Chapter 11.2
"Candace isn't coming in, I have got to find another woman to let me lick her pussy," she thought. She knew it sounded crazy. Maybe that is why she kept repeating it, hoping that it would eventually sound reasonable. She calmed herself in an attempt to be rational. Who did she know was gay? Two names came to mind immediately, Doctor Ann Parks and the black woman in the cafeteria, Erica Green. She took the elevator to the third floor, pediatrics, hoping that Doctor Parker was working this shift. She was disappointed to learn that he shift ended an hour ago and she just missed her.
She took the elevator to the tenth floor. The cafeteria was pretty busy, it was the lunch hour and the place was packed. She saw Erica working the cash register, with a long line checking out. She would be tied up for at least the next thirty minutes. She hardly knew Erica, how was she going to get her alone and how would she convince her to let her go down on her? The thought of climbing between another woman's legs made her wince and then she became excited at the thought. What was wrong with her?
John was laughing so hard, tears were running down his cheeks. Candace laughed with him as she continued to tell him how she took revenge on Rachel.
"Wait a minute," he said, "you had her name tattooed across her shoulders upside down and right side up across the small of her back." All of a sudden he burst out laughing harder than before. Finally when he was able to regain control he said. "I get it! So her partners will remember her name whether she is taking it from behind or giving head."
They both continued to chuckle, then John said. "And the red lettered tattoo on her butt, are you planning on making her a bimbo?"
"Well, by now she may already be one don't you think?" Candace replied.
"Well, from what I have read, bimbos are typically blonde with large assets and dim intelligence. She's a nurse after all; you don't want to endanger patients or get her fired, do you?"
She seemed to think about it for a while then admitted that she put her on a diet and an exercise routine. Then her eyes brightened and she said. "John, you could mold her body like you did mine and then she could become a bimbo, Nurse Bimbo or how about Nurse Bambi?"
John laughed and admitted, "As much fun as that might be there is a code masters of the Ring of Power must follow or be punished. That would be not be something I would be willing to do. However, I could shaper her body into something more beautiful than what she has now."
Candace agreed that would be helpful and then laughed out loud again as she remembered that she had made a mistake when she told Rachel that she would be eating only 800 calories a day, when she meant 1800 calories. The poor woman would be starving. They both broke into laugher again.
Rachel grabbed an apple from one of the fruit baskets, and this action confused her, she wanted a bag of potato chips, nevertheless she got in line to check out. When it was her turn, there were still six people behind her in line. She exchanged pleasantries with Erica and asked her when she would be taking her break, reasoning that she needed her advice. Erica looked a little confused but told her she was scheduled to take her meal break in an hour. Aware of the growing line she said she'd be back just before then if that was okay. Erica agreed.
John looked at his watch, "I have to go now, but if you want to get together to do Rachel's makeover, I have a hole in my schedule tomorrow, otherwise it may have to wait a week or more."
Candace agreed to meet here at the prescribed time and jumped out of bed to give John a kiss before he left. She grabbed him by the neck, still naked after their sex play and standing on her tiptoes grabbed his mouth and shoved her tongue in and around. John grabbed her tight ass and pulled her in. The kiss went on for a while and John began to feel his manhood grow, and Candace hoped for another round. She was disappointed when he broke the kiss and embrace. But before he left he squeezed her nipples hard.
The reaction was immediate, Candace screamed as a jolt of pleasure rippled through her from her breast to her juicing pussy and spread everywhere from there. He knees buckled, fortunately the bed was just behind her and falling in she cuddled her sensitive breast only increasing the pleasure while the other hand went to her pussy which felt as though she was leaking down her leg. She didn't know how sensitive she was there and her hand reignited the already burning pleasure she was feeling.
John left knowing she would spend the next several hours learning her limits and how not to over stimulate herself.
Returning to the cafeteria at the prescribed time, Rachel saw Erica close and lock her register. Erica smiled as she saw Rachel walked into the dining room, picking up her purse and brown bag lunch she strolled the short distance to meet her. She looked over the short fat white nurse and couldn't imagine what she wanted her advice on. They had been cordial but hadn't ever spoken much other than an occasional greeting in passing.
"Hi," Rachel greeted her a little nervously, "brown bagging it, I'd thought you'd eat here for free?"
"I wish," Erica said. "But that benefit seemed to go away with the new ownership." She took a seat and Rachel followed. Opening her bag she pulled out a sandwich and a apple, "What's on your mind?"
By now the cafeteria was about one quarter filled and Erica had taken a seat in the back where there weren't many people around so they could have a more private conversation. Rachel nervously beat around the bush and after five minutes, Erica still hadn't any idea of what the woman wanted.
Finally she asked in a more forceful tone. "Rachel, what is it you want?"
There was no escape now and she was like a drug addict going through withdrawal, so she asked. "Erica, I know that you like women, and I was hoping that you would let me eat your pussy."
Erica was a large woman, standing about 6'2" tall and although she was a little heavy, she was well proportioned, not fat, just big. She was also very black, not coco brown, but black like coffee. She had a very pretty face, when she smiled, and that was quite often, and her large eyes smiled, too. She possessed thick puffy red lips and a prominent nose with a small stud piercing it. Her hair was kinky but she wore in a way that seemed to enhance her beauty. Hearing Candace's request she let it hang in the air for what seemed like several minutes to Rachel, it seemed to echo, and she was sure everyone in the cafeteria heard. Watching Rachel carefully, and after considering several replies, including, "Who put you up to this," but instead she asked. "Are you any good?"
Rachel finally exhaled, she couldn't believe that the woman was even considering letting her do this.
"Oh, pretty good, but I am a little new at it. But I am a fast learner."
"Why me," Erica asked.
Rachel explained that she didn't really understand why, but that she just knew that if she didn't eat someone's pussy in the next hour, she'd good mad.
Erica shrugged. She really didn't expect a straight answer, but perhaps she could use this to her advantage. She told Rachel that she knew that she had influence at this hospital and she needed a better job, one outside of the cafeteria, perhaps one with a career path, if she promised to use her influence than she would agree, but she better be good at it.
At this point Rachel would agree to just about anything and Erica figured that out, too. So, she leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "If you don't keep your end of the bargain, I will fuck you up and I don't mean with my strap-on."
Rachel knew what she meant, it scared her. There was no doubt in the plump middle aged woman's mind that she could follow through on the threat. But she agreed. She was far too desperate now and the hope that she would soon have the relief she sought pushed her harder, she would have signed over her house if it meant satisfying the craving. Erica looked at her watch; she still had thirty minutes left on her break and told Rachel to lead the way.
Rachel led Erica to the doctors' lounge, where the "on call" doctors would sleep or try to rest during their long shifts. No one was around and the two women quietly slipped in to one of the open rooms. It was pretty small; the bunk beds didn't leave much space for anything except for a chair.
As soon as they were inside Rachel began pulling at Erica's clothing. She was more than ready. Erica stopped her and bent down taking Rachel's mouth with her own. They kissed while they both began resumed shedding clothing. Putting her clothing on the chair Rachel's heart was racing as she turned to see the large naked black woman reclining on the bottom bunk bed legs spread revealing the first black pussy she'd ever seen. She had a narrow black landing strip closely cropped and the prettiest pussy she thought she'd ever seen, large black lips closed together and protruding outward. Her mouth was watering. She moved closer and using her hands spread her lips gentle and began licking the juices. She was startled by the contrast of colors. She gazed into her pussy almost hypnotized by the jet black lips parting to reveal the deepest bright red imaginable. It was beautiful, her minor lips were almost bubbling juice and her clit only partially covered by its hood was the even redder, if that was possible. Rachel leaned in, extending her small tongue and took a few tentative licks, then began devouring Erica's pussy like it would be the last one she'd ever see. As she began to get Erica's blood to boil, she grabbed one of the woman's large black tits and pulled it to her mouth and sucked the thick nipple into her mouth. Rachel wished she had two mouths, she loved the tit she was nursing on, but she needed to get back to attend to that wonderful pussy.
Rachel wasn't her type. But, she couldn't remember getting this excited so quickly. She rarely been with anyone as old as Rachel, nor as pale. Although she was very much overweight, Erica was surprised it wasn't a turn off. As she looked beyond Rachel's bobbing blonde head as she continued to work her magic on her clit, she was confused by the upside down tattoo displaying Rachel's. She thought that Rachel was new to this maybe that was wrong. Or maybe she was just a little kinky. Something didn't make sense, but before she could reason it out Rachel's talented tongue had Erica on the brink of a strong climax. She grabbed Rachel by the head and steered her to the best spot and Rachel did the rest. Erica grinded her pussy into Rachel's mouth and began a low passionate scream. She grabbed a pillow and held it over her face and muffled what would have been a cry to wake the dead. This middle aged white woman did know her way around a quim.
With Erica's climax, Rachel was now freed from the strong desire to perform culliningus and her wits were quickly returning. Rachel was shocked by what she had done. The taste lay heavy in her mouth, and although she was appalled by her actions her first thoughts were how different Erica tasted from Candace. Just as that thought was complete, she felt herself being pulled up and on top the larger woman and she shoved the large fat nipple of her left tit into her mouth. This was great; Rachel loved sucking tits, although she didn't know when that had happened. Nevertheless, she proved it as she nursed on one than the other of Erica's large black breasts. Erica was deeply enjoying the attention and sitting up she cradled Rachel and bent to kissing the woman, first with a series of small pecks and later bring their mouths together for a long sensual kiss. The kiss caused Rachel's pussy to leak. She was very excited and realized that she hadn't yet come, but that wasn't the plan. Erica realized this too. It would be difficult to get through the rest of the day Rachel thought if she didn't have at least a small orgasm. But, it was getting late and surely she would be missed by now.
"You know, girlfriend, you taste so good, I wasn't going to do this, but since you did such a good job on me, I think I should return the favor."
Before Rachel could react she found herself spun around her pussy spread over Erica's face, her feet dangling in the air and once again staring into the beautiful dark red flower of Erica's pussy. Erica found Rachel's pierced clit and proved she knew what to do with such aids. It wasn't long before she had Rachel hitting a high C note despite the pillow she buried her face in.
When it was all over they were both satisfied and in need of a shower. Erica looked at her watch and gasped, it had been well over an hour and she would be reprimanded or fired. As soon as they were clothed again, she pulled Rachel close and told her that she must keep her promise, and it was very likely that she may not have a job to go back to. Rachel agreed as she looked up at the larger woman, realizing that she could easily make her regret the whole thing.
Erica pulled a card from her purse and handed it to Rachel. It was Erica's address and contact information. She said. "Be here at 9 PM tonight, we need to have another go at this. I am eager to try a little more of that ass."
Rachel was taken back. "Ugh...I don't know, I have plans..." she began to look for and escape.
"Wait, you're my bitch now. Be there at 9."
Rachel knew she had no choice.
He had a busy day planned. His first stop was back at his old high school. He arrived just in time to see Amanda Greene, his former teacher exiting her car and walking to the teachers' lounge. He called out to her and hearing her name turned to see him running her way. She smiled and waited for him to catch up. Although he had spoken to her classes on now three occasions they hadn't had time to talk. He asked her how things were going; she talked about school and her classes. John reached into her mind, and told her that she was accustomed to sharing intimate thoughts with him and that he was her trusted friend. She blushed and pulled him to the side and told her how her husband had suddenly left his mistress and had been killing himself trying to make it up to her. Sex with him had never been better. He's been a sexual dynamo, doing things she only imagined him doing to her. He was even dieting and exercising to make sure he can keep up with her. She hadn't been this happy in years.
John told her that it made perfect sense to him; she was a beautiful woman and deserved that kind of attention from him. They talked for a few more minutes before she had to go. John told her he would be in touch and they parted ways.
On the way back to his car, he heard the thoughts of a geeky awkward looking girl sitting alone by herself. She was wearing baggy clothes and feeling miserable about herself. Although in her junior year she still had the figure of a boy and was teased merciless by the other girls. She had no friends and she was toying with thoughts of killing herself. She was considering what kind of sleeping pills would work best.
Stopping nearby, and reaching down to tie his shoe, John calmed her mind and commanded her to be still. He used his x-ray vision to see beneath her clothes, He noticed that she didn't wear a bra; she didn't need one only having large red nipples that she easily hid. John closed his eyes and imagined her with larger breasts; he was thinking something in the "C" cup range and as he opened his eyes as he watched her chest expand. He had her stand, take out her cell phone, pretending to be on a call. She was making incoherent noises as her body grew. He swelled her ass some and then some more, making certain that she had just enough. He strengthened her back muscles, while planting the desire to join some school clubs. The he told her to confide in a teacher, counselor or friend if she ever felt depressed and that they would help her to feel better. He took one more look at her and noticed that her panties were too tight, so he made them fit her comfortably, he knew little about bras, so decided not to wrap her in one. Since she was dressed in baggy clothes, he was sure she'd be able to pull it off. He looked her over once more; he fought the urge and then gave in and sculpted her pubic hair into a small neat landing strip. He was pleased with his work. Returning to normal sight, he noticed that her clothes fit her more exact and she'd have to be a little careful walking because she would definitely be bouncing all over. She would need a new wardrobe so she planted a seed to visit Cindy's boutique. Finally, he pushed the thought that this was a natural occurrence for a late bloomer like herself, and she shouldn't be concerned about it, but enjoy her new assets.
"Nicely done, son," his father said, as John guided his vehicle to his next stop. "Cindy is building quite a clientele, with all the customers you are sending her way. I like her, are you planning on checking in on how your buddy Mark is handling the books? Poor woman was killing herself trying to keep up with all the new business."
"Thanks, dad," John replied, "I didn't overdo it with the breasts, did I?" I have a tendency to go with what I like. And I am becoming a freak over grooming pubic hair. What's that all about? A trip to the boutique is on today's agenda, after I stop at the bank to see Tammy."
"Are you going to recruit her? I think she'd make a good agent. And no I think you did a good job with that young lady back there. You are definitely your father's son. I might have stopped at a D cup myself, and I had a tendency to prefer my woman with bald pussies. I was a freak, as you say."
The two chatted together for several minutes mostly about the way John had been handling every new situation. His father was proud, some people would have been overwhelmed with the temptation to play god and be seen wielding their power. But John clearly understood what was at stake and after his brief stay in the limbo within the ring; he couldn't imagine having to spend eternity there.
Instead of meeting Tammy at the bank, John thought it would be better to meet her at the "Cup of Joe" across the street. When he called her to ask if she could get away, Tammy didn't hesitate and simply asked when.
Entering the coffee house Tammy seemed to know exactly where to find John; well that's not exactly what happened. She didn't know but her feet seemed to know where to go. He was in the back at a windowed booth. He stood and kissed gently on the lips, as she pulled him closer as her mind wandered back to their last meeting and she began to grow moist between her legs in anticipation of what today's meeting may bring. Realizing that they were in a public place, John broke the kiss after the smallest of tongue play, which had already had taken Tammy's breathe away.
One of the waitresses, Karen Miller was watching from her station. She had been preparing for the lunch crowd up looked up in time to see their intimate exchange. She imagined herself on the receiving end of that passionate kiss. Closing her eyes, she began a fantasy of how they met and where they were going until her supervisor dropped of a tray full of sugar, salt and pepper containers requiring her attention and rudely interrupting her daydream. The older women then asked if she was going to take their order or continue to stare at them.
John ordered coffee for both of them and two cinnamon scones. Tammy was amazed, how did he know she liked cinnamon scones. Karen Miller watched with fascination at the reaction of the woman, she was in love, but the man, who didn't look much older than her seem unaware of her immense devotion. She took the order and looked at the man, their eyes met and she seemed to get lost in those eyes. It wasn't a hard stare but one of interest and it seemed that at that moment he knew everything there was to know about her. After a moment she was able to shake herself free, the woman was staring at her and she felt as if she had just awaken from a dream. She blinked and relying on her waitressing skills asked if there was anything else, hoping to cover for her zoning out. There wasn't anything more so she hurried off to fill their order.
Tammy too, realized that something had passed between John and the waitress, but decided to let it pass. She knew that John wasn't going to be tied to just one woman, so she would simply enjoy the time he was willing to give her.
Karen arrived with the coffee and scones in record time, steam was rising from both and she warned them that they were hot as she left a bit of honey behind, in case they wanted that too.
As she left she felt that the man was still watching her looking her over and judging her appearance and pose. Using the reflection off one of the glass partitions she could see it was just her imagination as he and his lady friend were engaged in serious conversation. She was disappointed as she hoped that he was admiring her ass, some had told her that it was her best feature. She went back to filling salt and pepper shakers, but would keep an eye out should they need anything else.
The small talk out of the way, John was ready to tell Tammy why he wanted to see her. He knew she was ready to leave the bank, bored with the routine and seeing no real future for herself there, having no real background in finance. He thanked her again for her helping get rid of Mr. Adams.
"Tammy, I want to offer you a job," he said. "It isn't the type of job that you've been in before, but I believe you have the skills to be quite good at it."
"Great," Tammy replied, "What is it?"
John loved this part, it seemed that every woman he's asked so far has the same reaction, and if he read Tammy correctly she would be no different. He decided to change his approach, to see if he got a different reaction.
"Tammy, I want you to have sex with as many people as you can and I will pay you handsomely to do that."
Tammy knew that John had inherited a few million from his father's estate. She also knew that he made a few smart investments recently that had more than tripled his original windfall. So, he could in fact afford to throw some money around. So she asked, "What's in it for you?"
"Good question," He said, pleased that she didn't get upset or misconstrue his intentions. Most women jump to the conclusion that he wants them to be a whore for him. He continued, "I need the sexual energy that you will produce, it will power my ring and keep me strong."
Tammy thought about his response for a minute. "We'll I didn't see that one coming." So, she shrugged and decided to handle this situation as a real job offer and continue to learn what she could. "Hmmm, what are the fringe benefits and what's the pay?"
John was pleased by her composure. He knew he liked Tammy the first time he laid eyes on her, before he changed her from the overweight receptionist that couldn't lose any of the weight no matter how she tried, and was the butt of all the office jokes. He marveled at how confident she'd become and why not, she was a bright and beautiful financial assistant that turned heads where ever she went.
"The benefits are plentiful," John said.
He explained that the first year he would support her to the tune of the high $80s, but after that she would be responsible for earning her own keep. She was free to work part-time or full time, she would set her own hours, and she was simply responsible for collecting her quota of sexual energy. She could do it by participating or simply being in the vicinity of where the energy could be collected. She was free to, go to school, travel, everything but marry. She would be cured of any and all disease in her body and immune to all sexual transmitted diseases. She would live a long life and would likely become wealthy in the process, as she would also acquire limited mind control powers.
Tammy waited for him to finish and blinked a few times as she processed all that he had said. She knew that John had some special abilities, she didn't know how she knew this, and she trusted him. But all this was impossible.
He didn't want to tell her about his ring and that it was powered by sexually energy, he was attempting a new approach. If it didn't work he could simply erase the memory and begin again.
Calling to mind all she knew about John Smith and recalling the incredible sex they had shared, particularly the random spontaneous orgasm he seemed to produce in her, she was beginning to believe that anything was possible, however she still had doubts. But she was intrigued by the offer to have endless no risks sex.
She asked, "What would happen if I became pregnant?"
Another good question, John hadn't thought that far. He didn't want to deny any of them the gift of motherhood, but that would put them out of commission for a while. Still other employers dealt with pregnancies all the time. So he decided to create policy.
"I would expect that you would take measures to reduce if not eliminate the possibility of becoming pregnant. However, when the time is right and you have a replacement, it shouldn't be a problem. Accidental pregnancy will not be tolerated."
Tammy had many more questions and John answered them all until she had no more. Then he had a few for her.
"Since this job means having lots of sex, have you ever had sex with another woman? Is this something that you could see yourself doing? What about having sex with more than one person at the same time, have you ever done that?"
John could easily pull the answers from her mind, but he wanted to continue the interviewing process. He already knew that she would take the job. Tammy confessed that she had never had sex with another woman, and the thought didn't turn her off, she simply never considered it.
When John was satisfied that she had asked enough questions, he asked her if she wanted the job. He wasn't surprised when she said that she did and asked when she would start.
"Right now," John said. "You won't be going back to the bank. I will take care of that for you." He gestured to their waitress, who seemed to be taking forever to fill the sugar shakers. She came over and stood before him. She was rather plain, standing about 5'4", maybe a little heavy for her height and dishwater blonde, hair tied in a bun. Nice ass, but small tits, a cute face when she smiled.
"Karen, I want you to go to the hotel next door and get us a room, tell them it is for John Smith, I want you to be waiting for us when we arrive, feel free to take a quick shower and be naked sitting on the bed when we arrive. Oh and take off your panties and give them to me."
Karen was stunned, but didn't react as she wanted to. She thought she would toss the glass of cold water in his face and stomp off. Instead, she lingered as if consider her options. Finally she spoke, as if just now thinking of the right response. "And why would I do that?" She looked at him, trying to show him her disgust for him and his ridiculous idea.
"Oh," John said, slapping his face with is hand feigning mock surprise. "I forgot. Please, Karen, do what I asked."
"All right then," she said with a smile as she turned removing her apron and tossing it on a nearby empty chair, shimmed out of her panties and handed them to John, who casually accepted them. Karen smiled pivoted and walking out the door to the hotel.
Tammy was in awe. "Mind control," she asked as she watched the young woman walk away realizing that she would be seeing her naked very soon and probably engaging her in one or more sex acts. "That was amazing."
John smiled. "Want to see something more amazing," he asked.
Tammy nodded, not sure what to expect.
"I want your panties, too hand them to me," he said.
She blushed deeply. Seeming to fight the urge to comply, then realized that she would have done it without him controlling her mind. She thought about going to the restroom, then shrugged and reached under her pencil skirt and was shocked to find that they were missing. She didn't have her panties. How could that be? She had worn the new leopard lace thong she had gotten from Cindy's boutique last week. She put them on intentionally under the premonition that she might see John today. This was confusing; she pulled up her skirt to her waist and looked down only to see her white legs and her closely cut blonde landing strip and her inviting pussy. She was beginning to panic as she mentally retraced her steps until John interrupted her.
"Are you looking for these?" He asked twirling the under garment on his index finger, paused to inhale their strong musk.
Tammy was about to question him when he slid out the booth and asked if she was ready to go. She slipped out of the booth pulling her skirt back down and followed him to the register where he paid for their coffee and scone and informed the woman that Karen wouldn't be back and they should call in a replacement.
As they walked the short distance to the hotel, Tammy shuddered when a strong breeze passed under her skirt causing a chill on her moist pussy. She didn't know what John had in mind, but she knew she wouldn't regret this decision.
Driving her Volvo through the streets of southeast Mountain View in a part of town she had heard about but never visited made Rachel nervous. It was the rougher part of the small northern California city and not a place that she would have normally been incline to visit, but she had little choice in the matter. Erica told her to be there at 9 and she wasn't going to disappoint. She was afraid that the large woman would follow through on her threat. Was she really going to be Erica's bitch now? No, she owed Erica a debt; she would pay it and be done with this whole mess. She'd already called in a favor and had gotten Erica a better paying job as an orderly working in operating rooms, the job description read:
"maintaining the ORs in a neat, orderly and sanitary condition by performing a variety of environmental services including cleaning/servicing building area and moving furniture, equipment and supplies. And patient assistance in a safe manner and strong interpersonal skills required..."
It was a perfect job for Erica, Rachel thought, as big and strong as she was she would quickly excel and Rachel would be off the hook.
The streets were dark and it was hard to read the addresses, but her GPS told her that she had arrived. She parked on the street, but before she got out of the car, Erica knocked on the passenger side window startling her and told her she should park deep in her driveway if she wanted the car to be there when she let her go home. Rachel did as she was told.
There were bars on the windows and a heavy metal front door. The exterior of the house needed work, but Rachel was surprised to find the interior to be warm and adorn with modest but nice furnishing and much cleaner than she expected. In fact the place was immaculate. Erica led her into the den and offered her a Seagram's wildberry wine cooler. Rachel accepted the bottled beverage, but didn't seem to know what to do with it, so Erica took it from her and twisted the cap and returned the bottle. She opened her own and extended the neck to Rachel's in a toast and took a long gulp. Rachel followed her example and took a long drink to find the taste surprisingly better than she thought it would be. After a couple more long drinks, Erica put her bottle down and crossed the room in two long strides where Rachel had sat on the black leather sofa. Towering over the older woman, she pulled her up and said. "Let's have a look at you."
Bringing Rachel to her feet, she twirled her around to assess her new toy. Rachel had changed into evening clothes and looked as if she were headed to the PTA instead of a rendezvous with a new lesbian lover.
Erica removed Rachel's modest blouse and saw the padded bra covering her small tits.
"Much better," she breathed. Now why don't you remove those pants and make yourself more comfortable.
Rachel complied, pulling off her slacks, folding them and putting them on her discarded blouse. She now stood in her flats, granny panties and bra.
"Keep going," Erica said, "No one told you to stop."
Standing naked in the middle of Erica's den, Rachel was trying to decide what to do with her hands as Erica looked her over trying to decide what she was going to do next to the woman. She turned her around and eying the tattoos on her back, but stopped when she saw the one she missed on her ass.
"You little slut," She said, "You've been holding out on me, haven't you. Why you are a little tramp or should I just call you a Nurse Bimbo?"
Rachel didn't understand what she was talking about. Erica laughed and told her she had it tattooed on her ass in two inch bold red letters. Rachel tried to see, but couldn't so Erica backed her up to the full length mirror on the inside of her closet door and there is was "BIMBO".
Now she remembered finding it and crying over it. But she still didn't remember getting any of the tattoos, but it must have been at the same time as the other accessories.
"Nice piercings, looks like Dallas' work, am I right?" Erica asked.
"I don't know, I don't remember getting them done," Rachel said, still looking over her shoulder looking at the tattoo. She didn't mind the others, but this one would be hard to live with.
"Well time to get going," Erica said.
When Rachel turned back around she found the large black woman as naked as herself. She was tall and pretty muscular; she had a short trimmed landing strip of hair above her slit and two very large breasts sticking out from her chest defying gravity. Her large areolas were capped with two large half inch ripe nipples. Rachel had seen all of that earlier in the day, but in these less confined space she looked even more impressive. Erica sat down in her black leather couch and called Rachel with her curling index finger, spreading her legs wide.
"Come along Nurse Bimbo," she said. "I am ready for you to eat my snatch again."
Rachel seemed to be salivating, she love to eat pussy. She took a few steps and bent to her knees, with her hands she opened Erica's flowering pussy wide once more and was again smitten by the contrast of her dark black skin and the bright red of her juicy pussy. She wasted no time tasting the sweet nectar, which caused Erica to moan, much louder than she did back at the hospital. Rachel was becoming very good at eating cunt and it wasn't long before she had Erica screaming at the top of her lungs as he surrendered to a strong climax.
Catching her breathe Erica spun Rachel around like a rag doll until they were in a classic 69 and she began to taste the older woman's wet pussy. Rachel felt her eyes roll back in her head as Erica quickly hit all her favorite places. She tried to reciprocate, but her panting prevented her from being able to do much and she came in several quick strong orgasms.
Without warning she felt a thick hard something sliding into her wet hole. It was long and filled her completely. She screamed as she unexpectedly as the large cock like object split her in two. Erica didn't pay much attention to her as she slowly pushed the giant black dildo in and out of Rachel's pussy. In a series of mini orgasms Rachel twitched and shuddered unaware that Erica had left the room until she returned and had a twelve inch black cock attached to her groin.
It was frightening. Rachel was too slow to protest as Erica pulled her by her feet and spread her wide as she mounted the poor woman. Once again, Rachel was filled beyond anything she had ever dreamed possible. And to her surprise and delight she loved it, every inch. She squealed with joy and Erica continued to pound that monster in and out of her. She was dizzy as one after another she climaxed until she passed out from the incredible amount of pleasure, more than she ever thought possible.
When Rachel woke up she saw Erica changing tools to one that wasn't nearly as long or as thick. She stroked it a few times and then told Rachel she was about to take her cherry ass. She watched in silent horror as Erica greased it up with some sort of lube. Before she could say a word she was screaming with delight again as Erica pumped into her ass with long hard thrust. Rachel quickly learned she enjoyed anal sex as much and virginal sex.
This went on well into the morning, Erica fucking Rachel, Rachel eating Erica, a break for a wine cooler and a joint and more fucking. Rachel woke with the sun shining in her eyes. She found herself in bed with Erica and dog collar around her neck, a dildo in her ass and entangle in the arms of the large black woman.
She winced sitting up and sliding out of Erica's embrace, she was sore, hung over and hungry. Getting to her feet she retraced her steps and found all her clothes, except her granny panties, which Erica had altered with a pair of scissors and weren't worth retrieving. After getting herself together as best she could, she let a note for Erica, thanking her for the night and explaining that the new job was waiting for her. She left the number to call telling her to ask for Denise in HR for her starting time.
Rachel climbed into her car and found it painful to sit, but backed out of the drive way and returned back through the neighborhood she had driven through the previous night. She surprise how less scary it was during the day and how normal it now appeared.
Karen was naked. She had just gotten out of the shower. She knew that, her hair was still wet. She was in a hotel room, sitting on the bed waiting. But waiting for what, she didn't know. Or why she hadn't bothered to put her clothes on. She didn't have any change of clothing. What was going on? She thought about getting up, dressing and leaving, but her limbs wouldn't respond. Just as she was about to panic she heard voices and the door opened.
The man and woman from the coffee shop entered and although they looked in her direction they didn't say anything or seemed to be surprised to see her. The man helped the woman out of her clothes and walked her over to the bed. She was pretty. She had a beautiful body, something from a men's magazine, she thought. The man looked deep into her eyes for a minute and then she scooted back on the bed and spread her legs. Why was she doing this? She wasn't into women. Then she felt her pussy get moist, very moist. She looked at the woman's face and knew where this was going. Why was she so excited? The woman crawled up the bed, looked at her and licked her lips.
She took the elevator to the tenth floor. The cafeteria was pretty busy, it was the lunch hour and the place was packed. She saw Erica working the cash register, with a long line checking out. She would be tied up for at least the next thirty minutes. She hardly knew Erica, how was she going to get her alone and how would she convince her to let her go down on her? The thought of climbing between another woman's legs made her wince and then she became excited at the thought. What was wrong with her?
John was laughing so hard, tears were running down his cheeks. Candace laughed with him as she continued to tell him how she took revenge on Rachel.
"Wait a minute," he said, "you had her name tattooed across her shoulders upside down and right side up across the small of her back." All of a sudden he burst out laughing harder than before. Finally when he was able to regain control he said. "I get it! So her partners will remember her name whether she is taking it from behind or giving head."
They both continued to chuckle, then John said. "And the red lettered tattoo on her butt, are you planning on making her a bimbo?"
"Well, by now she may already be one don't you think?" Candace replied.
"Well, from what I have read, bimbos are typically blonde with large assets and dim intelligence. She's a nurse after all; you don't want to endanger patients or get her fired, do you?"
She seemed to think about it for a while then admitted that she put her on a diet and an exercise routine. Then her eyes brightened and she said. "John, you could mold her body like you did mine and then she could become a bimbo, Nurse Bimbo or how about Nurse Bambi?"
John laughed and admitted, "As much fun as that might be there is a code masters of the Ring of Power must follow or be punished. That would be not be something I would be willing to do. However, I could shaper her body into something more beautiful than what she has now."
Candace agreed that would be helpful and then laughed out loud again as she remembered that she had made a mistake when she told Rachel that she would be eating only 800 calories a day, when she meant 1800 calories. The poor woman would be starving. They both broke into laugher again.
Rachel grabbed an apple from one of the fruit baskets, and this action confused her, she wanted a bag of potato chips, nevertheless she got in line to check out. When it was her turn, there were still six people behind her in line. She exchanged pleasantries with Erica and asked her when she would be taking her break, reasoning that she needed her advice. Erica looked a little confused but told her she was scheduled to take her meal break in an hour. Aware of the growing line she said she'd be back just before then if that was okay. Erica agreed.
John looked at his watch, "I have to go now, but if you want to get together to do Rachel's makeover, I have a hole in my schedule tomorrow, otherwise it may have to wait a week or more."
Candace agreed to meet here at the prescribed time and jumped out of bed to give John a kiss before he left. She grabbed him by the neck, still naked after their sex play and standing on her tiptoes grabbed his mouth and shoved her tongue in and around. John grabbed her tight ass and pulled her in. The kiss went on for a while and John began to feel his manhood grow, and Candace hoped for another round. She was disappointed when he broke the kiss and embrace. But before he left he squeezed her nipples hard.
The reaction was immediate, Candace screamed as a jolt of pleasure rippled through her from her breast to her juicing pussy and spread everywhere from there. He knees buckled, fortunately the bed was just behind her and falling in she cuddled her sensitive breast only increasing the pleasure while the other hand went to her pussy which felt as though she was leaking down her leg. She didn't know how sensitive she was there and her hand reignited the already burning pleasure she was feeling.
John left knowing she would spend the next several hours learning her limits and how not to over stimulate herself.
Returning to the cafeteria at the prescribed time, Rachel saw Erica close and lock her register. Erica smiled as she saw Rachel walked into the dining room, picking up her purse and brown bag lunch she strolled the short distance to meet her. She looked over the short fat white nurse and couldn't imagine what she wanted her advice on. They had been cordial but hadn't ever spoken much other than an occasional greeting in passing.
"Hi," Rachel greeted her a little nervously, "brown bagging it, I'd thought you'd eat here for free?"
"I wish," Erica said. "But that benefit seemed to go away with the new ownership." She took a seat and Rachel followed. Opening her bag she pulled out a sandwich and a apple, "What's on your mind?"
By now the cafeteria was about one quarter filled and Erica had taken a seat in the back where there weren't many people around so they could have a more private conversation. Rachel nervously beat around the bush and after five minutes, Erica still hadn't any idea of what the woman wanted.
Finally she asked in a more forceful tone. "Rachel, what is it you want?"
There was no escape now and she was like a drug addict going through withdrawal, so she asked. "Erica, I know that you like women, and I was hoping that you would let me eat your pussy."
Erica was a large woman, standing about 6'2" tall and although she was a little heavy, she was well proportioned, not fat, just big. She was also very black, not coco brown, but black like coffee. She had a very pretty face, when she smiled, and that was quite often, and her large eyes smiled, too. She possessed thick puffy red lips and a prominent nose with a small stud piercing it. Her hair was kinky but she wore in a way that seemed to enhance her beauty. Hearing Candace's request she let it hang in the air for what seemed like several minutes to Rachel, it seemed to echo, and she was sure everyone in the cafeteria heard. Watching Rachel carefully, and after considering several replies, including, "Who put you up to this," but instead she asked. "Are you any good?"
Rachel finally exhaled, she couldn't believe that the woman was even considering letting her do this.
"Oh, pretty good, but I am a little new at it. But I am a fast learner."
"Why me," Erica asked.
Rachel explained that she didn't really understand why, but that she just knew that if she didn't eat someone's pussy in the next hour, she'd good mad.
Erica shrugged. She really didn't expect a straight answer, but perhaps she could use this to her advantage. She told Rachel that she knew that she had influence at this hospital and she needed a better job, one outside of the cafeteria, perhaps one with a career path, if she promised to use her influence than she would agree, but she better be good at it.
At this point Rachel would agree to just about anything and Erica figured that out, too. So, she leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "If you don't keep your end of the bargain, I will fuck you up and I don't mean with my strap-on."
Rachel knew what she meant, it scared her. There was no doubt in the plump middle aged woman's mind that she could follow through on the threat. But she agreed. She was far too desperate now and the hope that she would soon have the relief she sought pushed her harder, she would have signed over her house if it meant satisfying the craving. Erica looked at her watch; she still had thirty minutes left on her break and told Rachel to lead the way.
Rachel led Erica to the doctors' lounge, where the "on call" doctors would sleep or try to rest during their long shifts. No one was around and the two women quietly slipped in to one of the open rooms. It was pretty small; the bunk beds didn't leave much space for anything except for a chair.
As soon as they were inside Rachel began pulling at Erica's clothing. She was more than ready. Erica stopped her and bent down taking Rachel's mouth with her own. They kissed while they both began resumed shedding clothing. Putting her clothing on the chair Rachel's heart was racing as she turned to see the large naked black woman reclining on the bottom bunk bed legs spread revealing the first black pussy she'd ever seen. She had a narrow black landing strip closely cropped and the prettiest pussy she thought she'd ever seen, large black lips closed together and protruding outward. Her mouth was watering. She moved closer and using her hands spread her lips gentle and began licking the juices. She was startled by the contrast of colors. She gazed into her pussy almost hypnotized by the jet black lips parting to reveal the deepest bright red imaginable. It was beautiful, her minor lips were almost bubbling juice and her clit only partially covered by its hood was the even redder, if that was possible. Rachel leaned in, extending her small tongue and took a few tentative licks, then began devouring Erica's pussy like it would be the last one she'd ever see. As she began to get Erica's blood to boil, she grabbed one of the woman's large black tits and pulled it to her mouth and sucked the thick nipple into her mouth. Rachel wished she had two mouths, she loved the tit she was nursing on, but she needed to get back to attend to that wonderful pussy.
Rachel wasn't her type. But, she couldn't remember getting this excited so quickly. She rarely been with anyone as old as Rachel, nor as pale. Although she was very much overweight, Erica was surprised it wasn't a turn off. As she looked beyond Rachel's bobbing blonde head as she continued to work her magic on her clit, she was confused by the upside down tattoo displaying Rachel's. She thought that Rachel was new to this maybe that was wrong. Or maybe she was just a little kinky. Something didn't make sense, but before she could reason it out Rachel's talented tongue had Erica on the brink of a strong climax. She grabbed Rachel by the head and steered her to the best spot and Rachel did the rest. Erica grinded her pussy into Rachel's mouth and began a low passionate scream. She grabbed a pillow and held it over her face and muffled what would have been a cry to wake the dead. This middle aged white woman did know her way around a quim.
With Erica's climax, Rachel was now freed from the strong desire to perform culliningus and her wits were quickly returning. Rachel was shocked by what she had done. The taste lay heavy in her mouth, and although she was appalled by her actions her first thoughts were how different Erica tasted from Candace. Just as that thought was complete, she felt herself being pulled up and on top the larger woman and she shoved the large fat nipple of her left tit into her mouth. This was great; Rachel loved sucking tits, although she didn't know when that had happened. Nevertheless, she proved it as she nursed on one than the other of Erica's large black breasts. Erica was deeply enjoying the attention and sitting up she cradled Rachel and bent to kissing the woman, first with a series of small pecks and later bring their mouths together for a long sensual kiss. The kiss caused Rachel's pussy to leak. She was very excited and realized that she hadn't yet come, but that wasn't the plan. Erica realized this too. It would be difficult to get through the rest of the day Rachel thought if she didn't have at least a small orgasm. But, it was getting late and surely she would be missed by now.
"You know, girlfriend, you taste so good, I wasn't going to do this, but since you did such a good job on me, I think I should return the favor."
Before Rachel could react she found herself spun around her pussy spread over Erica's face, her feet dangling in the air and once again staring into the beautiful dark red flower of Erica's pussy. Erica found Rachel's pierced clit and proved she knew what to do with such aids. It wasn't long before she had Rachel hitting a high C note despite the pillow she buried her face in.
When it was all over they were both satisfied and in need of a shower. Erica looked at her watch and gasped, it had been well over an hour and she would be reprimanded or fired. As soon as they were clothed again, she pulled Rachel close and told her that she must keep her promise, and it was very likely that she may not have a job to go back to. Rachel agreed as she looked up at the larger woman, realizing that she could easily make her regret the whole thing.
Erica pulled a card from her purse and handed it to Rachel. It was Erica's address and contact information. She said. "Be here at 9 PM tonight, we need to have another go at this. I am eager to try a little more of that ass."
Rachel was taken back. "Ugh...I don't know, I have plans..." she began to look for and escape.
"Wait, you're my bitch now. Be there at 9."
Rachel knew she had no choice.
He had a busy day planned. His first stop was back at his old high school. He arrived just in time to see Amanda Greene, his former teacher exiting her car and walking to the teachers' lounge. He called out to her and hearing her name turned to see him running her way. She smiled and waited for him to catch up. Although he had spoken to her classes on now three occasions they hadn't had time to talk. He asked her how things were going; she talked about school and her classes. John reached into her mind, and told her that she was accustomed to sharing intimate thoughts with him and that he was her trusted friend. She blushed and pulled him to the side and told her how her husband had suddenly left his mistress and had been killing himself trying to make it up to her. Sex with him had never been better. He's been a sexual dynamo, doing things she only imagined him doing to her. He was even dieting and exercising to make sure he can keep up with her. She hadn't been this happy in years.
John told her that it made perfect sense to him; she was a beautiful woman and deserved that kind of attention from him. They talked for a few more minutes before she had to go. John told her he would be in touch and they parted ways.
On the way back to his car, he heard the thoughts of a geeky awkward looking girl sitting alone by herself. She was wearing baggy clothes and feeling miserable about herself. Although in her junior year she still had the figure of a boy and was teased merciless by the other girls. She had no friends and she was toying with thoughts of killing herself. She was considering what kind of sleeping pills would work best.
Stopping nearby, and reaching down to tie his shoe, John calmed her mind and commanded her to be still. He used his x-ray vision to see beneath her clothes, He noticed that she didn't wear a bra; she didn't need one only having large red nipples that she easily hid. John closed his eyes and imagined her with larger breasts; he was thinking something in the "C" cup range and as he opened his eyes as he watched her chest expand. He had her stand, take out her cell phone, pretending to be on a call. She was making incoherent noises as her body grew. He swelled her ass some and then some more, making certain that she had just enough. He strengthened her back muscles, while planting the desire to join some school clubs. The he told her to confide in a teacher, counselor or friend if she ever felt depressed and that they would help her to feel better. He took one more look at her and noticed that her panties were too tight, so he made them fit her comfortably, he knew little about bras, so decided not to wrap her in one. Since she was dressed in baggy clothes, he was sure she'd be able to pull it off. He looked her over once more; he fought the urge and then gave in and sculpted her pubic hair into a small neat landing strip. He was pleased with his work. Returning to normal sight, he noticed that her clothes fit her more exact and she'd have to be a little careful walking because she would definitely be bouncing all over. She would need a new wardrobe so she planted a seed to visit Cindy's boutique. Finally, he pushed the thought that this was a natural occurrence for a late bloomer like herself, and she shouldn't be concerned about it, but enjoy her new assets.
"Nicely done, son," his father said, as John guided his vehicle to his next stop. "Cindy is building quite a clientele, with all the customers you are sending her way. I like her, are you planning on checking in on how your buddy Mark is handling the books? Poor woman was killing herself trying to keep up with all the new business."
"Thanks, dad," John replied, "I didn't overdo it with the breasts, did I?" I have a tendency to go with what I like. And I am becoming a freak over grooming pubic hair. What's that all about? A trip to the boutique is on today's agenda, after I stop at the bank to see Tammy."
"Are you going to recruit her? I think she'd make a good agent. And no I think you did a good job with that young lady back there. You are definitely your father's son. I might have stopped at a D cup myself, and I had a tendency to prefer my woman with bald pussies. I was a freak, as you say."
The two chatted together for several minutes mostly about the way John had been handling every new situation. His father was proud, some people would have been overwhelmed with the temptation to play god and be seen wielding their power. But John clearly understood what was at stake and after his brief stay in the limbo within the ring; he couldn't imagine having to spend eternity there.
Instead of meeting Tammy at the bank, John thought it would be better to meet her at the "Cup of Joe" across the street. When he called her to ask if she could get away, Tammy didn't hesitate and simply asked when.
Entering the coffee house Tammy seemed to know exactly where to find John; well that's not exactly what happened. She didn't know but her feet seemed to know where to go. He was in the back at a windowed booth. He stood and kissed gently on the lips, as she pulled him closer as her mind wandered back to their last meeting and she began to grow moist between her legs in anticipation of what today's meeting may bring. Realizing that they were in a public place, John broke the kiss after the smallest of tongue play, which had already had taken Tammy's breathe away.
One of the waitresses, Karen Miller was watching from her station. She had been preparing for the lunch crowd up looked up in time to see their intimate exchange. She imagined herself on the receiving end of that passionate kiss. Closing her eyes, she began a fantasy of how they met and where they were going until her supervisor dropped of a tray full of sugar, salt and pepper containers requiring her attention and rudely interrupting her daydream. The older women then asked if she was going to take their order or continue to stare at them.
John ordered coffee for both of them and two cinnamon scones. Tammy was amazed, how did he know she liked cinnamon scones. Karen Miller watched with fascination at the reaction of the woman, she was in love, but the man, who didn't look much older than her seem unaware of her immense devotion. She took the order and looked at the man, their eyes met and she seemed to get lost in those eyes. It wasn't a hard stare but one of interest and it seemed that at that moment he knew everything there was to know about her. After a moment she was able to shake herself free, the woman was staring at her and she felt as if she had just awaken from a dream. She blinked and relying on her waitressing skills asked if there was anything else, hoping to cover for her zoning out. There wasn't anything more so she hurried off to fill their order.
Tammy too, realized that something had passed between John and the waitress, but decided to let it pass. She knew that John wasn't going to be tied to just one woman, so she would simply enjoy the time he was willing to give her.
Karen arrived with the coffee and scones in record time, steam was rising from both and she warned them that they were hot as she left a bit of honey behind, in case they wanted that too.
As she left she felt that the man was still watching her looking her over and judging her appearance and pose. Using the reflection off one of the glass partitions she could see it was just her imagination as he and his lady friend were engaged in serious conversation. She was disappointed as she hoped that he was admiring her ass, some had told her that it was her best feature. She went back to filling salt and pepper shakers, but would keep an eye out should they need anything else.
The small talk out of the way, John was ready to tell Tammy why he wanted to see her. He knew she was ready to leave the bank, bored with the routine and seeing no real future for herself there, having no real background in finance. He thanked her again for her helping get rid of Mr. Adams.
"Tammy, I want to offer you a job," he said. "It isn't the type of job that you've been in before, but I believe you have the skills to be quite good at it."
"Great," Tammy replied, "What is it?"
John loved this part, it seemed that every woman he's asked so far has the same reaction, and if he read Tammy correctly she would be no different. He decided to change his approach, to see if he got a different reaction.
"Tammy, I want you to have sex with as many people as you can and I will pay you handsomely to do that."
Tammy knew that John had inherited a few million from his father's estate. She also knew that he made a few smart investments recently that had more than tripled his original windfall. So, he could in fact afford to throw some money around. So she asked, "What's in it for you?"
"Good question," He said, pleased that she didn't get upset or misconstrue his intentions. Most women jump to the conclusion that he wants them to be a whore for him. He continued, "I need the sexual energy that you will produce, it will power my ring and keep me strong."
Tammy thought about his response for a minute. "We'll I didn't see that one coming." So, she shrugged and decided to handle this situation as a real job offer and continue to learn what she could. "Hmmm, what are the fringe benefits and what's the pay?"
John was pleased by her composure. He knew he liked Tammy the first time he laid eyes on her, before he changed her from the overweight receptionist that couldn't lose any of the weight no matter how she tried, and was the butt of all the office jokes. He marveled at how confident she'd become and why not, she was a bright and beautiful financial assistant that turned heads where ever she went.
"The benefits are plentiful," John said.
He explained that the first year he would support her to the tune of the high $80s, but after that she would be responsible for earning her own keep. She was free to work part-time or full time, she would set her own hours, and she was simply responsible for collecting her quota of sexual energy. She could do it by participating or simply being in the vicinity of where the energy could be collected. She was free to, go to school, travel, everything but marry. She would be cured of any and all disease in her body and immune to all sexual transmitted diseases. She would live a long life and would likely become wealthy in the process, as she would also acquire limited mind control powers.
Tammy waited for him to finish and blinked a few times as she processed all that he had said. She knew that John had some special abilities, she didn't know how she knew this, and she trusted him. But all this was impossible.
He didn't want to tell her about his ring and that it was powered by sexually energy, he was attempting a new approach. If it didn't work he could simply erase the memory and begin again.
Calling to mind all she knew about John Smith and recalling the incredible sex they had shared, particularly the random spontaneous orgasm he seemed to produce in her, she was beginning to believe that anything was possible, however she still had doubts. But she was intrigued by the offer to have endless no risks sex.
She asked, "What would happen if I became pregnant?"
Another good question, John hadn't thought that far. He didn't want to deny any of them the gift of motherhood, but that would put them out of commission for a while. Still other employers dealt with pregnancies all the time. So he decided to create policy.
"I would expect that you would take measures to reduce if not eliminate the possibility of becoming pregnant. However, when the time is right and you have a replacement, it shouldn't be a problem. Accidental pregnancy will not be tolerated."
Tammy had many more questions and John answered them all until she had no more. Then he had a few for her.
"Since this job means having lots of sex, have you ever had sex with another woman? Is this something that you could see yourself doing? What about having sex with more than one person at the same time, have you ever done that?"
John could easily pull the answers from her mind, but he wanted to continue the interviewing process. He already knew that she would take the job. Tammy confessed that she had never had sex with another woman, and the thought didn't turn her off, she simply never considered it.
When John was satisfied that she had asked enough questions, he asked her if she wanted the job. He wasn't surprised when she said that she did and asked when she would start.
"Right now," John said. "You won't be going back to the bank. I will take care of that for you." He gestured to their waitress, who seemed to be taking forever to fill the sugar shakers. She came over and stood before him. She was rather plain, standing about 5'4", maybe a little heavy for her height and dishwater blonde, hair tied in a bun. Nice ass, but small tits, a cute face when she smiled.
"Karen, I want you to go to the hotel next door and get us a room, tell them it is for John Smith, I want you to be waiting for us when we arrive, feel free to take a quick shower and be naked sitting on the bed when we arrive. Oh and take off your panties and give them to me."
Karen was stunned, but didn't react as she wanted to. She thought she would toss the glass of cold water in his face and stomp off. Instead, she lingered as if consider her options. Finally she spoke, as if just now thinking of the right response. "And why would I do that?" She looked at him, trying to show him her disgust for him and his ridiculous idea.
"Oh," John said, slapping his face with is hand feigning mock surprise. "I forgot. Please, Karen, do what I asked."
"All right then," she said with a smile as she turned removing her apron and tossing it on a nearby empty chair, shimmed out of her panties and handed them to John, who casually accepted them. Karen smiled pivoted and walking out the door to the hotel.
Tammy was in awe. "Mind control," she asked as she watched the young woman walk away realizing that she would be seeing her naked very soon and probably engaging her in one or more sex acts. "That was amazing."
John smiled. "Want to see something more amazing," he asked.
Tammy nodded, not sure what to expect.
"I want your panties, too hand them to me," he said.
She blushed deeply. Seeming to fight the urge to comply, then realized that she would have done it without him controlling her mind. She thought about going to the restroom, then shrugged and reached under her pencil skirt and was shocked to find that they were missing. She didn't have her panties. How could that be? She had worn the new leopard lace thong she had gotten from Cindy's boutique last week. She put them on intentionally under the premonition that she might see John today. This was confusing; she pulled up her skirt to her waist and looked down only to see her white legs and her closely cut blonde landing strip and her inviting pussy. She was beginning to panic as she mentally retraced her steps until John interrupted her.
"Are you looking for these?" He asked twirling the under garment on his index finger, paused to inhale their strong musk.
Tammy was about to question him when he slid out the booth and asked if she was ready to go. She slipped out of the booth pulling her skirt back down and followed him to the register where he paid for their coffee and scone and informed the woman that Karen wouldn't be back and they should call in a replacement.
As they walked the short distance to the hotel, Tammy shuddered when a strong breeze passed under her skirt causing a chill on her moist pussy. She didn't know what John had in mind, but she knew she wouldn't regret this decision.
Driving her Volvo through the streets of southeast Mountain View in a part of town she had heard about but never visited made Rachel nervous. It was the rougher part of the small northern California city and not a place that she would have normally been incline to visit, but she had little choice in the matter. Erica told her to be there at 9 and she wasn't going to disappoint. She was afraid that the large woman would follow through on her threat. Was she really going to be Erica's bitch now? No, she owed Erica a debt; she would pay it and be done with this whole mess. She'd already called in a favor and had gotten Erica a better paying job as an orderly working in operating rooms, the job description read:
"maintaining the ORs in a neat, orderly and sanitary condition by performing a variety of environmental services including cleaning/servicing building area and moving furniture, equipment and supplies. And patient assistance in a safe manner and strong interpersonal skills required..."
It was a perfect job for Erica, Rachel thought, as big and strong as she was she would quickly excel and Rachel would be off the hook.
The streets were dark and it was hard to read the addresses, but her GPS told her that she had arrived. She parked on the street, but before she got out of the car, Erica knocked on the passenger side window startling her and told her she should park deep in her driveway if she wanted the car to be there when she let her go home. Rachel did as she was told.
There were bars on the windows and a heavy metal front door. The exterior of the house needed work, but Rachel was surprised to find the interior to be warm and adorn with modest but nice furnishing and much cleaner than she expected. In fact the place was immaculate. Erica led her into the den and offered her a Seagram's wildberry wine cooler. Rachel accepted the bottled beverage, but didn't seem to know what to do with it, so Erica took it from her and twisted the cap and returned the bottle. She opened her own and extended the neck to Rachel's in a toast and took a long gulp. Rachel followed her example and took a long drink to find the taste surprisingly better than she thought it would be. After a couple more long drinks, Erica put her bottle down and crossed the room in two long strides where Rachel had sat on the black leather sofa. Towering over the older woman, she pulled her up and said. "Let's have a look at you."
Bringing Rachel to her feet, she twirled her around to assess her new toy. Rachel had changed into evening clothes and looked as if she were headed to the PTA instead of a rendezvous with a new lesbian lover.
Erica removed Rachel's modest blouse and saw the padded bra covering her small tits.
"Much better," she breathed. Now why don't you remove those pants and make yourself more comfortable.
Rachel complied, pulling off her slacks, folding them and putting them on her discarded blouse. She now stood in her flats, granny panties and bra.
"Keep going," Erica said, "No one told you to stop."
Standing naked in the middle of Erica's den, Rachel was trying to decide what to do with her hands as Erica looked her over trying to decide what she was going to do next to the woman. She turned her around and eying the tattoos on her back, but stopped when she saw the one she missed on her ass.
"You little slut," She said, "You've been holding out on me, haven't you. Why you are a little tramp or should I just call you a Nurse Bimbo?"
Rachel didn't understand what she was talking about. Erica laughed and told her she had it tattooed on her ass in two inch bold red letters. Rachel tried to see, but couldn't so Erica backed her up to the full length mirror on the inside of her closet door and there is was "BIMBO".
Now she remembered finding it and crying over it. But she still didn't remember getting any of the tattoos, but it must have been at the same time as the other accessories.
"Nice piercings, looks like Dallas' work, am I right?" Erica asked.
"I don't know, I don't remember getting them done," Rachel said, still looking over her shoulder looking at the tattoo. She didn't mind the others, but this one would be hard to live with.
"Well time to get going," Erica said.
When Rachel turned back around she found the large black woman as naked as herself. She was tall and pretty muscular; she had a short trimmed landing strip of hair above her slit and two very large breasts sticking out from her chest defying gravity. Her large areolas were capped with two large half inch ripe nipples. Rachel had seen all of that earlier in the day, but in these less confined space she looked even more impressive. Erica sat down in her black leather couch and called Rachel with her curling index finger, spreading her legs wide.
"Come along Nurse Bimbo," she said. "I am ready for you to eat my snatch again."
Rachel seemed to be salivating, she love to eat pussy. She took a few steps and bent to her knees, with her hands she opened Erica's flowering pussy wide once more and was again smitten by the contrast of her dark black skin and the bright red of her juicy pussy. She wasted no time tasting the sweet nectar, which caused Erica to moan, much louder than she did back at the hospital. Rachel was becoming very good at eating cunt and it wasn't long before she had Erica screaming at the top of her lungs as he surrendered to a strong climax.
Catching her breathe Erica spun Rachel around like a rag doll until they were in a classic 69 and she began to taste the older woman's wet pussy. Rachel felt her eyes roll back in her head as Erica quickly hit all her favorite places. She tried to reciprocate, but her panting prevented her from being able to do much and she came in several quick strong orgasms.
Without warning she felt a thick hard something sliding into her wet hole. It was long and filled her completely. She screamed as she unexpectedly as the large cock like object split her in two. Erica didn't pay much attention to her as she slowly pushed the giant black dildo in and out of Rachel's pussy. In a series of mini orgasms Rachel twitched and shuddered unaware that Erica had left the room until she returned and had a twelve inch black cock attached to her groin.
It was frightening. Rachel was too slow to protest as Erica pulled her by her feet and spread her wide as she mounted the poor woman. Once again, Rachel was filled beyond anything she had ever dreamed possible. And to her surprise and delight she loved it, every inch. She squealed with joy and Erica continued to pound that monster in and out of her. She was dizzy as one after another she climaxed until she passed out from the incredible amount of pleasure, more than she ever thought possible.
When Rachel woke up she saw Erica changing tools to one that wasn't nearly as long or as thick. She stroked it a few times and then told Rachel she was about to take her cherry ass. She watched in silent horror as Erica greased it up with some sort of lube. Before she could say a word she was screaming with delight again as Erica pumped into her ass with long hard thrust. Rachel quickly learned she enjoyed anal sex as much and virginal sex.
This went on well into the morning, Erica fucking Rachel, Rachel eating Erica, a break for a wine cooler and a joint and more fucking. Rachel woke with the sun shining in her eyes. She found herself in bed with Erica and dog collar around her neck, a dildo in her ass and entangle in the arms of the large black woman.
She winced sitting up and sliding out of Erica's embrace, she was sore, hung over and hungry. Getting to her feet she retraced her steps and found all her clothes, except her granny panties, which Erica had altered with a pair of scissors and weren't worth retrieving. After getting herself together as best she could, she let a note for Erica, thanking her for the night and explaining that the new job was waiting for her. She left the number to call telling her to ask for Denise in HR for her starting time.
Rachel climbed into her car and found it painful to sit, but backed out of the drive way and returned back through the neighborhood she had driven through the previous night. She surprise how less scary it was during the day and how normal it now appeared.
Karen was naked. She had just gotten out of the shower. She knew that, her hair was still wet. She was in a hotel room, sitting on the bed waiting. But waiting for what, she didn't know. Or why she hadn't bothered to put her clothes on. She didn't have any change of clothing. What was going on? She thought about getting up, dressing and leaving, but her limbs wouldn't respond. Just as she was about to panic she heard voices and the door opened.
The man and woman from the coffee shop entered and although they looked in her direction they didn't say anything or seemed to be surprised to see her. The man helped the woman out of her clothes and walked her over to the bed. She was pretty. She had a beautiful body, something from a men's magazine, she thought. The man looked deep into her eyes for a minute and then she scooted back on the bed and spread her legs. Why was she doing this? She wasn't into women. Then she felt her pussy get moist, very moist. She looked at the woman's face and knew where this was going. Why was she so excited? The woman crawled up the bed, looked at her and licked her lips.