Chapter 30.1

John Smith -- At the age of eighteen inherited "Ring of Power", a magical ring, from his deceased father Dr. Zachary Smith. The ring endows its master with god-like powers such as mind reading, x-ray vision that makes clothes see-through, and the ability to alter the bodies and minds of others as well as himself. John has learned to heal people, convert others to work for him (referring to them as agents), the ability to be connected to them telepathically and so much more. There seems to be no limit to his power. His strength is related to the number of agents or followers he converts. The only condition on the use of the Ring of Power is that he must do good deeds to balance his actions and those of his agents to avoid abusing his power. Abuse would result in his death and imprisonment within the Ring of Power itself.

The Ring of Power -- Is the most powerful of the five ancient rings. No one really knows the origins of the rings; some experts suggest that they are extraterrestrial. Most agree that they are very old. The wearer, also called the master or mistress, has the power to control minds, change and alter physical shapes and more. The Ring of Power is fueled by sexual energy transmitted to it by the agents of the ring. It is unknown specifically how the other rings are powered, but is likely related to the unique properties of each ring. It is also a prison for all the former masters who have abused its power. It is there that their consciousness is kept until they are considered worthy to ascend. Only a few have proven worthy. The master or mistress of the Ring of Power is able to convert ordinary people into agents (or slaves as some think of it) to collect sexual energy either by direct connection or by being in the vicinity of a sexual act.

Agents of the Ring of Power -- Former masters and mistresses used to enslave the people of their choosing - those that served as an extension of themselves, increasing their reach and power. Masters of the modern era refer to them as agents, and grant them special favors for their service. John Smith (the current master of the Ring of Power) believes in treating his agents more like employees. Special diamonds are affixed to the agents, (labia for women, ears for men) through which sexual energy is collected and then transferred to the Ring of Power. The converted sexual energy is what gives the ring's owner strength, power, and allows them to do amazing things. In return for their service, John Smith, like his predecessor, has given his agents many benefits (favors) such as long lifespans, increased beauty and physical attractiveness, immunity from diseases, and limited mind control powers. To some of his special agents, John had granted extraordinary powers, such as shape shifting or telekinesis. His agents have the freedom to live their lives as they choose, as long as they maintain their regular quota of energy transfers and answer when summoned.

Jim and Susan Peterson: Once an older couple in their late sixties. They were accomplices in the mur*er of three twentysomething college kids through which their youth was sucked from them at a special nude resort in Boca Raton Florida. When John Smith learned of this, he aged them back to their early fifties and gave them seventy-two hours to find the man who had led them to the nude resort. John hopes that this man might lead him to the remaining two rings.

Carmen and Maria: Two of John's first and favorite agents, once undocumented indentured servants of his stepmother Jacquelyn Winchester Smith, John transformed them into ravishing tall succulent beauties endowed with all the powers most of his agents enjoy to assist him in the capture of sexual energy. Recently, they were given the power to read minds and communicate telepathically between each other.

Candace and April Martin: Mother and daughter, and agents of John Smith. April isn't an actual agent, but is engaged to marry John, her childhood crush. The two grew up together, April developing a crush on John early on. John is in love with April, only now he is questioning what kind of a life it would be for her with all the sex and endless women at his disposal. John had his own crush on her mother Candace while he was young. He rejuvenated her body and she has become one of his favorite agents and lovers.

Elizabeth Brooks: The oldest of John Smith's agents (well over a hundred years old) and his most trusted agent (John's right-hand). She has the power of invisibility. Was also known as Liz for a time when she was captured and corrupted by the former Mistress of the Ring of Truth. Her beauty and resourcefulness are a force to be reckoned with.

Dr. Zachary Smith: Former Master of the Ring of Power and now imprisoned within the ring for abusing his powers. Although not completely disclosed, it had something to do with his unborn daughters and attempting to duplicate the powers of the ancient ring. He briefly escaped the ring's prison, something no one else had ever done before. He communicates telepathically with his son John and acts as a guide and mentor. This is one of the greatest secrets of the ring; no one but the masters and former masters knows this truth.

Mary Smith: The mother of John Smith (Master of the Ring of Power). Mary was the mistress of Dr. Zachary Smith and in some ways his prisoner. He controlled her up until his death (imprisonment), when she was freed. Through an unforeseen turn of events, she and her son have become lovers and eventually she became one of her son's agents. Although they speak frequently and maintain a mother son relationship, they meet once a week as lovers.

Jacquelyn Winchester Smith -- John's fortysomething year-old stepmother (5"5') bears a striking resemblance to Andie MacDowell, and comes from old money (yes, that Winchester Family). John calls her Jackie; no one else gets away with it. She and her husband Dr. Smith had three daughters (triplets). No one knew about John or his mother until after his father's passing. They learned of John's existence when he visited them and they tried to kill him. John eventually won Jackie over and they became lovers after John exercised a certain amount of control over her. Recently she has become reacquainted with the country club lifestyle and become accustomed to and reacquainted with her old friends. Friends like Jenny Baxter - A tall blonde with long hair and a hot body thanks to the wonders of modern cosmetic surgery. Like Jackie, she comes from old money. She plays tennis with Jacquelyn, occasionally teaming up to play in the club tournaments.

Although Jenny is a decent player, she's a bitch on and off the court, particularly to those unlucky enough to partner with her for doubles. To her opponents she is especially nasty and she cheats. Another friend is Victoria Strauss. Her husband is an international banker and is often gone traveling the world, leaving her to satisfy her needs with the husbands of her club members. Jackie's newest friend is Betty Sue Weaver, a young energetic brunette with an infectious laugh and pleasant personality. She is a bit of a kinky control freak. She and her husband won a huge California lottery jackpot about eight years ago and made a few shrewd investments, allowing them to live a very extravagant lifestyle. Recently, Betty Sue tried to take over the group and force Jacquelyn to be her bitch. But she didn't know what a mistake it was to threatening Jacquelyn; now she's the one who is Jacquelyn's bitch.

Chance Goodwin -- One of the original agents/slaves to the Ring of Power, thought to be long dead. Chance doesn't even know how old he is and has long ceased caring. He had an epic fight with John Smith when John was a new master and almost won. He now drives a white Porsche Boxster GTS Convertible and coaches high school basketball. He is one of John's best friends and agents.

Dennis (Denise) Sour -- Is a "shape shifter", captured by John and made to be completely loyal to him. Not a lot has been revealed about him.

Esmeralda -- Former Mistress of the Ring of Truth, until John trapped her and took away her ring. He then literally fucked her silly, turning her into a bimbo as Rachel had once been. She now goes by the name of Essy. She's not an agent but is under John's control.

Linda Espinosa -- Former mistress of the Ring of Vengeance. Like Esmeralda, turned into a bimbo and works for John. She's not an agent but is more like a prisoner or slave.

Penny Jones -- Social worker and student captured by Elizabeth shortly after her rejuvenation and released by John to pursue her own goals. Captured again by Liz and transformed into a lesbian Amazon slut until John intervenes and she agrees to become one of his agents. There is a special attraction between the two that they are only now learning of.

Rachel Woods -- Was Candace Martin's boss at the hospital, spent years tormenting Candace simply because she could. John transformed her from a 57-year-old bored housewife and head nurse into a classic bimbo, at Candace's request. John eventually returns Rachel to her right mind and makes her one of his agents.

Evan - One of John Smith's newest agents, (John's experiment) a nineteen-year-old, immature having gotten by mostly on his looks and living with his single mother. Attending Mountain View Foothill College, living on campus his roommate is Sid (Sidney Goldman). Gina was a thin girl with large breasts and shoulder length blonde hair. Sue was Asian with long shiny black hair and smaller breasts. Evan convinced them to practice sex with each other and to get piercings, tattoos, and dress more daringly. He's became their master, controlling them both until his master John told him how disappointed he was in him. Evan had to change or be returned to the nothing he was before he met John.

Jim was prepared. Susan always gushed when she came and Jim enjoyed every drop of her juices. She was abruptly quieted, her shrieks muffled. She was especially juicy this time and Jim licked up every drop he could find. Susan was usually very vocal when he cleaned her up after eating her to a huge climax, but for some reason she was strangely quiet. Reluctantly, Jim looked up to see what had quieted Susan only to see her struggling to swallow a huge cock. He smiled. So that explains that. He felt a pair of lips take his hard cock into a nice wet warm place; it was the blonde that had been standing by watching the action. Her mouth was soft and she was no stranger to cock sucking. He looked back to see his wife stuffed with cock herself. He slowly looked up the torso and to the face that belonged to the cock his wife was sucking.

He gasped, partly from the mouth on his cock, but more because of who he was looking at. It was him! The mysterious man they'd met all those years ago. The guy that they'd been looking for all this time. The man from the party that had sent them to the resort. The man responsible for the deaths of all those young people by stealing their youth.

He gulped. This was too much to hope for; his mind was having trouble processing both it and the mouth sucking his cock. He was getting close. Finding this man meant that their lives would may be spared. He had to tell their master. Jim gulped a huge breath of air. "His master." Jim realized in an instant that their lives would never be the same again. They had a master now. If they lived, they would likely spend the rest of it serving their master. He shuddered, this time because the mouth on his cock had brought him to the climax he wasn't aware had been building for such a long time. He let loose with a roar and shot thick ropes of his cum into the waiting mouth. As if on cue, Susan received a load of cum of her own. It was more than she could handle and it dripped from the corners of her mouth and down her throat. She shivered as she came again. Jim had long abandoned her pussy, yet she was coming from drinking the cum of this stranger. He withdrew his still hard cock from her mouth and she looked up and seemed to recognize the man. It was him!

Enjoying his brief nap and his play with Candace and Rachel, John stretched and yawned. It was fun and satisfying for the time being. John's sexual appetite was tremendous, and was rarely satisfied more than an hour or so. He contemplated "round two"; the girls would be only too happy to comply. He watched their nude bodies rise and fall as they slept. He smiled. He loved the female form and was just about to wake them when he heard his father, "John, sorry to disturb you, but I think you will want to hear this."

John became fully alert. His father rarely spoke those words in that urgent tone.

"It appears that Jim and Susan were successful and have located the mystery man."

Before he could ask, his father told him. "They are in the Virgin Islands, St. Croix at a bacchanal in one of the mansions."

"Great! Send a text message to Chance..." he paused, carefully considering which of his agents to bring. "Have Maria and Carmen landed?"

"Yes, they are in a cab this moment, not far away," his father informed him.

"Excellent timing. Have Chance meet us here as quickly as possible. Have the girls dropped off here and monitor Jim and Susan." As a second thought he asked his father, "Penny Jones, where is she? What's she doing?"

His father paused as he checked on her location. "She's in a hotel a few blocks away...she seems to have just made her quota for the month. Lucky girl."

"You know what to do. We're going to a bacchanal."

Evan joined the guys, smiled, and said, "They look pretty hot. Who are they?"

One of the guys seemed to sigh as he rattled off their names one by one, indicating who was who.

Already knowing the answer, he asked. "Anybody make a move yet?"

"Naw," the others seemed to say in unison, "way out of our league."

Evan introduced himself and the guys accepted him into their group.

Once the guys acknowledged that the girls were beyond their grasp they began to talk about the things that they enjoyed, video games, favorite websites and sports. Before long the subject was back to school and the classes that they excelled in like math and computer sciences.

Taking the biggest risk of his short life, Evan shared his fears and inexperience with the most common computer programs, like Microsoft Office, admitting that surfing for porn and email were the limits of his skills.

His new buddies were stunned silent, but after a moment they begin to laugh, thinking it was a joke. It was only when they realized that he was serious that they each made a silent promise to help their new friend.

"Dude, this is your lucky day! You've stumbled into a group of the best computer nerds on campus. We'll have you hacking into the FBI Headquarters in a week." They all laughed, bar one, Richie. "Dude, don't you know you don't ever joke like that. You don't know who is listening."

Everyone got serious for a moment and then the feeling passed.

For some reason the nerds seemed to take a shine to Evan. It surprised him. He hadn't done anything to encourage it, except to just be himself. It was grand and next to fucking it was the best thing he could do. For the next two weeks he hung out with the guys, and they taught him to master all the Microsoft programs, surf the internet the fastest and set him up on all the best social media sites, twitter, FB, LinkedIn, Tumblr and Instagram. He even learned some light programming.

During that time, he only saw the girls in passing. They were going through withdrawal but were determined to win him back, as their grades began to improve. They were careful whom they talked with but eventually word got out among their girlfriends that Evan was a master in the sack. And by extension, so too were his friends, at least that was the way the girls thought about it.

As the weeks passed several things became apparent. Starved for sex and missing their master's attention, Sue and Gina had salvaged their GPAs and if they aced their midterms, they would be back where they were before they began to spend all their time with Evan. However, they could no longer tolerate the lack of sexual stimulation to which they had grown accustomed. They found themselves naked in bed scissoring, falling into a sixty-nine, or just taking turns each eating the other's pussy or nursing at one another's breasts. They weren't lesbians, so they only did this once their grades were back on track and they felt lonely, which was becoming more and more frequently.

Wherever Evan and his buddies were hanging out, Evan noticed that there seemed to be a cluster of cute girls around and they seemed to be checking them out. Realizing this, he thought it was time for his buddies to get some action.

The first thing he did was to get them to notice the girls were checking them out. This took more encouragement than you'd have thought. Then he gave them the courage to one by one engage the female of their choice in light conversation.

Most of the girls didn't have a clue as to what the guys were talking about, but didn't care. The guys were nice, polite and attentive.

This act was the first selfless act that Evan had performed and it didn't go unnoticed. Although he couldn't be certain, he seemed to hear his master's voice say "nice job".

As for Evan, he was finally doing well in all of his classes. After mastering Microsoft Office, and learning to surf the academic reference sites his buddies had recommended, he was surprised as how quickly he began to pick up on things. His roommate Sidney gave him a few tips and before long Evan found that he not only liked algebra, but was becoming a wiz. Midterms would be here soon and he felt more confident every day.

He kept loose tabs on the girls' progress, and wasn't surprised to learn that Gina and Sue were doing exceptionally well.

The weekend after midterms, Evan and his gang were hanging out at the "Commons" and had attracted their usual band of groupies. With testing behind them, everyone was in the mood to blow off some steam, including his buddies. By now they had chatted up enough of the girls to have found their favorites. Evan had kicked up their confidence another notch, and given them a little something extra to make sure the girls would be pleased when they saw what they were packing. One by one, his buddies excused themselves with the girl of their choice. The next time he'd see them they'd be virgins no longer.

Evan was proud of them. They worked so hard with him, expecting nothing in return. Now they were going to get laid for the first time.

He was about to return to his dorm room, when he was confronted by Gina and Sue.

"Master, we've done what you asked. Both of us are on the dean's list again. We've missed you so much. Are you ready to resume our relationship?" Gina spoke for both of them. "We've got a six pack in our room fridge," Sue said pulling on Evan's shirt as Gina took his hand in hers.

He was cornered. Of course he wanted to fuck them both, but was afraid that it would lead him back to the path of his destruction. But the girls weren't accepting any answer but yes. They walked him back to their room arm in arm. As soon as the door closed, Sue got three very cold beers for them. They toasted successfully completing their midterms and quickly downed the beers.

As soon as that was done, Sue and Gina stripped and began making out. The idea was to put a show on for their master. By now they were very familiar with each other and knew what the other liked. It didn't take long before they were moaning and writhing as they got each other off.

Evan enjoyed the show, and was quickly as naked as they were. He would fuck them and then release their minds. They would no longer be his to command.

Having recovered from their mutual orgasms Gina and Sue had other plans. They pushed Evan back on the nearest bed. Gina climbed on top and lowered her wet pussy to his mouth while Sue took his large cock in her mouth. He was already hard and after a few minutes they switched places. Then as inspiration struck them they climbed on top of each other so that they were facing each other, but left their pussies free and called Evan to fuck each of their holes, alternating like he used to do.

Evan lined it up and first shoved it into Sue who was on the bottom, fucking her for six or seven slow strokes before pulling out and repeating the process on Gina. Meanwhile, the girls kissed and played with each other's breasts. They loved sharing their master's cock like this, but truth be known, they had developed a love for each other. Having relied on each other so often to get through the drought without their master's cock, they may have started themselves down an unforeseen path.

Evan could have easily have snapped them back to want only him, but that part of him was gone. He was done being selfish. He found new pleasure in helping others to find themselves. A light probe of their minds told him that they loved pleasing each other.

Nevertheless, his pussy roulette was getting to them and he soon had them firing off both from his magic cock as well as their ministrations. After they calmed down he fucked them separately in several different positions until they were satisfied and then he finally came in Gina and pulled out his still firing hose in time to fill Sue as well.

The girls spent the next several minutes remembering how much they loved the taste of Evan's cum as they simultaneously, licked it out of each other's well-fucked pussy, which only got each other off again.

It was late when Evan was ready to leave and release them. They were cuddling in the bed, Evan in the middle.

"Girls, I have to be going. This little reunion has been fun, and I've enjoyed our time together, but it ends now. We will always be friends, but you are no longer bound to me in any way. You will remember our time together fondly, but understand that it is over. You are your own, as independent of each other as you wish. If you need me, you know how to reach me."

They looked at him strangely, as he kissed them each passionately, then climbed out of bed and dressed. Once he stepped out the door it was like a magic spell was broken.

They realized how irrational it had been for them the last three months. They were pleased that they had finally broken it off with Evan. He had been good to them. He had the most amazing cock they'd ever had, but he was too possessive and needy. They would be friends, but it was over.

Evan jogged down the stairs and out the door into the night air. He was feeling like things were right for the first time since he'd accepted his status as one of John's agents. The campus was quiet, there were only a few students milling around. He walked briskly toward his dorm building.

He was about a hundred yards from the building when he was joined by a familiar figure. "Master!" Evan said.

Chance was mixing drinks at the bar, Carmen was sipping hers while Maria patiently waited. They discussed with Chance the events of the last few days and then toasted once everyone had a drink in hand. There was a soft knock on the door. Maria opened it and greeted Penny warmly with a sweet kiss that lingered longer than Penny expected, making her dampen her fresh panties. They were of course acquainted but had never been intimate. Looks like that is about to change, she thought.

She floated into the room and was similarly met by Carmen, who left her head spinning. When she got to Chance, he picked her up in his arms, her feet leaving the ground and finished the job of turning her on. "Damn," she thought. "I need to hook up with these guys more often."

"You guys really know how to welcome a girl. Should I just strip now, or do you want to take it slow?"

In his Jamaican accent, Chance asked her what she was drinking and said that John would be back in a minute to brief them on their assignment, but they always had time for some quick oral, just to take the edge off. Penny took a sip of her drink and then took Chance's monster from his pants and began to bring it to life. Maria managed to get Penny's panties off and put her tongue to work in just the right places, as Carmen sat on Chance's face.

John had stepped into the bathroom a few minutes ago, he needed a little privacy. Closing his eyes, he opened his mind and saw his double. He sat up and looked back at his sleeping fiancée. April was asleep, quietly snoring. She was dreaming of flying and levitating large objects with her mind.

His double began to fade from existence. When he opened his eyes he let out a breath as he felt himself whole again and feeling stronger. He didn't know what he'd be called upon to do and he needed to be at full strength. He sensed his team had just released a little pent up anxiety and were waiting for him to return.

Joining the others, Chance handed his master a Dos Equis, John's drink of choice. Then he performed his new trick, reducing his size from his normal nearly seven feet, to five feet eleven inches tall. The girls all applauded. They toasted and John gave them a brief overview of where they were going and what their objective was. They were leaving immediately. He took a long pull on his beer and slapped it to the counter. The others followed suit and huddled close to their Master.

John closed his eyes and concentrated as a clear bubble appeared around them. Then they simply vanished from the room.

A moment later Chance and the women found themselves huddled in the hall of a great mansion; apparently, John had dropped them off. They blinked a few times trying to orient themselves as a waitress sauntered up to them, offered them a drink from her tray, and directed them to the pool area where they could change out of their clothes.

The grounds were stunning and the temperature perfect for walking around naked. There were many guests in and around the pool area. Everyone was naked except for the staff who wore skimpy attire, the males all bare chested. It seemed that if the guests weren't eating or drinking they were engaged in some form of sexual pleasure. John and his team quickly removed their clothes and locked them away. They would split into two couples, Chance and Maria would pair up while Penny and Carmen partnered. It made sense to split Carmen and Maria because of their new mind-reading powers. Being able to communicate with each other telepathically would allow them to cover more ground. Each couple walked away, admiring the scenery and getting several pleasant smiles and acknowledgements. Their mission was simple, keep a low profile, and blend in while looking out for trouble. In other words, to watch John's back.

Dr. Smith led John directly to where Jim and Susan were engaging the mysterious man. He'd just released a huge load into Susan's mouth, so much that she couldn't swallow it all fast enough.

As soon as John materialized unnoticed in one of the shadows, he felt a huge surge of energy and smiled. "This is my kind of place." The sexual energy swirling around the mansion was unequaled in all of John's experience. He raised his personal force-field, and kept it tight around his naked body like a second skin as he moved into the sunshine. His shield wasn't at its most effective at this level, but he was doubtful that anything could penetrate it.

He casually strolled towards the threesome. Susan licked her fingers as she caught the excess cum spilling from the corners of her mouth.

The mystery man ruffled the woman's hair like one would a pet dog, turned, and was about to leave when he encountered John. "Is that the best you can do? Not going to stick around for a drink and light conversation?"

"What business is it of yours?" the man asked John as he sized him up. John appeared to be very fit, like a swimmer, but young. He didn't see John as a serious threat.

Jim and Susan recognized their master immediately. They were amazed that he had arrived so soon after they had found the man. Susan hugged her husband, not certain of what would happen next, but not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

Chance and Maria were nearby, enjoying a little sexual play. Maria was facing John and the group as she slowly bounced up and down on Chance's cock while scanning the minds around her.

Penny and Carmen were on the other side of the pool, Carmen laid between Penny's spread legs as she too scanned the area with her mind. Penny didn't have to pretend to enjoy what Carmen was doing; she had a very talented tongue and knew what she was doing.

"Well, it is every bit my business as these two belong to me. A pat on the head and tousle of her hair is hardly the thanks she deserves after bringing you off."

Recognizing John's accent, he sneered and said. "You Americans think that you own the world. You don't know who you're playing with boy. Perhaps you should be on your knees sucking my cock." He concentrated and his cock became hard and erect again. It appeared to be about eight inches long. The man grinned, but was surprised when John didn't move. He frowned, perspiration appearing on his brow as he strained.

"Oh," John said. "Was I supposed to do something? Oh, that's right I was supposed to fall to my knees. I don't think so. I'm not into men. I could turn you a woman, though," John said with a smirk, "then I would fuck you."

The man quickly realized that he'd underestimated this boy. For him to resist his powers he was indeed powerful. He attempted to backtrack as his eyes darted from side to side, looking for help.

"I am sorry sir; it was my mistake. Please forgive my arrogance. How can I be of assistance?"

"That's better," John said. "For starters you can tell me about the nude resort that you encouraged Jim and Susan to visit."

"Resort? I know of no resort of which you have described," the mystery man said, clearly stalling.

"Oh, come on, surely you remember. It's the one where you steal the youth of young people and transfer it to the older folks, killing the youngsters in the process."

The man blinked. He knew that he couldn't deny it. But if he admitted it he'd be better off dead. He couldn't see anyone coming to his aid. Perhaps he could stall some more.

John was probing his mind. "Stalling won't do you any good," he said, smiling to make clear that the man would have no secrets from him.

"It's just my job," the man said. "Or at least part of my job. Look I can't help you."

In a blink of an eye, the man standing in front of John was transformed into a woman. Much smaller, perhaps five feet five inches tall. Blonde with small perky tits, a shaved pussy and decent ass. She wasn't gorgeous, but just a little cuter than plain.

She knew something had happened, but wasn't sure what, until she spoke. The sound of her voice shocked her. She felt a weight on her chest and looked down at her tits, her nipples were hard; she was aroused. She looked beyond them to her pussy. "My gawd! I have a tits and a pussy!" She screamed in her head, trying not to panic and draw undue attention to herself.

"Yes, you do and unless you tell me what I want to know, I will begin to make some alterations, to give you a little incentive. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have menstrual cramps? Or to have your period? I know this is all new to you, but you're about to get a crash course on womanhood."

The look on the newly made woman's face was one of shock. She began to stutter, but no real words emerged and John couldn't detect any real thoughts to answer his questions.

"Well, since this is bacchanal and orgy, I think you should be deflowered, do you?" He turned to the stunned couple. "Jim, when was the last time you fucked a virgin?" John asked. "She looks like she's ready to lose her virginity, don't you think?" John looked at the woman. "Her nipples are hard, I'll bet she's wet and ready."

Jim looked a little confused. He wasn't excited in the least, how would he be able to comply with his master's request? Nevertheless, he rose to his feet and approached the woman. As soon as he got near he was surprised to see he had sprouted a huge erection.

The new woman was freaking out in her head. She was aroused. But why. Because he said she was? Only she and John knew what she was going through her mind. On the exterior, she seemed to be one cool customer; only her face showed the emotions she was feeling. She began to become flushed with her arousal.

She tried to calm herself. She was beginning to forget who she was and where she was. "Why am I naked? Why is everyone naked? Wait. I'm at an orgy. Okay. I've been to many orgies. I like them. I like to fuck the women there, they are always so hot and horny. Wait a minute. I am a woman. That's not right." She grabbed her new tits with both hands, "I am a woman? Master," she yelled mentally, "please Master help me!"

"Finally," John thought to himself. He blocked the new woman's mind so that her master wouldn't be able to hear her anymore or mentally track her. Since she was now a woman, visually he wouldn't be able to pick her out immediately. It was time to see what awaited him. John was ready.

He was a large bald man moving through the crowd, big and muscular like a body builder. He was naked and bronzed. Swinging from between his legs was a decent-sized flaccid cock.

There were only two remaining rings for John to collect, the Ring of Peace and the Ring of Justice. Which one was this to be?

Meanwhile, obeying his master, Jim pulled the virgin into the lounge chair. She didn't resist. She was horny for some cock; her body was ready. Her mind was confused. Lining up his huge new cock, Jim pushed into the woman until he met some resistance. She was indeed a virgin. She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. He pushed farther into her breaking her hymen and going balls deep in a single stroke. She was tight and slippery. The woman screamed as she came. It was like nothing she'd ever experienced before and it didn't stop. Jim continued to pump in and out and the woman was panting and moaning as she continued to cum. He mind was no longer able to process the data her body was telling her. It felt so good and so different. It was her first time. She'd never forget it. But that wasn't true was it? Jim was pounding her with strength he'd not known since his youth, with a cock twice its normal size.

The new woman looked around and everywhere someone was fucking someone, passionate screams could be heard all around the pool. Susan began fingering herself, equally turned on by the scene as it unfolded before her eyes. She hoped that Jim would be able to keep that huge cock; she wanted to try it out herself. It was bizarre. There was her husband fucking a woman who had only a minute ago been a man. That same man that had led them to the resort that forever changed their lives and whose cock she had just been sucking, struggling to swallow all his cum.

The bald man continued to make his way towards the group, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. People were fucking and talking drinking and eating. But he'd heard one of his people call for help. Where was he?

The woman was being fucked like she'd never imagined possible. Her first orgasm merged into the next and just kept getting better. It was almost too much and she could no longer keep quiet.

"Fuck!" she screamed. "Fuck me! I never knew! Fuck, fuck, so good."

That was all the encouragement that Jim needed, he was close. He continued to fuck her harder, not knowing where the energy had come from. He called Susan over to play with her clit and tits like they normally did when enjoying themselves at these type of parties. They were beginning to attract the attention of others who were interested in joining the fun.

Jim came hard, roaring as he jerked and then finally slid out. The woman cried out in disappointment but another man filled her pussy and resumed the hard fucking that she seemed to crave.

The bald man arrived and stood next to John, watching the action. "Newbie?" he asked.

"Seems so," John replied. "She's really enjoying herself." He then spoke internally to Dr. Smith. "Dad, give me a light scan? I need to know which ring I am dealing with."

From within the Ring of Power Dr. Smith did a quick analysis. "It's the Ring of Justice, son. But remember the warning that the last two names weren't accurate descriptions of the rings or their functions. Justice was translated to 'Just us'. I haven't quite figured that out what that means yet."

John looked over at the bald man, attempting to learn more about his adversary. He didn't dare attempt to enter his mind, lest he let on who he was. He couldn't tell the age of the man; there was no hair anywhere on his body. His cock remained flaccid. Unlike at a nudist resort or camp it wasn't frowned upon to be sporting an erection; most of the men were almost always hard or easily encouraged. But this guy wasn't. Only he and John seemed to be in control of their erections.

John was monitoring the newly transformed woman's mind; she was confused but was definitely enjoying herself. John had made her new body highly sensitive and multi-orgasmic, she'd never experienced this much pleasure as a man and didn't want it to stop.

John felt a slight ping bounce off his shield. The bald man was attempting to probe his mind. "Here we go." He mentally told his dad, "Communicate with the team. Bring them up to speed, and be sure to use a frequency that this guy isn't likely to be able to monitor."

His father quickly complied, sending a telepathic message to Chance, Penny, Maria and Carmen in John's voice.

John probed the Master of the Ring of Justice, not worrying that he would guess he was under attack. He was behind the resort and appeared to have five others and two more about to open. Before he could get any more information the bald man put up a mental shield cutting John off.

It wasn't a deep probe, and it yielded much more information than John had hoped. This time there were several hard pings bouncing off John's shields he turned to face the bald man and their eyes locked.

"You think I don't know who you are? But I know you are John Smith, the new Master of the Ring of Power. But you are just a boy and I've lusted over that ring for eons. Give it to me."

"Okay, since you asked so nicely," John said and paused. The bald man just stared at him and John smiled. "On second thought, why don't you just take it!"

The bald man unleased the equivalent of a mental category five hurricane against John, but his shield didn't even scratch.

Frustrated, the bald man spoke, "I've been going about this the wrong way." He turned to Susan, and the man now fucking the newly made woman and grinned. All three stopped and grabbed their heads in pain as he entered their minds.

"Who's there? Who are you?" they each asked.

"It's Just Us."

"Just us," they repeated in unison.

"Yes, just us!"

The man who had just being fucking the new woman and Susan fought for a moment then screamed in their minds. The pain was great before they acquiesced. The new woman however, just calmly said, "Master."

John realized what was happening as he was still monitoring the new woman. He put a force field around his team's mind, including Jim, who watched helplessly as Susan's eyes turned white along with the others. Many others were overcome, it seemed to be random.

"Just us? Yes, just us," they all said in unison.

The bald man turned to John and said. "You are an uninvited guest and you should leave before many of these people get hurt."
Next page: Chapter 30.2
Previous page: Chapter 29.2