Chapter 20.2
As John drove to his meeting with Denise at the coffee shop his thought were about what to do about April once he restored her back to her old self. Thinking he could use a sounding board, he mentally asked. "So Dad what do you think? You've been pretty quite these last few days."
"Sorry Johnny, I didn't want to interrupt your thinking, you've got a lot on your mind. Always remember, if you are going to take revenge on someone, consider this, would it be thought to be a good deed? If not, then you may through off your equilibrium. There must be balance, or do I need to reserve you a place next to me? I was also wondering how big of a cage are you going to need to keep April in afterwards."
They talked about many of the same things John had discussed with his mother, now he had his father's perspective. They finished their conversation just as they arrived at the coffee shop. What John didn't know was that if he dealt too severely with the person who harmed April it may give Dr. Smith the chance he's been waiting for.
Before getting out of the car, John checked his watch and thought that is timing would be good so he thumbed his cell phone and heard Chance's deep baritone on the other end.
"Hey boss, what can I do for you?"
"Chance, do you remember the list I had you compile, I need it now, the names and cell numbers."
Chance could hear something funny in John's voice, he said. "I am sending it now."
A few moments passed and John heard his phone chime alerting him to an incoming email, opening the list he replied, "Got it, thanks."
"Boss, is there something I can help you with?" Chance knew what the list consisted of and why John had him compile it. If he needed it now that meant that something bad was going down and Chance needed to be available should he be needed.
"I'll let you know, I should be able to handle this myself. I appreciate your concern."
"Hey this is a sweet gig, I don't want to have to break in a new boss, that's all," He joked as he severed the connection. It was a wonder that he was able to concentrate on his conversation, as the mother of his starting point guard was worshiping his huge cock and trying to take as much of it into her tiny mouth.
John looked over the list and agreed that it would do. Palming his phone he climbed out of his car and strolled into the coffee shop and towards the shy looking petite black woman sitting in the booth in the back.
"Hey Denise," John said as he slid into the booth across from the woman. Their waitress joined him as soon as he settled himself. John ordered a small salad and a sparkling water, Denise ordered the chili.
"I really appreciate the very fine work you've been doing," John said. "What did you want to talk about?" John knew that Denise was a bit leery of him, and who could blame her. So, he tried to put her at ease.
Denise brightened. "Thank you." She hesitated, swallowed and moved forward. "Sir, I was hoping that I could once again become myself, my old self, male, Dennis."
"Aren't you happy being Denise?"
"No, Sir. I miss my cock." Denise said more bluntly than she intended.
"I could fix that," John said.
"I'm sure that you could, sir. I am certain that you could fix my being male and my repulsion of be being fucked and the urge to be fucked. But, wouldn't it be simpler to let me return to being Dennis?" Denise was almost pleading now.
The waitress returned with their order and asked if there was anything else, looking at John batting her eyelashes, shamelessly flirting. John smiled and said no, she turned to the petite demure black woman as if to appraise her and tried to figure what she had to offer, before walking away.
"Well, that would be simpler," John admitted. "Okay."
Denise looked at John as if there would be more discussion and blinked as she replayed John's last comments. "Did you say okay?"
"Yes," John said smiling as he chewed his salad watching the smile fill the young woman's face. He swallowed and said, "I supposed that you suffered long enough. It's done. Is there anything else?"
Denise felt like her old self and realized that she could change right then and was about to before John said, "Why don't you go to the ladies room and change. By the way, you'll also be able to increase or decrease your cock size. Call it a bonus; we'll talk more when you return."
Denise almost jumped out of her chair and had to resist the urge to run to the restroom. She entered the unisex lavatory closing and locking the door. Standing in front of the sink, and looking into the mirror she closed her eyes and thought of her old self, Dennis male, Chinese-American and she opened her eyes. Staring back at him was the face of a twentysomething Asian male.
He smiled. He was back. He opened his pants and hanging between his legs was a familiar sight. He concentrated and watched it grow; still flaccid it quickly doubled in size, and then tripled. He smiled. There will be plenty of time to experiment later. But first he stood over the bowl and eliminated the urine from his bladder standing up holding his cock. He playfully splashed the water, when done he packed it back into his panties, then altered his clothes to simply blue jeans and tee shirt and washed his large male hands smiling and went back to the table.
John watched him approach and smiled as he sat and silently thanked John. He was hungry so he began to eat his chili.
Smiling John said as he took out his wallet and slid a gold plastic card towards the Asian male, "You'll need some new clothes and other stuff, please pack up the old clothes and take them to the shelter, I am sure they will find someone who can use them there."
"Thank you, sir," Dennis said.
"Dennis, you earned it. And unless you've something pressing I'll need you a few more hours today, then I have another assignment for you."
"I am all yours, sir. But before we go, do you mind if I have another bowl of chili?"
In the park isolated from all the other people sat a thin dish water blonde with thick black framed glasses, a bad case of acne and never-ending split ends. She was devouring the latest novel of her favorite author oblivious to the world around her. She didn't have many friends, and was very unpopular at school, mostly because of her appearance and later due to her attitude; she no longer cared and preferred to be alone. At least that is what she'd tell you. As a result she had a voracious appetite for knowledge and easily read two books a day. However, despite being brilliant, she performed below average in school to be less conspicuous and as invisible as possible, which tended to reduce the torture she'd receive from the other kids.
She was deeply into Danielle Steel novel "A Perfect Life" when a small black woman approached her asked. "Is it as good as her last?"
Startled, she almost dropped the hard cover novel and asked, "I beg your pardon."
"The book you're reading. Is it as good as her last one? I love Danielle Steel." The petite black woman announced.
"It is good, I've only just begun ...can I help you?" She asked wondering what the woman wanted.
"Well, actually it is I or should I say we who can help you." She said as she gently threw her head to the side where John sat on a park bench looking at the two women.
"Ahh, no I don't think so," she said as she discretely reached into her purse for her pepper spray and whistle.
"You won't need your pepper spray;" the petite woman said. "What would you say if we could make your acne go away and you wouldn't have to hide how intelligent you are any more."
The young woman stopped reaching into her purse and looked at Denise as if she had looked into her very soul.
Standing before John and Denise the eighteen year old woman, a senior in her last year of high school looked at the two wondering just what she'd gotten herself into. "How do you know all those things about me," she asked.
John said. "We know a lot more. You are lonely and puberty came and went and you are still waiting for your breasts to develop. You've never been kissed except by your mother, father and grandparents. And you long to have the life that you read about in your novels."
He paused. "Look, I don't have a lot of time, but I can tell you that I can help and I ask nothing in return. Well, to be perfectly honest, I need to do several good deeds and you are number one on my list. Do you want my help?"
"What will you do?"
"Well, for starters, eliminate your acne."
She felt her face warm and then cool. Surprised she pressed her hands to her face and felt only smooth skin. Denise handed her a mirror and she saw her face but gone were the ugly pimples and scars that had haunted her the last four years.
"Oh my God, am I dreaming?" The young girl was becoming very excited as she now believed John could do what he said he could. "What else can you do? Can you give me larger breasts?"
"Of course," John said as he looked at the young woman's flat chest. He guessed she was an "A" cup, but nothing seemed to indicate that she had any breast to speak of so he guessed that she should be happy with "C" cups and began to grow the stunted mammary glands and with skillful precision. John slowly grew the young woman's breast to what he guessed was about a C cup. Being thorough he carved simple classic nipples that if he'd more time would have enjoyed sampling. He strengthened her back muscle to accommodate for the increased weight.
Her blouse was now very tight and her nipples were pushing through the material. For the first time the girl felt like a woman. She palmed her new breast through her blouse. She almost swooned as she began to experience feelings she couldn't describe and felt a growing moistness between her legs. Her nipples hardened further and could easily be seen through her tight fitting blouse as she pinched one than the other enjoying the new urges and feelings. She put one hand under her blouse and marveled at the sensations of the large tit.
smiled and looked at John who decided that they were done, but before leaving he corrected her vision to 20-20, increased the young woman's confidence and fixed her hair changing it to a rich blonde and giving it a new healthy texture.
As they left John suggested that she may want to go to a more private place to examine her new assets. She blushed as she realized what she was doing in public. Her eyesight blurred and she pulled off her glasses and realizing she could see perfectly without them. Before she could thank them, they were gone.
As they walked back to John's car, Denise morphed back into Dennis and smiled. "That was fun. What's next?"
John and Dennis visited with three more teenagers, all had bad acne which John cleared immediately, one was a bed wetter, and two of the males were very short and small for their age. John would fix over increase their size over the next two weeks, adding muscle, weight and height; it had to be gradual so as not to raise suspicions.
The last on his list was a girl who was to put it mildly was slow. John increased her curiosity, her retention and made it simpler for her to figure out problems. And gave her the ability to understand computer code like the normal person reads printed text.
For his part, Dennis helped out considerable, acting as he did with the first girl making the introduction go smoothly. At times changing his appearance to match the person they wanted to help.
"Thanks, Dennis. You've been a big help. One last thing, if you would meet with Elizabeth, we are trying to figure out how she can become invisible and still be clothed. Since you are able to shape-shift altering your attire, I think you may be able to help with this too."
Dennis beamed, "I'd be glad to. But, call me if you need me. If you don't mind me saying, you appear to be on a mission of some sort."
"You're very perceptive, Dennis. I will."
"Building up a little insurance?" John heard his father's voice in his mind as he drove to the address where he would get to the bottom this issue with April's transformation.
"Yeah, just like you suggested." John said.
"Planning on doing some real damage, huh? I understand. Been there done that, smart move. You should have plenty of credit to maintain a good balance, Johnny."
"Thanks," dad, John said as he sorted through the next steps as he drove.
"I can see that you've a few more things to iron out, so I will leave you alone." Dr. Smith said from deep within the Ring of Power where he continued as its prisoner for the time being.
John touched the speaker button on his steering wheel as the radio shut off and his Bluetooth enabled speaker phone picked up the incoming call.
"This is John," he stated as he cornered his sports car unto the transition road from I-85 to the 101 northbound.
"John, this is Mark. You aren't going to believe what is on that file. It's a formula for some kind of drug."
"Mark, not over the cell phone let me call you in a few." John said and terminated the call immediately.
Once John got off the freeway he made it to a local business and asked to use their phone. Although the woman wanted to say no, she couldn't refuse.
"Hey Mark. Tell me more."
Mark went into great detail about after the program decrypted the data. After reading the formula he got curious and did some research online. And that he believes that the chemicals used in the formula to have some sort of mind altering affect on the users. But of course he was just guessing, since he wasn't familiar with medicines at all until he started to research. It was weird, he said. The more he read the more he seemed to understand. John realized that it was a happy a side effect of the changes he made to his friends mind. When he asked John where he'd gotten this data, John told him that it was best that he didn't know and Mark agreed.
Climbing back into his car, John began to put together what he knew. His attorney, Dinah Cohen had drugged April and made her believe that she was and always had been a butch lesbian. As far as he knew the drug was made by Jones & Jones Company a household name and maker of hundreds of consumer products and was one of Basil, Cohen & Brown's largest accounts. He suspected that Jones & Jones Company might be the corporate front of the entity that has the remaining four rings.
But what John didn't know for sure was if it was a coincident that Dinah Cohen chose April or was it part of some larger plan.
One way or another, he was getting to the bottom of this. John realized that he must cautious and it may be some kind of a trap. He remembered all too keenly the traps he'd walked into with his stepmother and Chance. He wouldn't fall for another so soon. He pulled up to the address that Denise now Dennis had given him and found several cars parked in the circular drive way. It was around 8PM and it looked as if Dinah was entertaining.
To be on the safe side, John dialed Elizabeth. She answered on the first ring. "Hey John, what's up?"
"Look, I want you to track my location and if you don't hear from me in 90 minutes you, Chance and Dennis get here pronto. I may be in need of your help."
Before Elizabeth could answer or ask any questions, the line was severed. She looked at Dennis and he could tell that something was wrong.
"Was that John?" He asked as he was pulling off his shirt revealing a chiseled chest and impressive abs.
"Yes," she said as she looked at her phone and used her caller location app to get the exact address of where John had called from. "He may need our help. The clock is ticking, he has 90 minutes to get back to me or we become the Cavalry."
He walked up to Elizabeth and puller her close, "Ninety minutes is plenty of time," he said as he pulled her silk robe back revealing her magnificent breasts. He lowered his head as she reached up for his mouth with her own and they kissed, for the first time as a man and a woman.
Breaking the kiss, she sighed, "I think I am going to like this new person you've become, Dennis."
Dennis smiled, stepped back and dropped his pants. They fell to the floor pooled around his ankles as Elizabeth admired the huge erect cock pointing up from his groin.
Elizabeth joked, "Wow, impressive, but it's been over a year, do you think you still know how to drive that thing."
Dennis laughed and said, "You're right, let's find out." And he pushed Elizabeth down on the bed and climbed on top. She realized that it was a virgin cock and that she'd be the first one to suck on it, but Dennis had other ideas and guided it to her wet warm hole. She helped and placed it at her opening, as Dennis pushed in just a bit splitting her lips open to receive him. He savored the moment that he thought would never come again. Then slowly pushed in an inch at a time, driving him mad with the passion he once enjoyed so regularly. He had almost forgotten how good it felt to have his cock surrounded by a warm, tight, wet pussy. When he bottomed out, he just stayed there for what seemed like minutes, but was only a moment. For Elizabeth, she was totally stuffed as only two other men had filled her so completely.
"Hmmm...lover, the boss must have really been pleased with your work." She cooed. "Are you ready to see what this baby can do?"
Dennis grunted and he began to slow withdraw until he was almost completely out, then slowly he pushed forward, slightly faster until his balls bounced off Elizabeth's pubic bone. He repeated this action, slowly. He was perspiring, like a Tai Chi Master going through his exercise routines. He fought the urge to accelerate until he thought he'd go mad and then began to piston in and out like a machine. Before too long Elizabeth was screaming as he first orgasm took her by surprise and she locked her legs around Dennis' back. But he continued, unwilling to release the pent up ecstasy he so long for. Again, Elizabeth cried out as she came again, just as her first orgasm had subsided.
Dennis used that moment to shift positions without missing a stroke he swung her around from missionary to doggie style on her on her hands and knees and holding her by her hips continued to pound her as he watched her marvelous breasts sway back and forth. She couldn't believe it a third orgasm gripped her and she squeezed her pussy tightly, thinking this man would surely kill her if he didn't come soon. And that was enough. Dennis bucked several more times as he grunted and yelled out announcing the first time he came as a man in over a year, spraying his seed into Elizabeth's womb.
She fell forward and he on top of her. In a move befitting a gymnast Elizabeth with her last ounce of strength twirled around without letting go so that they were once again facing one another and panting.
He got out of his car while taking a quick look around, there was no one on the street, and the residential neighborhood was quiet. There weren't any cars parked on the street, accept his. The street was well lit, and the lights from the adjacent home gave you a warm feeling of families gathered over a meal or unwinding in front of the television.
As John got to the door, he touched the knob and waited a second as the dead bolts and the alarm disengaged at his command. Just before John entered the home he activated what he thought of as a force field around his body. It was more like a personal shield; it completely surrounded him reinforced with the strongest points forward and aft. It looked like a gold aura, but swelled out from his body several inches. It was completely invisible until something touched it.
He walked into the foyer and he heard loud rock playing in another room. The house was huge and he could see it was well decorated. A huge twin staircase leading to the second story greeted you as you entered and the vaulted ceilings looked as if they would never end, recessed lighting dimly illuminated the room.
Following the music, John found himself in the great room there were several naked women were lounging and engaged in sexual acts using dildos and other toys, there were no men that John could see. A blonde and a red head were at his feet involved in a sixty nine, John had to step over. He was surprised by the number of women present as it didn't match the number of cars outside. At his monitors, his father confirmed there were no men in the house, but for reasons he couldn't explain he was unable to tell his son how many women were present. John proceeded cautiously through the house seemingly unnoticed. But he knew better.
As John continued to warily walk through the dimly lit house the music grew louder and he heard the moans of women satisfying their sexual needs. His ring absorbed the energy and he felt new strength surge through is being. Turning the corner and saw April naked and wearing a strap on while another woman was attempting to take the huge black dildo down her throat. He wanted to rush over to her and take her away, but he knew that she was in the role that was created for her and wouldn't come willingly, not yet.
As he moved closer he felt a ripple of energy careen off his shield. He looked in the direction of the energy just in time to see a large naked woman running and leaping towards him like a linebacker about to tackle a quarterback. Instead of tackling John she hit his forward shield and bounced off, falling at his feet unconscious and bleeding from her face. Before John could react he felt his rear shield absorb energy and turning he saw another large woman leaping towards him, this time John pivoted and the woman missed rolled and quickly got to her feet and using a roundhouse kick which shattered her ankle as it landed against his shielding. She screamed in pain grabbing her injured foot and rolling on the floor.
Slowly emerging out of the shadows two woman advanced. Both were dressed in long gowns split in the front and did nothing to hide their assets, they were almost transparent. One was black the other was a green of some shade it was hard to tell in the dim light. "It seems that you aren't without some skills. Who are you and what do you want? This party isn't open to men for any reason."
John turned to face them. "I am looking for Dinah Cohen." He said as he looked them over. A few of the other women were now beginning to pay attention.
Dinah raised an eyebrow, and then shrugged it off; of course he'd be looking for the owner of the house. The second tackler was still reeling on the floor whimpering in pain, as Dinah directed one of the women to attend to her. "And what do you want with Mistress Dinah?"
John tried to hide his anger, "You have something that belongs to me."
Dinah looked around the room; the women quickly lost interest in the conversation and returned to pleasuring each other. "I have many playmates; you'll have to be more specific."
Already knowing the answer, John asked. "So you are Dinah Cohen?"
"I am Mistress Dinah. And just who are you? Not that it really matters, but I like to know who it is that I am about to destroy."
Without knowing it John flexed his muscles, tightening his pectorals, shoulders and arm muscles readying himself for the fight that was about to come.
John extended his arm towards Dinah's neck hand open as if he wanted to strangle the woman. Her eyes grew as large as saucers as she was pulled closer and then lifted off her feet suspended a foot off the floor, her feet kicking and her own hands grabbing at her neck as if to prevent the unknown force from crushing her wind pipe.
Suddenly six rapid green energy pulses bounced off John's shield distracting him from the helpless woman. "Ouch," he thought, that stung."
"The Ring of Vengeance," Dr. Zachary Smith warned his son from the confines of his ring prison. "You need to change your tactics; direct assault will strengthen the user."
John turned to face the Master of the Ring of Vengeance, an Latin woman standing almost six feet tall, long black hair down her back, she too was naked with large breast sitting high on her chest and completely shaved.
"Release her." She ordered. Her voice was strong and confident.
John lowered Dinah to the floor and released her. She fell to one knee a still grasping her throat catching her breath.
"Now leave before I destroy you."
John thought, "Vengeance I mustn't give her a reason to be vengeful. Attacking Dinah directly increased her strength."
"I will not leave until I have what I have come for." John said just as strong and confident as the woman.
"No," Screamed Dinah, "He leaves alone, as he arrived."
"You have taken my woman and changed her into one of your toy. I should destroy you all but I will be satisfied to take what is mine and leave you in peace."
"It's working son, her power levels are dropping." Dr. Smith told his son. "It is you who has the right to be vengeful."
"Who is it you seek?" Dinah asked, appearing to be reasonable. "I have many toys as you have described."
John looked around to see that like the other women April was totally unaware of what was happening as she appeared to be consumed with using the large dildo on the woman who was only a few minutes ago sucking the large black plastic cock she was wearing. She had the woman bent over an overstuffed chair while she plowed into her from behind. With each thrust the woman's large hanging breast shook as she moaned and grunted as April taunted her. "You like my fat black cock stretching your little pussy, don't you bitch."
"There," John pointed. "The one with the strap-on, you've changed her. She isn't like that." Gritting his teeth, John controlled his building anger.
"April," Dinah asked. "I have only just acquired that one. What is she to you?"
John had to be careful not to give away too much and yet be as righteous as possible. "She works for me. I have spent months training her and paying for education. She owes me many hours of labor and you have caused me to lose significant time and money on this investment. I demand satisfaction."
"That did it John, I measure no power," his father reported.
"Then you must be John Smith, nouveau riche. Well, you can't have her. I don't care what you've foolishly invested in her. She's mine."
In that instance John turned to the Latin woman who had become relaxed, lowering her hands as the power from the ring diminished. With speed and precision, John severed the ring finger from her hand and brought the severed digit to his waiting grasp. The woman screamed at the pain looking at her missing digit surprised there was no blood.
With a look, John froze Dinah in place not allowing her to do nothing more than breathe. John removed the ring from the manicured brown finger and put the powerful ring in his pocket. He froze the former owner and taking her injured hand in his replaced and healed the finger then released her. She examined her hand and realized there was no longer pain, but she had lost the ring, she looked to her mistress for help. But Dinah was unable to speak or move. She fell to her knees confused and wept.
He looked around and the woman with the broken ankle was hiding behind one of the couches hoping that John wouldn't see her. He did. She was still in considerable pain, despite being able to control her suffering. John approached her. She expected him to finish her; instead he healed the ankle making it better than before and vanquishing the pain. She smiled, confused but didn't move.
The very large woman that first attacked him still lay motionless in a pile on the floor, her face bloody and teeth missing. John touched her head and after a minute she began to move, opening her eyes and looking up at John her pretty face returning to normal, the blood vanished and her teeth were back. As she pulled herself up to a sitting position, her large tits falling into place on her chest, John appreciated her beauty. She was indeed pretty, just very large at least 6'5", she sat in a very unladylike way her legs spread wide revealing her shaved pussy. "Take a moment, you'll be fine," John told her.
The other women didn't notice or stop what they had been doing, the lesbian orgy continued unabated. John walked back to Dinah and stopped in front of her staring into her eyes. He saw the fear there, wondering what he would do to her. Cries of passion interrupted his stare as he heard April and her partner enjoy their mutual climax. When he arrived they were both covered in sweat, April and her partner were sitting together exchanging spit and rubbing each other's breast and the black dildo now covered in female secretions, pointed away from her flushed body.
"April," John said looking at her with tender eyes, "It's time to go."
April's face changed from the butch façade; back to the sweet girl he'd fallen in love with. She shuddered as she realized everything that had happened over the last several days and began to weep.
Dr. Smith saw that his chance had finally arrived. But John had his shields still raised. He was trapped again, unless.
John reached down and grabbed April by the hand and pulled her out of the stunned woman's embrace as she stood the dildo wiggled back and forth. It vanished and John pulled April to him. Taking her face into his hand he pulled her lips to his.
"Shields down," Dr. Smith said.
John didn't notice it wasn't his command to lower his shields. What he did notice was a disturbance in the equilibrium between him and the ring. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
"Sorry Johnny, I didn't want to interrupt your thinking, you've got a lot on your mind. Always remember, if you are going to take revenge on someone, consider this, would it be thought to be a good deed? If not, then you may through off your equilibrium. There must be balance, or do I need to reserve you a place next to me? I was also wondering how big of a cage are you going to need to keep April in afterwards."
They talked about many of the same things John had discussed with his mother, now he had his father's perspective. They finished their conversation just as they arrived at the coffee shop. What John didn't know was that if he dealt too severely with the person who harmed April it may give Dr. Smith the chance he's been waiting for.
Before getting out of the car, John checked his watch and thought that is timing would be good so he thumbed his cell phone and heard Chance's deep baritone on the other end.
"Hey boss, what can I do for you?"
"Chance, do you remember the list I had you compile, I need it now, the names and cell numbers."
Chance could hear something funny in John's voice, he said. "I am sending it now."
A few moments passed and John heard his phone chime alerting him to an incoming email, opening the list he replied, "Got it, thanks."
"Boss, is there something I can help you with?" Chance knew what the list consisted of and why John had him compile it. If he needed it now that meant that something bad was going down and Chance needed to be available should he be needed.
"I'll let you know, I should be able to handle this myself. I appreciate your concern."
"Hey this is a sweet gig, I don't want to have to break in a new boss, that's all," He joked as he severed the connection. It was a wonder that he was able to concentrate on his conversation, as the mother of his starting point guard was worshiping his huge cock and trying to take as much of it into her tiny mouth.
John looked over the list and agreed that it would do. Palming his phone he climbed out of his car and strolled into the coffee shop and towards the shy looking petite black woman sitting in the booth in the back.
"Hey Denise," John said as he slid into the booth across from the woman. Their waitress joined him as soon as he settled himself. John ordered a small salad and a sparkling water, Denise ordered the chili.
"I really appreciate the very fine work you've been doing," John said. "What did you want to talk about?" John knew that Denise was a bit leery of him, and who could blame her. So, he tried to put her at ease.
Denise brightened. "Thank you." She hesitated, swallowed and moved forward. "Sir, I was hoping that I could once again become myself, my old self, male, Dennis."
"Aren't you happy being Denise?"
"No, Sir. I miss my cock." Denise said more bluntly than she intended.
"I could fix that," John said.
"I'm sure that you could, sir. I am certain that you could fix my being male and my repulsion of be being fucked and the urge to be fucked. But, wouldn't it be simpler to let me return to being Dennis?" Denise was almost pleading now.
The waitress returned with their order and asked if there was anything else, looking at John batting her eyelashes, shamelessly flirting. John smiled and said no, she turned to the petite demure black woman as if to appraise her and tried to figure what she had to offer, before walking away.
"Well, that would be simpler," John admitted. "Okay."
Denise looked at John as if there would be more discussion and blinked as she replayed John's last comments. "Did you say okay?"
"Yes," John said smiling as he chewed his salad watching the smile fill the young woman's face. He swallowed and said, "I supposed that you suffered long enough. It's done. Is there anything else?"
Denise felt like her old self and realized that she could change right then and was about to before John said, "Why don't you go to the ladies room and change. By the way, you'll also be able to increase or decrease your cock size. Call it a bonus; we'll talk more when you return."
Denise almost jumped out of her chair and had to resist the urge to run to the restroom. She entered the unisex lavatory closing and locking the door. Standing in front of the sink, and looking into the mirror she closed her eyes and thought of her old self, Dennis male, Chinese-American and she opened her eyes. Staring back at him was the face of a twentysomething Asian male.
He smiled. He was back. He opened his pants and hanging between his legs was a familiar sight. He concentrated and watched it grow; still flaccid it quickly doubled in size, and then tripled. He smiled. There will be plenty of time to experiment later. But first he stood over the bowl and eliminated the urine from his bladder standing up holding his cock. He playfully splashed the water, when done he packed it back into his panties, then altered his clothes to simply blue jeans and tee shirt and washed his large male hands smiling and went back to the table.
John watched him approach and smiled as he sat and silently thanked John. He was hungry so he began to eat his chili.
Smiling John said as he took out his wallet and slid a gold plastic card towards the Asian male, "You'll need some new clothes and other stuff, please pack up the old clothes and take them to the shelter, I am sure they will find someone who can use them there."
"Thank you, sir," Dennis said.
"Dennis, you earned it. And unless you've something pressing I'll need you a few more hours today, then I have another assignment for you."
"I am all yours, sir. But before we go, do you mind if I have another bowl of chili?"
In the park isolated from all the other people sat a thin dish water blonde with thick black framed glasses, a bad case of acne and never-ending split ends. She was devouring the latest novel of her favorite author oblivious to the world around her. She didn't have many friends, and was very unpopular at school, mostly because of her appearance and later due to her attitude; she no longer cared and preferred to be alone. At least that is what she'd tell you. As a result she had a voracious appetite for knowledge and easily read two books a day. However, despite being brilliant, she performed below average in school to be less conspicuous and as invisible as possible, which tended to reduce the torture she'd receive from the other kids.
She was deeply into Danielle Steel novel "A Perfect Life" when a small black woman approached her asked. "Is it as good as her last?"
Startled, she almost dropped the hard cover novel and asked, "I beg your pardon."
"The book you're reading. Is it as good as her last one? I love Danielle Steel." The petite black woman announced.
"It is good, I've only just begun ...can I help you?" She asked wondering what the woman wanted.
"Well, actually it is I or should I say we who can help you." She said as she gently threw her head to the side where John sat on a park bench looking at the two women.
"Ahh, no I don't think so," she said as she discretely reached into her purse for her pepper spray and whistle.
"You won't need your pepper spray;" the petite woman said. "What would you say if we could make your acne go away and you wouldn't have to hide how intelligent you are any more."
The young woman stopped reaching into her purse and looked at Denise as if she had looked into her very soul.
Standing before John and Denise the eighteen year old woman, a senior in her last year of high school looked at the two wondering just what she'd gotten herself into. "How do you know all those things about me," she asked.
John said. "We know a lot more. You are lonely and puberty came and went and you are still waiting for your breasts to develop. You've never been kissed except by your mother, father and grandparents. And you long to have the life that you read about in your novels."
He paused. "Look, I don't have a lot of time, but I can tell you that I can help and I ask nothing in return. Well, to be perfectly honest, I need to do several good deeds and you are number one on my list. Do you want my help?"
"What will you do?"
"Well, for starters, eliminate your acne."
She felt her face warm and then cool. Surprised she pressed her hands to her face and felt only smooth skin. Denise handed her a mirror and she saw her face but gone were the ugly pimples and scars that had haunted her the last four years.
"Oh my God, am I dreaming?" The young girl was becoming very excited as she now believed John could do what he said he could. "What else can you do? Can you give me larger breasts?"
"Of course," John said as he looked at the young woman's flat chest. He guessed she was an "A" cup, but nothing seemed to indicate that she had any breast to speak of so he guessed that she should be happy with "C" cups and began to grow the stunted mammary glands and with skillful precision. John slowly grew the young woman's breast to what he guessed was about a C cup. Being thorough he carved simple classic nipples that if he'd more time would have enjoyed sampling. He strengthened her back muscle to accommodate for the increased weight.
Her blouse was now very tight and her nipples were pushing through the material. For the first time the girl felt like a woman. She palmed her new breast through her blouse. She almost swooned as she began to experience feelings she couldn't describe and felt a growing moistness between her legs. Her nipples hardened further and could easily be seen through her tight fitting blouse as she pinched one than the other enjoying the new urges and feelings. She put one hand under her blouse and marveled at the sensations of the large tit.
smiled and looked at John who decided that they were done, but before leaving he corrected her vision to 20-20, increased the young woman's confidence and fixed her hair changing it to a rich blonde and giving it a new healthy texture.
As they left John suggested that she may want to go to a more private place to examine her new assets. She blushed as she realized what she was doing in public. Her eyesight blurred and she pulled off her glasses and realizing she could see perfectly without them. Before she could thank them, they were gone.
As they walked back to John's car, Denise morphed back into Dennis and smiled. "That was fun. What's next?"
John and Dennis visited with three more teenagers, all had bad acne which John cleared immediately, one was a bed wetter, and two of the males were very short and small for their age. John would fix over increase their size over the next two weeks, adding muscle, weight and height; it had to be gradual so as not to raise suspicions.
The last on his list was a girl who was to put it mildly was slow. John increased her curiosity, her retention and made it simpler for her to figure out problems. And gave her the ability to understand computer code like the normal person reads printed text.
For his part, Dennis helped out considerable, acting as he did with the first girl making the introduction go smoothly. At times changing his appearance to match the person they wanted to help.
"Thanks, Dennis. You've been a big help. One last thing, if you would meet with Elizabeth, we are trying to figure out how she can become invisible and still be clothed. Since you are able to shape-shift altering your attire, I think you may be able to help with this too."
Dennis beamed, "I'd be glad to. But, call me if you need me. If you don't mind me saying, you appear to be on a mission of some sort."
"You're very perceptive, Dennis. I will."
"Building up a little insurance?" John heard his father's voice in his mind as he drove to the address where he would get to the bottom this issue with April's transformation.
"Yeah, just like you suggested." John said.
"Planning on doing some real damage, huh? I understand. Been there done that, smart move. You should have plenty of credit to maintain a good balance, Johnny."
"Thanks," dad, John said as he sorted through the next steps as he drove.
"I can see that you've a few more things to iron out, so I will leave you alone." Dr. Smith said from deep within the Ring of Power where he continued as its prisoner for the time being.
John touched the speaker button on his steering wheel as the radio shut off and his Bluetooth enabled speaker phone picked up the incoming call.
"This is John," he stated as he cornered his sports car unto the transition road from I-85 to the 101 northbound.
"John, this is Mark. You aren't going to believe what is on that file. It's a formula for some kind of drug."
"Mark, not over the cell phone let me call you in a few." John said and terminated the call immediately.
Once John got off the freeway he made it to a local business and asked to use their phone. Although the woman wanted to say no, she couldn't refuse.
"Hey Mark. Tell me more."
Mark went into great detail about after the program decrypted the data. After reading the formula he got curious and did some research online. And that he believes that the chemicals used in the formula to have some sort of mind altering affect on the users. But of course he was just guessing, since he wasn't familiar with medicines at all until he started to research. It was weird, he said. The more he read the more he seemed to understand. John realized that it was a happy a side effect of the changes he made to his friends mind. When he asked John where he'd gotten this data, John told him that it was best that he didn't know and Mark agreed.
Climbing back into his car, John began to put together what he knew. His attorney, Dinah Cohen had drugged April and made her believe that she was and always had been a butch lesbian. As far as he knew the drug was made by Jones & Jones Company a household name and maker of hundreds of consumer products and was one of Basil, Cohen & Brown's largest accounts. He suspected that Jones & Jones Company might be the corporate front of the entity that has the remaining four rings.
But what John didn't know for sure was if it was a coincident that Dinah Cohen chose April or was it part of some larger plan.
One way or another, he was getting to the bottom of this. John realized that he must cautious and it may be some kind of a trap. He remembered all too keenly the traps he'd walked into with his stepmother and Chance. He wouldn't fall for another so soon. He pulled up to the address that Denise now Dennis had given him and found several cars parked in the circular drive way. It was around 8PM and it looked as if Dinah was entertaining.
To be on the safe side, John dialed Elizabeth. She answered on the first ring. "Hey John, what's up?"
"Look, I want you to track my location and if you don't hear from me in 90 minutes you, Chance and Dennis get here pronto. I may be in need of your help."
Before Elizabeth could answer or ask any questions, the line was severed. She looked at Dennis and he could tell that something was wrong.
"Was that John?" He asked as he was pulling off his shirt revealing a chiseled chest and impressive abs.
"Yes," she said as she looked at her phone and used her caller location app to get the exact address of where John had called from. "He may need our help. The clock is ticking, he has 90 minutes to get back to me or we become the Cavalry."
He walked up to Elizabeth and puller her close, "Ninety minutes is plenty of time," he said as he pulled her silk robe back revealing her magnificent breasts. He lowered his head as she reached up for his mouth with her own and they kissed, for the first time as a man and a woman.
Breaking the kiss, she sighed, "I think I am going to like this new person you've become, Dennis."
Dennis smiled, stepped back and dropped his pants. They fell to the floor pooled around his ankles as Elizabeth admired the huge erect cock pointing up from his groin.
Elizabeth joked, "Wow, impressive, but it's been over a year, do you think you still know how to drive that thing."
Dennis laughed and said, "You're right, let's find out." And he pushed Elizabeth down on the bed and climbed on top. She realized that it was a virgin cock and that she'd be the first one to suck on it, but Dennis had other ideas and guided it to her wet warm hole. She helped and placed it at her opening, as Dennis pushed in just a bit splitting her lips open to receive him. He savored the moment that he thought would never come again. Then slowly pushed in an inch at a time, driving him mad with the passion he once enjoyed so regularly. He had almost forgotten how good it felt to have his cock surrounded by a warm, tight, wet pussy. When he bottomed out, he just stayed there for what seemed like minutes, but was only a moment. For Elizabeth, she was totally stuffed as only two other men had filled her so completely.
"Hmmm...lover, the boss must have really been pleased with your work." She cooed. "Are you ready to see what this baby can do?"
Dennis grunted and he began to slow withdraw until he was almost completely out, then slowly he pushed forward, slightly faster until his balls bounced off Elizabeth's pubic bone. He repeated this action, slowly. He was perspiring, like a Tai Chi Master going through his exercise routines. He fought the urge to accelerate until he thought he'd go mad and then began to piston in and out like a machine. Before too long Elizabeth was screaming as he first orgasm took her by surprise and she locked her legs around Dennis' back. But he continued, unwilling to release the pent up ecstasy he so long for. Again, Elizabeth cried out as she came again, just as her first orgasm had subsided.
Dennis used that moment to shift positions without missing a stroke he swung her around from missionary to doggie style on her on her hands and knees and holding her by her hips continued to pound her as he watched her marvelous breasts sway back and forth. She couldn't believe it a third orgasm gripped her and she squeezed her pussy tightly, thinking this man would surely kill her if he didn't come soon. And that was enough. Dennis bucked several more times as he grunted and yelled out announcing the first time he came as a man in over a year, spraying his seed into Elizabeth's womb.
She fell forward and he on top of her. In a move befitting a gymnast Elizabeth with her last ounce of strength twirled around without letting go so that they were once again facing one another and panting.
He got out of his car while taking a quick look around, there was no one on the street, and the residential neighborhood was quiet. There weren't any cars parked on the street, accept his. The street was well lit, and the lights from the adjacent home gave you a warm feeling of families gathered over a meal or unwinding in front of the television.
As John got to the door, he touched the knob and waited a second as the dead bolts and the alarm disengaged at his command. Just before John entered the home he activated what he thought of as a force field around his body. It was more like a personal shield; it completely surrounded him reinforced with the strongest points forward and aft. It looked like a gold aura, but swelled out from his body several inches. It was completely invisible until something touched it.
He walked into the foyer and he heard loud rock playing in another room. The house was huge and he could see it was well decorated. A huge twin staircase leading to the second story greeted you as you entered and the vaulted ceilings looked as if they would never end, recessed lighting dimly illuminated the room.
Following the music, John found himself in the great room there were several naked women were lounging and engaged in sexual acts using dildos and other toys, there were no men that John could see. A blonde and a red head were at his feet involved in a sixty nine, John had to step over. He was surprised by the number of women present as it didn't match the number of cars outside. At his monitors, his father confirmed there were no men in the house, but for reasons he couldn't explain he was unable to tell his son how many women were present. John proceeded cautiously through the house seemingly unnoticed. But he knew better.
As John continued to warily walk through the dimly lit house the music grew louder and he heard the moans of women satisfying their sexual needs. His ring absorbed the energy and he felt new strength surge through is being. Turning the corner and saw April naked and wearing a strap on while another woman was attempting to take the huge black dildo down her throat. He wanted to rush over to her and take her away, but he knew that she was in the role that was created for her and wouldn't come willingly, not yet.
As he moved closer he felt a ripple of energy careen off his shield. He looked in the direction of the energy just in time to see a large naked woman running and leaping towards him like a linebacker about to tackle a quarterback. Instead of tackling John she hit his forward shield and bounced off, falling at his feet unconscious and bleeding from her face. Before John could react he felt his rear shield absorb energy and turning he saw another large woman leaping towards him, this time John pivoted and the woman missed rolled and quickly got to her feet and using a roundhouse kick which shattered her ankle as it landed against his shielding. She screamed in pain grabbing her injured foot and rolling on the floor.
Slowly emerging out of the shadows two woman advanced. Both were dressed in long gowns split in the front and did nothing to hide their assets, they were almost transparent. One was black the other was a green of some shade it was hard to tell in the dim light. "It seems that you aren't without some skills. Who are you and what do you want? This party isn't open to men for any reason."
John turned to face them. "I am looking for Dinah Cohen." He said as he looked them over. A few of the other women were now beginning to pay attention.
Dinah raised an eyebrow, and then shrugged it off; of course he'd be looking for the owner of the house. The second tackler was still reeling on the floor whimpering in pain, as Dinah directed one of the women to attend to her. "And what do you want with Mistress Dinah?"
John tried to hide his anger, "You have something that belongs to me."
Dinah looked around the room; the women quickly lost interest in the conversation and returned to pleasuring each other. "I have many playmates; you'll have to be more specific."
Already knowing the answer, John asked. "So you are Dinah Cohen?"
"I am Mistress Dinah. And just who are you? Not that it really matters, but I like to know who it is that I am about to destroy."
Without knowing it John flexed his muscles, tightening his pectorals, shoulders and arm muscles readying himself for the fight that was about to come.
John extended his arm towards Dinah's neck hand open as if he wanted to strangle the woman. Her eyes grew as large as saucers as she was pulled closer and then lifted off her feet suspended a foot off the floor, her feet kicking and her own hands grabbing at her neck as if to prevent the unknown force from crushing her wind pipe.
Suddenly six rapid green energy pulses bounced off John's shield distracting him from the helpless woman. "Ouch," he thought, that stung."
"The Ring of Vengeance," Dr. Zachary Smith warned his son from the confines of his ring prison. "You need to change your tactics; direct assault will strengthen the user."
John turned to face the Master of the Ring of Vengeance, an Latin woman standing almost six feet tall, long black hair down her back, she too was naked with large breast sitting high on her chest and completely shaved.
"Release her." She ordered. Her voice was strong and confident.
John lowered Dinah to the floor and released her. She fell to one knee a still grasping her throat catching her breath.
"Now leave before I destroy you."
John thought, "Vengeance I mustn't give her a reason to be vengeful. Attacking Dinah directly increased her strength."
"I will not leave until I have what I have come for." John said just as strong and confident as the woman.
"No," Screamed Dinah, "He leaves alone, as he arrived."
"You have taken my woman and changed her into one of your toy. I should destroy you all but I will be satisfied to take what is mine and leave you in peace."
"It's working son, her power levels are dropping." Dr. Smith told his son. "It is you who has the right to be vengeful."
"Who is it you seek?" Dinah asked, appearing to be reasonable. "I have many toys as you have described."
John looked around to see that like the other women April was totally unaware of what was happening as she appeared to be consumed with using the large dildo on the woman who was only a few minutes ago sucking the large black plastic cock she was wearing. She had the woman bent over an overstuffed chair while she plowed into her from behind. With each thrust the woman's large hanging breast shook as she moaned and grunted as April taunted her. "You like my fat black cock stretching your little pussy, don't you bitch."
"There," John pointed. "The one with the strap-on, you've changed her. She isn't like that." Gritting his teeth, John controlled his building anger.
"April," Dinah asked. "I have only just acquired that one. What is she to you?"
John had to be careful not to give away too much and yet be as righteous as possible. "She works for me. I have spent months training her and paying for education. She owes me many hours of labor and you have caused me to lose significant time and money on this investment. I demand satisfaction."
"That did it John, I measure no power," his father reported.
"Then you must be John Smith, nouveau riche. Well, you can't have her. I don't care what you've foolishly invested in her. She's mine."
In that instance John turned to the Latin woman who had become relaxed, lowering her hands as the power from the ring diminished. With speed and precision, John severed the ring finger from her hand and brought the severed digit to his waiting grasp. The woman screamed at the pain looking at her missing digit surprised there was no blood.
With a look, John froze Dinah in place not allowing her to do nothing more than breathe. John removed the ring from the manicured brown finger and put the powerful ring in his pocket. He froze the former owner and taking her injured hand in his replaced and healed the finger then released her. She examined her hand and realized there was no longer pain, but she had lost the ring, she looked to her mistress for help. But Dinah was unable to speak or move. She fell to her knees confused and wept.
He looked around and the woman with the broken ankle was hiding behind one of the couches hoping that John wouldn't see her. He did. She was still in considerable pain, despite being able to control her suffering. John approached her. She expected him to finish her; instead he healed the ankle making it better than before and vanquishing the pain. She smiled, confused but didn't move.
The very large woman that first attacked him still lay motionless in a pile on the floor, her face bloody and teeth missing. John touched her head and after a minute she began to move, opening her eyes and looking up at John her pretty face returning to normal, the blood vanished and her teeth were back. As she pulled herself up to a sitting position, her large tits falling into place on her chest, John appreciated her beauty. She was indeed pretty, just very large at least 6'5", she sat in a very unladylike way her legs spread wide revealing her shaved pussy. "Take a moment, you'll be fine," John told her.
The other women didn't notice or stop what they had been doing, the lesbian orgy continued unabated. John walked back to Dinah and stopped in front of her staring into her eyes. He saw the fear there, wondering what he would do to her. Cries of passion interrupted his stare as he heard April and her partner enjoy their mutual climax. When he arrived they were both covered in sweat, April and her partner were sitting together exchanging spit and rubbing each other's breast and the black dildo now covered in female secretions, pointed away from her flushed body.
"April," John said looking at her with tender eyes, "It's time to go."
April's face changed from the butch façade; back to the sweet girl he'd fallen in love with. She shuddered as she realized everything that had happened over the last several days and began to weep.
Dr. Smith saw that his chance had finally arrived. But John had his shields still raised. He was trapped again, unless.
John reached down and grabbed April by the hand and pulled her out of the stunned woman's embrace as she stood the dildo wiggled back and forth. It vanished and John pulled April to him. Taking her face into his hand he pulled her lips to his.
"Shields down," Dr. Smith said.
John didn't notice it wasn't his command to lower his shields. What he did notice was a disturbance in the equilibrium between him and the ring. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.