Page 08

"The test was whether you would fuck me, and whether you'd say anything about her having Aaron at the same time. Two brothers fucking their sisters. Not everyone can stomach the thought of incest, though you'd already gone a long way by watching her with her sister and mother. It's important to her plan, Jack. I can't tell you what it is, but I believe it will work for Diane, if you agree, and you can still get to fuck your own sister again, eh? Tomorrow, Jack, tomorrow she'll tell you.

"Tonight, though, Jack, your sister still has one hole her brother hasn't explored, has he? Are you up for it?"

Up it, more like, and I managed a second invasion of her pussy as well. As I lay in bed next to my newly discovered, recently fucked sister, I couldn't help thinking how bizarre my relationships had become, and wondering what on earth my mostly lesbian, but often fucked, wife was planning for me next. Not much more than a year earlier, I was alone, with no real family, a virgin, and no expectation of any emotional attachments, yet here I was with a sister, a more than mother-in-law, a wife with mental issues that drove her to more sex than normal, a sister-in-law who seemed to be my wife's lesbian lover, and a brother-in-law that ... well, who knew what.

When I woke in the morning, Julie was no longer in bed next to me, only the crumpled sheets and dented mattress showing that she'd ever been there at all, even though it was still early. I assumed that Julie would be in the kitchen. She wasn't, but Diane and Aurora were, sitting close alongside each other at the breakfast bar, drinking coffee.

"Hi Jack," they both sang out, smiling.

"Julie told me you enjoyed fucking your sister as much as I do," Diane said, kissing Aurora on her lips, "so now we've something else in common."

"Yes, I did, Diane, but what the hell's going on? Do you want me back or not? You seem to be just jerking me around like you always used to, and I'm getting fed up with it. Tell me what you want for the future, else I'm going back home."

"Damn, Jack, you used to call this home."

"But it isn't, is it? You've made me fuck your mother and the woman who turned out to be my sister, but you haven't even kissed me. And last night you were fucking your brother again, though I thought you told me it was your sister and mother you wanted?"

"Alright, Jack. You're right. That's why where here. I need to go into work today, so I want to tell you about my plan - our plan, actually, Au and me - and let you think about it. If you agree to it, you can kiss me all you want, else I think the only choice is for you to leave and divorce me."

That was the first time that Diane had accepted that divorce was an option, and the reality of it hit me hard, so all I could do was to mutter, "Oh, OK."

"After I'd met up with the family again, I had a lot of thinking to do, and I spent a lot of time with my psychiatrist. So, the thing is, Jack, I've accepted that I'm bisexual, probably a bit more on the lesbian side. Actually, my psychiatrist says I'm a sex addict, what used to be called a nymphomaniac, not that that exactly explains much."

"Well, I always knew that you were a fucking nympho, Diane. But what does it mean?"

"The current thinking is that nymphomania is a form of bipolar disorder. You know, what used to be called schizophrenia, and my psychiatrist thinks there's some sort of battle between my two personalities, one lesbian, the other just a slut. She also says it's a bit like OCD, except that in my case rather than keep cleaning, I have to keep fucking."

"Just tell him the plan, Di," Aurora said, obviously getting a bit impatient with all of the psychological stuff.

"Fuck off, Au. I want him to understand. The big problem, Jack, is that my two personalities are in love with two different people. I still love you, Jack. But the other me loves my sister, and given that that me is the more dominant one, I love her more than you. Not a lot, but if you make me choose between you, I'll have to choose her."

I was totally gobsmacked, although a bit of my brain wasn't surprised, having seen the way she had practically devoured her sister and mother when I brought them together. I'd always accepted that Diane was bisexual, relished it, in fact, but to be told that your wife has a lesbian lover she loves more than you, let alone that it was her sister, hit me hard.

"But ... you're speaking as the other you, aren't you? Didn't the you I married slip into my bed and tell me not to give up on you, or was it really a dream after all?"

You're right, Jack," Diane said, her eyes filling with tears. "That's the fucking problem.

I tried medication, but it made me feel like a fucking zombie, so the psychiatrist says that I need to find a lifestyle that keeps it under control, by letting both personalities share me peaceably."

"For God's sake, Di, just tell him you gave yourselves a good talking to, with a bit of help from your psychiatrist, and tell him what our plan is."

"Right. Well, Jack, the only answer I could come up with, was for you to marry Aurora as well as me, and then we'd live as a threesome. Obviously, you'd get a bit left out at times, but at others, so would Au. Given we both love our mother, though, and you showed yourself more than willing to fuck her, Mom is more than happy to take care of you or my sister. Failing that, your own sister seems happy for you to fuck her. What I'd really like, though, is for love to grow between you and Au."

Shit, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I loved Diane, but on the other hand, I knew that it was never going to work if she went back to the way she was before. I kind of got the logic, but hell, could it ever really work, let alone the legal problems it would cause?

"But ... even if I agree ... it's illegal for me to have two wives, even in Utah, though maybe they will change back again - but who wants to move there once you've lived in California?"

"No, obviously not, Jack, but I'd be happy to sign a post-nup which matched a new legal agreement with Aurora, giving us equal rights, so legally we'd both be in the same position. As for a wedding, well, I'll leave you to talk to Aurora about that, as clearly it wouldn't be fair not to have some sort of ceremony, but don't you dare fuck her until I get back," Diane replied, then headed off to work, leaving me with her elder sister.

"Well, Jack? Don't you want to marry me? After all, we both love Diane, don't we?" Aurora asked, but my brain was in no position to give any sort of sensible answer.

I stormed out, but Diane had already left, so I just started walking, not caring which direction. My mind was in a whirl, full of contradictions. I did love Diane, and I didn't mind her fucking other women, nor men, as long as I felt our special connection was still in place. I wasn't sure I could stand it if that were broken, and I knew I couldn't live with her if she went back to the aggressive abuse of herself, let alone me, the way she had when she got herself gangbanged.

Apart from Diane, how could I marry Aurora, or give her the same legal rights as if we were married, when I barely knew her? Sure, I'd watched her fuck her mother and sister, so I had a vivid image of her naked body, her smaller tits, her pink nipples, cunt lips and anus, but I hadn't even kissed her.

On the other hand, in return for a second wife that I wasn't sure I wanted, I would be getting something closer to the mother I never had, rather than a mother-in-law, with Linda. If I was happy fucking the mother and one daughter, then why not the other? Through them, I'd also discovered my sister, that I didn't even know I had, and I'd committed incest and sodomy with her, so I could hardly complain about Diane fucking her sister, could I?

I'd walked miles, turning all these thoughts over and over in my head, until I eventually caught a cab, and went down to walk along Venice Beach. There was plenty of flesh on display there, and, I imagined, some seriously ambivalent sexual orientation in many of the men and women, displaying themselves doing exercises, their bodies barely covered enough to avoid a decency arrest. In the end, I called my newly-found sister, Julie, and asked her for her advice.

"Please, Jack, I don't want to lose you again, having just found you," she said, after admitting that Diane had already told her about the plan, when she set up the test of whether I was prepared to commit incest. "I think I'm falling for Diane's brother, Aaron, Jack, but I still want my own brother to fuck me. We're all pretty messed up, Jack, aren't we, but if you marry Aurora, we could be one big, happy, totally fucked up family couldn't we?"

That really decided it for me. I needed to find some way to protect my business in the event that I broke up with the two sisters, but if I could do that, I was going to say yes. To my surprise, I found it was late afternoon before I got back to the apartment, where I found Aurora waiting for me.

"Have you made up your mind, Jack? Please say that you'll agree to my sister's plan. Mom came to you for help, because we thought - still think - that you are the only hope to get Diane's mental state under control."

"Maybe, Aurora, but if I'm to marry you, don't you think I ought to find out a bit more about you? I guess Diane told you about me?"

"You're right, Jack. Come here and kiss me. That's right, now feel my tits," she said, pulling my hand to her breasts as our lips met. "I know that fucking sister of mine's got bigger ones, but I bet mine have been sucked by more men and women that hers."

My eyes must have given away my surprise.

"Oh yes, Jack. My baby sister always thinks she's cleverer, better looking and sluttier than me, but she's wrong - at least about the last one, anyway. Didn't anyone tell you what Mom's business is?"


"She's an events organiser, Jack. Arranges high-class celebrations, kids' parties, birthdays, anniversaries, anything, but just for the really wealthy who want, and can afford something special. Sometimes the people are famous, but the best parties are for the rich who aren't. Can you work out why, Jack?"

"No, tell me."

"The rich and famous tend to live their lives on social media, chased by paparazzi, and everything they do out in public, so although you wouldn't think it sometimes, they have to be careful what they do. Not the next tier, or maybe the one below that. We all know Bill Gates of Microsoft, but what about his partners? And what about people outside the public eye of social media, law, finance, business, or people who finance the films the famous act in?"

"So, what's special about them, then, Au?"

"As far as the media are concerned, they're almost invisible. But they're multi-millionaires, often billionaires, and what makes them special is that they can afford to indulge all of their fantasies. And believe me, Jack, they are often truly bizarre and dirty. A brother and sister fucking each other, live, right in front of them, the way Aaron and I have? They love it. Roman slave sales, with me and the other girls up for sale to the highest bidder, always popular."

"God, Au, do you mean to tell me you're just a common prostitute?"

"Certainly not common, Jack, that's for sure. One guy paid me and Mom $100,000 to fly us out to his yacht in the Caribbean, and fuck us for three whole days. I mean, how many mother and daughter combos can there be? And if you marry me, you'll get the same for free, with my little sister thrown in as well.

"Anyway, it will be better than the boat, which I didn't really like too much. I was riding the guy cowgirl-style, keeping him on edge, when a sudden squall blew up, and so did I. Well, I threw up all over him. We'd had a fabulous steak, with lots of super-expensive French wine, so I looked like a fucking vampire who'd just eaten, with it all down my tits and over him. I still kept fucking him, though, and he didn't turn a hair. That takes real professionalism, Jack."

"And does Linda plan for Diane to join in now?"

"Of course, Jack. Two daughters fucking their mother, now that really will be something, and our brother fucking all of us. It's not just Diane, though, Jack. Why do you think Mom was so keen to find your sister? You'll be another brother and sister act, won't you? And I bet there will be plenty of women who'd love to mother you, and teach you how to fuck the way Diane did."

"But don't you get in trouble with the Tax people, or just the vice squad? Surely they can see your clients are paying to fuck you?"

"No, Jack. That's the clever thing. Even where sex isn't involved, these people will pay a fortune for things. Supposedly someone paid $2m for Taylor Swift to sing at his son's birthday party. If they paid that much for her to sing, how much would they pay to fuck he? I wouldn't mind betting someone has made her an offer, and I wonder just how much it was? Not that I imagine she'd take it. Who'd you like to fuck, Jack, if you had that much money?"

"I'd just be happy to fuck my wife again, actually."

"That could be me, then, Jack, if you go with our plan, or did you just mean my baby sister? Never mind, but if you want to really find out how little gender equality advanced, probably three-quarters of the rich, sex-crazed customers are men, rather than women.

"Mind you, there's one particular woman who's in to watersports, and every Spring she holds a massive party. With our girls and her friends, there's usually forty to fifty women, and a smattering of men to spice things up, all tanked up on chemical-free, vegan, spring water, and you've never seen so much piss, Jack. I thought I could pee a long way, but some of these women, I swear they could put out a fire on top a three-storey building. The place has to be redone, of course, furniture and everything, else they could never get rid of the smell.

"But seeing the woman laid back on the bed, her legs wide apart, her cunt pulled open, and the arc of pee jetting straight out of her peehole, glistening in the sunlight, now that is fabulous. Just a perfect prelude to pissing all over her pussy and tits myself, then right into her wide-open mouth, keeping going as she started licking my clit, and another woman started licking hers, making the pee shoot all over the place."

Fuck, it made perverted sense to me now. Linda had said she was probably where Diane got her high sex drive from, and clearly Aurora was the same. The question I was struggling to answer was whether I really wanted to be part of it or not

"Come on, Jack, say you'll marry me. If you're still not sure, how about a free sample? Diane's not here, and you can fuck me before she gets back. I won't tell if you won't. I don't look too hideous, do I?"

Oh God, as she was asking these questions, she undid her blouse, pulling it off to leave her tits bare, because as I'd felt earlier, she wasn't wearing a bra. Before I knew it, she'd also unfastened her skirt, and let that fall to the floor, leaving her pantie-free, totally naked next to me. Not only that, but she'd grabbed my hands again, pulling one to a breast, and pushing the other up between her legs.

"That's right, Jack, feel my tits. Your beloved Diane loves them, and just imagine how many other men and women have played with them over the years. Yes, it's making you hard, isn't it, Jack. Feel my cunt - I love Diane's as I know you do, but both of us love mine just as much. Feel my clit, stiff, ready for you to play with it. Slide your fingers along my slit, feeling how wet it is, and then ram them into my hole."

Shit, I knew that this was wrong. Diane had made me promise not to fuck her sister before she got back home, but the feel of Aurora's firm breast under my hand, and the warm, wetness of her inviting cunt, was straining my loyalty to my wife, who hadn't even let me kiss her properly since I came back, let alone penetrate her with my cock, the way I was now desperate to do.

She let go of my hands, and although my brain told me I should pull them back from her body, my cock wouldn't let me, and she pulled me to her, pinning them between our bodies. Her lips felt soft and inviting against mine, and then she pushed her tongue out between hers, licking along mine, then forcing it into my mouth.

I could feel more of her sticky cum flowing along her gash, warming my fingers even more, as her vagina went into pre-fuck overdrive, lubricating, and releasing that seductive, entrancing fragrance that only comes from a thoroughly aroused pussy. What did it matter if I fucked her? My real wife, her sister had been fucking her, and she was the one wanting me to marry her, and she'd never said anything about not putting my dick into any of her sister's holes, had she?

I felt my fingers starting to slip back along her slippery slit, almost to the opening of her hole, as she was undoing my pants, delving around inside to get a grip on my stiff cock. Oh yes, I was going to fuck her, and it would serve my wife right for being such a complicated, nymphomaniac cunt.

"Shall I suck your dick first, Jack, or do you want to drive it straight into your sister-in-law's cunt?" she asked, smiling at me, having broken the kiss, as her hand found my cock, and started stroking it.

Suddenly, something seemed to break inside me. I struggled to get my hands free, and I started to push her away from me.

"Just get off me! Alright, I'll fucking marry you, but your sister, my actual wife, made me promise I wouldn't fuck you before she came back. I love her so much, however much she's done to me, so I just can't do it."

"Well done, Jack," a voice behind me said, which I recognised as Diane, who must have snuck in without me noticing, or maybe she was already there when I got back. "Let's fuck the bitch together, shall we?"

I turned around, and Diane was next to me, naked, smiling at me. Her body seemed even more wonderful than I had remembered, her tits bigger and more pointed than her sisters, her nipples and labia darker, and the scent of her cunt even more intoxicating to my nose. Together the two sisters helped me out of the last of my clothes, and led me into the bedroom.

How many of you have experienced the delight of walking alongside two, naked, lesbian sisters, who will also, if they feel so inclined, let sample all six of their holes, however, and for as long as you like? I just wish I could describe my feelings better, my cock oozing pre-cum, aching and throbbing the scent of their cunts filling the air, the sight of their wiggling asses, showing their pink and brown lips between the legs as they walked, when one has invited you to join her in fucking her sister.

It was exquisite, it was ecstasy, it was almost unbearable to wait even the few seconds before I could slide my cock up into the sister who was to be my second wife. As soon as Aurora reached the bed, I pushed her back, grabbed her ankles, pulling her legs wide open, and I drove my dick deep into her.

"Oh no, Jack," Diane said, grabbing my cock as I withdrew from her sister, ready for my next thrust, "no, darling, her cunt is mine, and so is her mouth, but you can use her asshole."

She kept hold of my cock, dragging it out of her sister's vagina, letting it rub along her slit, but then she pushed me away, as she lay down next to Aurora, her head between her legs.

"You know you're a fucking bi..." Aurora started to say, before Diane pressed her cunt against her mouth, cutting of all speech.

I was tempted to break the rules, and use Diane's ass rather than Aurora's, but I feared the consequences if I did, and moved around behind Aurora, pressing myself against her, sandwiching her between me and my wife. Just as well I did, because as my dick touched against Aurora's rounded globe, Diane grabbed it, guiding to her anus.

I was about to push in, when I felt Diane's hand move away, then it returned, rubbing around her sister's asshole, and I realised she taken some of Aurora's cum from her vagina to lubricate her other hole. That was it. I could hold out no longer, but rammed my cock into the older sister's ass, not stopping until my balls hit against her younger sister's head, her mouth eating out her cunt.

Shit, her ass was tight, even though from what she said, I doubt if I was even just the hundredth cock she'd had up it, let alone her lesbian friends strapons and dildos. I worried that I was going to disgrace myself by coming too soon, and I struggled to hold back the sperm which threatened to burst out of my balls, and into her bowels.

I'd underestimated the skill of the two sister's tongues, though, maybe augmented by the knowledge that we were about to become a formal threesome, because I felt them moving against each other, little moans coming from their cunt-filled mouths, and I surrendered, going as deep in and out of Aurora's ass, letting the feeling of her tight sphincter take me to orgasm, and I cried out, as for the first time my spunk entered my wife-to-be, the two sisters coming in each other's mouths at the same time.

I left Diane and Aurora to enjoy themselves a bit more, my wife sucking my spunk out of my wife-to-be's ass, then sharing it mouth-to-mouth, their sisterly fingers taking each other to another orgasm, while I went to start preparing dinner.

"What a lovely husband you do make," Aurora said, as she walked naked into the kitchen alongside her younger sister, the sight of them making my cock leap to attention again. Maybe this double marriage thing might be fun after all.

I'd never quite got used to the way Diane used to sit around the apartment naked, never worrying about displaying her pussy, and downright enjoying the effect it, and her gorgeous, swaying tits had on me. Somehow, the two sisters together didn't just double the effect, but more like quadrupled it, as I had no choice but to compare the sisters' bodies: Aurora's tits smaller, but with beautiful pink nipples, which matched her cuntlips and anus; Diane's tit's bigger and more grabbable, with brown nipples, darker lips and asshole.

We started to talk about the wedding and legal agreement, the two sisters winding each other up with stupid little disagreements that they seemed to create just for the pleasure of having something to argue about. I'd heard stories of sisters doing this, but I'd never experienced it first hand, and I was glad when it was time to go to bed.

"I want to watch you make love to Au, Jack, the way you did on our wedding night, and when I came to you in the night," Diane said, as I laid next to Aurora, with Diane on her other side.

It suddenly hit me that this was the other Diane speaking: the switch must have happened without any external indication, so perhaps the sisterly bickering would turn out to be a good thing.

"Please, Jack. Try to pretend you love me just a little bit," Aurora whispered, pressing her body against me, then kissing me on the lips, and guiding my cock up between her legs.

"Please, Jack," Diane mouthed from behind her after I broke the kiss.

The truth was, of course, that it was Diane I really wanted to make love to, but it's hard to resist when you've a naked woman pressed against you, your cock already half-way into her pussy. If I had any doubts left, when I looked over Aurora's shoulder, I could see Diane propped up on a pillow, her legs wide, and her fingers delving into her cunt, with an encouraging smile on her face.

I knelt up next to Aurora, and ran my hands over her, carefully avoiding her tits and pussy, my eyes flicking to Diane, who's fingers I could hear squelching in her gash, which she opened when she saw me looking, showing me the brilliant pinkness of her hole.

Whilst Diane was my first love, the more my hands moved over her sister Aurora's body, the more I found I was paying attention to her, the scent of her shaved pussy, so close to me, slowly seemed to overpower the scent of Diane's as she kept playing with herself. I turned Aurora over, working my hands over her back, and down over her gorgeous ass, pulling her globes apart to give me a view of her tight little pink asshole.

I slid my fingers down over it, slipping them easily between her pink lips, which were wet with her cum. I looked over at my wife, who was copying me, pushing two fingers into her own vagina.

"Now make love to her, Jack," she whispered, pulling her fingers back out, letting me see up inside her for a few seconds, before her hole closed over, and her fingers started rubbing around her clit again.

Her sister must have heard as well, because she rolled over, pulling my fingers out of her, and she hugged me to her, kissing me passionately on my lips. She opened her legs for me, and I guided myself up into her.

I'd fucked her ass already, but her cunt was almost as tight, and it seemed to clasp around my dick more comfortably. I put a hand on one of her tits, and then started to slide in and out of her, my other hand joining hers on her clit, just the way the cocktail says: A Slow Comfortable Screw.

As I looked down into Aurora's eyes, I started to see something new in them, something that seemed to me to be more than just the sensual pleasure of being fucked. My dick was enjoying her cunt, my brain also was enjoying the image of one sister under me, and the younger one playing with her sloppy gash next to us. More than that, though, something seemed to be stirring in my heart as well, as I felt myself getting close to coming.

"Oh fuck, I love you Aurora," I gasped as I felt my sperm pushing up my cock and exiting into her vagina. "I love you, too," I added, looking over to Diane.

Maybe she was going to come anyway, or maybe it was my words that sent her over, but Diane came, moaning out loud, as she clamped her legs tight against her hand, before flapping them open again. And maybe it was her sister coming as much as our fingers, because Aurora came almost immediately.

"FUCK!" she screamed as she twisted around under me, and I held on to her, my cock and balls still trying to eject the last few million sperm into her.

Once Diane stopped jerking around, she slid across the bed, and put her arm around the two of us.

"I love you," we each of us said, and to my surprise, I believed it.

As we hugged, I couldn't help thinking back over the last year and a half, from being a geeky virgin, to a man who had two beautiful women, one his wife, and the other to be the closest equivalent. Okay, they were both nymphomaniac cunts who'd fuck almost anything, male or female, sometimes in front of me, and my wife wasn't entirely mentally stable, but I loved them, and loved fucking them.

Sure, I loved Diane more than her older sister, but Diane loved her sister more than me, and hopefully Aurora's love for me was going to grow.

The next few weeks were busy. To start with, I completely changed the structure of my Company, keeping only 40% of the shares, giving 30% to Yolanda, promoting her to CEO, and letting her decide how to distribute the remaining 30% to the other senior staff. Then I signed the legal agreement with Aurora and Diane, giving them equal rights to everything I owned, as if we were all married, but with clauses to protect the remaining sister, if I only separated from one of them.

That was pretty straightforward, but the arrangements for the wedding ceremony, while less serious, involved endless disagreements between Diane and Aurora. It took longer than I'd ever imagined, but it gave me time to restructure my own role in the Company, becoming a trouble-shooter and innovation lead, with Yolando as my boss.

The first thing I did was to go back to Diane's idea of an app for made-to-measure underwear. I couldn't get the panty side to work, not least because Diane's customer testing clearly showed that women were never going to send even the rough shapes of their pussies to a costume house. But I had a brainwave on bras: showing not the breasts themselves when they imaged them bare, but just images of them covered with one of the major styles of bra. With Diane, Aurora, Linda and Julie to experiment on, covering a wide variety of breast shapes and sizes, I quickly perfected it, earning my first bonus from Yolanda, after the inaugural sale to a fashion house.

Apart from that, Linda managed to buy the adjacent apartment, and probably illegally, we put a door in between the two. More significantly, though, it became obvious that Aaron, Diane and Aurora's brother, had fallen in love with my lost sister, Julie, and she with him. Finally, I had to find a jeweller who would make an exact copy of the engagement ring I had bought Diane.

Eventually the day came for the wedding. Well, not really a wedding, of course, because that would be illegal. But it was Hollywood, so it was easy to persuade a local church that we were shooting a movie.

I had a strong sense of déjà vu when I turned around, and saw Aurora walking up the aisle towards me, wearing what seemed to be an exact copy of the wedding dress Diane had been wearing when we married, and I guessed the same shoes and hat. It was only later when I watched the film of the wedding, which we'd wanted anyway, but obviously was part of the whole façade, that she'd shown her cunt to everyone as she got out of the car, just as her younger sister had, and in addition she let a nip slip out. Well, I guess she couldn't let Diane get the better of her, could she?

It wasn't as lively without Elvis as the officiator, and the congregation was smaller, just Linda, Diane, Julie and Aaron, Wesley and a small bevy of men and women who worked with Aurora on the events, equivalent, I suppose to Diane's work colleagues the first time around.

When we got back into the cars to take us back to the apartment, my two wives seemed to have a cunt showing, nip slipping competition, which certainly amused the crowd that had gathered, hoping to see some celebrity from the filming, but at least they had pictures they could talk about for other reasons. Still, it was only really when we got back that things really kicked off.

Without me really noticing, Julie and Linda had slipped off, leaving all the men with my two wives.

"Let's all get naked, and give Jack a real wedding to remember," Aurora shouted, already wriggling out of her wedding dress. "Especially you, husband."

Diane made sure that I was naked myself, then she handed around glasses of pink champagne, giving me mine last.

"To my beautiful new bride, Aurora," I said, holding my class up, getting into the spirit of it, and everyone echoed "to Aurora."

"And to his even more beautiful younger, original bride," Diane added, everyone except Aurora, who looked daggers at her, laughing, and we downed out glasses.

She must have given a signal to one of Aurora's buddies, a tall black guy, fully muscled, and with the most enormous dick I'd ever seen, so it still leaned down, even though it was stiff. He walked over, and just lifted me off the floor. The touch of his cock against my butt sent shudders through me, as I remembered how Diane had forced me to let another man fuck me.

"No! Diane! Not again!" I screamed, not caring that I must have seemed an absolute sissy.

"Don't worry, darling. Trust me," Diane whispered in my ear.

I wasn't sure I totally believed her, but there was little I could do about it anyway. Anyway, I was just carried into the bedroom, then my two wives handcuffed and ankle cuffed me to a hard chair against the wall, facing the bed.

"Diane told me you liked watching men fuck her, Jack, so tonight we thought we'd give you a treat: you can watch both your wives being fucked at once. You'll love it, Jack, won't you?" Aurora said, before kissing me on the lips.

Oh fuck, she'd got that right. Even more men than that dreadful time when I'd watched Diane being gangbanged, and at the end it all went wrong. This time, though, Diane had promised I would just be a spectator, and I believed her. Almost. My cock was already hard; aching and throbbing, from seeing my sister wives naked in front of me and all the others, but the thought of seeing their holes filled seemed to pump even more blood into it.

Diane pushed my new wife back on the bed, pushing her legs open, and pulling her labia open so wide that I could see deep into her vagina, and from the stretching of her gash, it must have been hurting. But she didn't complain. She just looked over at me and smiled.

"Come on guys, who wants to fuck the bride before her husband has her?" Diane shouted out through the open doorway.

"And you can fuck the maid of honor as well," Aurora added, "not that she's got any honor left at all."

Given an invitation like that, I wasn't surprised when all the men piled in, naked, cocks straight out in front of them like guns ready to fire their rounds at the enemy, only in this case their sperm into my wife's cunt.

I watched as they jostled to get to Aurora: fingers pushing into her gaping vagina, forcing her asshole open, and cocks fighting to get in her mouth, which she'd opened as wide as she could. The unlucky ones had to make do with the maid of honour, my first wife, Diane, her mouth, cunt and asshole soon as full as her sister's.

The next hour was both heaven and torture, as I watched my wives' bodies being invaded by tongues, fingers and cocks of every colour and size. And watching was all I could do. My cock was rock hard, throbbing and aching, leaking a constant stream of pre-cum, which ran down the shaft, adding a tickling to the feeling that my balls, my dick and everything between my legs was going to explode any second.

I watched as cock after cock invaded my new wife, then pulling out, glistening with her cum, and shoving in into one of Diane's holes instead. I swear at one point she had a massive black cock up her asshole, another in her mouth, a white one in her cunt, and for a minute or two a second stretching her vagina wide until she came, twisting and bucking so much that the two in her cunt sprang out, and spurted two massive streams of spunk over her belly.

Diane was also spit-roasted and made airtight while held another cock in her hand, rubbing it over one of Aurora's tits until it also sprayed its load over her face and tits. She was also getting covered with more and more sticky, splattered spunk, as more of the men pulled out of her when they came, making me suspect that there was a plan that it was Aurora's holes that they should fill.

I was writhing around, helplessly trying to get to touch my cock, which I knew would go off immediately, perhaps even shooting my seed across the room to add to the mess on my wives' bodies, because the pressure in my balls was so high, and it felt as if my entire blood supply was pumping up my painfully twitching dick.

Clearly the men were having more than one turn with Aurora: I saw her brother fuck both her holes, and Wesley unloaded into both her cunt and Diane's. To add to the excitement, I could hear other, slurping, gasping, panting sounds coming from the other room, telling me that Julie and Linda, my sister and mother-in-law twice over, were fucking each other, doubtless watching the action on the bed through the doorway.

I'd seen Diane get gang-banged before, of course, but then my enjoyment was initially tempered by the brutal way they treated her, even though that was what she wanted. And ultimately, it turned into disaster as she made one of the guys start on me. That all meant that I'd forgotten just how wonderful it was to watch my wife - and in this case, both wives - get fucked. The thrill of watching cocks disappear into their cunts, mouths and assholes, and the way their faces, tits and bellies were getting covered with lines of spunk.

I didn't want it to end - but yet I did, because my balls felt as if they were going to blast apart, and my cock was aching and throbbing so much that I longed for the release it would bring. Eventually the guys seemed to exhaust themselves, and they left the room, leaving me with the spunk-covered Aurora and Diane, who walked over to me, smiling.

"Did you enjoy that, Jack?" Aurora asked.

"Because that's the way our marriages are going to be, darling. You'll never know when we have fucked someone else, or even better, we will make you watch. You know that, don't you, Jack?" Diane added, brushing her tits across my chest, leaving a slimy white trail behind.

"Fuck you. Yes, I know this was what I've agreed do, the penalty of falling in love with a fucking nympho and her sister."

"That's not all, though, Jack," Aurora said, smiling even more, as Diane undid the shackles holding me on the chair, "you'll then have to suck all this wonderful spunk out of holes, and lick it off our bodies, unless we say otherwise."

"Oh, and tonight, you can't come until we are squeaky clean, darling," Diane added, bursting out laughing, making globs of spunk flip off her nipples.

"What the hell do you mean, Di?"

"I mean, darling, that you can't fuck either of us until you've cleaned us up."

Although I'd got used to the taste of other men's sperm now, I didn't even enjoy the taste of my own, but somehow the thought of cleaning up my wives only made the pain and desire in my cock get greater, so I set to it.

Now, looking back, starting with Aurora's cunt probably wasn't the best idea. Apart from driving my desire through the roof, it annoyed Diane that I hadn't chosen her, and I'd forgotten about all of the ropes of spunk over their bodies. Of course, I ended up with my chest and belly pressing against Aurora, slipping against the sticky mess over hers, and Diane pressed herself against my back as she kissed her sister on the mouth, just, I'm sure, to keep my cock out of it.

It wasn't long before all three of us were covered with the guys' semen. We pulled apart, looked at each other, then I just burst out laughing.

"You fucking cunts, you did that deliberately, didn't you?" but I could see from their smiles that I hadn't really needed to ask.

"I guess we'll just have to work together, then," Diane said, giggling, "but remember - no fucking, and no coming until we say so."

I bet some of you are wondering how on earth I could let myself be so humiliated as to have to eat another man's, let alone many men's, sperm off my wife's body after they fucked her. Disgusting, shameful, enough to make anyone vomit.

That was how I felt the first time, and to some extent I still do. But the shame and disgust has turned to a perverted pleasure, which only makes my cock harder, and keener to get into my wife itself. And after all, how many women trust their partner enough to let him watch her get screwed by another man, clean her up with his tongue, and still love her even more afterwards?

I knew that Diane loved the taste of spunk, and so apparently did Aurora, as the two sisters, my two wives, licked and suck it from each other, and from me, each of us delighting in the taste and feel of a spunky tit in our mouths, and the salty, fragrance of their seed-filled cunts. I certainly don't think I could have prevented myself coming, even if it involved forcing myself into one of Diane's or Aurora's holes if I hadn't had a plan of my own to surprise them with.

In truth, though, we didn't so much clean up as make even more of a mess, as our saliva added another coating, and our tongues struggled to remove every last trace of the men's ejaculations, so I suggested that the most sensible thing would be to rake a quick shower.

Oh God, I don't know quite how I managed to stop myself from fucking both of them, even though Diane kept reminding me about her conditions. But I did, and when we emerged, dried after the shower, Diane moved the game along.​
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