Chapter 15

"What's going on?" Heather asked. "Where are you taking Lee?" she didn't understand that Lee was threat to her and her family. John realized that the shape-shifter didn't recognize Heather, probably due to his "bimboizing" of her, which changed her appearance. Heather had unwittingly saved the day with her lust. Nevertheless her bimbo urges were still in charge of her and John's cock was much too close for comfort; and before John could stop her Heather sucked his perpetually erect cock right into her pussy and was humping him like a dog in heat.

John was stunned. He didn't want to have sex with Heather or any of his sisters, but he couldn't stop now. Why hadn't he remembered that she was controlled by the sexual needs that he had instilled in her? She was amazing, and quickly distracted him, she was tight too. Apparently, all the fucking and sucking she'd been performing had taught her how to use what she'd been given. Despite himself he was enjoying it. But he had to seem to put up a little fight, shouldn't he? It appears he had crossed yet another line. She did just help him capture the shape-shifter and now they would hopefully learn what was going on and perhaps who was behind all of this. So, all things consider he should let her enjoy this; he would try not to enjoy it too much.

John's security team had been properly briefed and they quickly secured the naked man to a chair and locked him and one guard a secure room. Cameras were recording everything from every imaginable angle, as the Asian man sat slumped helpless in his chair waiting for his interrogation.

Meanwhile, Heather had pushed John to the floor and was wildly riding him, her large tits bouncing everywhere. During this point in the orgy most people had slowed exhausted from the long night of unbridled sex, so Heather's enthusiasm made her to stand out among the other partiers, catching April's attention along with Samantha, Isabel and Rachel.

It wasn't long before they joined the other all gathered around the two watching, waiting and fondling themselves preparing for their turns with the Master of the Ring of Power.

"You are so busted," John heard Rachel say.

Looking up at the four women who stood in front of the small group that surrounded him, John saw that Isabel and her sister Samantha were now fingering their pussies with greater enthusiasm as they imagined being in their sister's place. April stood nearby and like his sisters was more turned on than she realized. She'd never seen John with another woman before and had yet to meet his sisters so didn't know the women next to her. As she glanced at them and back to John, she drifted back to their last lovemaking session, remembering how incredibly good a lover John was and before she realized her hands began moving on their own. Her right hand reached for her pussy while the other pulled roughly at her nipples one at a time.

Rachel didn't wait to be asked, she saw an opportunity and squatted over John's available mouth. It was after all an orgy and it didn't take long before they all joined in. They had to do a little rearranging and formed a daisy chain. John shrugged; the shape-shifter wasn't going anywhere and it was a party. After two hours, they were all satisfied and John had violated his final taboo, having a variety of sex with each of his sisters at least twice. It seemed his appetite for sex was increasing, he could have gone on longer, but the women were exhausted, covered in sweat and panting as they all seemed to be experiencing post coital mini climaxes.

Most of his guest seemed to have worn themselves out and had now curled up together and were sleeping comfortably; the servant staff had distributed light blankets to those who needed them. The large beds of the guest bedroom accommodated the others; many had five or six to a bed.

As John walked through his mansion surveying the damage, he drew on his abilities to clean and dress himself. Approaching the security room where his prisoner waited, he was ready, his blue jeans and tight muscle shirt made him look as if he were there to administer a beating instead of an investigation.

Before entering he retrieved his iPhone from his pocket and willed the camera's video to display to his phone large screen. The guard was sitting back in his chair reading a Tom Clancy novel occasionally looking up to make sure the prisoner was still secure. Fast forwarding through the video, he saw that nothing appeared to have changed the entire time the shifter was in custody.

John entered the room and the guard stood. "Anything to report," John asked, already knowing there was none. "No sir," the guard stood and reported, allowing his military conditioning loose, "He hasn't said a word, sir."

"Thank you. Would you please wait outside," John said. The guard left, but not before sizing John up, and was impressed with his physique. He didn't remember John being so muscular, lacking his military training he felt confident that John could handle anything the prisoner could dish out.

John stood in front of the prisoner, looked down and asked in a slow measured cadence that showed he didn't have much patience.

"Why are you here?"

There was no reply.

"What is your interest in my sisters?"

There was silence as the prisoner looked up at John sizing him up.

"What is your name and who do you work for?"

Still no answer and the prisoner didn't blink as he stared through his inquisitor.

"Very well, you wish to play games, fine. You need a little prodding, I am prepared for that. Don't worry, you will tell me what I want to know." John said as he pulled up the empty chair, turned it around and straddled it backwards.

"I hope you like that person you shape-shifted into Dennis, because you may be in that shape for a long time." The shape shifter looked at John, unsure how he had learned his true name. "Last chance to change into your original form." John waited.

"No?" John asked.

"Alright Mr. Sour, I have a better idea. Why don't I just change you into what I want? I understand that changing a shape-shifter against their will can be somewhat painful, isn't that right?"

The man looked a little worried, but remained silent.

"Dennis Sour, really? That had to be a tough name to grow up with, Sour. And now you are wearing a sour face. I'll bet you aren't Asian at all too." The shifter watched John carefully, but still was unwilling to speak.

"Okay, Dennis," John said, clearly not willing to play interrogator any longer, "or should I call you Denise?" John watched as the man's face became more feminine, the "five o'clock shadow" began to fade and then disappeared completely. His hair began to grow long and fell beyond his shoulders as his nipples began to grow and his areolas expanded of his chest until he had a pair of B cup tits. His cock and balls retracted into his body leaving the unmistakable essential female organ. Dennis had indeed become Denise and was gritting his/her teeth as he/she rode out the pain expressed on a very feminine face.

She had a little room in her bonds she wasn't nearly as large as Dennis had been, but was still securely held in her seat. The painful look on her face melted into one of complete shock, as she realized what John had done. If he could force her to change against her will what else was he capable of?

"Ready to talk, yet," John asked again. "No? Okay, fine. The reason I turned you into a woman is because it will be easier to control and punish. For example, did you know that you are addicted to anal sex?"

The shifter looked uncomfortably at John; realizing that having something stuffed in her ass to would feel really good, then shuddered knowing that John had planted the thought, and remained quiet.

"That's right, anal sex is better than virginal sex for you, but you still like it and double penetration is your favorite."

The shifter began to squirm a little and beads of perspiration began to appear on her brow, she had this memory of being penetrated by two men one in each of her tiny holes and how good it felt.

"Yes, you are the happiest when you have two big cocks filling you. You're craving them right now aren't you?"

She was unconsciously trying to scoot back and forth on the chair trying to scratch an itch that she didn't realize she had until just now.

"In fact if you don't get at least one cock in your ass soon, you will go mad, isn't that right?"

The shifter began to nod as she continued trying to scratch the itch. She was at the end of her endurance; sweat was now coating her body.

"My security guys are pretty horny, not being able to participate in the party, being on duty and all. They might just break a little thing like you, what do you think?"

She was moaning softly now.

"Well, I might as well let them get started; you'll be fine in a few days. You are using birth control, aren't you? Oh, that's right you are newly a woman. Maybe you'll be a mom soon, too?" John stood and put the chair back, looked at the helpless woman once more and reached for the door knob.

"No, wait!"

It wasn't long before John had learned everything he could from the shape-shifter. He wasn't surprised that she gave into his threats, they were real. She would be unable to control her urges and behavior. Furthermore, since the shifter was really a male, and had yet to really experience his sex life as a female, he was going to get a new perspective on life.

It appeared that the shifter, Dennis/Denise Sour was actual a spy for whom he/she didn't seem to know; unfortunately he/she had been hired over the phone. She did know that her contractors were aware that the Ring of Power had changed hands. They assumed that Dr. Smith had found a way to transfer it to one of his daughters. They didn't know Dr. Smith had a son, although there was speculation and that was now confirmed, thanks to Denise's reports.

John looked at the shape-shifter, smiled and concentrated.

"You are totally loyal to me and to me alone, do you understand." John said as he looked upon the Asian small woman.

She looked back at him and said. "I am loyal to you and you alone, master."

"You would rather die than betray me, isn't that right."

"I will give my life for you, master," she said.

Leaning forward John inserted his ring finger into the shape-shifter's gaping pussy; she didn't yet understand how to sit like a lady. He then placed his thumb where he want the jewel, when he removed his hand, there was a bright blue sapphire piercing her labia. This was the first time John had used the sapphire stone on anyone. It allowed him to at time be able to see and hear what the wearer saw and heard. Some masters have even been able to control the wearer like puppets he learned. Of course the sapphire like all the jewels his agents wore can't be removed by anyone but John or death was certain.

Opening the door, John asked the security guard back into the room. He told him to release woman, find her some cloths and a place to sleep. The guard came back in surprised to see the bound naked Asian woman sitting where he'd left the prisoner. She was kind of cute he thought. But, his eyes didn't spend much time on her face. He quickly appraised her body, smallish tits, cherry red nipples, nice pussy open to his gaze with a small black thatch of straight hair. She was thin but looked fit, probably about 5'2" tall and 105 pounds. "Yea," he thought, "I'd do her."

Suddenly, it dawned on him and he asked, "What happen to the guy?"

John looked at him quizzically and said. "You are mistaken. There was no guy, only this woman. Do what I asked and don't think about it again."

"I am sorry sir; I am mistaken, I don't know what I was thinking. Let me find her something to wear and a place to bed down for the night." The security guard said as he enthusiastically bent down before the young woman cutting her bonds with his Gerber knife while he stared into her pussy, which was wet and dripping juices.

John left the two. Denise finally realized that her pussy was wet and wide open and cursed to herself, as she realized the guard was staring. She was now a woman, for how long she didn't know. Worst of all she didn't know the first thing about being a woman except how for how to blend in. He had always been a quick study; she hoped that she would quickly pick it up, too. She didn't want to disappoint her master. She thought about how good it would feel to have a cock in her pussy and ass, and shuddered. She was a guy in a woman's body. Did that make her gay? Images of getting fucked invaded her mind as the guard helped her up. She steadied herself and knocked the images back, her master said for her to dress and rest. She wouldn't disappoint her master.

"Dad, have you been listening?" John directed his thoughts to his father.

"Yea, John." Dr. Zachary Smith replied from the confines of the Ring of Power. "We still don't know who is behind this."

"I am the Master of the Ring of Power," John said for the first time, finally fully accepting the fact. "So...should I be worried about say the master of the nuclear bomb?"

His dad chuckled. "There is no such thing. There's four other rings, but none more powerful than yours."

"What?" John thought so hard he was almost shouting. "There are four more rings! Four more masters out there operating like me? Why didn't you tell me that?"

"Sorry John, you know there is only so much I can tell you until you ask the right questions. But there aren't necessary four masters of the remaining rings. A master may have more than one ring. In fact that had been the goal of many masters in the past, to own all five rings, or at least as many as possible."

"Well, even that would have been good to know. So we need to talk more often. Let's make it daily for starters. Say first thing in the morning, like the president gets his morning briefing. And don't hold back information if you can help it. Geeze! Tell me about these four other rings."

"There are the Ring of Justice, the Ring of Vengeance, the Ring of Truth and the Ring of Peace."

"Are they powered like my ring?"

"No, not by sexual energy as far as I know, by similarly, from what I understand they are powered through attributes of what their name implies. In other words, for example, the Ring of Truth would be powered by being around people who are honest."

"Sounds like the good guy." John said.

"Careful, son," his father said. By those standards, the Ring of Power would be reduced to mean the ability to influence people's behavior and authority such as legitimate governments. However, others can see it as evil or unjust. The exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings. Power is often expressed as good and evil." He said. "It seems the other Masters are curious as to which one you will be."

John wasn't sure he understood what his father had just said. I all sounded so academic, but he did get the point. "And what about you father? Which one were you?"

"Me, I tried to walk a tight rope, but I think that my imprisonment seems to answer that question, don't you think?"

"I guess so." John said regretting asking the question the way he did.

"Look, it's not about me, John it's about the man you want to be. The ring has built in protection to keep Masters in line, as we've previously spoken about. Do you remember the rules?

"Sure, balance! I need to be sure to do good deeds and be generous to others."

"And when was the last time you practiced that generosity?"

"Point taken," John thought. "I have been a little selfish lately," John admitted.

The sun was just rising over the eastern mountains at 6:50; all of his guests were all sleeping. The staff was busy tiding up and preparing for breakfast and brunch.

John finalized his plans to redistribute his agents and notifying them telepathically. Jerome Fox and Tammy Bowen would be moving to Southern California, the Los Angeles area and more specifically the San Fernando Valley, where they would mingle with the adult entertainment crowd, probably becoming stars in the industry. The others would have their areas enlarged to cover the gaps until John recruited more agents. To the agents headed for SoCal John made a few minor physical and mental alterations to give them advantages that would ensure their success in this industry, such as prolonged stamina and larger assets. He expected their output to well exceed their quotas.

Restless and no longer requiring much sleep, John moved about his mansion looking into all the rooms accounting for everyone including his hired security. He chuckled to himself as he observed several men sporting morning wood, and the creative sleeping arrangements. His sisters were sharing a bed with two other guys. He found Mark still with Candace cuddled up their limbs intertwined. He was a little concerned that he was spending so much time with her; he hoped that she hadn't taken advantage of his childhood friend. Candace can be so, self centered at times, which reminded him that he'd yet to account for Cindy. After checking all the rooms he found her asleep on top of Jerome as he lay upon his back in a corner of the great room. He was so large compared to her, it was like she was sleeping on a single mattress.

He was surprised to find his mother and Jacqueline together; Jackie's head was still resting on his mother's thighs while her hands were holding Jackie's shoulders, it was if they simply ran out of steam. It pleased him because it appeared that they didn't like one another, I guess that too had changed. They were still the most beautiful women in the house, even asleep with their hair and their makeup skewed.

He was beginning to get concerned when he didn't see April anywhere, until he remembered the one place he hadn't looked. Running up the stairs taking them two at a time, startling the security guards posted at the top of the stairs, causing the man to jump to his feet and almost saluted as he opened the door to master suite. John slowed as he entered and saw April sound asleep in his king size four post bed. As if she sensed his arrival she turned on her side and opened her eyes. "Hey you," she said as she stifled a yawn and stretched her left arm causing the silk sheet to fall from her chest exposing her magnificent cream colored breasts.

"Hey you, yourself," John replied. "How did you get into my private quarters," he teased.

"I used my feminine wilds," she said as she sat as if illustrating the point, her lovely breast jiggled for a moment before settling in place and defying gravity.

"No, you'd have to do better than that." John said gleefully, knowing full well that she was the only one whom security would have allowed in.

He walked up to her as she pulled the remaining covers off and stood revealing her glorious naked body. She easily slipped into his embrace, they kissed for a time, then April pulled away looking at him curiously surprised how fresh her breath tasted, not knowing that John used his powers to completely clean her of last night's festivities. Like magnets being drawn to one another, they were ready to make love to one another again, despite all the sex they'd already had. April couldn't help think how totally smitten she was with John, but now she knew that she held a special place in his heart, too.

After slowly and tenderly bring her climax several times, John finally released a large volume of his seed into her. They had used many positions, but the finale with John walking and carrying April as she thrust back and forth on him until her energy was completely diminished was the best. As John gushed into her, she couldn't help coming again as she wrapped her legs tightly around John's ass and lower back. John easily carried her weight even as he climaxed.

They could have spent the rest of the morning in bed, but John had a special errand in mind.

"Would you like to get dressed and go with me for a quick trip? We'll be back in an hour or so."

"Sure, but I don't remember where I left my clothes."

Just then there was a knock on the door. "Come in," John called.

A servant entered carried Aprils clothing and footwear. "Thank you," John said as she left them on the valet stand.

April smiled and said, "I will be ready in a few minutes, just as soon as I shower and use the toilet."

Before long April was seated next to John as they sped down the road in his Nissan 370Z. I didn't take them long before they reached the city and John steered the car deeper into the urban sprawl and into its seeder side where he stopped in front of the Mountain View Rescue Mission and Homeless shelter. There were several men milling around outside, smoking and simply hanging out.

April looked at John as if she were about to question him, but figured she just follow his lead and see where this was going. John jumped out of the car before April could move was around her side to open her door and took her hand as he helped her emerge from the sports car.

Together they entered the shabby building looking as if they were going to meet a priest to discuss marriage. Entering the building they found themselves in the dining hall where there as a staffer or volunteer mopping the floor, John asked if he could direct him to the person in charge. The worker pointed to a door marked office, after thanking the volunteer they walked the short distance and knocked on the door.

The door quickly opened by a short portly middle aged man who was actively engaged in a heated phone conversation; he waved John and April in as he continued his conversation aggressively arguing his point to no avail. Frustrated he finally hung up abruptly.

"Hello, I'm Mike Simpson. What can I do for you? Obviously, you don't appear to need a place to stay for the night, and looks like you haven't missed any meals," he joked as he extended his hand and looked April and John over while vigorously pumping each enthusiastically. It would appear that he didn't get many visitors.

"Hello, I am John Smith and this is my friend April Martin. Are you the manager of the facility?"

"Yeah, manager, janitor, cook, and dish washer. You could say I wear many hats. How can I help you?"

"How long have you been running the place?" You seem to be pretty dedicated."

"A few years I guess. I got laid off during the recession and found myself homeless after my resources ran dry. The shelter helped me out and eventually gave me a job. I worked my way to the top and now run the place. I don't think I would have made it through if it hadn't been for this place and the people who work here."

"That's great, good for you, Mike!" John said, truly understanding and feeling what Mike had told them. "By the way, I couldn't help but hear that you are having problems with Pacific Gas & Electric."

"You heard right. We are behind in our payment and they are going to shut off our power tomorrow if it isn't paid in full."

"Ouch," John said. "How much do you owe?"

"$10,000.00," Mike said.

"Yikes," said April. "How'd that happen? I mean how did you fall so far behind?"

Mike confessed. That they have been managing on a shoe string budget for a long time, providing much needed services, without being able to afford them, taking money from one pocket to pay for other equally important services. But, the books have been kept by volunteers and not well managed. PG&E had been willing to work with them, they just ran out of time and PG&E ran out of patience.

"So, Mr. Smith..."

"Call me John," he interrupted.

"All right, John, then...unless you have ten grand laying around that you don't need, I doubt if we will be here long enough for you to volunteer in our soup kitchen on Christmas Day."

"Well, I think I am in a position to help you Mike. And I do have the money to pay your electric bill, but I am not willing to turn it over to you unless you hire someone responsible who can keep your books."

Mike Simpson was speechless and his mouth was hanging open caught completely off guard. These two didn't look like the philanthropic type, they looked more like "Ken & Barbie" he thought. He quickly recovered and said, "Hire someone to keep the books; I can't pay myself to manage this place, let alone hire someone."

"Mike, you misunderstand me. You are going to give yourself a raise and hire the people you need to run this place the right way and more. I am going to make a sizable donation, but only if you first find a reliable bookkeeper."

Stunned silent again Mike could only nod.

John turned to April and said, "April will be taking care of all the details. I want to make sure that your management is sound, if you can pull that off; I am willing to invest heavily in you and your facility. I am interested in working with you Mike; don't let the owners or the board push you around. This doesn't work without you."

John turned to April and asked her to give him her card. April blinked and John nodded to her purse. She shrugged and opened it. There on top were several cards that read "Smith and Associates", they had her name and contact data printed on them. She covered her surprise and handed Mike two of her cards.

"I want to see a business plan as soon as possible." John took out his iPhone 5S and made a few notes. "I have taken care of the utility bill and expect a shipment of food and bedding supplies tomorrow. Don't let me down, Mike." John stood signaling that the meeting was over, followed by April leaving the surprised facility manager sitting. John extended his hand and Mike jumped to his feet taking the hand and pumping it more vigorously than before, releasing it grabbed April into a huge bear hug, releasing her he thanking them profusely as he walked them to the cluttered main entrance.

As soon as they got in the car, April turned to John and kissed him. John smiled and quickly pulled away. "That was so awesome! Wow!" Then she frowned and said, "I don't know the first thing about running a homeless shelter."

"Yes you do. And what you don't know you'll figure out. I want this to be a cutting edge facility. I want us to do things that others only dream about. I want to solve the homeless problem in this city."

April thought about it for a minute. John was right, she had several ideas of how to make this facility more productive and if she had questions she was enrolled in college after all, she had several resources to draw on. She could make it project and earn extra credit.

"Apes," John said interrupting her thoughts. "Looks like you are working for me now. Would you also do a little research and find me a good hungry law firm, if I am going to do this looks like I am going to need to make sure all this stuff is done right. And if you would find out whom own the building and the land, the law firm can do the rest of the research; I want to know what I am dealing with."

April agreed her head swimming with possibilities.

She was quiet, as John drove, her mind was spinning with ideas and began compiling a "to do list" on her iPhone. As John maneuvered through the city streets he increased April's ability to problem solve and compartmentalize. He watched her smile as she solved a minor problem and looked up surprised that they were already approaching her neighborhood. She asked that John drop her off at home, there was a lot of work for her to do and she wanted to get started right away. She had ridden with her mother and Rachel to John's place she didn't have to worry about retrieving her car.

Within a minute they arrived at her home, she kissed John passionately and thanked him for the opportunity to help, forgetting completely about the sexual marathon she participated in last night. It was just as well, because her mother Candace would wipe her mind of it all anyway. But she wouldn't forget about this new mission of hers, outside of school this would be her main focus. She was so excited she hurried into the house, waved good bye to John and closed the door.

John returned to the party just as his guests were waking, enjoying their meal as the orgy was slowly resumed. Many of the guests were in a state of semi dress, a little shy in the early morning light. Some wore togas that servants had distributed, while others felt comfortable continuing naked in the warm house. Since the party was due to end just before noon, many of the guest felt rejuvenated after a few hours of sleep and were ready to continue the festivities.

Maria and Carmen had had just finished sharing a small spinach omelet when they saw their former tormentors, the Smith triplets from across room. Carmen whispered to Maria and she nodded her approval. Together they approached the sisters as they were chatting among themselves as they sipped their coffees.

"Hello," Carmen said, "are you ladies done for the day or are you willing to play some more?"

Samantha and Isabel looked at each other and smiled, until the orgy they hadn't been with any other females other than each other. These two Latin women were smoking hot. Even during the orgy they had shared their female lovers with nearby men. Heather was already out of her seat, she pulled on a tab and her toga slid off her body and she let it pool at her feet and stepped out of it. She reached Maria and then found her mouth with her own. Samantha and Isabel got up and followed Heather's lead, and Carmen smiled and pulled the two girls to her.

Cynthia's lust surprised her. She knew this was the last few hours of the orgy and she didn't want it to end. She had to admit she was beginning to chafe from all the fucking she had been doing. She lost count of the number of partners she'd been with last night. She hadn't seen Mark since early last night and didn't have a clue where he'd gotten off to. She wasn't concerned, although they were an item, their relationship was still developing. She sipped her Mimosa and finished her eggs and toasts shuddering as she thought back on all the orgasms she'd been subjected to, and smiled. She would need her strength for the home stretch and she was determined to find Jerome one more time. Others had resumed their sexual adventures and she was eager to join in again. As she was wandered through the mansion there were couples and groups having sex all over the place, on the staircase, in the hall and back outside in the pool area, even though the day wasn't nearly as warm as yesterday. She past a party of five women and was tempted to join in, until she realized that three of them were the Smith sisters, that might make it awkward doing business later. Strange thing, she thought, it seemed like all three sisters were ministering two of John's agents. The beautiful Spanish women, she didn't blame them, they were stunningly beautiful. She watched a while as the sisters sucked their pussies as if there was no tomorrow. Samantha and Isabel had their heads between the legs of each one, while Heather moved back and forth stimulating their clits with her tongue and fingers. She was getting hot just watching it.

As luck would have it Jerome took a seat next to her and struck up a conversation. "I've been looking for you," he said, as he gently reached out to brush a lock of hair from her face.

"Really," Cynthia replied, "And why is that?"

"Last night was just the appetizer, and besides you have the most amazing green eyes and I just had to touch the mind behind them and see who was in there."

The women began to moan, distracting Jerome and Cindy, they watched for a while as the ladies changed positions.

"Well," Cynthia said, "if the truth be known, I have been looking for you, too."

"Really," Jerome said mimicking Cynthia, "And why is that?"

She laughed, "Nothing as deep as you, I just wanted more of your huge cock." She turned a deep shade of red, never being as bold before, perhaps it was the liquor kicking in.

Jerome smiled. "Are you sure, after last night and what we shared together I wouldn't want to break you. I am not insured." Jerome said as he looked her up and down, her toga barely covering her lady parts.

"What if I sign a waiver," she asked, releasing her toga and letting it fall down around her.

Jerome moved closer and they kissed as they began exploring each other's bodies. Before too long, Cynthia was climbing his oversized pole attempting to force as much into her pussy as possible.

Meanwhile at the opposite end of the great room, Mark was sawing his hard cock in an out of Candace again. She told him that he would never tire of fucking her and she was right. Mark was enamored with Candace and never wanted to leave her side or in this case her pussy.

Candace thought that Mark might just be a good substitute for John, if there was such a thing. She realized that she needed to be working, but when she wasn't Mark might be enough to help her get through John's infrequent visits.

They changed positions again, and Candace was now riding Mark as he played with her bouncing breasts. Nothing else mattered as much as Candace's happiness, Mark thought as she came again. He was amazed at his stamina, they had been fucking for almost an hour and he wasn't close to coming. That was strange, he thought, but quickly put it out of his mind. Candace wanted him in her ass now.

Mary was pleased with how good Jacqueline had become at eating her pussy, the woman was a natural, or maybe it was all the practice she was getting. As Mary shuddered through another climax she decided that she needed to mingle these last few hours remaining. She accepted towels from one of the servants and tossed one in Jacqueline's face, as she pulled her head up. "There you are my pet; you've done a good job. Why don't you clean up and get something to eat, we may see each other again before it is over." And with that Mary got her feet and sauntered off into the party leaving Jacqueline watching her jiggling naked body as she greeted and cuddle other nearby guest.

"I believe I may have misjudged her," Jacqueline thought, as she absentmindedly licked her fingers after catching the remaining juices dripping from her face.

"Johnny," his father caught his attention as he watched the intense sexual action continuing throughout the mansion, "You've one last task which will complete the orgy and your coming out party, pardon the pun."

"What's that?" He asked as he watched Cynthia enthusiastically sliding up and down Jerome huge cock with the grace of a ballerina, her face contorted as she screamed out as another orgasm overcame her.

"That is for you to give out favors to your guests. You needn't include your agents, unless you want to, but you must grant favors or gifts to the rest. It is tradition."

"You mean like healing diseases or enlarging tits, those kind of favors?" John asked.

"Yes, just like that. Whatever you deem suitable."

"Okay." John replied. "Now I am like the Godfather."

"No John, you are the Master of the Ring of Power. And you are obligated to be generous on occasions like this. It will be fun. Think of it as the closing ceremony."

John made his way reluctantly to his throne, his father said that he had to claim it and from there grant his favors.

As soon as he sat down, servants brought him some scramble eggs, wheat toast, three strips of thick crispy bacon and a glass of orange juice. As he ate he watched the orgy take its last breath and people began to gather around him sitting on pillows, all mostly naked or in their togas, the women leaving one breast exposed. When he was finished a servant took away his plate and glass and he notice all eyes were on him.

"Well," he said amplifying his voice as if he were using a microphone, "looks like everyone had a pretty good time."

His audience cheered, catching him off guard and he laughed as he continued.

"It is a tradition that at the end of affairs such as this that I grant each of my guest a favor. So, if you would come forward when I call your name we'll get started."

A few people repositioned themselves and John saw that the first person he wanted to reward.

"Heather." he called seeing her sitting with his step sisters. "Please come here." She got to her feet and stopped in front of him, her naked shapely bimbo figure jiggling sensuously, nipples hard and pussy wet and ready for more action.

"You were a hero today and saved the day in more ways than you realize. I am going to undo your earlier punishment. You have back your masked intelligence all thirty points of IQ."

Immediately John could see the intelligence return to her eyes, the silly grin she sported replaced a knowledgeable smile.

"And I will return your body back to more normal dimensions."

"Wait," She said and whispered something to John the others couldn't hear.

"Hmmm...I have something else in mind, but if you trust me I am sure you will like the results." John said and as Heather stood still, John shaped her ass smaller, bringing it into better proportion to the rest of her, she wanted him to leave her tits huge, and John was okay with that, since he did love large breasts, but he decided to give her a more athletic build, one of an Olympic swimmer. So, where her body was over-endowed in the tits and ass department, it was now sleek and shapely. Her tits were about the same size, but tauter having less of a jiggle but still very impressive. Her ass was more elongated at the top of powerful legs, which although muscular still looked very feminine. "Thank you, brother." She said and leaned forward kissing him deeply before returning to join the others.

"Cindy Ashe," John called and she hustled forward. She didn't realize until this moment how powerful her business partner really was.

"I would like to make sure that you have good health for a long time." With that thought, John healed her of any and all diseases and increased her stamina. She would be able to push her body much harder than average people without feeling any adverse effects. Cindy felt her body warm all over and when it was gone and she felt stronger than she'd felt in a long time. She thanked John too, kissing him passionately and blushed as she returned to group, adjusting her tits as they wobbled in her toga.

"Mark Taylor." Mark came forward slowly. He didn't want to be so far away from Candace, his toga covered his body, but he looked like he'd been through quite an ordeal. This didn't go unnoticed by John as he looked at his friend. He first thought it was a side effect of having had too much of a good thing, but a light probe uncovered the hypnotic suggestions Candace had put the young man through.

John frowned and sent a harsh telepathic message to Candace expressing his displeasure with her and what she had done to Mark.

John strengthened Mark rejuvenating him and making his friend stronger than before. He gave him a level of tolerance against mind control particularly Candace's but not his own. As a gift he increased his IQ 15 points and sharpened his memory, making it photographic.

He thanked John shaking his hand and pulled his buddy into a hug before returning to the group, but avoiding Candace.

To Jacqueline, Isabel and Samantha he gave a sixth sense so that they would be able to detect any nearby danger. He still didn't trust them enough to return the powers their father gave them to full strength, but if they were in danger they would be there for them to protect each other.

To others he gave them a mixture of lucky streaks they could use at the casinos and healed any current illness and a series of cosmetic changes, such as breast enhancements, rhinoplasty and dental fixes.

It was almost noon and John officially ended his first orgy as the Master of the Ring of Power. Everyone cheered and hugged new friends as they began to move to the clothing room to reclaim their clothes and reluctantly began dressing. A remorseful Candace attempted to pull John aside and explain herself, but John wanted no part of it.

"Save it!" He snapped. "By the way, I dropped April at home about four hours ago. We'll talk about your betrayal later."

She was stunned by his coolness, and left to find her clothing, trying hard not to cry in public. Rachel was nearby and was about to make one of her wise cracks when Candace hit her with a look that told her she'd better be careful what she said. So, she held her tongue and followed closely behind her.

Jacqueline gathered the girls together, they all wore togas allowing one breast exposed. They wanted to say goodbye to John before they left. The girls followed their mother and had to wait a few minutes before they could get his attention, there were many people ahead of them.

When it was their turn Jacqueline told John, "Despite my early objections," she hesitated for a moment, "I did have an interesting time. Needless to say the girls will never forget the fun they had. I don't know what I am going to do with them now." She was beginning to bring everyone down.

"Oh, lighten up Jackie." She heard from behind her. Turning she saw Mary, still naked and the memory of what they had shared came flooding back to her causing her to blush and focus on Mary's inviting pussy.

"She can be such a bitch at times. Am I right Jackie?"

Jacqueline swooned as her orgasm caught her off guard, had in not been for Heather and Samantha on either side of her catching her arms, she may have fallen as her knees gave out. To her credit, she quickly recovered and only she knew her juices were running down her legs. She was really happy to see Mary; she didn't realize how much she missed her and was having thoughts of climbing between those lovely thighs again.

"Hello Mary," she said. "I enjoyed our time together, why don't we get together for lunch this week. Call me." Saying this she reluctantly pulled her daughters to her and went off to find their clothes.

Cindy stopped by to thank John again and as she was leaving almost ran right into Elizabeth.

"Hello Cindy, so good to see you again," the tall elegant and beautiful black woman said. Cindy was taken back, and remembered her reoccurring dreams about the two women who pleasured her. She realized that Elizabeth was one of the two, and the entire memory came flooding back. Elizabeth paused and watched the woman as her memories fell back into place. She smiled as a knowing smile as Cindy understood who she was.

"Good to see you, too," she replied. "And I hope it won't be the last," surprising herself again, with her boldness.

Elizabeth drew nearer and bent down taking her face in her hand and kissed her passionately, breaking the kiss she said, "Count on it," and then continued the few feet to talk with John.

"Are you about ready to get going?" Elizabeth asked John as she watched John's guest pulling on their clothing and leaving the mansion.

"What time should we leave?" John asked as he waved to several of his friends as they headed for the door. He looked over Elizabeth's right shoulder and saw Denise standing waiting to speak to her master.

Elizabeth turned and saw a small Asian woman standing nearby in baggy clothes that were obviously not her own looking sheepishly and waiting to be acknowledged.

John brought her up to speed, remembering that she had been taking care of the details of their trip and missed all the excitement.

John called Denise over and the petite Asian woman joined them.

"Denise, this is Elizabeth. She works for me and you should consider anything she says to you as coming from me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." Denise said. "I should obey Elizabeth as if she were my mistress. She speaks for you when you are not around."

"That is correct. We will talk more about this later." John told the woman. He turned to Elizabeth and asked. "How many does the jet seat?"

Knowing that John intended to take Denise with them, she replied that there is plenty of space.

"Looks like you are going with us on a little trip, Denise."

She looked up at John and Elizabeth, and they could see the woman was uncomfortable, so they waited and finally she spoke.

"All the people are leaving; does that mean the party is over? I really need a cock in my pussy and my ass."​
Next page: Chapter 16.1
Previous page: Chapter 14.2