Chapter 28.1
Thank you for sticking with my story. I have to admit when I began writing it I never imagined it evolving into more than ten chapters or so. As a result, there are a lot of characters and many subplots. I will try to give you more updates like this including updates on the characters to help you more easily follow the story, as a few of you have suggested.
The early chapters were about John Smith learning about his inheritance, the limits of his powers, and having fun, while the later chapters have been about discovering threats and protecting himself and the people he cares about.
Now, things have become a little more serious. John has gone on the offensive and has become obsessed with finding the remaining two rings and their masters/mistresses. With his expanded agent corps, the story will unfold, telling of their sexual adventures, their lives and those of John's closest agents and family while his quest to find the other rings continues. John has locked away the two captured rings, the Ring of Truth and the Ring of Vengeance. He hasn't yet decided what to do with them.
Cast of Characters
John Smith -- At the age of eighteen inherited the "Ring of Power", a magical ring from his recently deceased father Dr. Zachary Smith. The ring endows its master with god-like powers such as: mind control, being able to see through clothing with x-ray vision, to physically alter the bodies and minds of others. John has learned to heal people, convert others to work for him (referring to them as agents) and the ability to connect telepathically to them and much more. There seems to be no limit to his power. His strength increases with the number of agents or follower he converts. The only condition on the use of the Ring of Power is that he must do good deeds to balance his other acts and avoid abusing his power or suffer the consequences.
The Ring of Power -- Is the most powerful of the ancient of five rings. No one really knows the origins of the rings; some experts suggest that they are extraterrestrial. Most agree that they are very old. The wearer aka the master or mistress has the power to control minds, change and alter physical shapes and more. The ring of Power is fueled by sexual energy transmitted to it by the agents of the ring. It is unknown specifically how the other rings are powered, but said to have to do with the uniqueness of the ring. It is also a prison for all the former masters who abused its power. It is there that their consciousnesses are kept, until they are worthy to ascend; only a few have proven worthy. The master or mistress of the Ring of Power is able to convert ordinary people into agents (or slaves as some think of it) to collect sexual energy by either direct connection or being within the vicinity where sex is being performed.
Agents of the Ring of Power -- Former masters and mistresses used to enslave the people of their choosing. They selected those that would serve as an extension of themselves, increasing their reach and becoming more powerful. Masters of the modern era refer to them as agents and grant them special favors for their service. John Smith (the current master of the Ring of Power) believes in treating his agents more like employees. Special diamonds are affixed to the agents, (labia for women, ears for men) through which sexual energy is collected and then transferred to the Ring of Power. The converted sexual energy is what gives the ring's owner strength, power, and allows them to do amazing things. In return for their service, John Smith, like his predecessor, has given his agents many benefits (favors) such as long life spans, increased beauty and physical attractiveness, immunity from diseases, and limited mind control powers. For some of his special agents, John Smith had granted extraordinary powers, such as shape shifting or telekinesis. Agents have the freedom to live their lives as they choose as long as they maintain their regular quota of energy transfers and answer when summoned.
Jim and Susan Peterson: Once an older couple in their late sixties and accomplices in the mur*er of three twentysomething college kids through which their youth was sucked from them at a special nude resort in Boca Raton Florida.
Carmen and Maria: Two of John's first and favorite agents, once undocumented indentured servants of his stepmother Jacquelyn Winchester Smith, John transformed them into ravishing tall succulent beauties endowed with all the powers most of his agents enjoy to assist him in the capture of sexual energy. They were recently given the power to read minds.
Candace and April Martin: Mother and daughter and agents of John Smith. April isn't actual an agent, but is engaged to marry John Smith, her childhood crush. The two grew up together, April developing a crush on John early on. John is in love with April, only now he is questioning what life is with all the sex and endless women at his disposal. John had his own crush on Candace, while he was young. He rejuvenated her body and has become one of his favorite agents and lovers.
Elizabeth Brooks: The oldest of John Smith's agents (well over a hundred years old) and the most trusted agent (John's right-hand). She has the power of invisibility. Was also known as Liz for a time when she was captured and corrupted by the former Mistress of the Ring of Truth. Her beauty and resourcefulness are a force to be reckoned with.
Dr. Zachary Smith: Father of John Smith and former Master of the Ring of Power and now imprisoned within the ring for abusing his powers. Although not completely disclosed, it had something to do with his unborn daughters and attempting to duplicate the powers of the ancient ring. He communicates telepathically with his son John and acts as a guide and mentor. This is one of the greatest secrets of the ring; no one but the masters and former masters knows this truth.
Mary Smith: The mother of John Smith (Master of the Ring of Power). Mary was the mistress of Dr. Zachary Smith and in some ways his prisoner. He controlled her up until his death (imprisonment) when she was freed. Through an unforeseen turn of events, she and her son have become lovers and eventually she became one of her son's agents. Although they speak frequently and maintain a mother son relationship, they meet once a week as lovers.
Mark Taylor -- One of John Smith's oldest friends, he grew up with John and April, living in the same neighborhood. He was working for Cindy Ashe as an accountant for her boutique clothing stores, where they became lovers. His passion for computers and electronics prompted John to enhance Mark's natural talents making him a wizard hacker, although he seems not to recognize his skills. Recently at John's insistence filled in for him with his mother during their weekly meetings. It's not clear how much Mark knows about John's life and power. It is suspected that John simply made Mark accept the situation and not question the strangeness of it all.
Jacquelyn Winchester Smith -- John's fortysomething-year-old stepmother (5"5') bears a striking resemblance to Andie MacDowell, and comes from old money (yes, that Winchester Family). John calls her Jackie; no one else gets away with it. She and her husband Dr. Smith had three daughters (triplets). No one knew about John or his mother until after his father's passing. Once they learned of John's existence when he visited them, they tried to kill him. John eventually won Jackie over and they became lovers after John exercised a certain amount of control over her. Recently she has become reacquainted with the country club lifestyle and her old friends. Friends like Jenny Baxter - A tall blonde with long hair and a hot body thanks to the wonders of modern cosmetic surgery. Like Jackie, she comes from old money. She plays tennis with Jacquelyn, occasionally teaming up to play in the club tournaments. Although Jenny is a decent player, she's a bitch on and off the court, particularly to those unlucky enough to partner with her for doubles. To her opponents she is especially nasty and she cheats. Another friend is Victoria Strauss. Her husband is an international banker and often gone traveling the world, leaving her to satisfy her needs with the husbands of her club members. Jackie's newest friend is Betty Sue Weaver a young energetic brunette with an infectious laugh and pleasant personality. She is a bit of a kinky control freak. She and her husband won a huge California lottery jackpot about eight years ago and made a few shrewd investments, allowing them to live a very extravagant lifestyle.
Chance Goodwin -- One of the original agents/slaves to the Ring of Power, thought to be long dead. Chance doesn't even know how old he is and has long ceased caring. He had an epic fight with John Smith when he was a new master and almost won. He now drives a white Porsche Boxster GTS Convertible and coaches high school basketball.
Dennis (Denise) Sour -- Is a "shape shifter", captured by John and made to be completely loyal to him. Not a lot has been revealed about him.
George Wilson -- Mary's (John's mother) next-door neighbor and lover now rejuvenated and turned into an agent. Currently on mission at TransUnion.
Brenda Stark -- Was a nosey reporter that got caught up in a story that changed her life and physical appearance by then Mistress Esmeralda. Changed into a six feet two-inch-tall body builder a set of D-cup breasts. John softened some of her features but she liked most of the changes and decided to keep them.
Esmeralda -- Former Mistress of the Ring of Truth, until John trapped her and took away her ring. He then fucked her silly turning her into bimbo like Rachel had once been. She now goes by the name of Essy, not an agent but under John's control.
Linda Espinosa -- Former mistress of the Ring of Vengeance. Like Esmeralda turned into a bimbo and works for John, not an agent.
Ana -- Twenty-something Hispanic maid and lover to most of the Smith household. She's managed to be with two of the triplets and Jacqueline Smith. Ana discovered Jacqueline Smith's Sybian.
The Smith Triplets: As part of Dr. Zachary Smith plan to become more powerful, he experimented on his unborn daughters. They were born looking androgynous; they were supposed to be boys and at 24 years old, they still didn't have any womanly shapes, breasts included. Heather Smith -- First born of the triplets was physically altered into a bimbo as punishment for trying to kill John. Much later, after saving the day almost by accident she was forgiven and rewarded with the return of her IQ and her body was altered into that of an Olympic swimmer, although still busty. Carmen and Maria, once their servants, used their mind control powers to convince the girls to fuck the help. Heather's' was the pool man. Isabel Smith is the second born of the triplets, altered physically into a beautiful young woman with brown hair styled like Megan Fox, had "C" cups tits, permanently painted honey-brown colored nails, landing strip, and was mind controlled to fuck Ana their housekeeper/maid. Samantha Smith - the youngest of the triplets, altered physically into a beautiful young woman. Auburn hair styled like Amy Adams with "C" cups, permanently painted orange nails, landing strip, compelled to fuck the gardener. John is unaware of what Carmen and Maria have done.
Penny Jones -- Social worker and student captured by Elizabeth shortly after her rejuvenation and released by John to pursue her own goals. Captured again by Liz and transformed into a lesbian Amazon slut until John intervenes and he makes her one of his agents. There is a special attraction between her and John they are both only now learning about.
Erica Green -- Is a big "coffee black" lesbian hospital worker (6'2"). She's not fat, just big. Rachel Woods befriended her when Candace was unavailable. She has a small nose piercing and kinky black hair that she wears short. Became an agent in Chapter 18, John refined her appearance and body and gave her blue eyes.
Rachel Woods -- Was Candace Martin's boss at the hospital. Spent years tormenting Candace simply because she could. John transformed her from a 57-year-old bored housewife and head nurse into a classic bimbo at Candace's request. John eventually returns Rachel to her right mind and makes her one of his agents.
Evan - One of John Smith newest agents, (John's experiment) nineteen. He was still a little immature having gotten by mostly on his looks and living with his single mother. Attending Mountain View Foothill College, living on campus his roommate is Sid (Sidney Goldman). Gina was a thin girl with large breasts and shoulder length blonde hair. Sue was Asian with long shiny black hair and smaller breasts. Evan convinced them to practice sex with each other and to get piercings, tattoos and dress more daringly.
Robert Flynn -- Office worker at TransUnion who Elizabeth seduced.
And now back to our story already in progress...
It was their first time in the Gargoyle Tattoo shop and piercing boutique, but both girls knew what they wanted. Sue was going to get her nipples pierced with golden barbells, the right one holding a dangling charm with the capital letter E. Gina wanted a simple tattoo and chose a blue butterfly to be placed high on her left thigh just below her pussy. The cost was more than both had anticipated and they had to use their emergency debt cards their parents had given them. These cards were to be used in the event of an emergency. This of course was an emergency. They had to have these accessories, Evan had said so. They also didn't count on the time it would take, nor the pain involved. It took the whole morning and both missed their morning classes but it would be worth it.
Both girls were pleased by the results. Gina had been nervous since the tattoo would be so close to her pussy. She asked Sue to help by shaving her pussy bald so that no stray hairs would be seen peeking out of her panties. When they were through Sue slid her hand up and down the bald mound making certain that it was smooth and was without any prickly hairs. When she was finished she rubbed on some edible sweet smelling lotion and wasted no time licking the already horny Gina to a satisfying climax while Sue licked and pulled on Gina's hard nipples realizing that it would be the last time she'd get to suck on them before the nipple rings would be installed. They had become very comfortable with each other in the last couple of days, just as Evan had asked them. After visiting the tattoo shop, they stopped at the mall to update their wardrobes as Evan had asked.
Chance sat in his rental car watching the youngster interact with other students on campus. He preferred driving his Porsche Boxster GTS Convertible, but that would be too easy to recognize if you were trying to be inconspicuous while shadowing someone. It was hard enough for him to hide himself as it was, being nearly seven feet tall. Fortunately, John had a solution. Chance laughed to himself. John had to be one of the most creative Masters of the Ring he'd ever served. John had given him the power to adjust his size. A seven-foot black man with a Jamaican accent stands out in a crowd, but a five foot eight-inch black man could blend in. So keeping an eye on the kid for the last few days hadn't been very difficult. Besides, there was lots of sexual activity on campus and Chance could still make his quota.
As Jim and Susan headed back to their room still naked, their new youthful bodies jiggling delightfully as the last of the pool water dripped off. They walked around Carmen where she was flirting with a couple of guys and their girlfriends. They would have passed by unnoticed if it had not been for Jim's thoughts. He looked at Carmen and admired her unblemished body, but couldn't help but wonder why she and Maria hadn't aged or died. What was different about them?
That was just enough for Carmen to pick up as she scanned the thoughts of those around her. She turned just quickly enough to see both of their faces. It was them alright. They looked so young. She'd never have found them if she wasn't able to read their thoughts.
"Maria, John I found them. They are going back to their room. Probably not the room they took us to yesterday, I'm sure," Carmen thought telepathically to Maria and her master. Maria and John confirmed immediately.
John looked into Carmen's mind and saw images of the couple that Carmen had seen. "Great work girls. I will find them. Once I locate them I will let you know where we are. Until then, continue to scan the guests to see if you can learn any more. Perhaps we can find out who else was involved."
Dr. Smith from his position within the Ring of Power began flying his hands over the keyboard of his computer. "Johnny, I've found them using the resort's security cameras. They're in the lobby getting a room key. Did you know there was a penthouse?"
"Good work, Dad," John confirmed. He would be waiting for them.
Elizabeth had to make a decision, one that if wrong could get them all killed, or worse, captured and controlled by the very people they were hoping to expose. She hadn't heard from her master John. It was hard to think of him in any way other than her master. He was no longer that wide-eyed youngster just happy to be having more sex with more exotic women than any teenager could have imaged. In the last several months he'd become more mature and calculating. He'd changed so much, but when she was lucky enough to share his bed he revealed to her the boy he once was and in many ways still was.
She shook herself free of the romantic reminiscing and got back to the present. They were being watched. Everyone was. This credit bureau wasn't just checking on people's credit but they were reporting their findings and monitoring people, influencing decisions and impacting people in a social and immoral way. They were playing god over the lives of everyday people.
They needed to be stopped. She'd made her decision. They wouldn't abort. They had to be careful but they would proceed, albeit with some changes. She would pull some of her people and have them infiltrate the other two credit bureaus; they may not be a part of it, but she doubted it. The others she'd redeploy and see how deep they could penetrate this organization.
She patted the head of the lovely blonde who was kneeling on the floor under her desk between her legs licking her tingling pussy. She was doing a good job, but right now she needed to concentrate. Wheeling back in her chair, the young lady reluctantly crawled out, shaking her stiff and naked features and looking to Elizabeth for approval. Her large breasts bounced obscenely on her slim body as she took a few steps before turning on the balls of her feet. Elizabeth looked her over, smiled, and slapped her hard on her ass, dismissing the young girl who giggled nervously. She was unsure if she'd displeased her boss but scampered to retrieve her clothes and quickly dressed and left.
Pulling her skirt down, Elizabeth sent out emails and texts to her team informing them of her decision.
The rest of the office had become accustomed to the office sex; it was discrete and work still needed to be done or one risked punishment, exposure, and dismissal. For some reason everyone was in on it, including the older married people, which was a surprise to some. As it turned out the older people were more enthusiastic than the younger people were and much better at mixing the work and pleasure.
As Jim and Susan entered the penthouse arm in arm, they closed the door and began admiring their new bodies. They embraced, kissed, and began fondling each other, unable to get enough of their firm rejuvenated parts. When they broke their kiss, Susan shrieked upon seeing John sitting in an overstuffed chair watching the two carry on.
James immediately responded by pulling Susan behind him as he greeted the clothed stranger.
"What are you doing here? You are obviously not a guest, you're clothed," he challenged John.
"No, I'm not a guest. And I'm not a murderer. Too bad the same can't be said about you," John shot back as he stood. He watched the pair as their eyes opened wide, unbelieving that this intruder knew their secret.
"Call security, Susan," Jim said as he walked across the room and pulled a gun from the drawer of a piece of furniture before turning and facing John.
"Now why would a person come to a nude resort with a gun?" John asked calmly as if Jim were pointing a finger at him.
Jim was surprised by the intruder's response and turned to see that Susan hadn't moved. "Susan! What are you waiting for call security?"
"I can't move, Jim darling," Susan said. Her feet seemed to be stuck to the floor as she tried to move, twisting her torso and shaking her oversized tits.
"You murdered those young college kids and stole their youth. How did you do that?" John asked as he approached the naked man with the gun.
"We didn't mur*er anyone," Jim replied as he trained the gun on John. "But you my friend are an intruder. You got on site and went crazy then tried to Ra*e my wife. Luckily I had my revolver with me."
"Revolver, are you sure? It looks more like a glazed donut to me. Are you hungry? I heard those aren't good for you," John said as he moved around the penthouse looking out the window at the beautiful ocean view.
When Jim looked at his hand, he saw that the intruder was right; he was pointing a large glazed donut at the man. Susan gasped, still unable to move and drawing John's attention. He turned to her and said, "You stole their youth and killed them in the process. Why? So that you could regain your youth and fuck indefinitely?" There was venom in his voice and it scared Susan.
"Why don't you go sit down on the couch and pleasure yourself, slut! That's right, over there," John pointed, annoyed. "If you do a good job, I might spare your life. I'm going to question your slime ball husband over here. If he should say anything that isn't correct or that you can clarify please stop what you're doing and enlighten us."
Susan's face turned from fear to lust. "I'm a slut, an attractive slut; perhaps that will save me," she thought as she slithered to the couch and sat with her legs spread wide, her dainty feet on the coffee table as she began to play with her pussy and pull on her tits.
Jim was stunned. His gun was gone; his wife was putting on a show playing with herself on the couch as this man commanded her. "Hypnosis," he thought and said it aloud. "That explains everything," he thought not lowering his donut, but still waving it at John. "I don't believe you turned my gun into a donut. You just want me to believe that."
"Oh, you think so?" John asked. "Take a bite; better yet, go ahead and eat the whole thing. I'll wait. I'll see what Susan is up to."
Jim looked at the donut, then brought it to his mouth and carefully took a bite.
"Isn't that the best donut you have ever tasted?" John asked.
Jim smiled. It was delicious. He took another bite and quickly finished it, then waited for John's attention. He watched the stranger watching his wife fingering her pussy and rubbing her clit while smiling at the man as if she wanted him. She wore that look that she had when they were fucking others in the orgies. He wanted another donut.
Susan was quickly working her way to a climax; she was learning that she loved being controlled. The rejuvenated woman moaned as her fingers were juicing her pussy and her nipples were hard. She slowed down a bit, not wanting to cum too quickly. She wanted this powerful stranger to fuck her.
Turning his attention back to the naked man, John said "Jim, there's a few different ways we can do this. I can ask you a bunch of questions. You can try to lie your way through them, except I would know and Susan there would have to stop her masturbation to call you on your lies. I would get angry and shrink your dick to the size of that of a prepubescent boy, or never let you get another erection again. Or you could simply tell me your story and save us both a lot of trouble."
Jim looked down at his flaccid dick; it was impressive even in its current state. He did love to fuck and he wasn't stupid. This stranger wasn't messing around. He looked up, swallowed hard, and said, "Alright, I'll tell you what I know."
"My name is Jim Peterson," he gestured to his wife, "that's my wife Susan we've been married for forty years..."
Jim began telling John how they met a young man at one of the house parties they attended. They were "swingers" and met regularly with a group of friends that were of the same social status. They were "comfortable", another word for rich. Jim was a retired attorney who had made a small fortune in corporate law. They traveled a good deal now, but despite their wealth, they were beginning to feel the ravages of aging.
"The young man, he never told us his name, but he told talked about a special nude resort where we'd feel young again. For a significant amount of money, he would make arrangements for us to visit and we would find the treatment rejuvenating."
Susan interrupted her moaning and volunteered, "Don't forget honey, that when you questioned him he told us that we would be stealing youth from the young," she moaned again as she resumed playing with herself, and then added. "Ah, mmmm.... Remember that when we asked if it would be lethal he shrugged and said something about it not always being the case. And we said that we didn't care as long as we didn't know." She gasped loudly as she shamelessly resumed her masturbation.
Jim grimaced as if hit in the solar plexus, "We never meant to harm anyone, we just wanted to be young again." He knew that was the wrong thing to say, but couldn't help himself. He watched in fear as the eyes of the strange man grew angry. He feared that he would kill them.
Studying the man carefully, unable to hide his anger, John took a deep breath. He did a quick light scan of the man's mind; he was indeed frightened and expecting to be killed. John considering taking the couples' lives. But he needed to find the persons behind this resort and learn if there were more. No, he could use them. John spoke, "I should kill you both for your part in the mur*er of three innocent people, but that would get me no closer to finding out who's behind this. So instead, you are going to serve me."
Jim was relieved and let out a breath that he didn't know he had been holding. Susan squealed as another climax rocked her body.
John looked at the crazed woman as she continued to pleasure herself. She stopped, and relief spread across her face. She wanted to call out to her husband that she had no control, but she knew that he was all too aware.
"Join your husband in front of me," John told the flustered woman.
Susan stood on shaky legs and stood next to her husband, her pussy wet and dripping, her nipples erect on her firm young breasts. Jim couldn't help but grow firm watching his rejuvenated wife jiggle before him.
John said, "You see that's a problem for me. I can't have you benefiting from what you've done. That is wrong, so I am going to have make some changes. You were in your late sixties before you were changed, is that right?" He didn't wait for answer. "So as a punishment, I should age you to say maybe eighty?"
Just like that, John watched as both people changed dramatically. Susan's once proud breasts became long and flat, hanging low on her chest, reaching her navel. Bushy white hair covered her once bald pussy. Her muscles sagged and hung from her bones; her flat tummy developed into a small paunch. Her blonde hair was now grey and thin, hanging from her head with no body to it. Her face and her once kissable lips were a series of wrinkles.
As for Jim, like Susan, he was now bent over and several inches shorter, his once powerful body looked frail, his muscles atrophied. His thin hair barely covered his head and his face was wrinkled. His mighty cock had shriveled and one testicle hung much lower than the other.
The pair gasped as they looked at each other in horror. Somehow, there appeared a large mirror and they could easily see their reflections.
"No! Please no!" Susan cried; her swollen tongue and loose dentures made it hard to understand her.
Jim could only look down at his cock. He tried puling on it, but it was cold and dead. Finally, he spoke. "What is it you want from us? We don't know anything."
"Perhaps you don't," John said. "But I think you could find out if you really tried. Or perhaps I should age you another ten years?"
"No!" both yelled in unison. Susan spoke up again. "Just tell us what you what us to do."
John told them first they were to make sizable financial gifts to the families of their victims, knowing that it was just a down payment. He'd expect more later, in the way of influence if not money. Secondly, they would get back among their circle of swinging friends looking like something had changed, but not as dramatic as before. John would take them physically back to their fifties and he installed tracking jewels so that he'd know where they were at all times.
"You have seventy-two hours to report significant progress or I'll return you to your eighty-year-old selves."
April couldn't believe that she was actually doing this. She was sitting on the couch in her mother's living room, a hand full of a strange cock and deep throating it as if she did it for a living. Her mother Candice was in a similar situation, naked and bouncing up and down on a large cock of her own, looking like she was having the time of her life.
April marveled at how young her mother looked; no one would have known they were mother and daughter unless told. Candace had an amazing body thanks in large part to being one of John's favorites and having good genes.
She was quickly pulled away from her admiration as the cock in her mouth exploded and began filling her mouth. Using skills she didn't know she possessed, April easily swallowed the large load without spilling a drop and savored the taste.
She stood and removed the rest of her clothing, panties and the blouse that was hanging loose around her waist, and curled her fingers to tell her partner that it was time for him to return the favor.
He was eager and soon found himself looking at the prettiest pussy he'd ever seen. There was a small diamond piercing her labia and it was sparkling in the limited light. The gem only seemed to enhance the beauty of April's pussy. Perfectly shaped, the swelling moist lips hypnotically called him to worship. He felt himself growing hard with these thoughts, which surprised him since he'd just come so hard moments ago. Apparently just thinking of putting his cock into that lovely warm hole in front of him was inspiring.
He flattened his tongue and ran it over her bald pussy from the bottom to the top. Hearing her moaning he knew she liked that, so he repeated the move a few more times. He licked around the diamond. It felt warm and images of all his past lovers at the moment of their orgasm flickered across his mind. That was strange, but he didn't linger on it. Like a flower, April's pussy opened and he inserted his talented tongue. Her juices were freely flowing now and she tasted incredible, like nothing he'd ever tasted before. He had to have more.
April was amazed at how quickly she was responding to her lover. This one certainly knew how to please a woman, she moaned loudly. She was so incredibly wet; she knew that if this preliminary were any indication, she'd be screaming at the top of her lungs in a minute.
He saw her clitoris emerge from its hiding place. He placed his index finger into her pussy and his thumb just under her clit as he began to lick it and suck it into his mouth. A minute of that stimulation was all that she could handle before she screamed as she came hard. He sucked up her essence as if it was a fine wine, not missing a drop.
April shook her head from side to side as she continued to cum, until she finally had to push him away, her pussy too sensitive to touch.
He pulled a towel from the coffee table and wiped his face dry, savoring the taste in his mouth as he watched his buddy being ridden hard. These two women were obviously sisters; she was the older of the two and knew what she liked. His buddy was holding out as long as he could but Candace was too much and he erupted violently, roaring loudly as he came. "Damn," he thought. "I hope there is time to try her out, too."
Candace took that moment to turn and look at the young man, "Yeah," she thought, "Your turn is coming."
April was finally ready for more and got up from the couch, taking her lover by the hand and joining her mother on the floor. She laid on her back, pulled her lover into her pussy by his erect cock, and stuffed it into her pussy. Without formality, the guy began pushing in and out of April in long slow strokes. Leaning forward, he licked at April's big tits as they jiggled on her chest.
Candace stood and took a few steps squatting over her daughter, saying "I have something for you, sweetie!" then lowered her dripping pussy to her mouth. A little startled by her mother's boldness, she quickly recovered and began to eat out the combined juices of her mother's recent loving. As she licked and sucked, her lover became even more excited at the lesbian sex he was witnessing and fucked April faster.
Candace's lover recovered quickly too, watching the women as his buddy fucked the younger of the two. Feeling left out, he looked for an opening, which turned out to be Candace's waiting mouth. She pulled his average size cock to her mouth and licked him clean before taking him down her throat like he'd seen April do earlier. There was a lot of noise as flesh slapped against flesh, sucking and squishing sounds followed by moans and then screams of passion as everyone came within seconds of each other, panting and sweating.
After a few drinks, they all were ready to go again as Candace and April switched partners.
John left the Peterson's behind. They knew what they needed to do and didn't dare waste a moment, Jim was already on the phone while Susan packed. They'd make their flight, but had a lot of work to do in the meantime.
"Johnny, I didn't want to bother you, but your phone has been blowing up. There are urgent messages from Elizabeth." Dr. Smith said to his son from the ether limbo of the Ring of Power. John retrieved his phone and walked invisibly through the corridor of the hotel to the elevator.
"Thanks Dad, scan the thought for everyone in range, see what you can find while I call Elizabeth."
"John," Elizabeth said excitedly into the phone. I was beginning to get worried. Is everything alright?"
John responded by telling her where he was and how he'd been preoccupied. Elizabeth in turn told him what she'd learned and feared. John approved of her decision to continue the mission and that he'd be there as soon as he wrapped things up in Florida.
Betty Sue began to enthusiastically lick and eat Jacquelyn's pussy. Before long, Jacquelyn began to squirm as her first orgasm was pulled from her. She held Betty Sue's head between her legs as she worked her pussy up and down over the woman's face. Jacquelyn screamed lustfully just as she heard similar sounds coming from the bedroom.
Jacquelyn couldn't quite explain it; maybe it was the power, maybe it was having bested Betty Sue, but whatever it was she hadn't cum so hard or completely since her last time with her stepson John. It had been a long time and she'd forgotten that he was her stepson, even if his father had died and she'd not met him until long afterwards.
Betty Sue was whimpering and gently slapping the shapely ass on her face; Jacquelyn had forgotten she had trapped her new toy between her thighs, unable to breathe. She loosened her grip and Betty Sue gasped, taking in the much-needed oxygen.
"Good job slut. You may just survive the night after all." She pulled Betty Sue up, turned her on her back and sat on her chest, knees on the floor on either side. "Sounds like Jenny and Vicky didn't wait for us to sort out our differences. Perhaps you'd better go tell them who's in charge now. I'll be there shortly and I expect a warm welcome if you know what I mean."
"Yes, mistress," Betty Sue said, still out of breath but eager to please. Getting to her feet, she pivoted quickly, shaking her tits and ass as she trotted off to the bedroom.
Jacquelyn couldn't believe what she'd done and laughed to herself as she rose slowly on wobbly legs. "I'd forgotten how much fun it was to be the 'HBIC' (head bitch in charge), she giggled again. "John was right not to return full use of my powers; this is too easy to get used to, like slipping into a comfortable shoe."
As Jacquelyn casually strolled into the room, the women jumped together, standing side by side naked, flesh jiggling loosely as if being inspected by a superior officer. A smile crossed Jacquelyn's face. "The girls look good for their age", she thought, "but they could do better. With a little more attention to a physical fitness regimen, a little punishment and reward, yes. That would be perfect."
"Girls," she announced, pacing back and forth, "I am proud. Looking at how well you've maintained yourselves makes me very pleased. You've turned the heads of every group of males in the club, except one. I'm talking about the eighteen to twenty-five year olds." She paused for affect. "But that's something we can remedy if we put our minds to it." She reached down to Jenny and squeezed the little fat that collected near her navel, "This needs to go." She let go and before Jenny could react, she shoved her index and middle fingers into Jenny's damp pussy, palms up, and lifted. The affect had the surprised woman on her toes as Jacquelyn rubbed her thumb on her already sensitive clit. She pulled her forward and leaned in. "Is that going to be a problem?"
"No mistress," Jenny said as the thumb played with her, bringing her arousal up several notches.
"Good," Jacquelyn said as she pulled her wet fingers out of Jenny before holding them up and rubbing index finger against thumb. She held them out and Jenny licked them clean while the other two women watched and sighed, looking forward to their turn.
"You will all hire a personal trainer and with proper diet and exercise we could easily be ready in six weeks."
"Mistress," Jenny timidly spoke, "Ready for what?"
"Why the annual club tennis tournament, of course." She said as she moved over to inspect Vicky. Vicky was a little shorter than Jenny and had large tits, D cups. She too had a little bit of a paunch, but it was easily missed due to size of her breasts, which were just beginning to sag a bit. Jacquelyn grabbed the left tit just above the areole and squeezed. Vicky's reaction was immediate; her nipples hardened. Jacquelyn grabbed the other tit and did the same. Vicky's breasts were hardwired to her pussy and clit; she was beginning to cream. Jacquelyn could see it in Vicky's eyes as they glazed over. "She was such an easy slut", she thought.
Jacquelyn looked at Betty Sue and said, "There have been some changes to our little group, Betty Sue has abdicated to me, so she is at the bottom of the totem pole. You two need to find out which of you will fill the other two positions. I propose a lick off. First one to get their pussy off wins the number two position. Vicky you get to lick my pussy and Jenny you get Betty Sue's.
Jacquelyn and Betty Sue took their positions on the bed with their legs spread wide, crossing each other at the ankles as Vicky and Jenny took their positions. Jacquelyn looked at the two women and said, "On your mark, get set...go!"
Both lunged into their respective pussy and began.
Gina and Sue returned to the campus excited to show Evan their new accessories, but were delayed by friends they saw along the way who were wondering why they hadn't seen them in classes that day. Both girls blushed and made up excuses while picking up notes from the missed classes. They decided to get something to eat, knowing that their master would be horny and would have nothing for them to eat. They agreed to bring him back a combo meal, sandwich, chips, and a soda. It was while they were eating that they learned from one of their friends of a party that was happening that night. It was supposed to be at the home of one of their upper class classmates, a rich girl who lived just off campus and whose parents were out of town.
Evan was working on his first ever history paper; he had never liked history. Having to learn all those dates and places just made his head hurt. There was so much reading to do, too. He'd have to read half his textbook just to have an outline for his paper, then he was expected to seek as many as ten outside sources to support his topic. This was a lot of work, but if he was going to make this education thing work he'd have to actually lean how to do this stuff or he'd have to forget about fucking all the girls he was going to meet here on campus, mind control or not.
The knock at the door startled Evan; he had been so into his research that he'd blocked out everything else. He crossed the room to open the door and in bounced Gina and Sue.
"We brought you back something to eat, figuring that you'd be hungry," Gina said as she handed Evan the plastic Subway bag and soda, and kissed him for a minute and then let Sue in who kissed him a little while longer.
"Thanks for thinking of me," Evan said as he sat at his desk and pulled the sandwich and chips out. He was hungry.
"Thinking of you, sweetie? About all we do these days is think about you, right Gina?" Sue said as she began undressing. "We can't wait to show you our newest accessories."
As soon as she pulled off her bra, her small tits stood out proudly, their pierced nipples with golden barbells were hard and looking for attention. She moved from left to right, hoping that Evan would see the right one holding a dangling charm. Meanwhile, Gina quickly stripped, pulling off her shirt and bra over her head and letting her lovely large tits bounce free on her chest, one then the other, the way only larger-breasted girls could do. She quickly pulled down her thong and opened her legs, revealing the blue butterfly tattoo high on her left thigh. Her pussy was almost bubbling in anticipation of Evan's approval.
"Hey! I like what you've done girls. Why don't you two model them for me, and feel free to play and investigate each other's bodies a bit while I finish my snack."
Sue and Gina smiled at each other and met in front of Evan. Gina did her Vanna White impersonation, introducing Evan to Gina's new piercings and pulling on them just a little bit, eliciting a small cry of pain from Sue as they had only just been installed that morning and still hurt a little.
"You get points for creativity for the 'E' charm," Evan said to Sue, who puffed up with pride.
Then they traded places and Sue helped to display Gina's tattoo, then played with her nearby pussy. Before long, Sue had her tongue in Gina's pussy, working around and all over as the two slowly reclined on the floor. Evan was leisurely eating his sandwich and chips, enjoying watching the two girls perform, the former heterosexual and the other bisexual swing into a sixty-nine, which they'd never have imagined a week ago. He wondered what they were thinking and how they rationalized their behavior. Moreover, he wondered what else he could make them do.
They were both getting good at the other's pussy because they were soon moaning loudly, pushing fingers into each other and panting. The squishy noises and the sounds of lapping grew louder as the pair almost in unison pulled up and shrieked with delight. They continued to finger each other until they couldn't take it anymore and laid quietly enjoying the afterglow.
Evan had finished eating and pulled his chair over, looking at the two as they recovered.
"Gina," he asked. "Before Sue, have you ever enjoyed sex with another woman?"
"Oh, heavens no," she said. "What gives you that impression? We're just good friends, Sue and me."
"Well, you are resting your head on the inside of Gina's thigh and have her pussy juice all over your face. I just thought that maybe you were just a little bit more than friends."
Gina thought about it for a minute and said, "You do have a point, I guess that we are more than friends. Perhaps we are now gay lovers?" Her face betrayed her thoughts; she wasn't happy with that scenario.
"Oh?" Evan said. "I just thought that maybe you were bisexual. There's a lot of people like that these days."
Gina smiled and thought. "That was it. She wasn't a lesbian. She was just bisexual."
"No you're right Evan. I am bi. I've always been curious; I guess now I know." She giggled.
"So, Gina why did you decide to act on those feelings and do it in front of me? Not that I am complaining, in fact I am honored." Evan asked.
"I don't know, it just felt right," Gina said, her face scrunched up as she tried to rationalize her behavior before giving up and simply accepting the fact as no big deal.
Sue got up lazily and stretched. She saw that Evan hadn't yet finished his paper. "Looks like you're having trouble with your history paper. American History was one of my best subjects. Do you mind if I make some corrections?"
Evan's eyes opened wide. He hadn't thought of using his girls to help him stay current in his classes. "Sure, be my guest, and if you don't like what I have there, feel free to rewrite the entire paper."
Sue sat down in the chair, looked at what Evan had written, and frowned. She was about to say something, but just created a new Word document and began to type.
"Gina, while Sue helps her master pass American History, why don't you tell me what classes you can help me with. While you're doing that, bend over the bed and let me fuck that ass of yours," Evan ordered her, but to Sue's ears it came out as a sweet request for help.
Gina began rattling off a list of classes that she excelled in, only stopping to sigh as Evan shoved his cock into her pussy while he prepared her ass, fingering it and telling her to relax. When his cock was sufficiently lubed, he positioned it at her brown hole, hesitated, and asked if she'd ever been fucked there. She admitted with a tremble of fear that she hadn't, and was concerned, having heard that it would hurt. He calmed her and told her that she'd love it and it would make her cum. Gina felt better about it, and before she could continue the list of her classes, Evan shoved his big cock into her and began fucking.
Gina cried out, more in surprise than in pain, and to her surprise, she did like it. She felt so full; the feeling was hard to describe but soon she was feeling a warm glow spreading out throughout her body. Her left hand seemed to have found her clit on its own and she was playing with herself as Evan fucked her in the ass for the first time. It didn't take long for them to build up a good rhythm and soon Gina forgot about everything but her pleasure, which was indescribable. She came screaming twice before Evan exploded into her now loose anus.
"Oh my God," Gina screamed, panting and covered in sweat. "I never imagined that anal would feel so good."
Sue was siting and typing furiously into Evan's computer, oblivious to their fucking. She had to rewrite the entire paper and was concentrating of remembering the references from a previous paper she had written. Evan wanted to fuck her, but getting his paper finished was more important.
Gina was cleaning up his cock and doing a god job of it, unconcerned that it had just been in her ass, although it did taste different. She was enthusiastically working his cock in an out of her mouth, but noticed that his interest seemed to have waned. She pulled the large cock from her mouth and asked. "Master," she didn't remember when it felt so natural and right to call him master, but sensed that he wanted that, and it felt good to know her place, "have I displeased you?"