Page 06

"Diane was supposed to be going to her prom with Wesley, but she found she'd left her phone behind, so Wesley's Mom dropped her back home. You've guessed it. She caught Aaron fucking his sister, while I was sat on her face, and he was playing with my tits.

"She never came back home that night, nor ever again, at least while I was there, though she must have found some way to get her things. No, she went off to summer camp, then to university, and in between times, she stayed with Wesley's parents. God knows what she told them."

As she was speaking, my body seemed to be getting heavier, and my brain was struggling to process what I was hearing. "What, you believe that she kinda got imprinted with her brother, the way people are supposed to get hooked on particular fetishes ..." I slurred.

The next thing I knew, the sun was streaming through the window, and I was laid on the couch, wearing just my boxers, with a cover over me. Shit, I must have been asleep, I realised, but how did I get like this, and where was Linda?

"Oh, Hi Jack. Feeling better?", I heard, as my brain started to kick into gear.

"You drugged me, didn't you?"

"Just a couple of my sleeping tablets, Jack. I thought it would help you calm down if you had a good sleep. I couldn't carry you to the bedroom, so I slept in there, and I hope you don't mind me pinching one of your shirts, as I didn't bring anything with me."

Hell, now I looked at her properly, she was wearing one of my casual white shirts, which barely covered her ass, and from the flesh I could see between the few buttons that were done up, it was clear she had nothing on underneath.

"Come on, Jack, time to get up. I've arranged for Aaron and Aurora to join us soon," she said, whipping the cover of me. "Oops, either you need a pee, or I've shown a bit more of me than I intended."

When I looked down, I had a bad case of morning wood, and if I were totally honest, even if I hadn't have needed to pee, the way her face and body reminded me of Diane might well have made me like this.

"Don't worry, I've seen plenty of cocks, Jack, and after that story you told me, I wouldn't have thought you'd have worried anyway. By the way, did you know you had a sister? I thought Wesley told his mother that neither of you said they had any other family at the wedding?"

"No, I haven't. My parents were killed in a car crash, but I survived, and my aunt brought me up."

"Well, I did a bit of searching about you when I heard you'd married Diane, and the birth records show your mother had a girl about a year or so after you. Maybe she died in the accident, but I couldn't find any record of it. Anyway, you'd better get on."

I had a quick shower, my mind reeling with the possibility that I had a sister, or maybe had had a sister. I put it to the back of my mind, though, something to follow up after my first priority of trying to find a way to help Diane, because as much as I hated her, some part of me still loved her, even if I didn't want to be with her any more.

By the time I'd got dressed and got back to the kitchen, where Linda had made waffles for breakfast, I found her other two children already there. While Linda looked almost exactly the way I'd imagined Diane would look twenty years on - a few extra pounds, and the normal signs of gravity and developing wrinkles - Aurora was almost like a miniature version of her, shorter, slimmer and with smaller tits. On the other hand, Aaron had the physique of at least a minor league sports jock, fitting perfectly my mental image of the sort of man Diane would have been attracted to when I first met her, rather than a lanky geek like me.

As Linda walked around the table, I spotted Aaron sliding his hand up under my shirt to fondle her ass, then she bent to kiss Aurora in what was definitely not a normal mother-daughter way. It felt odd, sitting with Diane's mother, sister and brother, that she had never mentioned, knowing that they had fucked each other. Yet from what Linda had told me. Diane seemed to still be obsessed with her brother, but had never had him.

It felt even stranger when Linda made me tell my story to Aaron and Aurora. It wasn't quite as traumatic the second time around, and given the way they were behaving, I didn't feel so bad about what I'd done.

"We need a plan to stop Diane harming herself, and to get back to the work she loves," Linda said, and we all agreed, but struggle to think how on earth to go about it.

But in the end, we came up with a plan. Not necessarily a good one, but a plan, and we all flew back to LA to put it into operation. I still couldn't believe that they lived in the same city as the daughter who'd walked out, even given how big it was.

The first part of my plan was to talk to Diane, something that filled me with fear, but also a little hope, as I still loved her, and I was just praying that it would succeed. When I reached the apartment, the security guy took me to one side.

"I'm glad you're back, sir. We've been worried about Miss Diane. She doesn't look well, and is behaving oddly."

"I'm sure you've still fucked her, though, haven't you?"

"There's no need to be like that, sir. After all, it was you that invited me the last time. But no, none of us has, and that isn't like her, is it?"

It certainly wasn't, but the way the man casually talked about fucking my wife grated, and brought back some of the pain I had been feeling when I left. Still, I was determined to keep to the plan, so I took the elevator up to the apartment, and knocked on the door, even though I still had my key.

I saw the spy hole darken, making me sure that Diane knew it was me, but she took so long to open the door, that I wasn't sure she ever would. When she did, even though I'd been prepared by her mother, I was shocked at her appearance.

Her hair looked as if it hadn't been brushed or combed since I left, let alone trimmed or styled. There were dark bags under her red-rimmed eyes, and as Linda had said, she seemed to have lost weight, because the crumpled jogging suit she was wearing seemed to be hanging off her. I had thought she'd looked bad when I had left then come back months ago, but this time it was much worse.

"Jack. I suppose you've come to get the things you left behind? You'd better come in, get what you want, then go, as I'm sure you won't want to spend any more time with your disgusting wife than you have to. Or have you come to tell me you've started a divorce action? I won't contest it, because I know I hurt you, and don't deserve you."

It tore at my heart, to see her like this, and to hear the bitterness in her voice, and I think both our pairs of eyes welled up.

"No, Diane. I came to see if I could help you break out of whatever it is that keeps driving you to degrade and hurt yourself, as well as me."

"Huh, I shouldn't think so, Jack. But come in, and see if you can persuade me that I should listen to you."

This was harder than I had ever imagined, and I knew that the next bit was going to be the most difficult, and if I didn't manage to get her trust back, the plan would be dead in the water. She led me in, and we sat across the table from each other, not at all like husband and wife. Part of me just wanted to hold her and kiss her, but I knew that that would only set us on another cycle of happiness followed by an even deeper pit of anguish.

"I still hate you for what you got that guy to do to me. When I left here, I thought I'd never want to even see you, let alone talk to you. The problem is, though, that I still love you. You taught me everything about sex, and you're still the only woman I've made love to."

While I was speaking, Diane had started crying, and now she was sobbing her heart out.

"So come back to me, Jack," she sobbed.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that, and I may never be. That's what I want to find out. The guy at the desk says you've not fucked him or his colleagues, and as far as he knows you've had no one else, either. Is that true?"

"God, Jack, do they also keep a record of every time I take a piss? Yes, it's true, and it's driving me mad."

"I can imagine, Diane. The trouble is, while I've been thinking back on the good times, I rediscovered how much I enjoyed sharing fantasies with you, and even watching you fucking someone else. Actually, I think I'd have enjoyed that last gangbang if you hadn't told the guy to fuck me as well.

"I'm sorry, Jack. I just got carried away."

"I think it was probably a bit more than that. But anyway, what I hoped you'd agree to, is to let me watch you get fucked again, just to make sure I wasn't deluding myself. The thing is, though, I need it to just be sex. That I think I can deal with, but I don't want any chance of you having some emotional attachment."

"What the fuck are you talking about, Jack, eh?"

"Well, it's simple, really. I want you to be blindfolded, so you don't know who's fucking you, so your reactions, and mine, are purely sexual, without any complication of jealousy or you having feelings for them."

"Oh yeah, you want to see if I'd fuck some hideous old guy? Or is some rich kid paying you for his first fuck?"

"No. The person I have asked to do this is perfectly normal and presentable, and I promise that I'll let you see them when they've come in you."

"You bastard, you've set all this up already, haven't you? You just want to fucking humiliate me, don't you?"

"Yes, but I certainly don't want to humiliate you, although you certainly did it to me. I see I've misjudged you, though, because I thought this would appeal to your hedonistic desires. Being fucked while blindfolded, in front of you husband - I'm surprised you've never suggested it yourself."

"Ok, Jack, supposing I agree to this, and you decide that you enjoy seeing me with another man's cock up my cunt, will you come back to me then?"

Yes! I was pretty sure from the dirty language she used that the thought had started to get her aroused. She was hooked, I knew it, but I wished I were more confident that the plan itself was going to work.

"I can't quite promise that, Diane, but I definitely promise to stay with you tonight, and we can see how things develop."

"Fuck you, Jack. Alright, I'll do it, but promise me this isn't just a trap to make me do something that you'll throw back in my face afterwards."

"I promise, Diane. Why don't you go and have a shower, and tidy yourself up a bit, then lay on the bed, naked, and when you call, I'll come and blindfold you. I just need to call the guy, and get him over here."

I'd given Aaron the tab for the parking garage, so I knew he was already in the basement of the building. I told him to give it ten minutes, then come up and knock softly, and wait if I didn't let him in. I had to work hard to stop myself following Diane into the bathroom, so I could enjoy the sight of her naked tits, pussy and ass, but I thought she deserved some privacy while she undid weeks of neglect, so I sat on the edge of the bed, and waited for her to come out.

When she walked out of the bathroom, I had my second shock. She'd lost so much weight her individual ribs stood out like fenders on a car, and her beautiful firm tits had thinned and started to sag. Most shocking of all, though, was that she now had a full bush of pussy hair, because I was sure she'd never have let it get like that if she was still fucking around.

"Not so beautiful now, am I Jack? Are you sure you still want to do this?"

"You'll always be beautiful to me, Diane," I said, praying that if we did reconcile, that her figure would go back the way it was.

I heard a soft knock on the apartment door, so I fastened a soft, black blindfold around her head.

"Get on the bed, and make sure he can see your cunt when he walks in," I said, which I straight way realised was more for my satisfaction than Aaron's, as he knew what he was here for, and didn't need any additional incentive.

I went to the door, and let him in, signing with my finger on my lips to remind him not to speak, although after five years, I wasn't sure she'd recognise his voice. He followed me into the bedroom, then stripped off his clothes.

"Is he here yet, Jack? Does he like my cunt?"

The way her brother's cock shot up when he looked at her said that he did.

"Yes, Diane, I think he does."

I might have stopped Diane being able to show any emotional attachment, but the same certainly wasn't true of Aaron. I thought he might have just rammed himself into her, to get it over with, but instead her knelt between her open legs, and gently ran his hands over her face, her breasts, then her body.

He bent forward and kissed each of her tits in turn, taking her nipples into his mouth, then sucking and stretching them. Fuck, I'd thought this was just going to be a quick in-and-out to end Diane's obsession with her brother, but I was starting to get aroused myself, as I told her I might, but never believed I would.

He put his hands under her legs, and lifted her butt of the bed so that when he bent forward he could lick her now-hairy cunt. I could see him open her lips to reveal the hair-free, wet pinkness inside her slit, and his tongue found her clit.

I could feel my resolve, after I'd brought brother and sister together, that I'd leave and never speak to her again, running away, like the sand in an egg-timer. My cock was stiff and aching with desire to get back inside my wife, however much of a cheating whore bitch she was. Then I heard Diane start to let out little whimpering noises, as the man she didn't realise was her brother, took her towards a climax.

She really must have been telling the truth, I knew, as she came so quickly and violently, her body jerking and twitching while Aaron kept his mouth locked over her pussy.

"FUCK!" she screamed, "I hope you're fucking enjoying this, Jack, because I am."

Eventually, Aaron took his mouth away, but only after he was sure she'd come twice. He quickly turned to me and smiled; his face wet with his sisters cum. The bastard was enjoying this a bit more than I'd envisaged, but so was I, and so apparently was Diane. But would it work, even so?

He turned his attention back to Diane's cunt, wet and open in front of him, and as he lowered her back down to the bed, he slid his cock inside her. 'Just fuck her' I thought, but he clearly was going to make a meal of this as well. His fingers were on her clit, but then he pulled his cock out of her, and used it to rub along her gash and over the pleasure centre at the front.

He bent forwards, kissing her on the lips, which I feared risked identification, but he must have thought the same, and arched his back so that he could suck on her tits. He was taking long, slow strokes in and out of her, his hands roaming across her body, before he went back to play with her clit again.

I watched as his strokes got faster, and I could hear the squelching of his sister's cum as he pounded her, sometimes stopping to stir himself around inside her, as he worked harder on the stiff nub of her clit. I could tell that they were both getting close, so I stood up, ready to carry out the final part of the plan.

I confess that my own cock was pushing hard against the front of my pants, as I walked silently over to the bed, watching the unbelievably arousing sight of my wife being fucked by her brother, who she seemed obsessed about, but hadn't seen for years. I waited until I was sure that he was emptying his spunk inside her, and she was groaning and squirming around under him as she came as well, then I pulled the blindfold off her in single, rapid movement.

"No! Aaron ... how ...?" Diane cried out, her eyes wide, less with the pleasure I'd hoped to see, and more horror, even though her climax hadn't fully abated. "Just get off me, and get out."

This was bad, but it got even worse after Aaron had pulled out of her, grabbed his clothes, and dashed out of the bedroom, clearly upset himself. I heard a dreadful keening cry, and when I looked back at Diane, she'd curled up in the foetal position, her arms clasped around her legs. She was rocking backwards and forwards, letting out the sort of cry a severely wounded deer makes when the hunter gets the shot wrong.

I went over to the bed, and still fully dressed, I put my arms around her and hugged her to me. It was obvious that Diane was in a far worse mental state than I'd thought, which worried me, because I now couldn't see any way at all to help her recover. Not only had the plan not worked, but it had made things worse.

"I thought that was what you wanted, no, needed, Diane. Did I get it totally wrong?"

"How did you find out about him, Jack? I never told you I had a brother."

"Nor a sister, or a living mother, Diane," I replied, then I told her how her mother had come to me, how we thought we'd worked out the obsession that was ruining her life, and how we came up with the plan to cure her, with her crying and moaning the whole time. "Did we get it totally wrong, Diane?"

"Oh God, Jack, not totally wrong, but you don't know the half of it."

"You'd better tell me, then Diane, hadn't you? I can't stand seeing you like this, and your mother, your sister and especially your brother will be even more upset than before. We all love you, Diane."

"Oh Jack, I can't tell you. You'd hate me and never want anything to do with me ever again," she sobbed, but not trying to escape my arms around her.

"God, Diane, I couldn't hate you any more than when you set that guy on me. I can't imagine anything worse, and you shouldn't think I'd necessarily have wanted you back again even if the plan had worked."

"Fuck you, Jack. Just promise me you'll stay with me this one last night, while I tell you, if only to make sure I don't do anything stupid. You're not fucking me, though. Let me get cleaned up, first."

"Alright, Diane. I agree. I haven't forgiven you enough to want to fuck you anyway," I replied, not entirely honestly, because while I hadn't forgiven her, that was sure, seeing her brother fuck her had set of my yearning for her again. "You need to start eating properly again, so I'll see if I can find us something to eat, while you shower."

As far as I could see, all the food that had been in the freezer when I left was still there, so I had no problem finding a couple of prepared meals that could be cooked from frozen. When she came back into the kitchen, she was wearing a robe, which surprised me, and I was even more surprised when I detected a bra strap when it slipped a bit. For the first time I could ever remember, the possibility of sex with her was completely absent.

While we ate, we didn't talk much, and when we did, it was about trivial things completely unrelated to us, or what had happened to Diane when I was away. I could see she was still wresting with how much she was prepared to reveal to me.

"Right, Jack, let's go to bed, and I'll tell you. I don't want to see from your face what you're thinking, but I'm going to need a hug, so you can cuddle into the back of me."

When we went into the bedroom, I started to undress.

"Keep your boxers on, Jack, I don't want your cock poking into me, and if you touch my tits I'll stop the story, and never speak to you again."

Diane took her robe off, and as I suspected, she was wearing a bra and panties underneath, but I hadn't imagined they'd be the sort that showed nothing through their material, and certainly not that she'd get into bed still wearing them. With that level of determination, I could hardly argue, could I? So, I snuggled against her back, my arm over her waist.

"Please, Jack, please promise me that you'll stay with me tonight, however much I disgust or horrify you. Why? Well, my first admission is that when you left I was devastated. I knew it was my fault, and I wanted to die so badly, that I took an overdose. But I couldn't even manage to kill myself properly," she said, starting to cry.

Shit, I'd never even imagined that she'd do anything like that. "I'm sorry, Diane ..."

"No, it's me that should be sorry. But just try to keep quiet, Jack, else I'll run out of courage. Anyway, they pumped me out, and put me on antidepressants. Trouble was, I felt even more of a failure, and the pills made me feel so spaced out that I didn't know what I was doing most of the time.

"Apparently, I felt up a woman customer when I was helping her try on some clothes. They suspended me, and insisted I saw a psychiatrist. She's helped me understand why I am like I am, but I still hate myself, and can't see anyway of changing now. This really is your last chance to get away, Jack," she said, and I could feel her whole body shuddering as she burst into sobs.

"God, Diane, even though I hated you bitterly, I still love you, and I never wanted you to come to any harm," I said, trying to kiss her neck, but she pushed me away with her hand. "But you haven't told me what happened with your family."

I didn't think she was going to, as she just sobbed quietly.

"Oh, fuck it, Jack. Well, here comes the worst bit. They were right when they said I'd become fixated on my brother. Those twins were always close, never really letting me in, even though I was only a bit over a year younger. I was always jealous of my sister.

"Well, I knew something had changed when they got to their eighteenth birthday, and I started to spy on them. My sister's room had a door into the bathroom, but there was also a door into it from the landing, and I found I could sneak in and look through a crack in the inner door if I was quiet.

"I had to wait quite a few months, before I heard my brother creep along from his room when Mom was out one evening, and I slipped into the bathroom. I'm sure you know already what I saw - him fucking her. I was devastated, but also curious and intrigued, so I kept up my spying, rather than ratting them out to Mom.

"Anyway, the day before my eighteenth birthday, I was doing my spying again, but there was something different this time. It was my Mom who was being fucked by my brother, and my sister was sat over her face, while my brother played with her tits..."

At this point, Diane broke off, and started crying loudly again.

"So that was when you became fixated on your brother, was it? Maybe because you'd been left out?"

"Oh Jack, if only it were that simple, and maybe getting him to have fucked me would have worked. No, Jack, it was my mother and my sister that I became fixated on. I kept watching, for some reason unable to pull myself away. I'd seen my sister being fucked, but never Mom, and I just couldn't get the image of their cunts, their tits and their assholes out of my mind, as the three of them played with each other in every way imaginable.

"No, Jack, I realised I was a fucking lesbian!" she yelled, her legs curling back up, so she was in the foetal position again. "You married a fucking lesbian, Jack!"

"But ..."

"I know what you're going to say, Jack," she sobbed out, "How come I let so many men fuck me? The psychiatrist says it is either because I want to punish myself, or I'm trying to persuade myself that I prefer men, or maybe it's both.

"Whichever, I started it early. The following day was my birthday, but it was also the end-of-year prom, with Wesley being my date. We weren't supposed to be drinking, but you know how it works? Someone has put a load of drinks in one of the other buildings, and everyone slips away to have some. Well, I had a lot, and I let Wesley fuck me against the wall. I was a virgin, and it fucking hurt.

"I told Wesley I couldn't go home, so he took me to his house. His mother, bless her, must have remembered doing something similar, at least with the drink, when she was young, and she let me stay there. I made Wesley sneak in and get stuff from home when everyone was out, then I went off to camp two days later, then never went back home again, but straight off to uni. God knows what Wesley told his Mom, and no, I've never dared to ask. And of course, I fucked my way through university, making all the other girls hate me."

"Why the hell did you marry me, then, Diane?"

"Ah, a good question. Two answers: one you might like; the other you'll hate me for. Which do you want first?"

"Give me the good one, Diane."

"Hmm. Well, there was something about you, which was different from just about every other man I'd come across. You'd think they could smell my cunt, the way they used to buzz around me, like bees around a honey pot, trying to get into my panties, or more accurately into one of my holes. But you, Jack, you didn't, but almost treated me more like a woman who was friendly with me would."

"Like Julie, maybe? But how come you fuck her, and I know a lot of other women, if being a lesbian bothers you?"

"The psychiatrist says again that either I'm trying to find someone who arouses me more than thoughts of my mother and sister, or else I'm trying to persuade myself I'm not really a cunt muncher after all. You can see why I'm so screwed up, can't you?"

"Tell me the other reason, Diane, the one you said I'd hate."

"Just don't let me go, Jack, if I do. Please. It was just that you were such a fucking geek, the sort of man I'd never have wanted normally, but I don't know, it seemed I could hurt myself even more if I married someone I even had to teach how to fuck me, and everyone would think what an idiot I was," she said, the tears starting to flow again.

That hurt, the more so because I recognised the truth in it.

"God, Jack, I wanted to get fucked right in front of you in the reception, but I managed to control myself, just making sure everyone saw my tits and my pussy. And I hated you even more when I saw your hand up Julie's skirt, because it meant that you were just like every other worthless man after all.

I was close to tears now, because she was right. I would have fingered Julie if I'd had the chance, maybe even fucked her on my own wedding night, though I'd claim I had the excuse of just behaving like she had.

"But then you took me to bed and made love to me, Jack. No one had ever treated me so gently and lovingly, not even another woman, and I was certain that my sister wouldn't, nor possibly even my mother. No, Jack, I'm afraid I fell a bit in love with you.

"God, Jack, sometimes I wish I'd never married you, saved you all of this anguish and suffering, but then I remember the other times, when I felt I loved you more than anything I ever had. Oh shit, Jack, I fucking feel like that now. I'm sorry, Jack."

I had tears in my eyes as well, as I heard Diane say she loved me, but I still couldn't make sense of everything.

"But if you love me, Diane, why did you keep hurting me, especially ... you know ..."

"Because sometimes I fucking hate you as well, Jack. I hate you for making me love you. I hate you for being so clever, such a good person. And I hate you - almost as much as I hate myself - because your love wasn't enough to wipe the thoughts of my mother and sister out of my mind. No, it just seemed to make it worse, if anything, because I enjoyed our fantasies, throwing me back into wanting to hurt and degrade myself.

"Oh fuck, Jack, I know it doesn't make sense. I'm just a mess. Just go, and I'll see if I can do a better job now I've got the antidepressants to add into the mix."

It took a few seconds for me to realise that what Diane meant was that she was seriously thinking of killing herself again, as her body was wracked with massive sobs. It horrified me, and it seemed to release my love for her, as I thought how insignificant having a man up me once was, compared to the crazy, chaotic things that Diane was trying to come to terms with.

"Diane, Diane, please don't even think of that. I love you, like you love me, but I hate you at times like you hate me - but even this gives us something in common. I might not always be able to live with you, but I know I could never really live without you now. Turn over, and let me kiss you."

After considerable hesitation, Diane turned over, sniffing back her tears. My heart felt as if it was going to burst with love for her, yet frustration at not knowing how to unscramble her emotions. I kissed her first on each eye, tasting the saltiness of her tears, then I kissed all over her face, even her running nose, before kissing her gently on her lips.

"Anyway, Diane, what was so wrong with being a lesbian?"

"That was what the psychiatrist asked me, but I think she was confused by my answers. To start with, I'd love a family, have children of my own, and not with some sperm donor I have no feeling for. Gay men are often so glamourous and stylish, but lesbians? All short nails and frumpy clothes. And the thing she really didn't understand is that I really love a man's cock up inside me. Men so desperate to leave their seed in me, to give me one of those babies I'd love to have somewhen. I mean, if I were a lesbian, all I'd get would be a stick of plastic or wood or glass, maybe, not a patch on a warm, throbbing dick, darling."

"Oh god, Diane, you're a total conundrum, an enigma, a bag of contradictions that I can't even begin to understand."

"Your cock's stiff, though, Jack. Don't you want to fuck me?" she asked, giving a bit of a smile for the first time.

"Of course, I want to fuck you, Diane. But I'm not going to, because it would just set you into another cycle, wouldn't it. No, I'm going to let you snuggle into me, but I'm not going to even touch anything underneath your underthings. God knows what we're going to do after that, but let's enjoy each other's love tonight."

She went off to sleep easily. Probably, I suspected the first good sleep she had had for a long time. The more I thought about it, the harder I found it to come up with anything other than the obvious. She had to fuck her sister and her mother to break that mental barrier she'd built up about it. What was less obvious was how to stop her being afraid of acknowledging her sapphic tendencies, at least without setting her off into another round of self-harming, violent sex.

When I woke in the morning, Diane was still asleep, so I had a quick shower and got breakfast ready before waking her and going back to the kitchen, because if I saw her naked in the shower, I wasn't sure I would be able to keep my hands off her. I heard her get up, dress, them come into the kitchen dressed modestly in clothes that seemed just a bit too big for her.

"Right, then, Diane. I'm going to take you into town to get your hair done, and maybe a massage," I said, and thankfully she didn't resist.

I hadn't realised how grateful I'd be with the LA obsession with superficial beauty, because there were plenty of places to try, even given the short notice, and eventually I managed to book somewhere on the telephone at an eye-watering additional cost. I drove Diane in, and handed her over for the complete works, hair at both ends, manicure, facial and some Korean stone massage thing.

I was sure that she'd feel better, once she saw herself after all of this treatment, given that she worked in fashion, and had always been careful with her appearance. However, it also gave me time to call her mother and sister. Aaron had told them that the original plan hadn't worked out as intended. Far from embracing him after he'd fucked her, she went ape-shit instead.

I told them the full story that Diane had given me, how I was afraid she still might do something stupid, and the only thing I could think of was for them to come over to the apartment, and meet up with her.

"Diane told me she not only saw Aaron fucking both of you, but that you were enjoying each other too. So, I guess you'd be prepared to hook Diane into your lesbian loop?"

They said they were. When I went back to collect Diane from the beautician's she was transformed. She still wasn't quite back to how she looked before, but most people, unless they'd seen her back then, would still have said she was gorgeous. I did, for sure.

I'd left a key at the desk as I went out, and assuming that Linda and Aurora would go with the new plan, I'd asked the guy to let them in when they arrived. I unlocked the door of the apartment, and being a gentleman, invited Diane to go in first.

"What the fuck?" Diane cried, as she saw her mother and sister standing in the lobby, waiting for her.

It was as much a shock to me as it must have been to her, because both of them were naked. As I'd imagined, Aurora was slim, her smaller breasts still big enough to be interesting, with compact, pale pink areolas, and a completely shaved pussy, showing small, pink labia. Her mother was a more voluptuous version of Diana herself, her large breasts with deeper brown nipples just starting to sag, and a triangle of hair guiding the eye to her large, tan-coloured pussy lips.

"Hello, Diane," her mother said, walking over to her, pulling one hand up to her tit, and kissing her on the lips.

"Hi, Sis," added Aurora, lifting Diane's other hand to one of her own tits, and kissing her, as their mother got out of the way.

"We were all worried about you, darling, and we persuaded Jack to help us help you," Aurora explained, and I was fascinated and encouraged to see that Diane had shown no sign of releasing either of their tits from her grasp.

"Yeah, we thought that getting our brother to fuck you would help, but Jack tells us that it was me and Mom you really wanted when you walked out of our lives."

"So, here we are, Diane. You're looking good, fit to be fucked, in fact, but don't you think you're a little bit overdressed?"

"Jack, you bastard, you set this up, didn't you? I hoped if I let you take me to the beautician's, it would persuade you to stay. I bet you've fucked them both already, haven't you?"

"No, Diane, not yet," her mother, Linda replied, saving me trying to convince her that I hadn't, but at the same time sending a thrill through me as I registered the 'not yet'.

"You haven't fucked us either, have you little sister? But you want to, don't you?"

I watched Diane's mother's hand creep up under her dress, while her sister started unbuttoning her blouse. Diane just stood there, in one of those 'deer in the headlights' moments, as she tried to reconcile her conflicting emotions.

"Jack ... what ..."

"Don't take any notice of me, Diane. You said this was what you wanted, so just let yourself go, and I'll just watch for a while."

"Diane! I see you've shaved for us, darling. Your brother said that yesterday it was like trying to get through a jungle to get in your cunt."

"And look at these tits, Mom," Aurora said, having managed to get Diane's blouse off, and unclip her bra, so that her breasts leapt more than fell out. "It's so fucking unfair when your baby sister is the one with the biggest and best tits, isn't it?"

"They'll feel even better in your mouth, sis," Diane whispered, reaching out and pulling Aurora's mouth to her chest, which she opened and closed over Diane's tit. "I loved the look of yours, though, and they feel even better, Au," she added, closing both hands over her sisters more delicate breasts. "Slip your fingers up me, Mom. I bet your son told you how much he enjoyed being inside his sister, even if he did have to fight to get in."

Yes! Diane seemed to be getting into it now, embracing her five-year unrequited lust for her mother and her sister. Not that her mother had immediately followed her orders, but instead had taken her hand out of Diane's panties, pulled them down to her ankles, then unfastened her skirt, letting it drop to the floor. Then I watched the glorious view, as she pushed her fingers up between Diane's legs, and into her pussy.

God, I'd never seen three women naked together like this; certainly not three whose faces and bodies showed what close relatives they were. Sisters and mother, their naked bodies touching, and clearly driven by a powerful sexual desire for each other.

"Let's go in the bedroom, Di, then Mom and I are going to fuck you senseless."

"Oh God, and I'm going to fuck both of you, until your cunts are aching," she replied, and if I had any doubts left whether my wife was a full-on, mother-fucking, sister-fucking lesbian, they evaporated instantly

I saw the wetness on Linda's fingers, as they walked into the bedroom, and I followed slowly behind, sliding quietly into a chair I'd already placed in the corner, so I could watch. My cock was tenting out my pants, but I wasn't going to disturb the all-woman vibe by bringing out my male member. Linda got on the bed first, then she said something to her daughters that shocked me to the core.

"Open me up, Au, and show Diane where she came from."

I could tell that it wasn't the first time she'd done it, as Aurora hooked two fingers from each hand inside her mother's vagina, and pulled her hole wide open. I thought Diane's cunt was beautiful, but I had to admit that her mother's matched it, and the look on my wife's face as she looked inside her Mom showed me she thought the same.

I'm not sure if Linda said anything to her, but the next second my wife had lowered her face to her mother's cunt, clearly pushing her tongue up inside her, as her sister gaped the glorious pink hole for her. If I ever thought my presence might disturb them, I was wrong, as they didn't seem to remember I was even there, watching them, enjoying the display they were giving me.

I remember my wife and her sister taking it in turns to eat out their mother's cunt, knelt next to her, while she fingered the cunts and assholes that they seemed to be offering up to her. Sometimes they would kiss, and I knew that they were not only enjoying kissing each other, with a forbidden incestuous passion, but knowing that they were sharing their mother's cum over their faces, and in their mouths. And when Linda came, they got even more of it.

After that, I started to lose track of the order of the action: six tits, six hands, three cunts, three assholes and three often obscured faces, so I wasn't always sure which hole or breast belong to whom. Tits disappeared into gaping mouths, fingers into cunts and assholes, tongues licked every hole, and faces closed over every vulva other than their own. Although if they could have managed it, I was sure that they would have eaten themselves as part of the fun.

The action went on and on, climax following climax, sometimes two or even all three of them together, but more often one would come, but the others would keep up the stimulation, their mouths sucking in the gush of cum, or their fingers channelling it out of their pussies to run over their hands and wrists.

I'd seen Diane being fucked by other men, and a few women, let alone me, but I don't think I'd ever seen her looking as happy, her face glistening with cum, and a depraved cunt-struck look on her face. Nor had I ever longed for, lusted after, and simply adored her naked body more, her movements making her tits swing around, then her cunt gape open, or her asshole to look so available and inviting.

I was certain that my wife was now purely a lesbian; that the only time she'd want me or any other man would be for a bit of amusement, variety, or self-inflicted humiliation. A heavy sadness descended on me, made worse by my jealousy about the way women seemed to be able to come time-after-time, machine-gun like, while my single shot cock took far too long to reload, and completely ran out of ammunition after so few shots.

I was wondering if I shouldn't just slip away, do some work on the computer in the dining area, maybe, when the girls created the opportunity for me.

"Hang on girls, I need to pee," Linda said.

"Good idea, Mom" Diane agreed.

"I didn't want to be first, but the next person who ate me out would have been in danger of getting it in their mouth," Aurora said laughing,​
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