Chapter 24.1
Pastor Jones turned to the surprised host and said, "You told us to make ourselves at home."
Just as Dr. Smith was about to leap from George and restore order, the doorbell rang again.
Not stopping to peek through the peephole, George opened the door to find Mary waiting. She quickly pushed him in and captured his lips with hers.
The kiss was intense, much more passionate than Dr. Smith remembered. This kiss was steamy and hot and it confused Dr. Smith. Either she'd learned a lot more since John put her out whoring or she'd fallen in love with this oaf. Perhaps, he thought, she'd fallen out of love with him. Or maybe she never really loved him in the first place.
Dr. Smith was stunned. But George was back in control and he leaned into the kiss, much like an experienced driver would turn into a skid. Together their passion soared. When they gently parted their lips, they were both breathless and stared into each other's eyes like you'd imagine lovers would, basking in the afterglow of a single kiss that spoke volumes.
Mary was about to speak when George spoke first. "This is a surprise! What can I do for you?"
Just as she was about to answer, she heard a scream of passion coming from further in the house.
"George, are you holding out on me?" She broke their embrace and followed the sounds to the den, with George in close pursuit. When she arrived she saw the family much the same way that George had left them, only sweating and panting but still fucking like rabbits.
"Mary, I can explain this," he said. George didn't know how to explain it and he didn't even know who these people were and why he'd let them into his home, other than the fact that they had asked him to be invited in.
"John," Elizabeth spoke excitedly into her cell phone, "this may be nothing, but your mother's neighbor just got an unexpected family drop in on them. They were dressed very conservatively. I didn't get a clear reading on my phone so it is hard to tell for sure unless I enter the house. Wait a minute.
Mary just came home and went directly over there. Funny too, I am picking up all sorts of sexual energy being released. If I didn't know better I'd think there was an orgy going on."
"Hmmm..." John said. "Go in, observe, and report back. Intervene only if you think that mom is in danger."
Dinah was on her hands and knees on her bed as Chance held her ass and continued his assault. She resisted at first, only to be surprised just how much she enjoyed being sodomized. Chance was huge and she never thought she'd be able to take him back there, but by taking their time and using plenty of lube, Chance squeezed in. Dinah was shocked at how good it felt; she couldn't get enough. Chance was careful to clean up as he alternated between her holes; after all, John hadn't inoculated her from all disease as he had his agents. But now he was heading for home. Dinah had already cum twice and was on the verge of cumming again, so Chance decided to finish up. Dinah seemed committed to her new life. Perhaps committed was too strong a word; she seemed to accept it.
Chance would give John a favorable report and perhaps he'd keep her around a little longer. He did feel a little sorry for her, but only a little. She came from privilege; moreover she was arrogant and needed to be taken down a few pegs. Chance had seen people like her all his long life. Once taken down they became remorseful and imagined how life would have been different for them had they not been so quick to judge others without considering their circumstances.
He was close and both of them were sweating profusely. Dinah's ample hanging breasts were slapping against one another and her hair was plastered against her face. She howled as she came for the third time since Chance had entered her ass, squeezing it tightly. She'd lost count of the total. That was just what Chance was waiting for as he erupted and emptied himself into her rectum, which caused Dinah to squeal harder, as if her own orgasm had doubled. Later they would learn all of the nuances that John had added, such as when her lovers cum in her ass, she'd cum too. And if she was already cumming, then the feeling would multiply.
Dinah fell forward on to the bed as Chance's huge cock softened and pulled free, leaving her asshole gaping wide with cum dripping out. It would take several minutes before it would close. Chance admired his work; Dinah was a mess, but totally satiated for the first time in days.
"Come on." Chance said, "Let's go have a shower. And if you're good I'll let you suck my dick for a while."
Dinah perked up. "I could suck Chance's cock again," she thought. Despite her fatigue, she jumped at the opportunity and raced past the giant into the bathroom to ready the shower.
"A party and you didn't invite me? Shame on you, George." With that said, she began unbuttoning her blouse and pants as she slid out of her sandals. George watched stunned as Mary tossed her blouse aside and reached behind her back for her bra snaps. "What are you waiting for George? Strip." Using her mind control powers Mary made George comply, while inside Dr. Smith seethed. He jumped back into Pastor Jones and attempted to bring him out of his unlawful carnal congress with his daughter. But all he did was make him aware of Mary who was nearly naked as she shimmied out of her pants, pulling her panties off in the process.
"Hello gorgeous. Glad you could come to our little impromptu party," Pastor Jones said as he pulled out of his daughter and pulled the naked newcomer to him by her extended hand. "You are just too beautiful to look at, do you mind if I taste your treasures?"
"By all means," Mary said and turned to George. "Don't be a stick in the mud, there's an open pussy waiting for your big cock." George didn't resist. As he slid his cock into the preacher's daughter, she moaned and looked over to see their host finally joining in, then returned to eating her girlfriend's pussy. She couldn't believe how much she was enjoying the taste.
Lying on her back, Mary stroked the pastor's hard cock as he sampled Mary's ample breast. Inside the mind of the minister, Dr. Smith howled with anger. He'd lost control of the group, but his target was just in front of him. He shook his head in disgust as he watched his Mary acting the slut, the slut his son had turned her into. His Mary, pure and precious, dedicated only to him, having carnal relations with anyone and everyone. It was too much. But he would fix that! He'd possess her. He'd change her back into the woman that was his alone.
Having enjoyed both her magnificent tits, leaving her nipples poking out an inch, the pastor's focus shifted as Mary rubbed him back and forth across her waiting opening. That grabbed his attention. With very little effort he pushed his cock between her lips and plunged down into her tight, warm depths. The feeling was incredible as he slid deeper. Dr. Smith recognized the familiar feel of Mary's velvet pussy, enjoying it again, just as much as the first time. For a moment he was torn. He was ready to claim his prize again, but the reverend's strokes felt too good and so familiar that he was reluctant to leave.
Then he thought of what it would feel like to enjoy Mary's enhanced passions and remembered his end game. She was the perfect candidate. So without any further deliberation Dr. Smith transported his essence into his former mistress and mother of the Master of the Ring of Power.
They left the bathroom; Chance ducked to get through the door and entered the bedroom. Dinah darted past him to the bed, quickly pulling away the dirty linen and replacing it with clean sheets that she stored nearby. She was quick and efficient. Her naked body jiggled as she moved around the bed. Chance admired the woman's physique. He was tempted to hang around longer, but he'd completed his mission and John would be pleased.
Just then the doorbell rang. It was late.
"Expecting someone?" Chance asked her, wondering if he was being conned.
"No!" Dinah gasped. She was hoping to get more of Chance's wonderful cock.
"Well, you better go and see who it is," he said.
Dinah walked towards the door, pausing beside where her robe hung, and looked back at Chance. He nodded. She pulled the sheer robe off the hook and slid it around her body, putting her arms through the sleeves as she walked. She turned on a few lights as she made her way to the door. Peeping through the cutout in the door she saw a petite woman with fiery red hair looking up at her as though she could see her through the door.
"Oh my God," Dinah gasped.
As Dr. Smith materialized within Mary's mind he was shaken violently as he felt the immense pleasure she was receiving as the pastor stoked his cock back and forth in her pussy. Her pleasure was immense and yet it he could feel it building. Any average woman would have been climaxing continually at this level of stimulation. He steadied himself using Mary's thoughts to help him. She was accustomed to this level of passion with more to go before she would cum. He then felt the overwhelming joy that she was feeling. She was enjoying being a whore, he thought. "Well, enjoy it while you can." He looked around her mind and saw many familiar sights. Despite the orgy going on and how it dominated her consciousness like a jumbotron on the front wall of her mind, he saw many other smaller screens with frozen images of the people in Mary's life, past and present.
There were Mary's parents, childhood friends, grandparents and other family members Dr. Smith didn't recognize. Then larger screens came into his view. There was George Wilson's face frozen on a screen, and then on a very elaborate screen was his son John. Apparently he, like most sons, held a particularly high place in his mother's heart. Dr. Smith swept past several other screens searching for what he knew had to be there until he found it. On a small screen, hidden by many others he saw it. He almost didn't recognize himself; he had been a much younger man then. But the screen was dusty, and although not in black and white, the colors were faded. The picture looked a little washed out. Nevertheless, he grew nearer and the image began to move. He was seeing things through Mary's eyes. It was one of their first encounters, he recalled. They were on his yacht off the coast heading down to Santa Barbara. He remembered that day. It was the day that he decided that she would be his alone. The memory ended and as if rewound he saw his face like it was when he first found the screen.
"More," he said.
Many scenes began to play at once, dividing the small screen into many smaller screens. He mentally reached out and saw the day that Mary had told him she was pregnant. She didn't seem to be as happy as he remembered her being. He touched another and she was holding her baby John and trying to get him to hold his son, but he refused. Another was during their love-making; Mary was going almost out of her mind unable to stop from cumming and unable to catch her breath, then the screen went blank. He remembered that she often blacked out. He was proud of himself.
As if on cue, he heard the pastor roar as he came, flooding Mary with his seed. She came with him. That was odd, Dr. Smith thought. "She came after a total stranger shot his dirty seed into her. Well, looks like I need to do some house cleaning."
His phone rang, and he caught it in the middle of the first ring, "Yeah."
"I was right on both counts, he's here and he appears to have occupied Mary," she said as she looked at her iPhone 6 technical display.
"Can you see Mary's front porch?"
The question seemed to stun Elizabeth and she pondered it before answering. It didn't make any sense, but then she considered who was asking it. "Give me a second," she replied as she moved into place unseen. "I can see it."
"Is there anything there?"
It was an odd thing to ask, but she responded quickly this time, "Just the welcome mat."
"Good," he said. Before she could ask why, she heard a strange whooshing sound and John materialized on the front porch in a quick burst of light that quickly faded. He sprinted across the two well-manicured lawns to the front door that Elizabeth quickly opened.
"Back there," she pointed knowing that he could see her while she was invisible. She followed him as they made their way back to the room where the mini orgy continued.
Both Rocky and the ring itself told John that Dr. Smith indeed inhabited his mother's mind.
The pastor was startled by John's arrival and pulled his quickly shrinking cock from Mary with a small pop. He was relieved that John paid him little attention, and seated himself in a La-Z-Boy®, catching his breath. Looking at the action there were nine more holes left to choose from.
Mary sat up on her elbows, cum slowly dripping from her beautiful pussy, her eyes beginning to focus on her son. A smile slowly formed on her lips. It wasn't a friendly smile, but one of cunningness. "I've captured your queen, Johnny, check! She's mine again and I plan to do a little redecorating. You won't recognize the ole girl when I am done." Then she let out a wicked cackle, one that could have come from "the Wicked Witch of the West" herself.
"Well are you going to let me in or not?" asked the voice from behind the door. "You know I can see you."
She had completely forgotten about her. "Shit," she cursed under breath. "What should I do?" Imagines of the bag lady flashed fresh across her mind.
Chance stood barefoot, dressed only in his pants, staring across the foyer at his student who seemed to be frozen with fear.
"What are you trying to hide from me?" the voice of the petite woman asked from behind the door.
"Let her in," Chance said as he slipped his size fourteen loafers on his bare feet as he looked around for his shirt.
Dinah wanted to warn him, but she didn't know how to explain it. So she simply acquiesced and opened the door, admitting the tiny woman.
"It's about time," she looked over Dinah as she stepped in and Dinah closed the door. Noticing she was clothed in a robe that did nothing to hide her charms, the woman said, "Oh I see now you're entertaining. Where is she? I'll bet it's the young thing you were telling me about. So you finally captured her. You don't mind if I sample her, too?"
Dinah didn't answer, but only stared at Chance. The little lady realized that she wasn't getting through. She looked up into Dinah's eyes to see she was looking away and her expression told her she wasn't looking at the young woman. She pivoted quickly and saw the giant standing in the doorway to the living quarters. She took him in; shirtless he revealed the chiseled muscles of a gladiator; every visible muscle was clearly defined.
"A male, why is he here?" The petite woman asked as she boldly stepped forward for a better look. "Why is he here, Dinah?" She asked and turned to look at the frightened woman.
"I've got a better question," Chance said. "Why are you here and who are you?"
"He speaks?" She looked back at Dinah and then back at the giant. "Who said that you could speak?" She looked at Dinah again. "Why is he speaking to me?"
Chance took a few steps forward, "Look I don't know who you are or what you want, but..."
Before he could finish his statement the little woman stepped forward and reached out with her hand in the air and lifted the giant, turning him horizontal. She threw him through the wall and into the next room leaving a gaping hole with broken pipes, water spraying out and lights flickering.
John was momentarily stunned as he watched, horrified that his father had indeed entered his mother's mind and planned on doing her harm. He had to stop him, but how?
Without thinking any further, John reached out with his mind, watching his mother for any adverse effects as he imagined himself creating a seal around her brain, one through which his father wouldn't be able to pass. From there he focused his mind, looking for the part of her brain where his father's consciousness hid. Using powers he didn't know he possessed, he found his father in the Temporal Lobe. He quickly reduced his seal around that part of her brain so that his father wouldn't be able to do damage to any other part of his mother's brain.
Dr. Smith walked about the recesses of Mary Smith's mind. He was bothered by one thing in particular. She seemed to have no real memories of him. She knew she had given birth to his son John and that she still received a generous monthly stipend to help her pay her expenses. But she didn't seem aware of the good times they had had together and perhaps that explained why his video was dusty and buried in the back of her memories.
"Well, that's going to change." Dr. Smith thought aloud and with a thought he moved his video screen to the center next to John's and George's and over all the rest. He thought about tearing down the other two, but he didn't want to harm his once mistress, he was simply hurt that she didn't seem to remember him or even ask about him. She never once told John any stories of him or compared the two.
"Zachary?" Her eyes seemed to focus on John, but she didn't see him, she saw his father, her long dead lover. "You're alive?"
Had the Jones family been paying attention they would have thought that Mary had lost her mind. After first sounding like a cackling witch, she now sounded like she'd discovered a long lost lover.
Pastor Jones decided it was safer to rejoin the group and found an open hole that needed attention. His daughter's girlfriend squealed with delight as he began to lick at her unattended pussy.
By now George was getting a royal blowjob from the pastor's wife while their daughter sat on his face as she explored her brother's balls, stroking his cock back to life.
Aware of what his mother was thinking, John thought it best to humor her and in the blink of an eye was naked and presenting his hard cock.
"Yes, Zachary, that's what I need. You always seem to know what I need. Look I am open and ready for you. Take me the way you used to."
With that Mary turned on her hands and knees and presented two tempting targets for her lover. "Come on Zachary," she wiggled her ass enticing him. "Two of your favorite fuck holes, come and get it."
John knew his father was "redecorating" as he said and the best way to handle things was to be inside her, mind and body. So John wasted no time, impaling his mother with his massive cock, causing her to squeal with delight.
"Do it Zachary, mmmm...yes you know the way I like it!"
As John physically entered his mother, he extended his consciousness so that he could see and communicate directly with his fugitive father.
"It's over dad. Leave mother alone. It is time for you to return to you cell."
Dr. Smith looked up from what he was doing, moving the video monitors around so that they impacted Mary's memories and putting them in the order of importance that he wished and saw an image of his son.
"Oh, so there you are. What do you think of what I have done so far?" He held the video screen with images of Mary and George smiling and engaging in conversation. "This one I think I will destroy completely."
"Stop, you are hurting mother. Don't you care?" John pleaded with his father.
"Care? Of course I care. That's why I am doing this. I care for her so very much. The others meant nothing. Mary was special. But now you've gone and ruined everything. Perhaps she should forget you too."
He tossed aside the video screen with George and Mary; it attached itself to a nearby wall shrinking considerably in size. He reached for the giant screen that depicted John and his mother; some were scenes of him growing up and her caring for him. One scene that surprised him was of his mother watching his father playing with his young son. It was as if he were teaching his son a story or a riddle. He made his young son laugh. Other scenes portrayed him a few days ago as he spent his special day with his mother, her as both lover and son. They had amazing sex together and afterwards laughed and played like they had all John's life.
It was the first time was able to see him as his mother did. She was proud of the man he'd become. But despite all the sex that she was now enjoying, he was and always would be the most important person to her. She cherished their time together, particularly now when she knew how valuable his time was. He'd given her an entire day all to herself.
"This has to go," Dr. Smith roared as he pulled the video off the wall.
"He's ill. You realize that don't you John?" Rocky interjected. "He's almost completely mad. It is due to his time away from the ring. It has brought on a peculiar psychosis. He'll be fine once you bring him back."
Willing it, John closed the shell around Dr. Smith wholly engulfing him and cutting him off completely from his mother. Dr. Smith struggled and screamed like a madman, but he was captured. There was no escape. Dr. Smith was quickly and quietly sucked back into the Ring of Power, where he would await his fate.
John looked horrified at the ruins of his mother's memories, video screens hanging haphazardly from their perches, some screens blank, others rippling with crazy lines or what used to be referred to as "snow", tiny black and white dots that what we now call pixels.
He might have saved the rest of her mind, but she'd be changed and may not remember him or any of her life at all.
"Put it back the way it was." Rocky said.
"I don't know how." John said. "I got here too late. I don't remember where anything was before dad started 'redecorating'. What can I do?"
"John, I am going to let you in on a little secret. You don't have to always know how to do a thing to make it be. Sometimes all you need do is to think of the end result and it will happen. So fix your mother's memories and let's get out of her mind."
John realized the truth in what Rocky had said and did just that. "Return mother's mind and memories to the state they were in before father entered her."
Just like that, everything was back the way it had been. He smiled and was about to leave when he realized that his father did have a point. He enlarged his father's video screen and dusted if off. The painful memories wouldn't be painful any more. It would be easy for her to talk about his father and tell him about his father.
Images on the screen began to change and he saw his father playing with him as a young boy and then spending time talking and laughing.
Suddenly, John realized he knew how his father had escaped. He smiled and slowly slipped out of his mother's mind, coming back to reality where the orgy continued unabated.
His mother was bouncing under his relentless pounding, her large round breasts bounced back and forth as he leaned forward letting the calves of her legs rest on his broad shoulders. She was screaming she was coming, as hard as she had ever come. One of the benefits of having sex with the Master of the Ring was that his women would have multiple orgasms of gargantuan proportions; nothing could compare with the pleasure and joy they had during their coupling.
Realizing that he may cause his mother to black out he slowed and pulled out, holding her close.
The room was filling with the sounds of people fucking and sucking. John made a few towels materialize in strategic places as he read each mind, quickly learning the story of how things began and how each one felt. He decided it was safe to let the orgy continue a little longer, giving each man much more stamina. They would outlast the women, if necessary.
He saw Elizabeth sitting on the couch, still invisible to everyone else, watching, eager to join in but not forgetting her job to protect Mary. John told her the danger had passed and she was free to join in if she desired.
She agreed and peeled her tight clothing from her body and then materialized in the midst of the group. She pulled Pastor Jones away from his daughter and her new girlfriend and took his massive cock deep into her throat.
The pastor's son crawled over to Mary and she pulled him to her breast allowing the young man to fondle her while she licked his cock like a lollipop.
George busied himself with the pastor's daughter and her girlfriend, letting the daughter bob her head over his cock while he licked the young girlfriend to another climax.
This left John to pleasure the pastor's wife; this was all new to her, but what she lacked in experience she made up for with enthusiasm. She had soon mounted John and was riding his big cock like a naked cowgirl. Her tiny breasts grew larger and firmer than they had ever been, despite their bouncing and jiggling. As she enjoyed the ride the years of cellulite and fat left her body and her figure returned to that of her twenties. It would be funny to see her clothes hang on her trim body. She'd need a new wardrobe, but she wouldn't regret it in the least.
It wasn't long before everyone had fucked themselves into exhaustion. John decided that they would decide as a family to either continue their incestuous behavior or revert back to their lives before Dr. Smith arrived. It would simply be their decision, if they decided on the latter it would be like it never happened.
Mary would now be able to tell George about what she did when they weren't together and if he couldn't accept that, he too would get a reset.