Chapter 07.2
Just as John reached the peak of his erection, Heather walked up to him and began to taunt him. "Do you know where you are, I mean what room," she asked not waiting for the answer that she knew he couldn't give. "We call this the playroom. Sure, mother uses it as her gym, but this is where we keep all of our toys." She showed him the riding crop she had retrieved and slapped it onto her palm. Isabel stepped forward wave a 12 inch black dildo and Samantha had a pair of gold weighted nipple clamps and a cock ring. "I can see you are wondering what we are planning to do with these toys," Heather asked. "I think you can imagine if you try."
John was beginning to worry. Although his strength was slowly returning, it wasn't return fast enough for him to prevent being sodomized, whipped, or worse. He tried again to flex his mental muscles; after two long minutes, there was nothing, although he was sweating heavily and finally relaxed in futile frustration.
As the girls continued to slowly circle and taunt him, John was only able to follow with his eyes; he was struck by the image of the initials he inscribed on their foreheads, I, S, H. They went around again, S, H, I. And finally, H -- I -- S! John realized that may be clue to what his father's crime was and why he was being punished.
Samantha asked, "Did you bring some lube for that big fat dildo, Issy?"
"He won't need it," she replied, "Let him take it like a man." She laughed and the others joined in.
Just when it seemed his fate was sealed, John felt an incredible surge of energy enter his body and he immediately knew where it came from and welcomed it. As he is accepting the energy charge it appeared as if he's in pain, but the feeling is more akin to having an intense orgasm, but his captures didn't know that and they assumed he was once again struggling against his bonds and they continued to circle him laughing at his expense.
With the energy transfer completed, John could have easily broken his mental bonds, but he didn't react yet. He waited for the right moment, to catch them completely off guard.
"Well, buddy, looks like its time you to learn firsthand how it feels to have a large cock up your ass!" Heather chuckled. "Okay Isabel, let him have it!"
Isabel wanted to take a step but found that her feet didn't move. She tried to put more effort into it but it didn't matter, it was if both her feet were rooted into the floor.
Heather, turned to her sister and asked, "Come on Issy, what are you waiting for, do him!"
Isabel attempted to tell her that something was wrong and she couldn't move, but now she couldn't open her mouth to speak.
"Never mind," Heather barked, "Sam, put the nipple clamps on him."
Sam, too found that she was unable to move or speak. Frustrated with her sisters' lack of action she lifted the riding crop with the intent to punish her hostage's naked nice ass, but found that she couldn't swing her arm down. In fact like her sisters she couldn't move. Her eye swelled as John stepped forward and gently took the crop from her hand. Before his stepmother could react she too was frozen in place. John had immobilized all four of them; they were now at his mercy.
"I don't think so," he chided Jacqueline. "Not this time."
He stared at the four frozen women; eye opened wide and felt their shared terror. He duck walked them together in a semi-circle so that he could address them.
He relaxed his forgotten erection and calmly told them to take off their clothes. They shed their pool robes and bikinis, tossing them into a pile, and stood before him hands at their sides, unable to move on their own again.
John was once again clothed similarly to when he arrived.
He looked over the helpless women standing before him and probed their minds. He quickly broke through his sister's puny defenses and learned all he needed to know about them. He neutralized their mind control powers. Focusing on his stepmother he removed her ability to use telekinesis.
They felt their powers leave them and were very frightened. They had no idea who John was; Heather had cut him off before he could say. They didn't know whom they had trifled with or the extent of his powers. They trembled in fear as they saw the anger in his eyes.
Slowly, however, his anger seemed to cool. John remembered he needed maintain a balance. So he would consider this as he metered out a light punishment. He would give them another chance. He focused his attention on his sisters; they were truly identical, had it not been for his markers, he would have had to rely on his mental probes to tell them apart. He touched Heather's mind again and learned that she took solace in her being identical to her sister, thinking she wouldn't be punish as severely if she pretended to be one of her sisters. Their bodies were slim without the curves women their age displayed. Their small breast looked even smaller swelling slightly and topped with bright red button like nipples. Their bellies were flat, sporting "innies" for navels and all three had shaved pubis, making them look much younger than their 24 years.
John was surprised at all the ideas for revenge came to mind, he was angry but decided that the punishment should fit the crime. They didn't know who he was, yet they were ready to hurt him, he remembered the three other men they had captured and abused. They hurt innocent people, apparently for months. Yes, they need to be punished, maybe not as severely as he had first though. He reflected on what he had learned from his mind probes and thought maybe he could help them, since their childhood wasn't very nurturing.
First he would reveal his identity then he would make a few physical changes. Their reaction would determine their fate, he was in charge now. John lifted the gag and allowed the women to speak; he turned and addressed Heather, "How do you explain this behavior, Heather? Is this how you get your kicks?"
Heather was visible shaken. He knew who she was; she wouldn't be able to hide behind her sisters. She tried to think of a way out of this, to smooth talk him, but soon realized the futility of such thoughts.
"We are really sorry," she said sound much more desperate than she intended. "We didn't mean any harm."
Her sisters joined in suddenly finding their voices, "Really, we were just having a little fun."
"Oh, you call what you did to those men fun? You think shoving that large dildo up my butt would be fun?" John roared. "Well, let's see how much fun it is."
Isabel walked up behind Heather, in stiff jerky movements, clearly fighting her body's movements. Heather found herself bent at the waist and Isabel easily pushed the large black dildo all the way into her anus. Heather began to scream, begging for it to stop, while Isabel apologized frantically unable to stop the assault.
"What's the matter Heather, Isabel is just having a little fun," John said.
Isabel held it firmly in place while Heather panted surprised by the size of the dildo and that it was now inside her. Samantha gasped at the site and found herself marching to join her sisters as a duplicate dildo appeared in her hand. As if on cue, Isabel bent at the waist, still clutching the dildo she had sunk into her sister's rectum. Samantha gave Isabel the same treatment she had given Heather until like Heather the unwanted dildo magically popped through and she too stopped and held it still. Jacqueline thought she might escape the fate of her daughters, until she also found herself walking to join the circle. Heather and Jacqueline found they too had identical dildos in her hand and unwillingly repeated the actions, Heather on her mother and Jacqueline on her daughter. Now all four were bent at the waist with large dildos in their rectums, they could no longer move, which allowed them to breath, neither woman having ever been this full or anything in their rear passage shy of a thermometer. They all knew what was coming next. John waited.
All of them yelled and pleaded, promising they were sorry, and that beginning to cry, real tears falling from their eyes.
John stood them upright and approached Jacqueline. Abruptly being forced to stand with their rear passages filled was a little discomforting, but John knew that it won't do them any real harm.
"What do you have to say for yourselves," John asked her.
"I know who you are," she said in a voice that betrayed her confidence.
"You do? It's about time, please tell your daughters, so that they too will know who they are dealing with." John spat, a little more venomous than he intended.
"You are John Smith!" Jacqueline announced.
Samantha asked her sisters, "Whose John Smith?"
"Our bastard half-brother," Heather replied.
Hearing the mean comment, John bent them all back into position and had they begin working the dildos in and out, eliciting screams of apologies and regrets, so John stopped.
"Heather," John said, "I can see that you are going to be a problem. It appears that you can't be trusted. I will have to come up with a special punishment for you."
Hearing that Heather, immediately regretted the comment, but knew her apology would be insincere and get her into more trouble, so she held her tongue.
John was growing tired of this game. He didn't come here to fight. If they thought of him in that way he would never win them over. So, he decided to take another course of action. He had them remove the dildos and drop them to the floor as he stood them up and marched them back into their positions.
"Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot," John said and he released them from his grip. They all sighed mightily and attempted to regain their composure.
Jacqueline cleared her throat and spoke, "John, please forgive our earlier actions, I can offer no excuse for our behavior. Let's recline in the family room and discuss the reason for your visit."
"Fair enough," John said. "You may put your robes on."
"Very well," Jacqueline said. "Girls why don't you get us some refreshments, and while you are at it release the help from their confinement."
Heather shot a look at her mother, but backed down when she saw the look in her mother's eyes.
Isabel and Heather prepared cheese, crackers and sliced deli meats and while Samantha opened a bottle of Chteau Lafite Rothschild Pauillac 1996 and brought five crystal glasses. Heather reminded Samantha to release the maids from their quarters, and told her that she should probably bring them with her.
The girls returned carrying two trays and the opened bottle of wine.
When everyone had a glass of wine in their hands Jacqueline offered a toast, "To new relations and old problems resolved." They clicked glasses and sipped their wine. John hesitated and saw something in Heather's behavior that confirmed his suspicions.
"Heather," he called.
She lowered her glass and replied, "Yes, brother?"
"My wine taste a little funny, would you mind taking a sip and telling me what you think?"
"Oh, that's the expensive stuff; you have to develop a palate for it." She attempted to dismiss the request.
"But I insist," John said and he compelled Heather to him and had her take the glass and raise it to her lips as her eye grew twice their size.
"Nooooo," Jacqueline cried, running to the two and slapping the glass from her daughter's hand. "It's been poisoned.
They all watched as the glass fell to the floor shattering the crystal and staining the Persian rug.
Angered by the near death experience, Heather called for Maria and Carmen to come and clean up her mess. The two frail young Latin women scurried into the room with cleaning tools to take care of the mess. They wore short tight black and white uniforms and blushed seeing their mistresses' near naked bodies, their beach robs doing little to cover their bodies.
John scanned they minds and learned that as he suspected they were undocumented and had been treated poorly and had very little freedom in a sense being held against their will. He reached his limit and had enough. He called the Maria and Carmen to him and asked them to have a seat.
"Ladies," John said "We are going to make some changes."
Maria and Carmen, from now on these women will do anything you ask them to do. All you have to do is ask.
Maria and Carmen looked at each other and then back at John.
"She needs to clean mess, she makes," Maria said in her broken English and pointing at Heather.
Heather couldn't stop herself, finding the discarded cleaning tools and she began cleaning up the broken crystal and spilled wine. Try though she might she couldn't control her body. The others watched in horror, hoping that they wouldn't be made to pay for the way they had treated the two undocumented workers.
Maria giggled at the sight and was eager to do more. Pointing at Isabel she said, "You jump and bark like puppy."
Isabel began to jump up and done making barking sounds, much to the delight of the two maids.
Carmen not to be left out pointed to Samantha and said, "You go and clean house."
Samantha's eyes widened as her body jumped forward and began to straight the room and clean.
"No, start in bedrooms," Carmen corrected her.
And Samantha left the room to begin her work.
The two looked at Jacqueline and then at each other, exchanged a few words in Spanish and then Maria said, "We hungry, you go cook and make it be delicious."
Like her daughters, Jacqueline was compelled to obey and her body seemed to have a mind of its own as she jiggle and wiggled out of the room towards the main kitchen, leaving John with the two young women, watching Heather attempting to remove the stain from the rug and Isabel jumping and barking.
John said, "Ladies, looks like they will be busy for a while," as he turned his attention to Heather.
"Heather in addition to doing everything and anything that Maria and Carmen ask you will also do the same for your sisters. You are completely submissive to them. You will not be able to harm them, me or yourself in any manner. If you as much as think about it, you will have a spontaneous orgasm, each stronger than the previous and yell, 'Yabba-Dabba Do".
Heather's eyes grew large and felt the undeniable beginning of an orgasm; she sighed unable to prevent the warm feeling from spreading and yelled "Yabba-Dabba Do, Yabba-Dabba Do".
"Oh, my," John said, feinting surprise and shock, "You must learn to control your thinking."
Heather turned a bright red all over and yelled "Yabba-Dabba Do, again.
He looked at Isabel who was still jumping and barking, "Isabel, looks like you are going to have to help Heather. Why don't you take her to the bathroom and help her settle down, when you're done you both can help clean the house.
As the two women left, Heather on weak needs and leaning on her sister, John turned to Maria and Carmen and said, "That was interesting. I am sorry for the way you've been treated; I am in a position to help you in many ways. I am willing to be very generous. What would you like?"
Carmen smiled brightly and glancing at Maria said, "Our English not good. You help?"
John smiled and told them he understood. He increased their English skills to college graduate levels, reading, writing and pronunciation, erasing any trace of an accent unless they choose to use it. Then he asked, "What do you think?"
Maria answered. "I don't feel any different, did you do something?" She squealed and covered her mouth with both hands for a second and then said, "Listen to me. I am speaking perfect English. Carmen, you try."
"Look at you," Carmen said, "You and me, we sound like we've been speaking English all our lives, this is wonderful!"
Maria said. "Mr. Smith, we don't know how to thank you for this marvelous gift."
John smiled and reached into his pocket, he didn't carry a lot of cash on him, but did have about eight hundred dollars, retrieving it he separated it into equal parts and handed them the money. At the same time he implanted his cell number in their minds and told them that they were to go through the girls' clothes and take what clothing they liked, change out of the maid uniforms and they were free to leave when they were ready. He told them they could buy more clothing from a boutique in the mall across the street from the Main Street Bank and have the owner bill him. Finally, he handed them "Green Cards", and told them that he may have a proposal for them, kind of like a job, but to get themselves settled and they could talk about that later. Maria and Carmen accepted the cards, hugged and kissed John on the cheek and hurried off to find clothes from the triplet's closets that they would like.
Isabel and Heather worked together and had finished cleaning the kitchen and pool area. They returned and the two completed the cleanup of the crystal glass and wine, they surprised John by doing a good job. He looked at them and was amazed at how closely they resembled each other; they were almost a mirror image of each other. Their short black hair reminded him of the style Morena Baccarin wore as the evil alien queen Anna in the television series "V". But he didn't like the looked; they looked too androgynous and far too pale.
Samantha was finishing making her large bed when Maria and Carmen came into the room. They didn't even look at her but went directly to her closet and began looking through her clothes and holding different outfits up to themselves imagining how they would look. Samantha was becoming angry and about to confront them when Carmen looked at her and told her to pay them no attention. To Samantha's surprise she did and finished the bed and left the room. She felt compelled to return to the family room as if she was being summoned.
When Samantha returned she instinctively took her position and stood to the right of Isabel, causing John to read the invisible markers he placed on their foreheads, H-I-S. All three stood in front of him waiting for his next instructions.
"Dad, what were you doing with these girls," he asked, knowing that his father was watching and that he wouldn't answer until they were alone.
He told them that he was going to make physical changes to their bodies and that it wasn't going to hurt, but may feel a little strange, he warned. Since they didn't have any choice they resigned themselves to his control.
It was the first time that he attempted to change three people at once, and he felt up to the task. He had Heather and Samantha step forward and turn inward slightly creating a semi-circle, he wanted to see the changes on all three at the same time as well as for them to see each other change. He had them remove their robes.
He began with their breast, anything would be an improvement, and currently all they had were large red nipples. Slowly, they began to swell growing mostly on the bottom then and then on the top, and began protruding out from their bodies. He didn't want to overdo it, but he had to admit that he did enjoy large breast, so he enlarged them to a "C" cup size. The girls we amazed as watched with strange fascination each of their bosoms grew, and were disappointed when they stopped. They began to fondle and squeeze their new assets. Their nipples seemed perfect for their new enlarged breast. John added a little extra sensitivity to them, thinking they would like the new sensations and before he could stop them, one by one their knees buckled as they experience pleasure they never knew existed. He scolded them and told them there would be plenty of time to experiment once he was done, so reluctantly they stood and left the hands fall by their sides. He firmed up their abs and back muscles, but not enough that they looked muscular; he wanted a more feminine look, which they lacked. They had almost no hips so he sculptured a nice bottom to balance their enlarged breast and bubble their flat butts just a bit. Looking at their naked pubis, he grew and shaped small landing strips into their individual initials. Overall John was as pleased as the girls were with their new looks, and John was ready to add the finishing touches.
He grew their hair to just below their shoulders and changed their hair colors, Samantha's to auburn, Isabel's to brown and Heather's to blonde, and for now they were all styled in a popular Megan Fox look. He permanently painted their nails, Samantha's orange, Isabel's honey brown and Heather's bright pink. Finally, John darkened their skin tones to a health tan. John locked in the changes so that they wouldn't be able to change them, a hair cut would result in the hair growing back within hours and dyes wouldn't adhere to the hair follicle.
John had to agree that he liked what he had done. He thought that maybe his step sister would appreciate the changes, but it didn't matter. He could have done a lot worse and considering what they had tried to do to him, he was prepared to add a few sexual dysfunctions. He found himself getting aroused as he looked upon them; they were now stunning beautiful women. They may still require attitude adjustments.
Jacqueline came into the den pushing a cart full of food and drinks; she had used her dormant cooking skills to create a meal of beef stew and vegetables. It delicious odor permeated the house. When she saw her daughters she screamed. "What have you done to my girls, my beautiful girls?"
John froze her in her tracks, her words echoed through the spacious room. The sisters became alarmed and Heather, yelled Yabba-Dabba Do, as she fell to her knees. John was growing tired of all this and was prepared to simply change their minds and be done with it. His attempt at gentle persuasion failing. A mirror appeared on the wall near the door leading to the kitchen; one by one he had his step sister appraise their new looks as he scanned their minds to learn what they really thought.
While they appreciated their new bodies especially their enlarged breast, they found fault with the length of their hair, that it would be too hot in the summer and the maintenance would be a lot of work. They probably no longer owned a thing that would fit these bodies. They lifted and shifted their breast, imagining how clothes would fit. When John realized that it was time to have dressed. Just as he was about to release them, Maria and Carmen came in and helped themselves to the food, seeing the immobile Jacqueline, they giggled and took their food to a couch to consume. They were stunned to see their former tormentors in their new bodies.
"Oh my God, they are beautiful," Carmen said in her perfect English.
"What did you do, to them, can you make us beautiful, too," Maria said as she put her plate aside and looked at each woman. She had them stand and spin and squeeze their breast together displaying a large amount of cleavage.
"We want that treatment too." Carmen said, looking at John to make sure he knew she was serious.
The girls were stunned; they didn't appreciate what their eyes were telling them until hearing Carmen asking for the same treatment.
"In due time," John said. "First eat your food before it gets cold."
They ate their fill and left not without kissing John, this time on the lips, lingering just a little.
Turning to his step sisters, he told them to go put on whatever they could get into and come back down he would make the necessary adjustments.
He walked over to Jacqueline, "I am afraid that my patience have run out." He said as he stared into her eyes. "You will hold your comments and speak only when I allow you to. And Jackie, I am very angry with you. When was the last time you had sex of any kind?"
She was embarrassed but answered, "I masturbate a few times a week," she said, blushing profusely, not understanding why she said that and she let him get away with calling her Jackie, no one called her that.
"Only a few times a week," John said. That isn't nearly enough. Why don't you have a seat in the corner and get busy, take your time, be creative and if you are good I might even let you come." He told her dismissing her.
Jacqueline was stunned, she wasn't going to sit in the back ground and play with herself, not for this teenager or anybody. He would just have to get his jolly's elsewhere, she thought as she walk the short distance to a small couch in the back of the spacious den, stopping to pick up the discarded riding crop. She made herself comfortable opened her robe and began rubbing her nipples and pussy. It was then that she realized what she was doing. She wanted to stop. She had to stop. But she was becoming wet and she couldn't stop now.
The girls found clothes that fit them the best, which wasn't good enough to be seen in public. Most of the outfits didn't cover the asses and they couldn't button or close any of the tops, because of their newly enhanced breast. Reluctantly they returned to John for their fittings. They lined up for John's inspection in the order of birth, Heather, Isabel and Samantha. John understood the truth of the statement; women look more desirable wearing some clothing more than being completely naked. His step sisters looked amazing, He adjusted all their outfits so that they were able to not only fit, but so that they were more tailored and accentuated their new figures. Everyone was pleased; accept for Heather who found things to complain about.
"Heather," John said as he approached her, "I am sorry that you are unhappy with the way things are now, perhaps you would be happier if you weren't so smart." He did a quick assessment and learned that she had a superior IQ, which would explain why she was being so difficult. "I think being too smart is making you unhappy, so let's knock down your IQ about 30 points. Don't worry, I won't do any permanent damage, you may still be smart, you just won't be able to express that in any way. You'll be gullible and easily distracted and easily amused."
Heather began to protest. "You can't do that. It isn't right," She began to feel her mind dulling. "Noooo!"
And it was over. She blinked and then stopped her foot, "You stupidhead, what did you do to me," Heather asked.
"I just made you happy, how do you like your new outfit," John asked.
"Oh pretty," Heather said as she looked down at her attire and rushed to get a better look in the mirror.
Turning to Samantha and Isabel who had witnessed the whole thing and said, "You'll need to keep an eye on her, but don't worry she will do whatever you ask." As he spoke they realized that their step brother possessed much more power than they imagined and they would behave themselves or find themselves in the same shape.
"Ladies, you are going to need entirely new wardrobes, I want you to visit a clothing boutique at the mall across the street from the Main Street Bank. You know the one," John said.
And suddenly, they did know the store. They would go there immediately. They loved shopping. John put his cell number in their phones with a simple thought. "Take Heather's car, but I don't think she should drive," John said.
They agreed and were finally able to get Heather to stop admiring the various poses she struck in the mirror and left excited to be going out on their shopping trip.
John was now alone with Jacqueline, she was lying on her back with her legs spread wide rubbing her pussy with one hand and pulling on her left nipple with the other. She was moaning, at the pleasure she was feeling, but unable to bring herself off.
"Hey Jackie, how's it going," he asked as looked her over, this time as a potential sexual partner. She looked pretty good for a middle aged woman. She looked more like early forties if that.
Jacqueline answered, "I don't understand why I can't come. It feels good, but not good enough. Perhaps, you could help me, I really need to come," she said, forgetting that John told her she couldn't come until he said so.
"I don't know Jackie; you haven't been very nice to me. You tried to kill me." He reminded her.
Jacqueline had tried everything and was now using the wide end of the riding crop in the hopes that it would make a difference. John did ask her to be creative.
"John, I was so wrong to do that," she panted, "I didn't know you and thought that you were here to claim some sort of inheritance. I was being foolish. I can see that you aren't after money and have no need of it. You are your father's son."
John pondered that for a few minutes. After what he had learned today, he wasn't sure that was a complement. Jackie deserved a punishment; did he need to fuck her? She was his father's widow, how would he feel about it?
"Okay, Jackie, you can come," he said, and as soon as he finished the sentence Jackie squealed loudly and shuddered as she rode through pleasure. "You will need to masturbate at least once a day and it will definitely improve your disposition," John said as he prepared to take his leave. He planted in her memory his cell phone number. "Call me if you need me."
"John, wait, please!"
John turned and looked at her surprised by her tone. "Yes."
"Don't you want know have your way with me," she asked.
"Well, to tell the truth, the thought did occur to me, but I don't think that it is worth the effort." He said, a little sorry for the way it sounded.
"You don't find me attractive or desirable," she asked knowing that she didn't deserve to be treated any better.
"It's not that," he said. "It's that I can't trust you and I have plenty of women to choose from."
"Make me trustworthy," she said, "you can do that. I could be a powerful ally," she said.
"That is asking a lot just for a role in the hay," he replied. "What are you up to? Be honest."
She felt compelled to tell him the truth, but she was already planning to do as much. "John, I am lonely. Since your father's passing I haven't been with another man and due to my wealth and status, it may be a while if I ever have another special lover." She sat up and closed her legs. "Besides, you've made me pretty horny," she joked getting him to smile.
"Jackie, I don't know. I don't like to take advantage of people, not good karma, if you know what I mean."
"Do you want me to beg," she asked. "Because I will and you know that you didn't make me do that."
She rose to her feet and walked the short distance to him and pulled him close to her. She was close enough to kiss him, yet hesitated.
"I know I don't deserve any kindness from you, John, but I think it would be fun," she said looking into his eyes.
John entered her mind and told her, that she would trust him completely and would rather die before letting any harm come to him from any source. She would tell him anything she heard that remotely had any impact on him or his interest, if she agreed they could proceed.
She moved in closer and kissed him gently and then with urgency that betrayed her need to be loved. The kiss was good and John relaxed allowing himself to become aroused. She took him by the hand and took him to her bedroom.
John was impressed by how sexy she could be. She did have a very nice body, this could be fun and she may in fact be helpful. He still had to formulate a plan to expose the Main Street Bank. He needed to learn more about the wealthy and how they think. He would need a tutor.
They entered a large room that was elegantly appointed without being overstated. She stopped in front of her very large bed and knelt before him, unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down to his ankles. He rose before her in all his glory. She grabbed him and began licking around the large mushroom head as he doubled in size. She wasn't very good at the oral administration, but made up for it with her enthusiasm. When he reached his full size, she marveled at it and pulled him into her bed on top of her while guiding him between her more than ready nether lips. John thought she was amazing tight and warm, sliding into her felt better than any woman he ever felt. He stopped abruptly as he hit bottom, and the pleasure rippled through him. He had never felt anything so fine. Jackie too was finding the pleasure much more than she had thought possible and they hadn't yet done anything. As if on its own John seemed to thicken just a little, and was ready to see how good they both could feel. He pulled out painstakingly slow and she gripped him tightly like she wouldn't let him go, but slowly he ease out leaving just the tip inside her, and paused. Jackie seemed to be applying little kisses on him urging him to return.
He held is position a little longer before slowly pushing back inside. Amazingly, it felt twice as good as the first stroke. He repeated these slow strokes for several minutes, as sweat beaded on his brow. When he felt that he couldn't stand it any longer he began to increase the pace. By now Jackie was panting and moaning, she hadn't felt these sweet sensations for a long time, and quickly had the first of many small orgasms. It was like a roller coaster, it would build and build and then, a strong release. Her eyes would flutter and warm feelings would emanate from her core spread out throughout her body. John was pumping into her at pretty steady pace now, only his mind kept him from coming. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally was ready to come. Jackie seemed to sense it and just before he released, had the granddaddy of all orgasms pulling John into his as well. They weren't shy about making their climax known, John roared and Jackie shrieked, both for at least a full minute. When the finished, they both collapsed, John was usually careful about not leaving his full weight on his lovers, but he was completely wiped out. Jackie was so happy she began to weep and pulled John closer, baring his weight easily.
After a few minutes, John spoke, "That was incredible, do you do this to all your lovers?"
It was a question, and Jackie was now able to answer, and John remembered his command only letting her speak when addressed and rescinded the command.
"Oh John, I have to agree, that I have never felt anything so good," she replied breathlessly, and looked sadly into his eyes and said, "It has been so long, I almost forgot what it felt like. It feels like more."
Holding her tightly, John rolled onto his back allowing Jackie to claim the top. Using his feet, John shrugged off his shoes and pants allowing him to move his legs. Jackie leaned in and began another passionate kiss. When she was done, she asked him if he was ready for round two. Still inside of her he answered her he was by moving inside her and grew just enough to give her a small shudder. She sat up bringing her under her and began slowly riding up and down. As she reach bottom, her marvelous breast jiggled and swayed in the most delightful way. After a few minutes, John couldn't resist the urge to reach out and fondle them. Jackie loved the wonderful feeling as he squeezed and gently pulled on her plump nipples causing her to moan as the pleasure vibrated throughout her body. She leaned forward allowing him to take a nipple into his mouth; she shuddered and rode a small orgasm. She increased the pace, pulling her breast from his mouth and John once again enjoyed the view of her bouncing breast. After several minutes, she slide off of him, turned and sucked John manhood into her mouth while lowered her wet pussy onto his waiting mouth, where John feasted on her juices. When he had gotten all there was, he sent his tongue into her looking for more, letting it stretch until she squealed and released more from the surprising new climax.
They were like teenagers moved from one sensuous position to the next traded places and tried every position they could think of until they both were exhausted and satisfied lying next to each other catching their breath. The break allowed John reflect on the day's events. He never thought things would turn out this way. It seemed as if with every new partner, sex got better. He was beginning to understand better the gift that he was given. But there were still many unanswered questions.
"Hey, you," Jacqueline said, seeing that he seemed be deep in thought.
"Hey Jackie, just sorting things out," he said smiling as she lightly brushed his long hair off his face and kissed him.
"You know," she said, hesitating a little. "I don't like being called Jackie," gazing into his young face and thinking, "My God he is young enough to be my son." "Yeah, I do know that," he replied.
"Well," she said wrinkling her nose, "I guess, if you insist, I could make an exception," she giggled.
Although Jackie was wrestling with the age discrepancy, she found John to be much more than just a handsome teenager with a large penis, she found he was very mature for his years. They talked about banking and finances, and other projects that John was working on. For his part, John was surprised at how easy Jackie was to talk to now. He was surprised to learn that she was very familiar with Mr. Adams the bank president of Main Street Bank, but not surprised to learn that he gave her the creeps. He didn't tell her of his plan to help his neighbors with their mortgage problems which Mr. Adams seems to have orchestrated. Jackie had several connections that she was willing to leverage to help John in whatever ways he needed.
Once their business conversation was over, they agreed a shower was in order. John had never been in a shower so spacious, it was the size a larger closet, tiled throughout and without a door. There was a large shower head in the ceiling and several more water spouts on all sides and two shooting up from the floor. The space allowed them plenty of room to play, beginning with Jackie gobbling John's shaft and ending with her bouncing on his shaft as he reclined on one of the marble ledges. John knew he would need to have a similar shower in his new place.
When they were done they kissed and cuddled until John realized it was getting late, he still had two more houses to see. Reluctantly, he separated himself from her, much to her disappointment; she seemed to have a large appetite for sex or was it just him she desired.
Cindy Ash was having a hard time keeping up with all the new customers she had been seeing this week and had to hire two more sales clerks to handle the volume. She wasn't complaining, if this kept up, she'd be able to retire her small business loan in a few months, saving her thousands of dollars in interest. She didn't get the name of the mysterious young man who had come into her boutique last week, but she would love the opportunity to thank him for all the new business.
It was a slow day at the medical complex; Mary made a few more stops at the hospital before deciding to check one more time on James before leaving. His practice was in the adjacent medical offices building. She could have called, but didn't want to be committed and thought it would be more fun to just drop in on him. If he was too busy to see her, then he would feel obligated to make a date later on.
As she entered the offices of Dr. James Monroe, she was surprised to find the door unlocked and the waiting room empty and the receptionist wasn't at her desk. She called out thinking the receptionist may be in the back office filing a medical record. It appeared that she had just stepped away from her desk , her computer's screen saver hadn't activated yet and there was a freshly poured glass of soda still bubbling, condensation just beginning to form. She heard some voices and followed the sound to James' office the door was slightly ajar. She pushed slightly and was about to call out again when she saw James on his knees bent between the spread legs of his receptionist. A mischievous, grin formed on Mary's face as she walked into the office.
John was beginning to worry. Although his strength was slowly returning, it wasn't return fast enough for him to prevent being sodomized, whipped, or worse. He tried again to flex his mental muscles; after two long minutes, there was nothing, although he was sweating heavily and finally relaxed in futile frustration.
As the girls continued to slowly circle and taunt him, John was only able to follow with his eyes; he was struck by the image of the initials he inscribed on their foreheads, I, S, H. They went around again, S, H, I. And finally, H -- I -- S! John realized that may be clue to what his father's crime was and why he was being punished.
Samantha asked, "Did you bring some lube for that big fat dildo, Issy?"
"He won't need it," she replied, "Let him take it like a man." She laughed and the others joined in.
Just when it seemed his fate was sealed, John felt an incredible surge of energy enter his body and he immediately knew where it came from and welcomed it. As he is accepting the energy charge it appeared as if he's in pain, but the feeling is more akin to having an intense orgasm, but his captures didn't know that and they assumed he was once again struggling against his bonds and they continued to circle him laughing at his expense.
With the energy transfer completed, John could have easily broken his mental bonds, but he didn't react yet. He waited for the right moment, to catch them completely off guard.
"Well, buddy, looks like its time you to learn firsthand how it feels to have a large cock up your ass!" Heather chuckled. "Okay Isabel, let him have it!"
Isabel wanted to take a step but found that her feet didn't move. She tried to put more effort into it but it didn't matter, it was if both her feet were rooted into the floor.
Heather, turned to her sister and asked, "Come on Issy, what are you waiting for, do him!"
Isabel attempted to tell her that something was wrong and she couldn't move, but now she couldn't open her mouth to speak.
"Never mind," Heather barked, "Sam, put the nipple clamps on him."
Sam, too found that she was unable to move or speak. Frustrated with her sisters' lack of action she lifted the riding crop with the intent to punish her hostage's naked nice ass, but found that she couldn't swing her arm down. In fact like her sisters she couldn't move. Her eye swelled as John stepped forward and gently took the crop from her hand. Before his stepmother could react she too was frozen in place. John had immobilized all four of them; they were now at his mercy.
"I don't think so," he chided Jacqueline. "Not this time."
He stared at the four frozen women; eye opened wide and felt their shared terror. He duck walked them together in a semi-circle so that he could address them.
He relaxed his forgotten erection and calmly told them to take off their clothes. They shed their pool robes and bikinis, tossing them into a pile, and stood before him hands at their sides, unable to move on their own again.
John was once again clothed similarly to when he arrived.
He looked over the helpless women standing before him and probed their minds. He quickly broke through his sister's puny defenses and learned all he needed to know about them. He neutralized their mind control powers. Focusing on his stepmother he removed her ability to use telekinesis.
They felt their powers leave them and were very frightened. They had no idea who John was; Heather had cut him off before he could say. They didn't know whom they had trifled with or the extent of his powers. They trembled in fear as they saw the anger in his eyes.
Slowly, however, his anger seemed to cool. John remembered he needed maintain a balance. So he would consider this as he metered out a light punishment. He would give them another chance. He focused his attention on his sisters; they were truly identical, had it not been for his markers, he would have had to rely on his mental probes to tell them apart. He touched Heather's mind again and learned that she took solace in her being identical to her sister, thinking she wouldn't be punish as severely if she pretended to be one of her sisters. Their bodies were slim without the curves women their age displayed. Their small breast looked even smaller swelling slightly and topped with bright red button like nipples. Their bellies were flat, sporting "innies" for navels and all three had shaved pubis, making them look much younger than their 24 years.
John was surprised at all the ideas for revenge came to mind, he was angry but decided that the punishment should fit the crime. They didn't know who he was, yet they were ready to hurt him, he remembered the three other men they had captured and abused. They hurt innocent people, apparently for months. Yes, they need to be punished, maybe not as severely as he had first though. He reflected on what he had learned from his mind probes and thought maybe he could help them, since their childhood wasn't very nurturing.
First he would reveal his identity then he would make a few physical changes. Their reaction would determine their fate, he was in charge now. John lifted the gag and allowed the women to speak; he turned and addressed Heather, "How do you explain this behavior, Heather? Is this how you get your kicks?"
Heather was visible shaken. He knew who she was; she wouldn't be able to hide behind her sisters. She tried to think of a way out of this, to smooth talk him, but soon realized the futility of such thoughts.
"We are really sorry," she said sound much more desperate than she intended. "We didn't mean any harm."
Her sisters joined in suddenly finding their voices, "Really, we were just having a little fun."
"Oh, you call what you did to those men fun? You think shoving that large dildo up my butt would be fun?" John roared. "Well, let's see how much fun it is."
Isabel walked up behind Heather, in stiff jerky movements, clearly fighting her body's movements. Heather found herself bent at the waist and Isabel easily pushed the large black dildo all the way into her anus. Heather began to scream, begging for it to stop, while Isabel apologized frantically unable to stop the assault.
"What's the matter Heather, Isabel is just having a little fun," John said.
Isabel held it firmly in place while Heather panted surprised by the size of the dildo and that it was now inside her. Samantha gasped at the site and found herself marching to join her sisters as a duplicate dildo appeared in her hand. As if on cue, Isabel bent at the waist, still clutching the dildo she had sunk into her sister's rectum. Samantha gave Isabel the same treatment she had given Heather until like Heather the unwanted dildo magically popped through and she too stopped and held it still. Jacqueline thought she might escape the fate of her daughters, until she also found herself walking to join the circle. Heather and Jacqueline found they too had identical dildos in her hand and unwillingly repeated the actions, Heather on her mother and Jacqueline on her daughter. Now all four were bent at the waist with large dildos in their rectums, they could no longer move, which allowed them to breath, neither woman having ever been this full or anything in their rear passage shy of a thermometer. They all knew what was coming next. John waited.
All of them yelled and pleaded, promising they were sorry, and that beginning to cry, real tears falling from their eyes.
John stood them upright and approached Jacqueline. Abruptly being forced to stand with their rear passages filled was a little discomforting, but John knew that it won't do them any real harm.
"What do you have to say for yourselves," John asked her.
"I know who you are," she said in a voice that betrayed her confidence.
"You do? It's about time, please tell your daughters, so that they too will know who they are dealing with." John spat, a little more venomous than he intended.
"You are John Smith!" Jacqueline announced.
Samantha asked her sisters, "Whose John Smith?"
"Our bastard half-brother," Heather replied.
Hearing the mean comment, John bent them all back into position and had they begin working the dildos in and out, eliciting screams of apologies and regrets, so John stopped.
"Heather," John said, "I can see that you are going to be a problem. It appears that you can't be trusted. I will have to come up with a special punishment for you."
Hearing that Heather, immediately regretted the comment, but knew her apology would be insincere and get her into more trouble, so she held her tongue.
John was growing tired of this game. He didn't come here to fight. If they thought of him in that way he would never win them over. So, he decided to take another course of action. He had them remove the dildos and drop them to the floor as he stood them up and marched them back into their positions.
"Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot," John said and he released them from his grip. They all sighed mightily and attempted to regain their composure.
Jacqueline cleared her throat and spoke, "John, please forgive our earlier actions, I can offer no excuse for our behavior. Let's recline in the family room and discuss the reason for your visit."
"Fair enough," John said. "You may put your robes on."
"Very well," Jacqueline said. "Girls why don't you get us some refreshments, and while you are at it release the help from their confinement."
Heather shot a look at her mother, but backed down when she saw the look in her mother's eyes.
Isabel and Heather prepared cheese, crackers and sliced deli meats and while Samantha opened a bottle of Chteau Lafite Rothschild Pauillac 1996 and brought five crystal glasses. Heather reminded Samantha to release the maids from their quarters, and told her that she should probably bring them with her.
The girls returned carrying two trays and the opened bottle of wine.
When everyone had a glass of wine in their hands Jacqueline offered a toast, "To new relations and old problems resolved." They clicked glasses and sipped their wine. John hesitated and saw something in Heather's behavior that confirmed his suspicions.
"Heather," he called.
She lowered her glass and replied, "Yes, brother?"
"My wine taste a little funny, would you mind taking a sip and telling me what you think?"
"Oh, that's the expensive stuff; you have to develop a palate for it." She attempted to dismiss the request.
"But I insist," John said and he compelled Heather to him and had her take the glass and raise it to her lips as her eye grew twice their size.
"Nooooo," Jacqueline cried, running to the two and slapping the glass from her daughter's hand. "It's been poisoned.
They all watched as the glass fell to the floor shattering the crystal and staining the Persian rug.
Angered by the near death experience, Heather called for Maria and Carmen to come and clean up her mess. The two frail young Latin women scurried into the room with cleaning tools to take care of the mess. They wore short tight black and white uniforms and blushed seeing their mistresses' near naked bodies, their beach robs doing little to cover their bodies.
John scanned they minds and learned that as he suspected they were undocumented and had been treated poorly and had very little freedom in a sense being held against their will. He reached his limit and had enough. He called the Maria and Carmen to him and asked them to have a seat.
"Ladies," John said "We are going to make some changes."
Maria and Carmen, from now on these women will do anything you ask them to do. All you have to do is ask.
Maria and Carmen looked at each other and then back at John.
"She needs to clean mess, she makes," Maria said in her broken English and pointing at Heather.
Heather couldn't stop herself, finding the discarded cleaning tools and she began cleaning up the broken crystal and spilled wine. Try though she might she couldn't control her body. The others watched in horror, hoping that they wouldn't be made to pay for the way they had treated the two undocumented workers.
Maria giggled at the sight and was eager to do more. Pointing at Isabel she said, "You jump and bark like puppy."
Isabel began to jump up and done making barking sounds, much to the delight of the two maids.
Carmen not to be left out pointed to Samantha and said, "You go and clean house."
Samantha's eyes widened as her body jumped forward and began to straight the room and clean.
"No, start in bedrooms," Carmen corrected her.
And Samantha left the room to begin her work.
The two looked at Jacqueline and then at each other, exchanged a few words in Spanish and then Maria said, "We hungry, you go cook and make it be delicious."
Like her daughters, Jacqueline was compelled to obey and her body seemed to have a mind of its own as she jiggle and wiggled out of the room towards the main kitchen, leaving John with the two young women, watching Heather attempting to remove the stain from the rug and Isabel jumping and barking.
John said, "Ladies, looks like they will be busy for a while," as he turned his attention to Heather.
"Heather in addition to doing everything and anything that Maria and Carmen ask you will also do the same for your sisters. You are completely submissive to them. You will not be able to harm them, me or yourself in any manner. If you as much as think about it, you will have a spontaneous orgasm, each stronger than the previous and yell, 'Yabba-Dabba Do".
Heather's eyes grew large and felt the undeniable beginning of an orgasm; she sighed unable to prevent the warm feeling from spreading and yelled "Yabba-Dabba Do, Yabba-Dabba Do".
"Oh, my," John said, feinting surprise and shock, "You must learn to control your thinking."
Heather turned a bright red all over and yelled "Yabba-Dabba Do, again.
He looked at Isabel who was still jumping and barking, "Isabel, looks like you are going to have to help Heather. Why don't you take her to the bathroom and help her settle down, when you're done you both can help clean the house.
As the two women left, Heather on weak needs and leaning on her sister, John turned to Maria and Carmen and said, "That was interesting. I am sorry for the way you've been treated; I am in a position to help you in many ways. I am willing to be very generous. What would you like?"
Carmen smiled brightly and glancing at Maria said, "Our English not good. You help?"
John smiled and told them he understood. He increased their English skills to college graduate levels, reading, writing and pronunciation, erasing any trace of an accent unless they choose to use it. Then he asked, "What do you think?"
Maria answered. "I don't feel any different, did you do something?" She squealed and covered her mouth with both hands for a second and then said, "Listen to me. I am speaking perfect English. Carmen, you try."
"Look at you," Carmen said, "You and me, we sound like we've been speaking English all our lives, this is wonderful!"
Maria said. "Mr. Smith, we don't know how to thank you for this marvelous gift."
John smiled and reached into his pocket, he didn't carry a lot of cash on him, but did have about eight hundred dollars, retrieving it he separated it into equal parts and handed them the money. At the same time he implanted his cell number in their minds and told them that they were to go through the girls' clothes and take what clothing they liked, change out of the maid uniforms and they were free to leave when they were ready. He told them they could buy more clothing from a boutique in the mall across the street from the Main Street Bank and have the owner bill him. Finally, he handed them "Green Cards", and told them that he may have a proposal for them, kind of like a job, but to get themselves settled and they could talk about that later. Maria and Carmen accepted the cards, hugged and kissed John on the cheek and hurried off to find clothes from the triplet's closets that they would like.
Isabel and Heather worked together and had finished cleaning the kitchen and pool area. They returned and the two completed the cleanup of the crystal glass and wine, they surprised John by doing a good job. He looked at them and was amazed at how closely they resembled each other; they were almost a mirror image of each other. Their short black hair reminded him of the style Morena Baccarin wore as the evil alien queen Anna in the television series "V". But he didn't like the looked; they looked too androgynous and far too pale.
Samantha was finishing making her large bed when Maria and Carmen came into the room. They didn't even look at her but went directly to her closet and began looking through her clothes and holding different outfits up to themselves imagining how they would look. Samantha was becoming angry and about to confront them when Carmen looked at her and told her to pay them no attention. To Samantha's surprise she did and finished the bed and left the room. She felt compelled to return to the family room as if she was being summoned.
When Samantha returned she instinctively took her position and stood to the right of Isabel, causing John to read the invisible markers he placed on their foreheads, H-I-S. All three stood in front of him waiting for his next instructions.
"Dad, what were you doing with these girls," he asked, knowing that his father was watching and that he wouldn't answer until they were alone.
He told them that he was going to make physical changes to their bodies and that it wasn't going to hurt, but may feel a little strange, he warned. Since they didn't have any choice they resigned themselves to his control.
It was the first time that he attempted to change three people at once, and he felt up to the task. He had Heather and Samantha step forward and turn inward slightly creating a semi-circle, he wanted to see the changes on all three at the same time as well as for them to see each other change. He had them remove their robes.
He began with their breast, anything would be an improvement, and currently all they had were large red nipples. Slowly, they began to swell growing mostly on the bottom then and then on the top, and began protruding out from their bodies. He didn't want to overdo it, but he had to admit that he did enjoy large breast, so he enlarged them to a "C" cup size. The girls we amazed as watched with strange fascination each of their bosoms grew, and were disappointed when they stopped. They began to fondle and squeeze their new assets. Their nipples seemed perfect for their new enlarged breast. John added a little extra sensitivity to them, thinking they would like the new sensations and before he could stop them, one by one their knees buckled as they experience pleasure they never knew existed. He scolded them and told them there would be plenty of time to experiment once he was done, so reluctantly they stood and left the hands fall by their sides. He firmed up their abs and back muscles, but not enough that they looked muscular; he wanted a more feminine look, which they lacked. They had almost no hips so he sculptured a nice bottom to balance their enlarged breast and bubble their flat butts just a bit. Looking at their naked pubis, he grew and shaped small landing strips into their individual initials. Overall John was as pleased as the girls were with their new looks, and John was ready to add the finishing touches.
He grew their hair to just below their shoulders and changed their hair colors, Samantha's to auburn, Isabel's to brown and Heather's to blonde, and for now they were all styled in a popular Megan Fox look. He permanently painted their nails, Samantha's orange, Isabel's honey brown and Heather's bright pink. Finally, John darkened their skin tones to a health tan. John locked in the changes so that they wouldn't be able to change them, a hair cut would result in the hair growing back within hours and dyes wouldn't adhere to the hair follicle.
John had to agree that he liked what he had done. He thought that maybe his step sister would appreciate the changes, but it didn't matter. He could have done a lot worse and considering what they had tried to do to him, he was prepared to add a few sexual dysfunctions. He found himself getting aroused as he looked upon them; they were now stunning beautiful women. They may still require attitude adjustments.
Jacqueline came into the den pushing a cart full of food and drinks; she had used her dormant cooking skills to create a meal of beef stew and vegetables. It delicious odor permeated the house. When she saw her daughters she screamed. "What have you done to my girls, my beautiful girls?"
John froze her in her tracks, her words echoed through the spacious room. The sisters became alarmed and Heather, yelled Yabba-Dabba Do, as she fell to her knees. John was growing tired of all this and was prepared to simply change their minds and be done with it. His attempt at gentle persuasion failing. A mirror appeared on the wall near the door leading to the kitchen; one by one he had his step sister appraise their new looks as he scanned their minds to learn what they really thought.
While they appreciated their new bodies especially their enlarged breast, they found fault with the length of their hair, that it would be too hot in the summer and the maintenance would be a lot of work. They probably no longer owned a thing that would fit these bodies. They lifted and shifted their breast, imagining how clothes would fit. When John realized that it was time to have dressed. Just as he was about to release them, Maria and Carmen came in and helped themselves to the food, seeing the immobile Jacqueline, they giggled and took their food to a couch to consume. They were stunned to see their former tormentors in their new bodies.
"Oh my God, they are beautiful," Carmen said in her perfect English.
"What did you do, to them, can you make us beautiful, too," Maria said as she put her plate aside and looked at each woman. She had them stand and spin and squeeze their breast together displaying a large amount of cleavage.
"We want that treatment too." Carmen said, looking at John to make sure he knew she was serious.
The girls were stunned; they didn't appreciate what their eyes were telling them until hearing Carmen asking for the same treatment.
"In due time," John said. "First eat your food before it gets cold."
They ate their fill and left not without kissing John, this time on the lips, lingering just a little.
Turning to his step sisters, he told them to go put on whatever they could get into and come back down he would make the necessary adjustments.
He walked over to Jacqueline, "I am afraid that my patience have run out." He said as he stared into her eyes. "You will hold your comments and speak only when I allow you to. And Jackie, I am very angry with you. When was the last time you had sex of any kind?"
She was embarrassed but answered, "I masturbate a few times a week," she said, blushing profusely, not understanding why she said that and she let him get away with calling her Jackie, no one called her that.
"Only a few times a week," John said. That isn't nearly enough. Why don't you have a seat in the corner and get busy, take your time, be creative and if you are good I might even let you come." He told her dismissing her.
Jacqueline was stunned, she wasn't going to sit in the back ground and play with herself, not for this teenager or anybody. He would just have to get his jolly's elsewhere, she thought as she walk the short distance to a small couch in the back of the spacious den, stopping to pick up the discarded riding crop. She made herself comfortable opened her robe and began rubbing her nipples and pussy. It was then that she realized what she was doing. She wanted to stop. She had to stop. But she was becoming wet and she couldn't stop now.
The girls found clothes that fit them the best, which wasn't good enough to be seen in public. Most of the outfits didn't cover the asses and they couldn't button or close any of the tops, because of their newly enhanced breast. Reluctantly they returned to John for their fittings. They lined up for John's inspection in the order of birth, Heather, Isabel and Samantha. John understood the truth of the statement; women look more desirable wearing some clothing more than being completely naked. His step sisters looked amazing, He adjusted all their outfits so that they were able to not only fit, but so that they were more tailored and accentuated their new figures. Everyone was pleased; accept for Heather who found things to complain about.
"Heather," John said as he approached her, "I am sorry that you are unhappy with the way things are now, perhaps you would be happier if you weren't so smart." He did a quick assessment and learned that she had a superior IQ, which would explain why she was being so difficult. "I think being too smart is making you unhappy, so let's knock down your IQ about 30 points. Don't worry, I won't do any permanent damage, you may still be smart, you just won't be able to express that in any way. You'll be gullible and easily distracted and easily amused."
Heather began to protest. "You can't do that. It isn't right," She began to feel her mind dulling. "Noooo!"
And it was over. She blinked and then stopped her foot, "You stupidhead, what did you do to me," Heather asked.
"I just made you happy, how do you like your new outfit," John asked.
"Oh pretty," Heather said as she looked down at her attire and rushed to get a better look in the mirror.
Turning to Samantha and Isabel who had witnessed the whole thing and said, "You'll need to keep an eye on her, but don't worry she will do whatever you ask." As he spoke they realized that their step brother possessed much more power than they imagined and they would behave themselves or find themselves in the same shape.
"Ladies, you are going to need entirely new wardrobes, I want you to visit a clothing boutique at the mall across the street from the Main Street Bank. You know the one," John said.
And suddenly, they did know the store. They would go there immediately. They loved shopping. John put his cell number in their phones with a simple thought. "Take Heather's car, but I don't think she should drive," John said.
They agreed and were finally able to get Heather to stop admiring the various poses she struck in the mirror and left excited to be going out on their shopping trip.
John was now alone with Jacqueline, she was lying on her back with her legs spread wide rubbing her pussy with one hand and pulling on her left nipple with the other. She was moaning, at the pleasure she was feeling, but unable to bring herself off.
"Hey Jackie, how's it going," he asked as looked her over, this time as a potential sexual partner. She looked pretty good for a middle aged woman. She looked more like early forties if that.
Jacqueline answered, "I don't understand why I can't come. It feels good, but not good enough. Perhaps, you could help me, I really need to come," she said, forgetting that John told her she couldn't come until he said so.
"I don't know Jackie; you haven't been very nice to me. You tried to kill me." He reminded her.
Jacqueline had tried everything and was now using the wide end of the riding crop in the hopes that it would make a difference. John did ask her to be creative.
"John, I was so wrong to do that," she panted, "I didn't know you and thought that you were here to claim some sort of inheritance. I was being foolish. I can see that you aren't after money and have no need of it. You are your father's son."
John pondered that for a few minutes. After what he had learned today, he wasn't sure that was a complement. Jackie deserved a punishment; did he need to fuck her? She was his father's widow, how would he feel about it?
"Okay, Jackie, you can come," he said, and as soon as he finished the sentence Jackie squealed loudly and shuddered as she rode through pleasure. "You will need to masturbate at least once a day and it will definitely improve your disposition," John said as he prepared to take his leave. He planted in her memory his cell phone number. "Call me if you need me."
"John, wait, please!"
John turned and looked at her surprised by her tone. "Yes."
"Don't you want know have your way with me," she asked.
"Well, to tell the truth, the thought did occur to me, but I don't think that it is worth the effort." He said, a little sorry for the way it sounded.
"You don't find me attractive or desirable," she asked knowing that she didn't deserve to be treated any better.
"It's not that," he said. "It's that I can't trust you and I have plenty of women to choose from."
"Make me trustworthy," she said, "you can do that. I could be a powerful ally," she said.
"That is asking a lot just for a role in the hay," he replied. "What are you up to? Be honest."
She felt compelled to tell him the truth, but she was already planning to do as much. "John, I am lonely. Since your father's passing I haven't been with another man and due to my wealth and status, it may be a while if I ever have another special lover." She sat up and closed her legs. "Besides, you've made me pretty horny," she joked getting him to smile.
"Jackie, I don't know. I don't like to take advantage of people, not good karma, if you know what I mean."
"Do you want me to beg," she asked. "Because I will and you know that you didn't make me do that."
She rose to her feet and walked the short distance to him and pulled him close to her. She was close enough to kiss him, yet hesitated.
"I know I don't deserve any kindness from you, John, but I think it would be fun," she said looking into his eyes.
John entered her mind and told her, that she would trust him completely and would rather die before letting any harm come to him from any source. She would tell him anything she heard that remotely had any impact on him or his interest, if she agreed they could proceed.
She moved in closer and kissed him gently and then with urgency that betrayed her need to be loved. The kiss was good and John relaxed allowing himself to become aroused. She took him by the hand and took him to her bedroom.
John was impressed by how sexy she could be. She did have a very nice body, this could be fun and she may in fact be helpful. He still had to formulate a plan to expose the Main Street Bank. He needed to learn more about the wealthy and how they think. He would need a tutor.
They entered a large room that was elegantly appointed without being overstated. She stopped in front of her very large bed and knelt before him, unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down to his ankles. He rose before her in all his glory. She grabbed him and began licking around the large mushroom head as he doubled in size. She wasn't very good at the oral administration, but made up for it with her enthusiasm. When he reached his full size, she marveled at it and pulled him into her bed on top of her while guiding him between her more than ready nether lips. John thought she was amazing tight and warm, sliding into her felt better than any woman he ever felt. He stopped abruptly as he hit bottom, and the pleasure rippled through him. He had never felt anything so fine. Jackie too was finding the pleasure much more than she had thought possible and they hadn't yet done anything. As if on its own John seemed to thicken just a little, and was ready to see how good they both could feel. He pulled out painstakingly slow and she gripped him tightly like she wouldn't let him go, but slowly he ease out leaving just the tip inside her, and paused. Jackie seemed to be applying little kisses on him urging him to return.
He held is position a little longer before slowly pushing back inside. Amazingly, it felt twice as good as the first stroke. He repeated these slow strokes for several minutes, as sweat beaded on his brow. When he felt that he couldn't stand it any longer he began to increase the pace. By now Jackie was panting and moaning, she hadn't felt these sweet sensations for a long time, and quickly had the first of many small orgasms. It was like a roller coaster, it would build and build and then, a strong release. Her eyes would flutter and warm feelings would emanate from her core spread out throughout her body. John was pumping into her at pretty steady pace now, only his mind kept him from coming. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally was ready to come. Jackie seemed to sense it and just before he released, had the granddaddy of all orgasms pulling John into his as well. They weren't shy about making their climax known, John roared and Jackie shrieked, both for at least a full minute. When the finished, they both collapsed, John was usually careful about not leaving his full weight on his lovers, but he was completely wiped out. Jackie was so happy she began to weep and pulled John closer, baring his weight easily.
After a few minutes, John spoke, "That was incredible, do you do this to all your lovers?"
It was a question, and Jackie was now able to answer, and John remembered his command only letting her speak when addressed and rescinded the command.
"Oh John, I have to agree, that I have never felt anything so good," she replied breathlessly, and looked sadly into his eyes and said, "It has been so long, I almost forgot what it felt like. It feels like more."
Holding her tightly, John rolled onto his back allowing Jackie to claim the top. Using his feet, John shrugged off his shoes and pants allowing him to move his legs. Jackie leaned in and began another passionate kiss. When she was done, she asked him if he was ready for round two. Still inside of her he answered her he was by moving inside her and grew just enough to give her a small shudder. She sat up bringing her under her and began slowly riding up and down. As she reach bottom, her marvelous breast jiggled and swayed in the most delightful way. After a few minutes, John couldn't resist the urge to reach out and fondle them. Jackie loved the wonderful feeling as he squeezed and gently pulled on her plump nipples causing her to moan as the pleasure vibrated throughout her body. She leaned forward allowing him to take a nipple into his mouth; she shuddered and rode a small orgasm. She increased the pace, pulling her breast from his mouth and John once again enjoyed the view of her bouncing breast. After several minutes, she slide off of him, turned and sucked John manhood into her mouth while lowered her wet pussy onto his waiting mouth, where John feasted on her juices. When he had gotten all there was, he sent his tongue into her looking for more, letting it stretch until she squealed and released more from the surprising new climax.
They were like teenagers moved from one sensuous position to the next traded places and tried every position they could think of until they both were exhausted and satisfied lying next to each other catching their breath. The break allowed John reflect on the day's events. He never thought things would turn out this way. It seemed as if with every new partner, sex got better. He was beginning to understand better the gift that he was given. But there were still many unanswered questions.
"Hey, you," Jacqueline said, seeing that he seemed be deep in thought.
"Hey Jackie, just sorting things out," he said smiling as she lightly brushed his long hair off his face and kissed him.
"You know," she said, hesitating a little. "I don't like being called Jackie," gazing into his young face and thinking, "My God he is young enough to be my son." "Yeah, I do know that," he replied.
"Well," she said wrinkling her nose, "I guess, if you insist, I could make an exception," she giggled.
Although Jackie was wrestling with the age discrepancy, she found John to be much more than just a handsome teenager with a large penis, she found he was very mature for his years. They talked about banking and finances, and other projects that John was working on. For his part, John was surprised at how easy Jackie was to talk to now. He was surprised to learn that she was very familiar with Mr. Adams the bank president of Main Street Bank, but not surprised to learn that he gave her the creeps. He didn't tell her of his plan to help his neighbors with their mortgage problems which Mr. Adams seems to have orchestrated. Jackie had several connections that she was willing to leverage to help John in whatever ways he needed.
Once their business conversation was over, they agreed a shower was in order. John had never been in a shower so spacious, it was the size a larger closet, tiled throughout and without a door. There was a large shower head in the ceiling and several more water spouts on all sides and two shooting up from the floor. The space allowed them plenty of room to play, beginning with Jackie gobbling John's shaft and ending with her bouncing on his shaft as he reclined on one of the marble ledges. John knew he would need to have a similar shower in his new place.
When they were done they kissed and cuddled until John realized it was getting late, he still had two more houses to see. Reluctantly, he separated himself from her, much to her disappointment; she seemed to have a large appetite for sex or was it just him she desired.
Cindy Ash was having a hard time keeping up with all the new customers she had been seeing this week and had to hire two more sales clerks to handle the volume. She wasn't complaining, if this kept up, she'd be able to retire her small business loan in a few months, saving her thousands of dollars in interest. She didn't get the name of the mysterious young man who had come into her boutique last week, but she would love the opportunity to thank him for all the new business.
It was a slow day at the medical complex; Mary made a few more stops at the hospital before deciding to check one more time on James before leaving. His practice was in the adjacent medical offices building. She could have called, but didn't want to be committed and thought it would be more fun to just drop in on him. If he was too busy to see her, then he would feel obligated to make a date later on.
As she entered the offices of Dr. James Monroe, she was surprised to find the door unlocked and the waiting room empty and the receptionist wasn't at her desk. She called out thinking the receptionist may be in the back office filing a medical record. It appeared that she had just stepped away from her desk , her computer's screen saver hadn't activated yet and there was a freshly poured glass of soda still bubbling, condensation just beginning to form. She heard some voices and followed the sound to James' office the door was slightly ajar. She pushed slightly and was about to call out again when she saw James on his knees bent between the spread legs of his receptionist. A mischievous, grin formed on Mary's face as she walked into the office.