Chapter 19.1

She made her way to the west end of the room, just as two security guards came bursting into the room with their weapons drawn. Fortunately the rows and rows of servers didn’t make it easy to see from the end of one row to the next and they would have to search each row.

Using her telekinesis Elizabeth held the door open and quietly slipped out just before two more guards shuffled through, barely missing her. The entire building was on lock down; she would have to be careful. The first thing she needed to do was cleanup, she could smell herself. What good was it being invisible if your scent gave you away, so she made her way to the women’s restroom choosing the last stall. She squatted on the seat and relaxed her nude beauty materializing and becoming visible again.

Despite the cool air she was perspiring. Her naked body was covered in a light sheen of sweat. Droplets rolled down her large breasts collecting at her hardened nipples then dropped to the floor one by one. Using the toilet paper she dabbed herself dry, once she had cooled down she left the safety of the stall and used a little soap and water to eliminate her aroused scent. She knew it would be just a matter of time before they began a room to room search. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. This is what she’d been training for the last six months.

Of John’s three half sisters and the one that gave him the most trouble from the outset, Heather was his favorite. She was independent and headstrong, opinionated and often spoke before thinking through the impact of her words. But, John liked her best of all because she was genuine. What you saw was what you got. And since they made up and had been intimate on several occasions she was becoming more than a sister but a true friend. She didn’t really understand what was going on with John, for some reason she simply accepted things the way they were and concentrated on being a good sister to her younger brother. Having different mothers and only knowing him for about eighteen months didn’t seem to matter anymore. Besides since John’s mother Mary, her father’s mistress and her mother Jacqueline had been getting along so well together, Heather began to think of and accepted Mary as she would any other relative.

Heather’s swimming gave her a goal to reach for, when she and her sisters weren’t fucking the help and she was becoming very good at it. She was good enough to compete and she grew interested again in beginning her much delayed college education. She and her sisters Samantha and Isabel had shrugged it off college as a waste of time. But the truth was until John had altered their appearance they were too weird looking and would attract the wrong kind of attention to have been successful.

So, they all enrolled for the fall semester at Stanford University. It seems like waiting turned out to be a good idea and having wealth didn’t hurt. Because of her swimming times, she tried out for and made the women’s swim team. She couldn’t be happier and as a result, she began working out with the team in August.

Most of the girls were friendly enough, but a few were simply mean and wanted nothing to do with her. They had heard she came from money, an immediate turnoff, leading them to believe she simply bought her way onto the team, despite her continuing impressive swim times.

She ignored those girls that scoffed at her and concentrated on her swimming. It was late in the afternoon when their daily morning practice was over. Heather and a few remaining teammates were showering; the locker room was mostly empty. Heather spent a longer time than usual getting the chlorine out of her hair. Before she realized it she was alone until three large muscular girls stood between her and the shower exit. They were naked, but they didn’t appear to have an interest in showering and they were closing in on her and looked to do her harm.

She recognized them as the disgruntled three, from the 200 Free Relay Team. Heather was being considered for a position on the relay probably knocking one of them out.

“Hey rich bitch! You didn’t think that you would make the team without your initiation, did you? If you are going to be on the relay team, then you will have to come over here and eat my pussy, bitch. She looks like she’d be good at eating pussy. What do you think girls?” The large blonde asked as she stopped just in front of Heather while the other two larger brunettes flanked the blonde on each side, blocking Heather’s exit.

April had awakened cheerful and early looking forward to her 10AM meeting at the attorney’s office. She was meeting with Dinah Cohen again; she was one of the named partners of the law firm of Basil, Cohen & Brown the firm that specialized in not for profit law. April was surprised that Dinah hadn’t assigned her to a third or fourth year associate; they weren’t a big client, yet but April was happy for the attention that her account was receiving. John will be pleased when he hears about this at their weekly meeting, she thought.

Meanwhile Dinah Cohen was finishing up her morning workout in her home gym; she had worked up a good sweat. Although she was a partner she didn’t like to arrive before 10AM, that way she avoided most of the traffic into San Francisco. Despite the grandeur of the San Francisco office, the view of the bay and the excitement of the corporate office, she preferred the quiet the Mountain View branch office had to offer.

She had gotten up extra early this morning and doubled her normal exercise time; she was thinking about her meeting with April Martin. Her lean sleek body was covered with a light sheen of perspiration as she finished the workout with a ridicules amount of abdominal reps. Standing she gazed into the mirrored wall at her naked and sweaty body. Her large pink nipples were hard and betrayed her arousal as she thought again about April Martin.

She had done her research and learned a lot about April and her employer. “The things that you could learn off the internet these days”, she mused as Dinah reviewed in her mind what she had learned. April was single attending the local college and lived with her mother a divorced nurse. She attended high school with her boss and they grew up together in the same neighborhood. It wasn’t uncommon for startups to employ friends they grew up with. Her boss, John Smith, son of the late Dr. Zachary Smith, inherited most of his father’s wealth and was attempting to make a name for himself.

As she admired herself in the mirror she hefted one large tit after the other finding comfort in their springiness, they were all natural yet amazingly still firm sitting high on her chest, considering she was in her early forties. She attributed it to her good genes and her ambitious fitness campaign. Looking down she could smell her arousal and watched had her labia grew larger and her clitoris poked through. Absent mindedly she rubbed herself as she imagined what April looked like naked and how her mouth would feel on her pussy.

Her plan of seduction would be to drag on the meeting as long as possible then propose an early lunch and see if she could steered the conversation to the right path. She had a few different cards to play so it would depend on how April responded to her overtures. And if all else fails she still had the drug.

All of his hard work was beginning to bear fruit, Dr. Zachary Smith had thought of hardly anything else since his imprisonment except escaping. Sure he listened to, advising and comforted his whiny son, but imprisonment within the Ring of Power was a strange thing. You existed in a state with no real body although you saw yourself with one and the others with whom you were imprisoned. Duping his son into believing all he said, he managed to attain a position of authority within their confines and also acted as a look out for John, monitoring his surroundings and being a source of wisdom and counsel for the young man. But it was all to help him achieve what no other had done before him, to escape from the ring’s prison.

He had tested his theories and was convinced that they would succeed. He was ready for the final test.

The drug as Dinah liked to refer to it as was a little thing that one of her larger clients Jones & Jones, an American multinational medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods manufacturer had accidently stumble upon. She was given a small amount which she used sparingly and on just the right unsuspecting victims. The results were amazing it rendered her victims with the temporary loss of free will allowing Dinah to take complete control of the person and in some rare cases rewrite her victim’s personality and sexual preferences as she did with her secretary.

It was perfect. The victims never suspected a thing and believed whatever Dinah told them to believe. The only problem was that it only lasted a few short hours. But for those special cases, she was able to install trigger words allowing her to control the person indefinitely without using more of the precious drug.

Grabbing her towel she patted her face dry while she smiled thinking of the unsuspecting young coed. She hoped that she wouldn’t have to use the drug. She laughed. Who was she fooling; she was looking forward to using it. April Martin was perfect.

Los Angeles turned out to be the sexual energy goldmine that John thought it would be. He now had almost as many agents there as he had employed in the Bay Area. His expansion had been a gamble that paid off big.

Tammy and Jerome had succeeded beyond John’s expectations for their first year. In addition to making more than twenty films they had a bumper crop of want-to-be porn stars which they coached and turned into a small business. Because they didn’t need the money, they charged very little if anything and they collected huge cache of sexual energy at each class. The classes never ended at the scheduled time usually because small orgies often broke out.

John had expressed an interest in buying a house with an ocean view so between the two of them they began to see what the market looked like and since John was in no hurry they could take their time. He confided in them that he may be interested in opening a branch in San Diego, so he was very interested in their feedback.

Tammy and Jerome were very comfortable together, particularly once they moved in together. They each had their own bedrooms, but they usually sleep together. It was the perfect arrangement.

Early as usual April sat in the lobby reviewing her notes for the meeting. Dinah was aware that she was waiting but continued to place and receive calls while answering email and text, thirty minutes later, when she couldn’t stand the anticipation any longer Dinah came out and greeted the young woman. Taking April’s hand in hers as she apologized for being late, lying that she had been detained on an urgent matter, while deeply inhaling the scent of April’s perfume.

She looked the young woman over appraising her attire. April had pulled her hair back into a kind of pony tail thing. It was professional enough yet betrayed her youth and inexperience. Her hands felt so soft in Dinah’s harder older hands, and she gentle pulled the young woman into the small conference room, nearby and told the receptionist they weren’t to be disturbed.

For almost two hours they worked on the legal implications of John’s pet project the homeless shelter and how he might logically grow it from there. Dinah was impressed with April’s knowledge and grasp of the concepts and how easily she retained facts and logically came to her conclusions.

It was almost 12:30 when they had exhausted all the avenues they needed to discuss; the paralegals will be able to handle the formatting and filing of the documents, Dinah told her and apologized about the hour offering to buy April lunch.

April accepted having enjoyed the older woman’s company and since her firm would be handling John’s business it seemed only prudent to accept the invitation, particularly since she didn’t have any classes scheduled today.

“Do you like Sushi?” Dinah asked as she stood pulled her suit coat on.

“I love sushi!” April replied a little too enthusiastically.

“Great, I know a nice little place that makes the best rolls. Give me a minute to put this file in my office and grab my purse. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

Dinah put the file on her desk and retrieved her purse, she went to the wall safe hidden behind the painting behind her desk, turned the combination a few times, opened the safe and grabbed the premeasured drug and placed in her purse.

They were soon at the restaurant and were being seated, they engaged in light chit chat until the waiter came. He looked over the two lovely women, and asked for their drink orders, the younger of the two smiling at him. April ordered an ice tea, but Dinah talked her into trying a Long Island Ice Tea. April had never heard of such a tea but agreed when her attorney said that she’d love it.

“Bring my friend a Long Island Ice Tea extra long,” Dinah said, “and I will have a white zinfandel.” And if it were an afterthought she shrugged and said, Why don’t you bring us the Samurai for two.” It was a three course meal of assorted sushi, fried rice, tempura and other favorites.” The waiter smiled and left, thinking to himself “cougar and prey”.

April was impressed, she’d never had anyone order for her like that, and she smiled brightly as she thanked Dinah. They talked a little more before she excused herself to use the restroom.

Dinah could hardly contain herself she was eager to spring the trap even before finding out what April’s views were sex and having sex with another woman. This was going to be easy she thought and as removed the drug from her purse and had it ready to be sprinkled into April’s food or drink.

During their meal two women talked about all sorts of things and April seemed to genuinely enjoy Dinah’s company. However, Dinah learned that although April’s attitude was pretty liberal towards sex, and she was flattered that Dinah was interested in her, she wasn’t interested in a lesbian relationship. Having consumed three “ice teas” April found it necessary to visit the ladies room once again and clumsily excused herself again and toddling in the direction of the lavatory.

“Well,” Dinah thought to herself, “we tried the easy way looks like we’ll have to be a little more insistent.” And she poured the premeasured powdered drug into April half full glass and stirred, the mixture immediately dissolved. The drug took only about a minute to work so Dinah had to just get April to finish her drink and stall for a minute or two.

When April returned to the table she was really feeling the effect of the alcohol, and a small belch escaped her lips.

“Erp! Oh, excuse me,” she apologized, “that was some ice tea. What was in that?”

“Oh a little vodka, a little gin, a little tequila, and some rum,” Dinah said.

“Oh my,” April said, “Maybe I shouldn’t have had four.”

“Three and a half,” Dinah said pointing to the half full glass. “But if you hurry you can call it four.”

“Oh, yeah,” April said and grabbing the glass and quickly consuming the remaining beverage. “I’ve had a lovely time, bud I must be going.” April wagged her finger at Dinah as she began to slur her words.

“Oh you can’t go now. What about dessert?” Dinah said knowing that would give her more than enough time for the drug to take effect.

April’s eyes brightened for a moment and then she said, “I can’t eat another ding right now or I will bust or puke.” She said as she belched quietly again and excused herself.

“Well how about we just look at the dessert tray?” She motioned for the waiter to bring over the samples. She needed only thirty seconds more.

The waiter brought a huge tray over to their table; it had cheese cake, carrot cake, chocolate mousse, bread pudding and kiwi pie. April simply stared at the tray not able to say a word.

“Never mind,” Dinah told the waiter, “Looks like she’s had enough,” she handed the waiter a three Ben Franklins and said. “Keep the change.”

The waiter smiled realizing that he was done and accepted the payment. He smiled and thought to himself, “Looks like the cougar had captured her prey.”

“How are you feeling April darling?”

“Pretty lightheaded,” she responded slowly as if it was hard to talk.

“You’ll be fine, darling. Now listen to me carefully. You will act normally, not even slurring your words. You feel great and are so pleased with the time we spent together that you agreed to walk me to my hotel room right next door. If you feel like your balance isn’t good you will hold on to my arm for support. Do you understand?”

April snapped back to full alertness and fixed her stare on Dinah and simply said, “Okay.”

“That’s better.” She said. “Now you told me that you were flattered that I was attracted to you and that you had no interest in pursuing a relationship, but that’s not true is it.” She paused and watched as April hanging on every word.

“No” she said.

“The truth is that you are very interested and in fact you are so horny right now your pussy is watering in anticipation of the two of us being together.”

April shuttered and a small sigh escaped her lips as she realized that Dinah was right. She was so incredibly turned on by this woman. She tried to question it, why was she feeling this way? “But Dinah won’t lie,” April realized. “She was attractive mature woman and she wanted to have sex with me, April Martin, this named partner of this important law firm. I am so lucky and she was right,” April thought as she felt so wet below.

Dinah continued as she read the confusion in April’s face. “In fact right now I’ll be you are trying to imagine what my pussy looks like, aren’t you. You naughty girl, you are wondering if I am shaved or if I have a neat little landing strip. Be honest April. Am I right?”

“Damn how did she know?” April thought, as her pussy continued dripping into her panties.

“Are you wet for me, April,” Dinah continued to induce the young woman.

“Yes. I can feel myself leaking into my panties.” April confessed.

“Really,” Dinah said. “Show me. Take them off and hand them to me over the table.”

April obeyed immediately. She shimmed her skirt up her legs and pulled down her wet black panties and handed them to Dinah. They were silk and soaked with her juices.

Dinah was impressed with the quality of the lingerie and knew that she had chosen well. She pulled them to her nose and took a deep breath.

“Yes, you’ll do fine.” She told the young woman. You are ready to go now, it is likely that you skirt is stained, but you won’t notice or care.” They stood and Dinah motioned for April to lead the way. She watched April move through the restaurant to the door and yes her skirt was indeed stained.

When they arrived at the hotel April was holding on to Dinah’s arm, her balance was off and needed help to walk, but they looked like lovers already as they took the elevator to the 14th floor, room 1456 their destination.

“April why don’t you get more comfortable and loose all that unnecessary clothing,” Dinah said. Realizing that she had only about two hours remaining and she had a great many things for April to do.

Once she had disrobed she tried to stand still tittering slightly as she waited for Dinah’s next command. But Dinah didn’t want to command April all night. No she wanted a new lover who would be creative and imaginative, so she told April.

“April, how long have you known that you were a lesbian?”

“I am not a lesbian,” April said, as her mind tried to fight back and she shifted from foot to foot.

“Yes you are, April. You told me so. You said that you were done with limps dicks and the men they were attached to and that they did nothing for you despite trying. You are turned on by pussy.” Dinah said making her case. “You came here to my hotel room to have sex with me. Look at you. You’re already naked and you were so horny you gave me these at the restaurant.” Dinah held out April’s wet panties and waved them for her to see as she continued to manipulate the poor helpless girl.

“Not only are you a lesbian, April but you are the best pussy eater in the state. Ask me how I know.”

April asked her. “How do you know this?”

“I know this because you told me, April. You’ve been trying to seduce me all day. You also told me that and can have an orgasm by making your partner cum, isn’t that right?”

April couldn’t believe that she had told Dinah all her secrets. She was shamelessly throwing herself at this woman. She felt so vulnerable; she wouldn’t turn her away, would she?

“You can’t get enough pussy you told me. You are tireless and very creative. I am so happy that we finally have been able to hook up.”

April stood still, her face revealing her confusion as she processed this information and fought her reprogramming. “Of course I am lesbian,” she thought. “That’s nothing to be ashamed of. So she liked pussy. She was proud of it. She licked her lips imagining the taste, “I am the best pussy eater in the state. She said that she was happy that we’d been able to hook up. She wants me too. I’d been worrying needlessly.”

Dinah watched as the changes began to manifest themselves in April’s body language.

April pushed her magnificent breasts forward and her nipples hardened. She began to imagine all kinds of ways she could enjoy Dinah, after all she was very creative and imaginative lover.

April’s juices were flowing down her legs and she was now convinced by the lies, as Dinah walked around her admiring her beautiful body.

“So lover,” April purred watching the woman ogling her naked body, “Are you going to get naked so we can fuck or what?”

Dinah was amazed at the transformation. She had hit the jackpot. If April was half as good as it was beginning to look like she was, Dinah might have found that one in a million subject that she’d been looking for, one whom she could plant a trigger phrase and continue manipulate indefinitely without the use of the drug.

April moved closer with much more confidence it made Dinah shutter. She couldn’t wait for Dinah to get out of her clothes and almost ripped them off. As soon as she had the older woman naked she pulled her close and allowed her hands to roam her tight body. They kissed hungrily for a while before April pushed Dinah down on the bed and quickly moved between the woman’s legs. April wanted to wait and enjoy her lover’s tits, but she loved pussy the best and couldn’t wait to taste Dinah. And for her part, Dinah couldn’t be more pleased the way things were progressing. And she pulled April up onto the bed and they swung into a classic sixty nine, hungrily munching on each other’s pussies.

Becoming a basketball coach was the best thing to happen to Chance Goodwin in a long time. He loved working with young kids. The job didn’t pay much, and he did a little school security in the mornings, too. More to keep up appearances, but he really didn’t need the money. After several lifetimes Chance had accumulated significant wealth and could live quite well off the interest of his investments.

What Chance loved almost as much as working with the kids was the attention from the female faculty, staff and mothers. Married or not they all flirted with him and there were more than a few who took their flirting to the next level.

However, after the incident with Mrs. Debra McBroom, (Principal McBroom’s wife) Chance was much more cautious and since he lived a few blocks from the school all his rendezvous with faculty and staff took place there, with one exception.

There seemed to be an endless parade of women of all shapes, colors and sizes finding their way to his apartment at all hours of the day. And since Chance’s hours were so flexible he was able to accommodate almost every woman’s schedule. And although sometimes the faculty or staff person returned a little late no one ever complained or seemed to notice.

Things started to get a little weird when seemingly out of the blue a health crazy sweep over the school. Suddenly all the women including many of the students seemed to become very conscious of their health and particularly their weight and how they carried that weight.

Even some of the older women seemed to be interested in firming up their flabby arms, guts and out of shape bodies. Before too long the school’s athletic director, Brenda Jordan felt compelled to offer an afterschool aerobic class three evenings a week. Many of the teachers and staff participated at least two times a week; the classes were almost all women. The popularity grew and soon a few more of the male teachers and staff also joined. Within a few weeks there were almost thirty people each night.

Chance was pleased that his plan was working so well. He met with Brenda who was his supervisor, at least in title. She was very easily manipulated with his unique skills. Despite being gay and in a committed relationship, at least once a week she met with him in her office and worshiped his black pole. She was becoming an accomplished cock sucker and afterwards she’d beg him to fuck her. He began to call her BJ, which she hated. But somehow she let him get away with it.

It was after one of their meetings that Brenda began to realize how much she was enjoying watching her coworkers in the evening workouts. She was becoming very aroused and fantasized having sex with many of them. Each day her arousal grew until she decided she had to get them in a more private setting. She chose five of the women that turned her on the most to her home once a week for a more private and intense workout. All five of the women eagerly accepted her invitation. Joan was her partner of three years, also a school teach who taught at a local elementary school didn’t mind, she understood all too well how teaching easily took the focus off of one’s self and how easy it was to get out of shape.

And since Brenda was a little on the butch side Joan liked to see her bossing the women around, finding it arousing. Brenda pushed the women hard that first week. They worked out in her a large enclosed backyard and the five women quickly began to show added muscular definition, increased strength and energy. Chance observed a few of their workouts and made a few suggestions, the women and BJ were appreciated his insight agreeing it would help them to quickly achieve their desired results.

The following weeks their routines became more intense and fitness attire more revealing. Joan would come home and become very distracted while attempting to grade papers. She would literally jump Brenda once all the women left.

Every one of the women had experienced significant weight loss and proudly shared the news with each other and they quickly felt very relaxed among one another. The next week as if by mutual consent decided their outfits were getting in the way and unanimously decided exercise naked. On that evening Joan, fingered herself to several orgasms while pretending to grade papers.

As if by coincident Chance dropped by letting himself in with the key Brenda had given him, to a full blown lesbian orgy in progress.

The women including Joan had formed a daisy chain each one connected to the other, mouth to pussy and were writhing on the floor in the living room. When Brenda saw him, she disengaged herself and rushed to him and began to unbuckle his pants and slide them to the floor along with his boxers freeing the largest cock the women had ever seen.

Brenda licked the large cock and waved over her curious partner to join her. Joan hesitated for a moment, amazed at what she was witnessing, but felt compelled to join in. As they took turns worshiping the amazing cock the others paired up waiting their turn and discussing how they wanted to be taken by the giant cock.

Chance truly loved every woman that he was with at the time and was a master at cunnilingus. He took his time and with Joan, even more time, as he knew as a lesbian she had been with some of the best. So while one of the other teachers played with and sucked on her nipples, Chance worked on her pussy. He spread her lips with his fingers and licking and kissing the region between her major and minor lips, circling it with the tip of his tongue like it was an item on a sheet of paper he was trying to separate from all the others. Then using his thumb and index finger he held her open and followed the same procedure. His technique although simple had Joan in teetering on the brink of a very strong climax. That in and of itself would have been enough, but Chance has the poor woman screaming and scratching when he finally moved closer to her clit, still not touching it. After another minute, she was begging for him to just lightly touch it and when he finally gave in she exploded, emptying her juices as if they had been poured from a bottle.

Not being selfish Chance invited the women to help clean Joan and they all took turns causing her to cum again and again until she lost consciousness.

Only John or his agents could have kept this pace with the demands of these horny teachers and none were disappointed.

In the end Chance had fucked every one of the women at least twice and had deposited his seed in each one, where it was quickly sucked out by one or more of the teacher waiting her turn. After several hours they were all exhausted and satisfied. As they dressed and contemplated returning home to their husbands, boyfriends and pets, all agreed that it was the best workout ever. Furthermore, they agreed that next week they would bring pot luck and substitute Chance as their aerobic workout. None of the women thought it strange or odd although for most it was their first time having sex with another woman or cheating on their husbands and boyfriends. Instead it was simply a fun way to keep fit.

For Brenda and Joan however, they were left wondering if this meant they were no longer lesbians, they had enjoyed Chance’s cock so much and were looking forward to the next time, and Joan was wondering what it would feel like in her ass.

Back at school the entire staff and faculty seemed rejuvenated and much happier. They were more energetic, enthusiastic and dressed a little more alluring. All the students noticed and in turn they change the behavior and began to pay better attention to their sexy teachers resulting in true learning. The male teachers who hadn’t participated in the aerobic workouts became self conscious of their beer bellies and made the time to join the afterschool program or a local gym.

The cafeteria began serving healthier food because people wouldn’t eat the regular junk food it had been serving. It wasn’t long before the administration began to take notice that everyone at Jeff McBroom’s high school were happier and more productive most importantly test scores jumped 20% over last year. Whatever McBroom was doing over there they encouraged him to keep it up.

Chance felt as though he had made amends to his principal, although he didn’t set out to harm the man, sleeping with his wife. As long as Chance was discrete he’d be able to continue this project and exceed his quota easily keeping John happy.

It was Thursday night and for John that meant spending time with his mother. Despite being the Master of the Ring of Power and making his own mother one of his agents, John still needed time with his mother and needed her to be his mom. So unless an emergency came up, they would spend every Thursday evenings together at her home. Mary would cook and then they would watch their favorite television shows recorded from network television earlier that week.

John was hooked on Shonda Rhimes’ shows Grey's Anatomy and Scandal. While Mary was happy watching anything that John liked. She loved spending time with her son alone. Later they would enjoy each other’s company more intimately, unlike mother and son, but as lovers. John was tender and attentive while Mary was like no other woman he’d ever been with. She knew him better than he knew himself and she made love to him.

“How are things between you and April?” Mary asked as they rested after a particularly passionate and satisfying session.

“I haven’t seen her in a few days. We email and text daily, but it is usually just business stuff. Our weekly meeting is tomorrow. I will tell her that you asked about her.” John said while he held his mother closely and stoking her ample breasts.

“You haven’t answered my question, what are your feelings? Things have changed for you, Johnny. You just made beautiful love to your mother. You are fucking every woman you desire. You have become a very powerful man. That has to have changed things between you two, if not for her than for you.”

Just like that all the pain that John had been concealing was out in the open, leave it to a mother to see through her son.

“I still love her mom. But all this is too much. I could never go back to the way things were, not now and I can’t expect her to accept who I am now.”

“So between you and Candace erasing her memory when you decide it is necessary is the answer.”

“You know about that?” John asked surprised then realizing of course she’d know.

Candace and I get together often and you two often become the topic of our conversation. By the way that woman is insatiable.” Mary said to lighten the mood.
Next page: Chapter 19.2
Previous page: Chapter 18.2