Chapter 09.2

He took the opportunity to squeeze her ass and fondle her tits. "Yeah, I just thought I would prepare a light meal for my favorite two ladies. Are you okay after last night? Things kind of got a little out of hand. I mean, I enjoyed everything, but I never dreamed that I would be getting it on with your mother." John lied.

April agreed that things did get pretty wild and she too never thought she'd be getting it on with mother. She thought things were fine between them and now that he and her mother were now intimate things would be better. As long as she wasn't left out, she accentuated by pointing her finger into John's chest. John to laughed and slap her affectionately on her bare ass as she walked off to get a cup of the rich smelling coffee. She fixed a plate for John and herself, inhaled the rich aroma of the coffee, and sat down next to John, she kissed him again and began to eat her food, surprised at how hungry she was.

Candice put on a sheer lace peignoir with sequins, ruffles and bows; even cinched shut it hid nothing; it would have the effect she desired. Sometimes partial nudity was sexier than complete nudity. As she wiggled and jiggled into the room she kissed John on the check and thanked him for last night and then kissed April on the neck eliciting a sigh as she found one of her erogenous zones. April couldn't take her eyes off her mother, she was stunning. She went to the cabinet to retrieve her favorite coffee mug which meant she had to reach on her tip toes. When she turned John was standing there admiring her in her sexy robe. He pulled the cinched bow free allowing the robe to open and reveal her naked flesh, her left breast exposed she released a single drop of milk, which John caught on his finger.

"What is this," he asked as if he didn't know.

April volunteered, "It seems that after last night's marathon, mother is now lactating. Taste it. It is delicious."

John licked the drop from his finger and made a big showing of how good it tasted. Candice told him that there was more where that came from. John admitted that it was a tempting offer but he had a lot of work to do today and asked for a rain check. Candice smiled and told him he was welcomed anytime. You would have thought that April would be jealous, but she was eager to have her mother alone and have more of her delicious milk. She was getting used to the idea of sharing John. She was beginning to realize that they would never be exclusive. They were both young and sex was still so new to them.

After Candice and April had eaten their fill, and John had nibbled on a croissant while drinking two glasses of orange juice, it was time to go. He took both women into his embrace kissed them deeply causing them to crave more of his touch, he could smell them becoming aroused, then he left.

Candice told April "Now isn't that just like a man to get you all wet and excited and then leave."

They both laughed. April walked over to her mother and took her by the hand; I think I know how to take care of that. And they headed back to the master bedroom.

John climbed into his truck and headed down the street towards downtown. It was time to check in on Tammy and see if it was time to bring down Mr. Adams.

"Nice work back there with April and Candice, son," he heard the voice in his mind complement him.

It was what remained of his father, trapped within the Ring of Power, his father's gift or legacy to him and what had made all these impossible things possible.

"You realize that you'll need to convert Candice to agent status. She has great potential this one," his father told him.

John agreed. "Once she begins using her milk on a few people she'll be ready. I wonder how long it will take before she collects enough to use in non sexual situations. And how long before she learns to dehydrate it or freeze dry it so that it will be easier to distribute."

"You'll need to watch her closely, you don't want her to get out of control, son."

Again John couldn't disagree with his father's assessment. Perhaps he'll have Elizabeth look in on her. It began to dawn on John that he didn't have any men he could trust at his disposal. He would need some soon once he settled into his new place; he may have a need for security. That thinking led him to one he'd been putting off for a while, should he have male agents. There was likely a wealth of sexual energy from the gay community. He was definitely missing out on yet untapped potential markets. Despite having no interest in sex with other men he had to be practical, he required more sexual energy and it didn't matter where it came from or who collected. He would have to begin to recruit some men, not necessarily for agents, but he did need some guys he could trust.

To say that Mary's rendezvous with James and Julie was hot would be the understatement of the century. With plenty of time to explore each other's bodies, a large bed to spread out on and a luxurious shower to play in, Mary had the time of her life and left two very satisfied partners.

James was so impressed with Mary's newly unleashed libido that he asked her to join him and Julie at a swinger's party the next night. He explained that he had treated a wealthy patient many years ago and was on the "A list" for his parties, after attending his first he was hooked and went often in his earlier years. But now he only went on special occasions. Tomorrow night's party was the annual Fall Equinox celebration, his friend was an astronomy buff and since the equinox only happened twice a year it was as good as an excuse as any for a sex party.

Mary was thrilled. She would be able to collect a huge amount of sexual energy while there and it would please John and that was what really mattered. She didn't have any idea what to wear, and then she laughed out loud after realizing that wouldn't be a problem since she'd like not be wearing much soon after they arrive. Still she wanted to look her best. James described it as a very classy affair. His friend even supplied lounging gowns for the women and short togas for the men. They hid nothing as they were made of sheer material, but they helped to keep things tidy and clean.

After arriving home in the early morning, she got some much needed rest. She and Julie had worn James out, he had incredible stamina, but after their play earlier in the day he wasn't able to compete. Fortunately, James and Julie had plenty of the latest sex toys and Mary learned a great deal about them first hand. Her favorite was the double dildo, which she had hear of and seen inaction in many of the porn DVDs she'd been studying. But what surprised her was the "Double Delight Strap-On". She was able to feel it from both ends and pretending to have a cock was fun. She and Julie spent hours trying it on each other and James even let her try it out on him. Just think about the night was making her horny all over again.

She shed her clothes and drew herself a hot bath, her muscles were a little sore and soaking in a hot tub would be soothing and help her to fall asleep quickly. While she soaked she did a little maintenance trimming her "landing strip" and attended to her nails. She would add polish later in the day as she prepared for the party. Still she needed something sexy to wear to the party. She called her son and left him a message, no doubt he was probably busy, but she heard that he knew of a clothing boutique that featured the kind of attire she needed.

John called back quickly and was happy to hear from his mother. They talked about many things, including her plans for tonight and her need for sexy evening wear. She laughed when he told her she would look sexy in a burlap bag, but that he was meeting with the owner in a few hours, he got her size and told her to expect a delivery that afternoon.

With that being done, Mary climbed out of her tub after almost an hour of soaking. She was very relaxed and after wrapping herself in her fluffy terry cloth robe, she padded to the kitchen for a light snack before heading to bed for a nap. As she began to fall off to sleep, visions of the previous night filled her mind and she knew she would be ready for more sex when she woke.

Cynthia arose from her cot in the back room which doubled as the office of her retail store. She hadn't bothered to go home last night. After finally finding and purchasing her new sex toy, she felt a surge of new energy and worked well into the night and by the time she was done it didn't make much sense to go home only to turn around and come back early for her meeting. She started the coffee pot and used her restroom to freshen up. She'd spent several nights there so she had a supply of everything she needed including a change of clothes.

John arrived on time, the sign on the door said they were closed, but Cynthia had left the door unlocked for him. As he entered the buzzer sounded announcing his arrival. Cynthia rushed out of the back office, she seemed a little bit wired to John perhaps she'd had too much caffeine he thought. Then he did a light scan and learned what the poor woman had been dealing with the last several weeks.

She greeted him professionally despite how young he looked. And they took a seat and they discussed business. John was prepared to buy the business from her, if she wanted to sell, or invest in it. The poor woman was exhausted, frustrated and very horny. John assured her that he would be able to provide her with a suitable assistant who would be able to lift some of the load from her shoulders. If she wanted a business partner he told her he was able to invest in the store, expansion or opening a second location.

Cynthia seemed visibly relieved to know that help was on the way. The conversation turned and they talked about other things, when John mentioned that she seemed a little tired since the last time they met. Using his mind he calmed her and helped her to realize that she could trust him. Before she realized what she was doing she was confiding in him about her trouble sleeping and about the dreams. It was like a weight lifted off her to be able to tell someone about her mixed feelings and desires. John was attracted by her honesty and directness. They had about twenty minutes before her small staff would arrive and about fifty minutes before it was time to open.

John asked if she had any more coffee, she felt bad that she hadn't offered him any. But John assured her it was fine, as he followed her to the small office in the back of the store. He wasn't interested in coffee, just wanted to get her into a more private location.

As she looked at the empty coffee pot, she remembered that she had drunk the last of it. She offered to make more when John asked her a question that caught her completely off guard.

"So, you like men?"

She stiffened for a moment and then surprised herself with her response. "God, John I love men. But now I think I love women too."

As her words hung in the air, spoken aloud for the first time, she blushed heavily. "What I wouldn't do for a hard cock right now," she said again surprising herself.

John unzipped his pants freeing his oversized cock and said, "Like this one." He laughed to himself; he had always wanted to say that.

Cynthia quickly fell to her knees before him and took his cock in one hand while she tried to suck his entire length into her greedy mouth. She licked, sucked and worshiped his cock like she hadn't seen one in years, which wasn't too far from the truth. After several minutes of bobbing her head back and forth on his knob, John lifted her and bent her over her desk. He easily pulled her dress out of the way and ripped her thong from off her ass, then rammed his cock into her pussy. He had read her mind and knew that she needed him to be a bit rough with her. She screamed and came almost immediately. That didn't stop John as he continued to saw in and out at a pace that had Cynthia coming again. He reached around and under her dress to feel her smallish tits. With a little effort he was able to get his hands under her bra and toy with her nipples eliciting another scream as she came again. After several more minutes, John was close and asked her if she was on the pill and if he should cum inside. She said that it was okay to come inside, but she'd rather swallow his cum if that was okay.

John chuckled to himself and thought why not both. He started to climax and that caused Cynthia to come again. But before he was done he pulled out and Cynthia scrambled to get in place, quickly grabbed his cock and covered as much as she could with her mouth while pumping him with her fist. She hadn't considered that she would taste herself and became more excited as she did, it wasn't bad and her mind drifted to wondering what other women tasted like. John released a huge load which brought her quickly back to reality. He filled her mouth and she swallowed several times trying to keep up with the volume. Her first thought was that he tasted like butterscotch followed quickly by surprised at how much cum he was producing. Finally he began to subside, but not before cum began leaking from the side of her mouth and down her neck. She released his cock which was quickly becoming flaccid but didn't seem to change much in size. John carefully stuffed it back into his boxers and zipped up. Like a cat Cynthia used her tongue to lick every drop that remained, cleaning her fingers of the precious goo that she scrapped from her neck. She wasn't sure if it was from all the "cum" she just consumed or the thorough copulation she'd just received but she felt better than she had in weeks, completely rejuvenated. She thanked John and as she hurried to clean herself up, just as she hearing the door open announcing her employees arrival.

Before leaving John pointed to one of the dresses on the rack and asked if she could deliver one to his mother this afternoon. He jotted down the size and the address. She escorted him to the door among the mixed looks of her staff. He told her that he'd have his person stop in later in the day and would call her to see what she thought. She nodded her approval and he kissed her on the cheek and left. Cynthia was smitten. She greeted her employees with energy and enthusiasm they hadn't seen in weeks. She overheard one say to the other that she happy that she finally got a "tune up", knowing that it was her they were talking about.

John called his buddy Mark, he and April grew up together and remained close over the years. But since all this craziness began he hadn't had much of a chance to catch up with him. Mark was a good guy a bit of an egghead, planned to be a CPA like his step dad. John asked if they could meet for lunch, his treat to catch up. Mark agreed having learned of his new wealth was worried that he didn't want to hang out any more. John shrugged it off and said he'd explain at lunch.

Elizabeth had just left Carmen and Maria's room. The training went well; they were very eager to please and very quick learners. It was almost 9PM, and she had spent over eight hours with them. They had ferocious sexual appetites. That was a good thing; they would need that as agents. She sat in her car checking her cell, she saw a text from John, and opening it she found her new assignment. John had another potential agent. She was told to be careful with this one, observe from afar before making contact. She laughed aloud when she read that he had given her the power to lactate mind controlling milk, what an imagination John had. She responded that she accepted the assignment and drove to her apartment where she intended to get a couple of hours of sleep before going out again. The night was young and there was plenty more sexual energy to capture, she knew she would be horny again by then.

Cynthia parked her '97 Toyota Camry in front of the house. She could have parked in the driveway, but her car was old and leaked oil. Even though she didn't expect to be there long she needed to be gregarious and impress John's mother, after all he was investing in her business, and she didn't want to risk a negative review. She carried the gown in a plain cloth garment bag holding from the hook of the hanger while she rang the doorbell.

Mary was in the bathroom preparing to take quick shower, she was wearing her white silk bath robe which hung open revealing her perfect breasts, flat muscular abs, narrow landing strip and diamond studded pierced labia, when she heard the doorbell. Realizing it must be the dress delivery; she rushed to the door and peaked. Standing at the door holding a garment bag was a small blond woman. She unlocked the door and began to open it when she realized she hadn't cinched her robe. With her free had she grabbed a handful of her robe and held it closed. The woman identified herself as being from the boutique and this was the dress her son picked out for her. Mary beckoned in and closed the door. Cynthia stepped into the foyer and was surprised at the elegance of the home. It was in a nice neighborhood, of course, but from what she could see the house was furnished with very fine items tastefully appointed.

"What a lovely home you have, Mrs. Smith." Cynthia said. "Your son asked that I drop this gown off for you. It's pretty fancy, I hope you like it. I've never done this before; bring a customer a dress without her having tried it on first."

Mary smiled and switched hand holding her robe closed to greet the young woman by extending her hand, "Please call me Mary. You'll have to excuse me I was just about to get into the shower." Mary didn't realize that when she changed hands she didn't quite close the robe completely. Her left breast was partially exposed and its long fat nipple looked very appealing to Cynthia.

Cynthia returned the greeting and shrugged off the apology, trying to remain calm, keeping her eyes neutral and asked if she should show her the gown. Mary agreed, but had Cynthia follow her to her bedroom, where she planned to try it on. As she walked down the short hall, Mary tied her robe closed which pulled the slinky material tightly around her ass and the sight of Mary's perfect heart shaped ass wasn't wasted on Cynthia. Entering the room, Mary turned, accepted the dress and laid it on the bed and quickly pulling it from the bag. Holding it up in front of her she was pleased at John's choice, it was perfect. Mary hadn't noticed that now her entire left breast was now outside the robe and Cynthia was beginning to salivate.

"It's gorgeous," she said holding it against her and asking Cynthia what she thought. Cynthia thought it was a good choice, not what she would have imagined a son would pick for his mother, but then again, Mary didn't look like she could be anyone's mother. Her exposed tit was defying gravity. It was obviously natural and Cynthia was becoming obsessed with it and wondering what the rest of Mary looked like under that robe. Snapping herself out of her daydream, Cynthia suggested that she may want to try it on to be safe. Mary agreed and took the dress with her into the bathroom to try it on.

Cynthia was relieved. Mary was beautiful; if she had tried on the garment in front of her she would have lacked the strength to resist touching her. She looked up and noticed that although Mary was in the bathroom, the mirrors reflected a clear view of her naked body as she examined the dress. It was if she was standing right next to her. Cynthia's pulse quickened. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. She tried to divert her gaze, but she couldn't. She shameless stared as Mary squeezed into the backless evening gown. Cynthia focused on her pierced labia as it disappeared behind the dress. Mary pushed her arms through the sleeves holding her breasts in place. She tugged at the hem and her luscious ass filled the rest of the dress, her exposed back left the viewer breathless.

Satisfied, Mary returned to ask Cynthia's opinion, she already though she looked pretty hot. Cynthia was enamored.

"Oh Mary, you are the sexiest women I have ever seen, with or without the dress." As soon as she heard her words she regretted it. She didn't mean to say that out loud. How could she recover from this, she tried to hide it with a polite smile.

Mary was surprised by the response and now began to take more notice of the petite blond woman. She seemed to be enthralled with her. "Cynthia, are you okay," she asked.

"I am fine, I hope I didn't embarrass you," she said. Hoping she didn't offend instead.

"You didn't embarrass me." She said. "Cynthia, are you gay?"

Cynthia hadn't considered that. She didn't think she was gay, but here she was lusting after this gorgeous woman, the mother of her new business partner, whom she had just had mind blowing sex with this morning, and then there were the dreams.

"I don't know," she said. "I like men; I just had incredible sex with a man this morning."

"Well looks we need to find out," Mary said and approached Cynthia taking her pretty young face in her hands holding it gentle and bending down to passionately kiss her. Cynthia kissed her back releasing all the passion she felt. It was dizzying for her and without thinking she found herself removing her clothes while she watched Mary peal the evening gown off and hang it with care in her closet.

As she watched Mary gracefully moving towards her, the light from the open window reflected off the shiny diamond stud that pierced her labia and captured Cynthia's attention again. It seemed familiar somehow, but she didn't know why. Mary quickly closed the distance between them and gently pushed Cynthia backwards on to the bed and crawled between her legs stopping where they met. Cynthia took a deep breath and held it as Mary began kissing her nether lips softly and then with increasing passion. Finally, Cynthia released her breath and trembled at the pleasure she was receiving. It wasn't long before Mary had Cynthia dripping and using her tongue she lapped her juices. She dug deeper and found that she still had seaman from the earlier encounter with the man she talked about. Mary licked and sucked to get it all out. It tasted like butterscotch, and she laughed to herself knowing that John had been the one. Cynthia had been going out of her mind with pleasure, Mary did know her way around a pussy and she kept Cynthia coming until she couldn't stand it any longer and pushed Mary away so that she could catch her breath.

Panting and sweating Cynthia asked, "Mary are you a lesbian?"

Mary smiled and crawled up Cynthia's torso kissing her navel and licking a nipple when she arrived at her destination. "No, honey, I love men and women both," and pulled the ripe red nipple into her hungry mouth. Mary didn't know how sensitive Cynthia's nipples were and she screamed as she came again.

After Mary had licked and squeezed both nipples until they looked as if they would never lose their erectness and Cynthia was sobbing she had come so much, Mary lovingly cradled her in her arms while stroking her short blonde hair. When Cynthia recovered she was eager to find out if she was able to give as good as she received. She turned her head and began to suckle Mary's breasts; she was amazed at how firm they were and the length of her erect nipples. She felt as if she could spend hours there. Reluctantly she pulled away and slid down past Mary's navel and down to her crotch were her diamond seemed to be giving off a light of its own. That of course was impossible, Cynthia thought and tentatively she began to lick at her first pussy, or was it. It seemed familiar, the folds, the way it secretes the tangy nectar, and the smell. Had she done this before? The sweet nectar was freely flowing unto her tongue and she lapped at it trying to get it all oblivious to the supreme pleasure she was giving Mary, until she heard her screams as she pulled her back up so they could kiss.

"Either you are a fast learner or you are a natural. That was fantastic, lover. I have to get ready for my evening out, but would love it if you would shower with me." Mary asked, knowing that she wouldn't refuse.

They got in the shower and played more while washing here and there, until the hot water began to run low.

Cynthia had completely forgotten about the time, and called the store to make sure things were still running smoothly. It had been a busy afternoon, but her staff had everything under control. They told her some guy had stopped in to see her, said his name was Mark and that John had sent him, he's return around closing time.

She swore silently to herself. She hadn't planned on being away this long, but she didn't regret it. She kissed Mary passionately and asked if she could see her again. Mary agreed and gave her a card with her contact information, a personal card. She gave her a business card and told her that she almost always there. She hugged Mary tightly again and left. She was on a high that she hadn't been on in years. First John and then Mary, she wondered if there were any more of them at home.

John met Mark at their favorite Subway and had his regular sandwich order waiting for him when he arrived. John stood and the two childhood pals hugged and exchanged pleasantries. John briefly summed up how he had inherited a couple million dollars and how it had made it possible for him to help a few of his buddies with employment in some of his new ventures. He told Mark that since he wanted to become a CPA, practical experience running a business would be invaluable, particularly at his age. He told him about the boutique and Cynthia's need for someone to help her run it. Mark was intrigued. When John told him how busy they were and that expansion may be a good idea, Mark agreed to check it out and let John know what he thought. John and Mark talked about old times and their gang. Mark asked if it was true that he and April had finally gotten together, and John confirmed it. Mark told him that it was about time; April had a crush on him since the second grade. They laughed. John learned that Mark was still unattached, having not found the right girl yet. John made a mental note and too soon it was time him to leave.

Mary was famished after her time with Cynthia and fixed herself a light salad and ate between doing her nails. She would wear her hair up, but knew it would be down but the end of the night. James and Julie would pick her up at 10PM; it was close to 9:30 time to get dressed. She had the perfect shoes to go with the gown. She had just bought a pair of Valentino Couture Bow d'Orsay Pumps in red, with four inch heel. She had been waiting for the right occasion to wear them. She took out the dress and pulled it on. It looked better on her now than earlier. Her large breasts held the top perfectly in place, the dress hugged her ass and the view of her naked back was stunning. Of course she wore nothing underneath, what would be the point. She slipped into her pumps and she was ready to go. Looking at herself in her full length mirror gave her chills. She had to admit, she was gorgeous.

James and Julie were on time, which had given Mary ample opportunity to practice walking and become comfortable in her new shoes. Both were dressed to the nines, James in his Brooks Brothers Madison Saxxon Herringbone suit and Julie in her French Connection 'Ozlem' with scooped back and sequin. James had hired a limo for the evening and climbed into the back seat between his two women.

They arrived at the mansion in the California wine country fashionable late, and were greeted at the door by their host, a handsome man in his late fifties or early sixties and his "Barbie doll" wife. He admonished James for not attending his parties more frequently, but acquiesced if he would continue to bring Mary and Julie along.

The three of them mingling with the other guests who like them were dressed to impress, while they enjoyed the alcohol and hors devours. Mary noticed a few celebrities and sports figures. It was hard to believe this would soon turn into a sex party. They stayed reasonable close together, James greeting old friends while Mary and Julie were getting plenty of attention, everyone was warm and friendly. The people were all beautiful, even the larger people seemed to be only "big boned" not fat. The main event was scheduled to get underway at midnight, and people were now trickling in and out of the changing room. Soon it was their turn. As they entered the room, it reminded Mary of the locker rooms she had seen when she and John watched interviews after the NBA Finals.

There were several stalls; each had several nooks and drawers for your belongings and comfortable chairs. The room contained several rows of these, enough to accommodate fifty or more guest. People were expected to change into their short sheer silk robes and sandals. The robes were almost transparent and hid nothing, they were worn when not engaging in sex more for sanitary reasons. When they all had changed they returned to the main hall where everyone was now attired in the tiny robes. It was a one size fits all and Mary's was too small for her to tie closed, her breasts couldn't be contained. She wasn't alone; she saw a sea of tits, pussy, cocks and asses hanging from the robes. But no one seemed to mind. The house was warm and there was excitement in the air as things were about to get started.

Everyone began to gather near to hear their host once again welcome them to his party. He stood on the forth step of the grand staircase and briefly explained the story of the Equinox and the areas of the mansion that were available to them. Furthermore, he emphasized that no one was under any obligation to do anything with anyone whom they weren't comfortable with and that there was zero tolerance for that violation. Once the "housekeeping" announcements were done he pronounced the orgy was to begin.

Mary, Julie and James kissed and agreed to meet back at the bar in three hours, to check in. Many people had disrobed and broken off into pairs and small groups. James, Julie and Mary wandered off in different directions.
Next page: Chapter 10
Previous page: Chapter 09.1