Chapter 30.2
Susan and the other possessed people ran forward, pushing others out of the way with unusual strength. Some were tossed several yards away while other were tossed into the pool. They joined their master, waiting for his command.
John's team was ready to strike, but he stopped them; it wasn't yet clear what the danger was.
John stood his ground as the mob behind their new master grew. They were growling and looked menacing like rabid dogs. In fact, there were noticeable changes to their appearance. They were becoming hairy and wild. The shape of their faces changed, becoming more elongated and their ears grew longer and pointy. The women grew two extra sets of nipples below their original breasts as their hands turned to claws.
"You have something I want. Hand it over or these innocent people will be chewed up as fresh meat for my hairy friends."
John didn't budge, calling the bald man's bluff.
"Suit yourself," he said and turned to the nine or ten mind controlled minions, "You are very hungry, find yourself a meal! Attack!"
They leaped in different directions, heading for the nearest couples or groups oblivious to the situation and still in the grips of the bacchanal.
"Move!" John called telepathically to his team, "protect the innocent! But, be careful. They are possessed, try not to kill them."
The force fields that were protecting their minds surged, covering their entire bodies. They couldn't be hurt.
It was a sight to see as John's agents sprang into action. Chance grew to his colossus full height and size, perhaps a bit larger. He extended both arms, "clotheslining" two approaching attackers and taking them out of action for a while. Penny, Maria and Carmen ran in three different directions, to cut off three separate attacks. It was a spectacular sight to witness as they ran, large tits bouncing as they each deflected their attackers. Although they didn't really possess extra strength or speed, their force fields allowed them to render the assailants unconscious. Jim found the possessed creature that was once his wife Susan and, like a linebacker, knocked her into the bar. The force was excessive; she crashed through bar, breaking several bottles of expensive alcohol. John mentally grabbed the remaining four and tossed them to the ground.
By now, a panic had begun and the guests were running for their lives, body parts shaking, jiggling and swinging as they ran for the shelter of the mansion.
The bald man was furious. "More," he said. "I need more."
Thinking quickly, John realized how familiar this sounded. Being a fan of the Matrix trilogy, it reminded him of Agent Smith's making copies of himself to defeat Neo. "Oh no you don't." He sliced off the ring finger of the bald man who screamed in pain, grabbing his hand minus the severed digit.
John removed the ring from the finger and watched as the possessed returned to their normal selves. John clothed himself instantly and stuffed both the ring and the finger into his pockets.
Carmen felt it before she saw it. "Master, I feel another presence."
John turned to see the bald man running towards him through the guests, heading for the safety of the mansion, he tossed them aside as if they were toys. John turned back to see the bald man missing his finger still yelling in pain. Before John could turn back he was knocked backwards off balance by the second bald man as he reached his twin.
"He's the Master of the Ring of Peace," Dr. Smith warned. "You'll need to..."
John stepped forward, lifting a stone statue and tossing it at the new threat. The second bald man looked at the stone statue as it gently landed on the ground several feet away. But the force intended to harm him was directed back to where it had come from, knocking John several feet and through the pool maintenance building.
Consoling his brother, the second bald man looked around. He saw Jim helping his wife Susan into a lounger to look at her wounds. She smelled like liquor and had glass shards cutting her skin.
"There, that one," his brother said.
Susan felt herself yanked from her husband and off the chaise lounge, suspended in the air like a bear cub being carried by its mother. There was nothing she could do.
The second bald man seemed to open a portal and the two stepped through, pulling Susan through with them. Jim was in close pursuit, but was knocked off balance and unconscious as the portal closed.
John exploded from the crater he had made in the maintenance building, just in time to see the portal close.
He swore to himself. He'd forgotten that direct force wouldn't likely be a match for the Ring of Peace. He looked around as his team joined him, then he lowered all their shields. The possessed people were mostly okay, though some had minor injuries. The bacchanal continued in other places throughout the large grounds, few, if any of the guests aware of what had transpired at the central pool.
"I guess there's nothing left for us to do here," John said as his team gathered around him, except Penny. She was attending to Jim who was just now coming around.
"Susan! They took her. We've got to get her back."
"Don't worry," John said as Penny helped Jim to his feet, still naked as the rest. "We'll get her back. I have a tracer on her. We'll get her back. But first we need to get out of here before the authorities show up."
Penny let Jim use her for support as they joined the others who were standing around John. He wrapped them in his bubble and in the blink of an eye they found themselves standing on his patio, back at his own much smaller mansion, in Central California.
"Damn it," Jim said, "My wallet and identification, and keys are all back there."
John smiled and tossed Jim his wallet and Susan's purse. "You mean these?"
"Thank you...Master."
John stepped forward a few steps, "You can call me John. You'll know when the title is called for." Turning to his team, he continued, "Go on in, you know where things are make yourselves at home."
John busied himself in his office while the team showered and put on the clothes that they kept at the mansion. Penny left Jim with Maria and Carmen. They tried to calm him without taking advantage.
Penny knocked on the door to John's office and heard him welcome her in.
Penny was fighting the magnetic attraction to John, although she'd not been his agent long enough for it to consume her, there was something more to it and they both knew it.
"Hey Penny, what's up?"
"That was something back there. I was a little frightened, but Chance assured me that you'd handle things." She was stalling, not sure why she was there and she continued into the office as John rose from his chair. She walked into his arms and locked her lips to his. The kiss was passionate and deep, lasting a full minute before John let her break it off.
"I don't know what has come over me. I can't stand not to be touching you. She caressed his face with her hand. I've never felt like this with anyone before." She kissed him again. Her heart was pounding. "Please, will you fuck me before I lose what is left of my mind?"
John and Penny were instantly naked. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him, her wet pussy sliding up his erect cock. He lifted her higher and then let her down and he slid easily into her tight confines as Penny sighed heavily, partially satisfied.
Defying gravity, they were somehow horizontal and Penny found her calves on John's shoulders as he began to stroke in and out of her slowly at first. She began to pant as this incredible joy began to expand within her, emanating from her pussy outward. Then her mind exploded with the intensity of the moment as her orgasm erupted, stronger than any she'd ever imagined.
For his part, John realized that something was different. Penny was tight and gripped his cock unlike most women. In fact, he quickly understood that she had moved into his top ten, and he'd only fucked her on one or two other occasions. He was thoroughly enjoying this.
One dizzy moment later, they'd changed positions and Penny was being fucked doggy style as she bent forward, holding his desk. She was still coming. After several minutes in that position, things changed again and Penny found herself straddling John, riding him cowgirl. She felt like she'd been riding him for hours as her orgasm was finally subsiding and then John came, filling her, and she came hard once more.
John heard from behind him a familiar voice, "Hey you! I thought you were home?"
The weekend of the club tennis tournament finally arrived and Jacquelyn and the girls were ready. They'd spared no expense on the cutest sexiest tennis outfits they could find. Everything matched of course: shoes, tops, skirts, racquets, tennis bags, and towels. They had the forethought to have different outfits for each event, saving the sexiest and naughtiest for mixed doubles, knowing that their bouncing tits and camel toes would distract their male opponents and maybe the females as well. They looked smoking hot and the entire club and their guests were admiring their sexy bodies.
Over the next three days, they were successful. Jacquelyn and Jenny each won their singles matches, Jacquelyn playing 4.5 and Jenny played up at 5.0 in the USTA NTRP rating. In a highly competitive match, Jacquelyn beat one of her old nemeses, Gale Farnsworth. Gale came from old money like Jacquelyn, but was a huge snob and not a nice person on a good day. She got her jollies from humiliating others and lording her status over them. She had no love for Jacquelyn and had often made it known through the years in as many ways as she was able. She was also the club president. She of course had her own team of women players and as luck would have it, both teams met in each final event.
In the mixed doubles events, Gale's team beat Jacquelyn's team in each event and in straight sets despite the incredible play from all participants. It was one of those matches where the score didn't come close to reflecting the level of play. The men played well, but it came down to the play of their partners, and the women, despite making many incredible plays, didn't seem to have enough to win.
Knowing the women's final doubles matches, set for later that evening, would determine the ultimate winner, Gale saw an opportunity to humiliate Jacquelyn and her team further. So confident was she that she wagered that the losers would have to pleasure the winners for twenty-four hours or face a public humiliation to be determined later.
Jacquelyn knew that they had played well enough to win, but had just had a few bad breaks and Gail was a cheater. It wasn't huge, but she often "foot-faulted" and rarely ever got caught. So she accepted the challenge.
The team of three USTA officials, one man and two women, had their hands full during most of the tournament, however since the tournament was winding down and this was the finals they would have plenty of time to monitor their assigned courts. Jacquelyn knew all three officials by name, having seen them officiate many tournaments over the years. They were all honest and very professional. She decided it was time to have a chat with the referee.
After her meeting with the tournament referee, he called his three officials to discuss the tournament and learn if there were any issues. All three agreed the tournament seemed to be running smoothly and their only issue was being so busy covering their assigned courts, they hadn't been on the courts long enough to make calls such as "foot faults".
Taking that into consideration and having previously reviewed the schedule, the referee informed them they would be "chairing" the finals of the women's 5.0, 4.5 and 4.0 matches. This wasn't unusual, but it was for this club tournament. What that meant was that there would be an official sitting in the big chair like the professional matches seen on television to overrule clear errors and call, lets, touches, "not ups" and foot faults. (Not Ups is the term used when the ball bounces twice before the player hits it.) The officials were excited; all were highly experienced and had "chaired" many matches. The chair was the best place to see a match and that meant they could sit and observe the entire match, not have to stand and strain their eyes. It was an easier assignment.
The final women's doubles matches would be played on court number one, the club's "show courts." It was the court with the largest number seats, benches, lounge chairs, and bleachers. When the match ups were announced, the spectators packed the area.
Many of the club's older guys liked women's doubles for myriad reasons, but most just loved to watch good tennis. Few would admit that the most appealing reason was to watch the girls, young and old, run around the court in those skimpy little skirts and shorts, hoping for a wardrobe malfunction of some sort.
The women were all ready for their matches, particularly Jacquelyn and her team. When they heard the match would be chaired, they knew they had a chance to win. It was time to show off their best tennis outfits and they looked fabulous. Jacquelyn and Betty Sue were playing 4.5 against Gale and her partner on court one. Next to them on court two were Vicky and Jenny playing 5.0 against Gale's team.
Gale and her partner won the coin toss and elected to serve. The sun was in a good position now, but as it got later, it would be problem for Gale unless she served on the north side of the court. Knowing this, Jacquelyn chose the south side of the court to receive, forcing Gale to either be the third server or deal with the sun later by choosing to serve first. Gale took a chance thinking it would be a quick match and chose to serve first.
The match was very competitive and throughout the first round of service, everyone held serve. There were long points and great rallies. On numerous occasions, all four women stretched and stabbed at the ball to make impossible shots. An hour had passed and everyone realized that this wasn't going to be a quick match and by now the sun had shifted and Gale was beginning to regret her decision to serve first.
Her first serve was a fault; the sun was clearly becoming a factor. Her second serve was a hard slice up the tee, but in compensating for the sun, she'd stepped into the court before hitting the ball, a clear foot fault, which the official didn't miss.
"Foot fault," he yelled in his deep baritone voice, easily heard by everyone there, except Gale who looked around confused when the players shifted for the next serve.
"What the fuck!" Gale yelled at the official.
"Code violation. Audible obscenity. Point penalty. Farnsworth!" the chair official called.
"What!" Gale said, clearly upset, realizing that she'd indeed broken one of the USTA rules. "Don't I get a warning?"
"No," the official said plainly with no emotion.
The official called the score and suddenly Gale and her partner were down Luv-thirty and she was still serving to the deuce court where she made the foot fault. Mortified, she walked back to the service line, her partner talking to her, quickly trying to calm the rattled club president. Between the sun and her nerves, she faulted, hitting the tape with a loud slap. Her second serve was soft and near the alley just in and Jacquelyn crushed a winner down the line with one foot inside the court.
"Luv-forty," the official called, glaring at Gale.
Gale was furious. She knew better than to serve to Jacquelyn's forehand. She needed to calm herself. 'I can do this,' she told herself. She was serving to Betty Sue, who had a weak backhand. She served again trying not to look into the sun, but that was where her toss was. The serve tipped the top of the net and fell long. Gale turned her body, hoping that she could toss the ball away from the sun. She was successful and hit a hard serve just inside the corner. Betty Sue didn't even attempt to return it. But, what Gale didn't hear was the official's call, "foot fault". She'd done it again. It wasn't a hard call as both her feet were in the court.
"What! Are you fucking kidding me?" Gale went off.
"Code violation. Audible obscenity. Game penalty. Farnsworth!" the chair official called.
What Gale didn't realize while she was so busy concentrating on not looking into the sun was that she had stepped into the court with both feet. It was obvious to everyone there.
"Game, Smith/Weaver. Smith/Weaver lead 4-2 first set."
Everyone understood that the second code violation was a game penalty. The next would be a default and the match would be over. But when Gale heard the score she went off again, having to be restrained by her partner. The official was being very generous; that outburst was enough to have the match defaulted. He'd need to call for the referee, whose job it was to default players. He was nearby and wouldn't have given it a second thought.
As the players changed sides, Jacquelyn and Betty Sue allowed Gale and her partner to go to the bench first. They discussed their strategy for the next game. They toweled off quickly, took a sip of Gatorade, and trotted back out to the court. Gale and her partner continued to sit as Gale glared at her opponents.
Looking at his stopwatch, the official said, "Time!"
Gale's partner got up, grabbed her racquet, and took her position while looking at her partner who hadn't moved.
A moment later the official called, "Time Violation, Farnsworth ...warning!"
"Have you lost your mind? Do you know who I am? How dare you! I will personally see to it that you don't work this tournament or any in this region ever again!"
"Code violation," the official said loud enough for all the players to hear, "Unsportsman like conduct, Farnsworth. Default!"
"What?" Gale screamed. "You can't do that..."
"No," the official said as he climbed down from the chair, "but the referee can." He called the tournament referee over, who had been watching the other match.
After a brief discussion, the official and the referee agreed. Before defaulting Gale and her partner, he went over to inform Jacquelyn and Betty Sue of their decision.
Jacquelyn had a quick word with Betty Sue and then addressed the referee, asking him not to default Gale. She told him of a better punishment. The referee thought about it for a moment and agreed. Jacquelyn said she'd talk to Gale.
Jacquelyn approached her opponent. "They were going to default you, but I don't want to win like that. I have a better idea." She explained it to Gale, whose eyes grew large as her face blushed a bright red. She glared at Jacquelyn for several seconds, but finally agreed.
Both she and her partner exited the court as the official announced that they would take a three-minute medical time out and the match would continue.
When Gale and her partner returned, they were both a little flushed, but otherwise ready to play. They took their positions.
Jacquelyn served a slicing curve that caught Gale by surprise, but she was just barely able to block it back. After a long rally, Betty Sue caught both players off guard and dropped a shot just over the net. As Gale sprinted forward, her large breasts bounced crazily within her tennis outfit, obviously no longer restrained by her sports bra, but it was too late. The ball bounced short and, back spinning, bounced back over the net out of reach, 15-Lov.
On the next serve to Gale's partner, they had Jacquelyn and Betty Sue on the ropes. In a defensive move, Betty Sue lobbed the ball high in the sky. Gale went back to take the lob, lifting both arms, one to point at the ball, the other to hit it. The crowd gasped. By raising both arms, Gale revealed that she had removed her panties as well and exposed her ass and her hairy pussy to all the spectators and her opponents. Realizing her error, she hastily swung at the ball too early, hitting the ball into the net, 30-Luv.
Serving to Gale again, Jacquelyn served a slow topspin that angled off the court, causing Gale to scamper forward, proving again that she had indeed removed her bra. Her large tits bounced heavily with each step throwing off her balance. She hit the ball too hard as it landed four feet beyond the court, 40-Luv.
On her next serve to Gale's partner, Jacquelyn found an ace up the "T" with a hard fast flat serve, game. Jacquelyn and Betty Sue now led 5-2.
The rest of the match was more of the same. Gale and her partner weren't able to play as well as they were normally able without exposing themselves, which they continued to do anyway. Both Gale and her partner had to change their service motions because they continued to expose themselves. The crowd grew, with both men and women applauding every point. It was a match that would not soon be forgotten.
After the match was over, Gale and her partner stomped off the court, not bothering to stay for the awarding of the trophies, both completely humiliated.
After several photos and congratulations, Jacquelyn and Betty Sue retired to the locker room for their showers. Wearing only their towels they were surprised to find Gale and her partner were finishing up their post-match shower in silence. Gale was washing her hair and had both hands working her raven black hair, thanks to her hairdresser. Her athletic body looked good wet, and her heavy tits were bigger than they looked clothed. She was a bit "top heavy."
"Time to pay up, Gale," Jacquelyn said as she and Betty Sue entered the massive shower. "The first thing we're going to do is shave that massive jungle covering that pussy of yours." Betty Sue had a razor and shaving cream in her hands.
"You can't be serious?" Gale said as she pulled her hands away from her long mane as she twisted it, letting it fall behind her.
"Oh please," her partner said, still pissed that she couldn't swallow her pride long enough for them to win the match. "While you're at it can you shove your panties in her mouth? It might shut her up long enough to finish a match."
Gale blushed deeply; she was wrong and knew it. She just couldn't admit it. She had blown the match and embarrassed both of them.
Her partner wasn't done yet, "Who in their right mind argues with an official? What the fuck what were you thinking, Gale? He's not a club member you can push around, you dumb bitch!"
Jacquelyn chuckled aloud. "Looks like you're all alone on this one Gale." She looked at her opponent, admiring her athletic body and large tits as they jiggled with every movement. Gale blush deeply as she realized that she was being sized up.
"Betty Sue, why don't you see what you can do with that jungle." She looked at Gale's partner. She too was lean, possessing an athletic body with small tits, but her nipples were long and hard, perhaps in anticipation of the play in store. "Come here," Jacquelyn commanded as she removed her towel and hung it on a hook.
Knowing what was expected of her, she didn't hesitate, but knelt before Jacquelyn waiting for instructions. "You're a bright one aren't you? See if you can make yourself useful," Jacquelyn said as she spread her legs.
She wasted no time and pulled herself to the waiting cunt. Jacquelyn and Betty Sue hadn't yet showered, and the efforts of their battle on the court seemed to have settled in her groin. There was no vacillation however; she dove in and seemed to savor the sweaty taste, causing Jacquelyn to purr.
Betty Sue directed Gale to sit on the marble bench and to spread her legs. She quickly cut the long black hair away with some scissors and then lathered her up.
"You've done this before?" Gale nervously asked her opponent.
"Sure," Betty Sue said. "I do it all the time. It's one of my duties. It will likely be your duty soon. You'll love it; it's so much fun."
With that said, Betty Sue pushed two fingers into Gale's unsuspecting pussy and began to shave her bald.
"Oh...oh...mmm.... Is that rrreally necessary?" Gale asked.
"Only if you don't want to get cut," Betty Sue said as she continued. She purposely rubbed Gale's clit every chance she got and pretended it was unintentional. She had Gale lay on her back and bend her legs over her head as she shaved any stray ass hairs. Betty Sue was very good at prepping Jacquelyn's playthings.
Pleased with her new pussy licker, Jacquelyn had a few mini-orgasms. When the big one finally arrived, it was worth the wait. She pushed the woman away with her foot. "You are very talented," she said.
"Party at my home tonight at eight. Be there or move out of state, tonight." She turned to Betty Sue and told her she needed to wash the match from her body. The two dismissed their defeated opponents and began their shower.