Chapter 21.2

Dinah cringed at the thought of having to deal with penises again, and then surprisingly smiled as she realized that she did like cock and how good it would feel to have a fat juicy one in her ass, of course she wasn't a lesbian.

Watching her respond, John continued. "In your off hours you will be unable to say no. That's right; you will be a servant to whoever asks you to do whatever they ask you to do, from menial labor to gangbangs. You are going to be a very popular woman, Dinah."

Her poker face quickly faded as she realized that anyone could have her naked and moaning like a whore or engaging in any conceivable sexual act by simply asking. She shuddered as she realized that it also meant she could lose everything, her money, cars and houses. All someone needed to do was ask.

"Oh, just a few more things," John said as he looked at the defeated naked and helpless woman hanging on the wall like a piece of living art. "If you ever see April again, I will turn you into that old witch bag lady for good. Should it be unavoidable, you will immediately avert your eyes and leave the vicinity as quickly as possible without drawing any attention."

The image of that awful persona was forever imprinted in her mind and she trembled to think that it could become her permanent reality.

"When we are alone you are to address me as Master, unless it is an emergency in which case you are to communicate normally. If you are worthy I will acknowledge you. You are completely loyal to me in every way. You cannot harm me or be a party to any harm to me or any of my people. Is that clear?"

"Yes Master," Dinah said, surprised at how easily the words came out of her mouth.

"Finally, when alone in my presence unless I say otherwise you are to be completely naked, you are not worthy to wear clothing. Is that clear?"

"Yes Master," Dinah said. "That is a lot to remember, I will do my best to be worthy..."

"Fool, I am not leaving it to your puny memory to remember. It is ingrained in you now. You will be unable to forget."

John released her and she dropped hard to the floor, her legs unable to support her. "I want all remaining doses of the drug and all data you have on the company that manufactures it. What other drugs or secrets are you harboring that I would be interested in knowing about?"

Dinah pulled her legs back underneath her and relaxed her aching muscles while falling to her knees, in an effort to gain favor.

"Master, I am sorry. I have only the one drug and keep it locked in my office safe. I could go there now and retrieve it, along with the files you requested. I have many secrets which you will be pleased to learn. It will take some time to explain them all."

Glancing at the big clock on her wall John recognized how late it was, nearly two in the morning. "Fool. Going to the office now would attract undue attention; you will be there early enough. Retrieve all that I ask for and then call me, my cell number is in your tiny little brain, too. I will tell you when and where to meet me. In the meantime tell me about these secrets you are hiding."

Dennis and Chance sat in Chance's white Porsche Boxster GTS Convertible, waiting and talking quietly as they each looked at their iPhone 6 Plus and the data from the tags.

"Looks like we have winner," Chance said as they hunched down as a grey Lexus LX rolled out of the driveway, paused at the street and turned left. "Better call John."

The woman behind the wheel was almost sleep-walking as she drove the large SUV down the quiet street; she had no idea where she was going, but somewhere in the recesses of her mind she was being directed. As she drove she realized that she was dressed rather sexually, the little black dress was something she pulled out only on special occasions when she needed to do that trophy wife thing she accepted as part of her life with Matt, her asshole of a husband. These days that was all she was to him. She knew he was screwing around behind her back because he rarely if ever fucked her anymore and with her killer body and store bought tits, she knew that was the only way he could resist.

Dr. Smith was hiding in the back of the woman's mind, like a stowaway on a cruise ship. He thought he'd cut his wrist if he had to listen to more of this woman wallowing in self pity. He needed to remain hidden and hope that he could get away before his son found him. If she didn't suspect that he was there she'd not be aware of his thoughts.

"Got it," John said. "Stay with her, but don't follow too closely. We need the element of surprise. I will catch up with you. Don't lose her," he warned, and ended the call. Looking at his phone for the first time in hours he noticed that he had several messages: three were from Candace and one from Heather. He shrugged. He would try to text or reply to Heather's call from his car.

Pocketing the phone he turned back to the new Dinah Cohen. She was silent, waiting to continue her confessions to her master.

"Dinah, you are tired. You will go to your room, do your normal night time hygiene and make sure to be on time for work tomorrow." He turned his back to her knowing she would follow his instructions.

"You," he called to the once powerful Hispanic woman now reduced to a weeping mass of naked flesh, "come here."

The former Mistress of the Ring of Vengeance stood and walked the short distance to the Master of the Ring of Power. Unlike the other women, she was a naturally gorgeous woman standing about 5'6" with large breasts and long dark hair. Her eyes were puffy from her constant weeping, tear tracks staining her beautiful face. She stood wobbly on her long shapely legs, not sure what was to become of her now.

Having defeated her, John thought it appropriate that he should fuck her, to celebrate his victory. If not for his father's escape from the ring's prison and April's need of his attention, he'd have make time. The woman/former mistress likely had a few secrets of her own that he should know, too. He needed to take her with him and didn't have time to explain.

He clothed her in a Mexican peasant dress that fell low on her shoulders and had a name tag that said "Linda". He didn't bother with underwear, she wouldn't need them.

He looked at her and said, "You are a waitress from the El Camino Mexican Restaurant. You were on your way home when your car broke down. I stopped and picked you up. You are very grateful and, being a bit of a slut you are eager to thank me appropriately."

Linda smiled and licked her lips while running her hands up and down her dress and feeling the soft material against her skin she shook her ass seductively.

"Linda, an emergency has come up so you are going to have to wait a while before I can take you home. Is that okay?"

"Sure honey, just don't wait too long, you don't want to miss out on this," she said as she pointed to herself before capturing her braless tits in her hands.

"Linda," John said, "you will do everything I ask without question. Now let's go."

Pulling into the driveway, Elizabeth was relieved to have finally arrived. April had been a real challenge and Candace had been worried. She dialed Candace and asked if she could help get April into the house.

Once inside, Elizabeth explained what she knew and that John had an emergency but would be by as soon as he was able.

By now April was awake again and horny, and despite Elizabeth and Candace's limited mind control abilities, they were unable to persuade April to sleep.

"Candace why don't you go to sleep and leave me and Elizabeth alone, we can talk in the morning," she said as she pulled Elizabeth's hand.

"April, you aren't gay honey. This isn't you." Candace pleaded with her daughter.

"So I have been told, mother. But I still have this need for pussy and since Elizabeth is the only female available I am sure that she wouldn't mind pacifying me until John can come to the rescue."

Candace stopped and stared at the two women. Elizabeth shrugged, knowing that John wanted to make sure that April was calm until he could undo the harm that had been done.

"What the hell," Candace said as she began to strip out of her clothing.

"Mother, what are you doing?" April asked as she watched her mother quickly slip out of her blouse and remove her bra. April's eyes were fixed on her mother's large breasts. So much like her own, she licked her lips, and then caught herself. "No! Mother this would be incest." She watched helplessly as her mother removed her skirt and panties standing completely naked in front of her shocked and horny daughter.

"Don't be silly. You're gay, what do you care?" Candace replied as she looked over at Elizabeth, who read the look and began to remove her clothing as well.

"Oh, I see," said April. "You're calling my bluff. Well, we'll see about that." She threw off the blanket that she had draped around her and walked up to her mother, pulling her hard into a lip lock.

Candace kissed back and mother and daughter tongue wrestled for a while before April broke the kiss, panting for breath as her mother began to fondle her daughter's tits that looked so much like her own.

April sighed and cuddled her mother's head against her ample bosom just as Elizabeth approached and sandwiched the young woman between the two of them. She ran a hand down between April's ass cheeks to find her pussy moist and warm, causing her to moan in approval.

The three women slowly sank to the floor and as Candace crawled between her daughter's legs, Elizabeth squatted above April's surprised, open mouth. The young woman wasted no time and began to show the skills she'd learned in her short time as a lesbian.

As John and the woman he had named Linda drove quickly through the streets of Mountain View, California, he dialed Dennis's phone. "Where are you guys? Where is she headed?"

Dennis replied. "We are heading south on the 101, I think she may be heading for the San Jose International Airport."

"Damn that's not good," John swore. "How far out are you?"

"About eight miles, traffic is light, ten minutes or less," Dennis said.

"Are you still able to track her or them?"

"Yeah, I am getting two hits. There are definitely two consciousnesses."

"Don't lose them; if you have to engage, do so, just don't let her get among other people," John warned them.

"Linda, why don't you take a nap?" He couldn't afford to be distracted now. The woman obeyed, reclining her seat she closed her eyes and was soon lightly snoring, just as John shifted into fifth gear. John made his Nissan Z phase out of sync with normal space and time which allowed him to drive through solid matter, in this case other vehicles. This was a good idea, because despite there being little car traffic, there were many eighteen wheelers on the freeway at this hour. John pushed the pedal to the floor.

"Yes, the airport was the perfect place," Dr. Smith was thinking. He should be strong enough to leap into another body. He really didn't care who it would be at this point. He needed to get out of this woman's body. It was like driving the car that was seen leaving the bank after the robbery, too easy to spot. He was beginning to feel stronger and despite needing the woman to concentrate on her driving, he decided to experiment a little to see how much control he had over her and her body.

"Headlights on," he thought.

The woman felt her nipples harden to a point where they almost ached as they poked through the thin material of the little black dress she wore. "Why didn't I bother to put on a bra?" she wondered. "Why am I getting turned on?"

"Pussy itches," he thought.

She took her right hand off the wheel and put under her dress surprised to learn she didn't have any panties on. This was good because it allowed her to lightly scratch the building itch. As she slowly fingered herself she slowed the vehicle, unable to concentrate on both.

"Hmmm..." Dr. Smith thought, as the warm sensation spread throughout her body as she began to heat up. "This could be interesting," he thought, an unexpected side effect of their joining. He could feel her arousal growing.

John was speeding south on the 101 at over 120 mph. At first he didn't bother to change lanes, instead he simply passed through one eighteen wheeler after another. But he soon found that although he could pass through them, he couldn't see through them, until he activated his "x-ray vision", something he hadn't done in a long time. Still it was better to change lanes occasionally in order to see where he was going. There was no danger of crashing, but he couldn't afford to miss the exit. He worried that he wasn't going to make it in time. If his dad made it to the airport he may be able to transfer into another body or board a flight and leave the city, state or country before he could stop him.

Heather was up early, as was now her habit. She wore a light robe that hung off her naked body as she walked through the quiet house and out to the pool, intent on getting her early morning workout in.

She had checked her phone and was disappointed she hadn't heard from John, but knowing John, he was probably in the middle of an important deal. She knew he'd get back to her, she just hoped it would be before she had to go back to her swim practice.

She dropped the robe on the nearest lounge chair and walked to the shallow end of the butterfly designer pool. It wasn't the best for swimming but she made the unusual shape work. As she stepped into the shallow water she filched; the shock of the cool water was something she would never get used to. She paused just as the water reached where her legs met. The gentle water lapped at her bald pussy lips causing her to wrestle with the idea of exploring the tingling feeling, or swimming her laps. Her nipples hardened as the combination of the cool water and cooler air surrounded her. She shrugged and dove into the water, the sound of the splashing water breaking the calm. There would be plenty of time for pleasuring herself later.

She swam the first lap completely submerged under the clear water, enjoying the feel of it passing over her naked body, making her wish she could swim nude all the time. Reaching the deep end she flipped, came to the surface, and began a leisurely backstroke that lifted her head and breasts out of the water, her nipples once again hardening in the cool air.

Unseen from the balcony window, her mother, Jacqueline Winchester Smith, stood naked, pulling on her own nipples and strumming her moist pussy as she watched her daughter swim.

"She's entering the airport parking lanes, we are right behind her," Dennis said as Chance maneuvered the small sports car slowly through the lanes that led to the parking structures. "How far out are you, boss?"

"I am a half a mile out, try to stall her until I get there," John said.

"Heading for short term parking," Dennis announced. "Chance let me out here; I will try to head her off." Dennis jumped out of the car just as they passed the terminal parking lot entrance.

Chance parked near the Lexus SUV and alerted Dennis that the woman was heading his way.

Dennis thought about what he could do to slow the woman. He walked behind a support pillar and a little girl emerged, looking panicked she ran to the entrance to the terminal, tears running down her tiny face, calling out for her mommy.

The woman was rushing towards the entrance when she saw the small child.

"What's the matter, little girl? Did you lose your mommy?" the woman asked as her maternal instinct kicked in.

The child didn't answer, but slowed its crying a bit and lunged forward into the bending woman's arms.

"There, there. Come with me, maybe we can find someone to help us find her."

"No," Dr. Smith said. "We haven't time for this. Get rid of the child."

The woman abruptly stood and pushed the child away, causing the tyke to go sprawling across the parking structure's smooth concrete floor. She marched forward, looking back at the small child who screamed louder, desperately trying to attract her attention.

John pulled into the nearby handicap parking space and jumped through the car as it rematerialized leaving the sleeping woman inside.

Dennis morphed back into himself as Chance joined them. "Sorry sir, I thought I had her."

John acknowledged the fact that he did have her for a minute; his dad must have taken control again. "It was a good attempt," John told them.

"Can you still track them?" John asked as they trotted behind him as they entered the building. There was a long corridor that emptied into the terminal, they still had a chance.

Both Chance and Dennis had their phones out and acknowledged they still had her signal. The trio continued to run faster in the hope of getting to the woman in time, but things weren't looking good.

The corridor emptied into the massive luggage retrieval and baggage claim area. Two airliners had just landed and the area was busy with people attempting to get their bags and leave.

Dennis and Chance followed the signal and found a befuddled woman in a black dress watching an empty carousel spin, waiting for her bag.

They were too late. John could see the woman was alone. "See if you can pick up the other signal while I erase this one," he told the guys.

"Miss, you've had a long day. Your bags are in your car, you can go home now," John told the woman as he put his hand gently on her shoulder.

"Oh, that's right," she said and turned to leave, not really understanding what had transpired but eager to get back home and get some rest.

Dennis and Chance split up and worked the large area; John suggested they make their way to the terminal and the outbound flights. They moved cautiously in that direction. Chance noticed a signal and then it disappeared. Dennis was a not far ahead and noticed it too. They alerted John and as he feared, his dad was jumping from body to body just out of their reach. They reached the TSA screening line and a little four year old girl in line holding her mother's hand turned to face them and said, "You'll never catch me Johnny." Her mother looked down at her, surprised by what the little girl had said and picked her up, holding her protectively.

A minute later an old Asian woman yelled out, "You are too unimaginative, Johnny. I won't go back, never." When she finished she looked embarrassed and muttered something in Mandarin to her companion.

Finally, on the other side of the screening a teenager pulled the ear buds from his ear and said, "You lack the creativity to be a great Master of the Ring, Johnny. I'll see you later, son."

His girlfriend looked at him, questioning him as to whom he was talking. He simply shrugged and it was forgotten.

John called Dennis and Chance back. "He's gone. Let's get out of here," he told his two faithful agents. As they reached John's car a parking enforcement officer was writing John a ticket.

"What's that for?" John asked. "That's a handicap space buddy. Unless sleeping beauty there is handicapped, it looks like you're getting one of these," he said as he tore the ticket from the book and held it out to John, waiting for him to take it.

John didn't move. He was angry but realized that taking it out on a guy who was just doing his job wasn't right. "Well she is, as a matter of fact. It's quite dark; perhaps you didn't see the placard hanging from the mirror?"

The wise cracking parking enforcement guy looked into the car and there on the mirror hung the blue plastic handicap placard allowing the user to park in handicap spaces without being ticketed.

Surprised, the guy yelled, "Hey where did that come from?" He had checked earlier and didn't see it. That was the first place he usually looked.

John frowned and the guy backed off and apologized. John spoke quietly to his agents before they turned and walked back to where Chance had parked his car. John slid behind the wheel of his Z and pulled out.

Peering at them from around the corner was a middle-aged man in a business suit. As they left he walked towards a black BMW, got in and started the engine, and pulled out of the lot. Following him was a blonde teenager in a late model Volkswagen Jetta.

John wasn't in a good mood. He usually had his dad to talk to but now he was gone. He wondered if he had tricked him to gain his freedom. Would there be a price to pay?

"Not to worry, John Smith. Can I call you John or would you prefer Johnny?"

"Oh, hey Rocky, I forgot you were there. Call me John."

"John it is. I will remain in the background until I think you need me, if that is satisfactory?"

"That's fine, Rocky. But I have to say you sound more like a servant than a former Master of the Ring and oil tycoon."

"That is true. The reason is quite clear, you see there is another way out, but your father didn't like that method. It is through humble servitude to the whims of the ring. I have had my day, my share of fun and all that. My crimes were many, but there is forgiveness."

During the drive Rocky gave John an intimate look at his life as a Master of the Ring and a glimpse of what his existence was like now. It conflicted greatly with what his father had told him; it seemed that Dr. Smith had indeed played his son. Little by little John had given his father more autonomy and it wasn't long before he was the alpha spirit dominating all the others prisoners within the ring.

Rocky continued to talk, allowing John to let his mind wander for a bit, the woman he named Linda, the former Mistress of the Ring of Vengeance still slept, lightly snoring in the passenger seat. He wasn't yet sure what to do with her, but he couldn't just leave her with Dinah.

Then he remembered that he needed to call or text Heather. Something was up; he certainly had a lot on his plate.

Rocky quit his narrative and suggested that John pull over and call his sister. It was early; if he didn't reach her at least he could leave her a voice message.

Heather was finishing her laps and just getting out of the pool when her cell phone began to play one of her favorite tunes by an obscure rock band. She picked it up and saw it was her brother returning her call. "Hey John, you're up early," she said as she tried not to let the water from her hair get on the phone. She tilted her head to one side letting her long hair hang over her naked breasts as she picked up her towel. Water ran down her legs causing a puddle to form at her feet.

"You don't know the half of it," John said. "What's going on with you?"

Heather explained what had happened a few days ago and how she was able to defend herself. John felt relieved that his commands had worked as he had intended, but then realized that it was possible their father might come after his daughters, particularly if their powers were returned. He asked about her plans for the day and promised that he would try to get there so they could talk in depth about the situation.

Heather said goodbye, put her phone down and began to dry herself. She then pulled on her robe once again, and headed back to her room. Her mother continued to watch from the balcony window. Realizing that John would be visiting soon made her caresses more demanding. She couldn't put it off any longer; she straddled the Sybian and turned the machine on. She was still under John's command to pleasure herself daily and since money wasn't an issue she bought herself many sex toys; the Sybian was the ultimate sex toy for a horny woman.

She started it on the lowest setting, and little by little turned up the intensity. Jacqueline Winchester Smith rocked back and forth as the shaft moved within her, the pleasure continued to grow until she shuddered, trembled and stifled her screams of passion until she felt her voice becoming hoarse.

Peeking into the massive master bedroom unseen by Jacqueline, Ana their maid and Isabel's lover watched, licking her lips, unsure if she was turned on more by the machine and her hope of trying it for herself, or by her employer's voluptuous body. It didn't matter, she was going to have one or both soon enough.
Next page: Chapter 22.1
Previous page: Chapter 21.1