Chapter 21.1
Realizing his chance had finally arrived Dr. Smith had one final obstacle to overcome, John's shields were still raised, unless...
Extending his hand downward and looking lovingly into her eyes John took April's hand, and pulled her to her feet. The dildo wiggled back and forth for a moment then it vanished just before John pulled her into the safety of his embrace. He pulled her close and lightly stroked her face before leaning down to kiss her lips.
"Shields down," Dr. Smith said.
John didn't notice it wasn't his command to lower his shields. What he did notice was a disturbance in the equilibrium between him and the ring. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
He looked at April, she was still devastated. He held her tightly and raised his force field again. Despite her conditioning, she felt safe and let him comfort her.
"Dad," he called in his thoughts, "are you there? Something is wrong. It sounds like alarms are going off in my head."
"Ahem, I am sorry young sport, but Dr. Smith seems to have flown the coop, as they say."
"Who are you and what do you mean, 'flown the coop'?"
"John Davison Rockefeller, senior, at your service. As for Dr. Smith, he simply isn't here any longer. He seems to have escaped," Rockefeller said.
"Wait a minute, I thought that was impossible?"
"Apparently not since your father seems to have found a way out. Those alarms you are hearing are to alert you that he is most dangerous and is your responsibility to apprehend immediately."
"Okay, but can you do something about those alarms?" John said as he looked around the room, looking for possible dangers, but only seeing the women still engaged in their play, and of course Dinah Cohen frozen in place.
The alarms in John's mind finally stopped. There was little time to waste. He needed to get April home safely, deal with Cohen and finally find out what had happened with his father.
"Ahem... sorry sir," Mr. Rockefeller said again. "But your priorities are in need of adjustment. You must find Smith first; all the other things must take second place."
"Look Rocky, I have my own crisis just now," John retorted.
"Rocky? I rather like that. Certainly, call me Rocky," the 'stranger-turned-advisor within the ring's prison chirped merrily.
"I'm afraid you don't understand, sir. This has never happened before and ..." Looking around in his environment, things seemed to be on fire. Fortunately, Rocky didn't have a body to burn, nor did his fellow inmates, but whatever entity that was the Ring of Power was not happy about the escape.
John looked at his hand, the one that held the Ring of Power on his ring finger, it seemed to be burning. He felt no pain, but it was enough to get his attention.
"Okay, Rocky. Point taken. We'll find dad first," John said as he watched his hand return to normal. "Wait a minute; you said you are John Davison Rockefeller, Sr., not "The" John Rockefeller of then Standard Oil, now Exxon Mobil?"
"One and the same, I am afraid," Rocky said. "I am pleased that you know who I am." The joy in the man's voice was palpable.
"I am a bit of a history buff, we'll talk about that later, but that's how you pulled it off, huh? You were then the Master of the Ring of Power."
Elizabeth, Chance and Dennis arrived. "Quite a party you've got going on here, John." Elizabeth said as Chance and Dennis spread out observing the women. Seeing the woman pinned to the wall Dennis approached her looked up at Dinah Cohen and said, "You must have been a particularly bad little girl, I hope you like pain, because you've messed with the wrong guy's girl."
John said, "Elizabeth, take April to her mother. Stay with her, I have an emergency to deal with here. Watch her. I'll be there as soon as I can." John lowered his shields as a blanket appeared out of nowhere. John wrapped it around April's naked body as Elizabeth accepted the shaken girl.
"Don't worry, I have her." Elizabeth put her arm around the girl's shoulder and ushered her towards the front door.
John sent Chance and Dennis a telepathic message, "Guys we are looking for a woman that may be possessed by another entity. I can't tell you what we are looking for exactly, but we need to gather everyone together and see what we can find out."
Calling out loud he said, "Turn up the lights and turn off the music. Party's over ladies."
Dennis found the light switch and turned up the lights illuminating the great room, while Chance climbed the stairs to search the upper level. He was very thorough but didn't find anyone. When Chance returned, he and Dennis noticed that the women continued undisturbed by the interruption. They seemed to act as if they were under some sort of mind control. They carried on undisturbed by the agents' presence and changes in their surroundings.
Was he free of the imprisonment of the ring? The bright flash of white light blinded him and now he didn't know where he was, but he hoped that this lack of any sensory input wouldn't last long. It was worse than the imprisonment. He had no perception of time.
John stood in front of Dinah Cohen. He looked into her mind, probing lightly at first, and then going more deeply. His father wasn't in there. Good, he thought. He was furious with the woman. He wanted to make her suffer for what she had done to April, but now wasn't the time. But she did need to be more afraid of what he would do to her however, he roughly stripped her of the translucent gown she wore and pinned her to the wall a foot off the floor, stretching her limbs so that she appeared to be a naked human "X". She panted, only just able to breathe, still completely immobilized. In her eyes he could see true fear; she was indeed helpless and completely exposed.
"Enjoy this brief moment of rest, I have more important matters to attend to just now, but we will have a little quality time very soon," John said with more anger than he thought he was capable of displaying.
Suddenly, all his senses were inundated with input: the bright white light softened, the unmistakable smell of sex was present, the taste of a woman on his tongue, the sounds of women moaning in sexual delight, and then feelings of indescribable pleasure beginning at his center and spreading out throughout his entire body. He had a body! Then he screamed as the pleasure was more than he than he could bear without verbal acknowledgement. But the voice he heard coming from his mouth wasn't masculine; it was feminine and his pussy was on fire as he continue to come, screaming and gasping for air as he fell back into the pussy in front of him.
John, Dennis and Chance gently gathered all the naked women together into the same room. They all looked drugged or in some sort of trance, intent on only satisfying their own lust. Those sitting on the couch continued to play and fondle each other. The women sitting on the floor reclined and straddled each other. John didn't mind as the sexual energy they were emitting only increased his strength, though Dennis and Chance had to remain focused on their job. Being among almost twenty naked and horny women did present its challenges.
Although many of them were pretty, none were exceptional; all had very nice bodies, but most just looked like your average woman next door. Then it dawned on John that maybe they were in fact neighbors. That would explain the lack of cars parked outside.
John walked up to a pair squeezed into an overstuffed chair, they weren't paying any attention to anything but the pleasure they were giving and receiving. They seemed to have nothing in common; one was Asian and had her fingers in the pussy of the other who seemed to be Indian or Pakistani and was slowly fisting her partner while the other nursed on her small breasts. John read their minds and learned that they were next door neighbors and lived just across the street. Amazingly neither really liked the other and they had in the past gone out of their way to avoid each other, but now here they were engaged in the most intimate of lesbian acts.
Taking a quick scan of all the others confirmed John's suspicions; most were neighbors, mothers, wives, and daughters, the youngest being in her early twenties, the oldest in her late fifties.
Some sort of mass hypnotism was used on them and their families as John learned that the husbands simply let their wives and daughters join the orgy any time they were summoned. The men simply picked up the slack, filling in by cooking dinner and taking care of the family while mommy and sister fucked themselves silly until the wee hours of the morning when they would return home to their beds as if nothing unusual had happened. John was even able to see the image of the women being called just after dark; they came from their homes completely naked and in a trance walking the short distance through the neighborhood to Dinah Cohen's home. No one would see them, nor think anything odd was going on.
Dr. Smith began to regain his bearings. He was free; it had worked. His conscious mind was thrown clear of the ring's limbo prison. The transfer was exhausting and he was very tired. He seemed to be within the mind of one of the women here for the orgy. John would be compelled to come after him. He didn't have a choice in the matter. He felt what the woman felt and could see what she saw. He did seem to have some control of his host. Testing that control he had her lick her gooey fingers, not wanting to alert the woman to his presence, not yet. He needed to rest. She wouldn't easily give up control of her body.
Now that John knew what had happened, the questions just kept piling up. Could he fix it? Where was his dad's consciousness hiding? It had to be in one of the women, but which one? Dr. Smith wouldn't let on who, and risk being captured, so how will John ever find him? If he was able to escape from the prison of the ring, could he possess one of his agents, Chance or Dennis?
"Boss, what do you want us to do with these women?" Dennis asked. They seem to be only interested in each other. It is as if we aren't even here.
John sent both men a telepathic message telling them that they were looking for a being without a body capable of possessing anyone, including them. He gave them a nudge. That was the way Chance explained it. That nudge strengthened their minds making it impossible for anyone short of a master of a ring to break into their minds. He then shared a condensed version of what he had learned, leaving out the part about whom exactly they were hunting and where he had come from.
He woke as he felt his host moving into the great room of the small mansion. She found herself huddled among the other naked and desirable women. She had to taste each one and reached out to crawl between the legs of a very large woman she thought of as Emma. Their children played together. She never thought she'd be doing this, but it felt so right to explore Emma's large body.
Dr. Smith realized that John had brought them all together so that he could find him. He knew that he needed to stay in the recesses of this woman's mind. He could wait it out. John was clever, but too gentle and not willing to do what it would take to be a truly great Master of the Ring of Power.
John's phone rang. He knew the caller from the ring-tone he had assigned to her. He answered it.
"Yes Elizabeth, is everything okay?"
"April is fine, but she is still under the influence of the drug to some degree," Elizabeth said.
"Keep her comfortable. I may be a little longer than I thought, but will be there as soon as possible. I have to go now, but call back if you need me." John didn't wait for her to reply as he had enough on his plate. Elizabeth could handle things.
"How about it Elizabeth?" April asked as she pulled on the piercing of her left nipple while she continued to finger her pussy. Her womanly aroma wafted from her nether regions, quickly filling the car. "Don't you want to pull over and have a little taste of my pussy? I know you do, I can tell these things." April was very wet and her fingering was starting to make sloshing sounds as her hand was a blur over her cunt.
"Perhaps another time," Elizabeth said as she navigated through the freeway, as she approached their exit. "First we need to get you home, your mother is worried."
By now April had completely discarded the blanket John had provided and had her feet on the dashboard, reclining in the passenger seat while she continued to strum her pussy. She was beginning to moan, but was unable to get herself off only making her more desperate.
"Fuck Candace! She can wait her turn. You can have all this for yourself. You know you want me," April yelled as she switched hands and offered Elizabeth her fingers that were dripping with her juices.
Elizabeth was stunned by April's insistence and didn't need the distraction as a light rain began to fall. California freeways can be treacherous with only a little rain, especially after many months without any. She didn't need an accident with a naked woman in the car, not that she couldn't handle dealing with the police or other motorist. She glanced over at April and said, "April darling, you are so tired from your long evening, that you just want to lay back and quietly play with your pussy until you fall asleep, don't you?"
"You know what Elizabeth, fuck you too. I am just going to lay here and play with my pussy. I don't need you."
"Close enough," Elizabeth thought. They still had a fifteen minute drive before they reached her home.
Dennis and Chance looked at the women; under different circumstances both would have thoroughly enjoy these women. But they had a job to do. They scrutinized each woman, trying to find the culprit. Suddenly each one sat straight up their eye wide open sitting as if waiting for instructions.
"Boss," Dennis said.
"I see it. Watch them closely," John said as he went over to the wall where Dinah hung helplessly. The Hispanic woman who had been the Mistress of the Ring of Vengeance lay at her feet, still weeping at the loss of the ring. He dismissed her, she crawled several feet away and stopped, half sitting, half laying, exposing her generous ass to him.
He asked Dinah, "What's going on? Your slaves seem to have become alert." She struggled a while and then he allowed her to speak.
"It must be midnight. They are to be allowed to return home now," she struggled to say.
"But they are simply sitting as if waiting for something," John said, as she sharply twisted her head without moving so that she could see them.
"Each one must be dismissed individually. We," she looked at the former mistress on the floor, "usually caress and kiss them goodbye. I would be happy to..."
John snapped her mouth shut. He wasn't in the mood for her levity. He walked back over to the women where his men waited for his instructions. Looking at the women he concentrated and put electronic tags on each one's consciousness. Two brand new iPhone 6 Plus smart phones materialized in Dennis and Chance's hands. I want you to stand at the door, kiss and caress them in a farewell gesture, and check their tracking tags before letting them go.
Chance and Dennis smiled and took their positions at the door. As soon as they looked ready to receive them, the women all stood and formed a line. They were amazing to see; every shade of color, size and shape, naked and jiggling as they moved towards the two men.
Dennis kissed a cute redhead that appeared to be in her forties but had a hard, killer body, which he explored until his hand reached her wet pussy and he inserted his middle finger. She moaned and after a moment he released her, noting her electronic tag on his phone.
Chance leaned down and took a petite Asian woman into his arms, held her and kissed her before he took one, then the other nipple in his mouth. He easily lifted her and brought her pussy to his mouth, took a few licks and returned her to her feet. She swayed trying to regain her balance as Chance found her tag on his phone and allowed her to leave. And so it went, looking like a procession as the naked women walked out of Dinah's home down the street to their respective homes, as John watched. When it was Emma's turn Dennis sent her to Chance, wanting to see how the big man would handle the Amazon.
Emma was large, but perfectly proportioned and very lovely, just super sized. Her long blonde hair curled over her shoulders obscuring Chance's view of her large breasts that seemed to be defying gravity. Chance grabbed her by her pussy, inserting his fingers as he would into a bowling ball, and pulled her to him. He kissed her deeply and with his other hand pulled on her large nipples. She moaned, responding to his passionate caress. He reluctantly he withdrew, and found her tag on his screen. She walked away slowly; slightly more jiggle in her walk as she crossed the street and returned to her home. Like all the other women, once she was lying next to her husband in bed she returned to a conscious state, remembering the vivid dream that had made her so completely aroused. She would fuck her husband's brains out in the morning.
With all the women safely back in their own homes, John asked the men to return to their cars and wait to see if anyone tried to leave. He and Dinah had unfinished business.
What both men heard in John's voice scared them. They had never heard that tone before nor did they want to again. He was going to punish Dinah Cohen for messing with April. They knew he loved April and God help that woman. They took their leave and closed the heavy door behind them.
John stood in front of Dinah Cohen once again. She hung stripped naked, pinned to the wall a foot off the floor like the female version of Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. She was terrified. John took his time and assessed her beauty. She had very nice large breasts that barely sagged, quite an accomplishment for a woman of her age. Her nipples hardened as she watched him carefully inspect her body. Her stomach was flat and her long legs were toned. Where they met, her labia peeked out slightly from her folds. She was indeed an attractive woman, regardless of her age. It was obvious that she worked hard to maintain her body. Spending a little more time looking at her face, he saw only slight traces of age marks, mostly hidden by the makeup. Her shoulder length light brown hair was flawlessly styled; her eyes though defiant betrayed her fear.
Finally he spoke. "I have been giving a great deal of thought to your punishment," John said as he took a few steps and turned his back to her. "It would be too easy to kill you and your suffering far too brief." He chose not to tell her that he'd never killed anyone before nor was he sure that he could. "No, I think suffering is the right course of action here."
Turning to face her, he said, "You've put a lot of work into that beautiful body of yours; maybe I should simply make it wither." With that she felt her body burn as her muscles atrophied and her taut skin wrinkled from her forehead to her toes. John magically produced a full length mirror so that she could see the immediate effects. She looked twice her age. Her once healthy color had been replaced by brown and white splotchy patches. Her hair had turned grey and her once naked pussy had uneven patches of grey hair growing from it. She'd lost ten pounds and it looked like her death was imminent.
She tried to scream at the sight of her body and the searing pain, but all she managed was a weak belch.
"It looks like you don't approve," John said mocking her. "You may speak, go ahead."
"Please," she begged, "don't do this." The voice that came out wasn't hers, but a crackly deep tenor that surprised her and left her mouth agape. She saw that many of her teeth were missing and her tongue had sores.
Just when she thought things couldn't get worse, she swallowed hard and emitted the worst imaginable flatulence. It was so bad that she cringed. Without warning she expelled more gas.
John made certain not to smell the horrible odor, keeping it in her immediate vicinity. She looked down and her once proud breasts were now hanging down to her navel, looking like twin deflated balloons flat against her chest, her once glorious nipples looking like raisins hanging at the ends.
"This is the new you. What do you think?"
"Please..." she begged.
"I don't suppose you'll still be welcomed at your law firm," John said. "Even if you were able to convince them of your true identity, practicing law is definitely out."
He paused. "Of course, you couldn't be allowed to keep any of your material things, like this house, cars or clothes. No you would need a new wardrobe." Magically John dressed her in her new attire. She found herself clothed in dirty smelly rags stained with blood, feces and vomit. It was an old faded dress that seemed to be of a style from a bygone era. Her shoes were old worn-out sneakers with holes in the soles.
"Well, there it is, your entire wardrobe. I think this makeover is the real you, don't you agree?"
Tears were now running down her leathery wrinkled face, she didn't recognize herself. She'd rather he killed her and be done with it, but he obviously knew how best to hurt her.
"I am sorry...please...anything...I'll do anything."
"Of course you'll do anything. I own you now," John roared. And with that, her body burned and she was returned to her former glory.
"Since you belong to me now and I don't currently have a use for an old witch-looking bag lady, at least not yet, I'll have to find a better way of punishing you."
John approached her and roughly inserted his ring finger between her labia. He pierced them with a sapphire stone which allowed John to track its wearer anywhere. She winced at the pain and the intrusion of John's finger.
While he had his finger in her pussy and without her knowing it, John made several changes to her body. The most important was that Dinah wouldn't be able to become pregnant. Although a lesbian now, that would soon change and she would be getting plenty of cock in all three of her holes.
"I do need a good legal mind, but since I am stuck with you, I guess you'll have to do. What are your normal office hours?" John asked.
"Nine to six," Dinah said, surprised to hear her natural voice again.
"Oh, that will never do. Your new hours are six to seven. If you don't have enough to do you'll take on additional work, but my cases have priority of course."
"By the way, you are no longer a lesbian, sorry." He smiled feigning concern. "You will constantly crave cock. You can't get enough cock, the bigger the better. You can only orgasm with a large cock in your ass, although you can sometimes come if the cock in your mouth is slick with your juices or fresh from your ass. No sex during working hours, including lunch, sorry. I want you to put in an honest day's work."