Page 10

"But, Au, surely she's on...?"

"Oh yeah, Jack, and that was the problem. They were gone a while, then the guy came dashing back in, followed by Di. 'You fucking bitch' he was yelling, 'you didn't tell me you had a bloody cunt, and anyway, you could have taken the tampon out first.'

"You can imagine that Di gave him as good as she got. 'Of course, I've got a bloody cunt, else you wouldn't have been able to stick your tiny cock up it, would you? And I kept the tampon in else because your dick is so small, I wouldn't have known if you were in me. Anyway, if you want me to take my tampon out, her it is, and you can fucking have it, motherfucker.'"

"She didn't...?"

"Oh yes she did, Jack. She pulled her dress up, fumbled around to get hold of it, and she pulled it out, covered in blood and the guys spunk. She threw the tampon right at him. For someone so wasted, she had a heck of an aim. Hit him right in the mouth, left white and red marks right across his face.

"All hell broke loose, then. He went for Di, hands round her throat. I tried to pull her away, but it was only when the barman pulled a gun on him, that he let go. 'Get the fuck out, and keep that whore out of my bar, else I'll fucking shoot her,' he yelled, and I got her out as fast as I could. Luckily a cab was just dropping of some other people, and we grabbed that. She passed out in cab, but I managed to wake her enough to get her up here."

Then I heard a moan from the bed. "Ja...ack...fu' me, Ja..."

"God, Di, do you think I want to fuck you, while you're all bloody?"

"'S, sure ... els why u ... nakid ... an' cock stiffff."

Shit, it was true, I realised, showing what power the sight of my first wife's cunt still had on me, even when she was unconscious, and it was covered in blood and someone else's come.

"Don't mind me, Jack - fuck her if that's what you want. But I thought you were going to stop humiliating him, Di?"

"No, I've never fucked anyone who's on, and I'm not starting now, Diane. Your cunt is disgusting. Let us get you to the shower, and maybe Au and I will rub you off."

"Bas'd, Jac, I wife, u do I say," she replied.

Well no, I had no intention of doing what she said. Once again, though, I'd underestimated her. Her eyes were rolling back in her head, her words were slurred, and the way she just lay there with her legs open, as if proudly displaying her revolting pussy, it seemed she'd pass out again any second. But then she launched herself of the bed.

She managed to get round me, then pushed me back against the bed, so I lost my balance, and fell backwards.

"No fuk, clen up," she muttered, with a vicious looking grin on her face, as she leapt on top of me.

I could feel the stickiness of her pussy, as she slid it over my chest, only stopping when it landed on my mouth. I don't know if you've ever tasted menstrual blood. Probably not, but more likely you've smelt it. I didn't like the smell, but I hated the taste, and what made it even worse was the fact it was mixed with another man's sperm.

All the humiliation that I'd felt when Diane had got the guy to Ra*e me came flooding back. I just couldn't stop myself trying to scream, although opening my mouth just meant more of what was in her pussy entered it. I could hear Aurora yelling at her sister, and trying to pull her off.

Eventually, between us, we managed to lever her off me, leaving her on her back, her butt hanging off the edge of the bed, her legs open, just about managing to stop her sliding down to the floor. Her eyes were half open, and she was giggling to herself, muttering, though I couldn't make out what she was trying to say.

I think it must have been the giggling that did it. That and the bloody, spermy mess over my face, because Aurora stood in front of her sister, kicked off her shoes. She brought her right leg back, then kicked Diane hard, right smack on her bloody cunt.

"Don't you ever fucking do anything like that to my husband again," she shouted at her sister, who slid off the bed, and curled up her legs, so she was in the foetal position, sobbing. "You can fucking stay there, and clean yourself up when you come round."

Aurora grabbed my hand, and led me out of the room. "It still turned you on, though, my sister's bloody cunt?"

I tried to deny it, but she had me bang to rights. "Then why's your cock still stiff, Jack?"

We reached the other bathroom, and Aurora started stripping off. "Truth is, Jack, it turned me on as well. What a sick couple we are. Some women say they feel randier when they're on, but it's when I feel least that way; I just don't like the mess. I've got a special red rabbit I use when I'm on."

I wasn't sure where this was all going, as by then we were both naked, and her hand was on my cock.

"Well, if you managed to stomach it, then so can I," she said, kissing my mouth, still smeared with blood and spunk.

I could see her sister's blood on her lips as we pulled apart.

"Why don't you take my tampon out for me, darling, then you can fuck me under the shower, so it isn't so messy. I want to be able to tell her that you did something to me that you wouldn't to her."

My brain was trying to reconcile all the conflicting emotions swirling around inside it. Revulsion, as I could still taste Di's menstrual blood. Disgust because it was now on her sister's face. Horror at the idea of putting my cock inside Aurora's vagina, which must be equally bloody and awful. But also excitement, at my first time of period sex, Aurora's body as arousing as ever. Joy at being able to get back at Diane, hearing Aurora tell her what we had done, and her knowing that for once, I'd come out the winner.

"Come here then, darling" I said, reaching between Aurora's legs to find the little white thread of cotton, then pulling the tampon our of her. "You know, I think I love you more with everything we do together."

Both of us looked with revulsion at the blood-matted cotton cylinder, but when our eyes met, our looks both turned to lust, and anticipation of my cock driving into her cunt, however messy it was.

We fucked under the shower, enjoying being linked together, the warm water running over our faces, cleaning off the traces from Diane, and our hands running over each other's breasts and asses, as I lifted her up and down on my cock until it replaced red with white inside her.

We dried ourselves off, after enjoying a bit more internal cleaning, I watched Aurora have a pee on the toilet.

"Dry me off, then put a clean tampon in, Jack, there's a darling."

Something else I'd never done for my first wife, and I knew Aurora would tell her about this as well. They were a couple of cunts, weren't they? I spooned into the back of her as soon as we were in bed, my hands cupping her perfectly-sized tits, and we drifted off to sleep, enjoying our additional closeness.

The next morning, Diane was already in the kitchen, getting breakfast, when Aurora and I got up. It was just typical that she looked only the slightest bit frayed around the edges.

"Morning, darlings," she said, giving us each a kiss on our lips. Of the night before, she said not a word, then or since.

I had been looking forward to the Watersports event Aurora had told me about. There was just one big problem. While some men seem to be able to control their prostates so that they can pee when their cocks are still stiff, I couldn't. Nowhere near. I could only get my bladder emptying when my dick was as limp as a flag in still air.

When the event came around, therefore, I was relegated to being a bottle carrier. Bottle carrier, you're wondering? Well, it's not very well known, but drinking too much water over a short period can kill you: and does a couple of people every year. The problem is that you end up flushing too much sodium out of your body. Sodium is essential for all of the activity in nerves, but the real problem starts when basic physics means that your body tries to equalise the sodium levels in the blood and tissue, by increasing the water content in those tissues.

The really bad bit is that this can lead to massive swelling in the brain, which is contained in the skull, and can't expand. I'm not sure how this leads to death, but it does. It tends to be people who've either gone wild with trying to detox, or else people doing a lot of exercise, including athletes, and it can creep up, with people losing consciousness an hour or two after taking in the water.

The recommendation is that the maximum water intake is about a pint and a half an hour, it seems. And there's the problem. In an event which is entirely constructed to allow men and women who are so inclined to piss all over each other, if they are not to dry up much too quickly for their enjoyment, they need to top up a lot more than that.

Fortunately, there are solutions. The most obvious is to drink not pure water, but what's called hypertonic water, which contains salt. You've probably seen sports drinks advertised as 'isotonic', which means the salt level is the same as normal blood, but hypertonic means it's saltier. That's the problem, of course, because it tastes a bit salty, which not everyone likes. The alternative is ordinary water, and salt tablets.

Of course, having someone die at the event would be catastrophic, and not good for their families either, as they'd have to explain why their mother, father, daughter or son we peeing in public, and at a massive scale. The bottle carriers' job, was to make sure people drank enough, but had enough salt. The hypertonic bottles were marked, and if people weren't using them, we had to make sure they took enough salt tablets.

It suited be fine, because apart from my prostate issue, I wasn't keen at having other men pissing on me, and my plan was to keep myself to the lesbian end.

The event was held in a huge house, with an enormous sun lounge, which opened on to a very large patio area, next to a kidney-shaped swimming pool. The sun lounge had plenty of sort, comfortable furniture, which I had to assume they completely replaced after each event, and maybe even the oversized loungers on the patio as well.

I got there early, with Linda, to check the stocks of the two types of water bottles, and that the waterproof salt tablet boxes were all in place. Then the people started to arrive. They were all ages, of all skin types, and considerably more women than men. They all had one thing in common, though: they were all in designer clothes, and carried an air of wealth and power with them, and one woman in particular exuded an air of authority.

The bit I love, though, is when they come back out of their changing rooms naked, many showing a piercing or a tattoo or two that are normally hidden, the younger women tending to have bare pussies, and the older ones, full bushes, and those in between with various styles of trimmed pubes. And the variation in the sizes of their tits, the colour and shape of their nipples, and the amount of their labia I could see, was amazing.

Linda did a bit of an intro, reminding everyone to keep hydrated but also keep their salt up, and to make sure that they didn't fuck the bottle carriers so much that they weren't able to ensure that everyone was kept safe.

It started slow, but then one woman let out a stream of pee that went way across the patio. I swear that if she'd tried, she could have got it to the second storey of the house. My water services weren't needed yet, and I just stood and watched the women, fascinated.

What I hadn't realised was that there are basically three types of pussy. With the first, one of the most common, when the woman strained to pee, their labia just parted enough that it came out in a single stream, and they had some degree of control over where it went. Diane and her sister and mother, who I'd watched many times, all had pussies like this.

Then there was the sort of pussy, often those with the largest lips, which seemed disinclined to open of its own accord, so without manual assistance, the pee was squeezed into a sort of fan which seemed to come out all along a lot of their slit, often hitting their dangling lips, and basically going all over the place.

It turned out my sister was like this. I watched as she was knelt over another woman, eating each other's cunts. As soon as the woman's tongue left my sister's clit, though, her beautiful butterfly closed over, and her pee sprayed over the woman's hair, face and tits, and quite a bit over her own legs.

I guess the woman wanted something else after this happened a few times, so she pulled the butterfly's wings open, and she got more than she bargained. Julie's pee then came straight out, hitting her right in the centre of her face, filling her mouth.

The woman was at the other end of the spectrum, though. Her cunt gaped a bit all of the time, letting me see her clit and her hole when Julie's head was out of the way. But when she strained to empty her bladder, it opened up her hole, providing a beautiful view of her peehole and some more of her vaginal wall. Each time, she let out a squirt of pee, either hitting Julie in the face, or falling back on her belly.

It was only when they parted, and the woman stood up, her face no longer obscured by my sister's pussy, that I realised that this was the woman who had made an impression on me, when she arrived. Clearly, it wasn't just her clothes that did it, because she still had that air of authority even when naked.

She must have been a bit older than Linda, and her body showed the signs of a few extra pounds, and the effects of gravity, but no way was she fat. No, she might have been well padded, but she was still curvy, and her breasts, though sagging a little, were still beautiful, with large pink nipples. She had a tightly trimmed bush, grey highlights among a light brown, matching the well-styled hair on her head. Well, it looked as if it had been well-styled before Julie had peed over it.

I offered her some water and salt, enjoying the close up view of her nakedness, and the scents of mixed cum and pee from her and my sister. She thanked me, then moved on, clearly having spotted someone she wanted to have fun with next.

Further over, I could see Aurora, a guy pissing into her gaping asshole, the ropes of spunk over her butt giving away the fact he'd just come in her ass, while she drank down another woman's pee as she ate her out.

I wandered around, offering bottles of water to people who had clearly just emptied out, and enjoying the wonderful sight of cunts of all shapes, colours and sizes peeing. I especially enjoyed it when it jetted out, rather than trickled, but it made me ask why. Why on earth did I like looking at pissing pussies even more than ones at rest, as it were?

It had no connection to reproduction, nor apparently to any ability of the woman to provide children, so why had this instinct stayed with many, even most men? And women, even stranger. I know that some animals sniff each other's urine to read complex scent messages, including whether the female is ready for mating, but was by subconscious brain really doing this without bothering to tell me? And given that probably most of the women were on some type of steroidal contraceptive, wouldn't this change the scent, anyway?

I decided I'd never be able to solve it, so I just gave up, and just enjoyed the sights, making sure that everyone kept hydrated, but also kept their sodium levels up. It was warm, the sun was shining, and the arcs of pee refracted shards of light, like prisms, as they rose, then splashed down on those below.

I guess I must have been lost in the beauty of everything, because I didn't hear Diane until she grabbed the bottle from my hand.

"Hello, darling. Enjoying yourself? I am."

Her hair was dripping wet, and what could only be pee was running down her tits, and dripping off her nipples. The rest of her naked body was shimmering with moisture, and she had that old glint in her eyes that I really hadn't seen since the period problem. She looked gorgeous, and once more my chest tightened as I realised just how much I loved her.

"I hope you're getting enough salt, Di? Do you want another tablet?"

"I think I'm good, Jack, but why don't you check me over, darling, just to make sure?"

"Check you over?"

"Well, surely the gold standard way would be to taste my pee, and make sure it is salty enough?" she said, smiling at me.

"I'm supposed to be on duty, Di, to make sure nobody gets hyponatremia."

"Well, that's what you'd be doing, darling, wouldn't you? And surely your wife is just as important as some of those other women whose cunts you've been staring at? Mind you, I am a bit messy down there, as I've had a couple of other deposits in me."

This was accompanied by a wide grin, ending in a chuckle, and a hand on my cock, which was now throbbing uncontrollably. Was I really going to eat what sounded like at least two other men's seed from her vagina, then let her piss in my mouth? Of course, I was.

"Well, I've eaten everything else that has come out of your cunt," I replied, smiling back, and holding her hand as we found a somewhat damp, but vacant lounger.

I laid back, and Di straddled my face. She pulled her lips apart, letting me see the white goo hanging out of her hole, and the clear, almost colourless liquid that covered her pussy. She lowered herself, and I could taste and smell the muskiness of the sperm, the spiciness of her cum, and the saltiness of the pee.

I opened my mouth, moving it back to her clit, which I nibbled with my teeth, then circled with my thumb. She moved forward, my tongue sliding along her vulva, then pushing into her hole. I sucked a large glob of sperm from the guys who'd fucked my wife earlier.

"First try, darling," she laughed, and I felt a warm stream of her piss entering my mouth as well, running over my face as I struggled to swallow it fast enough.

God, I loved her. Then I felt something touching my pulsating cock, which must have been waving around behind her. Touch turned to pressure, then to warmth as some unknown woman must have sat on it, pushing it into her cunt. I felt Di twitch and shudder, which I assumed was because the woman was leaning forwards, grabbing her tits, and using her to help lever herself up and down on my dick.

I can't describe how wonderful it was. The feeling and taste of my wife's cunt on my face, feeding me other men's spunk, her cum, and in short bursts, her pee, while my cock was being pumped by a completely unknown woman's cunt. It only got better when she lifted herself off me. First I heard a hissing noise, then warm liquid dropping from Diane's ass onto my chest, as the woman must have leant back, and shot a stream of pee over my wife's back.

The woman, whoever she was, then lowered her cunt back over my cock, and we repeated the whole sequence, not just once, but twice, three times, until none of us could stand it anymore. I was coming in the woman's vagina, when she lifted off again, spraying me and Di with so much pee it must have emptied her bladder totally, at the same time as Di came on my face, jerking her hips backwards and forwards, a stream of her pee running down my cheeks and neck.

By the time Diane had moved, the woman had disappeared, and I never would know which cunt I'd come in, of all the women around me.

"Can't have a bottle boy dripping spunk, darling," Di said, as she turned around over me, putting down a water bottle that she had clearly just emptied, letting me see the last drops of pee dripping from her labia. Then she set sucking the cum and the woman's pee off my cock.

I felt my cock start to come back to life, from the effects of her lips and tongue, combined with the sight of her asshole and cunt exposed right in front of my face, wet and delightful. I was just about to drive my fingers into her, but I dithered a bit too long, trying to decide which hole, when Di lifted her head, and spoke.

"You haven't given me a result, Jack, so maybe this will help."

Before I knew it, her labia had parted slightly (yes, she was one of the first type) and a powerful stream of pee came out of her cunt, hitting me on the chin, then the mouth as she adjusted her aim, looking between her legs. I think she must have emptied the whole of that last bottle I'd given her, making me splutter and choke.

"You fucking cunt, Diane," I said, when I stood up next to her, wiping her pee out of my eyes, "You did that deliberately!"

"You're right, Jack, and your first fucking cunt is off to do some more fucking - and pissing - so give me a couple more salt tablets, and a fresh bottle, darling," she replied, dropping her voice to a whisper after giving me a salty kiss. "But I do love you, Jack - almost as much as my sister."

She walked off giggling, her ass wiggling. She hadn't gone far before a couple grabbed her, and I knew she was going to be collecting more fluids in her for me to empty later.

I needed to recover, of course, and in any case, I was kept busy delivering water and salt to everyone who in short order emptied it back out over each other, and all over the furniture and the patio. I noticed that the men were thinning out, as they'd emptied themselves in and over other people, but the women were producing fountains of pee, and climaxes as often and big as ever.

Then there were two events which, as it turned out, came together to change my life and the rest of the family's lives again.

The first was another of those which started with me fucking my sister on stage, not that I complained, no matter how often that was the case. The audience was pretty much entirely made up of middle-aged couples, which surprised me a bit, given incest was part of the entertainment. I didn't mid that either, since I'd found, as had been predicted, that women of that age often somehow wanted to take me under their wing and mother me.

Julie and I had showered after our display, and had slipped on light robes. After watching Diane, Linda, Aurora and Aaron do their stuff, we were wandering around the audience who were all taking refreshment before embarking on a whole-audience round of fucking. It was then that I spotted two faces I thought I recognised, but couldn't believe would ever have been at an event like this; but Julie recognised them as well.

My foster parents never gave me any love, or even much attention, but they did give me my own, ancient TV set. It wasn't such a great deal, as I was never into any of the sports, but on a Saturday morning there was one program which kept me glued to it. Maybe you remember it yourself, or quite likely you had something similar wherever you lived?

The premise was that there was a couple, lets call them Ralph and Sandy, with a large family. The program was basically teaching them and their friends a whole load of things about life, hobbies, dealing with bullies at school ... well, I'm sure you know what I mean. Pretty cheesy, really, I suppose, but I learned far more about life from them than I did from my foster parents. And Sandy, well, she was the mother I always yearned to have. Even through the TV I felt more love from her than the woman who had taken me in, and was bringing me up.

Yes, I absolutely idolized Sandy, yet here she was, arm in arm with Ralph, wearing only a thin robe which kept gaping open, and the only mission they could be on was finding someone to fuck, other than each other. As we walked towards them, I shared my memories with my new-found sister, discovering that she'd experienced pretty much the same thing, but more around Ralph as her ideal father figure.

Sure, they were ten or twelve years older, but I was positive it was them, and something in me made me want to tell them just how much their regular programs had help me growing up. Julie and I were still engaged in a lively whispering debate about which of us would speak to them, and quite what we'd say, when things were taken out of our hands.

"We really enjoyed your display earlier," Sandy said, smiling. "By the way, I'm Sandy, and this is Ralph, my long-suffering husband."

"Um ... I know ... um ... I used to watch your ... um ... TV show ... I always wanted ... um ... a mother like you," I stuttered out, my words seeming to get tangled up between my brain and leaving my mouth, my face colouring bright red.

"And I wanted a father like you, Ralph," Julie got out much more smoothly.

"I hope you're not just intending to talk about the past though, Jack. Come here and give your TV mommy a hug."

God, my brain went into blue screen mode trying to reconcile my memory of her as my ideal mother on TV, and the bounce of her beautiful, big tits and the arrow of hair pointing down to her pussy, because her robe opened as she pulled me into her arms. I knew my cock was pressing against her belly, making the two realities even harder to combine.

I just stood there, my hands making their own decisions while my brain was frozen, wandering over the soft mounds of her breasts, and the firmer, rounded globes of her ass, and she moved my cock down between her legs. I think she may have been talking to me as well, but all I can remember is Ralph's words to Julie.

"Do you remember the program we did on butterflies, Julie? Yes? Well, I thought I saw a beautiful new one earlier, and I wonder if you could help me find it again?"

I'm really not sure quite what happened next. I remember gazing into Sandy's face, smiling back at me, just like it had from my ancient TV, making me yearn for a mother like her. But the feel of her stiff nipples under my hands, the warmth of her body against mine, and the chafing of her labia on my cock, trapped between her legs, seemed to make no sense to me. And had I really understood correctly which butterfly Ralph was after?

I guess my brain must have eventually caught up with the fact that this was an orgy, after all, and however unlikely, Ralph and Sandy were here knowingly. It must have decided to process what my senses had been telling it, because I suddenly realised that Sandy must have got me over to one of the couches laid around, I was on top of her, and she was smiling at me, speaking.

"Suck Mommy's nipples like you did when you were a baby."

Oh God, if only I could have done. Her breasts were full, full enough that they were falling to one side, but her nipples, fuck, they stood out of her wrinkled, brown areolas like the sticks of liquorice she used to give her kids on TV.

I did what she asked. Of course I did, running my tongue around the base, then sucking hard, imagining I really was drinking her milk, then closing my teeth on the hard, rubbery flesh until I felt her squirm under me, before moving to the other nipple. I loved the sound of her cries, reminding me of the squeals of delight she used to give when one of her children, or their friends had done something clever.

"Fuck me, Jack. Fuck Mommy's dirty cunt. Pinch my clit, Jack," she groaned, as the full realisation hit me that my cock was up inside her vagina, going in and out of her, while my fingers were toying with something that felt as big and wet as her nipple, but in this case with her cum, not my saliva.

I looked down, and saw that wonderful face smiling back at me, the mother I'd craved for, to care for me and love me, week after week. But God, when my gaze went further down, I could see her fabulous tits, one being squeezed by my hand, and then my cock disappearing in and out of her pussy, and I could smell and hear the sound of her cum as it was stirred around in her gash.

"That's right, Jack. Fuck Mommy's cunt as hard as you can ... aagghhh ... now shove your fingers up Mommy's asshole, and fill her cunt with your jizz ... "

I loved the feel of her breast, the nipple pressing into my palm. I loved the slippery warm feel of her hole locked around my cock. I loved the way her asshole resisted my fingers as I forced them into her, and the feel of my cock inside her as well. But more than anything, it must have been the contrast between the face of the woman I'd wanted as my mother, and the shocking nature of her words and what they conveyed that sent me over the top. Whoever would have thought I'd hear her use that word, 'cunt', and as she said it the second time, my seed jetted into it, just as she'd asked.

"I love you Mommy!" I yelled, as my balls kept pumping and pumping, filling her with every last sperm in them, and I fell forward, stopping the scream from her open mouth as I kissed her hard, the tears from my eyes dripping down on to her cheeks.

I heard other voices, and when I turned my head, I saw Julie's beautiful butterfly impaled on Ralph's dick, even though he'd told us on the TV program that catching and pinning butterflies was cruel, and we should let them fly free.

"Yeah, fuck the little slut's cunt, Ralph," Sandy yelled across, now that her mouth was free, and I felt her hand working her clit hard, as my cock slipped out of her, and she came again. This time I felt a warm wetness on my thighs, as she emptied her bladder, squirting my cock the last inch or so out of her.

I know I fucked a couple more women that afternoon, but I guess all of them must have been a fair bit older than me, and all have them seemed to have Sandy's face, which I just didn't seem to be able to get out of my brain.

Over dinner back home, Julie didn't seem to have the same problem that I had with Sandy, trying to come to terms with having just been fucked by her dream father. Quite the opposite, in fact, because all she could talk about was how fantastic Ralph and Sandy had been as parents in their TV show, and how she was looking forward at some point to trying to be as good a mother as Sandy had seemed.

Aurora let herself get sucked into this as well, having had her own childhood memories refreshed, and the two of them decided to go to bed together, arms around each other, imagining motherhood. I think that put Aaron's nose out of joint, so he went off with Linda, his mother, presumably to try to recapture his own experience of motherhood, including fucking her, of course.

"Looks like you're left with me, then, Jack," Diane said, giving me a hug. "Do you think you've still got enough in you to make love to your darling wife?"

I wasn't sure, quite honestly, not just having come four or five times already, but also because I still couldn't get the two different images of Sandy out of my mind.

"Are you still thinking about that woman you and Julie kept talking about, Jack? I don't see what the problem is."

"It's just I can't decide whether it was one of the best things to happen to me, not just meeting my ideal mother, but finding how much I still cared, and getting to fuck her. Or have I just shattered one of my best memories, because the mother I wanted is obviously a slut, else she wouldn't have been there at all, and fucking her felt almost like incest."

"Oh Jack! You've fucked my mother, and I thought enjoyed it. You keep on doing it don't you, even though you say you feel she's like a mother to you as well?"

"Yeah, but she's not really my mother, and I never knew her when she could have been, even from the TV."

"And you've definitely fucked your sister - fucked her, in fact, in public, and in front of the woman you're worrying about.'

"Still, I know she is my sister, but we didn't grow up together, and I wanted her even before I knew she was - oh!"

"Oh, Jack, exactly. You were trying to finger her on our wedding night, until I stopped you, weren't you? But remember how much you enjoyed fucking me instead, Jack?"

Shit, did I ever, and the thought of my hand just reaching Julie's panties, then my wife pulling me away, and me then fucking her imagining it was Julie had got my cock stiff and my balls tight again.

"That's better, darling. Come and fuck me, while I tell you all about what I got up to this afternoon..."

"I really do love you, Diane, even though you are a fucking slut," I panted after I'd emptied myself into her vagina, after a long, slow screw, enjoying her stories of other men and women in all of her holes, and her in theirs.

"I am, Jack, but I'm your slut - yours and Au's."

I remembered Aurora telling me she'd had far more men in her, and had fucked far more women that Diane, but as I drifted off to sleep, I didn't see how that could possibly be the case, given the stories Diane had just told me.

Still, it turned out I was about to find out that it probably was. We had a couple of weeks off from the sex events, not least because of 'Red Week', as Linda called it, all of their cycles being in synch, but then we had one of the special charity events.

Personally, I couldn't quite see why the people with so much money couldn't just donate some to good causes. Well, maybe they did, but that didn't do anything to dent their enthusiasm for events, where they paid way over the high-class hooker price for a fuck in public. Often it was a Roman slave market, where the family, and some of the normal audience who'd volunteered, were sold off to someone, often a group, who outbid everyone else to totally own the slave for the afternoon and evening.

It probably isn't politically correct, though given what else was going on I guess it was the least of the issues, but sometimes the slaves on sale were all black, supposedly just off the ship from Africa. The prices paid for the guys with the biggest cocks went through the roof sometimes, as most often women fought to outbid each other.

However, the event I had in mind wasn't a sale, but a 'fuck-a-thon', where people pay to fuck volunteers, one after other. Depending on the number of people attending, there's usually one woman for the men, and probably a couple for the women, because while women can come multiple times, many more than most men under the right circumstances, a woman can take many more loads in her from the men.

It was $500 to buy a ticket, which given that this bought them just three minutes for each man to come in the woman, and four minutes for the women to lick the volunteer's pussy, seemed steep. In this case the money was going to help homeless people, of which there were disappointingly many in such a rich city as LA.

As I discovered, though, it wasn't just the raw thrill that the volunteers sought. No, there were the records for the most loads deposited in a cunt, and the woman who came most times. As was often the case, it was the women who called a halt from exhaustion, and anyone with an unused ticked got a credit at the next event.

I should have known it, I suppose, but it was Aurora who was going to be gangbanged. "I've got to reclaim the record from that cunt who just beat me last time," but to my surprise, two women whose names I didn't recognise had offered a big bung to have a go at beating the record for coming the greatest number of times. Apparently, this was a long-standing battle between a group of friends.

It was a remarkable day. To start with, Linda made me buy a ticket. I mean, a ticket that cost me $500 to fuck my own wife? And I had the very last number, 85, one after Aaron, so the chances of me actually having the last infusion of seed into Aurora's vagina seemed pretty slim, given that the previous record stood at 74.

We were back in the big hall with the huge television screens, where I'd first performed with Julie. I watched as Aurora was stripped and spreadeagled on one of the beds, her arms tied to either side, but her legs free. The first volunteer woman was similarly restrained, but in her case, her legs were tied to the bottom of the bed, leaving her pussy perfectly positioned to be licked by someone kneeling in front of them.

The first men, who obviously knew the ropes, had already stripped and were either stroking their cock or had a partner, or maybe just some random woman sucking it for them. Linda walked over to Aurora and applied a good dollop of lube to her gash, though I thought she played with her a bit more than was totally necessary. Obviously, once the first few men had deposited their cum in her, she'd be slippery as hell so wouldn't need any more lube.

Then Linda blew a whistle, started her stopwatch, and the first man got on the bed, and straightway shoved his cock into my wife's cunt, and started pumping away.

"She's going to fucking love this, Jack, isn't she?"

Diane had come up behind me, putting an arm around me, and grabbing my dick, which had sprung to attention as soon as I saw Aurora's pussy open for the stranger. A bit further over, I could see the first woman kneeling between the volunteer's legs, and half of the screens showed a close up of her tongue working away at the woman's clit.

"You'd love to be licking her cunt, wouldn't you Jack?" Diane said, seeing the focus of my gaze shifting, "I know I fucking would."

Now, three minutes for the men doesn't sound long, nor even the four minutes for the women, but if the man hadn't come, or the cuntmuncher hadn't got the woman to come in their allotted time, they got a $500 penalty, and they didn't count towards the score. Linda was timing the men, and of course, it was easy to see that they had injected cum into Aurora, even if they pulled out and shot some of it over her belly. The more difficult job of checking that the volunteer woman wasn't faking her orgasm fell to Julie, with Aaron doing the timing.

It was initially thrilling to watch Aurora getting fucked, her cunt starting to run over with cum; it was mesmerising; but oddly enough it was also a bit repetitive, and the audience started to take things into their own hands.

Diane started it - wouldn't you know it - by grabbing a man who had just put his load in her sister's vagina, and was walking away with his spunky cock dripping, putting it in her mouth and sucking off the gooey mess.

"God, Jack, don't you want a taste? Fresh sperm, flavored with Aurora's pussy juice. Gorgeous."

I declined to suck the guy's cock, but I didn't get away quick enough, and she managed to grab me, forcing her tongue into my mouth, and transferring a sticky glob. She was right: it had the lovely tang of Aurora's cunt.

Obviously, Diane was in one of her devious, mischievous slutty moods, probably because it was her sister that was the centre of attraction for the men, and she wasn't even one of the pussies getting licked out.

I thought I might be safer out of Diane's way, and just enjoy watching wife number 2 get creampied over and over, but I'd left it a bit too late. As I started to move, I heard the whistle sound, and an attractive, older woman got to her feet, having clearly got the volunteer to come with her tongue.

As she walked towards us, with a smirk on her face, glistening with the woman's pussy juice, I couldn't help admiring her tits. They'd had a bit of help, that was for sure, but rather than just being the silicone balloons that I never really liked, they were not just large, but wobbled naturally as she walked, and they were more pointed, with large dark areolas and nipples.

"HI Diane. Hi Jack, not fucking your gorgeous sister today then? I thought for a minute she was going to time me out on that bitch's cunt. Just because I did it to her last time she was the volunteer. And Diane, how you must be loving all the attention your sister is getting today. There's no way she's going to beat my record of 74 loads up me. But not been screwed yourself yet, darling?"

"Fuck off, Vicky, there's plenty of time yet. Anyway, I was just sharing some love with my husband."

"Ah Jack, let's see. What's your number? Eighty-five? Oh dear, not much chance of a fuck for you with Aurora then. Come on Jack, why don't you fuck me, then? There'll be plenty of time even if Au's pussy is made of stainless steel."​
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