Chapter 25.2
"You forgot my desk and all its contents," she chided him and they spent the next thirty minutes virtually moving her out of her mother's home and into John's mansion.
Liz woke screaming as she came hard, courtesy of Esmeralda's skilled tongue. It was an interesting way to wake up, but one which Esmeralda told her was her favorite and that she'd been using on her the last six months since they'd been living together.
Liz laughed it off and pulled her around to return the favor. She nibbled around Esmeralda's labia for a few moments, and then stiffened her tongue, inserting it as far as she could while rubbing her nose against her over the growing clitoris. She then swallowed all the juices she'd helped produce. When she was done, she focused on the growing clitoris, sucking hungrily on it. It grew long and hard, and before she realized it, she was swallowing it like it was cock. She gagged for a moment and her eyes glazed over as she went into a trance. The clit returned to its normal size. Esmeralda crawled around and began to give Liz specific instructions.
"I can tell when you are resisting, so it seems another dose of my nectar is in order. Don't worry; you won't remember this conversation, like all the others. You will remember that we've been lovers for six and a half months now. You ride a Harley; it's in the driveway, where you always park. I have always loved the color, it suites you, a midnight pearl 2014 Electra Glide. You have been riding for years. Don't worry; I have programmed your memory with years of bike riding knowledge. Oh, and you have another tattoo, it's on your ass, and reads 'This ass belongs to Esmeralda'; you got it to surprise me on our six month anniversary. When I bring you out of your trance you are going to want to use that strap-on on me again. Once we are done you are going to get on your bike and retrieve two new volunteers for us to induce. You already have two in mind, I know. Take your time but be back by 6pm. We have a busy night ahead of us. Now finish licking up my juices and then grab your dildo and fuck me." "Hmm, honey your cream tastes especially good today. How 'bout I put that dildo on and fuck you till you beg me to stop?"
"Hmmm," Esmeralda said, "what a delicious idea. I hope you're rested because it may be a while before I let you go."
John had no idea just how boring it would be to sit and interview one person after another, while trying to find the right people to add to his crop of agents. He needed more and needed them up and working immediately. After more than twenty interviews before lunch, he'd found thirteen that he and April agreed had the qualities that he was seeking. He asked them to stay and dismissed the rest, erasing from their minds the real job to which they'd applied. If he could find another twelve, he'd consider the day a success.
He was surprised when his mother suggested that George might be a good candidate. He'd need some minor improvements, but no longer had much family around to get in the way. For a man of his years, George was in very good shape. He'd known George for years but until he had interviewed him, had had doubts he'd be right for the job. George told John how he and Mary had been fooling around for months, and after the orgy he was ready for more.
It was almost noon when Liz was able to extract herself from her darling Esmeralda; she was such a loving mate, always interested in pleasing her. She was very lucky to have met her, and for them to have been together for these six and a half months. Liz couldn't imagine life without her.
She climbed aboard her bike and started the engine. The 103 cu. in. beast roared to life. She revved it a few times for good measure, and took off. She was heading north to Stanford College.
Penny Jones was leaving the Jordon Hall, heading for the cafeteria; it had been an exciting morning. She was doing so well in her studies lately, well to be honest she had been for the last year or so. She'd been able to concentrate so much easier and remember everything she read and saw. It was amazing that she'd developed a photographic memory. She was careful not to tell anyone, because no one just develops memory like that, especially late in their twenties. Nevertheless, she'd been able to learn faster and retain all that she studied, allowing her to qualify for a doctoral program in social psychology. Six months into it, she was delighted with her progress. It was everything that she'd hoped it would be.
She moved through the cafeteria line, choosing the meatloaf and steamed vegetables. She never drank sodas anymore, so she simply had a glass of water. Sitting near the back, she pulled out her notebook and scribbled a few notes as she ate and reflected on the lecture she'd just left.
It didn't take her long to finish her meal; she often forgot to eat when studying and she was famished. She picked up her notes, putting everything back in her computer bag. She slung it over her shoulder, picked up her tray and carried it to the scullery, before dropping it on the conveyer belt and leaving.
It was a beautiful spring day and Penny enjoyed the walk to the parking lot where she had left her old Honda Accord. As she arrived, she saw a large man sitting on the hood of her car.
"Excuse me, but that's my car. Can you please find somewhere else to sit?"
The man jumped off and stood in front of her. She realized it wasn't a man, but a very large and muscular black woman dressed in leathers and blue jeans.
"Penny Jones?" she asked in a very feminine voice that didn't match the rough exterior.
"Yes, I'm Penny. Who are you?"
"The name is Liz. I need you to come with me."
"I'm sorry Liz, but I have other plans," Penny said as she walked to the driver's side and attempted to open the car door. As she put the key into the lock and pulled the door open, Liz kicked the door shut and pulled Penny by her arm. Penny was about to scream, but Liz got in her face and their eyes met.
"You're coming with me, whether you like it or not," Liz said, keeping her voice down just as a few students arrived and were walking towards them.
Penny blinked. "Okay," she said calmly and stood still, looking at the woman.
"Oh. Good," Liz said, unaware that her mind control powers were still intact. "Then come with me, my bike is over there." Penny followed behind the large woman until they arrived at her hog. Liz handed Penny her helmet and told her to put it on. She didn't think about bringing her spare and cursed to herself. She would have to risk being stopped. At least Penny wasn't putting up a fight, she thought. That was strange. But she wasn't one to question her good fortune. So she straddled the bike and asked Penny to climb on. As soon as she did, Liz yelled to hold on and they sped off.
Twenty minutes later they pulled into the parking structure of the Stanford Shopping Center. Liz parked her hog and the two of them got off and walked into the mall. It was busy. There were many upscale stores; Liz checked the directory and saw they were close.
As they walked into "The Boutique" they were greeted by a pleasant sales clerk with a big smile. "Hello, what can I help you find today?"
Her name tag said, "Hello my name is Janice, how can I make you smile today?"
Liz smiled back. "I am looking for the owner, Cindy Ashe. Is she in?"
Janice said, "I believe she's in her office, let me check." Janice turned and walked to the back of the store. Liz and Penny followed slowly while looking at some of the merchandise. Liz paused at the lingerie displays, and picking up a pair of crotch-less panties, began to imagine Esmeralda in them. They were cute and had a full cutout in the back. She saw a pair on a half mannequin and was able to better appreciate the design.
"Hello, I am Cindy Ashe, how can I help you?"
Liz turned around, to see the petite blonde store owner, the crotch-less panties still in her hand. "Yes you are," Liz said. Penny stood by, just watching.
"Interested in something a little kinky, huh? For you or someone special," Cindy asked as she looked over the large black woman. She was very accustomed to working with lesbians; this was the bay area after all.
"Yeah, just a little kinky, Liz said. What size panties do you wear Penny?" Penny blushed but before she could answer, Cindy said, "One size fits most. How many and what colors?"
Liz was thinking about how easy it was to control Penny and wondered if lightning would strike twice. If not, she'd have to use some muscle. "Just two pairs, a white one for Penny and a black one for you."
Cindy found a nice one for Penny and had just reached the black pair when she realized that Liz had said the second pair was for her. "Excuse me," she said as she looked up at the big woman, realizing that she wasn't just big, but muscular too. Despite Liz's imposing figure, Cindy wasn't frightened. "Look I am flattered, but I have a boyfriend..."
Liz leaned forward and found Cindy's eyes. She looked deeply into them, holding Cindy still. "Let's go into your office and try them on."
"Okay, follow me," Cindy said, quickly changing her mind.
Cindy turned and walked towards her office, carrying the panties, with Liz and Penny following closely. She opened the door and waited for her guests to enter before closing the door behind them.
"Cindy, give Penny her panties and you ladies try them on and see if you like the fit."
Penny was wearing jeans and began to unbutton them after accepting the panties from Cindy. Cindy however was wearing a business suit with skirt, so she pulled down her bikini panties and was able to quickly replace them with the crotch-less pair. She waited for Penny, who was now naked from the waist down, to pull on her new panties. When she was done she stood next to Cindy and waited for her next command.
"You two look adorable, just as I'd hoped. Do you like the feel? Are they comfortable? They don't itch do they? I hate that."
Penny said, "They feel okay, but a bit drafty."
Cindy didn't know what to say. Her vendors had offered her several different samples of their lingerie, but she'd never tried these before. It was a bit of a turn on to be exposed from the front and back. In fact she liked the feeling; it made her feel naughty.
"I like the feel. It makes me feel," she hesitated, "naughty."
Liz looked up at Cindy. Expecting resistance, Liz hadn't expected her to be so open. Perhaps she was one of those people who secretly wished to be dominated. "Easy enough to test," Liz thought.
"Cindy," she said. "Why does it make you feel naughty?"
"Well," she hesitated again, "because my pussy and asshole is exposed and it makes me want to play with them or be played with."
"Cindy you are full of surprises. Do you like to play with your pussy?" Liz asked.
"Oh yes," she was almost moaning now and volunteered more. "I do, but I have a boyfriend and he keeps me very busy. Sometimes I still like to play, but there is never enough time."
"Oh, Cindy sweetheart, there's time now. Why don't you show us how you like to play with your pussy, but you can't come yet. Not until I say it's okay."
Cindy, still dressed in the her business attire, lifted her skirt up to her waist and held it in place with one hand while she extended two fingers into her crotch, opening the panties and exposing her naked pussy lips. She then began to make little circles on her hooded clitoris and opened her pussy, revealing its wetness.
"Look at that, Penny. Doesn't Cindy have a pretty pussy? And she's so wet already. Do you think you'd like to taste her pretty wet pussy? You like pussy, don't you Penny? Remember you told me on the ride over here how much you liked to eat pussy?"
The woman shuddered visibly and began to question the premise in her mind. "I did? I do? Really? Why did I tell her that I love eating pussy? When did I eat pussy? I would remember something like that wouldn't I? Cindy's pussy does look rather tasty." Finally, she asked, "Do you think that Cindy would mind? I mean, we just met."
"Well let's ask her. Cindy you are doing such a good job playing with your pussy, would you mind if Penny ate your pussy a little bit?"
Cindy looked up. She was lost in her pussy, and it was beginning to feel very pleasant. "What? Oh, she can if she wants to."
"See Penny, Cindy is willing to let you eat her pussy. But Penny, don't be rude, don't you think that you should be playing with your pussy too? After all, you're already half naked. Why don't you take off your new panties and show us how you like to play?"
Penny did as she was asked. She removed her new panties and revealed an untamed hairy bush. She blushed a bit as she saw Liz's reaction and said, "I am not dating right now and so I let it go." She soon had the fingers of both hands busy moving in and out of her pussy. It didn't take her long before she was whimpering and coming on her hand, squealing softy so as not to be heard in the store.
Liz looked at her. "Penny, did I say that you could come?"
Penny was panting and still working her hand in her pussy. "You didn't say I couldn't."
"You're right, I didn't," Liz said. "Why don't you go and eat Cindy's pussy? I will help you satisfy your little pussy, okay?"
Cindy was already sitting on her couch and really working her pussy. She was beginning to perspire. "Before you do that Penny, why don't you help Cindy out her clothes, before she gets them all dirty?"
Penny complied and Cindy stopped long enough for Penny to get her arms out of the sleeves before she went back to her needy pussy. Once she was naked, Penny spread her legs, leaned in, and began to lick and suck the woman's pussy.
Penny couldn't fight the feeling of déjà vu; she knew that she'd just met these women, but this was all feeling very familiar.
As Penny began to get into what she was doing she felt a hand and then a mouth on her own pussy. It felt wonderful. It was very different to anything she'd ever experienced before. She'd had boyfriends eat her before, and she'd gotten off, but it was nothing like this. She pulled away and tensed her body. She had to keep quiet; they weren't in a home but a store. There were likely women shopping just outside the door. She wasn't a screamer. It wasn't that she couldn't be, she just always felt too self-conscious to really let herself go.
Liz sensed this about Penny and felt her tense. "Cindy, quickly find something to stuff into Penny's mouth so that she can really enjoy what I am doing to her. All she could reach were her own panties, not the crotch-less pair, but the ones she'd worn most of the day. She showed Liz and she nodded. Cindy then stuffed the soiled panties into Penny's mouth and held them there. Penny's eyes went wide and she was very close to coming.
"Penny when I do this last thing you are going to come. You are going to have the most powerful orgasm of your life. You are going to enjoy it and scream into the panties. No one will hear, so you can just scream and enjoy yourself," Liz told her and then she went back to work. Within a few moments it hit. Penny gripped Cindy's legs forcefully, arched her back, and screamed into the panties gagging her. She screamed long and hard, tears coming from her eyes. She shook, trying to pry herself free of Liz's clasp, but the woman was even stronger than she looked and all Penny could do was back onto the tongue in her pussy and ride it out. Finally after what seemed like several minutes, she was worn out and fell back into Cindy's pussy where she was still rubbing, trying to come herself.
"Why don't we switch places?" Liz said as she shimmied out of her jeans, her breasts swelling and filling out her t-shirt. "Cindy, why don't you get between my legs and see what you can do with that little tongue of yours? Penny, you finish what you started with Cindy's snatch, and if I cum first," Liz told Cindy, "I will allow you to come. So you have a little incentive."
The two women didn't hesitate being controlled; they were eager to please the butch dyke. Despite being new at eating pussy, Cindy was a fast learner and seemed to instinctively know what Liz liked. Penny also seemed to have been inspired; wanting to make sure the petite blond came as soon as Liz gave the word had Cindy poised on the edge, needing just the slightest touch to go over.
Liz was very close to coming; Cindy was now mimicking what Penny was doing to her and it was working. Liz hissed and roared quietly as her orgasm rolled through her. "Good girl, Penny. You can come, Cindy." No sooner had Liz given her consent than Cindy came. She came hard, filling Penny's mouth with more cum than the woman could drink and it rolled past her lips, down her chin and throat before she could catch up.
All three women seemed to have been sedated. Liz looked at her watch and realized that they had to leave soon if she was to be on time.
"That was fun girls, but we have to go now. It's getting late. Why don't you two get dressed? You can leave off the underwear; you won't need them where you're going," Liz told them as she pulled her jeans back on.
Cindy dressed back into her business suit and Penny removed her bra before she pulled her pants back on. Without her panties to catch her lingering cum, it rolled down Cindy's legs. She wiped it up with her fingers and licked them clean, thinking she'd not been seen.
The office smelled of sex as the three emerged, Cindy followed by Penny and Liz. Cindy told her clerk, "Janice, I need to go for a while, will you close tonight?"
Janice was about to protest, but saw Liz looking down at her and thought better of it. "Okay," she said meekly. There were several customers shopping and trying on merchandise. Still the businesswoman, Cindy said, "Call in Gloria if you need help." And then she turned and walked out of the store with the two other women.
Round two of the interviews began, John was getting bored, but it was important to add to his team of agents, so he pushed through. April was also getting bored and suggested to John that perhaps there needed to be naked body inspection, so that he could see close up what he was getting and what he'd need to tweak. John thought it a great idea and instructed the interviewees to disrobe before the interview would begin. Despite being nervous, the first candidate complied, feeling a little safer since April was in the room. She had a pretty good body, with medium sized breasts that seemed firm. She had shaved or been waxed, leaving her pussy bald, so there was no way to tell if she was a natural blonde.
She blushed brightly with some of the questions asked, but did a good job and would be considered depending on how the others did.
The next four interviewees were men and April enjoyed looking at their naked bodies. For her pleasure, John asked to see the men's erections. John nodded to April, would you like to help them? April was still getting used to the idea that the rules and social guidelines she'd grown up with no longer strictly applied to her. She smiled at the thought and John asked her if she'd like to suck them until they were hard. She stifled a giggle and decided that it was the least she could do. She had the first stand on a stool that appeared out of nowhere and which raised the man to a comfortable height and she slipped her mouth over the cock and caressed it with her tongue and sucked it until she was sure it would get no larger. She did this with each of the interviewees who realized that their stamina may be in question and struggled mightily not to enjoy it too much; less they come and fail a crucial test.
By the end of the day, John had nine new females (which included two Asian-Americans, two African-Americans, three blondes and his first Persian and Pakistani). The sole male was a lanky surfer-looking man from San Diego.
John was pleased with his selections; he would do a health appraisal and enhancements tomorrow. He'd never done this with a group before and was looking forward to seeing how it would go. For now the recruits were free to join the rest, who were eating, fucking, and resting up after their long day.
Candace had just hung up the phone after talking with her daughter April for over an hour. April was very excited about her first day with John in his mansion and told her mother every detail. Candace was surprised to learn that she'd already moved out, and walked into April's room to find it now resembled a guest bedroom, void of all of April's personal effects and decorations. Candace was sad for a moment, but then realized that she would be able to entertain without having to worry about her daughter finding out or being embarrassed by what she was doing, but mostly she'd be free to play with her new maid. April had sounded elated, and Candace knew that John would take very good care of her.
Candace also knew that Linda was in the kitchen making lunch; perhaps it was a good time for a little fun. If she played her cards right she could make her quota tonight, without even leaving the house. She crept downstairs and peeked in at Linda finishing up the casserole she was working on; it would be ready to eat in an hour or so. Her timing was good. She didn't have much range with her mind control so she waited until Linda was putting away the ingredients in the pantry.
"Linda, continue to work, but notice that you are becoming very horny. Whenever you cook, you seem to find it very sensual. The house is empty and your mistress is upstairs; it's okay to play with your nipples a little bit. You know how much you like to have them touched and sucked on."
Linda stepped out of the pantry and looked around, listening intently. The house was quiet. She felt her breasts through her bra and maid's uniform.
"You can't really get a good feel with your bra on. Go ahead and remove it; you can stick it in your pocket. You remember how to pull it out of your sleeve without removing your blouse. Do it quickly."
Linda complied and soon had the bra by the cup and pulled it through her left sleeve.
"That's better isn't? Go ahead and play with your nipples. They're getting hard aren't they? Hmm...that feels good doesn't it?"
Linda continued to rub and pull at her nipples; they were almost poking through the white blouse.
"There's no one around, you can shed your blouse. Lunch is cooking. You have about twenty minutes; you can indulge yourself."
Linda pulled her blouse off and let it fall next to her bra. Her breasts were tingling and her nipples were like small bullets. She continued to pull and play with them. Linda could feel her pussy getting very moist. She let out a moan and continued.
"You know what would feel really good, if you lost the jeans and panties, and fingered yourself. I know it's naughty, but you've worked hard today and deserve a little break. No one is around, go ahead."
Linda could barely stand to pull her hands away from her breasts, but her pussy was in need of attention. It was an itch she needed to scratch, so she reluctantly stopped and slipped off her shoes, and then quickly removed her pants and panties. She was now completely naked in the large pantry, her fingers in her pussy, and sucking a long nipple from her left breast.
The feeling was like heaven; she found it hard to stand and sank to the floor on her knees, her hands not missing a beat.
She was whimpering now; it was hard to be quiet. She was getting very close and was finding it exceedingly difficult to keep her sighs and whimpers to herself. Her fingers were a wet blur as she continued to frig herself. Candace waited until the very last moment before entering the kitchen, just as Linda was cumming.
"Uhhhhh oohhhh nnnnggggghhhh," Linda screamed, trying to suppress her passion.
Candace pulled open the pantry to see the flushed maid now laying back on her elbows, her legs spread wide, one hand in her pussy, the other pulling on her left nipple, still feeling the effects of her masturbation.
"There you are you naughty maid. Look at you. You just can't keep your clothes on and your hands from your pussy and tits. What am I going to do with you? I thought you were making lunch. Do I have to keep my eye on you all the time?" Candace chastised.
Just then the timer on the oven chimed, "Ding, ding, ding."
Linda looked up and said, "Lunch is ready," and tried to smile.
Brenda Stark was an up and coming reporter for the San Jose Mercury News. Although she mostly worked the city beat, she always had her eyes open for the story that could make a career and get her a job at a bigger paper like the Sacramento Bee or the world renowned Los Angeles Times. So when she got wind of strange behavior going on at the swanky Palo Alto neighborhood she jumped at the lead.
The tip came from one of its oldest residence, 95-year-old Donna Brown. She couldn't say much, except that every fourth Thursday of the month at 9pm, her female neighbors paraded naked to the big house on the corner. Once there, they had wild lesbian sex until the early hours of the morning, then return to their homes naked and the next morning act like nothing happened. Everyone, husbands, boyfriends, children and the women themselves, all of them, no one seemed to be aware of what happened.
Donna Brown confessed that if she weren't so old she'd probably join them. When questioned further, she said that it had been going on for years, but no one seemed to be able to discuss it. She had only recently found that she was able to, and that's when she'd called the paper.
"Something has to be done. It's not right, since I can't join in."
Brenda took notes and finally asked, "Isn't this the fourth Thursday of the month?" while checking her Android phone calendar.
"Yes, yes it is. That's why you're here, dear," Donna said.
Thinking about it more, Brenda thought, "Perhaps I could go undercover and find out what is really happening." Looking at the old woman, she said, "Ms. Brown, do you think I could watch from your window to see what is going on?"
At 5:45pm the unmistakable sound of a Harley Davison roared up the driveway. The engine revved for a minute and shut off. Cindy and Penny hurriedly climbed out of the green Toyota Camry parked on the street, before rushing up the driveway. They eagerly waited for the large woman to dismount her bike and tell them what to do.
Liz let them in by the front door and left them standing while she went to find Esmeralda. She found her mistress in the kitchen, sipping her tea. She expected Liz to be on time and wasn't disappointed.
"I have brought you two converts as you asked, mistress," Liz said, understanding at this moment she must be subservient to Esmeralda, despite not understanding the reason why. They were lovers, and had been for the last six months, but for some reason she needed to behave in this manner.
"Very well, let's have a look at what you have brought me."
Esmeralda strolled into the foyer with Liz trailing behind. They found the two women standing in the hall, not sure for what or where they had been brought. Cindy and Penny were almost identical opposites, Cindy was a small blonde and Penny a small brunette. Esmeralda released them from Liz's control and allowed them to express themselves freely. She enjoyed taking new converts while they were in control of themselves.
Each woman would have a different reaction.
Penny blinked a few times and then remembered being controlled by Liz, doing what she was told without questioning, masturbating in front of them until she climaxed and then eating the blonde woman's pussy and enjoying it. "Now what?" she thought. "Where am I? Why am I here? What do they want with me?" She looked at the tall redhead who was looking at her with her green piercing eyes; she looked at her as if she knew what she was thinking. Penny fought hard to keep the terror in her mind from exploding. "That wouldn't do me any good. I have to remain calm," she told herself. "They haven't hurt me, just made me do things I wouldn't have normally done, made me think things that I don't really believe."
That's when it hit her, the truth. They were going to change her and remake her into what they wanted. She had to get out of there and now. The terror was overwhelming now. She wanted to scream. She wanted to run. When she tried to move her feet wouldn't move.
"That's right dear; you're a smart one aren't you?" Penny heard the voice in her mind say. "Why don't you take your clothes off now, all of them, no need to be modest here, right?"
"No! I won't," Penny shouted back in her mind just as her hands began to unbutton her blouse and pull it out from her pants. "I will never do what you want," she hissed as she folded her blouse and unhooked her bra, freeing her perky small tits. Her nipples were hard beads. She was very aroused and shocked that she wasn't able to control her hands. She stepped out of her sandals and unbuckled her jeans, then slid them down her legs along with her panties. Penny folded them both; placing them on top of her other clothes, then stood, patiently waiting for further instructions.
Cindy felt like she'd just awoken from a dream. She had no clue of where she was or how she'd gotten here, even though she'd driven in her car. She was frightened and very aroused, her pussy was dripping. Then she remembered being in her office masturbating, then being eaten by the small black woman and enjoying it tremendously. She looked around the room and saw the large black woman and remembered that she too had eaten her pussy and made her cum. She also saw a large redhead woman looking her over and then heard her voice in her mind.
"Won't you be a dear and remove your clothing so we can get a better look at you?"
Before she could answer, Cindy's hands began to remove her suit coat and unbuttoned her blouse. She looked on amazed as her limbs moved without her telling them to. She couldn't stop them; it wasn't long before she was as naked as the woman standing next to her. She couldn't believe how easily her limbs had betrayed her.
Gaining some courage, Penny asked aloud as she noticed the blonde next to her in the same situation as she was, "What are you going to do with us?"
"I thought you were smarter than that. We are going to play. You want to play with me, don't you?"
Cindy almost screamed "Yes" as she moved slowly towards Esmeralda who was now also completely naked, her long fiery red hair curling around her body past her lovely ass. Penny however, hesitated, and fought to control her body. Finding herself unable to do so, she followed the two women as Esmeralda led the way into the living room and to the large couch. When she arrived, she spread herself on it and beckoned the two smaller women to her. They climbed up next to her, one on each side, and moved to her breasts as she cuddled their faces and looked down at them.
"There you are, nice and comfy." Both women were ready to take their respective nipples and nurse on Esmeralda breasts. "Go ahead now. It's okay. You can suck on my tits. You know that you want to, don't be shy," Esmeralda cooed as if she were talking to her children.
Both Penny and Cindy lunged forward despite their reluctance. They may have had their minds back, but they didn't seem to be able to control their bodies. After a few hard pulls, both began to feel Esmeralda's warm milk on their tongues and in their mouths. Swallowing quickly, they drank as much milk as they could. After a few minutes they pulled away. Both must have consumed as least eight ounces.
Penny was thinking, "What the fuck was that?", while Cindy just seemed to be content with the warm tingles she was feeling.
Esmeralda turned to Liz who was now also naked, her large breasts protruding from her muscular chest, her abdominal muscles pulled tight as she stood waiting for her instructions.
"The rest will be here soon," she said. "See to it that everything is ready." Liz wanted to ask "Make what ready?", but then she realized that she knew what to do, although she didn't know who "the rest" were.
Cindy and Penny soon fell asleep. Esmeralda was struck at how similar they were, despite being opposites. They were like bookends.
"That's it," Esmeralda thought, having a 'eureka moment'. "I will make them bookends, they will be similar and yet connected, like twins."
At precisely 9:00pm the front doors of all the homes within the small gated community opened and naked women of all ages, sizes and shapes stepped out into the night. They strolled silently towards the home of Dinah Cohen. It was a much larger crowd of women than John had encountered. Whatever had captured these women seemed to have spread, but the age range seemed to begin at twenty and drop off into the late seventies. It didn't seem to matter if the women lived alone or were part of a family; no one seemed immune.
"Come see, hurry," called Donna Brown to the young reporter. "It's happening."
Brenda Stark couldn't believe her eyes. It was true the women seemed to be in some sort of trance as they walked, oblivious to each other, barefoot and naked.
Suddenly Brenda realized that if she were to break this story, she'd have to see what was going on in the house. But the only way to find out was to join the women, which meant, she swallowed hard before continuing the thought, she'd have to strip and join them.
She didn't have time to waste; she quickly explained her plan to Ms. Brown and hastily pulled off her clothes, tossing them into a pile at the door. She took a deep breath and stepped out the door, joining the others as they paraded naked to the corner house. It took her only a minute to mimic their gait and facial expressions. There was a bottleneck at the front door but each woman patiently waited in line for her turn to enter the home. As soon as the last woman entered the door was closed.
John gathered his new recruits into the great room to look them over; they were all naked of course, lined up as if in the ranks of a military assembly. Most needed a little body work, simple things like repairing minor injuries, removing cellulite, toning muscles, curing any diseases, and providing immunity from any and all future diseases. Pretty easy for John to do one on one, this however, would be over twenty people at once. He was up to the challenge though, and after walking among his recruits and making a mental note of each one's needs, he walked back to the front of the room.
"I need you all to remain still. This won't hurt, but it will feel a little strange at first," John told them. He explained briefly what he would be doing, and that it would occur in two stages, the first to heal, and the second to enhance. Then he closed his eyes and began to concentrate. Everyone was quiet, and then there were a few oohs and aahs as old injuries healed and the group began to feel the differences. The first stage took all of approximately eight minutes.
The final stage would take place individually as John would increase breasts sizes, enhance sensitivity, and enlarge vulvas for some of the women, then increase penis size and endurance for the men, spending about five minutes on each.
When it was George's turn, John needed to do little work; physically he was in great shape. John took several years of age off his face, removing wrinkles, adding to his hair line, and removing much of the grey, leaving just a little at the temples.
He had fun with the women, adding three to four cups sizes on some, sculpting their breasts and nipples and enhancing their sensitivities in their pussies and anal cavities. All had their gag reflexes relaxed so taking a cock deep into their throats would be as easy as breathing. He finished by inserting his finger into each woman's pussy, and attaching diamond studs where he wanted them. When he was finished, he mounted each one and fucked them for several minutes until they all came several times.
As for the men, he attached their diamonds to their left ears and turned them loose to join the women he'd just blessed. They all fucked until they wore themselves out. Tomorrow, after their final training session, they would all have quotas to fill and would be expected to perform.
Candace suggested to Linda that since she had such a hard time keeping her hands off herself, perhaps she should wear a skirt and go commando. At least that way she could get her cleaning done and frig herself occasionally without having to pull all her clothes off.
Embarrassed, Linda reluctantly agreed it might be a good idea. So it was, as she did her afternoon cleaning and vacuuming, Linda was less tempted to interrupt her cleaning to play, at least until Candace peeked in on her again. Linda was vacuuming the living room and again Candace made seductive suggestions that soon had Linda naked and screaming, the vacuum abandoned. She was cumming again at her own hands when Candace found her.
"What am going to do with you?" Candace complained to the blushing maid. Finally, Candace reluctantly agreed that Linda could work naked as long as she got her chores done. Linda was pleased and jumped up and down, then hugged her mistress, happily thanking her. She decided that she needed to wear an apron, a small white one that barely hid her pussy, but that was enough for her to wipe her hands on as she cleaned.
Candace thought that things couldn't get much better as she watched the nude maid move around the house cooking and cleaning. She let her mind wander, and knew that she'd have the maid in her bed that night, allowing her to meet her quota for the day.
"Thank you all for coming, sisters," Esmeralda said, as if they had a choice in the matter. "As you are learning, we have no real need for men in our lives. We sisters are all you need. That is why we meet. For now it is only monthly, but soon it will be much more frequently, until soon it will be as frequently as you like."
All the sisters cheered sitting and standing shoulder to shoulder as they listened to their mistress. Brenda was a little self-conscious as the women were shamelessly rubbing against one another, a prelude to the events to come. Fortunately in their trance-like state they seemed to pay her little attention. She stayed at the back of the crowd and tried her best to fit in, despite the roaming hands on her ass and tiny breasts.
"Tonight we will be inducting new members into the sisterhood, replacing two that were taken from us," Esmeralda said. "These two will receive a special gift of transformation and will be superior to you, but soon all will be transformed and the sisterhood will be one of equals," she said as she walked through the parting crowd of naked women. She wore a translucent emerald robe and her followers reached out towards her, lightly touching her as she walked among them. "Let's bring them out, Liz."
Liz's magnificent muscular body was oiled and looking like she was in competition. She led Cindy and Penny out to the stage area of the living room. The two were in a drunken state, still feeling the effects of Esmeralda's milk, unaware of what it would allow her to do to them. Like her vaginal secretions, Esmeralda's milk would allow her to transform the two unsuspecting women into any physical shape she wished.
In the center of the room the two petite women stood as the crowd of women cheered again. Esmeralda was about to make another announcement, but she paused. She tilted her head strangely and stiffened her stance. Liz was on high alert, suspecting something wasn't right, and was ready to leap into action. Then Esmeralda smiled and Liz relaxed. "It seems we have another guest in our midst. So it seems we have a third convert. Because of her boldness, she too will receive the gift of transformation."