Chapter 16.2
As he got to the nurses' station there was no one there. The ward seemed to be full and busy, there were several nurses tending to their patience, while a few doctors made their rounds.
Eventually a nurse saw him and thinking he looked familiar greeted him and asked if she could help him. He explained who he was and that he needed to see his wife. The young nurse explained that he just missed her and that she should be back in about 20 minutes or so. Eddie shrugged and asked if he could wait. She showed him to the waiting area where he picked up an old copy of Sports Illustrated magazine sat in an uncomfortable chair and thumbed through a few pages while he tried to patiently wait for Rachel's return.
Entering the basement supply room, Rachel closed the door and took a deep breath when she turned around she found Erica already pulling down her scrub pants. As soon as her pants reached her ankles Rachel buried her face in the black woman's crotch using her tongue as a divining rod until she found her wet and ready pussy. It had been a long time since they had been together, and Rachel squealed as she satisfied the needy lust.
"Easy girl," Erica told her as she found herself quickly getting turned on. "We have time, you don't have to rush. I've missed you, too. Hmmm. Bitch, you sure know your way around a pussy. I don't think this will take too long, mmmm."
Because she was in the hospital Rachel was in that rare state of half professional (meaning she possessed most of her intelligence), and half bimbo, which meant she had some control over her lust. She hoped to satisfy her cravings and then she'd be okay to return to her job. No harm no foul. But too much and the bimbo would take control until patience's needs overrode her own desire for sex. Rachel was becoming used to the dimming of her mind, she didn't like it but there was nothing that she could do about it. She did appreciate and savored the taste, smells and the sights before her. "There was something about looking into a black woman's pussy," she mused. Since Candace had captured and controlled her she'd been with many women, women of all races, something she never thought possible. As she worked her tongue deeper into Erica's pussy she thought, "Yes, the really black ones, the contrast between the dark black skin and the bright red pussy was too beautiful for words." With her fingers spread like a "V" she opened Erica wide and licked all around the juicy red lips sucking in as much as her juices as she could, careful to avoid her clitoris, which was driving Erica insane. And then when she did, she exploded.
Erica shook violently as she came, struggling to muffle the sounds of her passion. Reaching out her hands Erica sought and found one, then the other of the rings piercing Rachel's nipples and tugged on them, once and then twice. The effect was almost immediate; triggering a small climax, gone was the professional lead nurse and manager, hello bimbo.
"Oooohh, I like it when you play with my nipples, honey, hmmmmm. Did you like me licking your pussy, you really came hard. I love playing with your pussy. You wanta lick me while I lick you some more?" She giggled as Erica's juice dripped down her chin.
"Yeah bitch, swing that sweet ass around for me." Erica said as her lust was peaking.
Working with her patience always lightened her mood, so when Candace returned to the nurses' station her disposition was much improved, and it was a good thing, too. Not soon after she returned Eddie looked up and seeing her he recognized her immediately as one of the sexy women from that unforgettable night of sex he had in of all places his own home. He hadn't seen his wife since, so there must be some a connection.
Rising slowly to his feet, he tossed the magazine to the floor and marched with purpose towards the unsuspecting nurse.
"I know you," he said in a loud accusatory voice as he pointed at her.
Candace looked up to see Eddie standing in front of her ready to make a scene. She was wondering when he would show up, so she wasn't too surprised to see him.
"Of course you do," she said in a matter of fact way and in a much lower tone. "I work with your wife, Rachel."
That wasn't the answer he was looking for and he was about to explode, but he didn't know what to ask about first, about his wife or the night several weeks ago, which he began to see playing again in his mind's eye. Looking at Candace again he undressed her remembering what a nice and hot her body she had and he began to become aroused, but he caught himself.
"You know what I mean," he growled.
"So, you are looking for Rachel, I think she's on a break. If you like I can help you find her." Candace used her mind control to calm him down and thought it might be fun to see who Rachel was fucking, since by now her body was demanding that she have sex.
"Yes." He said, the anger diminishing from his voice and the volume reduced substantially. "That would be nice."
"Good, why don't you come with me?" Candace said as she stepped around the counter.
He followed Candace down the hall and towards the bank of six elevators, where upon arriving she punched the down button turning it red. She was using the tracking jewel that John had installed on Rachel so that Candace and he could keep track of her while in the bimbo state, in the event the dimwitted woman wandered off.
Erica lie on her back knee up and spread wide leaning forward slightly to lick Rachel's pussy, while Rachel laid on top the larger woman on her knees and bent her head between Erica's big thighs.
"Hey, bitch you got another piercing," and she licked around the glowing red jewel causing Rachel to squirm with delight.
"Yeah, you like? It feels so good when you suck on it. Don't stop."
Candace and Eddie quietly entered the supply room and walked to the back between the rows of supplies to see the kinky haired black head of Erica between the legs of a large white ass with the "BIMBO" tattooed in large red letters on the left cheek.
"There, that was the other woman," Eddie yelled in his mind, but it came out in a whisper that only Candace heard.
"So this is how you spend your break," Candace said starling Erica causing her to practically tossed Rachel aside.
"Don't stop on my account." Candace said as she admired the large black woman's assets. She looked to be in her late twenties, she had pretty face and body that Candace was eager to sample.
Erica was shocked that they had been found out and worried that she was now going to lose her job. However for some reason, she felt compelled to continue and being watched seemed to turn her on more. So she disregarded their visitors and reengaged with Rachel as if they hadn't been interrupted.
Finally finding his voice Eddie stuttered "That's the other woman!" Eddie yelled as he approached the two. Rachel didn't acknowledge their presence; Erica's pussy was secreting much more of the precious fluids she craved.
"That's the other woman from that night." Eddie said again. His cock growing in his pants as watching the two women getting each other off and his memory of the night became more vivid. "But you promised to take to my wife, where is Rachel?"
Hearing her name, Rachel paused and looked up. Seeing Eddie she smiled and greeted him.
"Oh, Hiya Eddie! Mmmm, can't talk, 'cause it's starting to get so really nice, oooo!"
"That's Rachel for you," Candace said, "pleasure before business."
"What," Eddie asked. "That's Rachel, my wife, Rachel?"
"Oh yeah, Candace said, "we gave her a makeover, what do you think?"
"That's impossible, that can't be my wife, and this woman must be about twenty years younger. Look at her, she about fifty pounds lighter. And beside my wife isn't some lesbo. What the fuck are you trying to pull on me? And my wife would never be with that black bitch?"
Eddies comments were enough to override Erica's lust and she rolled Rachel off her and was about to climb to her feet and clock this racist son of a bitch. But Candace was way ahead of her.
"Relax Erica, I got this, go back to what you were doing," Candace said and turned to Eddie. "You're not opposed to integrations are you, Eddie?"
Eddie considered where he was and how big the black chick was and thought a minute before answering. "Naw, I just don't care for their kind and if that is my wife, she should know that too."
Erica ignored Candace and was standing right in front of Eddie. She was at least a foot taller than the puny overweigh balding white man. She was an Amazon, he could see now. She wasn't fat, just big. Her big black tits with ripe brown nipples protruded from her chest, flat stomach and luscious bright red lips dripping juices from her pussy. If she was white, he'd be on her in a minute, he thought. He looked up at her and she was looking back down on him. She looked as if she was trying to decide if she should fuck him up or back to eating out the slut on the floor. Erica was about to decide to do both when Candace intervened.
"Are you sure Eddie, looks like you are sporting wood and I know you are wondering what it would be like to be with this African Queen."
"She was right. How did she know?" Eddie thought. He was fighting it, but what man in his right mind wouldn't want to tap that big black ass. "There's a lot of woman there to tamed," he said and was become more aroused at the thought.
"Why don't you get undressed Eddie and see if Erica would give you a chance to fulfill your fantasy?"
Erica looked at Candace like she was completely out of her mind. "Are you crazy? This little white man insults me and you think I am going to fuck him. First thing, nursie I am gay, I don't do dick, and secondly, HELL NO!" Erica said one hand on her hip, the other wagging her finger in front of her and moving her head back and forth.
"Are you sure, Erica? True it is a tiny dick, couldn't you make an exception?" Candace asked knowing Erica couldn't refuse her.
Erica looked at Eddie as he finished pulling off his trousers; he was sporting a four inch erection. She laughed. "You are right it is pretty tiny. Okay, but only because it's so small it would hardly count." Erica said surprising herself, she couldn't believe she was actually craving dick.
All the while Rachel had been sucking her own nipple and playing with her pussy. She giggled when she saw Eddie's tiny cock and said. "Oh, I forgot how small and cute it was, almost like a real one."
Eddie's ego had taken several major hits and his erection began to sag, despite the sights in front of him.
"Oh no you don't." Candace said. "Even something that small is better than nothing. You are going to get hard and remain hard and you are not going to come until I say so, got it?"
Eddie's body understood even though he seemed to be confused because he grew hard and maybe a little larger.
Erica laughed again, "That's still pretty small, but it's been five years since I had a dick in my pussy, maybe something that small might get me off. Let's see Tiny, git your ass over here and pretend you know what to do."
He looked at Candace and she frowned and said. "What are you waiting for, Tiny? Do what she said."
Eddie unconsciously interpreted Candace's command as "do whatever Erica instructed him to do". So, he crawled onto to the big black woman and shoved his hard cock into her pussy. She was tight and Eddie was now eager to satisfy, he began to pump in and out as he rubbed his face against her mammoth tits.
"That's it Tiny!" Erica sighed. "I guess not having a cock inside me in a while has allowed me to appreciate even one so small. Don't slow down, little man, fuck me harder!"
Eddie couldn't help himself, he wanted to be pissed off, this black woman was ordering him to fuck her harder and he loved it. So he did as she asked and after a few more minutes, Erica found herself in the midst of a pretty good climax and possibly the best she'd ever had with a man.
"Oh my," she trembled as she came barely suppressing the scream she wanted to release. "Ahhhhh...eeeeee!" She was sweating and panting. "If this little cock could make her come like this, she may have to rethink this lesbian thing altogether," She thought, having enough and pulling Eddie off her like a child and set him aside.
"Rachel, leave your pussy alone for a minute. Why don't you come over here and see if you can help Eddie with that hard little cock? Clean him up first and then let him have that sweet ass of yours." Candace directed Rachel. She immediately replied crawling over Erica to get to her husband, her large tits swaying from side to side.
Once she reached Eddie she took his cock with her hand and proceeded to lick it all over before taking it easily down her throat.
"Rachel is that really you?" Eddie said as he stared down at the lovely bimbo sucking his cock. His wife would have never done that. He looked carefully at her face, recognizing a glimmer of the younger woman.
Popping his cock from her mouth reluctantly Rachel said, "Yeppers. No more questions now, I can't talk and suck your cock at the same time, lover!"
Looking back at Candace Eddie was about to ask her something, but had to wait as Rachel did something with her tongue that made him shiver it felt so good he almost forgot the question. He recovered somewhat and turned to Candace and asked, "How is this possible?"
"Never mind that, just enjoy while I decide what to do with you." Candace said as she saw Erica recuperating and looking like she was ready to escape.
"Erica darling, why don't you be a dear and come over here and lick my pussy some before you go."
Erica did want to leave; things had gotten out of hand. This was turning into an orgy and she didn't want to lose this job. But, she couldn't resist though she knew she should. She dropped her scrubs and stepped carefully over Rachel and Eddie who had now slid down to the floor and was playing with Rachel's enormous tits while she sucked him off.
When she arrived Candace had lowered her scrub pants and panties giving Erica a great view of her pussy. Despite having other thoughts Erica seemed drawn to Candace's pussy like a moth to a flame.
"You're gonna love my pussy, Erica. You may even crave it later when you are alone, so you better get it while you can."
Erica spread Candace's pussy lips with her hands and extended her tongue for a lick, followed by another, soon her mouth was all over Candace's pussy. The taste was incredible; it was if she was tasting pussy for the first time. Candace was right. She did love this pussy.
It was apparent that Erica was proficient at eating pussy, because she was easily hitting all the right spots and Candace was rapidly approaching a very satisfying climax. When it hit it was much stronger than she imagined it would be and now she was straddling Erica's face as she came. Erica drank in her juices like water to a thirsty man in a desert. When she couldn't stand it anymore Candace backed off wiping her wet pussy across Erica massive black tits. She was tempted to nurse on them, but they'd been away from the nursing station for a while now and she didn't want be discovered, not that it would matter; she could easily erase the memory or allow them to join in. But that would complicate matters and Candace preferred to keep things simple.
Candace looked over at Eddie who was sweating heavily now, Rachel was still doing a number on his cock determined to get a reward for all her hard work, when Candace remembered that she hadn't given Eddie permission to come.
"Eddie what a good boy you've been. Why don't you cum now so we can go back to work?"
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!" Eddie growled and let loose a torrent of his precious fluids which Rachel sucked up quickly without spilling a drop.
Erica was pulling her bra on as Candace pulled up her pants, while Eddie lay spent on the floor, his tiny cock shrinking down to its normal size.
"Rachel, don't you have patients to see?" Candace said.
"Oh my, she blushed. I think I may have taken too long a break. Where are my clothes?" She said as she quickly got to her feet jiggling her tits and sizable ass as she looked around. Finding them she began dressing herself. The three women looked down at Eddie, who was recovering and still not sure what to make of all of this.
Finally he spoke and asked Candace, "Have you decided what you are going to do with me?" Standing he pulled his pants up from around his ankles. He wasn't sure why he asked that, he really was hoping that she would have forgotten it.
"I haven't decided on a permanent solution, but for now. You are going to do something about your appearance. You are going to get yourself in shape. Rachel isn't coming home until you do. Sign up for a gym, lose some weight and buy some decent clothes. Improve your mind. You need a complete makeover. Hair Club for men may be of some help, too."
Eddie stood there and blinked several times as he absorbed all of Candace's orders.
She pulled out her cell phone and told him to put his contact data into it. Meanwhile, Erica had finished dressing and wasn't sure if it was okay for her to leave, so she busied herself with making sure her face looked okay and her hair wasn't messed. When Eddie finished entering his data, Candace told him to give the phone to Erica and told her to do the same.
"We have unfinished business, you and me," she said with an evil grin on her face.
Erica complied and was already craving the best pussy she'd ever tasted. She would look forward to Candace's call.
As soon as Rachel had finished getting herself back together, she pushed by Erica, kissed her husband and rushed back up to her floor.
"Well, I guess we're done here." Candace said as she turned and left the supply room, with Erica and Eddie following closely behind her.
Mary was impressed as she drove her Mercedes through the gates of the Smith Estate. It was huge and the main house sat deep within the grounds a beautiful Spanish style mansion with red tile roof and plenty of palms and tropical plants. She parked her car and walked around to the back and into the pool area where she saw pool maintenance equipment laid out but no pool man. She heard faint unmistakable sounds of passion coming from the cabana and following it she saw Heather riding an unknown man Mary assumed was the pool guy. It was obviously Heather was thoroughly enjoying the fuck, as she shook her tits and screaming at the top of her lungs. Mary smiled as she absorbed the sexual energy through the diamond piercing her labia; she was tempted to join in but had other plans so reluctantly she pulled away. She walked across the beautiful stone pool deck to and into a door leading into the main house.
As she entered the house and walked through the main floor no one was around, so she meandered through the spacious rooms admiring the decoration and photographs of the family. There were large oil paintings hanging on several of the walls, many of them were of the family together when the girls were still babies. There was another of the Zachary and Jacqueline Winchester Smith shortly after their marriage and yet another of the girls when they were identical triplets before John made his alterations. She stopped in front of that one and studied it. The girls were carbon copies of each other. They looked to be only in their teens, but Mary noticed the year written below the artist's signature, it was only painted a year ago. They were so androgynous and lacked any real feminine qualities. John did an incredible makeover on them. She wandered over to the grand piano sat down and admired the craftsmanship of the Steinway.
She heard footsteps behind her and the unmistakable voice of Jacqueline Smith, "Ana when you are done dusting the family room, would you help me..."
Mary turned around and smiled as she saw Jacqueline's reaction.
The woman paused in mid sentence and froze. Jacqueline had a flash back.
"Whenever you see me you will feel the urge to have my cock in your pussy, or your mouth on mine. You will remember how much fun we had together at this orgy."
She became flush all over, her pussy moistened and her nipple stood erect and poked out an inch into the light silk blouse she wore. It was a good thing she was standing near an overstuffed leather chair; she needed its support as her knees weakened.
"Oh Mary, I wasn't told you were here," Jackie said recovering quickly.
"I let myself in," Mary said. "I was hoping you had time to play."
Regaining her composure Jacqueline stood straight and walked towards Mary her pumps clicking on the marble floor. "Well, I did plan on going shopping, but that can wait. Why don't you follow me upstairs to my suite?"
"Lead the way." Mary replied.
Jacqueline's suite was just that, it appeared to take up the entire west wing of the second story. Beautiful furnishing adorned the suite and the bed was huge, custom made, easily the biggest bed she'd ever seen. Jacqueline sat on the corner of the bed as Mary walked around picking up items here and there and examining them and placing them back down.
Jacqueline watched Mary for a few moments before she began unbuttoning her blouse and removing it. She hefted her firm breast in her hands while closing her eyes and squeezed her nipples.
"Oh you're a horny little bitch aren't you?" Mary said as she watched the woman feeling her breasts.
"Oooooohhhhh!" Out of nowhere Jacqueline climaxed on an unconscious level remembering the command that Mary had given her. "If you hear me say the word 'bitch' you will have a strong climax." Mary watched for a moment before walking across the room to join her on the bed. Jacqueline was lying on her back panting and pulling on her nipples.
"Oh, here let me do that," Mary said as she lowered her mouth and took one of Jacqueline's fat nipples into her mouth and suckled it sensuously. Mary's hands spread out north and south finding Jacqueline wet panties beneath her skirt and up to her mouth where Jacqueline took her index finger into her mouth and sucked it. Mary pulled away slowly and quickly shed her clothes while Jacqueline removed her skirt and panties. The two women stood facing one another and gazed sensuously at each other's lovely nude bodies. It wasn't lost on them how similar they were, the only differences were their faces, hair color and that Mary had three inches of height on Jacqueline. They could be bookends in an erotic tale. Stepping forward they embraced and moved into a passionate kiss. Jacqueline didn't understand why but she was completely taken with Mary. This was the woman that her husband the late Dr. Zachary Smith had been keeping as a mistress. When she discovered her existence she hated the woman, and for years she'd vowed to get even for her taking away quality time with her husband. She bore him a son, something she was unable to do. And shortly after meeting him as an adult she'd been intimate with him on several occasions. He bore such a strong resembled his father, that was no excuse and now she was being so very intimate with her late husband's mistress. There was something wrong with this on so many levels, she knew it but she was powerless to stop it.
Her mind whirled as she found herself in her bed between Mary's thighs licking her pussy as if it had been made just for her. Mary came again and Jacqueline quickly lapped up her juices. She loved Mary's pussy, it was quite beautiful she thought as she traced her tongue around the folds and found her clitoris again, touching it the way she like to have hers touched. Her mind wandered again. She had never been with another woman before, even in college she chickened out when her roommate came on to her. It was innocent at first, even when they played together in the shower.
Mary was fucking her again with her large strap-on and she was coming again. How many times had she come, she'd lost count. Mary seemed to have so much energy, she was a machine, she thought as she drifted off again, remembering how John had encouraged her to masturbate several times a day and how she eventually bought several toys to help her achieve that goal.
They were now in a sixty-nine, she was licking Mary to another climax while she was balancing on the edge and would come only after Mary said that she could.
As they lie together in Jacqueline's bed, rubbing their pussies together slowly as they cooled down, it seemed that they had been going at it for a long time, but she was willing to continue for as long as Mary was up to it. They were sweaty and smelled of sex.
Mary suggested that should shower and that she'd have to leave soon. So as they walked to the shower hand in hand they passed something that caught Mary's attention.
"Jackie, what is that, my dear." Mary asked pointing to a device plugged into the wall that looked like a saddle with dials on the side and it was the size of a large sewing machine.
"Oh that, that it's my Sybian. After John encouraged me to masturbate several times a day, I found that I needed a few toys to help me. Are you familiar with it? If not you must try it."
"I've heard stories of it but never dreamed of seeing one. Do you like it?" Mary asked.
Jacqueline blushed as she explained that it was a lot of fun when no one is around to help her get off, but it is only a machine and not nearly as much fun as sharing sex with another person.
"Hmmm." Mary thought, "This could be interesting, but perhaps later." And she told Jacqueline as much.
They entered the massive shower and Jacqueline turned on all the jets, water was spraying on them from all directions, up, down and from the sides. As they washed they played and Mary enjoyed Jacqueline, licking her to another climax. Mary was beginning to feel a little guilty about taking advantage of Jackie, she had been her rival for Zachary's attention, but she was his wife. Perhaps she'd punished her enough.
As they walked pass the toy on the way back to the bedroom where their clothes were tossed on the floor Mary picked up her garments and began to shake the wrinkles out when Jacqueline walked up to a wall and pressed a button and the wall opened revealing a huge walk in closet.
"Those are dirty and wrinkled, why don't you help yourself to anything you like. I believe we are the same size."
Stunned Mary smiled and accepted. She walked into the closet behind Jacqueline and found a treasure trove of clothing all her size, expensive bras, panties, blouses, skirts, dresses and all sorts of shoes.
"Jacqueline this is too much." Mary said as she surveyed the contents of the closet which was large enough to be a spare bedroom as she pulled out one garment then another.
"Go ahead, try on as much as you like." Jacqueline said as she came up behind Mary and pulled her close. "What's mine is yours. We are more than friends now, wouldn't you say?" She kissed Mary's shoulders as she fondled her large tits from behind and as she mashed her own into Mary's back.
Mary squealed. She was like a kid in a candy store. They spent the rest of the afternoon putting together outfits. Most of the clothes had never been worn and still had the store tags attached.
Heather met her sister Samantha as they both had just entered the house from different entrances. Isabel had grass stains all over her body, most couldn't be seen from under her modest robe, but her hair was full of grass cuttings.
"What happen to you?" Heather asked her sister as the roar from the powerful lawn mower started again.
Samantha had a funny grin on her face, and then confessed she'd had a fling with Jose the gardener.
"Really," Heather asked surprised that her sister like she had just had sex with one of the help.
Samantha looked at Heather and noticed that her suit was on inside out and didn't look like she'd been swimming or sunbathing. Movement from the pool area caught Samantha's attention and she saw Miguel pushing the long pole around in the pool.
"What about you?" Samantha asked her sister. "Have you been messing around with the pool guy?"
"How did you guess?" Heather replied as she attempted to cover a giggle.
"Looks like you dressed in a hurry." Sam said as she pulled on the visible tag of Heather's one piece.
They didn't say anything for a moment, then realizing the same thing at the same time. They yelled in unison, "Isabel," and scurried down the hall and up the stairs. Upon reaching Isabel's room and finding the door closed. They looked at each other shrugged and barged into the room.
The room smelled of sex and Isabel was naked lying on top the equally naked Ana just as they screamed into each other's pussies completing another satisfying climax.
As Samantha and Heather entered the room, Ana attempted to cover herself, but the bed clothes were on the floor, Isabel had that thoroughly fucked expression on her face, and said. "You caught me."
Samantha turned to Heather and said, "This can't be a coincident!"
Arriving at the Cove Eleuthera Resort John was completely in awe by the beauty of the place. The grounds were manicured to perfection, the windswept palms and lush green landscape contrasted against the white building gave the affect that they were indeed somewhere special.
The driver carried their bags into the Royale Suite. Inside was just as amazing. It seemed as if every window had a perfect ocean view. The furniture was white cloth and wood and complemented beautifully the hardwood floors. John imagined he would love to spend some time here relaxing, but he was here on business.
Turning to Elizabeth he smiled and said, "So where do we find this Chance Goodwin?"
As if on cue, a large black man stepped into John's vision. He appeared to be in a state of transformation. He was tall about 6'4" hunched over slightly, his chest was bare covered with black and white hair and it appeared that muscles were toning, growing strong once again. The white hair that covered his head was growing darker; his white beard was darkening becoming black, no red, matching the hair on his head. He expanded his massive chest muscles rippled and his arms grew large and powerful; he appeared to grow two inches taller.
He stepped forward completely rejuvenated. The large diamond in his right ear sparkled brightly despite the fact that no direct sunlight was upon it.
"I am Chance Goodwin, and what you have just witnessed was my renewal being connected again with the ring of power. I have regained my youth and power."
John stepped forward and extended his hand, "I am John Smith, Master of the Ring of Power."
"You are but a boy and no master," Chance said as he grab John by the wrist and hurled him across the room and into the nearby wall.
Denise and Elizabeth stood frozen in their places. John pulled himself out of the crater in the wall he'd created. He tensed preparing to defend himself just as he was lifted into the air and thrown down to the floor with enough force to knock him unconscious.
The large black man looked over at the two women and took a few steps towards them.
"Elizabeth my beloved wife, our plan worked, just as you said it would." He stretched out his arms and Elizabeth ran into his embrace.
"John, Johnny! Wake up!"
John was slowly regaining consciousness. His head hurt and he wasn't able to move.
"That's it son, wake up. Don't try and use your powers, not yet. I will explain, do you understand?"
In his mind John answered his father, "Got it." He tried to look around but found that he had been completely immobilized.
"What do you remember?" His father asked.
"Meeting the giant Chance Goodwin and then getting tossed around the room like a rag doll." John replied as he was beginning to focus his eyes.
"It's good that you remember. It seems that you have been betrayed."
Eventually a nurse saw him and thinking he looked familiar greeted him and asked if she could help him. He explained who he was and that he needed to see his wife. The young nurse explained that he just missed her and that she should be back in about 20 minutes or so. Eddie shrugged and asked if he could wait. She showed him to the waiting area where he picked up an old copy of Sports Illustrated magazine sat in an uncomfortable chair and thumbed through a few pages while he tried to patiently wait for Rachel's return.
Entering the basement supply room, Rachel closed the door and took a deep breath when she turned around she found Erica already pulling down her scrub pants. As soon as her pants reached her ankles Rachel buried her face in the black woman's crotch using her tongue as a divining rod until she found her wet and ready pussy. It had been a long time since they had been together, and Rachel squealed as she satisfied the needy lust.
"Easy girl," Erica told her as she found herself quickly getting turned on. "We have time, you don't have to rush. I've missed you, too. Hmmm. Bitch, you sure know your way around a pussy. I don't think this will take too long, mmmm."
Because she was in the hospital Rachel was in that rare state of half professional (meaning she possessed most of her intelligence), and half bimbo, which meant she had some control over her lust. She hoped to satisfy her cravings and then she'd be okay to return to her job. No harm no foul. But too much and the bimbo would take control until patience's needs overrode her own desire for sex. Rachel was becoming used to the dimming of her mind, she didn't like it but there was nothing that she could do about it. She did appreciate and savored the taste, smells and the sights before her. "There was something about looking into a black woman's pussy," she mused. Since Candace had captured and controlled her she'd been with many women, women of all races, something she never thought possible. As she worked her tongue deeper into Erica's pussy she thought, "Yes, the really black ones, the contrast between the dark black skin and the bright red pussy was too beautiful for words." With her fingers spread like a "V" she opened Erica wide and licked all around the juicy red lips sucking in as much as her juices as she could, careful to avoid her clitoris, which was driving Erica insane. And then when she did, she exploded.
Erica shook violently as she came, struggling to muffle the sounds of her passion. Reaching out her hands Erica sought and found one, then the other of the rings piercing Rachel's nipples and tugged on them, once and then twice. The effect was almost immediate; triggering a small climax, gone was the professional lead nurse and manager, hello bimbo.
"Oooohh, I like it when you play with my nipples, honey, hmmmmm. Did you like me licking your pussy, you really came hard. I love playing with your pussy. You wanta lick me while I lick you some more?" She giggled as Erica's juice dripped down her chin.
"Yeah bitch, swing that sweet ass around for me." Erica said as her lust was peaking.
Working with her patience always lightened her mood, so when Candace returned to the nurses' station her disposition was much improved, and it was a good thing, too. Not soon after she returned Eddie looked up and seeing her he recognized her immediately as one of the sexy women from that unforgettable night of sex he had in of all places his own home. He hadn't seen his wife since, so there must be some a connection.
Rising slowly to his feet, he tossed the magazine to the floor and marched with purpose towards the unsuspecting nurse.
"I know you," he said in a loud accusatory voice as he pointed at her.
Candace looked up to see Eddie standing in front of her ready to make a scene. She was wondering when he would show up, so she wasn't too surprised to see him.
"Of course you do," she said in a matter of fact way and in a much lower tone. "I work with your wife, Rachel."
That wasn't the answer he was looking for and he was about to explode, but he didn't know what to ask about first, about his wife or the night several weeks ago, which he began to see playing again in his mind's eye. Looking at Candace again he undressed her remembering what a nice and hot her body she had and he began to become aroused, but he caught himself.
"You know what I mean," he growled.
"So, you are looking for Rachel, I think she's on a break. If you like I can help you find her." Candace used her mind control to calm him down and thought it might be fun to see who Rachel was fucking, since by now her body was demanding that she have sex.
"Yes." He said, the anger diminishing from his voice and the volume reduced substantially. "That would be nice."
"Good, why don't you come with me?" Candace said as she stepped around the counter.
He followed Candace down the hall and towards the bank of six elevators, where upon arriving she punched the down button turning it red. She was using the tracking jewel that John had installed on Rachel so that Candace and he could keep track of her while in the bimbo state, in the event the dimwitted woman wandered off.
Erica lie on her back knee up and spread wide leaning forward slightly to lick Rachel's pussy, while Rachel laid on top the larger woman on her knees and bent her head between Erica's big thighs.
"Hey, bitch you got another piercing," and she licked around the glowing red jewel causing Rachel to squirm with delight.
"Yeah, you like? It feels so good when you suck on it. Don't stop."
Candace and Eddie quietly entered the supply room and walked to the back between the rows of supplies to see the kinky haired black head of Erica between the legs of a large white ass with the "BIMBO" tattooed in large red letters on the left cheek.
"There, that was the other woman," Eddie yelled in his mind, but it came out in a whisper that only Candace heard.
"So this is how you spend your break," Candace said starling Erica causing her to practically tossed Rachel aside.
"Don't stop on my account." Candace said as she admired the large black woman's assets. She looked to be in her late twenties, she had pretty face and body that Candace was eager to sample.
Erica was shocked that they had been found out and worried that she was now going to lose her job. However for some reason, she felt compelled to continue and being watched seemed to turn her on more. So she disregarded their visitors and reengaged with Rachel as if they hadn't been interrupted.
Finally finding his voice Eddie stuttered "That's the other woman!" Eddie yelled as he approached the two. Rachel didn't acknowledge their presence; Erica's pussy was secreting much more of the precious fluids she craved.
"That's the other woman from that night." Eddie said again. His cock growing in his pants as watching the two women getting each other off and his memory of the night became more vivid. "But you promised to take to my wife, where is Rachel?"
Hearing her name, Rachel paused and looked up. Seeing Eddie she smiled and greeted him.
"Oh, Hiya Eddie! Mmmm, can't talk, 'cause it's starting to get so really nice, oooo!"
"That's Rachel for you," Candace said, "pleasure before business."
"What," Eddie asked. "That's Rachel, my wife, Rachel?"
"Oh yeah, Candace said, "we gave her a makeover, what do you think?"
"That's impossible, that can't be my wife, and this woman must be about twenty years younger. Look at her, she about fifty pounds lighter. And beside my wife isn't some lesbo. What the fuck are you trying to pull on me? And my wife would never be with that black bitch?"
Eddies comments were enough to override Erica's lust and she rolled Rachel off her and was about to climb to her feet and clock this racist son of a bitch. But Candace was way ahead of her.
"Relax Erica, I got this, go back to what you were doing," Candace said and turned to Eddie. "You're not opposed to integrations are you, Eddie?"
Eddie considered where he was and how big the black chick was and thought a minute before answering. "Naw, I just don't care for their kind and if that is my wife, she should know that too."
Erica ignored Candace and was standing right in front of Eddie. She was at least a foot taller than the puny overweigh balding white man. She was an Amazon, he could see now. She wasn't fat, just big. Her big black tits with ripe brown nipples protruded from her chest, flat stomach and luscious bright red lips dripping juices from her pussy. If she was white, he'd be on her in a minute, he thought. He looked up at her and she was looking back down on him. She looked as if she was trying to decide if she should fuck him up or back to eating out the slut on the floor. Erica was about to decide to do both when Candace intervened.
"Are you sure Eddie, looks like you are sporting wood and I know you are wondering what it would be like to be with this African Queen."
"She was right. How did she know?" Eddie thought. He was fighting it, but what man in his right mind wouldn't want to tap that big black ass. "There's a lot of woman there to tamed," he said and was become more aroused at the thought.
"Why don't you get undressed Eddie and see if Erica would give you a chance to fulfill your fantasy?"
Erica looked at Candace like she was completely out of her mind. "Are you crazy? This little white man insults me and you think I am going to fuck him. First thing, nursie I am gay, I don't do dick, and secondly, HELL NO!" Erica said one hand on her hip, the other wagging her finger in front of her and moving her head back and forth.
"Are you sure, Erica? True it is a tiny dick, couldn't you make an exception?" Candace asked knowing Erica couldn't refuse her.
Erica looked at Eddie as he finished pulling off his trousers; he was sporting a four inch erection. She laughed. "You are right it is pretty tiny. Okay, but only because it's so small it would hardly count." Erica said surprising herself, she couldn't believe she was actually craving dick.
All the while Rachel had been sucking her own nipple and playing with her pussy. She giggled when she saw Eddie's tiny cock and said. "Oh, I forgot how small and cute it was, almost like a real one."
Eddie's ego had taken several major hits and his erection began to sag, despite the sights in front of him.
"Oh no you don't." Candace said. "Even something that small is better than nothing. You are going to get hard and remain hard and you are not going to come until I say so, got it?"
Eddie's body understood even though he seemed to be confused because he grew hard and maybe a little larger.
Erica laughed again, "That's still pretty small, but it's been five years since I had a dick in my pussy, maybe something that small might get me off. Let's see Tiny, git your ass over here and pretend you know what to do."
He looked at Candace and she frowned and said. "What are you waiting for, Tiny? Do what she said."
Eddie unconsciously interpreted Candace's command as "do whatever Erica instructed him to do". So, he crawled onto to the big black woman and shoved his hard cock into her pussy. She was tight and Eddie was now eager to satisfy, he began to pump in and out as he rubbed his face against her mammoth tits.
"That's it Tiny!" Erica sighed. "I guess not having a cock inside me in a while has allowed me to appreciate even one so small. Don't slow down, little man, fuck me harder!"
Eddie couldn't help himself, he wanted to be pissed off, this black woman was ordering him to fuck her harder and he loved it. So he did as she asked and after a few more minutes, Erica found herself in the midst of a pretty good climax and possibly the best she'd ever had with a man.
"Oh my," she trembled as she came barely suppressing the scream she wanted to release. "Ahhhhh...eeeeee!" She was sweating and panting. "If this little cock could make her come like this, she may have to rethink this lesbian thing altogether," She thought, having enough and pulling Eddie off her like a child and set him aside.
"Rachel, leave your pussy alone for a minute. Why don't you come over here and see if you can help Eddie with that hard little cock? Clean him up first and then let him have that sweet ass of yours." Candace directed Rachel. She immediately replied crawling over Erica to get to her husband, her large tits swaying from side to side.
Once she reached Eddie she took his cock with her hand and proceeded to lick it all over before taking it easily down her throat.
"Rachel is that really you?" Eddie said as he stared down at the lovely bimbo sucking his cock. His wife would have never done that. He looked carefully at her face, recognizing a glimmer of the younger woman.
Popping his cock from her mouth reluctantly Rachel said, "Yeppers. No more questions now, I can't talk and suck your cock at the same time, lover!"
Looking back at Candace Eddie was about to ask her something, but had to wait as Rachel did something with her tongue that made him shiver it felt so good he almost forgot the question. He recovered somewhat and turned to Candace and asked, "How is this possible?"
"Never mind that, just enjoy while I decide what to do with you." Candace said as she saw Erica recuperating and looking like she was ready to escape.
"Erica darling, why don't you be a dear and come over here and lick my pussy some before you go."
Erica did want to leave; things had gotten out of hand. This was turning into an orgy and she didn't want to lose this job. But, she couldn't resist though she knew she should. She dropped her scrubs and stepped carefully over Rachel and Eddie who had now slid down to the floor and was playing with Rachel's enormous tits while she sucked him off.
When she arrived Candace had lowered her scrub pants and panties giving Erica a great view of her pussy. Despite having other thoughts Erica seemed drawn to Candace's pussy like a moth to a flame.
"You're gonna love my pussy, Erica. You may even crave it later when you are alone, so you better get it while you can."
Erica spread Candace's pussy lips with her hands and extended her tongue for a lick, followed by another, soon her mouth was all over Candace's pussy. The taste was incredible; it was if she was tasting pussy for the first time. Candace was right. She did love this pussy.
It was apparent that Erica was proficient at eating pussy, because she was easily hitting all the right spots and Candace was rapidly approaching a very satisfying climax. When it hit it was much stronger than she imagined it would be and now she was straddling Erica's face as she came. Erica drank in her juices like water to a thirsty man in a desert. When she couldn't stand it anymore Candace backed off wiping her wet pussy across Erica massive black tits. She was tempted to nurse on them, but they'd been away from the nursing station for a while now and she didn't want be discovered, not that it would matter; she could easily erase the memory or allow them to join in. But that would complicate matters and Candace preferred to keep things simple.
Candace looked over at Eddie who was sweating heavily now, Rachel was still doing a number on his cock determined to get a reward for all her hard work, when Candace remembered that she hadn't given Eddie permission to come.
"Eddie what a good boy you've been. Why don't you cum now so we can go back to work?"
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!" Eddie growled and let loose a torrent of his precious fluids which Rachel sucked up quickly without spilling a drop.
Erica was pulling her bra on as Candace pulled up her pants, while Eddie lay spent on the floor, his tiny cock shrinking down to its normal size.
"Rachel, don't you have patients to see?" Candace said.
"Oh my, she blushed. I think I may have taken too long a break. Where are my clothes?" She said as she quickly got to her feet jiggling her tits and sizable ass as she looked around. Finding them she began dressing herself. The three women looked down at Eddie, who was recovering and still not sure what to make of all of this.
Finally he spoke and asked Candace, "Have you decided what you are going to do with me?" Standing he pulled his pants up from around his ankles. He wasn't sure why he asked that, he really was hoping that she would have forgotten it.
"I haven't decided on a permanent solution, but for now. You are going to do something about your appearance. You are going to get yourself in shape. Rachel isn't coming home until you do. Sign up for a gym, lose some weight and buy some decent clothes. Improve your mind. You need a complete makeover. Hair Club for men may be of some help, too."
Eddie stood there and blinked several times as he absorbed all of Candace's orders.
She pulled out her cell phone and told him to put his contact data into it. Meanwhile, Erica had finished dressing and wasn't sure if it was okay for her to leave, so she busied herself with making sure her face looked okay and her hair wasn't messed. When Eddie finished entering his data, Candace told him to give the phone to Erica and told her to do the same.
"We have unfinished business, you and me," she said with an evil grin on her face.
Erica complied and was already craving the best pussy she'd ever tasted. She would look forward to Candace's call.
As soon as Rachel had finished getting herself back together, she pushed by Erica, kissed her husband and rushed back up to her floor.
"Well, I guess we're done here." Candace said as she turned and left the supply room, with Erica and Eddie following closely behind her.
Mary was impressed as she drove her Mercedes through the gates of the Smith Estate. It was huge and the main house sat deep within the grounds a beautiful Spanish style mansion with red tile roof and plenty of palms and tropical plants. She parked her car and walked around to the back and into the pool area where she saw pool maintenance equipment laid out but no pool man. She heard faint unmistakable sounds of passion coming from the cabana and following it she saw Heather riding an unknown man Mary assumed was the pool guy. It was obviously Heather was thoroughly enjoying the fuck, as she shook her tits and screaming at the top of her lungs. Mary smiled as she absorbed the sexual energy through the diamond piercing her labia; she was tempted to join in but had other plans so reluctantly she pulled away. She walked across the beautiful stone pool deck to and into a door leading into the main house.
As she entered the house and walked through the main floor no one was around, so she meandered through the spacious rooms admiring the decoration and photographs of the family. There were large oil paintings hanging on several of the walls, many of them were of the family together when the girls were still babies. There was another of the Zachary and Jacqueline Winchester Smith shortly after their marriage and yet another of the girls when they were identical triplets before John made his alterations. She stopped in front of that one and studied it. The girls were carbon copies of each other. They looked to be only in their teens, but Mary noticed the year written below the artist's signature, it was only painted a year ago. They were so androgynous and lacked any real feminine qualities. John did an incredible makeover on them. She wandered over to the grand piano sat down and admired the craftsmanship of the Steinway.
She heard footsteps behind her and the unmistakable voice of Jacqueline Smith, "Ana when you are done dusting the family room, would you help me..."
Mary turned around and smiled as she saw Jacqueline's reaction.
The woman paused in mid sentence and froze. Jacqueline had a flash back.
"Whenever you see me you will feel the urge to have my cock in your pussy, or your mouth on mine. You will remember how much fun we had together at this orgy."
She became flush all over, her pussy moistened and her nipple stood erect and poked out an inch into the light silk blouse she wore. It was a good thing she was standing near an overstuffed leather chair; she needed its support as her knees weakened.
"Oh Mary, I wasn't told you were here," Jackie said recovering quickly.
"I let myself in," Mary said. "I was hoping you had time to play."
Regaining her composure Jacqueline stood straight and walked towards Mary her pumps clicking on the marble floor. "Well, I did plan on going shopping, but that can wait. Why don't you follow me upstairs to my suite?"
"Lead the way." Mary replied.
Jacqueline's suite was just that, it appeared to take up the entire west wing of the second story. Beautiful furnishing adorned the suite and the bed was huge, custom made, easily the biggest bed she'd ever seen. Jacqueline sat on the corner of the bed as Mary walked around picking up items here and there and examining them and placing them back down.
Jacqueline watched Mary for a few moments before she began unbuttoning her blouse and removing it. She hefted her firm breast in her hands while closing her eyes and squeezed her nipples.
"Oh you're a horny little bitch aren't you?" Mary said as she watched the woman feeling her breasts.
"Oooooohhhhh!" Out of nowhere Jacqueline climaxed on an unconscious level remembering the command that Mary had given her. "If you hear me say the word 'bitch' you will have a strong climax." Mary watched for a moment before walking across the room to join her on the bed. Jacqueline was lying on her back panting and pulling on her nipples.
"Oh, here let me do that," Mary said as she lowered her mouth and took one of Jacqueline's fat nipples into her mouth and suckled it sensuously. Mary's hands spread out north and south finding Jacqueline wet panties beneath her skirt and up to her mouth where Jacqueline took her index finger into her mouth and sucked it. Mary pulled away slowly and quickly shed her clothes while Jacqueline removed her skirt and panties. The two women stood facing one another and gazed sensuously at each other's lovely nude bodies. It wasn't lost on them how similar they were, the only differences were their faces, hair color and that Mary had three inches of height on Jacqueline. They could be bookends in an erotic tale. Stepping forward they embraced and moved into a passionate kiss. Jacqueline didn't understand why but she was completely taken with Mary. This was the woman that her husband the late Dr. Zachary Smith had been keeping as a mistress. When she discovered her existence she hated the woman, and for years she'd vowed to get even for her taking away quality time with her husband. She bore him a son, something she was unable to do. And shortly after meeting him as an adult she'd been intimate with him on several occasions. He bore such a strong resembled his father, that was no excuse and now she was being so very intimate with her late husband's mistress. There was something wrong with this on so many levels, she knew it but she was powerless to stop it.
Her mind whirled as she found herself in her bed between Mary's thighs licking her pussy as if it had been made just for her. Mary came again and Jacqueline quickly lapped up her juices. She loved Mary's pussy, it was quite beautiful she thought as she traced her tongue around the folds and found her clitoris again, touching it the way she like to have hers touched. Her mind wandered again. She had never been with another woman before, even in college she chickened out when her roommate came on to her. It was innocent at first, even when they played together in the shower.
Mary was fucking her again with her large strap-on and she was coming again. How many times had she come, she'd lost count. Mary seemed to have so much energy, she was a machine, she thought as she drifted off again, remembering how John had encouraged her to masturbate several times a day and how she eventually bought several toys to help her achieve that goal.
They were now in a sixty-nine, she was licking Mary to another climax while she was balancing on the edge and would come only after Mary said that she could.
As they lie together in Jacqueline's bed, rubbing their pussies together slowly as they cooled down, it seemed that they had been going at it for a long time, but she was willing to continue for as long as Mary was up to it. They were sweaty and smelled of sex.
Mary suggested that should shower and that she'd have to leave soon. So as they walked to the shower hand in hand they passed something that caught Mary's attention.
"Jackie, what is that, my dear." Mary asked pointing to a device plugged into the wall that looked like a saddle with dials on the side and it was the size of a large sewing machine.
"Oh that, that it's my Sybian. After John encouraged me to masturbate several times a day, I found that I needed a few toys to help me. Are you familiar with it? If not you must try it."
"I've heard stories of it but never dreamed of seeing one. Do you like it?" Mary asked.
Jacqueline blushed as she explained that it was a lot of fun when no one is around to help her get off, but it is only a machine and not nearly as much fun as sharing sex with another person.
"Hmmm." Mary thought, "This could be interesting, but perhaps later." And she told Jacqueline as much.
They entered the massive shower and Jacqueline turned on all the jets, water was spraying on them from all directions, up, down and from the sides. As they washed they played and Mary enjoyed Jacqueline, licking her to another climax. Mary was beginning to feel a little guilty about taking advantage of Jackie, she had been her rival for Zachary's attention, but she was his wife. Perhaps she'd punished her enough.
As they walked pass the toy on the way back to the bedroom where their clothes were tossed on the floor Mary picked up her garments and began to shake the wrinkles out when Jacqueline walked up to a wall and pressed a button and the wall opened revealing a huge walk in closet.
"Those are dirty and wrinkled, why don't you help yourself to anything you like. I believe we are the same size."
Stunned Mary smiled and accepted. She walked into the closet behind Jacqueline and found a treasure trove of clothing all her size, expensive bras, panties, blouses, skirts, dresses and all sorts of shoes.
"Jacqueline this is too much." Mary said as she surveyed the contents of the closet which was large enough to be a spare bedroom as she pulled out one garment then another.
"Go ahead, try on as much as you like." Jacqueline said as she came up behind Mary and pulled her close. "What's mine is yours. We are more than friends now, wouldn't you say?" She kissed Mary's shoulders as she fondled her large tits from behind and as she mashed her own into Mary's back.
Mary squealed. She was like a kid in a candy store. They spent the rest of the afternoon putting together outfits. Most of the clothes had never been worn and still had the store tags attached.
Heather met her sister Samantha as they both had just entered the house from different entrances. Isabel had grass stains all over her body, most couldn't be seen from under her modest robe, but her hair was full of grass cuttings.
"What happen to you?" Heather asked her sister as the roar from the powerful lawn mower started again.
Samantha had a funny grin on her face, and then confessed she'd had a fling with Jose the gardener.
"Really," Heather asked surprised that her sister like she had just had sex with one of the help.
Samantha looked at Heather and noticed that her suit was on inside out and didn't look like she'd been swimming or sunbathing. Movement from the pool area caught Samantha's attention and she saw Miguel pushing the long pole around in the pool.
"What about you?" Samantha asked her sister. "Have you been messing around with the pool guy?"
"How did you guess?" Heather replied as she attempted to cover a giggle.
"Looks like you dressed in a hurry." Sam said as she pulled on the visible tag of Heather's one piece.
They didn't say anything for a moment, then realizing the same thing at the same time. They yelled in unison, "Isabel," and scurried down the hall and up the stairs. Upon reaching Isabel's room and finding the door closed. They looked at each other shrugged and barged into the room.
The room smelled of sex and Isabel was naked lying on top the equally naked Ana just as they screamed into each other's pussies completing another satisfying climax.
As Samantha and Heather entered the room, Ana attempted to cover herself, but the bed clothes were on the floor, Isabel had that thoroughly fucked expression on her face, and said. "You caught me."
Samantha turned to Heather and said, "This can't be a coincident!"
Arriving at the Cove Eleuthera Resort John was completely in awe by the beauty of the place. The grounds were manicured to perfection, the windswept palms and lush green landscape contrasted against the white building gave the affect that they were indeed somewhere special.
The driver carried their bags into the Royale Suite. Inside was just as amazing. It seemed as if every window had a perfect ocean view. The furniture was white cloth and wood and complemented beautifully the hardwood floors. John imagined he would love to spend some time here relaxing, but he was here on business.
Turning to Elizabeth he smiled and said, "So where do we find this Chance Goodwin?"
As if on cue, a large black man stepped into John's vision. He appeared to be in a state of transformation. He was tall about 6'4" hunched over slightly, his chest was bare covered with black and white hair and it appeared that muscles were toning, growing strong once again. The white hair that covered his head was growing darker; his white beard was darkening becoming black, no red, matching the hair on his head. He expanded his massive chest muscles rippled and his arms grew large and powerful; he appeared to grow two inches taller.
He stepped forward completely rejuvenated. The large diamond in his right ear sparkled brightly despite the fact that no direct sunlight was upon it.
"I am Chance Goodwin, and what you have just witnessed was my renewal being connected again with the ring of power. I have regained my youth and power."
John stepped forward and extended his hand, "I am John Smith, Master of the Ring of Power."
"You are but a boy and no master," Chance said as he grab John by the wrist and hurled him across the room and into the nearby wall.
Denise and Elizabeth stood frozen in their places. John pulled himself out of the crater in the wall he'd created. He tensed preparing to defend himself just as he was lifted into the air and thrown down to the floor with enough force to knock him unconscious.
The large black man looked over at the two women and took a few steps towards them.
"Elizabeth my beloved wife, our plan worked, just as you said it would." He stretched out his arms and Elizabeth ran into his embrace.
"John, Johnny! Wake up!"
John was slowly regaining consciousness. His head hurt and he wasn't able to move.
"That's it son, wake up. Don't try and use your powers, not yet. I will explain, do you understand?"
In his mind John answered his father, "Got it." He tried to look around but found that he had been completely immobilized.
"What do you remember?" His father asked.
"Meeting the giant Chance Goodwin and then getting tossed around the room like a rag doll." John replied as he was beginning to focus his eyes.
"It's good that you remember. It seems that you have been betrayed."