Chapter 07.1
Surfing through numerous websites and downloading data became so much easier after he modified his computer; John thought as contemplated his new life and new abilities.
In the past few days, he was not only able to control people but make physical changes to their bodies and make them do and think what he wanted them to. The only catch was that if his motives were selfish he'd have to make sure that he did more to help people than bad. Maintaining a good balance was important, or he might find himself imprisoned within the ring with other less successful masters. The ring seemed to generate its power from sexual energy, that which he generated and that of his agents, women who worked for him whose job it was to seek out partners and have mind blowing sex, then transfer that energy back to him via the ring. John was now getting more sex than he ever imagined he could, and being a young man of eighteen, he imagined a lot of sex.
However, he had almost lost everything when his body was taken over by a former master of the "Ring of Power" and he worried that the things had done while he wasn't in control, if they would be held against him. He needed to strike a sufficient balance so that he would never come close to abusing the power and suffer the fate of previous masters.
He felt like he was losing himself, being slowly seduced by the power of the ring. He understood that he would have to make some significant changes in his life, he had wealth and power, but how would he know how much to change? He didn't know. Had he already been changed and by his encounter with the imprisoned former masters, were they influencing him now and corrupting his mind? The number of failed masters was astonishing, even his father had failed. How many minds were trapped inside the ring? How old was it? If they couldn't resist abusing its power what made him think he could. He was still just a kid, not yet nineteen. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely", goes the saying. He didn't want to end up back in that void with the others; in that short period of time he was there it terrified him.
Summing his courage, he smiled as he thought of the many new benefits, such as being able to upgrade his existing PC through pure thought taking it beyond the "state of the art" to the next level of computing using holograms as an interface and to display images and information. His searches were find a suitable new home, something just inside Mountain View city limits, yet a little more rural on a few acres of land for him to develop.
"Don't worry, Johnny." The voice of his father interrupted his thoughts. "I am here to help guide you. Simply be true to who you are, and trust yourself. You are a good person."
"Thanks, dad," John replied still not quite accustom to his thoughts being heard. He wondered if everyone imprisoned within the ring could hear his thoughts, too.
"No, Johnny, they can't." His father lied. "Only I can hear them. If it makes you feel better, I can simply remain in the background until you need me, holding my tongue except in the event of imminent peril."
"Okay, dad that may be best, for now."
"By the way Johnny, you are going to need more agents, Mary and Elizabeth are enough. At the rate you are consuming energy, even if you planned on having sex constantly, you will need at least five more agents, if you continue at your current level of consumption. I suggest you begin looking for converts. When you are ready, I will teach you how to transform and train them."
"Okay, I do have one or two in mind, but I hadn't considered needing so many. I guess I will have to expand my list." John began to feel better about things.
It was time Elizabeth and Mary went to work collect sexual energy. John kind of felt like a pimp, but then he reframed the question and realized that his job was to help people. Sexual energy was just how he was able to create his magic. In addition to finding suitable sexual partners he would instruct all his agents would seek out and identify people that were worthy of the special help that he could provide.
Elizabeth needed to find a new place to live, he thought, although there would be plenty of space in his new house, she needed a residence of her own. She should be able to handle any problems that may arise with the disappearance of Ms. Lizzy, by now people would have certainly began to wonder where she was, but without a body, there wouldn't be much of a reason to suspect that she had died. Upon further thought, perhaps Mary should keep the house; it may provide him with an anchor to his old life. She would also have a room in his home and she should continue to see Dr. James, and could work him in around her other activities, he thought.
Mary fascination with Elizabeth was growing, she seemed to know everything; the woman had lived a very long life, had a tremendous wealth of knowledge and was eager to share. Imaging having lived over a hundred years and then instead of dying being able to start again in your thirties and have all that accumulated knowledge intact. She taught Mary how to size up potential partners who would generate the most sexual energy and how to recognize those that weren't worth the time. She also helped her hone her knowledge of the Kama Sutra and which positions were the most exciting. Mary was delighted when John told her to continue to see James; she planned to do just that. And now there would be many new lovers, she didn't want to hurt James, and she certainly wouldn't be able to settle down with one man now. She was happy, happier than she had been in a very long time.
April dialed the number frantically, not getting through the first three times before she remembered that she had programmed the number into her cell phone.
"John, is that you? Thank GOD, are you home? Can I come over; better yet can you come here?" April asked clearly agitated and in a hurry.
John, paused before answering, making certain that it was April on the end of the call. She didn't sound like herself and he was becoming very concerned.
"April, you don't sound good. Are you all right?" He asked remembering that not more than twelve hours ago, his body had been high jacked and he altered her mind in several ways, some which he didn't understand and despite his attempts to correct the damage, she may still be under the influence of those remaining commands.
"Yes, I will be therein ten minutes," he told her as he ended the call and jumped to his feet. He had been sitting in the kitchen in his mother's favorite spot watching the sunrise over the mountains. Still naked; he finished the glass of orange juice he had been nursing, no longer needing the coffee his body once craved and headed for the door. Before he opened it he was casually dressed in tan Dockers, loafers without socks and a red polo shirt, keys in his hands, Aviator Ray-Bans on his face and cellphone in his pocket.
He drove his Z in what he liked to think of as "phantom mode" so that traffic and signals wouldn't be an issue and arrived at April's home in eight minutes. It was impressive to get there so quickly, but he couldn't help wonder with his powers could he do better. He wondered about flying or transportation for a second but there was something wrong with April and that took priority.
April had been pacing back and forth in the living room ever since she hung up the phone, she was like an addict going through withdrawal, and she needed John's cum. In her mind she could see John's impressive hard penis, she caressed it and kissed it and pulled it into her mouth licking it and pulling it down into her throat, and when he climaxed she would also. She was very wet in anticipation and her large breast bounced and swayed every time she turned to repeat the short walk. Back and forth, she imagined him squirting down her throat and her taking him from her mouth and letting him squirt on her face and around her mouth as she licked at it and tried to catch each spurt with her tongue.
"Where it he," she thought, looking at the grandfather clock and realizing that it had only been five minutes since she hung up the phone. She had never craved anything this much in her life, she didn't know what it was, but if she didn't get his cock in her mouth in the next 30 minutes she would die.
On an impulse, John looked at the front door of April's home; concentrated and visualized himself standing there, and astonishingly he found himself there. Immediately he had a strong sense of April anxious pacing back and forth waiting for him. He rang the doorbell and looking into her mind sensing the pressure she was feeling. She opened the door and pulling him inside and began clawing at his pants in an effort to get them off. She finally undid his belt and to pull his pants and boxers down in one motion.
John's growing manhood popped forward and April quickly pulled it into her waiting mouth. Normally it would have taken John several minutes to become excited enough to come, but April was like a junky needing her next fix, so having the ability to control his body released a massive load, which April eagerly swallowed, not missing a drop triggering her climax. She released his flaccid member and fell backwards on the floor to ride out the rest of her orgasm. Laying there naked in the foyer she cuddled and fondled herself shuddering in her post orgasmic euphoria. John looked down at her and wondering what he had done and how he could it her so that it wouldn't happen again.
Kneeling he took her right hand and joined her on the floor and stroked the hair from her face.
"Hey Ape's," he said, "How are you doing?"
"Mmmm, really good, Johnny" she moaned while her free hand roamed around the nipple of her left breast and then made a beeline to her nether lips. "So glad you came by."
John chuckled at the double meaning and then got serious, "So Apes, what's going on with you? I sense that things aren't quite right, you want to tell me about it?"
April sat upright, the marble floor was a welcomed coolness on her naked sweaty flesh but now it was becoming uncomfortable cold. She had gotten fix and was beginning to return to normal. She told him about the argument she had with her mother over a little nudity around the house and being alarmed about her new piercing, she was so old fashion, she told John. He had forgotten the gold ring piercing her labia and taking a peak he gave it a gentle tug causing April to shudder. When he asked her why she felt so desperate to have his cum, she shrugged it off as simply being a little horny again after the sex they had the previous night.
There was something that John missed, he began to take inventory, he figured that he had to remove her addiction for his cum or any cum, and give her a normal level of modesty. He decided that after what she had been through she deserved a boost of intelligence, maybe ten points or so and improved memory. He also wanted her to feel comfortable telling him how she felt.
He watched closely as April's face reflected the changes, going from a dopey grin to a more serious and confident smile. Her eyes sharpened and seemed to be more focused; he could see the intelligence behind her eyes. Rising to her feet she suggested that they go to her room, not wanting to shock her mother further by risking getting caught having sex, again.
Her last patience's needs satisfied, Candice Martin was finally able to think about going home. She was in no hurry as she thought about how she would face her daughter. April had always been a sensible girl. She did well in all her classes and had her pick of colleges to attend this fall. Despite the ugly divorce from her father, April showed no signs of emotional trauma that sometimes affect children when a home breaks up. Perhaps this was the delayed result of the break up. Theirs was particularly messy divorce; she had caught her husband with another woman in their bed. He had been cheating on her for months, she returned early from a conference. He tried to shift blame to their changing values and that they had simply just grown apart. They were both bent on inflicting as much pain and suffering on each other as was possible and poor April had been caught in the middle. When and how did she get a breast augmentation without her being aware of it? She was under age. Candice knew it takes 7-12 days to recover from the surgery, and the swelling may take 3-5 weeks to disappear. So when did this all happen? What kind of mother was she not to have noticed?
As soon as completed her paperwork, (funny that they still referred to it as paperwork, it was all done on PCs now), she left and went straight home. She hoped to find April home and they could discuss the whole thing. She forgot that she needed to stop at the market until she was pulling into the driveway, and decided to leave the car out and go to the market afterwards. She used the front door, since it was closer, instead of the garage entrance.
Although she couldn't hear them, she saw April and John's having sex in the foyer. Was April really that out of control that she couldn't have waited to have sex with the boy in her bedroom? Candice was amazed at John's size, having only seen its equal in medical books. She was appalled at the whole scene and yet drawn to it and while she watched her daughter take its entire length into her mouth and throat, she began to image that it was her. She imagined the fullness and the warm hardness of his cock; it had been so long since she'd handled one she was becoming very damp just thinking about it. It took all her will power not to put her hands on her own steamy sex to satisfy that urge. She was beginning to wonder how long she would have to wait on her porch before they finally got up and left for what she hoped was April's bedroom.
Candice waited another minute then put her key in the door and crept inside. She wasn't sure how to proceed. Perhaps she'd simply wait for them to finish and deal with it all afterwards. That made sense, although after watching them together, she was tempted to see more.
John was aware of another presence in the house; reaching out with his mind he recognized it was indeed Mrs. Martin. He did a gentle probe and learned that she had watched them from the front porch and had been excited by what she observed. She wanted to watch, but was frightened by the urges. John increased her curiosity as well as her desire. He put into her mind that she should watch some more, but not interfere; she would want to join in but be unable. Then he returned his attention to April. They had just completed another breathless kiss; April was a very skilled kisser. Both allowed their hand to roam each other's body and they were more than ready to continue what they had begun in the foyer. John wasted no time and pushed his rejuvenate penis into April, much to her delight. She was tight but more than ready. This was becoming John's second favorite part of the entire sexual process second only to climaxing. As he moved in and out, April responded with little moans and clenched her muscles gripping him on the out stroke, which he truly enjoyed.
He watched the door to April's room open slightly and knew that Mrs. Martin had a good view. As he continued pumping, he increased April's enjoyment and her moans became louder until they were almost screams.
Candice Martin was mesmerized and couldn't pull her eyes away from the two teenage lovers. Watching was making her so wet, she couldn't believe what she was doing. It was such naught fun and she was so turned on that she soon had her hands in her clothes helping her feel what she was watching. She had one hand under her bra pulling on her nipple and the other in her pants fingering her pussy. John increased her arousal and heightened her sensitivity. Candice was finding it difficult to keep silent but somehow knew that suppressing her screams would magnify her pleasure.
John and April changed positions, John entered her from behind and continued to pound her as she bent over her bed allowing him to easily play with her incredible breast.
Candice could help but feel envious of those lovely tits; she couldn't understand how April pulled that off without her knowledge. She longed to have breast as lovely. Since the divorce she had let herself go. It wasn't intentionally, it just happened. She ate all the wrong foods and got out of the routine of exercising and soon she didn't have the time or desire. She had grown fat in all the wrong places and felt bad that she was no longer the desirable woman she once was.
By now April was coming again and Candice feel gentle to the floor as her own orgasm engulfed her, too. John continued to hold back until Candice was watching again and he pulled out and as April positioned herself to catch the large amount of his juices she was becoming to expect from him. Candice watched in awe as he continued to pump pulse after pulse onto April waiting mouth and face, what missed her open mouth her eager tongue seemed to be able to find. Candice realized that they were done and she needed to leave before she got caught, her pants were around her ankles and she almost fell over as she tried to pull them up while stepping away, but feeling naughty pulled them off instead and headed for her bedroom.
John gave her mental instructions to go to her room and prepare herself for his visit. She had ten minutes.
Candice thought, "John wants me, too. I need clean myself up. I have only ten minutes, I'll have to hurry.
John and April cuddled enjoying the warmth of each other's company. April couldn't believe how good she felt, after having sex with John; he never failed to leave her breathless, what a good lover he was. She needed to make him a big lunch; he must be hungry after all the work. She would shower and then go to the market. She kissed him and told him her plans and rushed off to shower. John told her that she would be so focused on accomplishing her task that she wouldn't worry about his whereabouts.
John pulled on his pants and strolled to Candice Martin's bedroom as he heard the water from April's bathroom begin.
John opened the door and entered the large master bedroom. Candice Martin was lying in her bed, under the covers, leaning on one arm waiting for John.
"Hello, Johnny," she said in her sensual voice which she reserved for her few lovers, "I've been waiting for you."
"I've been waiting for you too," John said, looking at her full figure lying beneath the bed sheet. "Why don't you come over here and show me how eager you are to see me?"
Candice graceful slid out from under the covers and sauntered into John's arms. She was completely naked. She was short about 5'4" and heavy about 50 lbs. overweight. John remembered how beautiful he found her when he was a young boy. Then she had an athletic body which she kept trim by running and doing all sorts of aerobic exercises. John had a crush on her and was very obedient to any request she made of him whenever he was in their home playing with April or doing their homework assignments together. Their lips met and Candice initiated one of the most erotic kiss he'd ever experienced. The kiss was tender and lasted a minute or more as their tongues inter-twined.
"What do you think," Candice asked as she broke the kiss, and looked lovingly into his eyes waiting for him to tell her what to do next.
"Candice, you are a very beautiful and desirable woman," he told her as he pulled away from her embrace, "Let me look at you," taking her by the hand and turning her so that he could look upon her full naked body.
She was a little reluctant and blushed turning completely pink all over, she knew she wasn't' as pretty as she'd been, but he pushed on her mind allowing her to relax and do as he asked.
As John could see the extra pounds were unevenly distributed mostly on her belly, hips and legs. She didn't look bad but he would make her look beautiful and youthful again. "You haven't change a bit since I first met you," he lied as she completed her second rotation. "How do you feel, remember that you can be completely honest with me, Candice."
He was right, she thought, she could confide in him. He was a good friend that she could trust.
"Well, to tell you the truth," she said, "I am miserable. I have gained a lot of weight, not been a good mother to April and now she's gone and gotten her breast enlarged without telling me. I must be a really bad mother not to have noticed or confide in me." She was on the verge of tears.
John soothed her and Candice relaxed, taking her once again into his strong young arms, she melted in to his embrace. Pushing on her mind he calmed her further and he told her he would help her. Pushing again she believed him. He walked her over to the wall near her closet and had her stand still as he began sculpting her body like an artist working with stone, chiseling away the unwanted inches and pounds.
Candice's flesh warmed and when she looked down at her belly she saw her feet for the first time in almost four years, the fat that obscured her view was gone. She felt lighter, looking into the adjacent mirror she couldn't believe her eyes, a naked version of her was staring back. She wanted to jump up and down, but John calmed her again and told her he wasn't through. He toned her muscles and watched as muscular definition manifested itself on her limbs and abdominals. Focusing his attention to her breast he saw that they were much smaller now, but proportional to her new body. Nevertheless, he began to enlarge them and Candice held her breathe as she watched them swell. After a few moments they had grown to 36 inches and bordered between a "C" and "D" cup. He grew her nipples slightly, when she became aroused they would protrude a half inch. He increased their sensitivity; she would be able to climax by nipple stimulation alone. He gave them extra firmness so they would never sag, and made them soft enough so that they would always look natural and never look cosmetically enhanced.
Finally John looked at the wild mass of hair that covered her sex. He trimmed it short and shaped a small landing strip to with an arrowhead pointing down. A closer look revealed Candice's swollen sex, her minor labia lips protruding from her major. He heightening her sensitivity there as well, she would enjoy sex.
He looked her over; she looked amazing having already done her hair and makeup, he made her face narrow, too reflect the weight lost there. Candice looked as he remembered her as he was growing up, just a bit "top heavy", but that was fine. With that thought he remember to strengthen her back muscles to be better able to handle the new weight and he instilled a mental command that she would eat sensibly and exercise regularly.
He released Candice allowing her to move freely, again. She lightly ran to the mirror and looked herself over. She squeezed her new breast and her knees buckled at the pleasure that she gave herself when she pulled on her nipples. Recovering she laughed when she looked at her groin, she laughed again enjoying John's sense of humor, shaping her pubic hair. She was delighted and ran back to John to ask how he was able to do all of that. He took her to her bed and gentle pushed her down and stepped between her legs as she spread them for him. With his hand he pushed her gently once more causing her to lie back lifting her legs and placed them on his shoulders as he moved his mouth to her vulva. While he did all this he pushed into her mind that she was enjoying the results of a vigorous exercise program that she had been on for the last six weeks. She would slowly reveal the results at her job over the next few weeks.
Candice squealed with delight as John ran his tongue along her swelling lips enjoying the liquids that she was producing.
"You'll need new clothes," he planted in her mind, "there's a nice little boutique in the mall across the street from the Main Street Bank, see the owner Cindy Ash. She will be happy to help you."
He increased the speed of his tongue and like a flower opening it peddles to the sun, she began to open her womb to his ministrations. The taste of her juices were like honey and he couldn't get enough, he longed to stick his tongue deeper into her so he allowed it to grow and snaked its way down her love tunnel.
By now Candice was moaning loudly and having trouble lying still. Using his fingers he found her clit and he lightly rubbed it with his fingers causing her to almost jump off the bed. Probing her mind he quickly learned what she liked and concentrated his activities there. She loved what his tongue was doing and couldn't imagine how he was able to reach so deeply, he laughed to himself when he realized that it had grown over twelve inches long. He began to retract it but continued to stimulate Candice's clit. She was at the edge of a huge climax, pulling his tongue completely out he thinned the tip wrapping it around her clit like a lasso and manipulated it.
That was more than she could bear and exploded with the biggest climax that she had had in over five years. All her pent up sexual energy released caused her gush her juices unto John's face. He was quick enough to catch a mouthful, but there was a lot. Candice was screaming now and her pleasure just kept on flowing like a burst dam. John wondered if she was a natural "squirter" or if he had caused this. Finally, she began to slow and shuddered occasionally as she began to relax. John reached out his hand and a large towel appeared, he wiped his face and mopped up most of Candice's juices and dropped his pants shedding them he mounted her. She was still trembling in post orgasmic bliss and screamed with delight as he entered her. She wasn't very tight, so John strengthened her muscles and she quickly tightened her grip on him. John grew himself in girth and length until her heard Candice moan and he knew she had never had anyone as large in her before. Taking his time he pulled out slowly until he was almost out and without warning shoved in hard and hitting bottom. She was taking all of him and wrapped her legs around his torso as he continued to saw in and out. She was holding on now and enjoying the ride as John got to his feet and Candice began riding up and down on the large shaft between her legs. She controlled the pace and depth. Panting and sweating she threw her head back as John held her tightly as he walked to the mirror to watch as she rode him.
Freeing one hand John reached up and pulled on Candice's left nipple and she exploded increasing her pace like a balloon flying free as it loses its air and collapsed. John caught her and carried her back to the bed and laid her down. She seemed to have lost consciousness.
John hadn't come yet and thought that Candice could survive one more orgasm. He looked into her mind to find out if she was a fan of anal sex and was surprised to learn that she was. He cuddled her still recovering body in his and reduced his size slightly while he used her juices to lube her. He lifted her slowly and turned her on to her hands and knees; pressing his cock against her anus he began to penetrate her, he relaxed her muscles further and increased her pleasure as he pushed gently into her tight hole. When he was in as far as he could fit, he rested for a minute and increased his size just a bit. She was so full. It had been almost a dozen years since anyone has entered her back there. How did he know? John pulled Candice to him and rolled onto his back so that she could control the cadence. Placing her hands on his solid abdomen she began lifting herself up and down, squealing with delight as the pleasure increased. Her husband didn't particularly like anal sex and he thought she was perverted for enjoying it. It wasn't the same as having a hard cock in her pussy, but the fullness she felt caused her enormous pleasure. She could feel John was getting close, and she wiggled and slid on his pole at various speeds squeezing and milking him for all she was worth.
John grunted announcing that he was coming and released a torrent of his own juice into her bowels, which cause Candice to come as well, much to her surprise. They both collapsed in a heap on the bed, sweating and panting. John slowly shrank and slid out of her anus unleashing a mixture of juices everywhere.
Candice excused herself to use the bathroom. John looked at the mess on the bed and sniffed at the strong smell of sex in the room. When Candice returned she was surprised to find the bed clean and the fresh smell of lilac, her favorite scent permeating the room. She easily crawled into the bed next to John. She was still not used to her new lean body it as if it were a dream that could end at any moment. They kissed, again. John ended the kiss and told Candice that this was to be their secret as he looked into her face he couldn't help but see how much she now resembled her daughter April or was it the other way around.
John had made Candice very happy, thoughts and regret that she had been carrying ever since the divorce were now faded memories. She would find another lover maybe two or three, after all she was smart and once again beautiful; she wouldn't have to wait long and in the meantime there was John.
Sensing that April was returning from her trip to the market, he left Candice to her thoughts and strolled to the den where he had activated the television, a familiar HBO movie filled the big screen. Before he could sit down his clothes covered his body and he smelled like he had just stepped out of the shower.
April entered the kitchen carrying a couple of bags of groceries, and saw John getting up from the couch in the den, she smiled to herself when she saw the movie on the television, how many time will HBO run that movie this month, she thought.
"Hiya," John said and planted a kiss on her lips. April let the bag drop spilling the contents on the counter and returned the hot kiss.
"Hi yourself," she said as he broke off the kiss, leaving her breathless.
"Apes, I can't stay for lunch, I have a few things that require my attention. I am sorry that you went through all this trouble for me." John said as he picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles.
"That's alright," she cooed, he was making her hot for him again.
"By the way your mom came home. I think she is in her room," he told her as he headed for the door.
"Oh no," she thought, no wonder he didn't want to stay.
"We had a nice chat," he said. "She seems to be in a really good mood. He pushed on her mind for both of them to accept their physical changes and that April would reinforce the six weeks of diet and exercise that he made Candice believe.
April walked him to the door and placed another steamy kiss on his lips, making him think twice about leaving. But, he had to find a new house and was interested in meeting his step mother and step sisters.
Mary dropped Elizabeth off at the local UC Campus where she planned to visit a few of the fraternities and sororities; they had always been a good source of sexual energy in the past. Mary continued on to the hospital where she hoped to meet up with James and see who else would be willing to engage in a little afternoon delight.
Everyone was out back in the pool area, Heather, Isabel and Samantha were lying on their chaise longue chairs, oiled up trying to tan their pale bodies while their mother Jacqueline Winchester Smith did lazy laps back and forth in their oversized butterfly shaped swimming pool. The pool had a black bridge crossing it where the butterfly's body would have been, bright orange and black colored tiles on the pool's bottom made it look like a large Monarch Butterfly from the air. Her three daughters were cynical about their mother's sudden obsession with physical fitness since their father's passing. She was wealth after all, who cared what she looked like, and anyone she dated was only going to be interested in her money. She was stunning, often mistaken for the actress Andie MacDowell she had long black tresses and a very nice shape for a woman of her age. For reasons she couldn't explain she now felt compelled exercise vigorously, every day. She bought Universal gym and converted one of the extra bedrooms into an exercise room, complete with mirrored walls and enough floor space to do her aerobic routines. As she continued her laps, she was becoming hungry; and was looking forward to her garden salad lunch; she had lost ten pounds in the last three months.
Jacqueline came from old money, she was from the same Winchester family renowned for the rifle that bore their name, her only children Heather, Isabel and Samantha were identical triplets. Like their mother, their porcelain skin didn't tan easily. But unlike their mother they were tall and lanky and thin without much of a shape, they had almost no breast at all despite being in their early twenties and past the age where their womanly curves should have revealed themselves.
The girls seemed content lying in a row on brown wicker chaise lounge chairs, wearing matching bikinis of the same style but different colors. Finally getting bored Heather sat up and resumed playing her game of ring toss. Gathering the pool rings into her hands from her sitting position tossed the red, blue, green and yellow ring at the naked pool boy, in an effort to loop one or more around his erect penis. Missing mostly, her toss too low, hitting him in the scrotum and causing him unbearable pain, but unable to move he could only grimaced and brace for the next toss. Had he been able to he would have been curled on the ground in the fetal position. He was perspiring heavily as he bore the pain, but was reaching his limit. Heather refused to release him until he passed out at which time she would let him rest until she could think of new tortures for him. Isabel and Samantha sat up as their cocktails were brought to them by an equally naked muscular male; he too was sporting an impressive erection and sweating though the temperature wasn't that warm. He was a commercial package delivery man for the premiere overnight delivery carrier. He stopped by to deliver a package when he was captured; maintaining an erection for almost six hours was extremely taxing, but better than the punishment for failure. He didn't know how he was able to achieve it, but assumed he had little choice in the matter as he no longer was in control over his body.
Lunch was brought out by a black man who looked beaten as he carried the tray of food; he was in a similar condition. An attorney, he had stopped by to get signatures on a few documents, unfortunately he had a full day planned out of the office and wouldn't be missed until late in the evening. He didn't know how he was being manipulated, but only that his limbs no longer obeyed him; he had no control over anything he did. He wasn't permitted to speak and there were painful punishments for failing to perform simply tasks as asked. He set the food on the tables between each of the girls and went to the pool to beckon Jacqueline to come in for her lunch by holding a large towel for her to wrap herself in. Seeing him she swam to the shallow end and allowed him to drape the towel around her and he had a smaller one to wrap her long raven hair. She walked the short distance to her lounge chair leaving dainty wet foot prints behind. She wasn't very tall, only 5'5" and her body looked enticing in her bikini, her nipples poking through the thin material as her nether lips did the same. They all talked between bites of nothing in particular, their captives stood nearby with wide smiles on their faces waiting for further instructions while horrified looks filled their eyes.
John had spent the afternoon looking at houses that were large enough for his purposes. He saw two that he thought would work and had two more to see, but he was near the address where his father's widow and his step sisters lived. He knew he was taking a chance that they might not be in, but decided to drop by anyway.
"John, are you sure you want to meet your sisters and stepmother, they are a little unusual," said John's father from within the ring he wore on his finger. "I can't say anymore, they are more than they appear, be alert."
John was becoming more accustomed to hearing cryptic telepathically messages from his father from time to time, he thought of it like an early warning system. "Message received," he thought. Being eighteen years old and feeling even more invincible with the power of the ring he wasn't worried that there was anything he couldn't handle.
Before too long, John pulled his F-150 into the long circular driveway of one of the biggest estates in the area. The gates were open and there were several cars parked outside along with a delivery van, but no one was about. He parked and strolled up to the main entrance which was larger than most homes in his neighborhood. He pushed the button that appeared to be the doorbell, and he heard the sound of a camera pivoting and zooming in on his position. And then the intercom system chirped. "We're out back by the pool could you, please come around," a young female voice stated flatly and then clicked off not waiting for a response.
John thought that was a little strange, but perhaps they confused him with someone they were expecting. He trudged through the plush landscape admiring the beautiful California stucco and Spanish tile before finally finding the pool area. He opened the rich wrought iron gate and saw the four women at the opposite end of the pool enjoying refreshments and talking to one another while being attended to by what looked to be their male servants. They waved him in and he walked the thirty yards to join them.
"Hello ladies," John said as he got close enough so that he didn't have to shout, "I am..."
Before he could finish Heather said, "Another salesman!" And she froze John so that he was unable to move.
He was still able to move his eyes and he scanned the scene and saw the three identical sisters looking at him and all three males with erect penises and panic looks in their eyes and he knew he had unwittingly walked into a trap. Suddenly one of the naked men shook free, the muscular delivery driver was able to move again and he ran as fast as he could away from them and towards his still idling truck.
John struggled, using his mind to strengthen his resolve.
"Help me, Issy, he is strong, this one." Heather yelled as she strained to keep John immobilized.
Isabel looped her mind control over John, adding her will to that of her sister. And the black lawyer was released and able to move and sprinted off in the same direction as the delivery driver, they could only control one person at a time. The added mind control slowed John's efforts but didn't stop him as he began to break free.
"Sam, we need you." Heather yelled.
"But they're getting away," Samantha said.
"Forget them, this one is stronger than all of them put together," she said as she grimaced in the effort she was exerting.
Samantha looped her mind around John too; as she tightened her grip she watched the pool guy scurry away as the other two had. But it wasn't enough. John was flexing his mental muscles now, scowling in deep concentration he broke one and then another and finally the last mental lasso causing the triplets to fall back grabbing their heads to ease the pain. Just as John was regaining his composure a small vase broke over his head rendering him unconscious.
When he awoke, he was standing immobilized inside a dark room within the mansion. Suddenly the lights came on and the four women were facing him as he stood in the middle of some sort of gym. He tried to speak but found that he couldn't. He tried to flex his mental muscles and learned that he didn't have the strength to resist.
"You cost us our playmates, looks like you will have to do instead," Heather said as she stepped forward and circled the helpless young man. "Strange, he didn't seem as frightened as the others," she thought. "Don't worry you won't need to say anything, we will pull from your mind what we want to know."
John felt her probe brush off his guarded mind as he was able to get a better look at his step family. The girls were identical; there were no identifiable marks on either of them.
Heather called out two her sisters, "Issy, Sam, see if you can you probe him, I am not able to get through."
John rebuffed each probe easily, he may not be able to move, but he could still guard his mind. While they were trying to break through he affixed an invisible letter on each of their foreheads, the initial of their first name, and only he could see them, he would now be able to tell them apart. "So, it seems you aren't without some skills," Heather taunted him. "No matter," she said. "We can break you as we have so many others, but first things first. Mother," she called.
His stepmother, Jacqueline stepped forward and waved her hands in a frightening gesture and John's clothing was ripped of his body, as if invisible hands grabbed them from his collar and pulled in opposite directions, even his shoes were removed, leaving him completely nude and stunned by the ferocity of the attack.
All three of his step sisters stepped forward and began to circle him; they looked over his body, particularly impressed with the size of his flaccid manhood.
"Samantha," Isabel said, "Looks like we hit the jackpot, sisters."
"Let's find out what it looks like erect," Samantha said.
John suddenly felt what seemed like a warm mouth engulfs his penis and despite his efforts was unable to resist in his weakened state.
He cringed as he felt himself rise and stiffen; he then remembered that he had left himself in an above average size. As the invisible mouth continued to work unseen on John cock the women watched in delight as John continued to grow longer and thicker than anyone they had ever seen before.
Both Elizabeth and Mary had been successful in their quest for sexual partners. Elizabeth had found the Omega's up to the task for the most part, although all eight young men were now totally exhausted and sleeping it off. The frat brothers had used every combination imaginable to seduces and overcome the gorgeous nymph that seemed to have wandered into their house; this day would be talked about for years to come in the annals of the fraternity. Meanwhile, Mary was unable to locate James, so she busied herself with three second year med students, two males and one female, in two different settings. It was Interesting that both Elizabeth and Mary chose the exact same moment to transfer their collected sexual energy to John through the ring.