Chapter 25.1

After she was certain that they'd left, she rematerialized. Esmeralda stood in the restored house in which she'd fought a great battle with a giant. Walking through it, she looked for clues. It was a close call; she'd almost had to do battle with the Master of the Ring of Power. That's what must have happened to her sister. She'd fought and lost and was certainly now dead. "I would never survive going up against all that power alone. He is too strong, too powerful." She continued to talk aloud, trying to figure things out. She would learn the truth of it.

As she continued to tread through the empty house she detected a presence and called out to it. "You thought that I wouldn't detect you, but you are deceived!" she yelled, and like pulling a sheet off a piece of furniture, she de-clothed Elizabeth, forcefully making her visible. Startled, Elizabeth thought about running or fighting, but she realized the futility of those actions; if she could make her visible she would certainly be able to catch her if she attempted to flee. No, running would do no good.

Esmeralda smiled and said, "And whom do we have here? Oh, yes, didn't I see you leave? Drive away with the others? But that was just a decoy, wasn't it. Come here; let me have a closer look at you."

Despite her best efforts, Elizabeth was helpless to resist and took several steps until she was standing directly in front of the petite woman.

"That's a good start, but I said I wanted to have a better look at you." As soon as she finished speaking, Elizabeth's clothes were ripped from her body, as if some invisible force pulled on her garments from all angles, leaving her completely naked and exposed, her shredded clothes lay on the floor at her bare feet.

Looking her over, Esmeralda saw the glowing jewel peeking out from between her legs. "Just as I thought, you're one of his or should I say, were one of his. You belong to me now. On your knees, bitch."

Elizabeth fell hard to her knees, having no control over her body. The woman looked her over, circling as she considered the helpless naked woman, who was now eye level with her.

"I can sense the truth, you are wondering who I am. You know my name, but just what I am you aren't certain. Well, since you will be serving me now, I might as well tell you. I am the Mistress of the Ring of Truth. I can see the truth, of which you and others like you haven't a clue."

Straining to speak, Elizabeth asked, "What truth?"

Impressed with her strength Esmeralda looked upon her captive in a new light. Esmeralda thought she'd captured a foot soldier, but she realized that she'd trapped someone far more valuable, perhaps a lieutenant.

"The truth is that women don't really need men! We are just fine without them. The truth is that they need us. Think about it child, we want to have babies, we just need their seeds, and we have collected the best and have a large variety. We don't need them and all the horrible things they bring like wars and violence. We are much happier without them." She paced back and forth looking at Elizabeth eye to eye. "Have you ever been with a woman?" Before Elizabeth could answer, Esmeralda had her answer. "Yes you have, many times. It is true. Then you know what I am talking about. You have felt it too."

Elizabeth was struck silent. She was trapped and this little woman was talking "crazy talk".

"Oh you think me insane? Do you?" The little woman walked around circling Elizabeth, looking her up and down. "You are a pretty one. Lovely large breasts, beautiful curves, no fat, just a little muscle, beautiful long flowing hair, rare for African American women, you must be mixed somewhere in your linage. You are just what men want and desire, a weak but beautiful woman. Well, that will change. I will rebuild you. You will be my right hand, my lieutenant; I will make your strong and formidable."

Elizabeth tried not to talk in her head. "She is reading my mind. I don't want to be changed."

"Not really reading your mind, darling, but the truth. I can read your mind, perhaps later. First, it is time for you to tend to your mistress's needs. All that fighting and talking has made me horny.

In the blink of an eye, the little woman was naked, displaying a pair of shapely breasts, a flat muscular belly, and toned legs. She sported a red bushy landing strip above where her legs met. It was only now that Elizabeth realized that she had fiery red hair and emerald green eyes. If she didn't know better she'd think this woman was a leprechaun or a female version of one.

"A leprechaun, cute and how original," Esmeralda said as she reclined on the nearby sofa and spread her legs. "Well, what are you waiting for, get that mouth over here and convince me that you've been with as many women as you've lead me to believe, otherwise I may have to simply kill you.

Elizabeth tried to stand, but found she couldn't. Esmeralda intended her to crawl on all fours. She was shocked to see that her body wasn't responding as she wished; instead of a quick crawl she crawled sensually, flexing her body this way and that, like a cat stalking its prey and a woman trying to show off her sexy body.

"Very good," Esmeralda said and patted Elizabeth on the head as she neared and began licking her new mistress's pussy. "Hmm, you do have some talents, but you can do better can't you?" Suddenly, Elizabeth found herself burning with desire and as horny as she'd ever been. She went after the pussy in front of her as if it was her last chance at sustenance which would only be supplied if her mistress secreted her special sauce.

"Hmmm, better," Esmeralda moaned as she maneuvered Elizabeth's head around to where she wanted it. "There. Suck on my clit. Hmmm...yes that's it."

As Elizabeth focused her talented tongue on Esmeralda's clitoris she could not help but notice that it was growing larger, not just swelling but getting longer. She couldn't stop herself; soon it was stretching down her throat and practically choking her. It was like a very large cock. That's when Elizabeth noticed that the little petite woman was no longer petite, but had also grown to be well over six feet tall. As Elizabeth continued to struggle with the growing appendage in her throat, Esmeralda let loose a high pitched scream and came. Unlike what she was expecting, her cum trickled down the outside of her enlarged clit, flooding Elizabeth's throat. Elizabeth eagerly swallowed all she could. When she couldn't take any more, she pulled back on her haunches and noticed all the juices had gone and her mistress's large clit had shrunk down to a fraction of its former size. It was still big, but only as big as you'd expect to see on a woman her size after having had sex.

Elizabeth felt weird. It was as if she had been drugged. She seemed to be able to move normally on her own, somewhat. Or was that her imagination. She couldn't be certain.

"Here darling, you missed some," Esmeralda said as she scooped up a dollop of her juices from her pussy with her finger and held it out to Elizabeth. She lunged forward, not wanting to miss any of the tasty treat. When she had completely cleaned the finger she saw traces of juice just outside of Esmeralda's labia. She chased a drop with her tongue, as her head was steered by her mistress.

Esmeralda pulled on Elizabeth's lovely tresses and said, "They are lovely; it's a shame they have to go."

Elizabeth jerked her head back, but it was too late, all her lovely long dark hair was gone. It simply vanished and she was left completely bald. Esmeralda found it very erotic and stimulating; she caressed the woman's perfectly round bald head, and Elizabeth came. She screamed as she climaxed unexpectedly.

"That's because you made your mistress happy. Did you like that?"

"Oh yes," Elizabeth moaned. "More please."

"You have such a lovely face, it is pretty, perhaps a little more makeup. Elizabeth couldn't see the change, her eyes now had more eyeliner than she'd ever use herself, her eyelids were now greenish and her lips were now a bright red.

"Stand up. Let me see you better."

She stood quickly and felt the rush of cool air on her bald scalp.

"You're too short. I don't like short small women. How tall are you?"

Teetering on her bare feet, just able to hold her balance in her drugged state she tried to remember her height. Her mind was so foggy, "Five feet four inches," she said as she suddenly remembered.

"See now that is too short. It will never do. My girls need to be at least six feet without heels," Esmeralda said while shaking her head. "I am afraid you're going to have to grow at least six inches, no, we better make it eight inches to be on the safe side."

"What?" Elizabeth said.

"Grow, you know, be taller. I am afraid that this is going to hurt a bit. But don't worry it won't last long. Oh, don't move."

Elizabeth looked frightened but remained as still as she could. The pain started slowly but became very intense. Elizabeth shrieked as she began to rise from the floor. Her legs were growing longer both above and below her knees. The pain was excruciating. As the pain in her legs began to subside a new pain in her back began and continued as her spine stretched at least three inches. Then her shoulders and arms burned with intense pain. Then all the pain disappeared and somehow Elizabeth was still standing. She was at least eight inches taller.

"Better, but now you're too skinny. I like a woman with muscles. Have you ever seen some of the beauties in those body building magazines? Those are impressive women. But we don't have time for you to train and bulk up, so I guess we'll have to cheat."

Again Elizabeth screamed as the pain returned, but it wasn't her bones that hurt, it was every muscle in her body. It felt like she was flexing all her muscles at once so hard that they were exploding. It lasted a long time and when it finally ended, Elizabeth was ripped, looking like a female body builder ready for competition. Every muscle was defined; her waist had shrunk to about 21 inches while her chest expanded to at least 45 inches. Her abdominals were stretched tight, and there was almost no fat remaining on her body. Her fabulous breasts were now much smaller, more nipple and areole than actual tits, and her nipples were like small bullets sticking out from her muscular chest. Her thighs were like shapely tree trunks and her calves long and muscular as well. Her feet remained dainty, the same size as before her transformation.

Esmeralda clapped her hands, "That's much better. Turn around so I can see your ass."

Her ass was like two steel drums and her back showed every muscle. Only her face remained feminine in appearance.

"Oh my dear you are truly a vision. Would you like to see?" Before she could answer, a large full length mirror appeared before her and Elizabeth couldn't believe she was looking at herself.

"What do you think?" Esmerelda asked.

She was stunned at her transformation, not believing it was her until the image moved when she did. "Hair, I need some hair."

"Yes, I was thinking about that. Perhaps the bald look isn't quite right. Perhaps a close cropped butch cut?"

And just like that, she was sporting a haircut much like the one that Grace Jones had worn in the movie "Conan the Barbarian" with Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was cut short on the back and sides, with about twice as much length on the top and front.

"Perfect!" Esmeralda yelled, delighted with the outcome.

"You need some piercings." Just like that she had six studs in each ear, rings in each nipple and a steel barbell through her tongue.

Elizabeth tried to ask Esmeralda not to, but her words came out funny. When she stuck out her tongue she almost screamed until Esmeralda waved her hands and said she didn't have the time to wait until she learned to speak with her newest accessory. Getting impatient, she slowly rotated Elizabeth who was too stunned to move. She was still too heavily drugged by Esmeralda's special sauce to understand what had happened; it all seemed like a bad dream.

"You look good enough to eat." Before she could reply Elizabeth was sailing through the air and dumped unceremoniously on the bed in the master bedroom. She found herself on her hands and knees. She felt her pussy spread wide as a tongue entered her. She was straddling her mistress and couldn't help but lower her head to once again feast on her pussy. It was no longer the small one she'd licked earlier, and despite being leery of getting too close to her clitoris she dove in again. But this was Esmeralda's turn to eat her and although she tried to keep up, in her drugged state it was impossible to keep at the same pace. She came quickly and seemed to be climaxing continuously. Elizabeth thought that she'd lost a gallon of her juices to this woman and then Esmeralda abruptly stopped. It was Elizabeth's diamond; it was brightly glowing all on its own.

"Hmmm, this is going to be a problem," Esmeralda remarked to no one in particular. "I know I can't remove it lest you die, but perhaps I can..." With a wave of her hand she darted Elizabeth's labia with six thick gold rings, three on each side of the diamond. The diamond glowed very brightly for a moment, and then began to fade until it was barely glowing at all.

Elizabeth knew something had changed and she felt very strange again. She couldn't put her finger on it, she just felt different and disconnected. Her reality had begun to shift and she liked her new feelings, they felt naughty.

"There. That should take care of that. Oh, I just remembered I never asked you your name, darling."

"It's Elizabeth," she answered weakly.

"Elizabeth? That's no kind of name for a butch dyke like you, let's shorten that. How about Liz? Yeah I like that. Liz it is."

With that being done Esmeralda went back to eating Liz's pussy and Liz screamed one more time as she came powerfully and passed out.

Chance helped Dinah settle into her room at the Courtyard Inn. It was comfortable, however not quite what she was accustomed to, but she didn't mention it. She was done with complaining and she found that thought interesting. Was she really changing? She still needed to be a tiger in the court room; she hoped that she would retain that part of herself.

"Well, looks like you are good to go," Chance stated, looking around the room. "This isn't your first rodeo, so I assume you know how these hotels work. The food and coffee thing in the morning, I mean." He was eager to more on. He wasn't sure but he thought he might be developing feelings for this woman. That wouldn't be good. He'd lose his objectivity. This was simply another project for the boss. He didn't care if she lived or died, he lied to himself.

"Do you have to go?" Dinah asked, hoping that he'd stay the night. She'd already had more cock tonight than in her entire life and she wanted more. Besides, it had been a very long time since she woke up next to a man.

"It's late, I have to work tomorrow," he told her as he watched her face fall in disappointment. "Oh, you thought all I did was break in middle-aged lesbians and make them crave cock?" he laughed.

Dinah joined him in the laugh although she didn't like the "middle aged" comment so much, despite it being true. "We don't have to do anything more tonight," she said, "after what you've been through..." She paused and stifled a sniffle. "I thought she was going to kill you. I am so happy that John, I mean Master arrived when he did." She began to cry.

Chance walked up to her and opened his arms. Dinah grabbed him, wrapping her arms around his thick muscular torso and pressing her head against him. Chance bent down and kissed her on the top of her head. "Thanks for calling the boss. I don't know if I would have been able to defeat her, she caught me off guard. Perhaps I will stay the night with you, think of it as a reward for your good deed."

"Really, you're not just fucking with me, are you?" Dinah said.

Chance pushed her away and looked down at her as she gazed upward and they both began to laugh. "Did I get it right?" Dinah asked.

"Dinah, you lady are full of surprises," he said as he slipped off his loafers with his feet and sat on the bed. He began to remove his white long-sleeved shirt. His muscular body looked even bigger than it had earlier in the evening.

"Goodie, let me just use the bathroom and I will be with you in a moment," she said and hurried into the room with a small cosmetics bag in hand.

When she returned he noticed that she'd freshened her makeup and smelled very good. She climbed into the bed naked and joined him under the sheets. He lay on his back and she climbed on top of him. It was like mounting a surfboard; he was so much wider than she was. He bent forward and sniffed her hair, enjoying the scent. "What more can you tell me about this woman, what did you say her name was, Esmeralda?"

Dinah frowned. She'd rather play with his cock than talk, but she'd tell him everything she could remember.

Dinah told him that is was Esmeralda that had recruited her to the lifestyle that she'd been practicing all those years ago when she was in college. Back then it was safer being in the closet rather than letting anyone know that you were a lesbian. She realized that it was with Esmeralda's help that she made it to graduate school and studied law. Esmeralda even helped her get on with the first law firm after she'd passed the bar.

She didn't see Esmeralda often, but when she did they would have wild unbridled sex and then the next morning she couldn't remember half of it. But she always felt good afterwards.

Over the years they'd meet for a "nooner" or simply lunch, but it was always the same; she could never remember what they'd talked about. Later, it was Esmeralda who initiated her application to her current law firm where she was now a senior partner. When Esmeralda showed up unexpected tonight, she was caught off guard because she so rarely saw her anymore and had heard little from her over the past several years. She frowned again. "I can't even tell you Esmeralda's last name."

Chance stroked her naked body with his large hands and asked, "You said lifestyle, are you referring to the all girl orgies like the one we broke up?"

"Yes," she replied. "A few years ago Linda showed up at my door and we rolled around in bed for a while. Then we went shopping at the local grocery store and she began mind raping my female neighbors. That's how that whole weekly orgy got started and grew." She spoke unaffected by the reminiscing, surprised as it used to make her all hot and bothered. She did feel Chance growing beneath her and she was ready to play but there was one last thought she needed to disclose. "Did you guys deactivate my neighbors?"

"Deactivate? What do you mean?"

"Well we met once a month unless we contacted for an unscheduled gatherings. Tomorrow night is the next gathering on the schedule. I don't know what would happen if they all showed up and the house was locked." She laughed as Chance imagined twenty naked women of all shapes and sizes all trying to get into Dinah's house.

It was getting very late, but they managed to find the energy for one last fuck. Since Dinah was already on top she brought her legs around and backed up, allowing Chance to squeeze into her. She was becoming accustomed to his size and accepted the large cock with little effort on her part. She proceeded to ride him using her hands as leverage as she lifted herself up and down on his long thick stock, her ample breast shaking and her nipples poking out like pencil erasers. She was really enjoying herself and worked hard to hold off until Chance was ready to explode with her. After several small quakes, she began to tire and finally dropped down as far as she could, accepting every inch of his twelve inch cock into her well fucked hole. Completely engulfed in the warm wetness, Chance roared and exploded, filling Dinah with his seed. His climax seemed to stimulate her anew and she cried out as she came again.

Driving in the direction of his mansion and the Martin's home, John found himself undecided where he was headed. He had Elizabeth's car and his was still at his place. He was concerned about leaving Elizabeth behind, it was a calculated risk and he needed to learn what his enemies were plotting. He was tired of playing defense. It was risky. He didn't yet understand what he was dealing with and what his opponents' strengths and weaknesses were. It was Elizabeth's job to give him some ideas.

He pulled out his phone and dialed April, his fiancée; he liked the sound of that word, fiancée. April picked up the phone on the first ring.

"Hey you," she said and he melted a little.

"Hey you, yourself! Where are you?"

"At home in my room in my bed thinking of you," she said in a sexy voice. "You want to know what I am wearing."

John smiled and said, "I think this engagement thing agrees with you. What are you wearing?"

"Nothing, I had been thinking of you and my hands and fingers took on a life of their own and..." she paused and let out a loud moan and made a few squeaks and cries indicating that she had indeed just come. When her breathing returned to normal, she said, "...I just couldn't help myself," and she giggled in the way John loved most.

"Why don't you pack a bag and meet me at my place. It's about time you moved in, don't you think."

April squealed loudly. "Really?"

"Absolutely," John said. "Take only what you need for the night, I will transport the rest of your belongings once we decide on how to set you up. See you in twenty minutes."

"Fifteen," April said. "I am leaving now."

April grabbed her computer bag, packed her cords and tablet and walked down the hall to her mother's bedroom, where she saw her reading a book on her iPad. She told her where she was going and hugged her mother, then ran down the stairs and into the garage and was gone.

"Rocky," John called out aloud.

"Yes, sir," came the immediate reply.

"How many agents do I have?"

"At the present, sir, you have two hundred and twelve." There was a pause and Rocky said, "Thinking of expanding the ranks, sir?"

"Exactly. There's a war coming and I need to be ready. How long do you think it would take to double my team?"

"Using current parameters, about two months," Rocky stated.

"Send a notice out to all agents to bring me two of their best candidates. I need to speed things up. Make sure they have resumes, too." John realized that Rocky could serve as a valet and administrative assistant and would be quite good at it.

"Tell them interviews begin at 8AM at my mansion. Everyone is expected to participate; the LA team can be scheduled in the afternoon. Let Dennis know he will be the trainer until Elizabeth returns."

"As you wish, sir," Rocky said and went silent.

"How's dad doing?"

"He is on the mend, but still unconscious."

"He's going to be pissed when he wakes up."

"Yes, I suppose he will. But he'll get over it in time."

"Do you think so, Rocky? How long will that take?"

"Hmmm if I had to guess I would say twenty-five years."

John snorted. Rocky's humor was so dry and quick. He thanked Rocky as he pulled into the drive way and he opened the gate. Before it could shut April was pulling in behind him.

Liz woke with a jolt. She was in a strange bed. Sitting up straight she found she needed to pee. She was naked; she remembered that and wasn't alarmed. She liked sleeping naked. She saw the bathroom entrance from across the room in the dim light and padded towards it. But something wasn't right. Her perspective was all wrong; she was looking down on things she should have been looking up at. Why was that? Her normal naked jiggle was gone, her muscles felt tight and powerful, her stride was longer. She felt good. She felt strong. It all felt so different. She found the toilet and lifted the lid and sat down and peed. It was a strong flow and she was surprised at how long it lasted. She wadded up some paper and dried herself. Dropping the paper in the bowl she stood and flushed.

She found double sinks and chose the one on the right. She couldn't find the soap so reluctantly she switched on the light, but not before shielding her eyes from the sudden brightness by squeezing then tightly shut. Slowly she pried them open, one at a time, seeing first a dark figure in the mirror. Her head ached, like she was hung over. What did she have to drink last night? She realized she was thirsty. It was starting to come back to her. Esmeralda! She opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw looking back at her. She blinked and her reflection blinked too.

She lifted her hands to her head, her long red nails and dainty hands were now attached to long powerful arms. Every muscle well defined, each bulged as she bent her arms to feel the flattened crew cut or whatever you'd call her new hairstyle. She looked at the face that belonged to her, but the body was that of an Amazon. She was so muscular now that her breasts, no, tits, were almost nonexistent. "I look like a man," she said and began to weep, quietly. Tears began to run down her face and her makeup ran with it. She was heavily made up. She sniffed and silenced herself.

"Hmm. Look at you," Esmeralda said as she strolled in to the bathroom and fondled the body she'd recently created.

"I look like a man. I have no tits, just nipples now."

Esmeralda leaned forward and brought her hand between Liz's legs. She felt her new piercings and the diamond stud. Liz began to moisten as Esmeralda pushed a digit into her opening. Liz sighed heavily and hung her head down and watched Esmeralda enflame her pussy. She lightly blew into Liz's ear as she wiggled her finger and found Liz's enlarging clit. With her other hand she pulled on the nipple ring of her left breast and Liz sighed again and looked up. Her breasts had swollen and were protruding from her muscular chest. They were tits, not nearly as large or beautiful as she'd possessed before her transformation, but to Liz they were beautiful.

"Oh, look at that." Liz shook her chest and her breasts wiggled and jiggled slightly. "I do have tits."

"You do when you're turned on; otherwise it's just big long brown nipples, which I happen to like. And you know what happens when I am happy? Everybody is happy." Esmeralda said and smiled. "Cheer up, you're going to like the new you. I promise."

Liz smiled and Esmeralda continued to play with Liz's pussy and had her practically dancing on her hand. The more aroused she became the bigger her tits swelled until they were larger than they'd been on her old body.

Liz shuddered and came from Esmeralda's toying. She jiggled her chest back and forth and reached up and pulled on her nipple ring too. "See, I told you that you'd like the new you."

"Now that your body is perfect it is time to adjust your thinking a little," Esmeralda said as she lifted her hand from Liz's pussy and licked her fingers clean.

"What do you mean?" Liz asked.

"I mean you are still full of your old master's rules and ideas. We can't have that spoiling our fun now can we?" She took Liz by the chin, pulled her face to her and kissed her deeply. When she pulled away she left Liz breathless.

"I know that you like women, that much is apparent. But, you think you like men too. You believe you love getting a hard cock up your twat and occasionally up your ass. You even think that you love the taste of a cock and the cum it produces, don't you?"

A little unsure of herself, Liz answered in the affirmative.

"Well, what if I told you that you were wrong. You hate men and their dirty nasty cocks. You can't stand being near them and would never let one near your perfect body let alone enter it. You love pussy and tits and women of all shapes and sizes. You love eating pussy and would do it all day if it provided you with nourishment. And Liz, you especially love eating my pussy. Am I right?"

Liz thought, "What a fool I have been. She's right. I hate men and their nasty dirty cocks. Her breasts began to shrink back to just nipples. I love pussy, always have. Pussy is so much tastier, and much more fun to eat."

She took a deep breath and apologized, "Esmeralda I don't know what I was thinking. You're right. I have been fooling myself thinking I was bisexual. I am a lesbian, always have been. I love pussy and I am craving yours, can I have a taste?" she asked and approached her mistress.

"Just a minute, you aren't just a lesbian are you? You're a butch dyke who is used to taking what she wants. Am I right? Look at you. Who in their right mind couldn't see that from the beginning? You used to call yourself Elizabeth but now call yourself Liz, that's because it is more butch. Isn't that the truth?"

"Damn," Liz thought. "I just met this woman and she already knows me better than I know myself. How'd she know?"

Liz's entire demeanor changed, she was now more aggressive and confident. She was accustomed to taking what she wanted, but, she had to be cool; she didn't want to overplay her hand. She was coming on to her mistress and subtlety was needed. She flexed her muscles and took a few steps towards her mistress, really looking at her for the first time since she'd transformed from the petite woman she'd first met.

Esmeralda was also tall, over six feet, perhaps as much as four inches taller, and had the body of a porn star. She looked like a naked Barbie doll; she had big breasts, a tiny waist and narrow hips, and between her legs a bright red landing strip. But the two most striking things about her were her long fiery red hair that curled around her body past her marvelous ass and her emerald green eyes. Barbie on steroids, Liz thought. "I am going to eat her alive."

Liz strode the short distance to Esmeralda and pulled her to her and kissed her with all the passion she could muster. Esmeralda kissed her back causing Liz's tits to expand and she was happy.

"It's late. You have a big day ahead of you but before you rest, let's crawl between each other's legs and see who can make the other come first," Esmeralda said as soon as she broke the kiss.

"Sounds good to me, but what's happening tomorrow?" Liz asked.

"You're going to find me two new playmates and we're going to turn them into lesbians like us. I'll bet you already have the perfect two women in mind, don't you? You don't have to tell me now, let's make it a surprise," Esmeralda said as she drew Liz back to the bed, and lying on her back, pulled Liz into a classic sixty-nine.

Esmeralda couldn't help but notice the difference in the way Liz sucked her pussy now. She wasn't as tender, she was a little rough and she liked it a little rough; that was the truth.

As John and April entered the spacious mansion, they were greeted by John's part-time butler, Joe Williams. Joe was in his late fifties and had been homeless before he met John and April through their work at the shelter. John had cleaned him up a bit and nudged him in the right direction as only John could. They found that he would become an excellent caretaker of his estate and part-time butler.

"We'll be staying the night, Joe and perhaps the next several days," John informed his new butler.

"Very good, sir," Joe responded. As late as it was, Joe had been awaken and was in his robe and slippers. "Would you like breakfast in the morning, sir? Or would you prefer coffee, juice, assorted fruit and pastries? That way it will be ready whenever you are."

"That sounds excellent," John said. "And by the way, April has agreed to marry me and will be moving in."

"Congratulations to both of you," Joe said. "Unless there is anything else, sir I will retire to the servant's quarters. Please call if there is anything I can do."

"Oh," John said, "I almost forgot, I will be conducting interviews all day tomorrow. The place will be busy with people coming and going. The first interview will be at eight. We may have a few house guests. Will you make all the necessary arrangements?"

"Yes sir. Is there anything else?"

"No that's it. Good night, Joe. And thank you for the breakfast suggestions."

"Good night sir, madam," Joe then turned and walked away.

"I didn't know that you hired Joe to be your butler," April said as she pulled John up the stairs to the master suite.

"I needed someone to watch over the place when I am gone; I spend so little time here. But that's going to change." John smiled and slapped April on her ass. She ran ahead with him on her heels. When they arrived at his master suite she saw the bed was turned down and a fire was burning in the fireplace. There was even a bottle of champagne cooling in a bucket of ice.

"Oh, I forgot one more thing," John said and mood music began to rise from the multiple speakers of his stereo system, "My darling I can't get enough of your love..." it was of course the deep baritone of Barry White.

April giggled and laughed.

"Too much?" John asked.

"No," April said. "It's perfect." She ran and launched herself into his arms. In the blink of an eye they were both naked just as she landed in John's arms. Barry White continued to sing in the background as John and April made comfortable hot love in the massive bed.

Sometime after April had fallen asleep, John felt his connection to Elizabeth diminish, just after she sent him an extremely large measure of energy. He was concerned.

Liz didn't get much sleep; she and Esmeralda were at it all night. When they had found Dinah's treasure trove of sex toys, Liz was eager to try every one. She was particularly eager to try out a strap-on dildo; Dinah had a collection of several. Liz chose the Mulatto-colored one, and once she had it on she did look like a man, except that her excitement had caused her breasts to swell, somewhat spoiling the effect. Only now Liz didn't care, she was a butch dyke and loved the idea that she could be mistaken for a man. And she seemed to know how to use a cock, fucking her mistress until she screamed with delight.

Next, they shared the two headed dildo and fucked each other long and hard for hours, bumping their asses together until they both were satiated. They lay in each other's arms caressing each other. Liz couldn't imagine ever being more content.

They talked as lovers do and Esmeralda let down her guard a bit. She talked about herself and her life. She revealed to her new lover that despite appearances she was very old; she had been born sometime in the 16th century and was from a Celtic clan. She had traveled the world and seen about all there was to see. She had been given the Ring of Truth from her father, who after several centuries was ready to die. He told her of the wonderful powers that would be hers, Esmeralda had possessed it ever since.

"Have you always been a lesbian?" Liz asked her mistress.

The question caused Esmeralda to ponder the question for a long while before she answered. Finally she admitted, "No not always." She seemed a little melancholy. "I don't look back; I love women, the hell with men."

"Like me, then," Liz said, "Turned off by men and now exclusively into women."

"No," Esmeralda snapped. "Not like you. You have always been a butch dyke. What are you talking about? You've known since you were a little girl. At least that is what you told me, were you lying to me?"

Liz felt strange.

Of course, she was right. Where do I get this stuff from? I'm Liz the dyke; I like my bitches, sluts and whores.

How could she become so confused so easily?

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking," Liz apologized.

"Tell me again the story of how you joined the bike club and how you came to love Harleys?" Esmeralda asked.

"Shit!" Liz swore to herself, "am I getting early Alzheimer's, why can't I remember this shit?" Thinking on her feet, Liz asked, "What do you remember?"

"Oh you know, how you dropped out of college and went all butch and had been riding up and down the state, checking out the bars until you joined Dykes on Bikes. It all sounds so exciting."

"Yeah, some of those bitches are fun to hang out with." "When did you get the Harley tat?"

"Huh?" Liz didn't remember her tattoo.

"You know the one on your left deltoid, the one with the eagle behind the Harley Davidson logo."

"Oh, I don't remember, I had it touched up six months ago because it was beginning to fade," Liz lied. She didn't feel the new tattoo being engraved into her skin where Esmeralda had told her it was.

Esmeralda enjoyed making her new toy squirm; she was fully embracing her new persona. Liz was now completely hers, all that remained was the final tattoo. That would come in the morning when the new personality was more solidified. She laughed to herself and cuddling the hard body next to her drifted off to sleep.

Morning came quickly. They had about an hour before the candidates would begin showing up. The aroma of the coffee jostled John from his sleep. April was dressed in one of John's dress shirts since she hadn't brought any of her own clothes. She looked extremely sexy; he was a sucker for any woman dressed this way, and seeing his April like this was more than he could bear. He climbed out of the bed, showing his massive wood as it lead the way, stopping at the table where Joe had set up their breakfast.

"John Smith is this what I have to look forward to with living with you and being your wife?" she joked as she finished off her Danish and washed it down with a swig of coffee.

Scurrying up to her, he bent low to kiss her as she caressed his cock and balls as they tongue wrestled. "Hmmm, I could use some cream with my coffee," she said as she took his cock into her mouth. In the time that he had walked from the bed across the room John had done his magical hygienic thing and was fresh and clean. She thought to herself, "He's going to have to show me how to do that."

Using her hand and mouth she sucked the cock down her throat. Varying her technique, she licked his balls and played with the head before taking him down her throat again and sucking. John was loving what she was doing and before long allowed himself to release a large load of cream into her mouth, roaring as he came.

The taste of butterscotch filled her mouth and she moaned and climaxed. It surprised her; she'd never come before while giving a blowjob, she thought, but she could definitely get used to it.

"Mmmm, thanks. But you better get cleaned up. We're going to have a house full of people very soon and we still need to get you moved in," John said and before she could get up, John was dressed in a black business suit and tie looking very dapper.

April got to her feet and began to slowly move to the bathroom, when John chased her and slapped her on her naked ass. She screamed and trotted off, yelling behind her, "You zapped my clothes; I literally don't have anything to wear."

John laughed and told her to look on the bed. Lying on the made bed was a black pencil skirt with matching jacket and a red silk blouse. Beside them were a set of very sexy ultra-blue bra and panties, black stockings and garter and a box of Manolo Blahnik 'Tayler' d'Orsay black pumps. April screamed with delight and said, "It's good to be the fiancée of the Master of the Ring of Power."

When she had showered and dressed, they took a quick tour of the main floor. John told her that in addition to sharing his master suite she could have two other rooms as her own, one as an office, the other to use as she desired. Of course, she'd need to decorate it. He pointed to one of the bare walls in one of her two rooms and asked her to watch. She did, looking on as the wall became shimmery and then they were looking at her bedroom at her mother's home.

"I have already transported the contents of your closet to the master bedroom closet," John said, "as well as the contents of your dresser and night stand. Is there anything you want in the way of furnishing or decoration?"
Next page: Chapter 25.2
Previous page: Chapter 24.2