Chapter 19.2
John chuckled, “You don’t know the half of it.” He smiled. He needed the distraction while he thought about how to phrase the question he’d wanted to ask her.
“Mom, how did it feel being controlled by dad all those years?”
“Oh that. I was wondering when you were going to ask me about it. Well to tell the truth it was like living in a cell, being able to see what everyone else was doing, but not being able to participate. At first I hated it and was very resentful of your father. I felt very isolated. I had limits, restrictions and I couldn’t exceed them. It was great when your father would visit, but then he would be gone for long period of time and I would be lonesome with no way to be comforted. It was very lonely.”
“I thought so. I am sorry, mom. Do you hate him for it?”
“Goodness no,” She said. “I loved your father. And once I was freed it was as if I could fly. Are you thinking of putting April in her own cage?”
John sighed heavily. “I never could hide anything from you, yes, only a much bigger cage.”
He told her what he’d been considering, sending her to the best universities, helping her move ahead in her chosen career.
“What about love?” Mary asked her son as she stroked his chest as they continued to cuddle. “What if she were to fall in love?”
“I think I would let her go.” John confessed as a tear rolled down his cheek. His mother caught it and asked.
“And what about you, Johnny, your heart is breaking and we are only discussing possibilities?”
“I will continue on. I will find another someone to love or fuck my way to happiness.” He said with all the conviction he could muster as another tear fell from his eye.
“Look,” she said taking his face into her delicate hands and wiping away the tear. “You are the Master of the Ring of Power; you can do anything you want. But why don’t you just put your cards on the table. Tell April everything. She loves you. She wants to be with you. Let her choose and then decide what to do. If she doesn’t accept things then you erase her memory and lock her up in as big a cage as you can or simply let her go. Or you could make her your wife and see where that will take you.”
John smiled and kissed his mother passionately. She understood and he loved her even more.
“Thank you mom, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
From the confinement of the Ring of Power, John’s father had been observing silently. He was ready for his final test, if this worked than he’d found a way to escape the prison of the ring. He simply needed to be able to control his son’s actions for just a few seconds. It would be enough to free him. He had configured all the controls at his command station he was now ready to test it. He needed a simple command.
“Blow in her ear!” He said.
As they continued to cuddle, John moved his lips to his mother’s ear and blew gently into her ear. Mary stiffened. And he knew something was wrong.
“Are you okay,” he asked.
“You blew in my ear.”
“Yeah, what about it,” he asked as he began to nibble that same ear.
“Your father used to blow in my ear. It was a game we used to play; we got it from an old television show from the 70’s. There was a saying, ‘Blow in my ear and I’ll follow you anywhere.’ He or I would say it and then we’d make love.”
“Sound like a plan to me.” John said and tickled his mother making her jiggle and squirm as they resumed their sex play. Mary wanted to ride on top this time. She placed the helmet head of his big cock at the opening of her slick pussy and gently moved it back and forth driving her son mad be for slowly lowering herself until she had him all inside her and waited until she couldn’t stand it any longer before bouncing up and down on him. She loved being able to control him like this and John love the sight of her large breasts bouncing up and down.
It was late and they were exhausted from their play about to go to sleep when John’s phone rang. A picture of April appeared on his phone. He reached for it and thumbed the accept call button.
“Hey you,” he spoke into the phone.
“Hello John. I am sorry for calling so late, but can we skip our meeting tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do and nothing really new to report. I’ll have plenty to discuss next week.”
“Sure, okay. Apes is everything okay?”
“Things are fine. I am just a little over committed. Thanks. I will talk to you next week,” and the connection went dead.
“Is everything okay? You look worried.”
“April just blew off our meeting tomorrow. She’s never done that before. She sounded distant and aloof.”
“It’s late, she’s probably just tired.” Mary said. “Now come back to bed.”
John did and they spooned, his mother reaching over him and gently played with his semi erect cock until they both drifted off to sleep.
April put the phone back on the night stand and smiled. “It’s all taken care of my love. I am all yours tomorrow.”
“And tonight,” Dinah said as she pulled April back into her embrace. “Let’s see, where were we?” she asked. “Oh yes, you were going to eat my pussy again, so that I would sleep throughout the night.”
April crawled on top of the woman letting their naked bodies rub against each other until their hard nipples touched and their mouths met. They kissed for a minute then reversing herself April slid back down between Dinah’s thighs and lapped at her increasingly wet pussy. She couldn’t believe how good she felt and how much she loved Dinah’s pussy.
Leaving the safety of the women’s lavatory Elizabeth found the corridors bustling with activity. People were rushing about as the security team implemented their search procedures. All unnecessary personnel were being sent home, being thoroughly searched before leaving the building.
Shielding herself in a telekinesis bubble, Elizabeth trudged forward towards the elevators dodging the foot traffic and catching the elevator just as the last person of the group stepped inside, the ride to the ground floor was swift. When the doors opened they were greeted by a long line of people waiting to be searched and scanned before being allowed to leave. Elizabeth followed the last person out and surveyed the lobby.
There was no way to avoid the search. Barricades had been erected bottlenecking the line of people who patiently awaited their turn. No one spoke much as each patiently waiting their turn.
“Damn!” Elizabeth swore to herself. She could see no way around the security. Then she got an idea. She saw a woman her size and walked up to the front of the long line and waited.
By now the employees seemed to be talking quietly she could hear light banter as the line slowly progressed. Soon it was the woman’s turn and Elizabeth step close to the woman then pushed her body against hers using her mind control she told the woman to pay no attention as the security guard began to wave an electronic wand over and around the woman, as Elizabeth mirrored the woman’s movements. Again reaching out with her thoughts she told the guard that the woman was very large and give her an extra wide berth with his wand or risk disciplinary charges. Even still while waving the wand the guard slapped Elizabeth on her naked ass, he didn’t seemed to notice.
Fortunately contrary to what the security guard was made to believe the woman was very thin and Elizabeth stood close enough that she appeared to be one woman at least that was her plan. When the woman spread her legs she did the same. The guard didn’t let on that he had gotten a “positive hit” the woman was hiding something metallic in her clothes around her crotch or ass.
“Thank you, miss. You can put your arms down, will you please step this way.” The guard said ushering the confused young woman aside.
Just the reaction Elizabeth was hoping for and she stepped around the guard and the inspection area. She was only forty feet from the exit with nothing standing in her way. However, instead of running, she wanted to stick around curious to see what would happen to the innocent woman.
“Miss, do you have any piercings or metal implants?” The woman said nothing, stunned by the question. “I am afraid that we are going to have to ask you to disrobe, we may have to do a body cavity search. Can you come with us, please?” Just then a large woman joined the two, she had a no nonsense look on her face and together they escorted the young woman to a secure room just off the main lobby.
Elizabeth fought the temptation to follow and have some fun with this situation, she had been invisible too long and it was becoming uncomfortable. She looked at the exit ran to catch and follow the last person out the door. She cautiously jogged to her car which she’d parked in a parking structure two blocks away. Had she been visible it would have been quite a sight as her large breasts bounced and her shapely ass flexed as she ran. Her caution paid off as she noticed that cars exiting the companies parking structure were also being searched and the drivers scrutinized.
She was so relieved to be clothed once again as she rematerialize on the deserted parking level. She jumped behind the wheel and slowly proceeded out of the structure stopping only to pay the attendant.
Cornered in the shower with three large girls threatening to make her their bitch, Heather’s thoughts drifted back to when she’d been threatened in grammar school. Back then she and her sisters were androgynous, identical, odd in their appearance and easy to ridicule. Later, they attended private schools and later they were home schooled, because of their appearance. So they didn’t mingle much with other kids their own age. But that was a long time ago. John’s transformation turned them they into the beauties they are today, problem solved.
“What’s the matter bitch? Don’t ya like girls?”
“What’s this about?” Heather asked.
“It’s about you bringing your skinny ass over here and licking some pussy. That’s what it’s about, bitch.”
Heather turned off the shower. Looking past the women she could see the locker room was empty.
“Oh, we are totally alone, bitch. No one’s around to help you.”
Grabbing her towel from the nearby hook she began to dry herself realizing that the shower floor was too wet and slippery a scuffle here she didn’t stand a chance. Her best hope was to try to reach the locker area and then her footing would be sounder and she might be able to hurt one and drive the others away.
She continued to pat herself dry, arms and torso, and then she wrapped the towel around herself covering her breasts, and tried to bluff her way through.
“Sorry, not today ladies. I am running late, perhaps another time.” She said as if they were asking her to play a game of bridge. She walked past the first girl the one with the mouth and tried to walk past the two larger girls but they blocked her way and wouldn’t budge.
The mouthpiece yanked the towel off of Heather exposing her naked body once again. Heather was getting angry. “What do you want?” She yelled.
“We told you, bitch. We need to be serviced, why don’t you get on your knees and get to work, or I’ll have my friends mess up your pretty face a little. Then we’ll try this again, your choice. One way or another, somebody’s gonna be eating some pussy.”
“I don’t do girls,” Heather lied, remembering how many times she and her sisters played with each other. But this was different, this was Ra*e.
“Don’t worry about it, bitch. I have a feeling that you are going to be very good at it. Now get on your knees or butch over there will put you down.”
That was it. She was out of options. She was going to have to comply or take a beating. Heather would much rather the beating than being forced to do anything she didn’t want to do. She braced herself as Butch stepped closer. Adrenaline surged through her body and then that she felt it. Power like in the old days, her telekinesis had returned. Using her mind and her foot, she kicked the big girl in the knee causing her to slip on the wet floor of the shower and fall on her ass to the floor. But Butch two was right there as if she were expecting some resistance.
“Get her!” Yelled the mouthpiece as the large girl lounged towards Heather.
Heather pivoted and pushed with her hands and mind knocking the large girl over the other who was just climbing back to her feet. Together their naked bodies sprawled on the slippery tile floor.
With the agility of a dancer Heather pivoted again just in time as the mouthpiece missed her chin with what would have been a powerful punch. She had put so much weight behind it that when it failed to connect it threw her off balance allowing Heather to slip behind her and pin her arms. Meanwhile, Heather held the two girls larger girls to the floor with her mind.
“Well, I guess you were right,” Heather said, “Looks like that someone who will be eating pussy is going to be you.
Somehow the two larger girls were now lying on top of each other with their legs spread wide. Heather pushed the mouthpiece to her knees and pushed her face into one of the girls and then the other.
“Eat bitch,” Heather yelled. “Don’t make me force you.”
The mouthpiece poked out her tongue tentatively and began licking. Then Heather moved her lower to the other girl and she licked some more. The two large girls were squirming, quickly becoming aroused.
Heather had the Butch on the bottom reach around and fondle Butch two’s breasts, pulling on her nipples while she held the mouthpiece down and told her she couldn’t get up until both Butches came.
After a several minutes both the large women squealed as the mouthpiece got them both off and they squirted all over her, something they never had done before.
She pulled her face up, their juices dripping from her face, and asked, “Satisfied?”
But no one answered.
She spun her head around and realized that they were alone.
The two larger girls were panting and swung around to pleasure each other some more. The mouthpiece didn’t understand what had happened, but she knew she’d met her match. She dreaded what would happen the next day at practice. The rich bitch was more than she pretended to be.
Friday morning John awoke to the ringing of his telephone. Answering it he heard a worried Candace on the other end.
“John, is April with you?” She asked. John could hear the stress in her voice.
“No.” John replied still half asleep, “Why is there something wrong?”
“She didn’t come home last night. It’s not like her to not call or send me a text. I have called and left three messages and four texts.”
“She called me last night to cancel our meeting today, she didn’t sound like herself, but otherwise she sounded okay.” John recalled as he was now sitting up in the bed alone. Then he heard the shower and knew his mother was in the bathroom. “Don’t worry about it, Candace.” He said. “I’ll have one of my people track her down. I am sure she’s fine.”
“Thank you. Tell your mother hello for me. I hope I didn’t disturb you two.”
“Mom’s in the shower. I will tell her you asked about her. Bye.”
John pressed the number five on his phone and waited for it to ring and the voice on the other end answered.
“Yes, sir, how can I be of assistance?” The soft female voice asked.
“Denise, I need you to track down April Martin. You have her phone number. She didn’t come home last night and her mother Candace is worried. It is probably nothing, but to be on the safe side, I want you to see if you can find out where she is. Be discrete and don’t make it look like we are looking for her.”
“Yes sir.” Denise replied and severed the connection.
Denise had been awake for several hours but was still in her bed, naked and sweating. She had several adult toys lying around her, including one very large black dildo she named Chance. She had just gotten herself off. She was masturbating daily now and enjoying it less. Mentally she wasn’t in a good place and she was about to go mad with lust.
She was a man in a female body. Which wasn’t all that bad in and of itself, but she was finding that the longer she went without sex, the worse she felt, until she had to use her toys to take the edge off. But it wasn’t the same as being with a real person.
The problem was that she was mentally still a guy and although at first she didn’t mind being fucked. She wasn’t gay. So, men didn’t turn her on and she was repulsed by the idea of taking a cock into her body. However, since she was really a man, women still did get her excited. But her body craved cock and in her mind she couldn’t do it.
So, her only course of action was self pleasure, for now. It would be okay for a while, but she really needed a mate. She thought, maybe she should confide in Elizabeth, certainly she would have some ideas.
Nevertheless, she rolled out of bed and headed for the toilet and then the shower. She stood in front of the bowl and lifted the seat, then realized that she needed to sit. She really did miss her cock.
April woke with a jolt sitting straight up in bed, her hurt from the alcohol and she was disoriented. “Where am I? Whose bed was this,” she began to remember and calmed herself. She looked to her left and saw her love, snoring quietly, April then noticed a tingling beginning in her pussy, she was becoming very aroused and damp between her legs.
Lying next to her was Dinah her attorney, well John’s attorney really, she thought as she began to make sense of things. “Was it true that they had made love all night long?” She asked herself. “Would there be more today,” she licked her lips and tasted the sweet flavor of Dinah’s pussy lingered and she sighed.
“Oh my God,” She thought binging her hands to her mouth, she’d forgotten to text or call her mother to let her know she wasn’t coming home last night. “Candace would have a cow,” she thought. “And she’d be worried sick.”
Looking around the room in the dim light she didn’t see it and she didn’t remember where she left her phone, perhaps in her purse. Great she sighed; she didn’t remember where she left her purse and her of her clothes.
She quietly climbed out of the elegant king size bed and saw her panties on the floor near the chair. When she picked them up she saw her bra near the closet and scooped them up, too. She looked around in saw her blouse and her skirt, grabbed them both she found her purse under them. She quickly pulled out her iPhone 5. It had blown up. She had a half dozen missed calls, and several texts all from her mother.
She replied to the last text apologizing to her mother and telling her that she met someone special, just then Dinah began to stir. So she quickly ended the text and sent it. However in her haste she included the gender of her special new friend. She hadn’t intended to do that she had planned to come out to her mother tonight in person.
Dinah opened her eyes and didn’t see April until she rushed over to her and sat on Dinah’s side. “Good morning sleepyhead,” she said and bent down and kissed her lips. Dinah opened her mouth and they tongue wrestled before Dinah pulled April back into bed and they became more playful and passionate. Before long April was between Dinah thighs and lapping her pussy like a she’d never have another chance.
Dinah came screaming louder than April had ever heard a woman scream before while beating her fist into the mattress several times. After Dinah settling down, April began nursing on her breasts. After a while Dinah disengaged the young woman and pulled a very large dildo from the night stand drawer and showed it to April.
April laughed hysterically knowing that there was no way that thing was going to fit in her. She stopped laughing when Dinah started slid it back and forth along her pussy getting it all wet and sticky before she pushed it into her and stretching April’s pussy while Dinah sucked on clit. It was now April’s turn to scream. When she had finally stopped Dinah cuddled her head in her bosom letting her drifted off to sleep.
When April woke a few minutes later basking in the afterglow of her orgasm she was startled to hear Dinah talking to someone. Opening her eyes she saw a beautiful black woman, standing naked watching as she woke. The woman was caramel colored had short cropped blonde curly hair and a shaved pussy. She didn’t appear to have an ounce of fat and her tits were pointy cones, looking like B cups and mostly nipples.
April was shocked and quickly pulled the sheet around her naked body.
“Aww, don’t be shy, darling.” The woman spoke with a southern accent. “Dinah said that you were eager to play, so I came right over.”
She looked at Dinah who was standing nearby still naked, “Relax April, you remember my secretary, and a threesome will be a lot of fun.”
“I don’t think so.” April jumped up finding her clothes in the pile she’d left them. “I think it is time to for me to go.”
Dinah frowned and hurried over to April and grabbed her left nipple between her thumb and index finger and twisted her nipple really hard. April screamed from the pain and surprise of Dinah’s harsh treatment. Before she could recover Dinah pushed her backwards into the bathroom, turning her head slightly excusing them both. Only then did she let go of April’s tit. Dinah was livid.
“Ouch!” April said rubbing her wounded nipple with one hand while using the other to see the damage.
“How you dare embarrass me in front of my guest, don’t you ever think about doing that again.” Dinah yelled softly looking at April as if she were a child who had behaved badly in public.
“I thought you wanted me, for me. Not to be a play toy in some group sex games.” April cried, tears welling up in her eyes beginning to stream down he face.
“Stop crying! And don’t you pretend that you haven’t enjoyed yourself Missy. You will do as you are told.” Dinah replied angrily and then shrugged. “Why waste my breath. I thought you’d be different, never mind.
April was hurt. She looked at Dinah not believing what she heard. Dinah was unapologetic. April shrugged. She had made a big mistake, trusting this woman. She wouldn’t be bullied. She was about to storm out of the bathroom and put her clothes on to leave when Dinah said.
“April Sleep!”
Dinah watched as April responded to the command.
Just as Dinah had predicted April was the perfect subject. The drug she’d been given earlier allowed Dinah to install and activate the trigger allowing her to put April under at will without the use of the drug.
April shut her eyes and her body collapsed, fortunately Dinah was standing close enough to catch the young woman and steered her to the vanity chair let her slump into it.
Wasting no time she knelt down and looked at the unconscious woman, “April, can you hear me?”
“Yes, Dinah I can hear you,” April replied in a sleepy soft voice.
“Good. From now on you will do whatever I ask you to do without question. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Dinah, I will do what you tell me to do.”
April, you are a lesbian. You have always been a lesbian; you just didn’t want to admit it. You love pussy. Any pussy you see you must have, the more the better. You love pussy so much that when you get someone off eating their pussy you get off too. You are not the innocent young woman I met a year ago. In fact you are the opposite; you are a butch lesbian always on the prowl for more and better pussy. In fact later today we are going to give you the makeover you’ve been asking for; do you remember asking me to give you a Rachel Maddow makeover?”
April furrowed her brows as if thinking about what she was told and before answering. “Yes, Dinah, I want to look like Rachel Maddow.”
“Well you need to be good to my friends, because they can make it happen today, but only if you are good.”
“Dinah, I will be very good you’ll see.” April said taking on the new persona that Dinah had created for her.
The bathroom door opened and April and Dinah came back out the black woman was holding the very large dildo in her hand looking it over and trying to imagine how it would feel in her pussy.
April walked up to the woman looking her up and down and said, “I think we can do better than that.” She then grabbed the woman by the waist and strongly pulled her close. Before the woman could respond their lips locked and then their tongues began exploring each other’s mouths.
Dinah went to her closet and brought out a large box of sex toys she’d brought along, more dildos, vibrators, hand cuffs, leg spreaders, two strap-ons and an assortment of other goodies. They would come in handy as she planned having a few more friends stop by.
April wasn’t the only one to miss a few calls. When John checked his phone he saw that there were four missed calls and four messages from Elizabeth.
“Damn,” he said aloud and punched the number corresponding to her speed dial entry.
She answered the phone. “I got it. Are you nearby?”
“I’m on my way, be there in ten minutes. You’re at your place, right?”
Elizabeth told him she was at home and if she wasn’t out of the shower when he arrived to just let himself in and make himself at home.
Elizabeth’s apartment was in a very nice neighborhood. It was really a fourplex or quad, hers was the first floor right. Arriving John walked right in and closed the door. He walked around admiring the simple yet tasteful adornments decorating the home including window treatments that most people seem to neglect these days. Then it occurred to him as he took a bobble from the mantle and examined it, that being over a hundred years old, Elizabeth was raised with very different values, which were reflected in the decorating of her home.
She came out of the bedroom wearing a thin robe which hugged her body and hanging open revealing her flat belly, large breasts sitting high on her chest and her diamond pierced pussy which sparkled brightly, as she was toweling her wet hair. She reminded him of a larger version of the actress Archie Panjabi who plays Kalinda Sharma in “The Good Wife”.
“Hey,” she asked seeing him for the first time, “can I get you anything.”
“Hey yourself,” John said returning the bobble to its place. “I am good.” He walked towards her and she closed the distance between them and slipped easily into his arms. She dropped the towel and they kissed passionately, their tongues searching each other’s mouths as John slipped his hands through the open robe and pulled her closer. After a minute the kiss was broken and Elizabeth sighed.
“Hmmm, I missed that.”
John cupped her naked breasts in each hand a squeezed them and Elizabeth purred, “That too.”
Before Elizabeth could undo John’s belt his clothes vanished and Elizabeth found her hand around his growing cock and said, “That trick never gets old,” while pushing him into her leather couch.
If she weren’t so horny after her adventure, she would have savored the moment and sucked on his cock for a while, but she needed his cock in her. Allowing her robe to fall from her shoulders to the hardwood floor she mounted John sighing contently as the helmet head of his large cock push up past her lips and into her tunnel of love.
She slowly raised and lowered herself, making each stroke long and luxurious. Despite the fact that she wanted to go much faster, she held off until she couldn’t take it any longer and then picked up the pace until she was bouncing up and down on him and her large tits were flying about and sensing she was near, John timed his release with hers and they came together as she screamed and he grunted and the sound of their body slapping together echoed in the room as they fell still and silent, panting contently.
“Boy, did I need that.” She said as her damp hair clung to her face and John brushed the strands away and kissed her again.
John was once more clothed and Elizabeth in her robe as they found themselves in the kitchen discussing recent events. John nearly hurt himself laughing as Elizabeth described trying to get the thumb drive out of the building inside her wet and slippery pussy.
“Why did you do this in the nude?” John asked.
“What do you mean why,” she asked as though she had a choice in the matter.
John held his poker face as long as he could and then said. “We need to do something about that.” He said scratching his chin. “Where’s the thumb drive?”
Elizabeth walked to the mantle and picked up the bobble John had inspected earlier when he first arrived and unscrewed the top, reaching in she removed the drive and handed to him.
“Thanks,” he said and pulled her close for a goodbye kiss.
She returned the kiss fervently and sighed when he broke it. He looked deeply into her eyes and struggled with himself about staying a little longer. But his mind focused on the problem with Elizabeth having to be naked when invisible.
“I have an idea,” He said. “I want you to experiment trying to turn clothing invisible. You may need to consider different fabrics, let know how things go.”
As he drove through the streets of Mountain View California with the newly acquired data Elizabeth had appropriated from Jones and Jones Company, he put the next phase of his plan into action. He pressed the speed dial number for his buddy Mark Taylor and waited for his friend to pick up the phone.
“Hey Johnny, how’s it going?” He heard the friendly voice of his childhood buddy. “Whatcha doing?”
“In the car, are you busy? I need a favor.”
“Name it. You remember how to get to the new place right?” Mark replied.
“See you in ten minutes,” John said and disconnected the call, just before he heard Mark tell someone that he was on his way.
Cindy pulled Mark back into their bed and kissed him tenderly. “You know we have ten minutes to kill she said as she came up for air.”
Mark chuckled. “What do you have in mind?” He asked already knowing the answer.
“Well,” She said pausing for a moment, “You could do that thing with your tongue that I love so much.”
“Really,” He said “That thing with my tongue!”
She smiled and he attacked her, she was very ticklish. She pretended to fight him off, giggling as he stripped her of her shorts and panties. She was already topless. It was their rule. If he could be topless so could she, at least when home alone. Her tiny tits jiggled and her nipples hardened as he pulled the tiny woman by her legs down to his waiting mouth.
They played for a few minutes until realizing time was growing short and he got serious and had Cindy screaming just as the doorbell rang.
He left Cindy panting, grabbed a tee and pulled it on as he walked through the living room to the front door. He gave a quick peek through the hole and then opened the door for John.
As soon as the door opened, John could feel the diminishing energy of recent sex leaving the condo. Mark grabbed his hand and pulled him into a man hug and closed the door. John heard water running and knew Cindy was cleaning up from their romp.
John explained what he had and Mark agreed to take a look, cautioning him that the file would likely be encrypted. Mark took John into his office and John was impressed by Mark’s setup; he had three flat screens a docking station and more electronic gadgets than he could identify. Mark took the thumb drive from John, sat down and plugged it into one of the vacant ports.
Typing very quickly on his remote keyboard a window popped up on the center screen, followed by a whole series of windows that filled the left and right displays, causing a cascading effect. Then a small DOS looking window appeared on top of the others on the center display which Mark seemed to be typing into.
“Yeah, I’m afraid this file is encrypted and I don’t have the software to open it. Sorry John.”
John frowned. “Can you get the software?”
“Yeah, I could but you really want someone with more experience than me with this sort of thing.”
John saw a bunch of computer books on programming and other topics he didn’t quite understand, and then he got an idea and asked, “Mark, how well do you understand all this computer programming and hacking stuff?”
“Hey, Johnny I am just getting my feet wet. I know a little. I read up on this stuff when I can, it’s just a hobby. I am more of an accountant.”
“Hmm…I see you have a lot of books on the subject. Have you read them all?”
“I have read a few chapters in each, but that all; most of that stuff is way beyond me.”
“Are you sure? You are a pretty bright guy, Mark. Tell you what,” John reached into his wallet and pulled out a plastic card and handed it to Mark. “I want you to buy the right encryption software and as much hardware as you need. Go wild. Have it delivered to my place. I will give you a room to work in. Get whatever you need; I don’t trust this data with anyone else but you. Make a copy for yourself and give me the thumb drive back.”
Mark did what John asked making a copy of the file for himself and handed John the jump drive, just as Cindy came bouncing into the room. She looked great, rested and full of life.
“Hey Cindy,” John said as she ran up to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, “Looks like living with Mark agrees with you.”
Cindy beamed and agreed as she hugged Mark and gave him a big kiss on the lips. John took that moment to increase Mark’s curiosity of computing and his comprehension of all the material he’d read. In a sense, giving him the hunger to learn much more much faster and apply it so that John could unlock the file before bringing in experts.
Several days past and Mark was setting up the new computer at John’s home. The space John had given Mark was huge. The desk and credenza that John had bought was perfect for the layout. He was almost ready to crack open the file when John’s phone rang and he saw it was Candace calling and pick up the call.
“Hey beautiful, what’s up,” he sang, obvious in a good mood.
“John…” She said and paused.
Her voice was different, John knew something was wrong. Then he realized what it was. “April!
Candace what is wrong with April?”
“You better come here,” she said.
“Mom, how did it feel being controlled by dad all those years?”
“Oh that. I was wondering when you were going to ask me about it. Well to tell the truth it was like living in a cell, being able to see what everyone else was doing, but not being able to participate. At first I hated it and was very resentful of your father. I felt very isolated. I had limits, restrictions and I couldn’t exceed them. It was great when your father would visit, but then he would be gone for long period of time and I would be lonesome with no way to be comforted. It was very lonely.”
“I thought so. I am sorry, mom. Do you hate him for it?”
“Goodness no,” She said. “I loved your father. And once I was freed it was as if I could fly. Are you thinking of putting April in her own cage?”
John sighed heavily. “I never could hide anything from you, yes, only a much bigger cage.”
He told her what he’d been considering, sending her to the best universities, helping her move ahead in her chosen career.
“What about love?” Mary asked her son as she stroked his chest as they continued to cuddle. “What if she were to fall in love?”
“I think I would let her go.” John confessed as a tear rolled down his cheek. His mother caught it and asked.
“And what about you, Johnny, your heart is breaking and we are only discussing possibilities?”
“I will continue on. I will find another someone to love or fuck my way to happiness.” He said with all the conviction he could muster as another tear fell from his eye.
“Look,” she said taking his face into her delicate hands and wiping away the tear. “You are the Master of the Ring of Power; you can do anything you want. But why don’t you just put your cards on the table. Tell April everything. She loves you. She wants to be with you. Let her choose and then decide what to do. If she doesn’t accept things then you erase her memory and lock her up in as big a cage as you can or simply let her go. Or you could make her your wife and see where that will take you.”
John smiled and kissed his mother passionately. She understood and he loved her even more.
“Thank you mom, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
From the confinement of the Ring of Power, John’s father had been observing silently. He was ready for his final test, if this worked than he’d found a way to escape the prison of the ring. He simply needed to be able to control his son’s actions for just a few seconds. It would be enough to free him. He had configured all the controls at his command station he was now ready to test it. He needed a simple command.
“Blow in her ear!” He said.
As they continued to cuddle, John moved his lips to his mother’s ear and blew gently into her ear. Mary stiffened. And he knew something was wrong.
“Are you okay,” he asked.
“You blew in my ear.”
“Yeah, what about it,” he asked as he began to nibble that same ear.
“Your father used to blow in my ear. It was a game we used to play; we got it from an old television show from the 70’s. There was a saying, ‘Blow in my ear and I’ll follow you anywhere.’ He or I would say it and then we’d make love.”
“Sound like a plan to me.” John said and tickled his mother making her jiggle and squirm as they resumed their sex play. Mary wanted to ride on top this time. She placed the helmet head of his big cock at the opening of her slick pussy and gently moved it back and forth driving her son mad be for slowly lowering herself until she had him all inside her and waited until she couldn’t stand it any longer before bouncing up and down on him. She loved being able to control him like this and John love the sight of her large breasts bouncing up and down.
It was late and they were exhausted from their play about to go to sleep when John’s phone rang. A picture of April appeared on his phone. He reached for it and thumbed the accept call button.
“Hey you,” he spoke into the phone.
“Hello John. I am sorry for calling so late, but can we skip our meeting tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do and nothing really new to report. I’ll have plenty to discuss next week.”
“Sure, okay. Apes is everything okay?”
“Things are fine. I am just a little over committed. Thanks. I will talk to you next week,” and the connection went dead.
“Is everything okay? You look worried.”
“April just blew off our meeting tomorrow. She’s never done that before. She sounded distant and aloof.”
“It’s late, she’s probably just tired.” Mary said. “Now come back to bed.”
John did and they spooned, his mother reaching over him and gently played with his semi erect cock until they both drifted off to sleep.
April put the phone back on the night stand and smiled. “It’s all taken care of my love. I am all yours tomorrow.”
“And tonight,” Dinah said as she pulled April back into her embrace. “Let’s see, where were we?” she asked. “Oh yes, you were going to eat my pussy again, so that I would sleep throughout the night.”
April crawled on top of the woman letting their naked bodies rub against each other until their hard nipples touched and their mouths met. They kissed for a minute then reversing herself April slid back down between Dinah’s thighs and lapped at her increasingly wet pussy. She couldn’t believe how good she felt and how much she loved Dinah’s pussy.
Leaving the safety of the women’s lavatory Elizabeth found the corridors bustling with activity. People were rushing about as the security team implemented their search procedures. All unnecessary personnel were being sent home, being thoroughly searched before leaving the building.
Shielding herself in a telekinesis bubble, Elizabeth trudged forward towards the elevators dodging the foot traffic and catching the elevator just as the last person of the group stepped inside, the ride to the ground floor was swift. When the doors opened they were greeted by a long line of people waiting to be searched and scanned before being allowed to leave. Elizabeth followed the last person out and surveyed the lobby.
There was no way to avoid the search. Barricades had been erected bottlenecking the line of people who patiently awaited their turn. No one spoke much as each patiently waiting their turn.
“Damn!” Elizabeth swore to herself. She could see no way around the security. Then she got an idea. She saw a woman her size and walked up to the front of the long line and waited.
By now the employees seemed to be talking quietly she could hear light banter as the line slowly progressed. Soon it was the woman’s turn and Elizabeth step close to the woman then pushed her body against hers using her mind control she told the woman to pay no attention as the security guard began to wave an electronic wand over and around the woman, as Elizabeth mirrored the woman’s movements. Again reaching out with her thoughts she told the guard that the woman was very large and give her an extra wide berth with his wand or risk disciplinary charges. Even still while waving the wand the guard slapped Elizabeth on her naked ass, he didn’t seemed to notice.
Fortunately contrary to what the security guard was made to believe the woman was very thin and Elizabeth stood close enough that she appeared to be one woman at least that was her plan. When the woman spread her legs she did the same. The guard didn’t let on that he had gotten a “positive hit” the woman was hiding something metallic in her clothes around her crotch or ass.
“Thank you, miss. You can put your arms down, will you please step this way.” The guard said ushering the confused young woman aside.
Just the reaction Elizabeth was hoping for and she stepped around the guard and the inspection area. She was only forty feet from the exit with nothing standing in her way. However, instead of running, she wanted to stick around curious to see what would happen to the innocent woman.
“Miss, do you have any piercings or metal implants?” The woman said nothing, stunned by the question. “I am afraid that we are going to have to ask you to disrobe, we may have to do a body cavity search. Can you come with us, please?” Just then a large woman joined the two, she had a no nonsense look on her face and together they escorted the young woman to a secure room just off the main lobby.
Elizabeth fought the temptation to follow and have some fun with this situation, she had been invisible too long and it was becoming uncomfortable. She looked at the exit ran to catch and follow the last person out the door. She cautiously jogged to her car which she’d parked in a parking structure two blocks away. Had she been visible it would have been quite a sight as her large breasts bounced and her shapely ass flexed as she ran. Her caution paid off as she noticed that cars exiting the companies parking structure were also being searched and the drivers scrutinized.
She was so relieved to be clothed once again as she rematerialize on the deserted parking level. She jumped behind the wheel and slowly proceeded out of the structure stopping only to pay the attendant.
Cornered in the shower with three large girls threatening to make her their bitch, Heather’s thoughts drifted back to when she’d been threatened in grammar school. Back then she and her sisters were androgynous, identical, odd in their appearance and easy to ridicule. Later, they attended private schools and later they were home schooled, because of their appearance. So they didn’t mingle much with other kids their own age. But that was a long time ago. John’s transformation turned them they into the beauties they are today, problem solved.
“What’s the matter bitch? Don’t ya like girls?”
“What’s this about?” Heather asked.
“It’s about you bringing your skinny ass over here and licking some pussy. That’s what it’s about, bitch.”
Heather turned off the shower. Looking past the women she could see the locker room was empty.
“Oh, we are totally alone, bitch. No one’s around to help you.”
Grabbing her towel from the nearby hook she began to dry herself realizing that the shower floor was too wet and slippery a scuffle here she didn’t stand a chance. Her best hope was to try to reach the locker area and then her footing would be sounder and she might be able to hurt one and drive the others away.
She continued to pat herself dry, arms and torso, and then she wrapped the towel around herself covering her breasts, and tried to bluff her way through.
“Sorry, not today ladies. I am running late, perhaps another time.” She said as if they were asking her to play a game of bridge. She walked past the first girl the one with the mouth and tried to walk past the two larger girls but they blocked her way and wouldn’t budge.
The mouthpiece yanked the towel off of Heather exposing her naked body once again. Heather was getting angry. “What do you want?” She yelled.
“We told you, bitch. We need to be serviced, why don’t you get on your knees and get to work, or I’ll have my friends mess up your pretty face a little. Then we’ll try this again, your choice. One way or another, somebody’s gonna be eating some pussy.”
“I don’t do girls,” Heather lied, remembering how many times she and her sisters played with each other. But this was different, this was Ra*e.
“Don’t worry about it, bitch. I have a feeling that you are going to be very good at it. Now get on your knees or butch over there will put you down.”
That was it. She was out of options. She was going to have to comply or take a beating. Heather would much rather the beating than being forced to do anything she didn’t want to do. She braced herself as Butch stepped closer. Adrenaline surged through her body and then that she felt it. Power like in the old days, her telekinesis had returned. Using her mind and her foot, she kicked the big girl in the knee causing her to slip on the wet floor of the shower and fall on her ass to the floor. But Butch two was right there as if she were expecting some resistance.
“Get her!” Yelled the mouthpiece as the large girl lounged towards Heather.
Heather pivoted and pushed with her hands and mind knocking the large girl over the other who was just climbing back to her feet. Together their naked bodies sprawled on the slippery tile floor.
With the agility of a dancer Heather pivoted again just in time as the mouthpiece missed her chin with what would have been a powerful punch. She had put so much weight behind it that when it failed to connect it threw her off balance allowing Heather to slip behind her and pin her arms. Meanwhile, Heather held the two girls larger girls to the floor with her mind.
“Well, I guess you were right,” Heather said, “Looks like that someone who will be eating pussy is going to be you.
Somehow the two larger girls were now lying on top of each other with their legs spread wide. Heather pushed the mouthpiece to her knees and pushed her face into one of the girls and then the other.
“Eat bitch,” Heather yelled. “Don’t make me force you.”
The mouthpiece poked out her tongue tentatively and began licking. Then Heather moved her lower to the other girl and she licked some more. The two large girls were squirming, quickly becoming aroused.
Heather had the Butch on the bottom reach around and fondle Butch two’s breasts, pulling on her nipples while she held the mouthpiece down and told her she couldn’t get up until both Butches came.
After a several minutes both the large women squealed as the mouthpiece got them both off and they squirted all over her, something they never had done before.
She pulled her face up, their juices dripping from her face, and asked, “Satisfied?”
But no one answered.
She spun her head around and realized that they were alone.
The two larger girls were panting and swung around to pleasure each other some more. The mouthpiece didn’t understand what had happened, but she knew she’d met her match. She dreaded what would happen the next day at practice. The rich bitch was more than she pretended to be.
Friday morning John awoke to the ringing of his telephone. Answering it he heard a worried Candace on the other end.
“John, is April with you?” She asked. John could hear the stress in her voice.
“No.” John replied still half asleep, “Why is there something wrong?”
“She didn’t come home last night. It’s not like her to not call or send me a text. I have called and left three messages and four texts.”
“She called me last night to cancel our meeting today, she didn’t sound like herself, but otherwise she sounded okay.” John recalled as he was now sitting up in the bed alone. Then he heard the shower and knew his mother was in the bathroom. “Don’t worry about it, Candace.” He said. “I’ll have one of my people track her down. I am sure she’s fine.”
“Thank you. Tell your mother hello for me. I hope I didn’t disturb you two.”
“Mom’s in the shower. I will tell her you asked about her. Bye.”
John pressed the number five on his phone and waited for it to ring and the voice on the other end answered.
“Yes, sir, how can I be of assistance?” The soft female voice asked.
“Denise, I need you to track down April Martin. You have her phone number. She didn’t come home last night and her mother Candace is worried. It is probably nothing, but to be on the safe side, I want you to see if you can find out where she is. Be discrete and don’t make it look like we are looking for her.”
“Yes sir.” Denise replied and severed the connection.
Denise had been awake for several hours but was still in her bed, naked and sweating. She had several adult toys lying around her, including one very large black dildo she named Chance. She had just gotten herself off. She was masturbating daily now and enjoying it less. Mentally she wasn’t in a good place and she was about to go mad with lust.
She was a man in a female body. Which wasn’t all that bad in and of itself, but she was finding that the longer she went without sex, the worse she felt, until she had to use her toys to take the edge off. But it wasn’t the same as being with a real person.
The problem was that she was mentally still a guy and although at first she didn’t mind being fucked. She wasn’t gay. So, men didn’t turn her on and she was repulsed by the idea of taking a cock into her body. However, since she was really a man, women still did get her excited. But her body craved cock and in her mind she couldn’t do it.
So, her only course of action was self pleasure, for now. It would be okay for a while, but she really needed a mate. She thought, maybe she should confide in Elizabeth, certainly she would have some ideas.
Nevertheless, she rolled out of bed and headed for the toilet and then the shower. She stood in front of the bowl and lifted the seat, then realized that she needed to sit. She really did miss her cock.
April woke with a jolt sitting straight up in bed, her hurt from the alcohol and she was disoriented. “Where am I? Whose bed was this,” she began to remember and calmed herself. She looked to her left and saw her love, snoring quietly, April then noticed a tingling beginning in her pussy, she was becoming very aroused and damp between her legs.
Lying next to her was Dinah her attorney, well John’s attorney really, she thought as she began to make sense of things. “Was it true that they had made love all night long?” She asked herself. “Would there be more today,” she licked her lips and tasted the sweet flavor of Dinah’s pussy lingered and she sighed.
“Oh my God,” She thought binging her hands to her mouth, she’d forgotten to text or call her mother to let her know she wasn’t coming home last night. “Candace would have a cow,” she thought. “And she’d be worried sick.”
Looking around the room in the dim light she didn’t see it and she didn’t remember where she left her phone, perhaps in her purse. Great she sighed; she didn’t remember where she left her purse and her of her clothes.
She quietly climbed out of the elegant king size bed and saw her panties on the floor near the chair. When she picked them up she saw her bra near the closet and scooped them up, too. She looked around in saw her blouse and her skirt, grabbed them both she found her purse under them. She quickly pulled out her iPhone 5. It had blown up. She had a half dozen missed calls, and several texts all from her mother.
She replied to the last text apologizing to her mother and telling her that she met someone special, just then Dinah began to stir. So she quickly ended the text and sent it. However in her haste she included the gender of her special new friend. She hadn’t intended to do that she had planned to come out to her mother tonight in person.
Dinah opened her eyes and didn’t see April until she rushed over to her and sat on Dinah’s side. “Good morning sleepyhead,” she said and bent down and kissed her lips. Dinah opened her mouth and they tongue wrestled before Dinah pulled April back into bed and they became more playful and passionate. Before long April was between Dinah thighs and lapping her pussy like a she’d never have another chance.
Dinah came screaming louder than April had ever heard a woman scream before while beating her fist into the mattress several times. After Dinah settling down, April began nursing on her breasts. After a while Dinah disengaged the young woman and pulled a very large dildo from the night stand drawer and showed it to April.
April laughed hysterically knowing that there was no way that thing was going to fit in her. She stopped laughing when Dinah started slid it back and forth along her pussy getting it all wet and sticky before she pushed it into her and stretching April’s pussy while Dinah sucked on clit. It was now April’s turn to scream. When she had finally stopped Dinah cuddled her head in her bosom letting her drifted off to sleep.
When April woke a few minutes later basking in the afterglow of her orgasm she was startled to hear Dinah talking to someone. Opening her eyes she saw a beautiful black woman, standing naked watching as she woke. The woman was caramel colored had short cropped blonde curly hair and a shaved pussy. She didn’t appear to have an ounce of fat and her tits were pointy cones, looking like B cups and mostly nipples.
April was shocked and quickly pulled the sheet around her naked body.
“Aww, don’t be shy, darling.” The woman spoke with a southern accent. “Dinah said that you were eager to play, so I came right over.”
She looked at Dinah who was standing nearby still naked, “Relax April, you remember my secretary, and a threesome will be a lot of fun.”
“I don’t think so.” April jumped up finding her clothes in the pile she’d left them. “I think it is time to for me to go.”
Dinah frowned and hurried over to April and grabbed her left nipple between her thumb and index finger and twisted her nipple really hard. April screamed from the pain and surprise of Dinah’s harsh treatment. Before she could recover Dinah pushed her backwards into the bathroom, turning her head slightly excusing them both. Only then did she let go of April’s tit. Dinah was livid.
“Ouch!” April said rubbing her wounded nipple with one hand while using the other to see the damage.
“How you dare embarrass me in front of my guest, don’t you ever think about doing that again.” Dinah yelled softly looking at April as if she were a child who had behaved badly in public.
“I thought you wanted me, for me. Not to be a play toy in some group sex games.” April cried, tears welling up in her eyes beginning to stream down he face.
“Stop crying! And don’t you pretend that you haven’t enjoyed yourself Missy. You will do as you are told.” Dinah replied angrily and then shrugged. “Why waste my breath. I thought you’d be different, never mind.
April was hurt. She looked at Dinah not believing what she heard. Dinah was unapologetic. April shrugged. She had made a big mistake, trusting this woman. She wouldn’t be bullied. She was about to storm out of the bathroom and put her clothes on to leave when Dinah said.
“April Sleep!”
Dinah watched as April responded to the command.
Just as Dinah had predicted April was the perfect subject. The drug she’d been given earlier allowed Dinah to install and activate the trigger allowing her to put April under at will without the use of the drug.
April shut her eyes and her body collapsed, fortunately Dinah was standing close enough to catch the young woman and steered her to the vanity chair let her slump into it.
Wasting no time she knelt down and looked at the unconscious woman, “April, can you hear me?”
“Yes, Dinah I can hear you,” April replied in a sleepy soft voice.
“Good. From now on you will do whatever I ask you to do without question. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Dinah, I will do what you tell me to do.”
April, you are a lesbian. You have always been a lesbian; you just didn’t want to admit it. You love pussy. Any pussy you see you must have, the more the better. You love pussy so much that when you get someone off eating their pussy you get off too. You are not the innocent young woman I met a year ago. In fact you are the opposite; you are a butch lesbian always on the prowl for more and better pussy. In fact later today we are going to give you the makeover you’ve been asking for; do you remember asking me to give you a Rachel Maddow makeover?”
April furrowed her brows as if thinking about what she was told and before answering. “Yes, Dinah, I want to look like Rachel Maddow.”
“Well you need to be good to my friends, because they can make it happen today, but only if you are good.”
“Dinah, I will be very good you’ll see.” April said taking on the new persona that Dinah had created for her.
The bathroom door opened and April and Dinah came back out the black woman was holding the very large dildo in her hand looking it over and trying to imagine how it would feel in her pussy.
April walked up to the woman looking her up and down and said, “I think we can do better than that.” She then grabbed the woman by the waist and strongly pulled her close. Before the woman could respond their lips locked and then their tongues began exploring each other’s mouths.
Dinah went to her closet and brought out a large box of sex toys she’d brought along, more dildos, vibrators, hand cuffs, leg spreaders, two strap-ons and an assortment of other goodies. They would come in handy as she planned having a few more friends stop by.
April wasn’t the only one to miss a few calls. When John checked his phone he saw that there were four missed calls and four messages from Elizabeth.
“Damn,” he said aloud and punched the number corresponding to her speed dial entry.
She answered the phone. “I got it. Are you nearby?”
“I’m on my way, be there in ten minutes. You’re at your place, right?”
Elizabeth told him she was at home and if she wasn’t out of the shower when he arrived to just let himself in and make himself at home.
Elizabeth’s apartment was in a very nice neighborhood. It was really a fourplex or quad, hers was the first floor right. Arriving John walked right in and closed the door. He walked around admiring the simple yet tasteful adornments decorating the home including window treatments that most people seem to neglect these days. Then it occurred to him as he took a bobble from the mantle and examined it, that being over a hundred years old, Elizabeth was raised with very different values, which were reflected in the decorating of her home.
She came out of the bedroom wearing a thin robe which hugged her body and hanging open revealing her flat belly, large breasts sitting high on her chest and her diamond pierced pussy which sparkled brightly, as she was toweling her wet hair. She reminded him of a larger version of the actress Archie Panjabi who plays Kalinda Sharma in “The Good Wife”.
“Hey,” she asked seeing him for the first time, “can I get you anything.”
“Hey yourself,” John said returning the bobble to its place. “I am good.” He walked towards her and she closed the distance between them and slipped easily into his arms. She dropped the towel and they kissed passionately, their tongues searching each other’s mouths as John slipped his hands through the open robe and pulled her closer. After a minute the kiss was broken and Elizabeth sighed.
“Hmmm, I missed that.”
John cupped her naked breasts in each hand a squeezed them and Elizabeth purred, “That too.”
Before Elizabeth could undo John’s belt his clothes vanished and Elizabeth found her hand around his growing cock and said, “That trick never gets old,” while pushing him into her leather couch.
If she weren’t so horny after her adventure, she would have savored the moment and sucked on his cock for a while, but she needed his cock in her. Allowing her robe to fall from her shoulders to the hardwood floor she mounted John sighing contently as the helmet head of his large cock push up past her lips and into her tunnel of love.
She slowly raised and lowered herself, making each stroke long and luxurious. Despite the fact that she wanted to go much faster, she held off until she couldn’t take it any longer and then picked up the pace until she was bouncing up and down on him and her large tits were flying about and sensing she was near, John timed his release with hers and they came together as she screamed and he grunted and the sound of their body slapping together echoed in the room as they fell still and silent, panting contently.
“Boy, did I need that.” She said as her damp hair clung to her face and John brushed the strands away and kissed her again.
John was once more clothed and Elizabeth in her robe as they found themselves in the kitchen discussing recent events. John nearly hurt himself laughing as Elizabeth described trying to get the thumb drive out of the building inside her wet and slippery pussy.
“Why did you do this in the nude?” John asked.
“What do you mean why,” she asked as though she had a choice in the matter.
John held his poker face as long as he could and then said. “We need to do something about that.” He said scratching his chin. “Where’s the thumb drive?”
Elizabeth walked to the mantle and picked up the bobble John had inspected earlier when he first arrived and unscrewed the top, reaching in she removed the drive and handed to him.
“Thanks,” he said and pulled her close for a goodbye kiss.
She returned the kiss fervently and sighed when he broke it. He looked deeply into her eyes and struggled with himself about staying a little longer. But his mind focused on the problem with Elizabeth having to be naked when invisible.
“I have an idea,” He said. “I want you to experiment trying to turn clothing invisible. You may need to consider different fabrics, let know how things go.”
As he drove through the streets of Mountain View California with the newly acquired data Elizabeth had appropriated from Jones and Jones Company, he put the next phase of his plan into action. He pressed the speed dial number for his buddy Mark Taylor and waited for his friend to pick up the phone.
“Hey Johnny, how’s it going?” He heard the friendly voice of his childhood buddy. “Whatcha doing?”
“In the car, are you busy? I need a favor.”
“Name it. You remember how to get to the new place right?” Mark replied.
“See you in ten minutes,” John said and disconnected the call, just before he heard Mark tell someone that he was on his way.
Cindy pulled Mark back into their bed and kissed him tenderly. “You know we have ten minutes to kill she said as she came up for air.”
Mark chuckled. “What do you have in mind?” He asked already knowing the answer.
“Well,” She said pausing for a moment, “You could do that thing with your tongue that I love so much.”
“Really,” He said “That thing with my tongue!”
She smiled and he attacked her, she was very ticklish. She pretended to fight him off, giggling as he stripped her of her shorts and panties. She was already topless. It was their rule. If he could be topless so could she, at least when home alone. Her tiny tits jiggled and her nipples hardened as he pulled the tiny woman by her legs down to his waiting mouth.
They played for a few minutes until realizing time was growing short and he got serious and had Cindy screaming just as the doorbell rang.
He left Cindy panting, grabbed a tee and pulled it on as he walked through the living room to the front door. He gave a quick peek through the hole and then opened the door for John.
As soon as the door opened, John could feel the diminishing energy of recent sex leaving the condo. Mark grabbed his hand and pulled him into a man hug and closed the door. John heard water running and knew Cindy was cleaning up from their romp.
John explained what he had and Mark agreed to take a look, cautioning him that the file would likely be encrypted. Mark took John into his office and John was impressed by Mark’s setup; he had three flat screens a docking station and more electronic gadgets than he could identify. Mark took the thumb drive from John, sat down and plugged it into one of the vacant ports.
Typing very quickly on his remote keyboard a window popped up on the center screen, followed by a whole series of windows that filled the left and right displays, causing a cascading effect. Then a small DOS looking window appeared on top of the others on the center display which Mark seemed to be typing into.
“Yeah, I’m afraid this file is encrypted and I don’t have the software to open it. Sorry John.”
John frowned. “Can you get the software?”
“Yeah, I could but you really want someone with more experience than me with this sort of thing.”
John saw a bunch of computer books on programming and other topics he didn’t quite understand, and then he got an idea and asked, “Mark, how well do you understand all this computer programming and hacking stuff?”
“Hey, Johnny I am just getting my feet wet. I know a little. I read up on this stuff when I can, it’s just a hobby. I am more of an accountant.”
“Hmm…I see you have a lot of books on the subject. Have you read them all?”
“I have read a few chapters in each, but that all; most of that stuff is way beyond me.”
“Are you sure? You are a pretty bright guy, Mark. Tell you what,” John reached into his wallet and pulled out a plastic card and handed it to Mark. “I want you to buy the right encryption software and as much hardware as you need. Go wild. Have it delivered to my place. I will give you a room to work in. Get whatever you need; I don’t trust this data with anyone else but you. Make a copy for yourself and give me the thumb drive back.”
Mark did what John asked making a copy of the file for himself and handed John the jump drive, just as Cindy came bouncing into the room. She looked great, rested and full of life.
“Hey Cindy,” John said as she ran up to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, “Looks like living with Mark agrees with you.”
Cindy beamed and agreed as she hugged Mark and gave him a big kiss on the lips. John took that moment to increase Mark’s curiosity of computing and his comprehension of all the material he’d read. In a sense, giving him the hunger to learn much more much faster and apply it so that John could unlock the file before bringing in experts.
Several days past and Mark was setting up the new computer at John’s home. The space John had given Mark was huge. The desk and credenza that John had bought was perfect for the layout. He was almost ready to crack open the file when John’s phone rang and he saw it was Candace calling and pick up the call.
“Hey beautiful, what’s up,” he sang, obvious in a good mood.
“John…” She said and paused.
Her voice was different, John knew something was wrong. Then he realized what it was. “April!
Candace what is wrong with April?”
“You better come here,” she said.