Chapter 06

April Martin's overnight popularity was due to her newly enlarged feminine assets. This popularity thing was new to her, it was addicting and as if she never existed before. She loved that the guys were ogling her, stopping her and asking for her number. Women seemed to be more accepting of her, as if they had found a kindred spirit, she thought. That was a little strange, but she was enjoying all the new attention.

Her mother didn't notice her new assets, due to the long hours she worked and that April hid it from her by not wearing anything revealing enough for her to notice. Candice Martin worked as a RN at El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, working extra shifts to avoid the boredom and loneliness. Since April's father Dr. Michael Martin ran off to Los Angeles with a young fifth year medical student to work at the UCLA Medical Center, she had been struggling to keep a roof over their heads. That was five years ago, and as far as April could see, her mother hadn't gotten over it yet, or forgiving him for their financial situation. They had grown apart, her father yearned for a life in a big city hospital while her mother loved the simply life in the suburban medical community, they simply no longer wanted the same things. Like many people today their financial situation was not their fault, but that didn't stop Candace from blaming her ex-husband.

April made plans to attend Cal State Berkley in the fall, although she wasn't sure what to major in, she knew that medicine wasn't a consideration. Her grades were good enough and she had time to decide. But for now she was planning on majoring in boys and sex. She was having such a good time, she almost considered skipping college, but that would mean a life of low paying meaningless work, beside she would find a better class of boys on the college campus.

As she prepared for an evening out with the new guy she met, she could even remember his name, and it would come to her. She was becoming so forgetful lately, must be due to all the attention she was getting. She grabbed a few underthings and meandered her way to the bathroom for a shower. Stripping off her clothes she found herself lost in the mirror again, admiring her new looks and body. Raising her arms over her head, stretching them and grabbing her hands she smiled approving at the way her tits stretched and covered her chest. Her tight abs and smallish behind still allowed her to have an athletic body, if just a bit heavy on the top. Her pose reminded her of the classic Marilyn Monroe nude her father had purchased; he said it was a collector's item. She daydreamed thinking what it must have been like to be Marilyn, having all those admirers. Bringing her arms down, she hugged her body and resisted the urge to squeeze her boobs. She giggled at the word, boobs, boobies, tits, titties, hooters, they all made her laugh and she continued to pose in the mirror turning left and right loving the way they looked and bounced. She thought about what she would wear tonight and what might look best on her, then she remembered she had John to thank for her new wardrobe.

"Oh my God," she said aloud and covered her mouth with her hand; she had forgotten to return John's debit card and to thank him for his kindness. She would drop it off on her way to meet her date.

Meanwhile, John had waited a reasonable amount of time and heard nothing from his father. "Great, looks like I am on my own," he thought.

Mary stood facing John, it hurt for him to look at her, and he didn't trust himself she was too beautiful and oozing sexuality. Elizabeth also was temporarily too stunned to move. But she was wondering why John hadn't acted. This woman was incredible and she was emitting pure sexuality. Mary was once again caught in the ring's spell; her only thoughts were lusting for sex and the pleasure it would bring.

Sensing their similar thoughts John reaching out and taking his mother by the hand, lifting it high and turning her so that he could look her over. She was beautiful to behold, long shapely legs, flat belly, small waist and luscious breast, not too big, but just a bit bigger than average and where her legs met he thought he could smell and see her juices escaping. He wasn't sure if it was the light or his compromised state of mind, but he had to think of something he was weakening and his cock was aching as it strained sticking straight up in the air in front of him.

"Lovely", he said putting on an air of a master as he stepped back admire her again. "Elizabeth," he called. "What do you think? Is she a good candidate for an agent?"

Elizabeth answered. "She is magnificent; I can't wait my turn to taste her charms."

"Perfect," John said, "Prepare her for me. I will be back shortly," as he handed her off and walked toward the bathroom.

Pulling her into her embrace, Elizabeth found Mary's mouth and they passionately explored each other, they were like two enchantresses, their hands, lips, fingers, legs and breast entangling and searching for release. Probing, exploring, finding, tasting, licking and breathing new enthusiasm into each moment they were together.

John found himself in the kitchen, his arousal beginning to fade, as he summoned his father. "Okay, dad, I think you owe me an explanation. Let's have it!"

"John, ah... sorry about that but it's complicated." His father's voice answered in his mind.

"Okay, then let me simplify this for you, why does mom have a diamond glowing from her crotch? Is she like Elizabeth an agent of the ring?"

His father began to explain. He had recruited mom to become an agent, but he fell in love with her and never completed the process deciding instead that she would be the one who would bear him a son. So since she was never activated, never converted to collect sexual energy and transmit it, her diamond glow red because she was still a virgin in a way and near her capacity. She must transfer that energy to the Master of the Ring, or it may do her permanent damage and since she hasn't yet been converted there is only one way to transfer the energy to you, that's through intimate contact.

"You mean I have to have incest with my mother!" John said, as if disgusted, but knowing full well that he was weakening and the idea was become more attractive by the moment.

"John, you are entering a whole new world, where different rules apply. The rules of incest were put in place mainly to prevent unwise pregnancies. You won't get your mother pregnant."

His dad was beginning to make sense, John had to accept that things had to change, but if he bent that rule where would it end. Will he lose himself completely?

There was a loud blood curdling shriek in John's mind and before he knew what was happening he was battling for control of his mind and body. Unprepared for the attack, John found his consciousness tossed to the back of the bus, so to speak. He was no longer the driver, no longer in control of his body. Someone else was steering he was watching in horror as he stomped through the kitchen triumphantly raising his arms and shouting.

"Agggghh! Wimpy boy, I am now in control and will take your precious mommy and make her my bitch. You may not know what to do with the gift that you've been given, but I do!"

He was a disembodied, a ghost, a spirit, John didn't know where he was, spiritually, he felt as if he was falling with nothing to grab onto, he was tumbling helplessly and frightened out of his mind. Then at once he his fall stopped someone had caught him.

"I've got you son!"

He was in his father's strong arms. He was able to see him and although they both didn't have bodies they were now face to face as his father Dr. Zachary Smith set him upright.

"What just happened?" John asked already fearing he knew the answer.

His father explained confirming his fear. His mind and body had been hijacked by a prisoner within the ring; it seemed that there were a few former Masters of the Ring serving time in this limbo.

Afraid to ask, but knowing that he had to know, "So who is in possession of my body?"

"That would be, Lafayette Hubbard. He was master of the ring for a short time, quickly proving to be unworthy and not up to the task. There were serious questions as to his sanity. He was a science fiction writer went mad and founded a church, anyway he caught you at a weak moment and high jacked you."

By weak moment, his father meant John's indecision about how to handle his mother. Now that decision would be made for him, he watched helplessly as Hubbard examined the body he now controlled, flexing his cock to an erection and then deflating, elongating it to twelve inches and growing it thick.

"What am I going to do," John asked, fear and worry in his thought.

"There's nothing you can do," a new voice replied.

"Sit back and enjoy the ride, sonny," said another.

"How many people are in here," John asked his father.

"There are several, but don't listen to them John," his father warned.

He explained that he would be able to retake control, sooner or later. Since it was his body he could win it back, the question was how long would it take and the biggest problem how much damage would Hubbard cause and would it be irreversible.

Satisfied that he once again was in control of the awesome force of the Ring of Power, he headed for John's bedroom and the two unsuspecting women.

The doorbell rang. Using his powers Hubbard sensed it was April at the door. This was perfect he would have a small snack before the main meal. He strolled naked to the door and opened it.

"Hey John, how are you doing, nice abs," she said as she walked past John who had magically donned a pair of jeans.

"I wanted to return you debit card, and thanks for being so great and letting me buy new all the new clothes, I don't know what I would have done without you!" She smiled and kissed him, he pulled her closer and the kiss deepened. When the kiss ended they were both naked, before April could react Hubbard twisted the nipple on her left breast and her knees buckled as a mighty orgasm took her. Hubbard caught and carried her to the couch and laid her upon it. Her mind struggled to process thought once again and just as she was about to ask what was going on when he hit her with another orgasm without touching her, she rolled back and forth grabbing her breast which only increasing her sudden unexpected pleasure.

Hubbard took his newly enhanced tool and slipped into her mouth and said. "You are addicted to my cum, you can't go 12 hours without a dose or you'll go mad."

April's eyes widened and took as much of the oversized penis into her mouth as she could. He was enormous, thicker and longer than anything she had ever seen or imagined. Yet she swallowed him easily, completely down into her throat, she didn't know how that was possible, she didn't gag, he was twice the size he'd been before, and she craved his cum, so she worked him. He let her work for several minutes; she was sweating and working hard and he finally released a huge load. It was too much for her to swallow it dripped from her mouth and down across her breast and pooled on the floor.

"How could anyone cum that much," April wondered.

He pulled his cock from her mouth as she tried to lick the access from it.

"You need bigger lips," Hubbard said and he watched her lips grow; they swelled three times their original size.

April asked, "Twats tappening," a thick lisp obscuring her normal speach.

He took his finger and shoved it into her mouth and she closed her large pillow lips around it and began sucking.

"You can't help but suck with these new lips they were made to suck cock." He said.

April couldn't help herself; he was right she loved to suck and needed a cock in her mouth, but his finger felt pretty good too.

"Stand up," Hubbard ordered. "Let's complete the look."

Thohnny, what are you thalking about? Your tharing me."

Hubbard was enjoying himself, he had her turn around and decided that her ass was too small, so he added several inches and made it bigger and rounder. April stumbled unaccustomed to her new dimension and trying to wrap mind around what was happening. He frowned and, thinking that now her breast were too small and grew them until he thought they were several sizes bigger, he pulled on her nipples and she squealed, her nipples were almost an inch long now. He shrank her waist by several inches making her hips and ass seem even larger.

"Looking good, I like it, but we're not quite through. Do you like blondes?" He asked, "I like blondes."

Aprils' hair turned bright yellow, all her hair, even the landing strip on her crotch. He grew her hair out two feet and braided into a ponytail, it reached the bottom of her big butt. She was barely able to stand now; her center of gravity seemed to have changed. But he wasn't done so he hit her with another orgasm causing her to fall over face first onto the couch writhing in pleasure and exposing her new bubble butt. He paced back and forth, with his arms folded trying to figure out what was missing. Suddenly, snapping his fingers he remembered what it was.

"Tramp stamp," he said. Using his finger he traced and image on her left cheek and stepped back admiring his work.

"Thonny, what are you thoing tho me?"

"You are asking too many questions, you are much too smart to be a blonde, but I can fix that, we'll simply reduced your intelligence, by let's say twenty points, let's make it an even twenty five. What do you think, Ape? Oh and let's lose that silly lisp."

"Oppsy, me fall down. Where are you? Oh there you are, silly boy, don't you hide from Apes," she giggled and pulled herself back up to her feet. Taking a few steps cautiously her new body jiggled obscenely.

"Yes, I think you're ready to meet the others. You look lovey, too pretty to cover yourself in clothing ever again. From now on you will wear as few clothes as you can get away with and when indoors will be nude. Now follow me."

John was angrily screaming at Hubbard, but he couldn't do anything, not from where he was, not from the void. Hubbard was heading for his bedroom and would fuck his mother and maybe change her in ways that he couldn't bear to think. He pleaded with his father to help him get control back.

"Patience, John. Your chance is coming, soon, be ready to kick his ass out."

Elizabeth and Mary were recovering from their third and fourth orgasms, when John strolled in towing the new April behind him.

"Look who I found," Hubbard said as April appeared. She danced and wiggled into the huge room like she was drunk and plopped herself down on the bed, her newly enlarged breast jiggling noticeable for a while, capturing her attention until they stopped moving.

"Hi ya cutie," she said looking at Elizabeth, "Hi ya Mrs. S, what ya girls doing?"

"Ladies have you met April? She just loves eating pussy." He said, "She is really good at it."

"I do?" April asked with a surprised look on her face, "I am," she asked again and then she felt an intense urge overcome her, she looked at Elizabeth's luscious body and lunged at knocking her to the bed and scrabbling between her legs.

"They are going to be busy for several minutes, mother. It is time to complete your training and make you a full-fledged agent of the ring."

Mary stood and walked into her son's arms, not knowing that his body was being controlled by Hubbard.

"I have been waiting for this, Johnny," she said.

"No, from no on you will call me Master or sir."

"Yes, Master. How should I please you?"

"On your knees, now and make sure that I am ready," he said even though his penis was hard and waving straight up in the air.

Mary sunk to her knees and pulled the large cock to her mouth and began to stuffing it her unyielding throat. She was struggling with it because Hubbard had increased his size to twelve inches.

Watching her struggle he thought that she should be better at swallowing a cock this size and made the necessary changes that turned off her gag reflex and allowed her to swallow his entire length down her throat. Mary was surprised at this accomplishment, but continued to bob her head back and forth bumping her chin on his balls and massaging them with her hands.

"Yes that's the way. You enjoy sucking cock, don't you?"

Mary couldn't answer and tried to nod with her mouth was full. Hubbard didn't care he was enjoying the marvelous sensations and called down at John taunting him and telling him that he should have done this long ago. He called down to Dr. Smith and told him that he would be going after his wife and daughters next.

"John your chance is coming soon, when you get back in control you send that son of a bitch back to me, I'll take care of him."

Hubbard was enjoying Mary's talented mouth but he was ready for the main course. He pulled out of her mouth and positioned her leaning over the bed; he planned to take her from behind. Looking at Mary bent over, her tits hanging would have any normal man drooling while caressing them, but Hubbard thought they needed to be larger. And they grew, he wanted her nipples longer and they too grew.

Mary was confused by many things. Why did her breast feel so heavy as they hung from her chest? She was still in a trace like state, which made it easier for him to command and harder for her to think clearly, due to not fully being an agent of the ring. Some things didn't make any sense, such as April becoming a blonde bimbo, she looked as April was devouring Elizabeth's pussy, and she even had "Bimbo" tattooed on the left cheek of her oversized ass. Why did she do that? Mary realized she had just deep throated her Master's twelve inch cock, when did she get a master and why did he look like her Johnny? But he was nothing like her son, but she did love his large cock, she didn't realize how much she loved cock.

Looking at the enormous tits now hanging from Mary's chest, and her long nipples, Hubbard was satisfied. "Are you ready for this princess," he asked and shoved it into her wet hole before she could respond.

"Mmmmph...." She moaned. He was so large, larger than anything she had previous had enter her.

After several rough strokes he pulled out, leaving her empty, just as she was responding to the new wave of pleasant feelings she couldn't help but feel.

"Just getting started princess," he said as he lined up his cock up against her rear hole and pushed in while telling her.

"You love taking cock up your ass; it feels better than a cock in your tight pussy. You are love this and will have one of your biggest orgasms ever and that is when I will complete your initiation and make you a full-fledge agent of the ring.

"Ooohh, Mmmmph, Yes, Master, "Mary said as she realized that he was right, she loved getting fucked up her ass, how come she didn't realize it before.

She was panting now, her climax only seconds away, her master was pounding her with his long thick cock, while he pulled on her long nipples which he made more sensitive to his manipulation, all he needed to do was to turn her diamond when she begins her climax.

"Nnnnghh, oooohhhh, iiiieeee," Mary screamed as she began to erupt in an orgasm the likes she has never known.

Pulling her closer with one hand while reaching and turning her diamond stud with the other, Hubbard, controlling John's body began to spew large spurts of coming into the helpless woman.

The red light of Mary's diamond began emitting a rainbow of colors and they filled the room with their radiance, like a spotlight on a mirrored disco ball.

"Now, John, now," his dad called and seemed to have pushed him forward just as the radiation began to penetrate the ring and all of its diamonds absorbed the energy. Inside the ring the prisoners were violently shaken, like 8.0 earthquake combined with the noise of a hurricane.

John wasn't quite in control yet, but he surprised Hubbard and punched his virtual chin with a left hook followed but a right upper cut to his virtual solar plexus, knocking him back to the limbo of the ring and the storm that was erupting throughout it as the ring absorbed the sexual energy Mary was transferring.

John was caught off guard as his body completed its ejaculation into his mother rectum; all he could do was to hold on to her hips as his dick continued it almost endless spurts.

Finally, it was over and John was sweating profusely, while Mary continued to shudder through the greatest orgasm of her life. Suddenly, the guilt hit him. He had just fucked his mother and committed incest.

"Johnny, I got him. Nice work," his dad praised him.

"Nooooo," Hubbard yelled.

"Quiet, Lafayette, before I really hurt you," Dr. Smith told him as a mental rope seemed to coil around the essences that was Hubbard.

"Don't call me that, owwweee," continued to whine, lamenting that his freedom was so brief.

"I will call you Lafayette despite your insistence on being called L. Ron, what a stupid name that is," Dr. Smith told him as he virtually tossed him into the deepest part of the void.

John was afraid to move, as his enormous cock began to shrink and slide from his mother's ass. He pulled on it and it popped free releasing a torrent of juices pouring out of her ass.

Mary collapsed on the bed, April and Elizabeth were still actively exploring each other's sex, engaged in a classic sixty nine with little signs of slowing and oblivious to the struggle that had just occurred. John came around to his mother's side and turned her using her shoulders, his now flaccid cock hanging down to his knees. His body was surging with new energy from the transfer and although he felt incredible his only thoughts were of his mother and if she was alright.

As she turned he saw the giant pillow she was laying were actually her tits. That word fit. They were enormous; she was now at least a 42 EEE. She began to come around and looked at him in his eyes.

"Master, that was something," she said, then casting her eyes south saw his flaccid cock and her mouth began to water, she had to have that cock in her mouth. And before she could say anything more she scooped it in her hands and began sucking on it.

It felt good, Hubbard must have increased John's sensitivity because he found it difficult to remember what he was thinking before Mary began sucking him off.

"Time out," Elizabeth yelled, trying to catch her breathe.

"Okeydokey," April said. She sat up and her long blonde ponytail flipped back over her back, her extra-large tits jiggled for thirty seconds before settling into place. She giggled and cooed, "Ohhh their larger now and hefting one in her hand brought a nipple to her mouth and began to nurse as the pleasant feeling began to warm her dripping wet cunt.

John hardly recognized April; she looked like a porn star and a characterization of the girl he once knew.

"Oh, Hiya Johnny. How's it hanging," she said taking her boob from her mouth. "Oh, I see it isn't. Hey, you said you weren't fucking your mommy," She pouted and went back to sucking her nipple.

"Some party you have going here," Elizabeth said, but we could use a few more men and if she is through I sure could use that cock inside me."

John was overwhelmed. He was just short of panicking, until he heard his father's soothing voice. "It's okay Johnny, you can fix this. The physical stuff is easy, the psychological may require time, but you can fix this."

John realized that he could fix it all, but where to begin. He took his father's advice and imported a couple of his horniest buddies to keep Elizabeth and April busy while he worked on straightening out the damage done to his mother.

April giggled when the boys materialized, thinking it was play time again. Elizabeth was more than ready for more.

He took Mary to her bedroom to see the full extent of the damage Hubbard had caused. She had trouble walking and adjusting to her new size and John strengthened her abs and back muscle to compensate.

He sat her on the bed and looked at her in her eyes; she looked back at him and smiled. "Mom" he asked, "are you alright?

She didn't say anything for a while, he looked her over, and physically only her breast seemed to have been changed. He would fix that in a few minutes, but he needed to assess her mental state first. The diamond stud that all agents of the ring are permanently pierced with was normal and sparkling in a rainbow of colors as it caught the light, which wasn't easy considering how it was shaded by her enormous breast.

"Well, Master, let me see. I am an agent now and I feel good, finally able to transfer my collected sexual energy to you. It seems to have cleared my mind, too. I felt as if I was in a fog over a great many things," Mary told him.

She continued to say that she had suspected that some things had changed the day after she gave him that package delivered to from his father's estate. She knew that he was a very powerful man, but didn't really know the extent of his powers until now. And that she was well aware that he now possessed those amazing powers. She was confused by several more things, like why he didn't come to her in the first place. Why had he given her such large boobs? And if she could suck on his cock while he answered, it felt so good to have a cock in her mouth. Or he could fuck her in her ass again; she really liked that, although she couldn't remember liking it before.

John sighed. First things first he thought. He returned her breast to the perfection that they were before Hubbard had escaped.

Mary, sighed a sigh of relief as the extra weight was lifted off her chest replaced with a stunning pair of perfect breast.

Thank you, Master," She said.

He didn't like being called that, so he told her that she could resume calling him John or Johnny. She smiled and hugged him, pulling his naked body to him.

She reached down and took his cock in her hand and squeezed it and as if it had a mind of its own it began to harden and grow.

John when did you become so large? Not that I mind, it just that there is so much of it.

"Oh, I forgot," he said and returned it to his former size, as Mary squeezed it again and he achieved his full size and she took him again into her mouth. "Mmmmm," she cooed around his penis.

"Mom, about our having sex," he hesitated. "Are you alright with this?"

She told him that all this was new to her. And that she loved him more now more than ever before, but he was Master of the Ring of Power, she was a new agent and his mother. She wasn't really sure what agents did other than have a lot of sex with a lot of people and collect sexual energy which gave the ring its magical powers. If having sex with the Master of the Ring was part of the job, she didn't have a problem with it. And since she would be having sex with a lot of people anyway she would certainly enjoy having sex with someone she loved. She went on to talk about what incest laws were designed to do and since he wouldn't want to make her pregnant she was okay with whatever he decided. And if he would hurry up because if she didn't get a cock in one of her holes right away she might go mad.

John finally realized that she was still not behaving normally and he with the help of his dad was able to remove the command that she loved to suck cock, returning the desire to a normal level.

John told her that he loved her but hadn't decided how he felt about having sex with her, and that they will keep their true relationship a secret for now. Satisfied that she was her old self they returned to John's bedroom, where Elizabeth and April had all but worn out Johns two buddies.

John returned them home, wiping their memories of everything except that they had hooked up with two hot chicks from a local sorority and that they had fucked their brains out.

John suggested that Mary and Elizabeth go clean up and then see what they could find for a meal while John tended to April. He watched the two sexiest women he had ever seen wiggle and jiggle as Mary led the way to the bathroom. April waved bye-bye with a silly grin on her face.

"Hey, Apes," he said, "Are you okay?" He hardly recognized her. She looked very different with long blonde hair and Hubbard had turned her into a "stereotypical bimbo".

"Hi ya cutie, you want to fuck me again," she asked "I really need do need some more cock, she sighed and batted her eyelashes at him.

John sighed. Hubbard really did a number on her. He hoped that he would be able to fix the mess he made.

He changed her hair back to its original color and length, and returned her lips to normal. He had her stand and returned her physic to normal leaving her breast at the size he had created earlier and erased the tattoo from her ass cheek. Now came the hard part, he returned her mind to its original state and braced himself for what was to come.

"April, how are you feeling," he asked as he had her sit again.

"Johnny, what are you doing to me? How are you doing these things and why, "She said and broke into tears.

John calmed her and she stopped crying. He tried to explain to her all that had happened since he first took possession of the ring, giving her a mental nudge, helping her to believe it. He told her that he hadn't really done all those things to her, that he had become processed by a former owner of the ring, and that he was trying to correct things, put them back to normal. As far as he could tell everything was back to normal, physically, but due to his out of body experience he didn't know everything that was done to her.

He asked again, "How do you feel?"

"Fine I think, considering," she said. "I am a more than a little hungry."

As if on cue, Elizabeth and Mary walked in carrying trays of food and beer. They had showered but didn't dress so they were both gloriously naked their diamond stud piercings glistening as they caught the light.

April was overcome with the urge to eat pussy, and seeing Mary naked again and her trimmed bush she said to John in a hush tone, "So, since you are fucking your mother, do you mind if I do too." And she got up to help Mary with the tray of food and pulled her into a kiss.

Mary was caught a little of guard, but responded immediately returned the kissed. She pushed Mary into the bed and began to lick between her legs and asked, "Is that a real diamond? How come you and Elizabeth have diamonds and I don't?" Not waiting for an answer, April resumed her dispensing her gifted tongue.

John released that this was out of character for April and talked to her mentally, telling her that if she chooses she can continue to be bi-sexual, but that this was not her normal character. She no longer felt that she had to eat every pussy she saw. But that if she had enjoyed what she had experienced than she could continue, the choice was her alone.

April stopped licking Mary, much to Mary's disappointment, as she was beginning to enjoy the sweet sensations April's talented tongue was providing. Sitting up, she blushed and apologized and making her way to the food found herself a sandwich. She didn't realize how hungry she was and finishing the first had a second, too.

John wasn't sure that he had undone all the harm that April had suffered. He should have been paying closer attention when Hubbard was in control of his body, but it was very distracting being in a state of limbo, floating as consciousness without a body, aware that there were many others around, but being unable to see them.

While everyone ate, he asked his dad about what it was like for him and was told that you become accustom to it after a while, and learn who you can trust and who to avoid. When he asked how many were in there with him he replied that there were at least 20, but maybe more. John became concerned that all of them were potential body snatchers and that he could and would one day be trapped there, too.

His father thanked him for freeing him to speak earlier, he had been confined and limited in his ability to respond, but that Johnny had given him a level of superiority and that although still limited by the rules that bounded him there, he was able to provide him with valuable information to prevent another takeover. Following his father's instruction, John was able to build a strong barrier between his mind and the limbo prison of the ring. His father reminded him that abuse of the ring's power would result in his imprisonment and what happened with Hubbard wasn't his fault and that he wouldn't have to account for that, and that he had already atoned for the damage anyway.

John made his way to the food and found his mother admiring his enlarged room and furnishings.

"Like what you've done with the place," she said as she saw him approaching.

"Thanks," he said as he found a sandwich and took a bite. "You know that we have to get a bigger place. This isn't going to be enough space."

She looked at her son and agreed. She thought she could sell the place or lease it out; she would be doing a lot of traveling and wouldn't need it if he got a place of his own. So that was settled, John would get things rolling. This would be a good excuse to see how Adams operated. He would begin that tomorrow and look for suitable new housing.

Strengthen by the new energy he recently received John was ready for another round of love making, but he was still unsure of how to cope with his mother, then realized that she was one of his agents now and she would get no special favors and he would treat her as he treated all of his ladies. At least that's what he will attempt to do. He pushed on April's mind to refer to his mother as Mary and forget the fact that she was his mother. John knew that wasn't a permanent solution but would suffice for now.

He jumped into his extra-large bed and called his women to join him, all three slithered into his bed, Mary, Elizabeth and April. He produced a few toys for them to amuse themselves with while he took his time pleasuring each one of them several times until it was late in the evening. Mary and Elizabeth were snuggled together and sound asleep, while April gathered her clothes and shoes began to head for the door. John walked with her into the foyer, she kissed him and told him that she had a lovely time and was looking forward to doing it again real soon. She put her sandals on and went to the door, when John asked her.

"Apes, aren't you forgetting something?" John said, a smile growing on his lips.

She looked at him and realized that she was about to exit the house stark naked. She remembered her instructions to wear the minimum amount of clothes outside and be naked indoors, so she pulled on her skirt and top and put her underwear into her purse and said, "Thanks, that would have been embarrassing. I'll call you later."

Upon arriving home she pulled her car into the garage next to her mother's and after closing the big door got out stepped out of the car and pulled off her clothes.

She entered the dark and quiet house, following the trail of night lights that lit the way to her room. She was tired from the long day; she looked at message light on her cell phone and realized that she had six calls and several texts all from Gary whom she was supposed to have met tonight.

"Oh well, "she thought, "I'll just have to make it up to him later." She was too tired to call him tonight and decided it could wait until tomorrow.

Getting to her room, she put her things down, and went into her bathroom to take care of her night time hygiene before slipping into her bed and a deep dreamless sleep.

She woke up early the next morning refreshed and ready to seize the day. She had a few errands to run and after a quick shower headed downstairs where she smelled coffee brewing, which meant that he mom hadn't left for work yet.

She bounded down the stairs shimming and jiggling as she entered the kitchen, she kissed her mother on the cheek and went to the cupboard for a mug and poured herself a cup of the strong brew.

Her mother was facing the open window admiring her view of the eastern mountains, while they caught up on things since they last saw each other. After about ten minutes of light conversation, Candace got up and went to the sink to wash her cup when she saw her daughter standing there completely naked and dropped it and it shattered into a dozen pieces.

"April Martin! Where are you clothes," she shrieked. "What did you do to yourself, your boobies are huge." Candace looked down her body and saw the gold ring piercing her vulva. "You're into piecing, too!"

It was clear that Candace was going to be late for work, her daughter had lost her mind and she needed to find out when all this happened and if she could fix it or if counseling was the answer. Over the next thirty minutes Candace ranted and April did her best to answer and put her mother's mind at ease. Her mother finally gave up; she was late and decided to deal with it later.

A sharp pain hit her casing her to double over; she was beginning to feel the effects of withdrawal, she hadn't had any of John's cum today.

John woke this morning think of the threat that Hubbard made regarding his unmet step mother and siblings. Maybe it was time they met.​
Next page: Chapter 07.1
Previous page: Chapter 05.2