Chapter 26

A year had passed since the confrontation with Esmeralda, the Mistress of the Ring of Truth; she had been handily defeated and put into servitude by John Smith, Master of the Ring of Power. Although his power continued to grow, so too did his wisdom. He found himself only occasionally yielding to the foolishness of youth. And with his ever-growing legion of agents he was no longer being threatened, so he set his vast resources upon trying to find the remaining two rings and their masters/mistresses.

His agent corps had doubled in size and was still growing, as too was his strength, which was growing exponentially. He dispatched his agents throughout the world, with instructions to keep a low profile but to watch and report. Discipline was never an issue, but a handful of agents seemed to get a little overzealous and too enthusiastic from time to time, which required one of his lieutenants to investigate and instruct. That duty usually fell upon Chance, Dennis or Elizabeth.

The most important of John's rules is to do nothing to draw attention to yourself or your actions. And although this was preached over and over in the indoctrination classes, every so often new agents made the mistake of being too visible with their mind control ability, allowing it to be witnessed. One common blunder was attempting to seduce the partner, mate or lover while their partner was in the same room. Occasionally, rookie agents might have their target do something so out of character that a friend or acquaintance may question it, such as having the person strip naked in front of a group, or perform oral ministrations in public.

This was usually due to laziness on the agent's part: how hard would it be to have them meet in another room? This type of error in judgment usually had the offending agent pulled from the field and reevaluated. These incidents were rare, but dangerous, and were taken very seriously.

John Smith's net worth was now by all accounts a billion dollars. Reading minds made making smart investments simple. He opened an office in Mountain View where his administration staff kept track of his many philanthropic projects and managed his money and the day-to-day operations of his agents. Although they were like independent contractors rather than employees, he kept files and such for tax purposes.

Dinah Cohen left her law firm and became an employee of John Smith Enterprises (JSE). Her job was to make sure that all legal matters were anticipated and dealt with; if she had time she could work a few cases of her own, but JSE would always come first.

April Martin was the CEO of JSE. Although it kept her very busy, she made time to work on her PhD and would be defending her dissertation in the fall. Dinah still kept her distance and the two rarely spoke, even by phone.

April had been spending the last couple weeks with her mom and sleeping in the guest room as her old bedroom had been taken over by her mother's two wards, Linda and Esme. They were the two bimbofied former mistresses who had accepted their new roles and become good producers. They too kept their distance; Candace seemed to have taken to ruling the bimbos John had converted. April wondered if it had anything to do with her maternal instincts or simply her need to be in charge.

It was then that April began to have the nightmares. At first it was just a few sleepless nights, then troublesome dreams that she never remembered. John was reluctant to coax her to remember them, and didn't want to mess around in her head more than was necessary, worried that he'd caused the harm.

John began traveling extensively and was gone for days at a time. Finding the last two masters or mistresses of the rings was becoming an obsession, April had told him. She may be right, John admitted. April decided that she'd rather spend time with her mother than stay in the big mansion alone.

In that same year Chance took his high school basketball team to the state championships where they won their division. The coach remained in the shadows insisting that it was his athlete's concentration, discipline, and dedication to their sport that made the difference. His starting five were all seniors and were going to good colleges with excellent basketball programs. He would have to start all over again next year with new starters; Chance was looking forward to the challenge.

It was a long bus ride from Oakland to Los Angeles; the bus schedule said that it would take more than ten hours. Greyhound Bus Lines at one time was the only way to travel. At least, that was what their advertising campaigns used to tout, "Go Greyhound and leave the driving to us." That was then.

Today, it is the preferred mode of travel for the people who are afraid of flying, but mostly for those that can't afford to fly. Translation; mostly the poor use this mode of transportation. Those afraid of flying drive or hire limos.

The driver of bus 357 was a no nonsense guy named Gus. He was large white man who looked like he could have made a good living as a hitman for the syndicate, and one look from him kept anyone thinking of hijinks in line. A skinny black kid seemed to have his head on a swivel as he watched anyone and everyone board and take their seats on the clean well-worn bus. It was three quarters full. The clientele were mostly black and Latino, but there were also several Asians, a few Middle Eastern types, a couple of Indians or Pakistanis, and a handful of Caucasians.

As the bus began its journey and the passengers relaxed in their seats he began to read the thoughts of everyone on board. Many were headed south in search of a better life while others were traveling to visit friends and family. As the bus traveled down Interstate 5 towards Los Angeles its passengers amused themselves with video games, texting on their phones, snapping pictures and posting them on Facebook, reading, or sleeping.

There was so much uncertainty in many of their plans, he noted. Most were barely making it, despite being honest and hardworking; others simply lacked the opportunity and the education. A few were simply lazy and looking for an easy way out. For those who thought that way he went into their minds looking for something to motivate them. Once found, he easily changed their thinking and suddenly they were ambitious and imagining ways they could help themselves get ahead honestly.

All would find that the meager amount of cash they had in their wallets and purses had miraculously doubled. And for others with job interviews pending, he implanted them with code phrases which when spoken would activate in the interviewers' minds to regard them more favorably, not assuring them the job, but increasing their chances by as much as eighty percent.

As they made their thirty minute layover in Bakersfield, which was conveniently located next to a popular fast-food chain, they were taken aback when two of its employees approached the bus to take their orders, explaining that it was their lucky day; some philanthropist had already paid for their meals and they could order whatever they wanted. Cheers rang out throughout the bus. Surprisingly, no one over-ordered and when the travelers attempted to tip the employees they were turned down; all the employees had been already been well compensated.

Needless to say all were in great spirits as they returned to their seats, wondering who could be their patron and why he/she would do such a nice thing and yet choose to remain anonymous. The skinny black kid was still munching on his French fries and sipping his soda when the bus resumed its trek southward, smiling as he chewed.

April started tossing and turning in her bed, dreaming. In her dream she was with John in her room and he was thrusting with gusto in and out of her pussy while playing with her breasts and nibbling her neck.

She closed her eyes, loving the feeling. She felt John harden even further as a prelude to his climax and she began moaning. It was then that, instead of John's familiar grunting, she heard the heavenly moans of another woman, which caused to open her eyes in a panic. She found herself staring into her room's full length mirror and seeing the face of the woman she had been transformed into and trapped inside of over a year ago. Her attention was diverted when another feminine moan of ecstasy echoed, this one different to the last.

She looked down and saw that her nipples were pierced with gold barbells. Looking past them, she saw she was wearing a strap-on dildo and pummeling it into a woman's pussy. There was no specific woman; it kept morphing from one woman to the next. It was from a larger African-American woman, then a skinny petite Asian woman, she saw a couple of her high school girlfriends, Elizabeth, and even her mother. April was freaked out by this, but the final straw was when her mother moaned to her, "Oh baby, that's the spot. I've never felt this good before. Keep going!"

April's moaning and groaning had become so loud that it woke her mother Candace even though she was in the bedroom across the hall. Candace's first thought was, "I'd love to be dreaming about what she is right now." She quickly became concerned when April started to whimper and whine. When April began to scream, Candace raced from her room to investigate. After turning the light on she saw her little girl sitting upright in her bed, sweat pouring off her face, panting as if she'd only barely escaped some sort of terrible tragedy.

She tried to comfort her, "April honey, what's the matter?" All April did was whimper and struggle out of her mother's tender grasp, and snapped at her saying, "Just leave me alone. A monster like me doesn't deserve to be around you. How could I even think of doing that to you?"

Candace tentatively backed out of the room. She and John had discussed this possibility; she moved quickly to her phone. Pulling it from the charger she thumbed her favorites and auto dialed John's number. She heard a sleepy voice that didn't quite sound like John, but he answered. "Candace, what's up?"

Candace words were terrifying, "John, something's wrong with April!"

With those dreadful words ringing in his ears, fully awake now, John looked around at the bus. Most of the occupants were asleep. A few were reading or playing with their electronics. No one paid any attention to the skinny black kid sitting two thirds of the way back on the left side of the bus.

"Candace, don't panic. I'll be there soon. Are you at home?"

Candace replied in the affirmative.

"Is there anything in your foyer, other than the normal stuff?"

Confused by the question, Candace answered nonetheless, "No, everything is tidy and the foyer is as it always was."

"Good," John said, "I will be there in sixty seconds."

John, in his disguise as the skinny black kid, looked around the bus one last time. He tossed out a handful of invisible markers on the people he had been monitoring. No one would be able to see them but him. He wanted to be able to find them again. No one looked in his direction; he sat still and focused on the Martin home and the foyer he'd been in so many times before. In his mind he saw Candace standing at the top of the stairs. He quietly faded from the bus and reappeared in the Martin's home in the center of the foyer just as Candace turned on the light. She saw a skinny black kid morph into John Smith and she called him up to the second floor.

Site-to-site transportation was much easier, and in a flash John was standing next to her. Candace had taken the time to throw on her thin robe in an attempt at modesty, though it did nothing to hide her fabulous naked body. She had to fight the urges to rub herself against her master and crawl into his arms; the needs of her daughter came first.

She didn't need to tell John where to find April. He strolled past her and found April sitting on the bed, her head in her hands, trembling and softly crying. She felt John's presence and relaxed. He cuddled her tenderly and she melted and began to sob harder until she cried loudly. Candace could hear her daughter and it broke her heart to be unable to comfort her child, but John would find a way, he always did.

When she was through weeping, April felt better. John's comforting presence had certainly helped.

"The nightmares again?" he asked.

She nodded as she turned and pressed herself closer, all the while feeling much better. "Can you remember them this time?" her fiancé asked.

She nodded. She didn't want to talk about it. It obviously frightened her and John didn't want to push.

It was late morning, but the temperature had already hit the predicted high. Nevertheless, Maria turned over onto her back and the twenty-something-year-old young attendant applied more sunscreen to her delicate back. His unprofessional erection pointed skywards, pushing out the black apron around his waist. Carmen lay less than five feet, away also on her back. Her naked breasts were barely pooling into her armpits as her attendant added sunscreen to her long legs, carefully trying to avoid her naked bald pussy and the jewel that sparkled in the bright sunshine.

He too was displaying a mighty erection despite having worked at the nude resort for over a year and seeing some of the most beautiful women in the world. Both young men would be chastised although no one would have blamed them. Maria and Carmen had forgotten the effects their newly enhanced pheromones had on the average male. If that wasn't enough, their beauty was almost unequaled. It was still hard for them to get used to their transformation those many years ago, changing them from short stocky undocumented maids barely able to converse in broken English, to Latin beauties fluent in both languages, accents only used for effect.

Although they did deserve a vacation, they were there on business. A lead had told them that there were some interesting things going on the resort, the kind of things that their master would want to know about. So they posed as tourists, models in their professional lives but now just together on vacation in Boca Raton, Florida.

"Mmmm..." Maria said as she enjoyed the touch of her young attendant rubbing the sunscreen all over her back, stopping just above her awesome naked ass. "You know what would be good right now, Carmen?"

Carmen sipped her Blackberry Mojitos as the young lad adjusted her umbrella to allow the sun to fall over her sparkling bronze body. It was too bad that alcohol no longer had any effect on them, but they had to keep up appearances. Carmen looked over the top of her stylish dark Ray Bans at the attendant's hard cock and said, "Don't tell me. Let me guess, a nice hard piece of man meat?"

Maria smiled and looked at the young attendants as they gathered their drink trays and towels. They did look very inviting with their only clothing a black bowtie around their necks, small aprons around their waists, and sandals. Both young men were perspiring and not due to the temperature. They trudged back up the beach to the restaurant. Putting lotion on the guests wasn't part of their job description, but who could have resisted?

After a few lazy hours on the beach in the morning sun, the girls decide to head back to their room to shower and explore the resort. As they sashayed back to the room, passing through the busier parts of the resort, they couldn't help but be impressed by the age range of the guests. There were many middle-aged fit people there. Had it not been for the white hair they'd have thought them to be in their late thirties. There were many older men and women who looked to be in their sixties and seventies that looked very good for their age. As one might expect, Maria and Carmen got plenty of attention and several phallic salutes, even from many of the older guys.

They both smiled as they passed the very friendly clientele and staff. Like most women they couldn't help but jiggle and wobble their womanly parts as they walked. Carmen was slightly bigger in the breasts department, but both had delectable butts which they shook to the fullest with each step. They could each feel their nipples grow taut and firm; they were both very excited by all the attention they were receiving.

As their diamonds absorbed the sexual energy all around them, both seemed to feel a little bit tipsy. That was very unusual as during their promotion to lieutenants, one of the upgrades that John insisted on was immunity to the effects of alcohol. So although the buzz was weak, both women took notice.

Everyone was so pleasant, even the women, who they often seemed to make jealous. As they waited for the elevator a couple appearing to be in their early fifties made small talk asking where they were from and disclosing that they were from upstate New York. They got in the elevator and found they were on the same floor, so continued to talk. They were husband and wife.

Carmen was stunned to learn they were both in their late sixties, both in incredible shape. Despite the white hair, the man still had a six-pack and looked like he worked out regularly. He also had a nicely shaped cock that looked like it could get much bigger. The woman showed a little more age, her red hair white at the roots, she had fat on her thighs and butt, and her large heavy breasts sagged a bit. They were Jim and Susan.

Susan asked if they would like to drop by their room on the way back for a quick drink and perhaps they could explore the grounds together or perhaps simply have lunch.

Carmen answered for them and said they'd love to, but were just going to shower to get the oil off their bodies. She said they wouldn't be long and the group parted company.

As they entered their room, Carmen asked. "Do you feel a little buzz?"

Maria replied, "Yes. It's not unpleasant, but it feels like my drinks are catching up to me."

"Well enjoy it while you can. You know how serious the boss is about being in control at all times." Carmen shrugged. "If it gets worse we may need to call this in."

The girls showered together, soaping each other up and down, but refraining from any real sex play since that would happen soon enough and they wanted it to be natural. As a precaution they both decided it made sense to transfer their collected energy before heading out.

They dried each other and made sure their hair and makeup were perfect before leaving, carrying the customary pocket towels that all the guests used. The two left their room naked except for their sandals.

When they arrived at Jim and Susan's suite they were pleased to see they weren't the only ones there. Susan introduced Mike, Kim, and Greg, recent college graduates from Texas A&M. As you'd expect their young bodies looked great naked. Kim was a blonde with smallish breasts and really hard nipples; Mike was her boyfriend, lean and about 6'3" with brown hair. Greg was Kim's brother, a little more on the muscular side and about 5'9" tall.

When Carmen and Maria entered the suite everyone converged on them and drinks were handed out in addition to lingering hugs. It didn't take long for the men to need attention for their hard cocks. Being the hostess, Susan didn't waste any time, kneeling before Mike and taking his large hard cock in her hands. She massaged it before surprising everyone as she took it down her experienced throat.

Jim pulled Maria close and kissed her as his hard cock sprang up between her legs as their kissing became more serious. Kim and Carmen double-teamed Greg, Kim taking her brother's cock in her mouth while Carmen straddled Greg as he began to feast on her pussy. Jim and Susan seemed to have the stamina of eighteen-year-olds and they brought off their partners and moved around, joining others. It wasn't too long before Susan had joined Carmen on the floor for a sixty-niner, leaving both Mike and Greg spent. Kim looked exhausted but seemed to want more and Jim was happy to oblige, taking her by the waist and bending her over the bed. He fucked her hard and fast and had her screaming her final orgasm of the afternoon.

When they were done, only Carmen and Maria were still looking for more although it appeared their alcohol had caught up with them as they were silly drunk and had trouble standing and were giggling as if everything was funny.

Jim and Susan looked at each other and helped both girls to the shower; it was a large open room with several water spouts coming out from the walls, ceiling, and floor. Jim helped Carmen in and began to feast on her lovely breasts while Susan crawled between Maria's spread legs and had Maria squirming in minutes. She playfully lapped around the brightly glowing diamond as Maria guided her head with her hands to make sure the older woman hit all the right spots.

After their play they cleaned and dried off. Everyone was hungry and looking forward to a late lunch. Susan pointed to the three recent college grads as they seemed wiped-out and were still asleep in the big bed, Kim sandwiched between Mike and her brother Greg. They were left behind to sleep it off.

Maria and Carmen's legs were a little more stable, but they were very silly, obviously having had a little too much to drink. But they were unconcerned as Jim and Susan took the lead. They were looking stronger than ever.

After lunch, Jim got a golf cart and took the girls for a tour of the property. Showing off the tennis courts, where two couples occupied one of the four courts and played mixed doubles completely naked accept for tennis shoes, hats, and visors. They watched for a while until Jim's cock began to stir. Carmen couldn't help but notice that it looked bigger and thicker than before, perhaps from watching all the jiggling going on the tennis court. Carmen couldn't imagine playing tennis naked, but was hoping to give it a try before leaving. "But where do you put the balls?" she thought.

The ride in the golf cart was beginning to take its toll and both Carmen and Maria were eager to return to their room for a nap before the night time activities began. Jim reluctantly drove back to the hotel and dropped the ladies off then returned the cart. Both Carmen and Maria were still feeling the effects of the alcohol and Kim was still a little horny which made the ride up the elevator a little adventurous. Kim's mouth seemed to find Maria's left nipple and Carmen couldn't help but get on her knees to lick Kim's slick pussy.

By the time they arrived at their floor, all three women were ready for some serious girl on girl on girl action. As they tumbled into the large bed they formed a daisy chain, each one feasting on the other's pussy. There was plenty of licking and sucking for the next hour before Kim decided the girls had had enough, wanting to leave something for the night. She left the two sleeping in the room, but not before setting the alarm for 10 pm to make sure the girls didn't sleep through the party.

Both girls were still a little groggy, but as protocol dictated they transferred all their collected sexual energy as a precaution; they didn't know how much they'd end up collecting during the orgy. Immediately after the transfer was complete both their heads cleared and they got ready to party, showering and putting on the right amount of makeup.

"This is strange," Dr. Smith thought as he analyzed the readings from the latest batch of energy transferred from the agents. Smith was a new man, or new consciousness, since he had been recaptured and given a second chance. He still marveled at what Rocky had done with the place and how he brought technology into this world he was imprisoned in. He no longer thought of it as a prison however, but penance, like Rocky, he too would ascend in time.

John left Candace and April alone. He knew that it was time for April to see a professional, but he was worried too that he and his lifestyle may have added to the problem so he was hesitant to bring it up.

He sat back as his driver took him home. It would be a little lonely without April, but she needed her time away. He thought of stopping by to see his mother, but she was out of town. She and George were in Washington working some of the Republican fundraisers. He chuckled to himself, "Politics."

"Son, sorry to bother you but something unusual has turned up," Dr. Smith explained, speaking telepathically to his son. He spoke of how the latest batch of energy was tainted and should be destroyed. John hesitated, asked if he knew who had sent it and where it came from. His father had just determined that source and the location of his agents.

"That's odd," he said. Maria and Carmen were very experienced. "Perhaps I should investigate this in person? Don't destroy it. Can you set it aside, isolated from the mains? Is anyone occupying my Miami apartment right now?"

His father paused and then answered, "No, the Miami property is vacant." His father looked at the video feed from the security cameras hidden in the spacious apartment.

The Collins Avenue property was only a year old and had a fabulous panoramic view. John focused his attention on the living room and in the blink of an eye he materialized in the room. He walked around the professionally decorated penthouse, trying to remember the last time he'd been there. The place was immaculate. Opening one of the glass doors, he went outside to the humid Miami evening.

He didn't mind the heat, but never quite got accustomed to humidity, preferring the dry heat of California. Using his iPhone he could see his Dark Blue Metallic 2015 Porsche Boxster S in its parking space on the third floor of the parking structure. The girls were in Boca Raton, about a thirty minute drive away, at least the way John was able to drive, phasing his car in and out of the material world.

They all met outside in the bar; the main hall where the real party was going to take place was still closed. Jim and Susan were radiant, looking at least ten years younger. Even their hair color was different, darker, perhaps. Susan looked magnificent, her heavy breasts riding high on her chest, full and perky. Her ass and thighs looked toned and healthy, as though she never left the gym. They found Mike, Kim, and Greg seated at one of the large circular tables. Both guys looked like they hadn't slept in weeks, their eyes were puffy and swollen, and their faces showed stress that hadn't been there earlier in the day. They looked to be in their late thirties instead of early twenties. Perhaps they were coming down with something, they thought.

Nevertheless, Kim was excited, this being her first real orgy. The campus sorority and fraternities stuff just wasn't quite the same. Still, she looked less refreshed and she too seemed to have aged over the last several hours. Her breasts seemed to have lost some of their buoyancy, seeming to hang a little lower on her chest and look a little longer, not quite as round. Still she looked sexy as hell and she was going to have a great time and fuck as long as she could remain conscious.

Carmen and Maria made their entrance. The crowd seemed to part for them and every head turned, taking note of their appearance. It was obvious that these two were going to be very popular during the orgy. They joined their new friends at the table and ordered their drinks, forgetting that their immunity to the affects of alcohol no longer seemed to be intact. Both girls ordered Long Island Iced Teas and once the alcohol loosened everyone up, the doors to the great hall opened, as if by design.

The lights were dim, but there was a strip light deep in the hall that gave off enough light for everyone to see clearly enough to get a lay of the hall. There were large mattress laid about, great pillows, and many couches and overstuffed chairs.

The staff in attendance were dressed in bowties, tiny aprons around their waists, and cuffs at their wrists but no sleeves, leaving them otherwise naked as their guests. They had instructions to stay out of the action unless a guest insisted, at which point they were obligated to participate but to return to their duties as soon as was feasible. Once the fifty plus guests entered the hall, the door was closed and manned by staff. Guests would be permitted to come and go as they pleased, but staff had been instructed to keep tabs on their comings and goings.

There was such a variety of people of all shapes, sizes, ages and colors. Before they could get away, Jim and Susan pulled both Carmen and Maria to a matt and engaged the two quickly.

Maria crawled between Jim's legs and took his spry cock in her hands and began to give him one of her best blowjobs while Carmen and Susan twisted into a sixty-nine and began to lap at each other's pussies.

It wasn't long before the sounds of people being pleasured echoed throughout the large room. Soft jazz played in the background as screams of passion burst through occasionally among the swearing and calls to the almighty. Jim, Susan, and Carmen were among the first to join the chorus, but many others played their parts. As Maria swallowed Jim's large load she was surprised to see that he was already hard again and pushing her on her back. She smiled and assumed the position as Jim filled her pussy with his rejuvenated cock.

"Hmmm..." she called out, "that feels so good, honey," as she put her ankles on his shoulders and he began to plunge into her depths with all the vigor of an eighteen year old. It wasn't long before she found herself enjoying each stroke.

Carmen found that she was much in demand and soon had a cock in each end. She was amazed at the stamina of many of these older men. She was definitely going to be sore in the morning. She was impressed with the staffing; they were standing by offering towels, dry and warm wet ones as soon as the guest appeared to be in need, then collecting the used items quickly. There were waitresses and waiters to take drink orders and track down the customer should they wander off to their next encounter.

Carmen was catching her breath after a well endowed senior had just pulled out and accepted his drink. Before she could accept a towel to clean up, a lovely older woman crawled between her legs and offered to help Carmen out, if it was alright with her. Carmen quickly agreed and her new friend not only sucked and licked up all the cum she could find, but she did such a good job she enticed Carmen to make a little of her own, which she eagerly cleaned before moving on.

Maria wasn't too far away from where Carmen laid, sipping her drink and feeling all the effects from it she shouldn't have been feeling, but had ceased worrying about it. She was thirsty and quickly finished her drink as the men were lining up. She was drunk enough to do a double penetration while she sucked on a large cock before calling it a night. She was thankful for her enhancements allowing her to easily get off on something that was unthinkable for most women. She even got a round of applause when they were through.

They cleaned up and together Carmen and Maria staggered off to their room, not expecting to rise before noon the next day.

The offices were moderately comfortable, what you'd expect being in a high rise building in Chicago, unremarkable, having state-of-the-art security, and of course the bare minimum of signage. Employees required pass keys to come and go. Without them, the elevators wouldn't stop at those floors.

John's team had spent months infiltrating the headquarters of TransOnion, the third-largest credit bureau in the United States; only Ixperian and Equafaux were larger. All three provided credit information and information management services to approximately 45,000 businesses and 500 million consumers worldwide in 33 countries. Unfortunately, all three were corrupt and were run by one or two of the remaining owners of the rings.

Tired of playing defense, John was ready to aggressively do some digging himself. During the previous month, his team inserted themselves one by one into the great company at several levels within the organization and were now ready to begin their mission. The mission was a simple one: reconnaissance and disruption of normal office behavior.

Erica Green stored her purse and pulled on her sweater, finding the office way too cool for her lean body. As had become her habit, she was about five minutes early for her shift which began at seven. She flicked a switch which turned on her computer and the three flat screens came alive. After typing in her security codes she logged into Cronos Workers TimeCheater, which all hourly employees had to do. Gone were the days of the punching paper cards at the clock. Cronos had eliminated that. Now everything was digital; her wage and pay would easily be tracked.

She put on her headset and began the tedious work of a relationship account executive, or to be more precise, customer service clerk. She had been working for about an hour when she gave the slightest of nods to Penny Jones and Brenda Stark, and they made their way to their workstations to begin their shifts, both taking their seats and following the same routine as Erica had.

At 09:55 hours all the workers left their workstations for the weekly 10:00 hours morning meeting, taking their seats in the large conference room and waiting for their supervisor to address them. Elizabeth Brooks took the podium and began to rattle off the numbers from the previous weeks. She continued by discussing procedures and various other mundane business matters. Before the meeting's conclusion, the new vice president of customer relations, George Wilson, addressed the group.

He began by filling in his background, all lies of course, but according to him he had worked his way up through the ranks and had eventually been assigned to the current job as department head here at headquarters. In addition, he was their new boss.

"So believe me when I tell you that if I can climb the ranks, you can too. We have a lot of good work ahead of us and the time to begin is now." He rambled on. His words meant little to the other workers, but to John's team it meant that today they would begin in earnest to retrieve significant data for their master and possibly who was behind this organization and perhaps the master or mistress of the ring themselves.

Looking around the conference room, Elizabeth received the acknowledgements from each member of the team. They would begin immediately after the meeting. As the meeting concluded there was a brief milling around, but the phones were on hold and people knew they couldn't be away too long so they disbursed quickly. Elizabeth introduced herself to the new boss, George Wilson, who didn't seem to be very impressed but asked that she schedule a meeting with his secretary.

The usually pleasant woman seemed to be a bit upset as she returned to her area and on the way to her office stopped at Robert Flynn's workstation. She asked him to come and see her at his first opportunity.

She returned to her office and resumed looking at the files on her computer when young Mr. Flynn knocked on the door and entered her office.

"Please close the door," she told the young man. "Mr. Flynn, I have been looking at your phone record and orders complete ratios and I have to say that I am not impressed. What do you have to say for yourself?"

The young man was caught off guard and stuttered. Finally, finding he had nothing to add, he shrugged and offered no explanation for his poor performance, remaining silent.

"As I thought," his boss said. "Apparently you've not been properly motivated." She rose from her chair and walked around her desk to stand in front of her employee. She slowly began to raise her skirt up her long shapely brown legs. Flynn couldn't believe his eyes, but couldn't help but stare as he watched with great anticipation as her hem line rose. He was soon greeted by her beautiful pussy, absent of panties. Somebody had come to work commando.

His imagination began to wonder how often she'd done that, but the reality was right in front of him. It was the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen. Her pussy was void of any hair; he was almost hypnotized by it. He saw a diamond stud glittering from her labia and vaginal lips protruding from it almost smiling at him, he thought.

"Oh you like what you see, huh? Well, see if you can put your mouth to better use there than you have so far on the phone." Flynn didn't need to be told twice. He leaned in, taking in her lovely aroma, and tentatively stuck out his tongue, taking a lick. He was rewarded with a sexy coo and a small hint of her sweet nectar.

Her taste was intoxicating to him and he soon felt her legs on his shoulders as he worked. He wrapped his arms around her fine ass as she leaned back on her desk.

Erica was ready; she had become friendly with her cubical mate, Regan, who was openly gay. They were in the last cubical in the back of the office which gave them a little more privacy than the others.

Erica slid away from her desk and the three screens she'd been staring at, stretched, and walked over to Regan who was on a call. She put her hands on the young woman's shoulders and began to massage them.

Regan was shocked, and stuttered for a moment but maintained her professional decorum. By the time she finished the call as she could do was sigh, "Oh, you don't know how good that feels, Erica," she said.

"Oh, you like?" Erica said and continued. Her hands now seemed to be everywhere and slipped down into the woman's loose top, cupping her tiny breasts and tweaking her nipples.

Before she could protest, Erica whispered into her ear, "Go with it." Her mind control easily overpowered Regan's better judgment and the young woman sighed as Erica kissed her neck and then found her lips. When she broke the kiss Erica spun her around slowly and opened her blouse exposing her tits. Erica took Regan's nipple into her mouth while finding her watering pussy with her searching fingers.

Regan couldn't remember being this turned on before. Perhaps it was the danger of losing her job, or that her officemate found her so attractive she couldn't wait to be alone. She let out a loud moan before remembering where she was and stifled herself.

Mike heard the moan and stood to see where it came from. Peering into the nearby cubical he was stunned by what he saw. He called quietly to Brenda, whom he shared his cubical with, and they both watched silently.

Mike gasped when he felt Benda's hand wrap itself around the protruding bulge in his pants as she melted her body into his. She quickly had his pants open and crawled between his legs, taking his cock into her mouth and working it with expert precision.

Both victims didn't last long. Erica had Regan coming silently on her hand as she continued to nurse on her perky tits. Mike seemed to have cum just after Regan, and Brenda swallowed it all quickly and returned to her desk as if nothing happened. She resumed her work, taking on a waiting call. Both left their victims to quickly adjust their clothing, lest they get caught.

When Elizabeth came, flooding Flynn's mouth with her juices, he did a good job of drinking it all down, looking for more. When he tried to become more aggressive and reached for her ample breasts, he was surprised as she pushed him away. "Uh, uh. No more until you get your numbers up." He was very hard and whatever thoughts he had had about getting relief died as he sat on the floor.

She made a big deal about lowering her dress and then addressed the crestfallen employee as he got to his feet. "I have a meeting to attend after lunch. If anyone asks for me, I want you to cover for me. You may use my office if necessary. Do you understand?"

He nodded and watched as she returned to her desk and began typing on her keyboard. There seemed to be something more to her words, but he didn't consciously recognize it. She was done with him, so he left.

Although the team took lunch in different shifts, it didn't take long for the news of the office sex to spread and, as if it were a contagious virus, others among the team seemed to make the time for a quick flash, squeeze, or oral stimulation.

With Elizabeth out of her office and Robert Flynn left frustrated, it didn't take him long to corner Penny when she left her daily report on her boss's desk. Flynn, until today, had only fantasized being with a Black woman. He'd flirted with the only other two in the office, Erica and Penny, but with his boss singling him out he believed he had something they wanted. So when he closed the door and continued to flirt with Penny he wasn't disappointed when he soon had her on her knees sucking on his hard seven inch cock.

It took Elizabeth five trips riding up and down the elevator cloaked in her invisibility before someone used their security card and the elevator stopped on one of the secure floors to which her clearance didn't give her access. She exited quickly right behind her host, a geeky looking guy wearing glasses. It was then that she saw just how secure the floor was. She'd need a security key to call an elevator and to enter most offices.

That wouldn't be much of a problem for her. She was stealthy in her flats and this wasn't much different to her first mission with office security. At least this time she'd be clothed. But this was much more than she had anticipated. Elizabeth didn't have a lot of time and this was only supposed to be a quick reconnaissance sortie anyway.

She watched geeky stop at a door and pull out his card. She ran silently and entered the room behind him without disturbing the automatic door as it closed. The room looked a lot like her area with a lot of people sitting at desks looking at monitors and typing in data.

She was surprised to see in addition to credit histories there was a tremendous amount of personal data and photographs of what looked like everyday people. What was going on here?

Carmen and Maria slept late the next day and didn't rise until almost noon. As usual they shared the same bed of course and were tangled together amid the sheets and pillows. How either of them ever got any real sleep was a mystery. Maria disengaged herself and padded heavily to the bathroom, feeling the effect of a hangover, something she'd not felt in a very long time. She ached all over; that too was new. Sitting on the commode she emptied her bladder, wiped, and flushed. Looking into the mirror she saw an unfamiliar face staring back at her and screamed.

Carmen jumped up from the bed and despite feeling awful raced to the bathroom to find her friend and roommate staring at disbelief at her reflection. Long white streaks were scattered through her hair. Her once proud breasts now sagged from her chest like two deflated balloons.

Maria turned to see her friend and screamed again. Carmen had to put her hands over her ears to protect them from the high pitched shriek. "What?" Carmen asked once her friend stopped screaming.

"You too..." was all Maria was able to get out. Carmen looked into the mirror and saw that her entire head of hair was white, and her tits, though not completely deflated, drooped down considerably.

"What happened to us?" Maria asked as she studied her face in the mirror, seeing a few lines that hadn't been there the day before. "We are old."

"We became inebriated by all the alcohol we consumed, too. When was the last time that happened?" Carmen asked, not really expecting an answer since they both knew it was one of John's upgrades.

Carmen stomped out of the bathroom. "Where are you going?" Maria asked before she saw her pull her iPhone 6 from the nightstand charger.

"I'm calling John. He'll know what to do."​
Next page: Chapter 27.1
Previous page: Chapter 25.4