Chapter 17.2
Elizabeth peaked out and into the main room. It looked as if a bomb had exploded in it. John was looking down on a pile of rubble that had buried Chance Goodwin. John took a deep breath hoping that it was over. He sighed heavily and reluctantly began removing the debris piece by piece.
Denise was blinded by the light reflecting off the surface of the dome. "Mirrors," Denise whispered. "The dome is made of mirrors." Looking around she saw several stones used as ground covering. Rushing towards the cache she hefted the first stone and hurled it at the dome smashing the first mirror, as pieces began to fall she could see they were like tiles and she would have to break a great many of them to have any chance of restoring her master's connection.
Using his telekinesis John carefully removed one piece of the heavy beam after the other, not wanting to get too close in case the giant was waiting for him to let his guard down. As he suspected the giant wasn't done, the final pieces of the beam shot forward and John had to move quickly to avoid them. As he dodged the planks, the Chance followed and in that instance the giant was able to snag John using his own telekinesis power, and held him fixed in the air above him.
"Son, your reserves are almost depleted." John's father reported. "You must end this soon."
John lifted another heavy beam and hurled towards the giant, but Chance easily dodged it.
"Okay boy, looks like your time is up. Prepare to be mastered."
John struggled against the power but was unable to move and he didn't have much strength remaining and Chance knew it. John felt his arms being pulled out from his sides and held out parallel to the ground. Violently all of his clothes were ripped away leaving him completely naked.
"Boy, I understand that ass of yours is still a virgin. I am about to bust that cherry!" Chance howled as he looked up at the helpless young man.
Mary held Karen in her arms; the young woman was burning up as if she had a raging fever. Mary had never seen this before and didn't understand what was happening or how she could help the young woman. If only Elizabeth were here as long as she's been around she would know what to do. "Karen, try again. You must transfer your package."
"I will try, Mary, but I feel so weak, and I don't know if I can." Nevertheless, Karen gritted her teeth and tensed her body and pushed as hard as she could.
John was powerless and naked; his reserved depleted and no new energy was flowing into the ring. He was about to be sodomized. "Why does everyone want to do fuck me in the ass," he thought.
John felt himself being bent forward and his legs and ass being spread. He was no long able to protect himself.
Chance removed his pants and was sporting an impressive erection. "I am going to enjoy breaking you, boy."
Elizabeth chose that moment to saunter into the room; she was desperate to find a way to stall him. She heard in the distant the sound of glass breaking, she knew Denise was working to save her master, she just needed more time.
"Husband," she called out as she meandered her way through the debris. "Looks like you've won, but are you sure you want to soil that lovely cock on the skinny white boy, when you can have this," she said as she waved her hand presenting her luscious body.
"Woman, what are you saying, you know I have to break the boy to win the ring. If you don't want to watch this then leave, but I must break his will then kill him to claim the Ring of Power."
"Well, if you must let me first kiss him good-bye, he was a good lover, I have to admit. And then you can have that cherry ass of his."
Not waiting for Chance to approve, she jiggled her naked body past him as she admiring his large tool. Reaching John who was still frozen in place, she slapped his ass and said, "Looks like another fine mess I got you into, I hope this helps." As she finished her sentence she flexed her muscles in an unmistakable gesture revealing the transfer of sexual energy to John her master.
"Nooooo! What are you doing?" Chance charged forward knocking Elizabeth aside like a rag doll too late as John recovered with the surge of power that flowed into the ring and his body. He jumped out of the way of the charging giant and landed an enormous blow right on the giant's chin knocking him backward. He followed with a flurry of punches moving more quickly than the eye could follow. Chance fell forward like a tree being toppled by an axe and landed hard right on his face.
When Denise felt she had destroyed almost two thirds of mirror panes, she thought it was enough. She returned to their ruined accommodations ready to help or die fighting to save her master.
Karen took a deep breath, she was feeling much better. Whatever had blocked her from transferring her package had gone. She giggled as she pulled Mary to her mouth and kissed her passionately thanking her for coming to her aid the way she had.
Mary broke the kiss and asked her to hold that thought while she called Maria to inquire about Carmen's condition. Maria said that she was okay; apparently duplicating the same process Mary had did the trick. But that was naïve, she knew some other forces were at work; nevertheless Mary asked that Maria contact the other and insist that they all transfer any energy they had immediately.
Fooled once that the giant had been defeated, John used the cord from the window treatments to tie Chance's hands and arms tightly. He turning the giant over on his back and jumped on his chest. Looking into his bruised face and shut eyes John entered the giant's mind.
"Chance Goodwin, I, John Smith am your master, now. I am the master of the Ring of Power. You are completely loyal to me. You cannot harm me or anyone of my agents or the people I care for. I control you. You are mine to command. If I will it you will kill yourself. You will obey me without question or reservations. You will warn me if I am in danger and give your life for me. You would rather die than to displease me. Do you understand?"
The giant woke, "I Chance Goodwin pledge my total allegiance to you John Smith, Master of the Ring of Power."
John climbed off the giant and the bindings disappeared. The giant kneel and took the hand that John offered and kissed the Ring of Power. John pulled Chance to his feet. His face was bloodied but it quickly began to heal as the power of the ring flowed through John into his newest agent. "Why don't you see about getting this place cleaned up? I can image the bill we are going to receive."
"Yes, my master. Chance said.
John looked around and found Elizabeth unconscious among the rubble of the ruined building. She was bloody her face and limbs cut, her legs looked broken. She was still breathing. John felt a new surge of energy, stronger than any he had felt in a long time. He reached out his arms and slowly Elizabeth's body lifted and floated into his waiting arms. He carried her back to the master bedroom, the only part of their bungalow that remained intact and laid her on the bed. He focused his thoughts and watched as her bleeding stopped and the cuts healed. Her legs straightened and she began to once again radiate the health glow he'd come to expect whenever she was around.
Denise arrived in time to see that her efforts had paid off. The battle was over and her master was triumphant. The giant had pledged his loyalty to her master and was submissively accepting his orders from his new master. She watched as Chance moved some debris and found the house phone. He picked it up, had to tap the button a few times but the phone came to life.
"This is Goodwin in the presidential suite. I need a cleanup crew. Better send about five men." He hung up not waiting for a reply.
It was over. He had lost. It was the best chance he'd had in over 200 years, but he failed again. He had been betrayed. No, Elizabeth was following her master's instructions. He just wasn't strong enough. He sat down quietly to consider his fate among the destroyed furniture in the sitting room he sat on the only piece of furniture not broken, an overstuffed chair.
Dirty, sweaty, and half naked his massive cock though not erect hung down between his legs like salami. It was too inviting for Denise to ignore. She ambled in and sat next to him. He didn't look at her. He was defeated and depressed. She pushed him back, he didn't resist and she climbed into his lap wrapping her legs around him. She found a cloth nearby and wiped the sweat and dirty away from his mouth and kissed him gently as if welcoming him into their little family.
She knew what he was thinking. He was a beaten man. He still couldn't believe it was true. He looked up at her and was about to ask a question. His eyes were sad and much less powerful as before.
She replied to the unasked question, "Because he is the Master of the Ring of Power and like me you are his to command."
She reached down and found his semi hard cock and caressed it. It didn't take long before it hardened and rose. She adjusted her position and put it at the opening of her wet pussy and lowered herself on him. She gasped in sheer delight as the massive cock entered and stretched again her tiny pussy. She began bouncing up and down slowly allowing the huge cock to slide effortlessly in and out of her petite pussy.
Elizabeth had fully recovered from her injuries and looked into John's eyes as he held her head in his lap, caressing her face and admiring her beauty.
"So, do you want to tell me what all that was about?" John asked.
"What do you mean," She asked.
"I came down here to persuade Chance Goodwin to join my group of agents, and instead I am fighting for my life against the giant. We've destroyed our accommodations and I nearly got sodomized, again. Was this all part of your plan?"
"You didn't think it would be easy, did you?"
John looked at her in disbelief. They both stared for several moments, and then they broke out into a fit of laughter.
Elizabeth reached up and found John's lips and kissed him sensuously. The kiss caused his cock to jump and slapped Elizabeth on the side of her face. She grabbed it with one hand and held it still until they ended their kiss. She then pulled it to her mouth and began to worship it and pulled it deep into her throat.
When Mary was convinced the crisis was over, she returned to attend to Karen. The young woman seemed to have completely recovered and took Mary into her arms as she returned to the room. They kissed again and Karen helped Mary out of her clothes. She had a few hours before she needed to get ready for her date and being with the mother of her master seemed too right to be refused.
She found Mary to be an excellent lover and they brought each other off several times before retiring to the bathroom to shower and get Karen ready for the evening.
Within the confines of the Ring of Power, sitting in what appeared to be a control room; Dr. Zachary Smith sat punching switches and typing into a keyboard. His screen went black and was replaced with the zig zag lines that depicted sound waves. Punching a few more buttons and turning a dial he finally began to hear sounds that turned into voices.
"He has beaten the giant and made him his slave."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I have seen it."
"He is growing more powerful, do you know his intentions?"
"It is still unclear. We must remain vigilant."
Elizabeth's skills hadn't diminished a bit and when John was ready he exploded in her throat, flooding her with huge flow of his juices. She swallowed quickly barely keeping up. She continued to suck on his cock until she felt that he was ready to ask the questions she knew were coming.
"I think you owe me an explanation, don't you?" John said as he looked down at the woman as she slowly swirled her tongue around his still hard cock.
She pulled it from her mouth, kissing the head as she reluctantly allowed it to fall away and reposition herself so that they were eye to eye.
"Yes, I do." She said as she blinked her large doe like eyes.
"Well?" John asked.
"Would you like the long version or the short version?" She asked in an attempt to lighten the mood, until she saw the stern look on his face and knew he wasn't in the mood for cuteness. "Well, you wanted me to find him; we agreed that Chance would be a good ally in the coming battle of the Masters of the Five Rings." She said sitting upright and looked at him face to face.
She continued to explain that when she found Chance, he had indeed been in a much weakened state. He probably didn't have more than three weeks left. But as it was with her in the bank, when Chance was in the proximity of the Ring of Power his jewel was reconnected and began to immediately reinvigorate him. Since he is one of the oldest of his kind for John to have simply been on the island was close enough for Chance's diamond to receive the benefits from the ring.
Elizabeth continued, "Chance wouldn't have simply agreed to be one of your agents, remember he is one of the first ones. He was aware of a little known fact that new masters were vulnerable, particularly if they hadn't but a handful of agents. Chance thought that if he was stronger and more experienced had a very good possibility of overcoming a lazy young master. So that is what I presented to him."
Elizabeth admitted that she didn't know there was a way of blocking the reception of his transmissions, and had Denise had not accompanied them things may have turned out differently.
She complemented him on his brilliant plan to play possum and waiting for the right opportunity to display his strength. John simply shrugged. Like most people she had no idea that he had the benefit of his father advising him secretly from within the Ring of Power. Nor could she know that former masters who had abused the power of the ring were trapped within it. John realized how lucky he'd been. Many things helped to deliver this victory, none less than having his father to advise him.
As Elizabeth filled in the blanks John listened intensely. Her role was crucial and that had she not acted when she did, he didn't want to think about the consequence, he was truly grateful he told her.
"Having a grateful master is a good thing." She joked, "Are you ready to reward me?"
"Absolutely," John said. "What is it that you want?"
She confessed that one of the reasons it had taken her so long to tell him what she wanted was due to the fact that she was torn. She really liked the idea of telekinesis, being able to move things with her mind, but she thought she would be more useful to him if she was able to become invisible.
John smiled. "Why chose, I will grant you both, but you can only use one of these gifts at a time and it will mean that your quota will have to be doubled."
She looked at him stunned into silence. She never expected this and despite being emotionally reserved she squealed with delight and hugged him tightly. John told her that she would have to wait until he was fully recovered, which would likely be when they arrived home.
John asked. "Chance referred to you as his wife, is that true?"
Elizabeth sighed heavily. "As you know we are forbidden to marry. But, Chance and I were once very close. He considered me his and called me his wife. It was more of a term of endearment."
"You choice me over him," John said as if he couldn't believe her choice.
"Of course," she said with a smile. "You are the Master of the Ring of Power."
And she gently pushed John on to his back as she crawled on top of him and lowered herself slowly on to his rigid fat cock. She took her time knowing how much he enjoyed the first moments of entering a warm wet pussy. She leaned forward letting her long black tresses fall forward and as her perfect brown tits hung forward as she put all her weight on her hands which she had placed on his washboard abs. He immediately began to feel much better as Elizabeth negotiated long slow strokes.
Tomorrow they would return home and things would return to normal, he thought, as normal as things could be for him.
The next morning they Chance, Elizabeth and Denise gathered in what was left of the grand room. The debris had been cleaned up, the roof shored up and the furniture removed. It more resembled an apartment under construction than the great room it once had been. Their flight was scheduled to leave around noon and John was looking forward to getting back home.
Chance was dressed in tropical whites and black sandals. His dress was shirt opened (the first two buttons), and straining at the seams by his bulging chest and arm muscles. His triceps were the most developed John had ever seen, making it appear as if he could rip the shirt from his body by simply flexing his muscles. The contrast of the white shirt and slacks covering his dark brown body could only be described as stunning. Elizabeth and Denise in light sundresses that accented their figures; they chatted with one another while they waited as John completed his phone calls. When he emerged he was in a good mood smiling as he regarded his agents. He looked at Chance and the state of the room and asked.
"Have we heard from the management about the damage?" How do they expect to be compensated?
Chance grinned and said, "That will not be necessary."
When John asked why Chance told him that he (John Smith) now owned the property. He went on to explain that it was his, but since he was conquered all of his possessions were now passed on to John, and so there was no need to be concerned about the damage.
John looked surprised and asked what else did he now possess?
Chance listed a few more properties including a restaurant and a school.
"A school," John asked.
Chance told him it was once his pride and joy, something he gave back to his people. Some of the profits from the properties and businesses paid for the school allowing many of the poor attend school and get a good start on education and a decent life.
"Of course all that I own is now yours. I only hope that you will allow the school to continue."
All eyes were on John as he pondered the situation. Rubbing his chin he said. "Chance, I don't think that is fair." As he paused he saw the giant's face fall and he continued. "That may have been the way things were done long ago, but that isn't the way I do things."
Chance looked at John for the first time with anticipation of hope and good news, began to say something, thought better of it and decided to let John continue.
"I encourage all my agents to support themselves, I only ask that they meet their quotas and to be there when I need them. So, my friend, what is yours remains yours. I hope that you are able to acquire more wealth and property and serve me faithfully."
Chance was jubilant. He smiled the biggest whitest smile John had ever seen and thanked John.
"We still have a few hours before we a scheduled to leave," John said. "Would you care to give us a tour of your businesses? I really want to see the school, too."
"Absolutely, master." Chance cheerfully replied. "I will call for the limo."
On board the plane heading back to central California, Elizabeth and Chance talked quietly. She explained the life he would be entering into and what his roll would likely be. To her surprise he thanked her for her deception and that he was looking forward to his new life.
Meanwhile as John appeared to be sleeping he was engaged in a conversation with h is father telepathically from within the Ring of Power. Dr. Smith told him about the transmission he intercepted and how he thought it was possible.
John thought about it for a moment and then realized there was only one possible answer, Denise.
(To be continued)
Denise was blinded by the light reflecting off the surface of the dome. "Mirrors," Denise whispered. "The dome is made of mirrors." Looking around she saw several stones used as ground covering. Rushing towards the cache she hefted the first stone and hurled it at the dome smashing the first mirror, as pieces began to fall she could see they were like tiles and she would have to break a great many of them to have any chance of restoring her master's connection.
Using his telekinesis John carefully removed one piece of the heavy beam after the other, not wanting to get too close in case the giant was waiting for him to let his guard down. As he suspected the giant wasn't done, the final pieces of the beam shot forward and John had to move quickly to avoid them. As he dodged the planks, the Chance followed and in that instance the giant was able to snag John using his own telekinesis power, and held him fixed in the air above him.
"Son, your reserves are almost depleted." John's father reported. "You must end this soon."
John lifted another heavy beam and hurled towards the giant, but Chance easily dodged it.
"Okay boy, looks like your time is up. Prepare to be mastered."
John struggled against the power but was unable to move and he didn't have much strength remaining and Chance knew it. John felt his arms being pulled out from his sides and held out parallel to the ground. Violently all of his clothes were ripped away leaving him completely naked.
"Boy, I understand that ass of yours is still a virgin. I am about to bust that cherry!" Chance howled as he looked up at the helpless young man.
Mary held Karen in her arms; the young woman was burning up as if she had a raging fever. Mary had never seen this before and didn't understand what was happening or how she could help the young woman. If only Elizabeth were here as long as she's been around she would know what to do. "Karen, try again. You must transfer your package."
"I will try, Mary, but I feel so weak, and I don't know if I can." Nevertheless, Karen gritted her teeth and tensed her body and pushed as hard as she could.
John was powerless and naked; his reserved depleted and no new energy was flowing into the ring. He was about to be sodomized. "Why does everyone want to do fuck me in the ass," he thought.
John felt himself being bent forward and his legs and ass being spread. He was no long able to protect himself.
Chance removed his pants and was sporting an impressive erection. "I am going to enjoy breaking you, boy."
Elizabeth chose that moment to saunter into the room; she was desperate to find a way to stall him. She heard in the distant the sound of glass breaking, she knew Denise was working to save her master, she just needed more time.
"Husband," she called out as she meandered her way through the debris. "Looks like you've won, but are you sure you want to soil that lovely cock on the skinny white boy, when you can have this," she said as she waved her hand presenting her luscious body.
"Woman, what are you saying, you know I have to break the boy to win the ring. If you don't want to watch this then leave, but I must break his will then kill him to claim the Ring of Power."
"Well, if you must let me first kiss him good-bye, he was a good lover, I have to admit. And then you can have that cherry ass of his."
Not waiting for Chance to approve, she jiggled her naked body past him as she admiring his large tool. Reaching John who was still frozen in place, she slapped his ass and said, "Looks like another fine mess I got you into, I hope this helps." As she finished her sentence she flexed her muscles in an unmistakable gesture revealing the transfer of sexual energy to John her master.
"Nooooo! What are you doing?" Chance charged forward knocking Elizabeth aside like a rag doll too late as John recovered with the surge of power that flowed into the ring and his body. He jumped out of the way of the charging giant and landed an enormous blow right on the giant's chin knocking him backward. He followed with a flurry of punches moving more quickly than the eye could follow. Chance fell forward like a tree being toppled by an axe and landed hard right on his face.
When Denise felt she had destroyed almost two thirds of mirror panes, she thought it was enough. She returned to their ruined accommodations ready to help or die fighting to save her master.
Karen took a deep breath, she was feeling much better. Whatever had blocked her from transferring her package had gone. She giggled as she pulled Mary to her mouth and kissed her passionately thanking her for coming to her aid the way she had.
Mary broke the kiss and asked her to hold that thought while she called Maria to inquire about Carmen's condition. Maria said that she was okay; apparently duplicating the same process Mary had did the trick. But that was naïve, she knew some other forces were at work; nevertheless Mary asked that Maria contact the other and insist that they all transfer any energy they had immediately.
Fooled once that the giant had been defeated, John used the cord from the window treatments to tie Chance's hands and arms tightly. He turning the giant over on his back and jumped on his chest. Looking into his bruised face and shut eyes John entered the giant's mind.
"Chance Goodwin, I, John Smith am your master, now. I am the master of the Ring of Power. You are completely loyal to me. You cannot harm me or anyone of my agents or the people I care for. I control you. You are mine to command. If I will it you will kill yourself. You will obey me without question or reservations. You will warn me if I am in danger and give your life for me. You would rather die than to displease me. Do you understand?"
The giant woke, "I Chance Goodwin pledge my total allegiance to you John Smith, Master of the Ring of Power."
John climbed off the giant and the bindings disappeared. The giant kneel and took the hand that John offered and kissed the Ring of Power. John pulled Chance to his feet. His face was bloodied but it quickly began to heal as the power of the ring flowed through John into his newest agent. "Why don't you see about getting this place cleaned up? I can image the bill we are going to receive."
"Yes, my master. Chance said.
John looked around and found Elizabeth unconscious among the rubble of the ruined building. She was bloody her face and limbs cut, her legs looked broken. She was still breathing. John felt a new surge of energy, stronger than any he had felt in a long time. He reached out his arms and slowly Elizabeth's body lifted and floated into his waiting arms. He carried her back to the master bedroom, the only part of their bungalow that remained intact and laid her on the bed. He focused his thoughts and watched as her bleeding stopped and the cuts healed. Her legs straightened and she began to once again radiate the health glow he'd come to expect whenever she was around.
Denise arrived in time to see that her efforts had paid off. The battle was over and her master was triumphant. The giant had pledged his loyalty to her master and was submissively accepting his orders from his new master. She watched as Chance moved some debris and found the house phone. He picked it up, had to tap the button a few times but the phone came to life.
"This is Goodwin in the presidential suite. I need a cleanup crew. Better send about five men." He hung up not waiting for a reply.
It was over. He had lost. It was the best chance he'd had in over 200 years, but he failed again. He had been betrayed. No, Elizabeth was following her master's instructions. He just wasn't strong enough. He sat down quietly to consider his fate among the destroyed furniture in the sitting room he sat on the only piece of furniture not broken, an overstuffed chair.
Dirty, sweaty, and half naked his massive cock though not erect hung down between his legs like salami. It was too inviting for Denise to ignore. She ambled in and sat next to him. He didn't look at her. He was defeated and depressed. She pushed him back, he didn't resist and she climbed into his lap wrapping her legs around him. She found a cloth nearby and wiped the sweat and dirty away from his mouth and kissed him gently as if welcoming him into their little family.
She knew what he was thinking. He was a beaten man. He still couldn't believe it was true. He looked up at her and was about to ask a question. His eyes were sad and much less powerful as before.
She replied to the unasked question, "Because he is the Master of the Ring of Power and like me you are his to command."
She reached down and found his semi hard cock and caressed it. It didn't take long before it hardened and rose. She adjusted her position and put it at the opening of her wet pussy and lowered herself on him. She gasped in sheer delight as the massive cock entered and stretched again her tiny pussy. She began bouncing up and down slowly allowing the huge cock to slide effortlessly in and out of her petite pussy.
Elizabeth had fully recovered from her injuries and looked into John's eyes as he held her head in his lap, caressing her face and admiring her beauty.
"So, do you want to tell me what all that was about?" John asked.
"What do you mean," She asked.
"I came down here to persuade Chance Goodwin to join my group of agents, and instead I am fighting for my life against the giant. We've destroyed our accommodations and I nearly got sodomized, again. Was this all part of your plan?"
"You didn't think it would be easy, did you?"
John looked at her in disbelief. They both stared for several moments, and then they broke out into a fit of laughter.
Elizabeth reached up and found John's lips and kissed him sensuously. The kiss caused his cock to jump and slapped Elizabeth on the side of her face. She grabbed it with one hand and held it still until they ended their kiss. She then pulled it to her mouth and began to worship it and pulled it deep into her throat.
When Mary was convinced the crisis was over, she returned to attend to Karen. The young woman seemed to have completely recovered and took Mary into her arms as she returned to the room. They kissed again and Karen helped Mary out of her clothes. She had a few hours before she needed to get ready for her date and being with the mother of her master seemed too right to be refused.
She found Mary to be an excellent lover and they brought each other off several times before retiring to the bathroom to shower and get Karen ready for the evening.
Within the confines of the Ring of Power, sitting in what appeared to be a control room; Dr. Zachary Smith sat punching switches and typing into a keyboard. His screen went black and was replaced with the zig zag lines that depicted sound waves. Punching a few more buttons and turning a dial he finally began to hear sounds that turned into voices.
"He has beaten the giant and made him his slave."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I have seen it."
"He is growing more powerful, do you know his intentions?"
"It is still unclear. We must remain vigilant."
Elizabeth's skills hadn't diminished a bit and when John was ready he exploded in her throat, flooding her with huge flow of his juices. She swallowed quickly barely keeping up. She continued to suck on his cock until she felt that he was ready to ask the questions she knew were coming.
"I think you owe me an explanation, don't you?" John said as he looked down at the woman as she slowly swirled her tongue around his still hard cock.
She pulled it from her mouth, kissing the head as she reluctantly allowed it to fall away and reposition herself so that they were eye to eye.
"Yes, I do." She said as she blinked her large doe like eyes.
"Well?" John asked.
"Would you like the long version or the short version?" She asked in an attempt to lighten the mood, until she saw the stern look on his face and knew he wasn't in the mood for cuteness. "Well, you wanted me to find him; we agreed that Chance would be a good ally in the coming battle of the Masters of the Five Rings." She said sitting upright and looked at him face to face.
She continued to explain that when she found Chance, he had indeed been in a much weakened state. He probably didn't have more than three weeks left. But as it was with her in the bank, when Chance was in the proximity of the Ring of Power his jewel was reconnected and began to immediately reinvigorate him. Since he is one of the oldest of his kind for John to have simply been on the island was close enough for Chance's diamond to receive the benefits from the ring.
Elizabeth continued, "Chance wouldn't have simply agreed to be one of your agents, remember he is one of the first ones. He was aware of a little known fact that new masters were vulnerable, particularly if they hadn't but a handful of agents. Chance thought that if he was stronger and more experienced had a very good possibility of overcoming a lazy young master. So that is what I presented to him."
Elizabeth admitted that she didn't know there was a way of blocking the reception of his transmissions, and had Denise had not accompanied them things may have turned out differently.
She complemented him on his brilliant plan to play possum and waiting for the right opportunity to display his strength. John simply shrugged. Like most people she had no idea that he had the benefit of his father advising him secretly from within the Ring of Power. Nor could she know that former masters who had abused the power of the ring were trapped within it. John realized how lucky he'd been. Many things helped to deliver this victory, none less than having his father to advise him.
As Elizabeth filled in the blanks John listened intensely. Her role was crucial and that had she not acted when she did, he didn't want to think about the consequence, he was truly grateful he told her.
"Having a grateful master is a good thing." She joked, "Are you ready to reward me?"
"Absolutely," John said. "What is it that you want?"
She confessed that one of the reasons it had taken her so long to tell him what she wanted was due to the fact that she was torn. She really liked the idea of telekinesis, being able to move things with her mind, but she thought she would be more useful to him if she was able to become invisible.
John smiled. "Why chose, I will grant you both, but you can only use one of these gifts at a time and it will mean that your quota will have to be doubled."
She looked at him stunned into silence. She never expected this and despite being emotionally reserved she squealed with delight and hugged him tightly. John told her that she would have to wait until he was fully recovered, which would likely be when they arrived home.
John asked. "Chance referred to you as his wife, is that true?"
Elizabeth sighed heavily. "As you know we are forbidden to marry. But, Chance and I were once very close. He considered me his and called me his wife. It was more of a term of endearment."
"You choice me over him," John said as if he couldn't believe her choice.
"Of course," she said with a smile. "You are the Master of the Ring of Power."
And she gently pushed John on to his back as she crawled on top of him and lowered herself slowly on to his rigid fat cock. She took her time knowing how much he enjoyed the first moments of entering a warm wet pussy. She leaned forward letting her long black tresses fall forward and as her perfect brown tits hung forward as she put all her weight on her hands which she had placed on his washboard abs. He immediately began to feel much better as Elizabeth negotiated long slow strokes.
Tomorrow they would return home and things would return to normal, he thought, as normal as things could be for him.
The next morning they Chance, Elizabeth and Denise gathered in what was left of the grand room. The debris had been cleaned up, the roof shored up and the furniture removed. It more resembled an apartment under construction than the great room it once had been. Their flight was scheduled to leave around noon and John was looking forward to getting back home.
Chance was dressed in tropical whites and black sandals. His dress was shirt opened (the first two buttons), and straining at the seams by his bulging chest and arm muscles. His triceps were the most developed John had ever seen, making it appear as if he could rip the shirt from his body by simply flexing his muscles. The contrast of the white shirt and slacks covering his dark brown body could only be described as stunning. Elizabeth and Denise in light sundresses that accented their figures; they chatted with one another while they waited as John completed his phone calls. When he emerged he was in a good mood smiling as he regarded his agents. He looked at Chance and the state of the room and asked.
"Have we heard from the management about the damage?" How do they expect to be compensated?
Chance grinned and said, "That will not be necessary."
When John asked why Chance told him that he (John Smith) now owned the property. He went on to explain that it was his, but since he was conquered all of his possessions were now passed on to John, and so there was no need to be concerned about the damage.
John looked surprised and asked what else did he now possess?
Chance listed a few more properties including a restaurant and a school.
"A school," John asked.
Chance told him it was once his pride and joy, something he gave back to his people. Some of the profits from the properties and businesses paid for the school allowing many of the poor attend school and get a good start on education and a decent life.
"Of course all that I own is now yours. I only hope that you will allow the school to continue."
All eyes were on John as he pondered the situation. Rubbing his chin he said. "Chance, I don't think that is fair." As he paused he saw the giant's face fall and he continued. "That may have been the way things were done long ago, but that isn't the way I do things."
Chance looked at John for the first time with anticipation of hope and good news, began to say something, thought better of it and decided to let John continue.
"I encourage all my agents to support themselves, I only ask that they meet their quotas and to be there when I need them. So, my friend, what is yours remains yours. I hope that you are able to acquire more wealth and property and serve me faithfully."
Chance was jubilant. He smiled the biggest whitest smile John had ever seen and thanked John.
"We still have a few hours before we a scheduled to leave," John said. "Would you care to give us a tour of your businesses? I really want to see the school, too."
"Absolutely, master." Chance cheerfully replied. "I will call for the limo."
On board the plane heading back to central California, Elizabeth and Chance talked quietly. She explained the life he would be entering into and what his roll would likely be. To her surprise he thanked her for her deception and that he was looking forward to his new life.
Meanwhile as John appeared to be sleeping he was engaged in a conversation with h is father telepathically from within the Ring of Power. Dr. Smith told him about the transmission he intercepted and how he thought it was possible.
John thought about it for a moment and then realized there was only one possible answer, Denise.
(To be continued)
John Smith - Master of the Ring of Power and son of Dr. Zachary Smith. He inherits "Ring of Power" a magical ring from his father a man he hardly knows. The ring allows him to: read minds, see through clothing with x-ray vision, alter other's bodies & minds, heals, and connected telepathically to his agents. The only condition on the use of the Ring of Power is that he must do good deeds and avoid abusing his power or suffer the fate of his father and be imprisoned within the ring.
The Ring of Power - Is one of five rings ancient rings with amazing powers. Gives the wearer the power to control minds, change and alter physical shapes and more, and is powered by sexual energy. It is also a prison for former masters who abused its power, keeping them in an energy vortex with no body, only consciousness.
Agents -People John Smith (the master of the Ring of Power) has converted to collect sexual energy through their diamond piercings (labia for women, ears for men) which is then transferred to the Ring of Power which strengths the wearer.
Dr. Zachary Smith - The disembodied father of John Smith, who is now only a consciousness imprisoned within the Ring of Power along with other former masters of the Ring of Power who abused its influence. This unknown to everyone except the wearer, they communicate telepathically with the dominate consciousness, John unknowingly granted his father Dr. Smith this privilege.
Mary Smith - Mother of John Smith and mistress to the late Dr. Zachary Smith, who used the power of the ring to control her and limit her activities. When he died (or was imprisoned within the Ring of Power) she was suddenly freed from Dr. Smith's control. She was enjoying life until John inherited the Ring of Power and accidently activated her diamond. She is now one of his agents. Mary has enchanted Jacqueline Smith so that whenever they meet memories of the orgy the attended flood her mind causing her to orgasm, (see Jacqueline Winchester Smith).
April Martin - John Smith's girlfriend. They had been friends since childhood. She has had a crush on him since they first met. Just before John received the ring from his father, they had just begun dating. John enhanced her beauty and mind making her very smart and possessing a killer body with cinnamon colored eyes. John hasn't decided if he wants to marry her, but he doesn't want her to be an agent. He has assigned her to watch over his newest philanthropic projects. Her mother Candace has wiped her memory several times, so she really is unaware of what it really going on even though she's been at the center.
Candace Martin - Is the mother of April Martin, John Smith's girlfriend. John has a crush on her since his early teens. She's a nurse, was married to a doctor before he divorced her for a younger woman. She has became one of John's agents and lovers, was given the power of lactating mind controlling milk. She has fallen in love with John; she was allowed to take revenge on her boss, Rachel Woods. She's a little bit narcissistic.
Rachel Woods - Candace's boss at the hospital, spent years tormenting Candace Martin because she could. John transformed her from a 57 year old bored house wife and head nurse into classic bimbo at Candace's request. She lost 20 points of IQ, given waist long bright blonde hair, small waist, large ass, huge tits (pierced nipples) and big lips. She has been Candace's to control. Candace moved her into her home to better keep track of the dumb blonde. She retains her sharp mind only in medical situations where patient care is paramount, otherwise is a self absorbed bimbo obsessed with her appearance and sex. Candace had her large ass tattooed with "BIMBO" and had her nipples and labia pierced with sapphire stone that allow John and Candace to track her should she get lost.
Eddie Woods - Husband of Rachel Woods married 25 years, good provider but lousy in bed and has a tiny cock and no clue how to use it.
Karen Miller - A former coffee shop waitress now an agent. Replaced Tammy at the bank, and John increased her height 7 inches turned her into a green-eyed auburn haired beauty. John honed his body shaping skills and reshaped her pussy into one of the most beautiful ever. She first appeared in Chapter 11, has very large tits (F cup).
Elizabeth (Lizzy) Brooks - She is very old, well over 100 years old, yet she looks like a young version of the beautiful legendary African American actress Lena Horne. Because of her knowledge and experience she became John's right hand. She trains most of the new agents.
Dr. James Monroe - Mary Smith's first date and boyfriend since Dr. Smith's death. Has connections in the underground swinger network, took Mary to her first orgy.
Julie Lee - Dr. James Monroe's receptionist with benefits.
Penny Jones - Social worker and student captured by Elizabeth (then known as "Miss Lizzy") shortly after her rejuvenation. Later was released by John to pursue her goals. Hasn't been seen since the early chapters, may make a return appearance.
Amanda Greene - One of John high school teachers and one of his first conquests after acquiring his powers. John helped with her marriage and reformed her cheating husband.
Principal McBroom - Principal of John's high school, a large black man and former professional football player, injured badly cutting short his pro career. John healed him allowing him relief form pain while walking.
Debra McBroom - Wife of principal McBroom, beautiful quick witted "caramel colored" beauty, well proportioned in her late thirties turns heads immediately when she is around, yet to be introduced into the story.
Tammy Bowen - Former obese bank receptionist and the first woman John physically altered into a living Barbie doll. Very intelligent help John bring down corrupt bank president. She became one of John's agents was recently relocated to the LA area, to work in the Adult Film industry as an experiment to capture bigger caches of sexual energy.
Cindy Ashe - Petite workaholic clothing boutique owner. She recently entered into a relationship with Mark Taylor.
Janice Knight - Boutique store clerk.
Michael Adams - former Main Street Bank president, exposed corruption now seeking revenge against John through the use of a worthy adversary to John.
Carmen & Maria - They were two small Illegal immigrant servant of Jacqueline Smith held against their will. They were two of John's first ten agents and transformed into a 5'9" beauty with D cup tits. Both asked John to give them the gift of being able to speak perfect English. They are like sisters and rarely apart.
Mark Taylor - (African American) accounting student, childhood friend and former classmate of John. Working for Cindy Ashe and recently became intimate with her, was mind controlled by Candace for a while until John found out.
Jacqueline Winchester Smith - Forty years old (5"5') bears a striking resemblance to Andie MacDowell. Comes from old money (Winchester Family) had bad attitude and now must pleasure herself daily as a punishment. John calls her Jackie, no one else can get away with it. At John's house warming/orgy Mary planted a few thoughts into her mind, "From now on, Jackie, whenever you see me you will remember this moment. You will feel the urge to have my cock (strap-on) in your pussy, or your mouth on my pussy. You will remember how much fun we had together at this orgy. If you hear me say the word 'bitch' you will have a strong climax."
The Smith Triplets: Their father Dr. Zachary Smith used them as part of his plan to control more power from the ring. They were born looking androgynous (supposed to be boys). When John meets them they have no shape and barely and any tits. Heather Smith - (age is 24) First born of the triplets and John's half sisters was physically altered into a bimbo as punishment for trying to kill John (reducing her IQ by 30 points). Made into a blonde, permanently painted pink nails, landing strips, has invisible initial tattooed on forehead. Her breasts were grown into E cups in chapter 13. She redeemed herself in Chapter 15 and was rewarded with the return of her IQ and was given the body of an Olympic swimmer, although still busty. She was mind controlled to fuck the pool man. Isabel Smith is the second born of the triplets altered physically into a beautiful young woman with brown hair styled like Megan Fox, had "C" cups tits, permanently painted honey brown colored nails, landing strips, has invisible initial tattooed on forehead. Like Heather, She was mind controlled to fuck the Ana their housekeeper. Samantha Smith the youngest of the triplets altered physically into a beautiful young woman. Auburn hair styled like Amy Adams with "C" cups, permanently painted orange nails, landing strips, has invisible initial tattooed on forehead. She is now compelled to fuck the gardener.
Chance Goodwin - One of the original agents/slaves to the Ring of Power, thought to be long dead. Rumors spoke of a man having amazing gifts living in the tropics. No one would be able to find him if he didn't want to be found. He was near death having been disconnected from the Ring of Power so long until John landed on the island.
Jerome Fox - John's first male agent (bisexual), blonde blue eyed Arian type, muscular 6'4, was recently relocated to the LA area, to work in the adult film industry with Tammy, has a natural eleven inch cock.
Dennis (Denise) Sour - Is a "shape shifter", captured by John and made to be completely loyal to him. He was an Asian man (Lee) at the orgy and a small black woman. John turned him into a woman suppressing his powers to change shapes.
Erica Green - Is a big "coffee black" lesbian hospital worker (6'2") she's not fat just big. Rachel Woods befriended her when Candace wasn't available for her to service. She has a small nose piercing and kinky black hair she wears short. Thought she'd made Rachel her bitch until Rachel was able to get her a better job as an orderly, since Rachel got her fired from the cafeteria.
Mike Simpson - A short portly man who manages the downtown homeless center that John has chosen as his charitable beneficiary. April Martin is acting as John's administrator on this project.
Mel Katz - Senior Producer at Absolutely Wicked Productions and credited with the discovery Tammy and Jeremy.
Dinah Cohen - Is one of the partners of the law firm of Basil, Cohen & Brown the firm that specialized in not for profit law.