered, and even more so when one of the other women, Julie, did the same. Her tits might have been bigger, but it was Diane whose body mesmerised me.

"Hey, Jack-off Jack! Wake up! This isn't just for your enjoyment, let's run some tests," Diane said, looking me straight in the eye and smiling, making me blush again, and hope that the bulge in my pants wasn't too obvious.

It wasn't just the sight of her almost naked body that turned me on, but the way she still kept flirting with everyone, brushing against them, and letting them touch her as they joked about how, if they recommended this, potentially hundreds of women would be photographing themselves, and what a shame it was they wouldn't be able to see.

Then it hit me. From the way most of the men were looking at Diane: they'd fucked her! Once I'd seen it, I knew from the look in their eyes that they knew exactly what was under Diane's skimpy underwear. The strange thing was that some of the women seemed to have the same look as well, Julie certainly. I'd been pretty sure a couple of the men were gay, though, and I couldn't quite work that out.

Of course, it was no real surprise when the images from the app, and the fittings it suggested, were just that bit better when in the original photograph the woman was wearing only their underwear, but I could see that with a few tweaks to the program, I could make it even better, making full use of the additional body information that had been hidden.

When I got home that night, my mind was full of images of Diane's body, and of her being fucked by the men who worked for her. I wanted to be one of them, of course, but what baffled me was that I also wanted just to watch her being violated by the others. And, once more, I lived up to Diane's name for me as I jacked off, imagining her fucking.

I made the adjustments, and customised the look and feel of the app to meet the needs of the fashion house, and then the time came for a final demonstration to senior management, who would then decide whether to launch the product.

It went fabulously. Diane took the lead, dressed only in a different set of underwear, seeming to have no embarrassment at being that way in front of her bosses. I thought I saw that look again from one or two, which probably explained it. The biggest surprise, though, was when one of the vice presidents stripped down to her underclothes and tested the system for herself.

They signed the deal, and against my better judgement, Diane persuaded me to join the whole team in going to a bar to celebrate. I didn't drink much, and I hated the sort of idiotic small talk that goes on at parties and bars, so I just sat in a corner and tried to keep to myself, just watching Diane flirting.

The more I watched, the more confused my feelings became. Part of me despised her, the same way I had the airhead cheerleaders at college, whose only interest seemed to be getting fucked by the best players on the team, and clearly Diana had been fucked by most of the men. That was even clearer to me now.

The trouble was that part of me wanted to break my virginity by fucking her myself, but even more disturbing was the fact that I was equally keen to watch her get fucked by her work colleagues. She was laughing and joking with the team, touching their arms or putting hers around their shoulders, and there were arms going around her as well, usually straying down to run over her gorgeous ass.

Given her show in underwear, I now knew exactly how gorgeous that ass was, and part of me wanted one of the guys to lift her skirt to reveal it. Worst of all, I wanted them all to tear her clothes off, bend her over one of the tables, and fuck her, one after the other.

Lost in my own, shocking mental images, I hadn't noticed that most of the team had drifted off, until Diane sat down opposite me.

"Finished flirting, then? I'm surprised you haven't gone off with one of the guys; or perhaps several of them."

"That's what I like about you, Jack. I can see that you're attracted to me, but unlike all of the others, you aren't constantly pawing me, trying to get in my panties."

"They have been in them, though, haven't they? I've been sat here thinking up my new app: 'have they fucked yet?'. It just needs a picture of the two people's faces, and it will give you an answer. From the look on your faces, I know you've fucked most of the men in your team. I've just got to perfect it, as I was sure a couple of the guys were gay."

"Oh, they've fucked me as well, Jack. I let them use the back door so they felt right at home." Diane replied, smiling, and bending forward to let me see down the front of her blouse.

"Back door? I don't know what you mean."

"Up the ass, darling, up the ass."

Whilst Diane was now laughing out loud, I was going red again.

"I love the way you're so innocent, Jack. Don't tell me you've never used a woman's asshole?"

"Um ... no," I muttered, getting redder and more embarrassed.

"Oh shit, I didn't mean to embarrass you. And you're wrong about the women as well - I've fucked most of them one time or another."

Oh God, a picture of Diane and Julie, licking each other's pussies sprang into my mind, making my cock get stiffer, even as it disgusted me.

"Wouldn't you have liked to watch? Isn't watching two women together every man's fantasy?"

As she spoke, she moved her hand under the table, and I gasped in shock as I felt her touch my cock through my pants, and I knew she'd take its hardness as confirmation of what she'd said.

"Leave me alone! You're just a fucking slut, Diane. I'm going to catch my flight. Just email me details of the launch. I suppose I'll have to see you then."

I stormed out of the bar, leaving Diane speechless, her mouth open. I guessed that no one had ever turned down her advances before. I had time to remember why on the flight home, as I kept thinking about her perfect body, her prefect tits barely hidden under the different bras I'd seen her in, her curvaceous body, and the promise of even greater delights between her legs. More than anything, though, I couldn't stop thinking about her with a guy's cock up her ass, or rolling around on a bed with another woman.

Damn it, I lived up to her nickname for me again, as soon as I got home and in bed.

And it just got worse each day over the couple of weeks until the Las Vegas launch. I'd never cared much about sex before, but now it totally obsessed me. I didn't get it, nor the confusing emotions churning around inside me. I despised Diane for being such a slut, yet I wanted to fuck her myself. Was it just to punish myself for lusting after her, because I burned to watch her fucking, men and women, in every depraved combination that my twisted brain came up with?

It was as if I had a balloon inside me, and every day my emotions pumped it up further, making me feel as If I were going to explode. The pressure built; I lusted after her in both perverse ways; I hated myself more; and the pressure built more, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Trouble was, even if I got my courage up to make a move on her, why on earth would she choose a nerd like me, when she could, and clearly already had had her pick of more outgoing, stylish men. And women.

I've got no idea how I managed to survive without bursting apart, but somehow I managed to get to Vegas. The flight was delayed, though, so I was late getting to the hotel, and the event had just started when I arrived.

I was still in time for the launch, luckily, as it was the first of the big set pieces, and I joined the team in the wings.

"Oh, hi, Jack. I didn't think you were going to make it, as you were too busy jacking off," Diane said, smiling, but what she said was close enough to the truth not to be funny.

"Um ... yeah," was all I could manage to reply, not just from her comments, but her appearance as well.

I guess I should have known that she'd do the demo herself, rather than hiring a professional model. She was dressed just in a sheer white lacy bra and panties, which showed her nipples and pubes even more clearly than during the tests. I'd obsessed about as much of her tits and pussy as I got to see over the previous weeks. Now the extra detail in sight added to the pressure inside me, and I knew my cock was starting to stiffen.

It got worse, though, because Wesley, one of the guys I was certain had fucked her, walked over to her.

"Only a minute or two to go, Di. You've just got one nipple a bit twisted - let me sort it for you."

He slipped his hand into one of her bra cups, pulled the cup out with the other, and jiggled her breast until he was happy that this nipple wasn't caught up. Oh God, I thought I was going to pass out, as the pressure rocketed up inside me, and I felt my cock pushing hard against my pants. I must have missed it, but the presentation must have been announced, because Diane turned to walk onto the stage, and Wesley slapped her gently on her ass.

"Knock 'em dead, Di."

She ran through the demo, which worked every bit as well as the rehearsals, but of course, everyone knew it was pre-planned, so it absolutely should have. What I hadn't expected was that she then chose a woman in the audience, and brought her up on stage. Diane had chosen well, because the woman was in a body-hugging dress, so the measurements were good.

They must have brought a good range of sizes in the dress they were using in the demonstration, because Diane sent the woman off stage, and when she came back in the dress of the size predicted, it fitted perfectly, and the whole audience erupted.

It all got too much for me, though, when the demo was over, and Diane walked back into the wings.

"That was fabulous, Di," Wesley said, hugging her to him.

I felt as if I'd been struck by lightning, as I noticed his hands were down inside her panties, cupping her ass cheeks, then Diane turned to look over to me, and I realised she knew exactly what this was doing to me. I turned and headed straight back to my room.

I linked back to the office on my laptop, and started doing some difficult, low-level programming, which I probably didn't need to do then, but it just worked in stopping me doing what my body wanted me to do: to jack off, picturing Wesley fucking Diane. I only stopped, when there was a knock at the door, and a uniformed man handed me a note in a sealed envelope.


Please come to Suite 1316 as soon as you get this. I have a new business idea for you, that I would like to discuss.


This just made the torment in my brain worse. A business proposition? I was certainly interested, given that the app that Diane had just demonstrated looked sure to put my Company into a completely different league. God, I wanted to see her, but how much more would I hate her and myself if she flirted, or worse, with anyone else in the team.

I had to go, though, even if the pressure inside me felt way beyond what I could cope with. I took the elevator to her floor, then walked along the corridor to her suite, full of anticipation and fear.

When I knocked on the door, she opened it herself. She was in just a bra, which seemed even more transparent than the previous one, barely hiding any detail of her nipples, with the only other thing she was wearing being a thong. Oh God, her ass was bare, and I might have let out a little groan as I tried to get my emotions under control.

"I thought you said this was about business, Diane? You hardly looked dressed for it."

"Oh, Jack, don't you like it," she asked, closing the door, then doing a twirl round so I could see her naked butt. "But yes, it is business."

I followed her into the lounge area of the suite. The doorway to the bedroom was open; I could see the king-sized bed, with filmy underclothes scattered over it, and I felt my blood pressure rise even further.

"Just get on with it, then Diane," I gabbled, not sure how long I could keep myself under control.

"Your present app is about getting a perfect fit for top clothes, and being able to see exactly what they would look like on you before you buy. Yes? It's great, but actually, underwear is even harder to get right online. Take this bra: it's only fitted by chest and cup size, but women's breasts are far more varied than is captured by the A, B, C system of cups. See how my nipples are flattened?"

I didn't want to look, yet at the same time I did, and I saw she was right. Then I realised she was reaching round her, and unfastening the bra.

"I might be a C-cup, but my breasts are more pointed than round, aren't they? Just hold them underneath, and see how much further forward the nipples need to be, while they are slightly smaller around than the cups."

"Uh ... I can't ..."

"Don't be silly, Jack. You must have touched other girls' tits, and this is just business. Though it's what I really like about you. Most other men would have grabbed me as soon as I offered, and would have started kneading them around as if they were making bread."

Oh God, I'd wanted this so much, but now I was trembling like a little child, as Diane slipped a bra strap over one wrist, then grabbed mine, pulling my hands up so that they were gently cupping her breasts underneath.

"See, Jack? I'm right, aren't I?"

She was wrong, or course, I'd copped a quick feel of the girl I'd taken to the final Prom, but I'd never even seen a woman's naked breasts this close, let alone touched them, and her brown, wrinkled nipples seemed to be eyes looking at me, inviting me.

"If we changed the app to take naked pictures - yes, I know we'd need to work on security even more - surely you could calculate the size and shape in much more detail, and we could tailor a perfect fit? I know some specialist lingerie shops offer fitting, but it's expensive, and not all women enjoy strangers touching their tits, the way I do, Jack."

The last was said with a wicked smile, as I suddenly realised I was still holding them, and quickly pulled my hands back, holding them down at my sides.

"Um ... yes ... just business ..." I mumbled, trying to hide the fact that touching her breasts was probably the most exciting thing I'd ever done.

"It's not just bra's, though, Jack. Look at this thong. The back has ridden right up into my ass, and it's uncomfortable when I sit, let alone not even covering the essentials."

Oh God, I was going to die, I knew it, because as she spoke, Diane had turned around, bent right over, and pulled her ass cheeks apart. She was right. What seemed little more than a thread ran up to the waistband, and it covered almost none of her wrinkled, pale brown anal ring.

"That's not all, Jack," she said, standing back up, turning around, then sitting down on one of the chairs, with her legs apart. Look, it's worked it's way between my pussy lips."

My heart was racing like crazy, and I was struggling to keep my brain aware that this was reality, and not just another jack-off phantasy, although my cock was sure it was, and wanted me to deal with it. Now.

"It not only would leave me flashing more than I wanted if my skirt blew up, but it's uncomfortable, and the crotch panel just gets soaked. Here, see?"

I was still trying to deal with the sight of the wrinkled, pink-brown flesh poking out on one side of her panties, and to reconcile it with my severely limited picture of a woman's pussy, so when she pulled them off and threw them at me, they hit me right in the face.

I grabbed at them, managing only to hold them hard against my face, and I was almost overwhelmed by a powerful odour that I'd never come across before. I wrinkled my nose, as the musky, slightly acrid scent initially repelled me, but the more I inhaled, the more I discovered I liked it.

"Gosh, Jack, I didn't realise you'd be another one of those men who can't get enough of the smell of my cunt," Diane said, smiling, opening her legs wider.

I think it must have been not just the choice of word, but the emphatic way she said 'cunt' that seemed to ignite the fuel that had been burning inside me for weeks, and I knew that whether she wanted it or not, I was going to lose my virginity and fuck her before I left her suite.

"God, Diane, that's it. I can't take anymore. You're such a slut, but now it's my time to fuck you.," I snarled, undoing my pants, and letting my cock spring out towards her.

"Oh, Jack, thank goodness. I love you being such a gentleman, but I was beginning to think you'd never give in. Come on, shove that cock right up my cunt. Join the long list of other men that have been up there."

I didn't bother removing my clothes, but just launched myself at her. I'd never understood what people meant when they talked about a red mist descending over them, but I did now. All I could think of was Diane's cunt, getting up inside her, and filling her with my seed.

There was just one problem, of course. I'd never fucked anyone, and my knowledge of the detailed anatomy of her vulva was sketchy at best. I was holding myself over her on the arms of the chair, and my cock was banging against her, but try as I might, it kept being pushed back by something solid, not sliding into her the way I thought it should. I put my hand down between her legs, but my fingers just seemed to get tangled up in the folds of flesh I encountered.

"God, Jack, my hole is a lot further back. Surely I can't be the first woman you've fucked?"

I still get shudders when I think back on this experience. I knew I was blushing, feeling totally stupid and ignorant; part of me wanting to run back and hide in my room. At the same time, the massive pressure in my balls and my cock was now unbearable as I felt her against the tip of my cock, so there was no way I was going to leave until I'd come inside her.

"Let me help, then, darling," Diane said, and the look on her face, and the tone of her voice gave me some confidence to carry on. "Let me take your virginity, Jack."

I felt her hand hit against mine, and somehow, she seemed to push my cock down at the same time as she opened herself up. All of a sudden, the resistance disappeared, and my cock slammed into her, not stopping until my balls hit the ass that Wesley had been feeling up earlier.

I thought I knew what it would be like to actually have my cock inside a vagina, but I was wrong. It was as different from jacking off as a Model T Ford is to a Cadillac, Ferrari or Rolls Royce: they both moved you from A to B, but the sensations along the way were quite different.

I'd never felt anything like it before. Diane's cunt seeming to grip the whole length of my cock, but the grip was warm and wet, and allowed me to smoothly slide it in and out of her. When I pulled back, I looked down, and could hardly believe the wonderful sight of my dick pushing her lips apart, and disappearing up inside her.

"Just fuck me, Jack. Fuck my cunt hard, then fill me with your virgin spunk."

I really didn't have any choice. I certainly couldn't have stopped if she'd asked me to, because I seemed to have been taken over by some alien being, whose only mission was to drive my cock in and out of Diane's cunt as fast as I could.

I looked down at her, loving the way her tits were bouncing around with every thrust, and I could see she had a smile on her face. But I barely noticed, as my senses were overwhelmed by the intense, almost painful feelings coming from my cock as I pumped in and out of her hole, a hole that I knew had been filled by so many other cocks in the past.

When I was jacking off, I normally managed to make it last, but I could feel the pressure in my balls reaching bursting point, as the millions of sperm were fighting to get out and into Diane's womb. I wanted the feelings to last forever, but so much sooner than I wanted, I felt my cum burst up my cock, and jet after jet shot deep inside Diane's body.

"That was wonderful, Diane," I gasped, as I collapsed on top of her, utterly exhausted, my dick shrinking inside her.

"Well, Jack, I enjoyed it being your first time, but if you want to keep fucking me, I'm going to have to educate you, so next time I get to come as well."

"But ... what ... you mean girls come as well? How?"

"Oh, Jack, you're so innocent, which makes it sweet, else I'd never forgive anyone who didn't get me off as well. Still, I need a pee, and we ought to eat, so let's order room service then have a shower, After we've eaten I'll teach you how to get a woman to come, and we can do it not just once, but several times, so you'd better be a quick learner, Jack."

Once I'd gotten off her, Diane called room service, and ordered us salads and beef filet, with a bottle of red wine to go with it. I noticed as she was on the phone that a trail of my spunk was running down the inside of her leg.

"Um ... Diane ... you're leaking. Is that supposed to happen?" I asked as she headed towards the bathroom.

"What did you expect? That we had a little door that would keep everything inside? Now get out of my way, and let me pee. I'm bursting."

"Um ... I've always wondered ... but just where does a woman pee from?"

"Jack, Jack, Jack. Oh well, I'd better start your education there, then," she replied as she sat on the toilet pedestal.

She sat back, and used some tissue to wipe away the trickle of sperm, then she pulled her pussy open again, setting my cock twitching already. See here - get a bit closer, Jack - see just inside my hole, there is another, smaller one? Get closer so you can have a good look."

I bent over in front of her, and with my face only a couple of feet from her pussy, I could see a little, pink circle, in what I'd thought was just a hole, the start of her vagina. While you could move a cock around to point it in where you wanted, this just looked silly.

"Yes, but how do you make sure that it comes out in the right direction, then?"

"Just get a bit closer, Jack, and I'll show you. You have to be really close to see it."

I was just starting to get closer, wondering if in some magical way the tube would pop out, when a powerful jet of pee hit me right in the face.

"Stop ..." I started to yell, only to find my mouth filling with pee.

Diane was laughing outrageously as I tried to pull back, and nor did she even attempt to stop, but just moved her hips a little, so I ended up dripping with her pee from head to toe.

"Oh Jack, the look on your face was just beautiful - this is one lesson I don't think you'll forget, will you?"

"You fucking dirty bitch ..." I started to say angrily, then I started to see not just the amusing side of it, and realised that somehow this marked a complete transformation in my sexual journey: I mean, I'm sure the must be many couples who didn't have enough trust and intimacy for such a thing to happen. I started laughing, as I tried to shake the pee off me.

"Don't bother with that, Jack. Just take everything off, and we'll put it in the laundry. Of course, it will mean you'll have to stay in my room tonight, until your clothes come back. Could you cope with that, Jack?" she said, pressing her body against my wet clothes, and kissing my pee-covered lips.

She looked so beautiful, so alluring and so sexy as she stood in front of me, looking at me like a young girl who'd asked for something, and was afraid the answer would be 'no'. God, I wanted her again, after she'd taught me how to give her pleasure as well, but I felt some other emotion growing inside me that I had never experienced before. Of course, I took my wet clothes off, and joined her in the shower.

"Wash me all over, Jack. I want to feel your hands all over me, and I'll wash you."

I put shower gel on my hands, and started with her breasts, which had water dripping off the nipples. They felt so smooth: firm, yet soft and giving, and the feel of the shape of them in my palms started to make my cock stiff again. Diane started washing me the same way, and we kissed under the water, as our hands soaped all over each other's bodies.

"Don't forget my ass, Jack. Right around my asshole. You do know where my ass is, don't you?"

I showed her I did, as if I could forget it, pulling her cheeks open, and soaping around the tight opening of her anus that I'd seen earlier, adding another first to my experiences that day. I pulled her to me, pushing my cock between her legs, hoping to get it back inside her.

"Oh no, Jack. No fucking until I've taught you to do it properly," she said, pushing me away. "Anyway, the food should come soon, so we should dry ourselves off, bag your clothes, and you can wear the other one of the lovely soft robes the hotel provides."

As it happened, we had only just dried ourselves off, when there was a knock at the door, followed by the familiar cry of 'Room Service'. I had my robe on, but Diane was just trying to find the arm of hers, when I had a brainwave.

"No, Diane. Leave it off. Answer the door naked. You'd like that, wouldn't you? I'd like to see the look of lust on his face, and the realisation that I was the lucky guy that had got to fuck you, so he was out of it."

"Fucking hell, Jack, you keep surprising me. Perhaps we've got more in common than I realised. Fine; sit down and watch."

I wrapped the robe around me and sat in one of the chairs, while Diane walked naked to the door, and opened it.

"Please come in," she said, and I guessed she was smiling, though all I could see was the look of shock on the guy's face.

Still, it was Vegas, and I doubted it was the first time he'd come across a naked woman in one of the rooms. He put a neutral expression on his face, and wheeled the trolley inside, laid a cloth on the table, then set everything on it.

"Now, where's my purse?" Diane said to herself, as she took the check to sign.

"I've got a pen ... " he started to say, but he broke off suddenly, as he realised that Diane was now bent over the arm of the chair, one leg off the ground, reaching for her purse, her back to him, which must have been giving him a perfect view of her asshole and her cunt.

I didn't have as good a view as him, but what I could see was that she'd already found her pen, but was pretending she hadn't to give him a longer view. Eventually she stood up, and signed the check.

"I've given you a really big tip," she said, standing next to him so he could inspect her tits close up, "because I need you to take these dirty clothes to the laundry. I'm afraid my boyfriend had a bit of an accident, and pissed himself."

"You really need to do something about him," he said, taking the bag, but pointing to me, and I realised that seeing Diane showing him her pussy had got my cock stiff, and it was now poking through the gap in my robe.​
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