Chapter 01
To say that John hadn't been very close to his father would be to make one of the largest understatements known to man. He rarely saw the man when he was growing up, despite a number of his irregular visits. There were many, but John barely remembered him spending anytime with him. Nevertheless, he provided well for him and his mother, despite the fact that the two never married. As John grew into his early teens he learned by accident that his father was a very powerful and wealth businessman in the state, and he and his mother weren't his only family, not in the legal sense, anyway. No, he was married and had another family; all three daughters were around the same age as John, give or take a few years. John was crushed. He'd always looked forward to his father's visits, almost as much as his mother, despite not being able to remember them.
It was as if he knew they happened, but couldn't add any detail. His father's visits grew less frequent as he grew older, but he knew his mother stayed in touch. When he was able to summon enough courage to ask his mother about what he had learned, she simply explained that they had an arrangement and she was satisfied to see him whenever he could make the time. And so it went, John was raised by his single mother; she seemed to be able to provide for him everything he needed. She never seemed interested in other men and since she received a large monthly stipend from his father, she didn't have to work, and spent her spare time volunteer for many different charities. They were comfortable and there always seemed to be enough money so that they never wanted for anything.
It was the beginning of summer, just a few months since his eighteenth birthday when John learned of his father's passing. They didn't go to the funeral, although he doubted that they would welcome his father's mistress and her bastard son. He wondered if his father's official family even knew of their existence. Suddenly, he was concerned about his mother's financial security. With his father's passing it was likely she be without financial support. He wondered if she had planned for this and if she would now have to go to work. He surprised her by dropping by the next day. John had moved in with some friends shortly after his 18th birthday, it was unusual for an eighteen year old to be on his own, but he wanted his mother to have the opportunity to be single and resume dating, without having to explain her eighteen year son. Nevertheless his visits were frequent and at regular intervals, Tuesdays, and Sundays, with occasional visits on Saturday afternoons. He spoke with her daily, but this wasn't something he felt he they should discuss over the phone.
Arriving he found her in a great mood. The kitchen table was littered with travel brochures and her day planner opened, she was in the final stages of a phone call with his aunt and her sister, who booked all her traveling dates. He strolled in catching her eye, she smiled and the room seemed to brighten. She was still a very attractive woman, only in her late thirties. She didn't seem to have aged much since meeting his father, he thought as he remembered some of the photos she kept out of her and his father when he was young. She maintained her hour glass figure and always looked good in anything she wore. If anything she may have gained a little an inch or cup size but it was hard to tell. He took a minute to appraise her, something he didn't do very often, she was his mother after all, but she was very attractive. Maybe he should try to fix her up? He approached her and gave her a peck on the cheek. She held up her index finger and quickly began dialing again. "I'll be just one minute." She said, as she watched him seat himself across from her.
"Hello again Jim," She said. Yes, I've booked my flight and I am looking forward to seeing you too, gotta go now, bye-bye!"
"Gee mom", John said. "I don't think I've seen you this excited about anything in a long time! What's going on?"
"Johnny, she said," I guess you should know, that I'm dating!." She was absolutely giddy. "One of the doctors at the hospital where I been volunteering at asked me to meet him in Cabo San Lucas for the weekend. Isn't it grand?"
"Yeah, sure mom, how long have you know this guy?"
"Jim? I've known him for years. He's been after me since I first began working at the hospital. Why do you ask?"
"No reason, I am happy that you're dating, it just seems so sudden to me. How come you haven't considered dating him sooner?"
She frowned briefly, as she pondered what she thought was a very good question, then smiled dismissing it and said, "You're right...but who cares! I'm free. I can date anyone I choose." She laughed and handed him a page torn out of a fashion magazine. It was a picture of a model wearing a skimpy bikini.
"What do you think? Don't you think that would look great on me?
John swallowed hard. He tried hard not to picture his mother in that brief swim suite, not that she couldn't make that work. She worked out regularly and looked ten years younger than her age, but she was his mother. He knew he'd have to answer; she was waiting with a look on her face that he imagined all husband's dread when asked the dreaded "does this make me look fat" question. He'd have to be careful, he thought to himself.
"Gee, mom...isn't it a little skimpy? What's wrong with your regular suite?"
She smiled again and thought to herself, "clever boy", as she took the page back from him. "Oh, no, that old thing will never do. In fact, I think I may go out and buy a whole new wardrobe."
"Ahh....," he stammered. "Won't that be expensive? I mean dad just died, won't that mean your finances will take a hit or did he leave you something?"
She paused and looked at him seriously for a moment.
"Oh, you heard about his death, I was hoping to break the news to you gently. You know in a way I am sad, because we shared so much. There are many things I have never told you about your father. What do you remember?"
"Mom, it's strange. I can't even remember what he looks like let alone that we spent any time together."
"Oh that's right. I forgot." She paused as if she was going to tell him something, but changed her mind.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Oh it's that you were so young, but, I am so happy because I am finally free!" She said that as she threw the page in the air; leap up from her chair, twirled around on tiptoes around the table while dancing through the kitchen. She even leaped in the air gracefully landing on her feet. She secretly hoped that she hadn't raised his suspicions. She couldn't tell him that she had just been released from the mental prison shed been in for the last twenty years, unable to make any real decisions about her future without his father's approval. But now that was all over, with his death, his mental hold was broken.
John could remember seeing his mother this happy since he was a small boy. But, why is she talking about being free? To his knowledge his dad hadn't been around in years, wasn't she free to live her life? There was something a little strange about this, he thought.
When she stopped dancing long enough, he asked again about her finances. She told him that his father had been very generous over the years, depositing money directly into her bank account and she's been able to save a good deal of the money, in the event that the money would one day stop coming.
She suddenly remembered, and walked over the mail pile, and pulled an envelope out of the pile, this letter was delivered yesterday, she handed to him. It was a letter from his father's estate. It basically stated that she would continue to receive her usually support, adjusted for inflation until she died or ceased to want the money.
He smiled, maybe it wasn't so mysterious after all, he thought. She was financially free and entitled to celebrate. He looked up and she was dancing again. She retrieved a box from the table and handed it to him.
"And this came for you," she said.
He accepted the small square box, it was approximately 4x4x4 and wrapped in plain brown wrapping paper with his name on it. There were no postal markings on it, or overnight carrier tags. Turning it over and over he asked, "Whose it from?"
She shrugged; it was delivered along with the letter. It came from the estate, too. Aren't you going to open it?
He thought about it. If it was from the estate, then maybe it was from his father. A man he barely knew and can't remember ever interacting with as a child or as a young man. He didn't care enough to see him when he was alive, and now that he'd dead he had a gift for him? John didn't know how he should react. He felt nothing. He strained to bring forth any memory, even the slightest, but nothing. He knew something was there, but they were just out of his reach. Maybe he'd need to see a psychiatrist to get his answers, maybe hypnosis was needed. "No, I think I'll wait to get home to see what the old man left me," he said as he tossed the box from one hand to the other.
"Well...he said. I was worried about you, but I can't seem to remember seeing you in a better mood. I am going to head out, I've got some stuff do, and you'll be okay?" He asked as he leaned in to deliver a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
As she accepted the kiss and hugged him back and then said as the hug was released. "Of course I will. You know you can come back home, your room is still there and I plan on doing a bit of traveling, so the place will need some looking after."
"Mom, you hate traveling! What's gotten into you?"
She paused to think about that, she really loved traveling, but Johnny's dad didn't allow her to do much of that and that is what he had told him, she suddenly remembered. As she thought about it, there were a number of things that she liked to do, but had stopped abruptly after meeting Johnny's father. She almost got angry, and then shrugged it off as that was then, this is now. She was free to do all those things she had loved doing but for reasons she didn't even realize that she had stopped, including dating.
She smiled one of those smiles and said, "People can change; besides there are many places that I have been thinking I'd like to see."
You know mom, you have a point, and I may take you up on your offer to move back in. The only reason he moved out was to give her space. Besides he didn't really like sharing an apartment with his roommates, they were pigs and could be very immature.
He was tossing the package back and forth between his two hands, when he began to wonder what it contained. Kissing his mother again he left and within ten minutes found himself locked in his room carefully peeling the brown paper from the box.
He pulled out the contents of the small box. He wasn't sure what he expected but he didn't expect to find another box, or was it a cube. It appeared solid, he thought as he turned it in his hands, it looked and felt like expensive wood, the rich grain was a medium brown and seemed to be highly polished without feeling that way. It looked as though it would be perfect on the mantle in someone's den. The cube seemed solid, he didn't see any seams. But he sensed there was something inside. He said out loud, "How am I supposed to open this thing?"
"Identify yourself." It sounded more like a command than an answer to his question and came from the cube. It startled him and he almost dropped it. Its weight seemed to have changed; it now felt slightly heavier and warmer to his touch. He decided to put it down before continuing.
"Identify yourself" he heard again, and then he realized that he heard it in his mind, and not aloud. He replied in his mind, "is this some sort of trick?"
"You now have 30 seconds to reply."
"Why?" John was beginning to become annoyed.
"25 seconds...24 seconds..."
"Is this a joke?" He thought back. "Who are you?" he demanded.
"20 seconds...19 seconds..." and continued to count down.
"10 seconds...9 seconds..."
"All right, I'm John Smith, my mom calls me Johnny." He was getting nervous and didn't mean to mention his mom.
"Voice recognition confirmed, John Smith. Use your DNA, to open the cube."
John stared at the cube, he thought. "Use my DNA, which means by blood or saliva." He didn't want to cut himself and didn't want to lick the thing, so quickly stuck his finger in his mouth and smeared his saliva across the top of the cube.
It is hard to describe what happened next but the solid wood cube opened by peeling back layers of itself and stacking them on either side of the original cube as if the wood had become a liquid. Peering closer inside, John could see what appeared to be a much smaller box rising from the center. As the smaller box or cube continued to rise a voice in his mind began speaking.
"Johnny or should I call you Jonathan, I am or was your father. Although I am dead, there is a little of me that remains. I know that you hardly remember me; your memories have been suppressed. I actually have spent quite a lot of time with you, although, not in in a very long time, but the conditions that I have lived under demanded that I keep you at arm's length. I have bequeathed to you my greatest treasure and the source my power and wealth. Be careful how you use it. It is very powerful. Early mistakes and errors in judgment will be tolerated as you learn to control your thoughts, but if you continue to make the same errors in judgment, which is what I have done and was part of the reason that I couldn't see you as often as I wished, there will be consequences. I deeply regret that I haven't been able to confide in you earlier, but I was the victim of my poor reasoning. You will understand all once you take possession of my gift. Know, too, John that this is a gift I could only give to a son, which is why you were born, to carry on the legacy. This is my gift to you, a gift from your father."
At this the voice in his head went silent; the box finished melting away and displayed to his eyes the most magnificent ring he'd ever seen. It was gold and had many stones of all colors encrusted upon it. It could be compared to a "Super Bowl" ring, but was grander, if that was possible. There was no inscription, at least none that he could see at the moment.
He tried to remain calm, but it was as if it was calling out to him, so he reached his right hand out for it, and it disappeared and reappeared on his ring finger. He was startled. He hadn't intended to put it on, only wanted to get a better look at it. Immediately, he felt a surge of adrenaline, he fought a panic reflex, it was suffocating, he like he couldn't breathe, just as he was about to reach his limit, it past. He felt good. Better than good, he felt stronger, stronger than he had ever felt. His mind seemed more open, as if he was using parts of his brain he'd never used before. It all was beginning to make sense. Memories of his father came flooding back, all at once. He remembered. He remembered it all, who his father was and what he looked like and all times they spent together. He also knew why his father stopped visiting; it was a punishment by the ring. He felt himself smiling. His father loved him and he loved and cherished the time that they spent together. He began to weep at his father's passing. The ring seemed to allow him a few short minutes to grieve before it opened his mind more.
This was the ancient ring the Ring of Power, its origins were thought to have been from a time when mankind worshiped gods like Zeus and Odin, but even the ring itself didn't know for certain. It believed that it may be extra-terrestrial in origin. It has been passed from father to son for centuries.
John felt a new surge of brain activity and blinked rapidly several times unable to move as hundreds of terabytes of data seemed to be downloading into his brain. And then as suddenly as it began it stopped. He took a deep breathe.
He was still for a brief moment and then it dawned on him, "I can control things, people, and my physical body, and in some cases others, too." He had read enough science fiction and seen enough television and movies to have some ideas of what that all meant and what he should try to do first.
He wasn't a bad looking young man, a little skinny, not at all muscular, wiry was the word to describe his physique. His acne was finally beginning to clear up and his facial hair was sporadic at best. He was average height under six feet, about 5'9". He gave up on being taller long ago, realizing that it simply wasn't in the cards. But now he could change all of that. He could change his body, face, anything and everything.
Where should he to begin, he thought. He got up and walked into his bathroom, looking into the mirror he decided to start with his face. His face became warm and glowed pink and settle back to his natural shade, he had cleared his acne with a simple thought. He liked how clean his face looked. He stared at his face again, he always thought his nose was too big so he began to shape it, he could feel it burn and he realized quickly that he had to be careful, or he could hurt himself. Before long he settled on a smaller nose one that was straighter and narrower. With a thought he willed his facial hair to be thick and rich, instantly he had a full beard, it made him look much older. He then tried for the unshaven look that many actors were sporting these days. He kind of liked the look and decided to keep it, while he considered his hair, which needed trimming. He retrieved a sports magazine from his room and saw a cut that he liked and it was then on his head. Then he changed the color from brown to blonde and then to red and then black. Finally he settled on blonde. Looking into the mirror he barely recognized himself. He decided to change his hair back to its original color and that he would go with the clean shaven look for now. Glancing at the magazine again, he thought about adding some muscles. He turned the pages to see the pictures of a body builder and thought it would be great. He heard it before he felt it, his clothing shredding and falling away from his body. He was a pale version of "The Incredible Hulk"; he laughed as he stared into the mirror.
He finally backed off the muscles until he had added a few pounds and definition to his body. He could always add more, but he wanted to be able to just show a little and lock them in. He looked up and down his body and liked what he saw. Then he looked at his sexual equipment and made a few adjustments there. He'd only been with a few girls and knew that bigger was better. He could make more adjustments as the needed. He felt himself and realized how much bigger he had gotten. He liked what he'd done and laughed loudly. He wished he had gotten this ring when he had been in high school and had to endure the showering after gym class.
He decided that he would cure himself of any and all aliments and he felt really good, strong and better than he had ever felt in his entire life. The final change of the day was to gradually add a little more color to his complexion, the kind of coloring that his friends would have paid good money in the tanning salons to achieve.
He was almost ready to meet the world, he need to some clothes. Just as he was about to walk to his closet, he decide to have his jeans appear in his hands and they did. It was his last clean pair, and they weren't his favorite, he willed them on along with the appropriate undergarment and changed them into what he had in mind. He did the same with his shirt and shoes.
He was getting the hang of these new powers. He looked down the strong muscular arms and that the ring on his finger. As much as he loved the ring, it was a little too much bling and would attract unintended attention, not that it would be a problem, he felt he could take on a battalion marines. No, the smart thing was to not get into that type of situation in the first place. Blending in was important and he could make any changes necessary. As he looked again the ring began to change, finally looking like an average high school ring. Perfect, he thought.
He began to walk out of the room and he remembered he needed his keys, phone and wallet. He didn't stop but and the devices dematerialized from their resting places and rematerialized in his pockets, and his keys appeared in his left hand. As he strolled to the front door of the condo he shared with his friends, he saw the mess they had left and he willed the room to be clean, within a few minutes things were not only tidy, but the carpet appeared to have been vacuumed and shampooed. He smiled knowing that, they wouldn't notice. He walked over to the refrigerator and opened it. It was a mess and didn't have any real food, so he decided to fill it with an assortment of good food, the kind his mother would buy. He smiled and closed the door. He thought again and added a case of his favorite beer. It was his parting gift. He wouldn't be returning. He walked back to his room and surveying it decided what he wanted to keep and what he no longer needed. The things he would keep he boxed and then shrank everything down into a marble and put it into his pocket. The remaining items he didn't want shrank into a cube, like what car crushers do with old junk cars and tossed them into the waste basket on the way out. He cleaned the room thoroughly and left the room vacant with a pleasant fresh clean smell.
He would still take care of the rent, knowing better than to leave cash. He left a note that explained he was moving back home and that he had paid the next two months rent. There, he thought, "a clean break."
John found a great parking space close to the mall entrance, right next to handicap parking spaces. At first he thought it may be luck, and then realized that he expected to find a good spot and did. Was that a coincidence or a byproduct of his new power?
He climbed out of his old '97 Honda Civic, heaving the door shut; it creaked as it slowly slammed shut. He focused and tried to change it into a later model, but nothing happened. He sighed, relieved in a way, realizing that there were limits to what he could do. He took a moment to reflect on the last hour. When he stopped at a gas station and filled his tank without paying, because he could, he felt the ring tighten painfully on his finger, so he decided to go in and pay for the gasoline. Stealing for the sake of stealing didn't seem to be something that the ring would tolerate and he didn't want to abuse the power, remembering his father's warning. "Something will turn up regarding new wheels", he thought.
He pretended not to notice all the lovely ladies as he strolled pass the various retail stores on his way to the food court, some he found very attractive; there was one girl in particular, who caught his eye. She was tall and dressed to display her best assets. He couldn't help looking at her and wondering what she looked like naked. As he continued to watch, suddenly her clothes seemed to begin to fade, first her blouse and pants, then her bra and panties and shoes. He was looking through her clothes! It was strange, too. Her breast and feet were still supported; she appeared to be moving around on her tiptoes as her perfect breast defied gravity. It was extremely erotic, catching him so completely off guard that he almost walk into a mother pushing a stroller. He stopped and smiled. He tried not to stare but couldn't help himself. She had larger than average breast with light pink areoles and large nipples. As he worked his way down he saw her pieced navel and a cute landing strip just above her sex. Seeing him staring at her she smiled, fortunately he was working his way back up and it brought him out of his daze and he returned the smile. She turned to her girlfriend, she said something he couldn't hear and they both began to giggle. John studied the other girl, she was cute, too. Just like with her girlfriend, her clothes also began to fade away. The second girl wasn't as tall but they were definitely of like minds. Although her breast smaller they too were perky and she was shaved below. As the first girl leaned in to talk more, he saw she had a small colorful butterfly tattooed on her left cheek. The two continued to giggle and look in his direction.
"I wonder what's so funny." He thought to himself. And just like that he heard a replay of their comments.
"He's kind of cute, but looks like a mama's boy!" And the two giggled.
"So, is that what you think?" He thought, trying not to react.
"Too bad, I haven't gotten laid in months and I am wearing out my vibrator." And now he was able to hear the first girl's thoughts.
It's a good thing that John had stopped walking because hearing her thoughts was so unexpected that he doubted he would have been able to concentrate on where he was headed.
"He looks a little goofy, what's he doing over there?" John heard her think and pulled himself together regaining his composure. Pulling his cellphone out of his pocket, he looked at as if it was behaving strangely, and then pretended to be talking to someone.
"Oh, she chuckled to herself, he probably had it on vibrate. Been there, done that." John heard her think and then she seemed to drift off thinking about how much fun she had using her vibrator, a dreamy expression on her face as she remembered how good it felt. From his view John could see that her nether lips were enlarging. He continued to fake a phone conversation, smiled in her direction and waited for her to react.
"Is he smiling at me or Judy? He looks like he is carrying a nice size package. I wonder if he is available."
John, thought, this is interesting. I wonder what else I can learn. How old she is, what she does for a living, what she likes?
Suddenly, he knew her name was Brittney Reid; she was 23 years old, works at Wal-Mart on the other side of town, likes dancing and getting drunk and has a 2 year old baby girl, and was living with her mother.
"Wow that sure saved me some time". He thought.
Knowing what he now knew about Brittney, he decided not to approach her, but to continue with his original plan and see if he could catch up with his friends. He smiled in her direction again, pretended to say goodbye on his cellphone and putting the phone back into his pocket he took one last look at the pair and their lovely nude bodies that only he could see. He willed himself to once again see her clothing and closed off their thoughts.
"Everyone is an open book to me. I could easily make a small fortune through investments, poker just about anything."
Obviously, John was in a very good mood as he continued on to the food court, his friends could usually be found there around this time of evening.
He looked to the center of the court and found them, at least three of them, his crew. There was Big George, Mark and April (they grew up together and attended the same schools since they were in kindergarten). They saw him and waved him over. As he arrived he could see they had already been dining on the various cuisines available, there was left over fried rice, half eaten egg rolls and plenty of red sweet and sour sauce remaining in the white Styrofoam take out boxes. "Looks like someone got their 'China Camp' fix satisfied." John said as he stared at the remains and smiled at April. He knew how much she loved Chinese food.
"Hey Johnny," George reached out and slapped John's hand causing him to miss the affectionate look that April threw his way. She still held a crush for him she'd developed many years ago when they were mere children.
John's hand seemed to be dwarfed by the larger teen's mitt. George was headed for the University of Southern California as a lineman on a full scholarship. He was big, but not fat, standing six feet five inches and 220 lbs. of bronzed muscle. They, too met in grammar school and had been friends ever since.
Hey Mark, John said as he extended his hand to the newest member of his "crew". Mark had only arrived last year coming from the northern part of the state, a town near the capital. He was finishing off his burger and washing it down with a soda. Mark was the typical "junk food" teenager who was rail thin and looked like a geek behind his thick black framed glasses. Stretching out his hand and shook Johns, coating it with mustard, mayonnaise & ketchup.
John's face grimaced as he looked into his hand realizing he should have known better after all the times this had happened to him. April immediately broke into giggles.
He looked her way and shrugging it off, he asked, "Where's the other's?"
"On their way, I got a text from Lori." April said and smiled watching John clean his hands with a napkin, she didn't see him grab.
"Hey, you look different, what's up?"
"With me, nothing much," he said as he sat down across from her, seeing two unopened fortune cookies. He knew she was a sucker for the fortunes. Then he got the idea to see if he could make the simply fortune come true. They were usually so vague and general, it might be fun.
"Are you going to eat those?" pointing to the two fortune cookies, remaining on her tray.
John asked fully aware that she hadn't opened either as both cookies were still sealed in their individual wrappers.
"No, silly, do you want one? April replied happily as she basked in the attention she was receiving from John, who recently had become somewhat aloof.
"After you, my lady", he said, as gallantly as he could.
"Well, thank you, kind sir." She responded as she pick up a cellophane wrapped cookie and squeezed it forcing the air inside to pop open the package. She smoothly removed the cookie and snapped it open freeing the scrap of paper with her fortune on it.
Well, what does it say? John asked.
"Your dearest wish will come true." She read and sighed.
"Sounds kind of corny", he said. Before he could continue she punched him in his shoulder, making a solid thud.
"Ouch!" He feigned being injured.
"So, what is your "dearest wish"?"
"Never mind, you are hopeless. Open yours."
He reached for the cookie and like April popped open the pack, removing the cookie he crushed it in his right hand the cookie crumbled and he remove the slip of paper.
"You are uniquely equipped for success, make wise decisions." He stared at the paper after reading it. Was that a coincidence, a hint or a warning?
"Gee, I like yours better." April said.
They were distracted by the noise as several more friends joined the group and there were all sorts of greetings and conversation going on. But it allowed John to think. What is April's "dearest wish"?
As if watching a movie or short film, he saw in his mind memories of him and April growing up over the years and for the first time saw how she looked at him. Oh my God, her dearest wish is to have a closer relationship with me! She's had a "crush" on me since we first met. How could he have been so oblivious? He had never really considered April as a love interest. She was fun to be around and had a nice athletic shape. Being a guy he did what most guys do, he began to assess her physically. She wasn't especially well endowed, but... He began to imagine her naked. He didn't have to try hard; it was as if he had turned on his x-ray vision again. He looked at her as she exchanged greeting with the new arrivals. He could see the birthmark she once told him of, but it wasn't exactly where she said it was and it did look like a dollar sign. She did have cute small tits, and he swallowed hard, she shaves. All of a sudden, things he'd never thought flooded into his consciousness, the possibilities. Most of the group had decided to go to the local bowling alley; there was plenty to do there in addition to bowling. But, John now had other ideas. He blinked once and she was fully clothed again.
"Hey Ape." He interrupted her conversation with Jenny Jones. "Got a minute?"
"Sure, excuse me, Jenny."
She got up and walked the few steps to the table John was leaning on. He took her hand and they walked a few more steps to a secluded table. John leaned against it and April stood in front of him and looked up at him and asked. "What's up?"
"Well," he said as he gazed down into her light brown eyes and seeing her for the first time, "the gang is talking about going to the Hank's Bowl; I thought that I'd rather spend time with you. Maybe we could get a cup of coffee?"
April just stared up at him not quite understand if she had heard correctly, was John asking her out?
"You want me to go with you for coffee?" She asked still not believing her ears and expecting John to retort something like it isn't a date, silly just coffee. But instead he not only confirmed that she had heard correctly, but said that it would indeed be their first date.
"Sure. Where would you like to go? There's a Starbucks at the other end of the mall", she volunteered, trying desperately not to sound too anxious, but failing.
John frowned, "I was thinking maybe 'Cup of Joe' on 5th street, near the park. What do you think?"
"Sounds fine with me, let's go."
They said their goodbyes to the gang and headed off to the mall parking lot where John had left his car.
It didn't take long for them to reach the coffee shop. They talked for the first time in a long time. John learned about April's fears and her plans for after high school and the colleges that she'd hope to attend and all this time marveling at how deep she was and dedicated to making her way in the world. Before they knew it, one of the coffee servers was telling them it was closing time and they both were surprised to learn they were the only remaining patrons. He thought, he could have easily have learned all that by probing her mind, but this was much more rewarding.
They gathered their things and walked out the coffee house into the quiet streets. John had parked his car about a block away it had just rained and the streets were wet there were a few puddles they needed to navigate, jumping and skipping over as they walked hand in hand. They were really enjoying each other's company. Just as they arrived at his car, a man stepped out of the shadows with a gun and pointed at them.
"Dude, give me the keys. I need your ride. Cooperate and no one will get hurt."
John didn't realize but his ring took over in a split second, it allowed him to probe the man's thoughts. He learned that he was desperate, he'd been out of work for over a year, he had a family to support and his unemployment had run out. He was high and under the right circumstances could hurt or kill. He also was able to look at the first five scenarios and their results should he become physical to subdue the man. In each case there was a high likelihood that April would be injured or killed. With that information he decided to surrender the car.
"Okay, no problem. You can have the car." John said. He separated the car keys from the house set and gave it to the man. "But, selling my car isn't going to earn you enough money to support your wife and new baby."
"What? How do you know about that? Who are you?" the man asked, worried now that he may have picked the wrong guy to rob.
"Ken, you don't know me, but I know that you are desperate and are looking for a way to out. You're an accountant, right? Look, take the car. Tomorrow go to the Main Street Bank and ask to see the bank president Mr. Adams. He owes me a favor. He will give you a job."
"Who are you?"
"That's not important, Ken, trust me." John pushed on his mind to accept what he was saying and to do as he said. He also made himself a mental note to go to the bank tomorrow and meet Mr. Adams for the first time.
"Okay," the man said in an almost dream-like way. He got into the car and sped away.
"What was that?" April was almost screaming. That guy had a gun; you gave him your car and a tip on getting a job? Who does that?"
"Calm down, April, he said." And she did immediately. In fact, she stopped in mid-sentence and seemed to freeze.
Before John could question what had just happened, he heard his father's voice in his mind again. "Very good Jonathan, you have passed your first test and have gained a special reward. You could have become violent and physical risking April's safety and your own. But you chose the best alternative and may have in the process saved three lives. April will be fine in a moment, as you already know she is in love with you, but although you and be close friends, she isn't the one for you. You will need to be careful how you proceed and not hurt her, or there will be a penalty."
"What do you mean a penalty?" John asked though he didn't say a word.
"With this gift there are many responsibilities, I can't let you make the same mistakes that I made, trust me."
And suddenly April was moving again, "Now how are we going to get home?" She asked.
"Don't worry," John said, "I feel like there may be a taxi along any minute."
Sure enough there within a few minutes a cab slowly pulled on to the street they were walking and John whistled for it. The cab driver was friendly and easily drove them to John's mother's home. He explained that he was moving back home because his mother decided to start dating and will need someone to watch the house.
As he let them in and walked along the hall, he could see that his mother's bedroom door was closed and the light was off. She wasn't leaving until the morning so she probably just turned in early.
They continued to walk down the hall to his room; he realized that he hadn't unpacked anything and the room was a bit of a mess. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the marble that he'd compressed and contained all his belongings and decided to try something. He stopped at the closed door and opened it and tossed the marble on the bed and shut the door again.
He turned to April and said, "The rooms a mess I haven't finished unpacking, maybe I should just take you home."
April stepped closer, put her arms around John's neck and looked up into his hazel eyes, "Really? I don't think so."
And she leaned in and kissed him tenderly. John responded in kind and the kiss grew more passionate. For April, it was as if all the love for John she had bottled up all these years had been released. Their tongues wrestled for a while and their bodies began to heat up. John didn't expect to have sex but he knew that April would have run naked in the streets if she thought it would please him. He broke the kiss and opened the door turning on the light as they entered. The room was what you'd expect to find books on the shelves, computer on the desk, clothes in the closet and a mix of rock and sports posters on the walls.
I thought the room was a mess, April said as she pushed John down on to the bed. They continued kissing and managed to get clothing off at the same time. Shoes first, pants and shirts and soon their passion was boiling over.
April said. "I have wanted this for so long. It's like a dream come true." She paused and said. "My fortune, this is my cookie fortune coming true!" She squealed softly and resumed her attack on John's lips.
John was eager to try out his new equipment and surprised himself when he saw he was almost nine inches long. April wasn't new to sex, but she had only been with two other guys. Nevertheless, she knew that John size was above average. She was a bit startled, but was eager to see if size did matter. She of course had talked with her girlfriends about the subject. She couldn't remember being this turned on before. She began to caress him as his hands roamed her body. She wasn't surprised that she was already secreting ample juices to overcome the size issue, the nipples on her small breast were standing out and were harder than she could ever remember them. She was really turned on. April crawled on top of John and slowly lowered herself down upon him. As he entered, she knew he was much larger than her previous two boyfriends. April was panting now, as she slowly lowered herself an inch at a time, the feeling was amazing, she felt as if she was having mini orgasms throughout her body and she still didn't have all of him inside her yet. Finally, John hit bottom and fireworks went off inside her. She felt so full. April began bouncing up and down all the while trying to remain as quiet as possible knowing that John's mother was sleeping in the bedroom just down the hall.
Mary Smith woke from her dream with a jolt. It was a strange dream that she couldn't remember. But like in the dream she felt a presence, something she hadn't felt in a very long time. She realized that her nipples had hardened and she was becoming wet. She could remember the dream, but it was if she was still dreaming, or was she. Mary felt compelled to get out of her bed. It was if she was being summoned. It felt familiar and yet unfamiliar. She sat up quickly, then slowly got out of bed, pulling her long satin night gown as it hugged body leaving nothing to the imagination, falling low just touching the tops of her bare feet. Although in her late 40s, she kept her body in excellent shape and maintained a beautiful hour glass shape, maybe a little "top heavy". She walked silently, opening the door of her room, not really knowing where she was going but being drawn to a familiar and nearby presence. She was in a trace and had had no choice but to follow where she was led, compelled by a familiar desire.
April was riding John like a woman possessed. She had never felt anything remotely as sensuous. As she was sliding on and off of John her moans were growing louder and louder until finally she gasped and seemed to lose all control of her body, and John took that moment to reverse positions and was now pushing into April with long slow strokes. His passion rapidly increasing as April continued to climax, flailing her arms lost in her rapture.
Abruptly, Mary opened the door to her son's room. She watched from the doorway as her son and April continued their love making. She stood still for a while not understanding why she was there, but feeling as horny as she had ever felt in her life. She pulled her night gown from her shoulders and it immediately slid down her body and pooled at her feet. Her right hand reached for her sex while the left began to pull on her nearest nipple.
John and April were so completely caught up in their passion that they didn't hear or see Mary standing at the door. John was very near his climax a few more strokes and he would be there, the feeling of April pulling on his shaft was about as good a feeling as he could imagine. And finally he was there. He groaned loudly as the pleasure surged out from his core. April screamed as a new orgasm struck her, more intense than anything she had ever experienced. And as if caught in the current, Mary was pulled in too and she also screamed, as her unexpected passion exploded.