Chapter 27.2

Slipping into her heels and spying her purse, she turned to the psychiatrist and said, "No. I don't think that will be necessary. I have thoroughly enjoyed our time together. You are a marvelous therapist, but talking about my ordeal and..." she smiled broadly, "the sex was incredible. I think I will be just fine now. Thank you."

"What? No. You need more sessions. You may relapse. You need me. You love me, don't you? I think I love you. You can't leave me like this!" The young psychiatrist looked up from her computer screen, her glasses now in her hands and tears welling up in her eyes. She stood quickly, her naked tits bouncing with the sudden movement. She decided on another approach and said, "I'm afraid I have to insist. I'm your therapist and I know what's best."

April turned and smiled. She hadn't intended any of this and certainly didn't mean to ensnare her psychiatrist in an affair. She was a happily married heterosexual professional and now she was willing to throw all that away because of one lesbian encounter with April. She could erase her memory of it. But would that be fair? She seemed to really enjoy making love to a woman; perhaps she'd be happier exploring her own sexuality. Maybe she was a lesbian and didn't yet realize it.

April shook her head. It wasn't her decision to make. She would have to reset things somewhat. She'd make the woman think she'd imagined all the wonderful sex they'd had. That could work. While April had been going on about her ordeal the therapist began to imagine what it would be like to actually be with another woman. If the feelings were strong enough then she might have the courage to try it. If not, she'd return to her life as a happily married woman.

April crossed the room and met the doctor at her desk. With both hands she gently cradled her face and pulled their lips together. The doctor felt light-headed as April entered her mind and gave her instructions. When she was done, she broke the kiss. The doctor stood still, her eyes shut and breathing slowly. Then she opened her eyes and her professional manner took over her features.

"I'm so pleased that this session has provided you with the confidence to get past your trauma. I agree that talking through it has allowed you to confront your demons. You should be fine. However, should you need a follow up session, please don't hesitate to schedule another appointment."

"Thank you doctor, I will," April said, checking her hair and makeup in the mirror as she left the office.

Still clad in only her panties, the doctor remained at her desk typing some notes before she gathered her clothes and shoes and entered her private bathroom. The rest of her afternoon was free so she pulled off her panties and climbed into the shower. As she washed she began to think about her last patient and what it would be like to be with another woman. Her nipples hardened and she began to play with her pussy and masturbate, something she never did. "Mmm..." she thought as rushed towards a pending orgasm faster than she had ever before. She couldn't wait for her husband to come home tonight.

Candace had been napping in the lobby, worried that things were taking so long but realizing that it was probably a good thing since April didn't come racing out. Finally, after trying to read several of the out of date magazines in the waiting room she'd fallen asleep. She was slowly awakened by her daughter and relieved to see her smiling.

"Oh, I am sorry. I must have dozed off. How'd it go?"

"Excellent mom, thanks for insisting I come here. I don't think the nightmares will bother me anymore."

Candace smiled and mother and daughter left the medical building talking about where they should go for something to eat.

John read the numbers on the door, "315". His agents Maria and Carmen were inside. He simply walked right through the locked door. In the queen size bed he saw Maria crying, her head hanging down on her knees as she hugged her legs, her once shiny black hair streaked with white cascading around her weeping form. Carmen was wearing a fluffy white hotel robe and pacing back and forth, looking much the same as Maria and also emaciated.

"John! Carmen screeched in a crackly voice that belonged to a much older woman. "Thank God you're here." And she ran the short distance to him and hugged him.

"Scanning them both, son," Doctor Smith volunteered from within the Ring of Power. "My God, they seem to have aged fifty years. It's a wonder they're still alive."

John closed his eyes as he concentrated and felt Carmen seem to grow fuller and stronger in his arms.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Maria lift her beautiful face looking as youthful as ever, her naked body as sexy as he remembered it.

Carmen cooed and sighed as if she were cumming. Being in her master's embrace and her body's instant rejuvenation was almost too much for her. She broke the embrace long enough to toss off the robe. She looked even more sexy and alive, her bronze skin looking shiny and healthy again. Falling to her knees, she fished out her master's cock and thanked him the best way she could. With practiced skill she took the large cock down her throat as Maria quickly found John's mouth and kissed him while rubbing her renewed body against him.

Talking to his father, John asked, "Can you find a way to block whatever it is that's stealing their youth?"

"That may take some time," he said. "But for now, if you extend your shields around the room that will give me a chance to do some analysis."

Breaking the kiss, Maria said, "Oh master, thank you so much for coming to save us so quickly. We have no idea what happened, but we got drunk at the party last night and woke up looking like old witches. I don't think we could have lasted much longer." She began kissing him with small kisses all over his face and head.

In a flash of light they all disappeared and reappeared in the bed, John on his back, Carmen riding his huge cock and Maria his face. As she leaned forward, her large breasts swaying, he reached up to cup them in his hands. Carmen reached forward to play with Maria's exposed ass. They worked together for several minutes, both women screaming as they came moments from each other. After catching their breath they traded places and began again.

"Johnny, sorry to disturb you son, but I think I have found a way to protect the girls and all your corps of agents from this youth-sucking device. We're still collecting the tainted sexual energy, all we have to do is reverse it and distribute it back through the jewels. It will cling to the individual agent like an aura, deflecting the harmful rays making all of you immune to its effects."

"Dad, I get that you are a scientist and get off on all this stuff, but I don't know what you're talking about. If you can protect us, then do it."

Dr. Zachary Smith laughed. Something John hadn't heard him do in a long time. "Sorry son, I got a little carried away. The girls might feel a little tingle, here goes."

"Hmm...master what was that, it kind of tickled," Carmen said and Maria quickly agreed.

John didn't answer, but lowered his shields and his father confirmed that it was working. Anticipating his son's question, Dr. Smith answered, "And it will continue to work until we run out of the tainted energy. We have about a twelve hour supply. Looks like you all will have to leave the room and go out and start fucking or get the hell out of dodge before midnight."

John looked at his Apple watch. It was noon already.

"Look girls, you're going to have to make an appearance. It will throw off the culprits and allow me time to figure out what's going on. Who were you hanging out with?"

"Everyone. It was an orgy," Carmen said.

"No, before that, silly," Maria said as she licked the head of John's cock one more time, stopping only after she remembered. "Oh wow. It must have been Jim and Susan! I remember at the beginning of the orgy they looked so fresh and Susan looked so much younger."

"Oh no, what about Mike, Kim and her brother Greg? They looked so tired and worn out yesterday," Carmen said.

John scanned her mind and saw images of the college kids; Dr. Smith did a quick check and came up with their room number.

"Okay girls I'm going to check on your friends. You go make an appearance, find Jim and Susan, and let them know you'll be leaving tonight. We'll get to the bottom of this. How old did you say Jim and Susan were?"

"They said they were in their late sixties," Maria said.

"Look for a couple in their mid-thirties. If my calculations are correct, they'll want to get you alone thinking they've found an ample supply of youth to suck. Be careful and be alert. Alcohol won't affect you again, but you may want to pretend that it does. I will be around but may be invisible or disguised. Hurry and get cleaned up. No playing in the shower, we don't have much time."

John dematerialized and rematerialized, standing and clothed in slacks, loafers and a Hawaiian shirt.

"Uhh...master, this is a nudist resort. You may want to... you know, be nude," Carmen said.

"When the time is right, Carmen," John replied just before he vanished.

For the first time in a long while the girls showered without fooling around and were ready to walk out the door in seven minutes. They did spend a minute admiring their rejuvenated bodies in the mirrors. They looked even hotter than the day they arrived, or since John had transformed them all those years ago.

John paused before entering the room the college kids had been sharing, already knowing what he'd find. He was too late; the three looked to be in their late 80's and had died of natural causes. They appeared to have died in their sleep. Perhaps that was for the best. They didn't seem to have been in any pain.

"One of them, the boyfriend Mike, seems to have died from advanced Alzheimer's," Dr. Smith volunteered. "Probably never knew what hit him."

"That's probably how they are getting away with it," John realized. "The coroner's report shows the deceased having died of natural causes and they steal the identities of their victims."

"How big do you think this is?" John asked his father.

"Hard to tell, but I'm more worried about who is behind this and how many more of these resorts there are, son."

Carmen and Maria went down to the busy pool. Lunch was being served and as they headed for an open cabana, they turned more than a few heads, also getting their share of salutes from the men. John watched as a couple of young guys seemed to be talking in whispers just as the girls passed. Upon arriving at their cabana, their waiter was there in a jiffy to take their order. They both ordered salads and their usual drinks.

John overheard part of what the two young guys were saying. Something about this is great and Stan and Edith's turn would advance their timetable, while looking at Carmen and Maria, but not as sex objects. The other agreed that they still looked pretty good, must be the genes, while the other laughed and said something about making their flight.

Carmen and Maria sat eating their lunch, their dark sunglasses hiding their eyes while they scanned the pool area for Jim and Susan. John thought they'd be in their thirties by now. They tried to imagine what the couple would look like if thirty years younger but weren't having any luck. They only now realized that the resort seemed to be void of anyone over the age of forty. Most of the men were in the pool swimming or horsing around while many of the women were lounging, working on their tans.

Suddenly they felt an invisible hand on their shoulders. "Don't turn around," John said. "I've bad news. I found your friends, the college kids. They didn't make it. I'm sorry I was too late."

Maria gasped, still looking at the pool and pretending to talk to Carmen, "they were barely out of high school, just babies."

John scanned the pool area from their vantage point. "You both seem to be attracting more than your share of attention. I wonder how many of these people are in on this youth drain."

The girls looked at all the men and women in the pool area. Many seemed to be going about their business, but others kept glancing at them.

"I think it is time you two got another upgrade," John said. "In a few moments you will be able to communicate with each other and me telepathically. You'll also be able to read the minds of people within fifty feet of you, with the exception of me, that is. Nothing fancy, no deep probes. But it should be enough to find most of the accomplices and perhaps even those behind it all."

A few moments passed and nothing was said. Then Maria thought, "Carmen can you see that guy with the mustache, he was all over me last night, literally. Uh oh, he's coming this way."

Carmen thought back to Maria, "Yeah, I remember him, he had a nice touch but the mustache tickles. Okay he's almost here. I don't remember his name. Be cool and let's see if we can read his thoughts."

"Damn, both of them are so hot. Be cool. It's okay to salute, under the circumstances. Gee, I would love to have either one of them alone for an hour. With those dark glasses I can't see if they are looking at me. Easy Daryl, be cool. Don't try to be clever just say hello and see where that leads."

"Good afternoon beautiful ladies. That was some party last night, huh?"

"Yes it was," Carmen said, removing her sunglasses and making an obvious gesture of looking at Daryl's growing cock.

Maria tipped her glasses and looked at Daryl's impressive tool, "Oh, I remember you, now." She smiled and her nipples hardened.

"Headlights on," Daryl thought.

"This is so cool," Carmen thought to Maria.

They chatted for several minutes before Daryl had enough courage to ask if either of them wanted some alone time. It gave Carmen and Maria enough time to eliminate Daryl from having any knowledge of what was going on. But he seemed to be protected in some way; either that or he too was in danger of losing his youth.

After Maria made a light commitment to meet later, Daryl left with his ego soaring and his stiff cock wagging between his thighs.

"Okay ladies," John said. "You see how this works. It's time to split up and see what we can learn. You two take the pool area and I'll work the lobby. Your telepathy is strong enough to reach me anywhere on the property."

The girls agreed, put their sunglasses back, grabbed their drinks, and began to mingle on opposite sides of the pool. Being able to read minds made it easy to insert themselves into any conversation and group.

Playing in the pool together, the rejuvenated couple, Jim and Susan pretended not to notice Carmen and Maria as they worked the pool area. Their beauty and friendly personalities were charming. Susan told Jim they were probably looking for hook-ups for later on.

Jim commented that since they seemed to have not been adversely affected by the youth transfer, they may be of more use than first thought.

Being one of the newest John Smith agents took some getting used to for Evan. When he was offered the position and told he'd have mind control power over almost anyone he met, he knew that he'd like this lifestyle. He'd met John Smith only once and quickly become in awe of the man. But there was something that John Smith saw in the youth that made him stand out, and who was going to argue with John Smith?

At only nineteen he was still a little immature. He was clumsy at best with girls and women and was in many ways your typical horny teenage boy. And although open-minded when it came to sex, he couldn't imagine being with another guy. He did well enough in his training that his instructors thought he was ready to be on his own, and like all of John Smith's agents, was free to live and pursue life as he chose as long as he kept meeting their quota. Commitment was key.

Evan had always wanted to go to college, but not for the right reasons. He wasn't interested in learning about science, history, or mathematics. That stuff was too boring and he didn't pay much attention to what he would do with his life, having gotten by most of his life living with his single mother. She had him in her early teens and worked hard enough for the both of them. He wanted to go to college because that's where all the hot girls were.

After becoming one of John Smith's agents, for the first time in his life Evan wanted more and even if he didn't graduate, he realized that having this new power meant that he needed to have some kind of plan. He would not be allowed to steal and take advantage of people, not for very long. The punishments for disobeying any of his master's rules were very harsh.

Focused for the first time in his life, he realized that he needed to know what he didn't know, and college seemed to be the best place to learn. Being around all the prettiest girls in the bay area was just a bonus, besides he had a quota.

Mountain View Foothill College has a very diverse population, attracting students from all over central California, and drew many international students. His low quota for the first few months allowed Evan to settle in to his new life, enrolling in school and blending in with the student body. Since he didn't have to actually participate in sex, but merely be in close proximity to collect the sexual energy, a college campus was the best place to be.

It was just about half past the noon hour, the best prowling time, Evan thought. He'd already seen many girls that he lusted for, but knew he had to be careful with his approach. Most of the girls had roommates and were cautious with guys they hadn't met yet, not that it would be much of a problem. But he'd learned from his mentors and classes it was better to err on the side of caution and take baby steps rather than having to spend a lot of time cleaning up a mess afterwards.

Evan too had a roommate; Sid (Sidney Goldman), a science nerd and easy to get along with guy, especially since Evan could simply control the teen, like when he chose the side of the room Sid had already claimed for himself.

Evan strolled confidently into the Commons and approached a pair of girls sitting alone talking while eating their lunch.

"Hello," he said interrupting them, "mind if I join you?"

Both girls looked up as Evan squeezed his six foot frame into the round concrete table and bench, not waiting for their reply. Gina was about to tell him to get lost when suddenly she thought, 'he looks kind of cute.' "No, have a seat. I'm Gina and this is my roommate Sue," she volunteered, still not knowing why she said that, but it was too late now.

Sue looked at her like she'd lost her mind and was about to protest when she heard herself say, "Hi, you must be new, I don't think I've seen you around here before?"

"No, I just transferred from the Stockton area," he said as he looked them up and down, deciding that he had chosen well. Gina was a thin girl with large breasts and shoulder length blonde hair. Sue was Asian with long shiny black hair and smaller breasts.

Gina didn't like the way he was looking at them, as though they were his next meal and she was about to ask him what he wanted. "You look hungry, would you like half of my sandwich?"

Sue blinked. That was so unlike Gina to be warm and friendly to a total stranger and to offer him half of her sandwich that was just weird. She would never share her food with anyone.

"Are you sure, Gina?" she asked her roommate before Evan could reply. Sue then looked at Evan; she began to suspect that something wasn't right. They needed to leave. "Let's go Gina; we're going to be late for class," she said as she collected her things.

"You don't want to leave now," Evan said. "We were just getting to know each other."

Sue sat back down, and smiled at Evan. "You're right. Would you like the rest of my soda, to wash down the sandwich?"

"Thank you. You both are very generous," Evan said as he accepted the soda and sandwich. "Tell me about yourselves. Are you both virgins?"

Sue laughed, "Oh no, far from it. I've had a few boyfriends and girlfriends. I love to fuck and suck both cock and pussy." She blushed a bright red, why did she volunteer that information? She covered her mouth with both her hands.

Gina looked at her roommate with a shocked expression on her face as Evan turned to her and asked, "What about you Gina, are you still a virgin?"

"No, I'm not a virgin. I've been with a couple of boys before. I've never been with another girl, though I am curious about what it would be like." She too couldn't believe what she'd just said. She wanted to run and hide, but sat there embarrassed, looking down at the table.

"That's great," Evan said. "I've always wanted to be with two girls while they explored their sexuality. Would you mind if I watched and maybe joined in? Are either of you good at sucking cock?"

Gina smiled timidly and said, "Well we do have a class in about ten minutes, but that does sound like fun to me. Do you have a big cock? All my boyfriends had average size cocks."

Not waiting for Evan to answer, Sue said, "I've been told that I am a very good cocksucker." The expression on her face was one of surprise. Why was she saying these things? Did Gina just agree to skip class and fuck this guy and explore lesbian sex?

"I think we should go back to your dorm room and see if my cock is big enough. What do you think?" Evan said, looking back and forth between the two girls.

They both agreed, gathering their stuff as Evan finished off the last of the soda and tossed the can in the blue recycle bin.

It was a short walk to the dorm room; Gina and Sue were becoming more and more aroused thinking of fucking this cute stranger. The thought that they would be sharing him and that they too would be able to play with each other, was more than they could bear. Sue admitted to herself that it was something that she'd fantasized about since they became roommates.

Once inside the tidy dorm room, Evan spied the chair at the nearest desk and sat down, saying, "Since you are experienced with both girls and boys, Sue, and Gina you are bi-curious why don't you both start by taking your clothes off and telling me what you think your best feature is.

Still not believing that she was doing this, Sue suggested that she'd feel better if she could kiss Gina first, "Would that be alright?" She was uncertain who she was asking.

Gina had already taken off her blouse and her large breasts were held back by a heavy-duty bra. Not waiting for an answer, the two roommates slipped easily into each other's embrace, opened their mouths, and began enthusiastically swapping saliva. After a minute, Sue's hand found the back of Gina's bra and unsnapped it, stepping away long enough for the bra to fall off her roommate and on to the floor.

Finally able to fondle the tits that she'd worshiped from afar, Sue marveled at their softness, tested their weight, and finally lowered her mouth to the perky pink nipples, taking one in her mouth while she pinched the other between her thumb and forefinger.

As she enjoyed the warm wet mouth of her roommate on her left breast, Gina reached out with her hands to Sue's breasts and wasn't surprised to find that Sue wasn't wearing a bra. She often went without one, she noticed enviously. If only she could, she wished. Her bras were so uncomfortable. She continued to rub Sue's body under her clothes and before long they were both naked except for their panties.

"This is a big moment," Evan said, both girls so wrapped up in the moment they'd forgotten that he was there. He too was clothed in only his boxers. "Should we all remove this last item of modesty at the same time, all at once, or reveal one at a time?"

Both girls looked over to Evan and the massive tent in his boxers. They parted and approached him from both ends of the bed and crawled into it.

"Or perhaps I should do the honors?" he asked, already knowing how things would proceed. His mind control on the girls was working flawlessly.

Gina reclined on her pillow stretching out her long legs in front of her. Sue came around behind Evan and draped her body over his as he leaned forward to pull the sexy panties from Gina's ass. Evan could feel Sue's hard nipples on his back. Sue would remove his boxers after he removed Gina's.

"My tits," Gina said, smiling and licking her lips as she watched Evan as he slowly pulled her panties down her smooth legs, freeing her of the unnecessary garment, his face revealing his bewilderment.

Gina smiled and said, "My best feature? You asked what I thought was my best feature. Definitely my tits." She cupped them and brought one to her lips and pulled on the nipple with her teeth. Even as she sucked on her nipple, Gina couldn't imagine where she'd gotten the idea to perform so wantonly in front of her roommate and Evan. It was fun and she wanted more. She'd never sucked on her own nipples before. It was turning her on more, it felt so good, and she couldn't believe she'd waited so long to try it.

Evan smiled as he watched as Gina was really getting into the part. Telling her to be slutty was a nice touch. Removing the skimpy garment revealed Gina's blonde short trimmed bush.

'Ah, the carpet matches the drapes perfectly,' Evan thought.

Sue was ready to pull Evan's boxers off, but hesitated to look at her roommate's pussy and imagined eating Gina's pussy. The image changed, as she realized that she was going to have it all, eating the pussy she longed for and getting fucked from behind by a hard cock. The thought shook her out of her daydream. 'Cock,' she thought and pulled Evan's boxers down to his knees revealing the largest real cock and set of balls she'd ever seen.

She was hypnotized by it as she took it in her hands. Without a second thought she brought it to her salivating mouth and began to see if she could fit it inside, licking it all around as she slid under Evan next to Gina. Glowing brightly below the large cock, piercing the skin below the huge cock was large diamond which seemed to be glowing brightly as if it were emitting its own light. That of course was impossible; she dismissed the thought and went back to licking the huge stalk of man meat.

Gina continued to suck on her nipple, but with her panties gone and her pussy exposed, her hand wandered south and she began to play with her pussy. She was soon moving her fingers around her clitoris as she shuddered and moaned. It was so intense and unexpected. She'd never been this turned on before.

Evan leaned forward and pulled her legs wide open. Her wet panties rode down her legs until she felt them spring from her foot allowing her to lift a leg over Sue's head as she managed to get her mouth around the head of the large cock.

Evan leaned forward and pulled her pussy open and with a long lick ran his tongue over her quivering flesh. Gina sucked in a huge breath and, taking her hand from her clit, pulled furiously on her free nipple.

Evan had only just begun to feast on her pussy; she couldn't believe how frantic she'd become. This was sex. The things she'd done with all her other boyfriends were foreplay. She shuddered again, very close to coming. Then she became frightened; if sex felt this good so soon she may not live through the afternoon.

Evan couldn't read minds, but he knew that he had Gina on a rollercoaster and he would make his low weekly quota with this single threesome. He needed to make it last. The longer it lasted the more sexual energy would be released and the more his diamond would absorb.

Gina was moaning continuously now. She was ready to cross the boundary she'd been curious about crossing. Evan was fully erect and Sue was no closer to swallowing any more than the head of his cock. Evan suggested that she move over and see if she could help Gina with those large tits and see if she could help the poor girl cum.

Sue reluctantly let go of the large cock, kissed it one more time and crawled from under Evan. She pulled her panties off quickly, knowing they would be in the way of what she had in mind. She moved to the top of the bed next to where Gina's head lay and took one of the big tits in her mouth, this moving Gina to the next level. Eyes closed tightly and panting, her large wet nipple fell from her mouth. Sue saw her chance and straddled her friend, her pussy only inches from the panting girl's mouth. She slowly lowered it.

Just at that very moment, Gina, unable to endure Evan's tongue assault any longer, exploded and began to scream, shaking her head from side to side, covering Evan's face and tongue with her sweet nectar. Sue timed her landing perfectly and dropped her cunt just as Gina centered herself.

Startled and still cumming, there was little Gina could do. Her first taste of pussy was happening before she had prepared herself. She instinctively stabbed her tongue into the pussy, grabbing Sue's hips while trying not to suffocate. Sue leaned forward and pulled on Gina's nipples with her teeth causing a new wave of orgasmic to bliss roll over Gina.

Evan used that moment to shove his hard cock into the helpless woman and began to slowly slide back and forth. Gina was trying to breathe. The pleasure she was feeling was nothing like she'd ever experienced before. Unable to process any thoughts, her screams were muffled by Sue's fine ass and pussy. The combination quickly brought her to the boiling point, even though Gina hadn't a clue what she was doing.

Evan looked at the sweet ass and pussy sitting on Gina's face and thought that Gina was ready for a break. He pulled Sue off her friend and down onto Gina's belly. Knowing what was coming, she spread her legs wide and Evan saw the prettiest pussy he'd ever seen. Although he wanted to admire it further there would be plenty of time for that later.

In a quick motion, Evan pulled out of Gina and thrust into Sue, pulling her farther down the bed, leaving Gina empty, panting and trying to process what just happened.

Sue had been with several guys but none as big as Evan and he really knew what to do with his cock. She was so full and he was stroking in and out of her in a slow building pace, bottoming out sweetly causing her to groan as he pushed against her cervix. When he pulled back he almost pulled completely out. She squeezed as tightly as she could, fearing he might pull out completely and she couldn't bear the thought of the empty feeling, not yet. He looked down at her, her small breasts almost flat against her heaving chest, her nipples hard and pointing needing a mouth on them. As if on cue, Gina, having recovered from her multiple orgasms, locked her lips around the nearest nipple as she returned the favor and lowered her drenched pussy onto Sue's waiting mouth.

What Gina had forgotten was that her roommate was an experienced pussy eater and knew just what she was doing. Also that she was still ramped up from her last series of orgasms and it wouldn't take much to get her off again.

Sue did indeed know what to do and with her pussy and mouth full she was in heaven, getting and giving pleasure. She tried not to concentrate on the slow pounding Evan was giving her pussy, but was determined to bring her roommate to her first girl-induced orgasm.

Evan was getting close, but wanted to wait for the girls to catch up. "Come on Sue, lick that pussy. Bet you can't get her off before I make you come," he taunted the woman and began stroking faster. Sue moaned into Gina's pussy as she once again found her clit.

"Oh my gad," Gina cried out. "I'm going to cum again."

Sue was elated, she was going to win, she thought. And then from out of nowhere Sue squealed signaling that she was coming. It seemed to be all that Gina needed and she too began to squeal and pant.

"Sue, you did it, oh my gad, you ate my pussy and made me cum!" she said, panting as her juices filled her roommate's mouth.

Sue drank down the delicious juices while trying not to drown as she continued to cum as Evan seemed ready to explode. He roared and shot his cum deep into Sue's pussy causing her to cum again. She pushed her roommate off her as she gasped for air. Evan pulled out and Gina grabbed the big cock and licked Sue's juices off before releasing the clean cock.

Evan smiled as he patted Gina on the head. 'This is going to be good,' he thought. 'I'm gonna like going to college.'

Evan pulled on his clothes as the girls rested, gloriously naked, their wet bodies showing the signs of their sexual play.

"Girls, I have to go, but I want you two to do something for me. Sue, I want you to get your nipples pierced, small breasts look better when pierced. And Gina, you need a tattoo, somewhere on your ass or thigh. And you both dress far too conservatively, something showing a little more skin is in order. Surprise me. Oh and I don't have to tell you both to feel free to practice with each other. I like my girls to have a little more experience, so you'll want to practice every chance you get." He called out his phone number and told them to call him tomorrow once they were ready to show off their new accessories. Then he was gone.

"Who does he think he is, telling us to get piercings and tattoos?" Sue asked, knowing that she'd do what he asked.

Gina agreed, but knew that her life was just radically altered. She had eaten Sue's pussy, and Sue had eaten her pussy and she'd loved it.

She had cum more than ever before in her life, and she was sexually exhausted; a nap would be so good. But since she was now bi-sexual, not a lesbian, not yet she thought, she did need to practice. Evan said so. 'If she was ever to become a lesbian she'd want to make sure she knew what she was doing, right?' she thought. 'No, she wasn't going to become a lesbian, just because she had eating one pussy and enjoyed having her pussy eaten once. It was just this once, never again.'

"Gina," Sue called her roommate, interrupting her musings.

"Yeah?" Gina replied.

"That was pretty awesome. Would you like to... go again?"

"Hell yeah," Gina said and jumped onto her roommate and swung around diving into her dripping pussy as Sue pulled her legs open and the two roommates found themselves in the first of many sixty-niners they would enjoy together.

Mark never imaged that he'd be fucking his best friend's mother. As a boy he was in awe of her, she was beautiful. He thought back to his childhood as Mary Smith rode his young cock. He wasn't the biggest lover she'd ever had, but he certainly might be the most enthusiastic. They'd been at it for almost two hours and Mark wasn't slowing down.

Mary wondered if her son may have given his best friend a little enhancement here and there, for if it wasn't for hers she'd never have been able to last this long.

But even though Mark was John's best friend and had seen a lot and participated in many of their orgies, Mark had been kept in the dark about everything that was going on. To be honest, John just told him to accept the benefits and enjoy himself, not to question things.

Mary decided that it was time to end this round and she told Mark that she was getting close and would love it if they came together. And just like that Mark found himself complying and cumming for the fourth time that evening.

Mary got off him and took his softening cock in her mouth to clean him off, enjoying the taste of their combined juices. She then led him by his cock to the shower. After a playful shower of fondling and kissing they dried off and Mark had the choice of staying the night or leaving.

"Well Mary," he began. "I'm filling in for John, so what do you think he'd do?"

Mary smiled and said, "My son is a very busy man these days, nevertheless, he always makes time for his mother at least once a week. And when he comes over, he always spends the night."

"Guess I'm spending the night," Mark said.

"Good, I hate sleeping alone and I like to cuddle."

"Lead the way," he said and Mary pulled him by the hand. They changed the sheets and climbed into bed naked. They cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Jim and Susan got out of the pool together, naked; admiring each other's rejuvenated bodies. 'The miracle of modern technology,' Jim thought, 'We barely look older than twenty and the aging process is in remission. As long as we spend a few weeks here at the nudist resort we'll never age again, assuming that we don't run out of young people to steal youth from.' He knew there was little chance of that; as long as the resort continued to offer next to nothing rates for young couples they would have an endless supply of victims.

As the couple headed back to their room walking near where Carmen was flirting with a couple of guys and their girlfriends, not recognizing either of them, Jim began to wonder what was different about the two girls. Why hadn't they aged like the rest and died? What was special about them?

That was just enough for Carmen to pick up. She turned ever so slightly to see both of their faces. It was them alright. They looked so young she'd never have found them if she wasn't able to read their thoughts.

"Maria, John I found them. They are going back to their room. Not the room that they took us to, I'm sure," Carmen thought. Maria and John answered and John told them he'd follow them, and that they were to continue to work the pool area and see if they could find out who else was involved.

Carmen asked, "Master, we understand and will do whatever you ask, you know, but what if we run into something we can't handle and you are occupied? We don't want to fail you."

"Carmen you are right, things could become rough. Don't worry. Both of you are now more than able to handle any situation that may arise. You're not bulletproof, but you won't need to be."

Both girls wondered what he meant by that, and imaged being very quick and masters of martial arts.

"Right on both counts," John said and went silent again.

It was a beautiful day at Fisherman's Warf. Candace and April were enjoying their lunch at one of Candace's favorite restaurants. The staff was busily serving their customers. Mother and daughter were enjoying one of those rare moments where they could relax and just be themselves. Time slipped away as they talked; they laughed at each other's jokes and nothing else seemed to matter. Before they knew it, it was evening and Happy Hour. April excused herself to use the lavatory before the drive home. When she returned, there was a handsome guy hitting on her mother.

"April sweetie, this is Bob. He's in pharmaceutical sales and was offering to buy us both drinks. I explained that we were preparing to leave, having spent a long lunch here, but he insisted."

April looked at the charming young man, just a few years older than her, she guessed. "Well, one drink couldn't hurt, I guess."

After the third drink, two of Bob's friends had joined him and by the fourth they thought that Candace and April were inebriated enough to make a move. They didn't know that alcohol no longer had any effect on them and that they were being played.

"Boys, it's getting a little stuffy in here. Would you like to come to my place and party a little more?" Candace asked while winking at her daughter.

April smiled, knowing that this would likely fill her mother's quota for two nights and she was happy to play along.

The guys didn't hesitate and soon they were arriving at the Martin home.​
Next page: Chapter 28.1
Previous page: Chapter 27.1