Chapter 02
John was in the grips of his climax when he heard the twin screams, one coming from under him and the other from behind him. He turned his head in the direction of the scream from behind him and saw the naked silhouette of a voluptuous female body. Standing weak kneed in his doorway, her hands still pumping her vital parts, her silk nightgown circled around her petite feet, she stared at the couple on the bed.
"Oh my God, that's mom! What is she doing there?" John surmised. "I wonder if April heard her."
April was still trembling in the aftermath of a very satisfying orgasm, and her view of the doorway was obscured by John's body.
"What is she doing? She is just standing there, masturbating. Why?" John thought. If he says something April will freak out. "What are you doing here mom? Get out of here!" He thought. She didn't look like she is planning on leaving anytime soon. His eyes were adjusting to the dim light and he was able to better make out his mother's form, large breast, large areolas, taunt nipples and a full bush of black hair peeking out from behind her active hand. And for a second there seemed to be a small sparkle of light flickering from behind her fidgeting fingers.
"Is it my turn now?" She asked in a voice that he didn't recognize as she stepped forward into the room, not stopping her activities.
"Who, what, mom what are you doing in here, get out!" He said in the best voice he could muster, hardly having to fake surprise.
April screamed. Pushing John off her and pulled the bed covers to hide herself, saying once she regained some composure. "I am sorry Mrs. Smith, John and I were just messing around and it kind of got out of control and...where are your clothes?"
And then turning to look at John and asked, "John, what's going on here?"
"I don't know, really." John said almost pleading. "I think she is sleepwalking."
April sat up clutching the bed sheets tighter to her body, "No, I think she is masturbating."
"Yeah, I can see that." John said. "Let me have the top blanket," John said pointing to the mass April was using to conceal her nude body.
"Help me get her back to her room." John said as he tugged at the blanket, freeing it from his bed and draping it around his mother. As he neared her she removed her hands and reached out to embrace him. He put the blanket around her and then realized that he too was still naked and was sporting several inches of aroused manhood. Embarrassed that his mother's naked body was have an obvious effect on him, he found a pair of shorts and quickly put them on as April arranged the sheet around herself in a way that John found wasn't helping his aroused state. Mary tried to embrace April as well, but John returned in time and caught the blanket just as she was beginning to shed and would have caught April unaware. "What was wrong with her? She is either sleepwalking or seems to be in some kind of a trance." He thought. "I have to get her to bed and get April home and figure this out quickly. "Mom is supposed to be going out of town on her date tomorrow," he remembered.
Arriving at her room, he and April led her to her bed, but she wouldn't bend to enter it. "Go to bed, mom," John said.
She doffed off the blanket and slid effortlessly between the sheets, pulling John off balance and into the bed on top of her. Before he could react, she planted a very passionate kiss on his lips. As soon as John was able break the kiss, she moaned, "Take me John." Reach up and pulling him into her ample breast.
April stomped her foot and said, "So, this is the way things are in your house. Well, you can leave me out of it." Discarding the sheet she ran naked back to John's room to dress and go home, John staring at her naked blushing body as she sprinted down the hall.
John could only deal with one crisis at a time; he would be able to deal with April later. But his mother's behavior was having unintended effects on him, fortunately his erection was trapped in his shorts. She was really getting to him. He managed to slip out of her grasp without hurting her.
"Mother, sleep," he commanded.
"Okay, Johnny, "she said and immediately closed her eyes and seemed to quickly fall into a natural slumber.
"What the hell was that all about?" He asked, not expecting to get an answer, but he did.
"It's my presences, or the presence of the ring, I should say." John heard his father's voice in his head. "You did well, Johnny. I don't know if I would have been able to pry myself free of Mary if I had been in your shoes or should I say shorts."
John looked back at his now sleeping mother, her nude body lying in her bed, the sheet thrown open. He had to force himself to stop staring, she was beautiful. Her large breast falling into her armpits making them look smaller than they actually were. He finally moved, take the few steps to the bed and pulling the sheet and blanket over her, she stirred slightly but didn't wake, turning on her side and pulling the sheet up under her chin. John left the room closing the door behind him.
He walked quickly back to his room, knowing that April had already left as he heard the door slam as she left the house. He searched for his cellphone to call April. "Okay, why was mom reacting in that way? Am I going to have to deal with this on a regular basis? I will not have an incest relationship with my mother, no matter how hot she is. I have got to fix this. Mom is going to Cabo San Lucas on the first date she's had in years. And then there's April. She must be thinking all kinds of stuff. I have to fix that, too."
"Don't worry, Johnny. You have the power to control people's minds. Mary, your mother was simply reacting to reminisce of my presence in the ring and following old habits. You can erase, modify or enhance that behavior if you like. She is simply waiting for your commands."
"I don't want to command her, she is my mother." John replied.
"Great choice, Johnny, nevertheless you can make your mother and almost anyone else do whatever you want, by simply concentrating and commanding it. So, go back to your mother's room and tell her the whole thing was a dream and tell her how you expect her to behave and she will."
John walked over to where his mother's nightgown remained on the floor. He picked up the cool satin gown, feeling its weight in his hands and fighting the temptation to smell her scent. It was his mother's gown. He was not happy with these thoughts. She was a woman, not a girl like April. Maybe he would have to seduce an older woman to see what they are like, but not his mother, no, never.
"Okay, dad, how do I get her back into her nightgown?"
"As you alter her programming, ask her to put it back on. Unless you want put it back on for her?"
"No! He didn't want to do that. He couldn't trust himself." He walked back into his mother's room carrying the gown in his left hand, she was still asleep.
"Mom, can you hear me? Don't wake up just tell me if you can hear me."
"Yes, Johnny, I can hear you. Are you ready to make love to me? I am ready for you, feel how wet I am."
"No, mom, I am not. You will no longer be attracted to me, sexually." John stated flatly. He watched her face frown. "You are to act as the loving mother you have always been. You are not nor have you ever been sexual attraction to me. I am you son and that would be wrong. Do you understand?"
Mary said, "Yes, Johnny. I understand. Sex with my son would be wrong. No sex with Johnny, but why?"
"Have I displeased you in some manner," she asked. "I can make it up to you Johnny. Please let me make it up to you."
"No, mother, you have a boyfriend, both of you are going to Cabo San Lucas tomorrow. You are excited about it and you will have a good time and return home well rested and happy. Nod if you understand."
She nodded her head.
"Good, now anything that you saw, heard or felt tonight was simply an over active imagination and a dream. You will be embarrassed to share it with anyone and will forget it quickly. Nod if you understand."
She nodded her head again.
"Good, mom, your flight leaves at 9 AM tomorrow. You are excited to be going. You will wake at 6AM and be ready for me to take you to the airport at 8AM.
"I am going away with Jim for a romantic weekend." She said in a dreamy monotone voice. "I need my rest. I have to get up early."
"That's right mom. I will see you in the morning. Good night."
"Goodnight, Johnny, you're a good son."
Satisfied that she was going to be alright, John smiled and left the room closing the door behind him. "That was easy," he thought. It was like I had hypnotized her.
"Yes it is like hypnosis, but I like to compare it to 'glamour' that vampires are infamous for, you know like putting a spell on someone." His father spoke to him from the ring.
"That is very interesting, dad. Can I do that to anyone?"
"Yes, almost anyone can be overcome by your Jedi mind tricks, but like in the movies, not everyone."
"So, I can simply do the same thing to April."
"Yes, you could. But do you really want to? You will have to be selective of whom you share your secret with and remember that April isn't going to be your life partner. I can assure you of tha..." His father didn't complete his last sentence, he seemed to have been cut off, like the words caught in his throat or an unknown force had constrained his speech.
" you okay?"
"I am sorry, Johnny. I have said too much. I may no longer converse with you right now."
And then the voice in his head when silent and John knew he would have to wait to see when it would return. He was concerned, but his dad did give him some very valuable information. He really like April, he'd known her for such a long time. He wasn't in love with her, but she was very comfortable to be around. She may be his best friend. He dialed her number. It rang a few times and went to voice mail. He tried again and this time it immediately went to voice mail. "So she either turned off her phone or was deliberately not answering. " He thought. It was late and he had a big day ahead of him. He would deal with April tomorrow. He made a mental note not to forget to get to the bank early, perhaps right after dropping his mother at the airport.
He checked his email from his smartphone, and saw among the many junk emails there was one from his favorite high school teacher, Mrs. Greene. He opened it, among the cordial greeting was a reminder that he promise to come back to talk to her freshman class about how to avoid some of the pitfalls that freshman often found themselves caught in. She asked that if he could come by as early in September as his schedule would allow, she would be very appreciative. He made a mental note to reply, but it was tired, it had been a busy evening and he was more than ready for sleep.
The next morning, his mother woke him at 7AM. Normally, she never had to wake him; he was always up early, he was a morning person, like his father. As he went about his morning chores, brushing his teeth, and was about to lather his face, when he remembered that he didn't have to shave, he simply willed his beard not to grow unless he changed his mind. He opened his mouth wide and fixed a couple of teeth that had fillings and straightened two of his bottom teeth, (central incisors) that were slightly crocked. He looked at his work and smiled. Thinking that he could use a little whitening, he added that, too. He didn't want to linger too long as he didn't want to make his mother late, he decided to shower thinking he could come up with a way to get rid of body odor and bad breathe later.
He grabbed his jeans and a tight fitting shirt, laced up his cross trainers and headed to the kitchen for a glass of OJ. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs when he saw his mother bent over looking into the refrigerator. She was wearing a multi-color silk stripped scoop neck day dress, which really accentuated her lovey curves. Immediately, John flashed back to last night, seeing the naked images of his mother standing before him, one hand on her breast and the other fingering herself. He felt himself begin to stir and chastised himself for having such thoughts. Her humming brought him out of his reflection and he continued into the kitchen. Hearing him enter, she stood up but continued to look into the refrigerator, she told him that she had left a few meals for him to heat up and hoped that he wouldn't eat too much junk food. She turned to look at him and as he stood almost frozen in place.
"Johnny are you alright," she asked, jerking from of his thoughts.
He was taking in her beauty as if for the first time, and she was stunning. The dress couldn't have fit her better if it was tailored for her. She was showing ample cleavage and plenty of white skin in need of a tan. Images of her naked form entered his mind again.
"Jonathan Smith, what has gotten into you?"
"Oh, sorry mom, it's just that you are so beautiful! Wow! Where'd you get that dress?" He whistled. "Jim doesn't stand a chance! Are you going there for a weekend or to find me a new daddy?"
"Johnny stop it." She blushed turning several shades of red in a few seconds and then she asked. "Do you really like it?"
"Are you kidding, mom? I love it. Maybe I shouldn't let you go and keep you here to myself." He walked over to her and gave her a playful hug, kissed her on the cheek and asked. "So are you ready to go?" Just in time he stepped away as he felt himself jerk below. "What the hell?" He thought.
"Ready as I'm ever going to be. Let's go!" She said that as if she was struggling with her confidence. "I've put my bags in the trunk of my car." I didn't see yours? Where is it?"
"Damn", he thought. "I forgot I gave away my car. Oh, I left it downtown last night and took a cab home, had a little too much to drink." He lied.
"Smart boy," she said as they walked through the door into the garage.
John opened the door for her and she got into the passenger side of her SLK Mercedes Roadster. John slid behind the wheel started the engine and they were at the airport in no time. He dropped his mother at the terminal gave her bags the porter and just as he was about to give her a hug and kiss good bye, he felt himself stirring again at the mere thought of taking her into his arms again. "What is wrong with me?" He chastised himself and gave her a pecked her on the cheek instead. Just as finished, his mother her someone call her name and turned to see her date Jim about twenty yards away collecting his bags from a cab.
"Well, so long mom, have a great time. I will see you in a few days."
She was waving to Jim and didn't seem to hear him, but excitedly she turned back to him and said good bye clutching her baggage claim and boarding pass, kissed him on the lips, accidently and hurried away to catch up with her date.
John smiled and waved as she caught up with Jim, the both turned and waved. John took a mental picture of Jim and filed it away. He unconsciously memorized every detail and could have easily recreated it if necessary. He hadn't seen his mother this happy in a long time. Yet, something bothered him. Dismissing it, he jumped back into the red sports car and headed to the bank to meet the president and keep his promise.
Unseen his ring changed back to its original glory for a few moments then back again to its high school ring disguise.
John enjoyed driving his mother's car. She traded in her SUV on a few weeks ago and he got a vicarious thrill helping her select the car of her dreams. John thought it looked good on him and was looking forward to getting a new set of wheels himself. Traffic was light and he made good time from the airport to downtown Mountain View. He pulled into the bank parking lot about an hour after the bank had opened, in the small town that means that most of the urgent morning business had already been taken care of and there would be a lull in activity before the mid-morning surge prior to the lunch hour, in other words, his time was perfect. As he strolled into the bank, only having been there to occasional perform an errand for his mother, he stopped in the foyer to survey the place.
It suddenly dawned on him that not a lot had changed. It was an old building, but tastefully decorated, and just this side of stuffy. There were a few customers in line to see tellers and a few people talking to bank representatives at desks in the open area and of course lot of activity between the office and with the clerical staff. John suddenly realized that he may want to alter his appearance, if he wanted to be taken seriously. He walked into the men's room, stopping at the sinks gazed at his reflection in the mirrors. He thought that a simple change of attire from jeans to a business suite would suffice. Pulling out his cell phone he went on line and looked for men's suites and found just what he was looking for, since it was warm and summertime he chose a tan "Natural Stretch 3-Button Poplin Suit" with a light blue shirt and broad striped tie of tan and orange. He concentrated and his jeans and muscle shirt transformed into what he saw in his browser. He looked in the mirror and liked what he saw.
Just then the door opened and an older gentleman walked in, seeing him at the sinks he smiled as he looked him over. The old man chuckled to himself as he noticed that the young man was wearing cross trainers with his suit, and parked himself one of the far urinals. Scanned his mind John was surprised to learn that he forgot about his shoes. Using his phone again and went to the Johnston & Murphy website and selected a pair of tan Deerfield loafers with tassels and matching Double-Pinked Belt. Concentrating again he transformed his shoes and belt. The shoes were a little tight, so he loosen them a bit and quickly realized the value of buying quality textiles. The man at the urinal completed his task with a shake and walked away as the sensor activated automatic flusher washing away any trace of urine. Taking careful steps he stopped at the nearest sink to clean his hands, while John combed his hair. The man was just about to say something when he noticed the expensive shoes now adorning John's size 11 feet. He stopped and stared for a few moments as John put away the comb, and said, "Have a nice day," turned and walked out of the restroom. He was now the one chuckling to himself. As he walked he found the shoes a little stiff, so he concentrated for moment and the problem was solved.
He strolled up to the receptionist desk and asked to see the bank president Michael Adams; he was asked if he had an appointment by a cute little twentysomething that couldn't seem to take her eyes off of him.
"No, I don't have appointment, but I would like about three minutes of his time." John stated confidently. "Tell him John Smith is here to see him."
Instead of picking up the phone, she stood up and walked down the hall to the president's office. He followed her with his eyes; she had a cute face, her name tag read Tammy Bowen, from the waist up she looked pretty normal, but as she rounded the row of desk he could see the large amount of weight she was carrying most of it on her thighs and butt. Curious, he sent a quick mental probe to learn a little more about her. She was 29 years old, single, lived alone with two cats and frustrated that none of the diets she's tried had helped her lose any of this weight. She would die to go out with someone like that confident young man at her desk, but no one takes her seriously because of her size. John let his eyes drop to her legs and he could see they were heavy and he suddenly was aware of the pain she was in when she walked, her derriere was large, not as large as it had been. Tammy had tried everything short of starving herself, but she couldn't seem to reduce her size and weight any further. Exercises only seemed to develop more muscle mass, she was miserable, but tried to remain pleasant. He continued to watch with interest as she entered the glass office and began persuading Mr. Adams to see the young man. John turned slightly and used the mirrors to continue watch, not wanting to be seen watching their conversation as Mr. Adams turned followed Tammy as she pointed to the reception area and John. She spent several minutes talking to him, and finally left the office smiling.
"Mr. Smith", she sang out still several steps away, but loud enough to catch John's ear, "Mr. Adams is finishing up a project and will be with you in about ten minutes would you care to wait?"
"Certainly," John said, having a seat across from her desk. "I can wait a few minutes."
"Great, "Tammy said, "Can I get you a cup of coffee or some water?"
"Some water would be fine; it's a little warm today." John volunteered.
Tammy smiled broadly, and when she smiled it was if someone had turned up the office lighting a notch. "I'll be right back, feel free to open up today's Wall Street Journal," she said as she waddled off.
John could now feel her pain as she quickly walked to the kitchen. She did her best to ignore her pain in order to serve a customer. Right then he decided that he would fix that weight issue once and for all. He had never tried this before but was confident that he could, but maybe his father could offer some advice.
"Dad are you there, I need to ask you something." He thought focusing on his father's presence in the ring. He was now able to sense his presence. But still there was no answer. He remembered the last time the spoke, his dad seemed to be cut off as if he was being restrained in some manner. The last time he tested his power; he simply focused his thought and willed a thing to happen. Suddenly he had a thought.
"Father, I know you are here, I can feel your presence. I want you to answer my questions and answer when I call." John felt a little resistance but he sharpened his focus and resolve, he would hear his father's voice in his mind, again.
"Johnny, you did it, my boy! Great work!" His father's voice sound relieved and much stronger than before. He continued. "I knew you would figure it out. You're a bright boy, young man, I should say."
"Dad, what's going on? Where did you go?"
"Johnny, I have a lot to tell you things that I wasn't able to earlier. There are limits to what I can reveal, regardless of what you command. But, now I have the time to share a few things and I can offer some limited guidance," he said.
If John were able to see his father he would have sworn that he was flexing muscles and rubbing his arms trying to get circulation flowing again as if he was finally free of bonds that held him in place for a long time.
His father spoke again. "Let me answer a couple of questions really quickly, because the receptionist is on her way back. You can help her like you helped me. Concentrate and focus on what you want to do. Don't worry about how it happens, simply concentrate on the results you want. You're a smart guy, and a quick learner, you're doing fine. Keep it up. I am not going anywhere."
"Wait a minute," John thought, "how did you know the receptionist is returning?"
"Johnny, I see everything you see and a little more...through the ring."
"Here you are Mr. Smith," Tammy said as she reached out and handed him a bottle of cold water with a paper towel wrapped around it. "Mr. Adams shouldn't be much longer."
"Thank you, Tammy," John said, as he reached forward to take the water, wrapping his hand around hers and concentrating very hard. "You are very kind, and your kindness won't go unnoticed."
Tammy smiled broadly again and gentle freed her hand from his. Had she a handkerchief she would have fanned herself, she felt as if she was going to swoon. "Don't be silly, I am just doing my job." She blushed and took her seat.
She pretended to be working but John could see her looking at him and dreaming what it would be like to have a guy like him fawn over her. John knew that she wouldn't have to wait long to find out. He willed the cellulite and fat to begin to melt off her immediately, so that in three days the skinny girl within would emerge. Furthermore, he convinced her subconscious to begin a regular exercise routine, simple at first, becoming more intricate and challenging monthly. Finally, her diet would be to eat small portions of good nutritious foods, no more sodas and no more junk food. She wouldn't need any diet fades when she was through.
"Great job, Johnny," his dad said from within the ring. I have only a minute before Mike Adams arrives, I want you to tell him that you are my son and you are eighteen years old and your trust fund is open and available to you now. I will give you the account number when he asks, and you have your ID."
"Wait a minute. What trust fund?" John asked.
"No time. Call him Mike. I am the only person he's ever let get away with that," his father said.
"Mr. Smith, I presume." The portly man extended a beefy hand to John who quickly stood and took the hand placing his left hand on top of both of them in the warmest of greetings.
"Please, call me John. I understand that you knew my father, Dr. Zachary Smith."
The large man visibly reacted. His face blushed but he quickly recovered. "Yes, I did know your father. Great guy, I am sorry for your loss," he said aloud, but thought, "My God, I didn't know the man had a son." He said, "Alright John, how can I be of service?" He gestured for John to begin walking with him to his office. Most of the female staff felt compelled to make an appearance along the route to the president's office drawn to see the dapper young man meeting with Mr. Adams and to show off their charms.
Arriving at the plush office, Mr. Adams asked John to sit in one of the overstuffed brown leather chairs that were strategically place in front of his large regal desk. He slid behind it and plopped down into his large comfortable leather chair, which made John think of the British nursery rhyme, "Ole King Cole".
"Mike, I understand that my trust fund is managed by your bank, and since I celebrated my eighteenth birthday a few months ago I am ready to manage my affairs." John said as a broad smile creep to his lips as he centered himself into the leather chair.
Meanwhile, Ms. Lizzy Brooks slowly but steadily walked through the foyer into the familiar surroundings of the bank; she came here almost every day usually bringing cookies or some baked goods or candy for the staff. Lizzy was well over 100 years old and been a member of the community of Mountain View for longer than most residents had been alive. The old black woman was still in amazing shape for someone her age and had lost none of her wit and charms the years. She still stood tall at about 5'7" and had a lovely face and figure, causing all those whom she met to wonder what a beauty she must have been in her younger years. Her creamy tan skin only now began to show signs of her advanced age. She would be the first to admit that she was slowing down, but could still run circles around most of the staff at the assisted living community where she resides. Today she brought a basket of fresh muffins; she managed to make time to bake occasionally. She was a welcomed sight to the employees and managers and tried to make her appearance when she knew things were a little slower. She always began at Tammy's desk as she made the rounds, like their mail courier dropping off the daily mail.
Michael Adams was pecking at the keyboard of his computer using his two index fingers, still fighting the information age single handedly, his reading glasses low on the bridge of his nose. "Well, let's see what we have here John, it says that your trust account has," he had to steady himself as he double checked to make sure he read it correctly, "...over $2 million dollars."
"Should be just a little north of 2.5 by now if my math is correct," John's father said from the ring.
"Should be closer to two five, if I am not mistaken," John said. "Would you make certain that I have access, the normal things, line of credit, ATM, Debit card and credit cards, I'll be back tomorrow around the same time to collect them."
"Of course, John, will there be anything else we here at the Main Street Bank can do for you, please let me know." The humbled Michael Adams said, the last thing he needed was two million dollars of assets removed from his bank. John Smith just became one of his most important single customers.
They shook hands and Mr. Adams was escorting John back to the receptionist desk, when they came upon Ms. Lizzy, distributing her muffins. Mr. Adams introduced John to the old woman, and having plenty of muffins, she offered one to John as well. She placed it in a napkin and put it in his hand, and when their hands touched a bolt of power left the ring, unseen by all and went through the old woman through to her body, to her very core, down to a diamond jewel permanently pierced in her labia majora, filling the jewel and radiating. The jolt shook her. Flashbacks of her younger self, lovers throughout her lifetime, memories and feelings all came rushing back to her in an instance. She relived all the pleasures, all her orgasms all at once. She closed her eyes and she saw him once again in her mind, her special lover and devoted husband. And something that hadn't happen in over twenty years, she began to become moist and the warmth began to spread outward from her clitoris throughout her entire being, it was like a battery recharging her life-force. She began to moan quietly, still aware of her surroundings. As she fell forward and John caught her. She could now feel his presence. How was that possible? The staff immediately surrounded her, thinking her time had finally come that she had suffered a stroke or a heart attack.
Both John and his father felt the power leave through the ring. John didn't understand what had happened; did he unintentionally zap the poor old women? His dad understood it and felt an old presence still very weak, but growing very slowly stronger. He didn't believe it was possible.
Within a few moments, Ms. Lizzy was again conscious, smiling and assuring everyone she was okay and that she was sorry for causing everyone a fright. In fact she sat up quickly, not only did she feel better than she had in months, but she felt stronger.
"Ms. Lizzy, I swear you're gonna out live all of us," Tammy said and everyone agreed and cheered her as she stood, only to be gently pushed down into a chair and given a cup of cool water while being rapidly fanned.
With the crisis over, Mr. Adams continued to escort John to the lobby. "Who did you say that old woman was, " John asked.
"That was Ms. Lizzy Brooks," he replied and went on to tell all he knew about her, seizing the moment to demonstrate the kind of people he and his employee were in a vain attempt to win John over. John thought the timing was perfect to tell Mr. Adams to expect an out of work accountant to come to see him and that he was a friend of his. Mr. Adams understood immediately what was expected of him, they shook hands and exchanged a few last minute pleasantries, and John walked out to his mother's waiting Mercedes coupe.
Meanwhile, Ms. Lizzy had completely recovered and convince her bank family the paramedics weren't necessary, but reluctantly accepted a ride back to her retirement community. Before she left she asked who the handsome young man was who had caught her. She was told by more than one, that's what they were all trying to find out, before Tammy told her it was John Smith.
John started the car up and pulling out of the parking lot, he said, "Well, you are pretty quiet. What was all that with the old woman? Did you feel that release of power? I had to check my pants; it felt almost like I had ejaculated. He caught his breath and then said, "Two million dollars! Are you kidding me! Wow! How was that possible?"
"Yeah, Johnny that was kind of cool, I have to admit. I have been saving it for you for a while and wanted to surprise you."
"Consider me surprised again. I guess I will be able to afford a new car after all," he chuckled. "But I am still curious about that incident with that old woman. Do you know her?"
"I used to know an Elizabeth Brooks, but that was many years ago, she would have to be a hundred years old by now. That couldn't be her," he lied, for he knew now that it was indeed her but he wasn't ready to tell John everything yet.
Changing the subject, "I like what you did with Tammy. The ring is energized in two ways, by good deeds, like what you did for Tammy and sexual energy. In other words, when you have orgasms and when others around you have orgasms, or you are building to one, it creates an energy that feeds the ring. It's all about balance. You'll see. You can have a great deal of fun as long as you are kind and help others," he said. "You are going to be having a great deal of sex."
"Dad, I am just eighteen, I have been thinking of nothing else but having sex since puberty. This is a dream come true. Hey, how do you feel about going shopping for some new wheels, you can help me pick out a couple of cars, we can get the ball rolling and have them delivered tomorrow after Mike gets my accounts set up."
"Two cars, I like your style. I said you were a fast learner. Lead the way." With that comment, they both erupted into belly laughs.
During the remainder of the day, Tammy found herself having to go the restroom a lot. She was becoming concerned that she may coming down with something until she noticed that her legs weren't hurting as much with each trip to the lavatory, soon there was no pain. On her last trip before going home for the day she noticed that her pants were hanging very loose on her. She decided to stop at the grocery to pick up a salad for dinner, instead of having her microwave lasagna. After eating she felt full and decide to go to bed early and get a good night's rest instead of staying up to watch late night TV.
In the morning Tammy woke up, ten minutes before the alarm went off. That was unusual, because she normally found herself hitting the snooze button a couple of times before finally getting up. She all but jumped out of bed, strolled into her bathroom and stood before her mirror. She rubbed her eyes because her reflection didn't look quite right. As she stood there staring at herself she shifted her weight from one foot the next and her panties, slid down her legs and fell at her feet. She was startled. That was strange. She looked in her full length mirror and thought that her butt looked smaller. She dusted off the scale and stood on it and couldn't believe what it read. She had lost ten pound overnight. How was that possible? She stepped into the shower and found that it seemed roomier than she remembered.
She noticed that she could see her toes and her belly seemed smaller. She was elated. She scrubbed herself good and was feeling sexy so decided to examine her breast which seemed also to have shrunk some. She rubbed her nipples and almost lost her balance, the feeling was so much more stimulating than before, her nipples were much more sensitive and she couldn't stop playing with them. The feeling was amazing and before she knew it her left hand had found its way between her legs. She muffled a scream and found herself climaxing quickly. She didn't know what was going on, but she liked it, and the day was starting off great. Going to her closet, she found everything she tried on too big and hung on her. As a last resort she pulled out an old dress that she hadn't wore since high school and tried it on. It not only fit, but her legs looked pretty good, lots of the cellulite seemed to have melted away. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't bad. She decided to take a chance and go with it.
Lizzy Brooks had an interesting night, and for the first time in nearly twenty years she had many erotic dreams. She was tempted to dig through her closet to see if she could find her old vibrator, until she remembered that if she found it the batteries would be dead. She couldn't believe that this old girl was having such thoughts, but she pulled on her sagging breast and nipples and fingered her sparsely gray haired vagina and enjoyed several wonderful orgasms. In the morning when she rose she felt better than ever. The arthritis in her back seemed to have gone away. Her muscles felt stronger and tighter. She put on her glasses and bounced out of bed surprised at the speed in which she was able to move. She hurried into the bathroom and was stun to see the face looking back at her.
It was a bit blurry, when she removed her glasses she noticed her vision had improved. The face staring back at her was one she hadn't seen in fifty years. Her face had lost all of the wrinkles she had earned over time. It was youthful face of a woman half her age. The mole just north of the left corner of her mouth was once again a "beauty mark" and not a mole ready to sprout hair. Her long white hair which was wound around her head was now longer and had changed to a light brown with a few traces of gray mixed through it. She notice that her nightgown was fitting her much tighter, peeling it off she found that her breast no long hung low but seemed to have become much more full and sagged only slightly from their new position high upon her chest, they were no longer asymmetric, but full and twins of each other. Her areolas were full circles again. With a trembling hand she reached for and captured a nipple and a sighing loudly as they were more sensitive then she could have ever imagined them to be. She had to pull herself away from them to look lower. She wished she had a full length mirror, because she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She has a full brown bush of matching hair covering her sex. She moved her hands to find the diamond jewel that pierced her vagina brightly shining as if it was plugged into an electric source. It was no longer the pale white crystal, it had become those many years ago, now it was flexing with all the colors of the rainbow.
"What is going on," she thought, as her hands seemed to take on a life of their own, pulling, rubbing and probing so much she had to lie down. She thought she should stop but couldn't. After thirty minutes and three of the most intense orgasms she had ever induced she was able to tear her hands away from her needy sex. "Damn, that feels so good. I have got to find a partner!" She thought.