Chapter 14.2
Meanwhile, by the pool the girls and guys had paired off, the kissing and feeling had run its course and they were all ready for some serious fucking. Samantha practiced her oral skills with a handsome Asian man, while Isabel was being fucked from behind as a shapely brunette sucked and played with her breasts while she was being eaten by a muscular Latin man. Despite the dropping temperature things around the spa were really heating up. Both Isabel and Samantha had forgotten all about their bimbo sister Heather or where she may have gone.
Heather found just what she was looking for from a smorgasbord of men; a tall muscular African American man with close cropped hair caught her attention. He was extremely articulate, she allowed him to charm her, using many words and phrases she had never heard before and didn't understand. They walked through the mansion admiring the artwork on the walls and discussing every topic from music to politics. As they moved to the second floor, Heather steered them into the room where unbeknown to her Rachel was being double teamed much to her delight. Lying on her back, her head hanging off the bed she was sucking on a cock while its owner pulled on her pierced nipples and played with her incredibly large tits, while the other man had his head between her legs feasting on her wet pussy.
They came to a complete stop as Heather's eyes grew quite large and a smile began to grow across her face. Her partner hesitated and tugged at her so that they could leave, but Heather resisted and pulled the other way as soon as they entered the room, she turned the young man pulled him close and reached up to kiss him. As he bent low to find her lips, she reached for his crotch to find a bigger surprised than she expected. As they broke the kiss, he began to remove his sports coat while Heather adjusted a couple of buttons on her dress and it slid down her body, pooling around her high heeled feet leaving her completely naked.
By now the trio had changed positions; Rachel was on her knees on the bed being fucked from behind, he large white ass advertising her bimbo status as it bounced from the back door activity. She continued to suck on the man's cock as he lay across the bed. The newcomers' presence was barely noticed, but was welcomed as man fucking Rachel from behind decided to pace himself to make sure he could have a turn with the younger woman. His smile grew as he saw that she had a similar body style as the woman he was pumping. He wondered if she was a bimbo too, she didn't bare a tattoo, but as he watched her take entire length of the black cock she unleashed down her throat, he began to believe she could be.
John could feel new energy flowing into the ring and surging into his body, there was serious fucking going on and he was looking forward to his first orgy. He entered the dining room seeing a spread of food fit for a king. There were all sorts of meats, many of which he didn't recognize until he tasted them, plenty of vegetables, breads and salads. On another table were eight varieties of deserts: pies, cakes, puddings, ice creams. As he picked and nibbled from the food, Jacqueline walked up to him and fed him a morsel of food from her plate. As she slowly pulled her fingers away John caught her hand and licked her fingers clean.
"Mmmm, that was good," he said with a smile.
She too smile and said, "The food or my fingers?"
They chatted for a while until they were joined by Mary. She kissed her son on the cheek and then the lips. When she finished she asked, "Who's your friend?"
What would have been a very awkward moment was one that John had been anticipating for some time now.
"Mom, I'd like you to meet Jacqueline Smith." He said looking first at his mother and then to Jacqueline. "Jackie, this is my mother Mary Smith." He said in the same but opposite manner.
He knew the two had never met despite being rivals for his father's love and affection. Each knew of the other, of course Mary did, but for Jacqueline, the reality of her husband infidelity had never manifested itself so strongly until now, this moment when she finally met the other woman. They glared at each, staring into each other's eyes as if trying to look into each other's soul. It seemed like a full minute pasted before anyone said anything. John used this time to realize how similar the two were in body styles. They could have been mirror images of each other except for their hair color and style. Finally, Mary extended her hand to Jacqueline's and said, "It's very nice to finally meet you Jackie."
Jacqueline reached out her hand to accept Mary's and corrected her, "It's Jacqueline, no one calls me Jackie." She paused for effect and then continued, "Except for John."
"Really, and why is that?" Mary asked already knowing that John had slept with her. Of course he did, that is who he is, he will eventually sleep with everyone, she thought.
Jacqueline blushed slightly as she attempted to respond with a suitable answer, not truly knowing or understanding who John was or his true nature. "Let's just say that John can be pretty persistent when he wants to be. But, as his mother you probably already know that about him."
Mary smiled and replied, "You have no idea."
Jacqueline looked surprised by the answer, but shuddered to think that John must have been intimate with his mother. The idea disgusted her and her entire body became tense, which was obvious to both Mary and John.
Mary turned her attention back to John said, "You'll need to take your place soon the ceremony is about to begin followed immediately by the orgy." She kissed John again on the mouth, lingering a bit as she swished her tongue around in his mouth before breaking the kiss. "I'll see you around later, Jackie." Mary said as she sauntered away, and leaving Jacqueline stunned.
Jacqueline watched her rival walk away and then looked at John.
She stuttered, perhaps for the first time, "I am not participating in an orgy and neither are my daughters," she said looked past John and seeing other guest now in varied states of undress moving towards the "great room".
She knew that there had been discreet sex going on in any of the many rooms of the mansion that was fine, but she drew the line at group sex. It didn't appeal to her in the least. And she was about to tell John as much when he asked.
"Do you know how dad made his fortune?"
She was caught off guard by the question. It seemed so out of place. "Of course," she said. "He was into pharmaceuticals, I believe he pioneered several techniques, his doctorial was in science. I don't remember the specific discipline."
"Hmm," John said as he rubbed his chin. "So you don't know."
She looked at him quizzically. Before she could ask another question, Candace appeared with April and told John it was time to begin. April took John by the hand and asked Jacqueline to come with them. John offered his hand, but Jacqueline refused it choosing to followed closely behind them. April led them into the great room and then to the north end where a large chair resembling a throne sat, John looking a little sheepish but then took his place sitting the lush and comfortable chair, which sat upon risers which elevated it four feet off the floor. April and Jacqueline stood off to the right and waited. Just as Jacqueline was about to asked April what this ceremony was all about the lights dimmed and at the south end of the great room the crowd parted as caped and hooded people entered and made a semicircle in the front of the room before John.
There were twenty in all, their heads remained bowed down, and you couldn't see their faces. They were all bare foot, their capes completely covering them as it reached the floor, and although you couldn't tell for sure, you knew they were naked beneath the robes. A spotlight appeared in the center of the room before them. On cue, one person from each end of the semi-circle met in the middle in the spotlight. They lifted their heads knocking back the hood revealing their identities.
The first pair was Maria and Carmen. They smiled and must have done something to their capes because simultaneously the slid down their bodies to the floor revealing their tantalizing naked bodies. Sparkling in the spot light were twin diamonds which pierced each of their labias. They took a step forward posed in the most sensual way and then reached for John's ring hand kissing it reverently one at a time. They then separated and stood on either ends of John who sat perched on his throne watching with greater interest. Jacqueline jumped back into April as she made a space for the naked Carmen, as if touching her would transmit some disease.
Immediately the next pair step forward, and followed the in the same manner as Maria and Carmen. It was Tammy and Elizabeth. Dropping their robes revealed their beautiful bodies which were as different as Maria and Carmen's were a like. Elizabeth's caramel coloring contrasted with Tammy's alabaster hue. They too worn diamonds in the same places as their predecessors and they reflected the light of the spot back to the front of the room.
Next were Candace and Mary. Jacqueline gasped. Mary was stunning in her nudity and the fact that their bodies were similar wasn't lost on her. The pair followed as they others did, but when they posed they intertwined their bodies, embracing and kissed each other sensually before continuing. Their diamonds seemed to have changed colors during the exchanged causing the spectators to ooh and ah.
Next were Karen Miller and the first of John's males, Jerome Fox. He was a muscular 6'4" blonde blue eyed Arian type and bisexual. John had assigned him the San Francisco and Bay areas. He wore a large diamond stud in his left ear; they were quite a couple and their pose had Karen bent backward as Jerome held her, reminiscent of the dance move known as a dip, but he stood between her legs and was pressed firmly against her, when they separated he had grown an impressive semi erection that got a reaction from all the spectators. Cindy was enjoying her night off from the boutique, she and Mark had been enjoying their growing relationship, and she gasped loudly at the sight of Jerome's semi hard cock. And knowing where this was all headed, she hoped to sample that big stick in one of her holes. and shuddered at the naughty thought.
When all of John's agents had completed their poses and were assembled to his right and left, John stood and hoisted his right hand in front of him as he balled it into a fist, all the lights dimmed, but as they dimmed the room grew brighter. A blue light was emanating from the ring, as the ring changed in shape and size from being a high school class ring to one of the most magnificent rings ever to have been forged. It was diamond and jeweled encrusted, with emeralds, sapphires and rubies. Its blue light continued to grow until the entire room was filled with the light. John pumped his fist and a large bolt of energy burst forth from out of the ring. It circled in some sort of cloud above the gathering, crackling like wood burning it a fireplace for several moments then shot forth separating into twenty separate bolts of energy striking each of the diamonds his agents wore and was absorbed into the jewels. Simultaneously they all doubled in size and began to emit the same strange blue light. The intensity continued to grow until it was so bright the glare was causing everyone to squint to protect their eyes. Suddenly, the light was extinguished and the room was completely dark and quiet. The spot light flashed on suddenly capturing John in its center. He stood silently. Every eye was on him and he lifted both hands slowly above his head and announced, "Let the Orgy begin!"
The crowded cheered and roared, as the house lights came up about 60% and all John's agents waded into the crowd kissing, fondling and greeting people until they encountered their first sexual partners.
Those still clothed quickly began shedding them and tossing them to the floor. A small army of servants moved unnoticed throughout the room collecting various pieces of clothing, assembling them into complete outfits, tagging them with the owner's identification and hanging them in closets until their owners came to claim them.
The atmosphere in the Great Room was electric; the noise was so loud the music couldn't be heard. As John stepped down from his throne, he felt a tug on his arm and turned to see the face of a panicking Jacqueline Smith. He moved closer to hear what she was concerned over, but he already knew.
"John, an orgy, seriously," The look on her face spoke volumes. "I can't participate in an orgy. What about my daughters, your sisters, I can't allow them to be a part of this. What would their father think?"
John smiled, Jackie didn't have a clue about what John's father did, he never told her the whole story. "Jackie, it's okay. Everyone will have a good time, relax."
"No, this is wrong. I have to find the girls. We are getting out of here."
"Jackie, is this your first orgy," John asked as he pulled her into his embrace. "It will be fine, I promise, you and the girls don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You all love sex right, well then only do the things that you like. It will be fun. You'll see."
Seeing John trying to sooth Jackie, Mary knew an opportunity when she saw it and strolled up to them, naked and glowing, her diamond stud still twice its normal size glistening in the dim light.
"Hello, you two alright," she asked guessing the problem was reluctance on Jacqueline's part.
"This is Jackie's first orgy and she is a little nervous." John told his mother.
"Here, let me take care of her, John you have duties to attend to," Mary said taking Jackie by the hand allowing John to escape.
"Mother will take good care of you, Jackie. Gotta go."
Jacqueline turned to Mary, forgetting that she was already naked and stopped as she regarded the naked mistress of her late husband. "I am getting my daughters and we are leaving."
"No you aren't Jackie, not until after you have eaten my pussy." Mary said employing her mind control powers on her unsuspecting rival. "And you should get out of those clothes, too and show me your sexy body."
Jacqueline looked at Mary as if she had completely lost her mind, "Have you gone mad," she asked as she unzipped her gown. "We are getting out of here this minute, get out of my way." Her hands mindlessly unhooking a catch letting the gown fall to the floor around her ankles. She wasn't wearing any under garments so she was instantly naked.
"You better watch your step, I wouldn't want to fall," Mary told her pointing to her gown lying at her feet.
Jacqueline looked down in stunned surprised and stepped out of her gown. "What, how?" She was about to panic when Mary said. "Now that's much better, isn't it?"
Jacqueline thought about it, "Yes, I feel much better, now. Thank you," she said with a confused look on her face. She had gotten herself all worked up, but now she didn't know why.
"You feel much better naked, displaying your body for all to see."
Jacqueline took a deep breath, it felt so good to get out of that stuffy gown.
"You're feeling very horny now, aren't you?" Mary asked her. "Your nipples are hard and your pussy is getting moist."
"Oh! She gasped. Yes, I am. How did you know?"
"Oh, I know a great many things," Mary said as she admired Jacqueline's body. "For example, I know that you can't wait to put that pretty mouth and tongue in my pussy and you love eating pussy, especially mine. Am I right, Jackie?"
Jacqueline blushed as her blood began to boil. Mary was right again. She did love eating pussy and she couldn't wait to taste Mary's. But she had to be calm and not let her get the upper hand, knowing how eager she was, Jacqueline thought she would be coy, trembling she stepped forward and took Mary into her arms, her hands roaming her former rival's body while her mouth found her face and began kissing her passionately for as long as she could hold out. She knew it wouldn't be long she was craving pussy juice; she could smell it and she had to have it. Sliding down Mary's luscious body pausing to sample her succulent tits, for just a moment before she pushed her face between Mary's legs while pushing her knees apart as Mary reclined on the plush carpet.
Candice sauntered up to her newest contemporary Jerome Fox, the size of his manhood had captured her imagination, they hadn't yet met and she thought it was time she welcomed him to their little family. He was preoccupied sucking on a large cock, which left his cock free and waiting for her. She engulfed it completely, but had trouble keeping it down as he quickly grew bigger than she thought possible. Using two hands she continued to work the huge cock in and out of her mouth.
John was worried about April, until Candace told her that she had prepared her daughter for the orgy. She would do only as mush as she was comfortable with and the next morning Candace would erase the memory.
Ushered out of the bedroom for the ceremony Heather didn't get a chance to meet the woman in the bedroom with her, however as she moved through the room around the cushions and mattresses which seemed to have come out of nowhere, she saw the large bimbo tattoo ahead in the dim light on a pale ass wiggling back and forth. She was in her element, the sounds of fucking and sucking echoed through the room. There were naked bodies fucking and sucking all around her and she felt as much at home as she ever had. She needed to have a cock in her, and she needed to meet the proud bimbo. She was confident that she would soon achieve both her goals.
The group from the spa, including Samantha and Isabel had been ushered into the mansion; they left the Jacuzzi reluctantly, until they were told that the orgy would follow the brief ceremony. Samantha was eager to continue playing with Lee, the cute Asian guy whose cock she enjoyed sucking, they were walking together until Lee stopped and told her he'd left his watch by the hot tub and that he'd catch up with her.
As Lee returned to the deserted pool area to where he had told Sam he left his watch, he looking around noticing most of the outdoor lights had been turned off; the pool was still and quite, the security guards could be seen in the distance on the perimeter. No one watched as Lee transformed from a young Asian male into a beautiful young black female with a nice large ass and smallish tits. She quickly made her way back into the mansion and easily blended with the amorous guest.
Within the Ring of Power Dr. Zachary Smith monitored his security screens. It was a strange existence; he no longer had a body, but since that is all he knew he still saw himself that way. Something curious caught his attention; since there wasn't a lot to do in the limbo within the ring; he kept his mind busy by keeping track of things, in this case the number of people at the party and ratio of men to women. He noticed that the ratio suddenly changed and no new guests had arrived. Taking a closer look, he realized that there was one less male and one more woman. How could that be, he questioned himself. Then snapping his fingers, he had the answer, a shape-shifter. That explained everything, like how John lost the spy at the mall. But who was it? All he was certain of was that it was now female. He had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time. He needed to access the camera feeds and isolate the entire list of guests and match them to their entrance photos. He should probably notify John, but he didn't have enough proof. Maybe he should first locate his family and keep tabs on them, their movement and those in their proximity. What was he thinking; he could do all of that simultaneously.
He located Samantha, she was riding cowgirl on a muscular Latin man; Isabel was nearby sucking a cock while being fucked from behind. But where was Heather? Rapidly scanning he soon found her; she was between the legs of Rachel who was squatting over her as she was being eating by a large black man. He scanned and again looking for Jacqueline and was surprised to find both Jacqueline and Mary together and they were engaged in a classic sixty nine, so far nothing to worry about. He watched his wife and mistress together for a while, if he had a body, his cock would be at full staff. He had forgotten how similar their bodies are. If there was one thing you could say about him, Dr. Zachary Smith he was consistent and knew what he liked. As he watched the two women pleasuring themselves he realized that he would never get tired of watching naked women, he sighed heavily as he returned to the work at hand. If he had he only been more careful, or not so ambitious, he thought. Who was he kidding he was a fool to think that he was smarter than the ancient technology of the rings. And he got just what he deserved.
She wasn't used to this kind of constant attention, but she was thoroughly enjoying the endless sex. April didn't know such pleasure was possible. There was a guy fucking her from behind while she eagerly licked the pussy of a beautiful blonde whose name she didn't even know. She didn't know that she liked pussy and that surprised her. You would think that something like that she would remember. She seemed to know what she was doing because the blonde was screaming and shaking again as her juices flowed unto April's active tongue. The cock in her pussy was working magic on her and she was getting close to coming again herself. But she really was enjoying the pussy and right now, she wasn't sure which she liked best.
It was something she never thought she would ever do, but now that she was here she was enjoying herself. She didn't know where Mark was and right now she didn't care. Cindy had a large cock in her pussy and one in her mouth. There was no guilt. She had to admit that she may never have the guts to do this again, so she was going to really enjoy herself.
She loved the bodies of African American women, Maria thought as she watched the woman walk by. They seemed so confident and self assured, this one was no less, she practically glided through the room occasionally, touching and fondling bodies as she waded through the crowd. If she wasn't been so soundly fucked right then she would want to give her a try.
"Hiya, Cutie," Rachel finally said. "Like I was hoping I'd get a chance to see ya again," as she took a break from sucking on Heather's extra large tits. Heather was licking around the emerald stud piercing Rachel's clitoris. "Like I love your piercings especially the emerald one," she said and quickly went back to work with greater enthusiasm. That was all Rachel needed as she surrendered to her passion. It wasn't long before her cries were joined by others as the orgy began to pick up steam.
"Oh My God!" Tammy yelled and then giggled as she slapped John on his bare leg. "Get that thing away from me! You aren't going to put that in me" John had increased the size of his cock to impossible proportions. Having just had anal with Tammy, he felt like being playful, it had been a while since the two had been together. Tammy took hold of the 13 inch man meat and called Karen over to help. They took turns sliding it between each other's ample tits and licking the mushroom head as it emerged from between each of their twin mountains of flesh.
The first three hours of the orgy was pretty intense, afterwards it slowed down to a more leisurely pace, people ate drank and lounged, then the servants delivered a variety of sex toys, mostly dildos (including strap-ons and double ended) and lotions.
"John..." He waited for his son to realize that the voice calling him had originated in his mind.
"Hey dad, what's up?" John replied without saying a word.
"I don't want to alarm you but we have an intruder." His father filled him in on what he knew and what he planned to do. Right now there wasn't much they could do but be vigilant. They didn't know what the "shape shifter" had in mind and they still didn't know who it was. It was best to remain alert and watchful. John was ready for him this time.
Reluctantly he extricated himself from Tammy and Karen and moved about the great room locating his step mother and sisters. They were all present and accounted for, although his mother Mary seemed to have been spending a great deal of time with Jackie. The girls weren't far away, they had each settled down with a partner and were either cuddling, fondling or engaging in some sex act between nibbling on food and drink.
"Jackie, you will answer honestly any questions I ask you," Mary said to Jacqueline using her mind control powers on her again as she continued to lick and eat Mary's pussy.
Pausing she said, "Yes, whatever you say. But I really don't like you calling me that. My name is Jacqueline," She said, as Mary's juices covered her face and she enthusiastically went back to sucking on Mary's pussy.
"That's tough, get used to it." Mary sighed and thought to herself, I asked her to be honest. "Why do you insist on being such a bbbbitch?" Mary had trouble completing the sentence; Jacqueline's skill had increased and had Mary on the edge of coming.
Lifting her head, her face now dripping with Mary's pussy juice she said, "You are or were the other woman, how do you expect me to treat you?"
It dawned on Mary that she did have a point, but who could have resisted Zachary? He controlled her until his death. Didn't Jacqueline know that?
"When did you first meet Zachary?"
Pulling her face up again, Jacqueline seemed almost annoyed she was truly enjoying eating Mary's pussy. "We met in college, was a professor and I was one of his students. We married after my graduation. Father insisted that I graduate first."
"So he was already the Master of the Ring?"
She was about to return to her task, "Master of the ring, what do you mean. I don't understand."
"You mean you don't know about the ring?" Mary asked incredulously.
"The only ring that Zachary ever wore was his wedding ring. But it seems that didn't matter to some people."
"There it was again," Mary thought. "She doesn't know. That is why she is being such a bitch. She thinks that I went after her husband."
The servants continued to move quietly among the guest holding a tray of toys. Mary saw just what she needed and motioned the servant to her. Lifting it from the tray, she smiled this is what she needs.
"Lie on your back, Jackie and play with your tits, while I adjust this thing."
Jacqueline complied immediately. Her ample breast settled on her chest, sliding towards her armpits. She pulled at her nipples and they grew large and hard. Her nipples were very sensitive and it wouldn't take long for her to trigger an orgasm if she continued.
"Spread your legs wide and be a dear and hold your pussy open for me." Mary commanded.
As Jacqueline complied Mary moved forward and impaled her with a large black dildo she had strapped to her body. "This is my cock, Jackie. It is the largest cock you have ever had inside you. It is enormous; you'll come from it simple entering your pussy."
Jacqueline couldn't believe her eyes; Mary had somehow sprouted a large angry black cock. It was huge and she was forcing it into her. She screamed, "Oooohhhh! Aaaahhhhhh!!! She was coming. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of surprise, fear, lust and delight. And she continued to come as Mary did her best impression of every male she'd ever been with sawing in and out in long steady strokes.
As John continued to move though out this great room, occasionally joining a couple, threesome or group, he was remembering faces and taking inventory of his guest looking for anyone that didn't belong.
He was close enough to Mary and Jacqueline to see their play had escalated to the use of toys and that Jacqueline seemed to be really enjoying herself and Mary seemed to be very proficient with a strap-on.
Jacqueline seemed to be coming constantly and despite the nice buzz Mary was getting from the other end they were both tiring, both covered in sweat and panting.
"From now on Jackie," Mary said. "Whenever you see me you will remember this moment, being on the receiving end of my big black cock. You will feel the urge to repeat this session, if that isn't practical you will crave to eat my pussy. You will remember the all the fun we had together at this orgy. And if you hear me say the word 'bitch' you will immediately have a strong climax. Now why don't you go clean yourself up and get something to drink, you look parched."
With that said Mary pulled out of Jacqueline and walked away, the dildo swinging back and forth as she walked, dripping with Jacqueline's juices. A servant handed her a towel, she graciously accepted and then removing the phallic she placed it on the servant's tray.
She was having a great time; Candace hadn't participated in an orgy since her college years. This was head and shoulder above that. Back then the orgies seemed to be spontaneous, this was extremely well planned and better executed. There was no detail they hadn't taken into consideration. The staff was polite and almost invisible until needed. She was just finishing her white wine, when she saw him again. It had been years since she had seen Mark, he was just a boy then, he played with April and John, and here he was now all grown up now and was a fine specimen of young adulthood not to mention the monster swinging between his legs. He didn't recognize her and that was fine with her as he looked at her from across the room, toweling off as he down a few gulps of his Coors Lite. She smiled at him and he tossed his towel aside, picked up his beer making his way over to her. After a few pleasantries, they kissed and Candace felt his manhood grow and slip between her legs.
"Hmm, what do you feed that thing," she said as she captured it in her pussy.
"Beautiful blondes," he said smiling as he felt the warmth of her pussy. "Shall we?"
"I thought you'd never ask," Candace replied as she sat on the nearby sofa and Mark lowered his head to her perfect tits, taking a nipple into his mouth he sucked. It surprised him when he felt her sweet milk enter his mouth. It was refreshing and he continued to suck in earnest.
Candace hadn't intended for her milk to flow, she was more focused on getting some cock from this young man she had watched grow up. But, decided to have some fun anyway.
"That's enough for now, why don't you show me what you can do with that piece of meat growing between your legs."
Mark didn't hesitate, even if he hadn't been under the control of Candace's mind control milk. He pulled his big brown cock down and lined it up with Candace's gaping pussy and pushed in. The feeling was incredible, Candace told him and he agreed. There was no better feeling then entering her pussy and he will want to do it as often as possible and whenever he entered any pussy he would think of hers. Candace put her ankles on Marks shoulders and he continued to drive into her like a man possessed. It wasn't long before he brought her to a nice climax, as he came too in a loud roar. He was panting delighting in the aftermath; she felt him growing soft and she said, "Again." He quickly began to firm up and grew harder than before and with new found strength he continued to stoke in and out of her. She wasn't sure what it was, the power of being able to control this young stud or the fact that he was forbidden fruit, almost like John, but he was taking her breath away and she was coming almost immediately. She screamed and told him not to stop. Just as her screaming subsided she felt it building quickly again. It was like a great roller coaster, climbing hills and dropping fast through sudden falls. She was coming again.
She had been fucked many times, sucked a half dozen cocks of various sizes, and licked at least as many pussies, but was still not satisfied. She was beginning to realize that John and she would never be exclusive. She didn't know how to feel about that, she thought as she stood naked drinking with a few of the people she had just finished playing with; it was eerie how comfortable everyone was with each other's nudity. The guys seemed to be in a state of semi erection, while the women sported enlarged pussies and nipples were anywhere from hard pebbles to soft and puffy. She found it strange, but she wished that this party would never end. It was very early in the morning now. It wouldn't be long before the sun would be rising. She looked over her shoulder and saw John slowly making his way toward her. Her heart began beating faster, she couldn't help it. She loved him since they were children. She realized that she may never get over him; she would just have to accept that.
"Hey you," he said as he gently fondled her naked ass and kissed her lips, pulling her close to him.
April melted. She conformed to his body like they were made for one another; she placed both hand to his face and returned the kiss. The group disbursed leaving them alone.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" He said as he slowly removed his lips from hers.
"Yeah, I am," she admitted. "I am probably gonna be sore tomorrow, but I wish this party would never end. It is too bad that people couldn't live like this all the time."
"We'd never get any work done." John said as he moved April to the love seat and they sat, John first and April on his lap.
"You're probably right," she agreed. "I missed you." She said as she leaned in on him and played with the hair falling into his face.
They talked and kissed, cuddled and played. Before long April was bouncing on John's large cock as he fondled and played with her bouncing breasts. The lights were low, but had been that way for some time so everyone had adjusted to it and John continued to scan looking for the uninvited guest. April was doing some amazing things with her Kegel muscles and John was just about to close his eyes and delight in the feeling when he saw her. He knew it must be her because he didn't recognize her from any of the guest.
She was moving through the great room slowly, joining a couple or group for a few minutes and seemed to be making her way to the north end of the large room where his sisters were engaged in a daisy chain. She was a nice looking Black woman, nice smallish tits, small waist and a nice ass a little on the large size, but worked well on her. She didn't seem to have a preference as she sucked on any and all genitalia available to her.
At that moment, Dr. Smith showed John images from the pool camera which caught the shape shifter changing from an unidentified Asian man to the woman John spied. It was eerie watching him sprout tits as his penis retracted his hair change and grow longer as his skin darkened and his body hair all but disappeared, in a matter of seconds.
April was coming again and John needed to get away without spoiling his time with her, so he increased her pleasure and her orgasm increased in intensity and duration, he came too. She was out of breath and he lifted her off of him and set her down beside him, a servant handed him a towel and he lightly patted her down just as Rachel joined them. Before April could protest she was between her legs licking up the seed John had just deposited. John excused himself promising to return, as Rachel sent April over the edge again.
The shape shifter was closing in on the girls, John had alerted his security and they were starting to close the distance as ohn was approaching from the other side. When the black woman spotted security, she dove into a group of partiers and changed back into the Asian man, thinking that she wouldn't be suspected and mounted the nearest woman to him from behind. It turned out to be Heather who had been munching on a blonde woman's pussy while another woman was kneeling over the blonde's face.
"Oh, hiya sweetie. That feels so good. Don't stop," she said as she pushed back matching her new friend stroke for stroke.
Realizing that they weren't fooled and that they were almost upon him, the Asian man pushed Heather forward knocking her into the other women and causing them some discomfort. He turned to run, when Heather tackled him and shimmed up his body going for his cock that was so temptingly near. That was enough time for John and security to catch up. Pulling him to his feet, they easily escorted him to a room they had reserved for him. None of the guest was the wiser, except for Heather whom John helped up and held a little closer than he intended.
"What's going on?" She asked. "Where are you taking him?" She didn't realize the threat he was. And John realized that the shape shifter didn't realize who Heather was probably due to his bimboizing of her. And Heather seemed to have unwittingly saved the day. Nevertheless Heather urges were still in charge of her and John's cock was way to close; before he could react Heather had his cock in her pussy and was humping him like a dog in heat.
John was stunned. He didn't want to have sex with Heather or any of his sisters, but it appears another line had just been crossed. He thought about pushing her off, but she did just help him capture the shifter and now they would learn what was going on.
The security team had been briefed and quickly secured the man to a chair and locked him in the room with another security person. Three cameras were watching as the naked Asian man as he sat helplessly waiting for his pending interrogation.
Meanwhile, Heather had pushed John to the floor and was wildly riding him, her large tits bouncing all over the place. Most people had slowed down, exhausted from a night full of unbridled sex, so Heather's enthusiasm caused her to stand out among the other partiers, catching April's attention along with Samantha, Isabel and Rachel.
It wasn't long before they all gathered around the two watching and waiting for their turn.
"You are so busted," Rachel said to John.
Heather found just what she was looking for from a smorgasbord of men; a tall muscular African American man with close cropped hair caught her attention. He was extremely articulate, she allowed him to charm her, using many words and phrases she had never heard before and didn't understand. They walked through the mansion admiring the artwork on the walls and discussing every topic from music to politics. As they moved to the second floor, Heather steered them into the room where unbeknown to her Rachel was being double teamed much to her delight. Lying on her back, her head hanging off the bed she was sucking on a cock while its owner pulled on her pierced nipples and played with her incredibly large tits, while the other man had his head between her legs feasting on her wet pussy.
They came to a complete stop as Heather's eyes grew quite large and a smile began to grow across her face. Her partner hesitated and tugged at her so that they could leave, but Heather resisted and pulled the other way as soon as they entered the room, she turned the young man pulled him close and reached up to kiss him. As he bent low to find her lips, she reached for his crotch to find a bigger surprised than she expected. As they broke the kiss, he began to remove his sports coat while Heather adjusted a couple of buttons on her dress and it slid down her body, pooling around her high heeled feet leaving her completely naked.
By now the trio had changed positions; Rachel was on her knees on the bed being fucked from behind, he large white ass advertising her bimbo status as it bounced from the back door activity. She continued to suck on the man's cock as he lay across the bed. The newcomers' presence was barely noticed, but was welcomed as man fucking Rachel from behind decided to pace himself to make sure he could have a turn with the younger woman. His smile grew as he saw that she had a similar body style as the woman he was pumping. He wondered if she was a bimbo too, she didn't bare a tattoo, but as he watched her take entire length of the black cock she unleashed down her throat, he began to believe she could be.
John could feel new energy flowing into the ring and surging into his body, there was serious fucking going on and he was looking forward to his first orgy. He entered the dining room seeing a spread of food fit for a king. There were all sorts of meats, many of which he didn't recognize until he tasted them, plenty of vegetables, breads and salads. On another table were eight varieties of deserts: pies, cakes, puddings, ice creams. As he picked and nibbled from the food, Jacqueline walked up to him and fed him a morsel of food from her plate. As she slowly pulled her fingers away John caught her hand and licked her fingers clean.
"Mmmm, that was good," he said with a smile.
She too smile and said, "The food or my fingers?"
They chatted for a while until they were joined by Mary. She kissed her son on the cheek and then the lips. When she finished she asked, "Who's your friend?"
What would have been a very awkward moment was one that John had been anticipating for some time now.
"Mom, I'd like you to meet Jacqueline Smith." He said looking first at his mother and then to Jacqueline. "Jackie, this is my mother Mary Smith." He said in the same but opposite manner.
He knew the two had never met despite being rivals for his father's love and affection. Each knew of the other, of course Mary did, but for Jacqueline, the reality of her husband infidelity had never manifested itself so strongly until now, this moment when she finally met the other woman. They glared at each, staring into each other's eyes as if trying to look into each other's soul. It seemed like a full minute pasted before anyone said anything. John used this time to realize how similar the two were in body styles. They could have been mirror images of each other except for their hair color and style. Finally, Mary extended her hand to Jacqueline's and said, "It's very nice to finally meet you Jackie."
Jacqueline reached out her hand to accept Mary's and corrected her, "It's Jacqueline, no one calls me Jackie." She paused for effect and then continued, "Except for John."
"Really, and why is that?" Mary asked already knowing that John had slept with her. Of course he did, that is who he is, he will eventually sleep with everyone, she thought.
Jacqueline blushed slightly as she attempted to respond with a suitable answer, not truly knowing or understanding who John was or his true nature. "Let's just say that John can be pretty persistent when he wants to be. But, as his mother you probably already know that about him."
Mary smiled and replied, "You have no idea."
Jacqueline looked surprised by the answer, but shuddered to think that John must have been intimate with his mother. The idea disgusted her and her entire body became tense, which was obvious to both Mary and John.
Mary turned her attention back to John said, "You'll need to take your place soon the ceremony is about to begin followed immediately by the orgy." She kissed John again on the mouth, lingering a bit as she swished her tongue around in his mouth before breaking the kiss. "I'll see you around later, Jackie." Mary said as she sauntered away, and leaving Jacqueline stunned.
Jacqueline watched her rival walk away and then looked at John.
She stuttered, perhaps for the first time, "I am not participating in an orgy and neither are my daughters," she said looked past John and seeing other guest now in varied states of undress moving towards the "great room".
She knew that there had been discreet sex going on in any of the many rooms of the mansion that was fine, but she drew the line at group sex. It didn't appeal to her in the least. And she was about to tell John as much when he asked.
"Do you know how dad made his fortune?"
She was caught off guard by the question. It seemed so out of place. "Of course," she said. "He was into pharmaceuticals, I believe he pioneered several techniques, his doctorial was in science. I don't remember the specific discipline."
"Hmm," John said as he rubbed his chin. "So you don't know."
She looked at him quizzically. Before she could ask another question, Candace appeared with April and told John it was time to begin. April took John by the hand and asked Jacqueline to come with them. John offered his hand, but Jacqueline refused it choosing to followed closely behind them. April led them into the great room and then to the north end where a large chair resembling a throne sat, John looking a little sheepish but then took his place sitting the lush and comfortable chair, which sat upon risers which elevated it four feet off the floor. April and Jacqueline stood off to the right and waited. Just as Jacqueline was about to asked April what this ceremony was all about the lights dimmed and at the south end of the great room the crowd parted as caped and hooded people entered and made a semicircle in the front of the room before John.
There were twenty in all, their heads remained bowed down, and you couldn't see their faces. They were all bare foot, their capes completely covering them as it reached the floor, and although you couldn't tell for sure, you knew they were naked beneath the robes. A spotlight appeared in the center of the room before them. On cue, one person from each end of the semi-circle met in the middle in the spotlight. They lifted their heads knocking back the hood revealing their identities.
The first pair was Maria and Carmen. They smiled and must have done something to their capes because simultaneously the slid down their bodies to the floor revealing their tantalizing naked bodies. Sparkling in the spot light were twin diamonds which pierced each of their labias. They took a step forward posed in the most sensual way and then reached for John's ring hand kissing it reverently one at a time. They then separated and stood on either ends of John who sat perched on his throne watching with greater interest. Jacqueline jumped back into April as she made a space for the naked Carmen, as if touching her would transmit some disease.
Immediately the next pair step forward, and followed the in the same manner as Maria and Carmen. It was Tammy and Elizabeth. Dropping their robes revealed their beautiful bodies which were as different as Maria and Carmen's were a like. Elizabeth's caramel coloring contrasted with Tammy's alabaster hue. They too worn diamonds in the same places as their predecessors and they reflected the light of the spot back to the front of the room.
Next were Candace and Mary. Jacqueline gasped. Mary was stunning in her nudity and the fact that their bodies were similar wasn't lost on her. The pair followed as they others did, but when they posed they intertwined their bodies, embracing and kissed each other sensually before continuing. Their diamonds seemed to have changed colors during the exchanged causing the spectators to ooh and ah.
Next were Karen Miller and the first of John's males, Jerome Fox. He was a muscular 6'4" blonde blue eyed Arian type and bisexual. John had assigned him the San Francisco and Bay areas. He wore a large diamond stud in his left ear; they were quite a couple and their pose had Karen bent backward as Jerome held her, reminiscent of the dance move known as a dip, but he stood between her legs and was pressed firmly against her, when they separated he had grown an impressive semi erection that got a reaction from all the spectators. Cindy was enjoying her night off from the boutique, she and Mark had been enjoying their growing relationship, and she gasped loudly at the sight of Jerome's semi hard cock. And knowing where this was all headed, she hoped to sample that big stick in one of her holes. and shuddered at the naughty thought.
When all of John's agents had completed their poses and were assembled to his right and left, John stood and hoisted his right hand in front of him as he balled it into a fist, all the lights dimmed, but as they dimmed the room grew brighter. A blue light was emanating from the ring, as the ring changed in shape and size from being a high school class ring to one of the most magnificent rings ever to have been forged. It was diamond and jeweled encrusted, with emeralds, sapphires and rubies. Its blue light continued to grow until the entire room was filled with the light. John pumped his fist and a large bolt of energy burst forth from out of the ring. It circled in some sort of cloud above the gathering, crackling like wood burning it a fireplace for several moments then shot forth separating into twenty separate bolts of energy striking each of the diamonds his agents wore and was absorbed into the jewels. Simultaneously they all doubled in size and began to emit the same strange blue light. The intensity continued to grow until it was so bright the glare was causing everyone to squint to protect their eyes. Suddenly, the light was extinguished and the room was completely dark and quiet. The spot light flashed on suddenly capturing John in its center. He stood silently. Every eye was on him and he lifted both hands slowly above his head and announced, "Let the Orgy begin!"
The crowded cheered and roared, as the house lights came up about 60% and all John's agents waded into the crowd kissing, fondling and greeting people until they encountered their first sexual partners.
Those still clothed quickly began shedding them and tossing them to the floor. A small army of servants moved unnoticed throughout the room collecting various pieces of clothing, assembling them into complete outfits, tagging them with the owner's identification and hanging them in closets until their owners came to claim them.
The atmosphere in the Great Room was electric; the noise was so loud the music couldn't be heard. As John stepped down from his throne, he felt a tug on his arm and turned to see the face of a panicking Jacqueline Smith. He moved closer to hear what she was concerned over, but he already knew.
"John, an orgy, seriously," The look on her face spoke volumes. "I can't participate in an orgy. What about my daughters, your sisters, I can't allow them to be a part of this. What would their father think?"
John smiled, Jackie didn't have a clue about what John's father did, he never told her the whole story. "Jackie, it's okay. Everyone will have a good time, relax."
"No, this is wrong. I have to find the girls. We are getting out of here."
"Jackie, is this your first orgy," John asked as he pulled her into his embrace. "It will be fine, I promise, you and the girls don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You all love sex right, well then only do the things that you like. It will be fun. You'll see."
Seeing John trying to sooth Jackie, Mary knew an opportunity when she saw it and strolled up to them, naked and glowing, her diamond stud still twice its normal size glistening in the dim light.
"Hello, you two alright," she asked guessing the problem was reluctance on Jacqueline's part.
"This is Jackie's first orgy and she is a little nervous." John told his mother.
"Here, let me take care of her, John you have duties to attend to," Mary said taking Jackie by the hand allowing John to escape.
"Mother will take good care of you, Jackie. Gotta go."
Jacqueline turned to Mary, forgetting that she was already naked and stopped as she regarded the naked mistress of her late husband. "I am getting my daughters and we are leaving."
"No you aren't Jackie, not until after you have eaten my pussy." Mary said employing her mind control powers on her unsuspecting rival. "And you should get out of those clothes, too and show me your sexy body."
Jacqueline looked at Mary as if she had completely lost her mind, "Have you gone mad," she asked as she unzipped her gown. "We are getting out of here this minute, get out of my way." Her hands mindlessly unhooking a catch letting the gown fall to the floor around her ankles. She wasn't wearing any under garments so she was instantly naked.
"You better watch your step, I wouldn't want to fall," Mary told her pointing to her gown lying at her feet.
Jacqueline looked down in stunned surprised and stepped out of her gown. "What, how?" She was about to panic when Mary said. "Now that's much better, isn't it?"
Jacqueline thought about it, "Yes, I feel much better, now. Thank you," she said with a confused look on her face. She had gotten herself all worked up, but now she didn't know why.
"You feel much better naked, displaying your body for all to see."
Jacqueline took a deep breath, it felt so good to get out of that stuffy gown.
"You're feeling very horny now, aren't you?" Mary asked her. "Your nipples are hard and your pussy is getting moist."
"Oh! She gasped. Yes, I am. How did you know?"
"Oh, I know a great many things," Mary said as she admired Jacqueline's body. "For example, I know that you can't wait to put that pretty mouth and tongue in my pussy and you love eating pussy, especially mine. Am I right, Jackie?"
Jacqueline blushed as her blood began to boil. Mary was right again. She did love eating pussy and she couldn't wait to taste Mary's. But she had to be calm and not let her get the upper hand, knowing how eager she was, Jacqueline thought she would be coy, trembling she stepped forward and took Mary into her arms, her hands roaming her former rival's body while her mouth found her face and began kissing her passionately for as long as she could hold out. She knew it wouldn't be long she was craving pussy juice; she could smell it and she had to have it. Sliding down Mary's luscious body pausing to sample her succulent tits, for just a moment before she pushed her face between Mary's legs while pushing her knees apart as Mary reclined on the plush carpet.
Candice sauntered up to her newest contemporary Jerome Fox, the size of his manhood had captured her imagination, they hadn't yet met and she thought it was time she welcomed him to their little family. He was preoccupied sucking on a large cock, which left his cock free and waiting for her. She engulfed it completely, but had trouble keeping it down as he quickly grew bigger than she thought possible. Using two hands she continued to work the huge cock in and out of her mouth.
John was worried about April, until Candace told her that she had prepared her daughter for the orgy. She would do only as mush as she was comfortable with and the next morning Candace would erase the memory.
Ushered out of the bedroom for the ceremony Heather didn't get a chance to meet the woman in the bedroom with her, however as she moved through the room around the cushions and mattresses which seemed to have come out of nowhere, she saw the large bimbo tattoo ahead in the dim light on a pale ass wiggling back and forth. She was in her element, the sounds of fucking and sucking echoed through the room. There were naked bodies fucking and sucking all around her and she felt as much at home as she ever had. She needed to have a cock in her, and she needed to meet the proud bimbo. She was confident that she would soon achieve both her goals.
The group from the spa, including Samantha and Isabel had been ushered into the mansion; they left the Jacuzzi reluctantly, until they were told that the orgy would follow the brief ceremony. Samantha was eager to continue playing with Lee, the cute Asian guy whose cock she enjoyed sucking, they were walking together until Lee stopped and told her he'd left his watch by the hot tub and that he'd catch up with her.
As Lee returned to the deserted pool area to where he had told Sam he left his watch, he looking around noticing most of the outdoor lights had been turned off; the pool was still and quite, the security guards could be seen in the distance on the perimeter. No one watched as Lee transformed from a young Asian male into a beautiful young black female with a nice large ass and smallish tits. She quickly made her way back into the mansion and easily blended with the amorous guest.
Within the Ring of Power Dr. Zachary Smith monitored his security screens. It was a strange existence; he no longer had a body, but since that is all he knew he still saw himself that way. Something curious caught his attention; since there wasn't a lot to do in the limbo within the ring; he kept his mind busy by keeping track of things, in this case the number of people at the party and ratio of men to women. He noticed that the ratio suddenly changed and no new guests had arrived. Taking a closer look, he realized that there was one less male and one more woman. How could that be, he questioned himself. Then snapping his fingers, he had the answer, a shape-shifter. That explained everything, like how John lost the spy at the mall. But who was it? All he was certain of was that it was now female. He had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time. He needed to access the camera feeds and isolate the entire list of guests and match them to their entrance photos. He should probably notify John, but he didn't have enough proof. Maybe he should first locate his family and keep tabs on them, their movement and those in their proximity. What was he thinking; he could do all of that simultaneously.
He located Samantha, she was riding cowgirl on a muscular Latin man; Isabel was nearby sucking a cock while being fucked from behind. But where was Heather? Rapidly scanning he soon found her; she was between the legs of Rachel who was squatting over her as she was being eating by a large black man. He scanned and again looking for Jacqueline and was surprised to find both Jacqueline and Mary together and they were engaged in a classic sixty nine, so far nothing to worry about. He watched his wife and mistress together for a while, if he had a body, his cock would be at full staff. He had forgotten how similar their bodies are. If there was one thing you could say about him, Dr. Zachary Smith he was consistent and knew what he liked. As he watched the two women pleasuring themselves he realized that he would never get tired of watching naked women, he sighed heavily as he returned to the work at hand. If he had he only been more careful, or not so ambitious, he thought. Who was he kidding he was a fool to think that he was smarter than the ancient technology of the rings. And he got just what he deserved.
She wasn't used to this kind of constant attention, but she was thoroughly enjoying the endless sex. April didn't know such pleasure was possible. There was a guy fucking her from behind while she eagerly licked the pussy of a beautiful blonde whose name she didn't even know. She didn't know that she liked pussy and that surprised her. You would think that something like that she would remember. She seemed to know what she was doing because the blonde was screaming and shaking again as her juices flowed unto April's active tongue. The cock in her pussy was working magic on her and she was getting close to coming again herself. But she really was enjoying the pussy and right now, she wasn't sure which she liked best.
It was something she never thought she would ever do, but now that she was here she was enjoying herself. She didn't know where Mark was and right now she didn't care. Cindy had a large cock in her pussy and one in her mouth. There was no guilt. She had to admit that she may never have the guts to do this again, so she was going to really enjoy herself.
She loved the bodies of African American women, Maria thought as she watched the woman walk by. They seemed so confident and self assured, this one was no less, she practically glided through the room occasionally, touching and fondling bodies as she waded through the crowd. If she wasn't been so soundly fucked right then she would want to give her a try.
"Hiya, Cutie," Rachel finally said. "Like I was hoping I'd get a chance to see ya again," as she took a break from sucking on Heather's extra large tits. Heather was licking around the emerald stud piercing Rachel's clitoris. "Like I love your piercings especially the emerald one," she said and quickly went back to work with greater enthusiasm. That was all Rachel needed as she surrendered to her passion. It wasn't long before her cries were joined by others as the orgy began to pick up steam.
"Oh My God!" Tammy yelled and then giggled as she slapped John on his bare leg. "Get that thing away from me! You aren't going to put that in me" John had increased the size of his cock to impossible proportions. Having just had anal with Tammy, he felt like being playful, it had been a while since the two had been together. Tammy took hold of the 13 inch man meat and called Karen over to help. They took turns sliding it between each other's ample tits and licking the mushroom head as it emerged from between each of their twin mountains of flesh.
The first three hours of the orgy was pretty intense, afterwards it slowed down to a more leisurely pace, people ate drank and lounged, then the servants delivered a variety of sex toys, mostly dildos (including strap-ons and double ended) and lotions.
"John..." He waited for his son to realize that the voice calling him had originated in his mind.
"Hey dad, what's up?" John replied without saying a word.
"I don't want to alarm you but we have an intruder." His father filled him in on what he knew and what he planned to do. Right now there wasn't much they could do but be vigilant. They didn't know what the "shape shifter" had in mind and they still didn't know who it was. It was best to remain alert and watchful. John was ready for him this time.
Reluctantly he extricated himself from Tammy and Karen and moved about the great room locating his step mother and sisters. They were all present and accounted for, although his mother Mary seemed to have been spending a great deal of time with Jackie. The girls weren't far away, they had each settled down with a partner and were either cuddling, fondling or engaging in some sex act between nibbling on food and drink.
"Jackie, you will answer honestly any questions I ask you," Mary said to Jacqueline using her mind control powers on her again as she continued to lick and eat Mary's pussy.
Pausing she said, "Yes, whatever you say. But I really don't like you calling me that. My name is Jacqueline," She said, as Mary's juices covered her face and she enthusiastically went back to sucking on Mary's pussy.
"That's tough, get used to it." Mary sighed and thought to herself, I asked her to be honest. "Why do you insist on being such a bbbbitch?" Mary had trouble completing the sentence; Jacqueline's skill had increased and had Mary on the edge of coming.
Lifting her head, her face now dripping with Mary's pussy juice she said, "You are or were the other woman, how do you expect me to treat you?"
It dawned on Mary that she did have a point, but who could have resisted Zachary? He controlled her until his death. Didn't Jacqueline know that?
"When did you first meet Zachary?"
Pulling her face up again, Jacqueline seemed almost annoyed she was truly enjoying eating Mary's pussy. "We met in college, was a professor and I was one of his students. We married after my graduation. Father insisted that I graduate first."
"So he was already the Master of the Ring?"
She was about to return to her task, "Master of the ring, what do you mean. I don't understand."
"You mean you don't know about the ring?" Mary asked incredulously.
"The only ring that Zachary ever wore was his wedding ring. But it seems that didn't matter to some people."
"There it was again," Mary thought. "She doesn't know. That is why she is being such a bitch. She thinks that I went after her husband."
The servants continued to move quietly among the guest holding a tray of toys. Mary saw just what she needed and motioned the servant to her. Lifting it from the tray, she smiled this is what she needs.
"Lie on your back, Jackie and play with your tits, while I adjust this thing."
Jacqueline complied immediately. Her ample breast settled on her chest, sliding towards her armpits. She pulled at her nipples and they grew large and hard. Her nipples were very sensitive and it wouldn't take long for her to trigger an orgasm if she continued.
"Spread your legs wide and be a dear and hold your pussy open for me." Mary commanded.
As Jacqueline complied Mary moved forward and impaled her with a large black dildo she had strapped to her body. "This is my cock, Jackie. It is the largest cock you have ever had inside you. It is enormous; you'll come from it simple entering your pussy."
Jacqueline couldn't believe her eyes; Mary had somehow sprouted a large angry black cock. It was huge and she was forcing it into her. She screamed, "Oooohhhh! Aaaahhhhhh!!! She was coming. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of surprise, fear, lust and delight. And she continued to come as Mary did her best impression of every male she'd ever been with sawing in and out in long steady strokes.
As John continued to move though out this great room, occasionally joining a couple, threesome or group, he was remembering faces and taking inventory of his guest looking for anyone that didn't belong.
He was close enough to Mary and Jacqueline to see their play had escalated to the use of toys and that Jacqueline seemed to be really enjoying herself and Mary seemed to be very proficient with a strap-on.
Jacqueline seemed to be coming constantly and despite the nice buzz Mary was getting from the other end they were both tiring, both covered in sweat and panting.
"From now on Jackie," Mary said. "Whenever you see me you will remember this moment, being on the receiving end of my big black cock. You will feel the urge to repeat this session, if that isn't practical you will crave to eat my pussy. You will remember the all the fun we had together at this orgy. And if you hear me say the word 'bitch' you will immediately have a strong climax. Now why don't you go clean yourself up and get something to drink, you look parched."
With that said Mary pulled out of Jacqueline and walked away, the dildo swinging back and forth as she walked, dripping with Jacqueline's juices. A servant handed her a towel, she graciously accepted and then removing the phallic she placed it on the servant's tray.
She was having a great time; Candace hadn't participated in an orgy since her college years. This was head and shoulder above that. Back then the orgies seemed to be spontaneous, this was extremely well planned and better executed. There was no detail they hadn't taken into consideration. The staff was polite and almost invisible until needed. She was just finishing her white wine, when she saw him again. It had been years since she had seen Mark, he was just a boy then, he played with April and John, and here he was now all grown up now and was a fine specimen of young adulthood not to mention the monster swinging between his legs. He didn't recognize her and that was fine with her as he looked at her from across the room, toweling off as he down a few gulps of his Coors Lite. She smiled at him and he tossed his towel aside, picked up his beer making his way over to her. After a few pleasantries, they kissed and Candace felt his manhood grow and slip between her legs.
"Hmm, what do you feed that thing," she said as she captured it in her pussy.
"Beautiful blondes," he said smiling as he felt the warmth of her pussy. "Shall we?"
"I thought you'd never ask," Candace replied as she sat on the nearby sofa and Mark lowered his head to her perfect tits, taking a nipple into his mouth he sucked. It surprised him when he felt her sweet milk enter his mouth. It was refreshing and he continued to suck in earnest.
Candace hadn't intended for her milk to flow, she was more focused on getting some cock from this young man she had watched grow up. But, decided to have some fun anyway.
"That's enough for now, why don't you show me what you can do with that piece of meat growing between your legs."
Mark didn't hesitate, even if he hadn't been under the control of Candace's mind control milk. He pulled his big brown cock down and lined it up with Candace's gaping pussy and pushed in. The feeling was incredible, Candace told him and he agreed. There was no better feeling then entering her pussy and he will want to do it as often as possible and whenever he entered any pussy he would think of hers. Candace put her ankles on Marks shoulders and he continued to drive into her like a man possessed. It wasn't long before he brought her to a nice climax, as he came too in a loud roar. He was panting delighting in the aftermath; she felt him growing soft and she said, "Again." He quickly began to firm up and grew harder than before and with new found strength he continued to stoke in and out of her. She wasn't sure what it was, the power of being able to control this young stud or the fact that he was forbidden fruit, almost like John, but he was taking her breath away and she was coming almost immediately. She screamed and told him not to stop. Just as her screaming subsided she felt it building quickly again. It was like a great roller coaster, climbing hills and dropping fast through sudden falls. She was coming again.
She had been fucked many times, sucked a half dozen cocks of various sizes, and licked at least as many pussies, but was still not satisfied. She was beginning to realize that John and she would never be exclusive. She didn't know how to feel about that, she thought as she stood naked drinking with a few of the people she had just finished playing with; it was eerie how comfortable everyone was with each other's nudity. The guys seemed to be in a state of semi erection, while the women sported enlarged pussies and nipples were anywhere from hard pebbles to soft and puffy. She found it strange, but she wished that this party would never end. It was very early in the morning now. It wouldn't be long before the sun would be rising. She looked over her shoulder and saw John slowly making his way toward her. Her heart began beating faster, she couldn't help it. She loved him since they were children. She realized that she may never get over him; she would just have to accept that.
"Hey you," he said as he gently fondled her naked ass and kissed her lips, pulling her close to him.
April melted. She conformed to his body like they were made for one another; she placed both hand to his face and returned the kiss. The group disbursed leaving them alone.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" He said as he slowly removed his lips from hers.
"Yeah, I am," she admitted. "I am probably gonna be sore tomorrow, but I wish this party would never end. It is too bad that people couldn't live like this all the time."
"We'd never get any work done." John said as he moved April to the love seat and they sat, John first and April on his lap.
"You're probably right," she agreed. "I missed you." She said as she leaned in on him and played with the hair falling into his face.
They talked and kissed, cuddled and played. Before long April was bouncing on John's large cock as he fondled and played with her bouncing breasts. The lights were low, but had been that way for some time so everyone had adjusted to it and John continued to scan looking for the uninvited guest. April was doing some amazing things with her Kegel muscles and John was just about to close his eyes and delight in the feeling when he saw her. He knew it must be her because he didn't recognize her from any of the guest.
She was moving through the great room slowly, joining a couple or group for a few minutes and seemed to be making her way to the north end of the large room where his sisters were engaged in a daisy chain. She was a nice looking Black woman, nice smallish tits, small waist and a nice ass a little on the large size, but worked well on her. She didn't seem to have a preference as she sucked on any and all genitalia available to her.
At that moment, Dr. Smith showed John images from the pool camera which caught the shape shifter changing from an unidentified Asian man to the woman John spied. It was eerie watching him sprout tits as his penis retracted his hair change and grow longer as his skin darkened and his body hair all but disappeared, in a matter of seconds.
April was coming again and John needed to get away without spoiling his time with her, so he increased her pleasure and her orgasm increased in intensity and duration, he came too. She was out of breath and he lifted her off of him and set her down beside him, a servant handed him a towel and he lightly patted her down just as Rachel joined them. Before April could protest she was between her legs licking up the seed John had just deposited. John excused himself promising to return, as Rachel sent April over the edge again.
The shape shifter was closing in on the girls, John had alerted his security and they were starting to close the distance as ohn was approaching from the other side. When the black woman spotted security, she dove into a group of partiers and changed back into the Asian man, thinking that she wouldn't be suspected and mounted the nearest woman to him from behind. It turned out to be Heather who had been munching on a blonde woman's pussy while another woman was kneeling over the blonde's face.
"Oh, hiya sweetie. That feels so good. Don't stop," she said as she pushed back matching her new friend stroke for stroke.
Realizing that they weren't fooled and that they were almost upon him, the Asian man pushed Heather forward knocking her into the other women and causing them some discomfort. He turned to run, when Heather tackled him and shimmed up his body going for his cock that was so temptingly near. That was enough time for John and security to catch up. Pulling him to his feet, they easily escorted him to a room they had reserved for him. None of the guest was the wiser, except for Heather whom John helped up and held a little closer than he intended.
"What's going on?" She asked. "Where are you taking him?" She didn't realize the threat he was. And John realized that the shape shifter didn't realize who Heather was probably due to his bimboizing of her. And Heather seemed to have unwittingly saved the day. Nevertheless Heather urges were still in charge of her and John's cock was way to close; before he could react Heather had his cock in her pussy and was humping him like a dog in heat.
John was stunned. He didn't want to have sex with Heather or any of his sisters, but it appears another line had just been crossed. He thought about pushing her off, but she did just help him capture the shifter and now they would learn what was going on.
The security team had been briefed and quickly secured the man to a chair and locked him in the room with another security person. Three cameras were watching as the naked Asian man as he sat helplessly waiting for his pending interrogation.
Meanwhile, Heather had pushed John to the floor and was wildly riding him, her large tits bouncing all over the place. Most people had slowed down, exhausted from a night full of unbridled sex, so Heather's enthusiasm caused her to stand out among the other partiers, catching April's attention along with Samantha, Isabel and Rachel.
It wasn't long before they all gathered around the two watching and waiting for their turn.
"You are so busted," Rachel said to John.