Chapter 31.2

Leaving them alone to ponder their fate, he followed Jim into the room behind the double doors. It was a more like an auditorium or classrooms with tiered seating looking down on the main floor where professors and instructors lectured. In the center of the floor, laying on a table, was the woman that had once been Susan Peterson.

Jim rushed down the main aisle to his wife's side. The closer he got the less he recognized the woman lying unconscious on a medical table of some sort, naked, lifeless and beautiful. She was breathing. He stared at her face, after having given her naked body the once over. He tried to find his wife there, but nothing physically remained.

John glided quietly into the room, defying gravity as he floated cautiously then landed just behind Jim.

"She looks different, but she's still in there, Jim," John assured the distraught husband.

Hearing John's voice, Susan blinked her eyes as she regained consciousness. She sat upright. "You came for me?" she said in a surprised voice that she barely realized was her own. Looking just beyond her husband and then back again, she quickly concluded that if the plan were to work she'd need to play along until she could get John alone.

She looked intensely at her husband and smiled. Both men instantly became captivated.

"Susan, is that really you? You look and sound so different."

"I know," she said with her new accent, watching how she'd charmed the two men. "I sound like something out of a Dracula movie." As she talked, she saw that they'd changed her hair color, too. It was long and bright red, accenting her porcelain skin. "Seriously, red hair?" she said aloud and groaned.

Jim and John were speechless, as they each envisioned themselves balls deep within her spread legs, pounding her tight pussy while she screamed in passion, fucking her as if they had invented the act.

Finally, John managed to shake the vision; he knew this was part of the Websters twins' threat. Nevertheless, he'd never felt anything like this before. He had to have her.

"Johnny, are you okay. I am getting some funny readings down here."

"Thanks, dad. I'm cool," John lied.

Dr. Smith wasn't convinced and decided to pay closer attention to events outside.

She jumped off the table, her firm breasts bouncing then settling, nipples hard and pink. She was now taller than Jim, and almost as tall as John. Both men continued to admire her beauty, her perfect body. John had to fight to not sweep her up into his arms and take her right then and there.

She moved quickly to her husband, rubbing her enhanced body against him, brazen by her nudity. He pulled her tight, one hand fondling her firm ass, the other across her narrow back. Their mouths met as Jim lustfully kissed the woman. It was her! It was his Susan, only she was ten times more beautiful and desirable. He was going to fuck her silly when they returned home. If he could wait that long. He must, he had to.

"You're going to need some clothes," John said, interrupting Jim's vision, "Jim..."

"Oh," Jim said. Reluctantly pulling his lips from Susan, they slowly disengaged and Jim stepped back a step or two. Couldn't that have waited? Jim thought, angry at being disturbed from his reunion with his wife.

John conjured up a black dress with a daring plunge V-neck, ruched sides and asymmetric hem. It barely covered her, but having been completely exposed, it offered the necessary modesty. Her massive breasts remained visible, except for her nipples. Long sleeves descended to her wrists, it fit like a second skin. Susan didn't complain; it felt good to have clothes on again, even if he'd neglected to include lingerie. Her altered mind embraced the slutty look, despite it not being to her normal taste.

She looked past Jim again, looking at John as he admired the way the dress fit her. Jim caught her gaze and realized that John was going to fuck her the first chance he got. He remembered his powerful master now possessed all five rings. He wasn't sure what that meant, but he knew that opposing him would be a fool's errand. His life would never be the same again. His master would take her as his own; she was already looking beyond him. It's all because of those monsters. The evil twins had done this. But they weren't powerful any longer, mere men. "Shoes?" Susan asked, bending forward then stepping back so that she could see her left foot. Looking down, all she could see were her tits.

"Damn it," she thought. "Are all men that into huge tits?" Then her thoughts softened. He was, and she jiggled them for him.

"Oh." John was still admiring the new Susan; she looked more naked in her clothes than when she was nude. Suddenly, Susan was standing in red Christian Louboutin four-inch pumps, which left her towering over Jim and at eye level with John.

Chance, Penny, Maria and Carmen trotted down the main aisle. Chance was immediately stunned silent by the transformed beauty, catching Carmen and Maria off-guard. They'd never seeing anything shatter Chance's cool exterior. They glanced at the men, who all had bulges stretching their pants. They looked back at the woman. She was breathtakingly beautiful, and the guys were acting a little funny. Penny, Maria and Carmen recognized that look in John's eyes; someone was going to get seriously fucked. Unfortunately, it wasn't going to be either of them.

Being bisexual, the girls each felt drawn to the woman, but not nearly as strongly as the men seemed to be.

Carmen asked Maria through the link they shared, "Did you get that? I thought I picked up a thought from the woman, but it was fleeting."

Maria replied, "All I got was relief, but now that you mention it there seemed to be something more."

Maria broke the spell. "Ah... we've secured the remaining hired guns. If that's Susan, we can get out of here now, right boss?"

"Yeah, sure. Let's get home, after we check on the twins. Where's Jim?"

Somehow, he'd managed to slip away while the others basked in the charms of his transformed wife.

She seemed to no longer want him. They'd gone through something similar when they first began swinging. It almost ruined their marriage. Even in this stranger's body, Jim recognized the look in her eye. What had those evil men had done to her beyond her appearance? He could tell in their brief moment together that she was different. She was no longer his wife. The pain was strong and sudden. His heart was breaking. It was like a punch to the solar plexus. He could barely breathe. Worst of all, he knew he was really to blame. It was his fault that he'd finally lost his Susan, after more than forty years of married life.

He understood what he had to do. They would pay for this, he swore to himself. Despite his master's reluctance to take a life, he would. He'd kill the two of them and not think twice about it. He continued to lament. Why did they have to change his Susan into this temptress? He'd never have her to himself again. He had gotten accustomed to sharing, though in the end Susan would always come back to him. Why? What was the purpose?

Approaching the twins, still pinned to the wall where John had left them, he picked up a discarded automatic weapon, stepping over the falling security person without so much as a care as he advanced. The brothers watched the broken-hearted husband approach, but could do nothing about it.

Perhaps if they were dead, their spell would be broken, Jim hoped.

"Hey, no fair, I saw 'em first," an unknown blonde woman said as she dropped the machine gun nose to the floor.

"Who are you?" Jim swung the business end of his weapon on the sexy blonde woman dressed in the black uniforms of the security the twins had either hired or entranced. Her uniform fit her like a glove. Her tight round ass filled out her pants while her shirt hugged her chest, revealing the lack of a bra to hide her small tits. Jim didn't notice.

"Oh, right, you don't recognize me. It's the tits and ass. I'm the guy that I suppose got you involved in this mess to begin with. Of course, your master changed me into a woman."

"What makes you think that I won't kill you, too?"

"By all means, please do. Put me out of my misery, but only after you take care of those bastards," the woman said, pointing to the brothers. Before he lost his nerve, Jim pivoted, aimed his weapon, and pulled the trigger, spraying the helpless pair with over forty rounds in less than two seconds.

The sounds of the automatic gunfire echoed into the auditorium, alerting the team. In the blink of an eye, John enclosed the group in a forcefield bubble and they dematerialized. A split second later, they materialized just inside the great hall where he'd left the defeated former masters. They were still hanging from the wall, but now the brothers were a bloody lifeless mess. Less than twenty feet ahead Jim turned the weapon on himself, as a small blonde woman watched what was about to happen in horror. Just as Jim pulled the trigger, his weapon turned into a two-foot-long sub sandwich.

"It's called a Sybian," Jacquelyn declared as she pulled the cloth away, revealing the machine that had been placed in a corner away from where the women were. "It's the ultimate sex toy," she said as she swept a hand down towards the machine in Vanna White fashion. "I discovered it about six months after Zachary passed," she lied. She had actually discovered it after her stepson John had forced her to masturbate daily as part of her punishment for trying to kill him. "We're all going to take a turn riding it. Who wants to go first?"

The women, who were very comfortable lounging and still very much naked, perked up. Having already paired up with each other and used every kind of dildo, butt plug, anal beads, double ended dildo and toy they could find, they had thought the party was winding down. They had all cum so much they'd have been dehydrated if not for the many bottles of wine they'd consumed. Jacquelyn had plenty of good wine, and as the girls would soon learn, she had saved the best for last.

"I've heard of it," Leah said, "Is it really as good as I've heard?"

"Why don't you try it and tell us," Jacquelyn said as she pulled the device to the center of the room and made a few adjustments, while explaining to Leah how to mount it.

"You have to slide all the way down," Jacquelyn told her as she slithered forward on the small dildo sticking up from the machine. It wasn't shaped like anything she'd ever seen before. It was average in width but had a funny looking tip.

"Good, now rest your clit here occasionally," she said, pointing to the flesh colored pad with the short bristles. "This is the clit stimulator. It vibrates."

Vicky and Jenny became more interested and joined the ladies on either side of Leah. They couldn't help but caress her body and kiss her as she began to look a little nervous. She moaned, responding to the caresses, and was eager to begin. She was already creaming and Jacquelyn hadn't even turned the machine on yet.

"Okay, ready? Here goes," Jacquelyn said as she turned on the machine, to its lowest setting.

"Oh! Oh..." Leah said as a smile crept across her lips. "That's good." Straddling the machine, she raised herself up slightly on her knees, bending forward a bit and keeping contact on the clit stimulator.

"Oh, you like that, huh? Maybe a little more?" Jacquelyn said as she turned up the vibration and the twisting of the dildo.

"Oh! Oh! Yeah, mmmore like that!"

Jacquelyn complied and Leah rode the machine while Vicky and Jenny held her while caressing her tits and ass. Leah's moans grew louder. It was really doing a job on her and she didn't want it to end, but she felt herself growing to what seemed like a major climax. After all the sex and climaxes she'd already had that night, this would be something else.

"Mmmmmm..." She gasped. "Oh oh oh.... ah...ah...." Leah screamed as the anticipated tsunami took her. If it weren't for Jenny and Vicky supporting her she'd have fallen off the machine.

Jacquelyn slowly turned down the machine until it was off and quiet. Leah was a shivering, sweaty mess as Jenny and Vicky slowly pulled her off the machine.

"Oh, my god, I have got to do that again," she cried out as she let herself be laid out on the floor. Gale wasted no time in crawling up to her tennis partner, then kissing her face and tits before working her way to her messy pussy and the juices that were leaking out.

"Hmmm...looks like someone is hooked on pussy," Jacquelyn observed before asking who wanted to go next.

The team materialized at John's mansion with a defeated Jim Peterson, the transformed temptress Susan, and the mysterious blonde in tow.

"Chance, you know the drill. I have matters to attend to. Girls, (referring to Maria, Carmen and Penny), assist as needed. I will be back soon." With that said, John vanished.

Chance and the women looked at the space where their master had been standing only a second ago, amazed. He had never displayed that much power before. Realizing that he now had the fifth ring, they shrugged it off.

Maria and Carmen pulled Jim with them into one of the smaller rooms. Penny took the transformed Susan in to another room, leaving Chance and the small blonde in the great room.

She was no longer in possession of her automatic weapon, but the holster hanging low on her hips still held an automatic pistol. Chance looked down at her. She held up her hands and showed him she had no hostile intentions, and then slowly moved her hands to the buckle, removing it and offering it to Chance.

John materialized in his bedroom, the one he now shared with his fiancée April Martin. Out of thin air, materializing before him was his safe, which contained the other three rings. He pulled out the newly acquired ring of peace and examined it a little more closely before putting it back with the others. He closed the safe and it dematerialized, leaving John alone.

"Congratulations, son. You did it. You are now in possession of all five rings," Dr. Zachary Smith said from his command post somewhere within the Ring of Power. At least that the way that Dr. Smith liked to think about it. His sole mission was to be his son's advisor; he had no more thoughts of escape, only those of ascending to the next plane of consciousness, just as Rocky had.

John felt a little confused but more powerful than he'd ever felt before. He could now simply think a thought and he would will it to happen. He had glimpse of future events, particularly of his team and his life.

"You know I can't keep them, don't you?" John asked his father.

"Yes, that much is clear. I was wondering if or how it would make itself known to you."

"I just knew it the moment I put it in the safe. The rings are meant to be out in the world. No single man or woman has ever had possession of all five rings for very long," John said.

Dr. Smith nodded. "You can change them somewhat, you know. You will need to redistribute them. Have you decided who the new masters/mistresses will be?"

"I do," John spoke as he sat back in his favorite chair. "I am going to change and rename the rings. It is my right. They will no longer be used for evil purposes," John said. "We will have a ceremony in a day or so and I will dispense the rings."

"Son, this may not matter to you right now, but because of all that you've accomplished in such a short matter of time and at such a young age, you've become one of the greatest Masters of the Ring of Power, ever. Only three times in its history has a Master accomplished what you are about to do. I'm very proud. Your name will live on forever, regardless of what you do from here. My only regret is not having given you a better last name than Smith," John's father joked.

"You look familiar, but I've met a lot of people in my life time so how about saving us all a lot of time and telling me who you are and what you had to do with the killing of the twins?" Chance said, clearly in no mood for games.

The small blonde woman knew that she had better get to the point quickly lest the big man lose what little temper he'd been holding.

"We met at the orgy in the Caribbean. We didn't actually meet, but I was there. I was a man until your master thought it would be funny and turned me into a woman. I was the man that got Susan and Jim involved in this whole thing in the first place. I was simply doing my master's bidding. Had Jim not killed them, I would have. They were horrible men and deserved to die."

"Interesting," Chance said, rubbing the hairs on his chin. "Let's say that I believe your story. Do you know why they changed Susan?"

"I don't know, but there is a reason. The brothers don't do anything without a payoff," the blonde said.

Susan strolled into the large media room and took a seat on the couch. She needed to be with John, but she'd have to play along for a while. She'd get to him soon enough.

"Susan, my name is Penny. I was at the orgy," she paused, looking over the woman again. "I see they really did a number on you. How are you feeling? Can I get you something?"

"Thank you, water would be great," she said in an accent that she still didn't recognize as her own.

Penny walked across the room, stepped behind the bar, and pulled out a bottle water. "Cold or room temperature?"

"Cold please," she replied cringing, annoyed at the sound of her voice.

"Are you okay? Is something the matter?" Penny asked.

"Yes, it's me. I don't usually sound like this. At least I didn't before my transformation."

"What do you mean," Penny asked.

"I'm from New Jersey. I never had an accent before, at least not one that makes me sound like a foreigner."

"Oh? Really! So, that was part of your transformation. Why?"

"Beats the shit out of me," Susan lied. "I sound more like a Natasha than a Susan now."

Penny laughed, "That's funny. I was just thinking that very thing. You may need to change your name." Definitely getting the reference to the once popular cartoon show.

"You think?" Susan agreed.

The women chatted on for several minutes, Susan seemed no worse for the ordeal she'd gone through, but Penny couldn't shake the feeling that she was hiding something. Penny thought she seemed distracted. Penny pondered that for a while, and then remembered that Maria and Carmen could read minds. Perhaps they could find out what's going on with a scan or two.

Jim paced the floor back and forth like a caged animal. Maria and Carmen were trying to calm him, but he was caught. He'd successfully killed the evil twin brothers, but failed to kill himself. Without Susan, he had no reason to live. To make matters worse, John had turned the gun into a sub sandwich. It was similar to their first meeting. His master was taunting him.

Maria and Carmen scanned Jim's mind and saw his jealousy. They understood what he was thinking, but why would he think that? They asked each other while they watched Jim pace.

Finally, Jim stopped pacing and turned to the women, "I'm sorry you had to see that." Looking at his new friends, hands in his pockets, he began to share his feelings, hoping they would understand.

Both women listened sympathetically, deciding to let him talk it out. He rambled on about how Susan's change would make every man want her. The girls realized that she was now as gorgeous and desirable as they were, but irresistible? They didn't see it. Perhaps they needed a man's perspective. They agreed. Maria would stay with Jim while Carmen talked to Chance.

"I know that you all are probably worried about me, but I'm fine, just a little tired. Perhaps I could lie down somewhere. I'm pretty exhausted from all these recent changes," Susan said.

"That's understandable," Penny said. "Why don't I leave you here? I will check back in a few minutes."

"Thank you, Penny. If you could dim the lights, on your way out that would be good, too," Susan said sounding tired as she kicked off her shoes and reclined on the couch.

Penny complied and smiled as she watched Susan get comfortable. She would find Chance and discuss this with him, something wasn't sitting right with her, but nothing specific.

As Penny approached, she found Chance talking with Carmen, "Well, what are your impressions?" she heard him inquire. Carmen admitted that she was a bit suspicious, but there wasn't anything specific she could put her finger on. Jim seemed to be extremely jealous of John, but she didn't understand what had changed. Penny's account of Susan was similar. She seemed different but the same. Penny and Carmen were wondering if they should ask Chance about his odd behavior and for that matter all of the men, around the new Susan, but decided to shelve it for the time being. It was probably nothing, but their guards were up now. Once might be a fluke, a second time wouldn't be coincidence.

After a brief discussion, they all agreed that perhaps Susan was holding something back. Carmen agreed that she should be the one to speak with her next, under the guise of checking on her. They also agreed Jim needed to be watched; if there were to be a penalty for having murdered the twins, then John would be the one to administer it.

Chance and Penny went to see Jim, while Carmen went to look in on Susan. Carmen knocked softly on the door to the media room where Susan was supposed to be napping, but she wasn't there.

Trying to decide who among his people should become a master or mistress of one of the rings had become the single focus for John. The problem wasn't one of trust, but who'd stood out and was worthy. He had a short list. He was working on the details of the ring ceremony when there was a knock on his door. That was peculiar; no one was usually in this wing of the mansion, by design. This was his private office, just off the master suite.

Using his abilities, he recognized who it was. He stood and called out, "You may enter Susan. What are you doing here?" His voice was annoyed.

Timidly, she entered the office, taking note of its elegant furniture and decorations. "I needed to see you. I wanted to talk about my capture and alterations..."

She paused as she watched her charms begin to work. John's heart rate increased as he began to become aroused.

"Certainly...what do you want to talk about?" His tone had changed dramatically. He was excited to see her.

"Johnny, are you okay? I'm getting those strange readings again," Dr. Smith asked.

"Later dad," he replied.

Dr. Smith knew then there was something wrong. What was it about this woman? How had she been changed?

Susan slowly sashayed into the room, until she was just inches from John. "It's just that I have been through so much, I don't feel safe. Can you make me feel safe, master?"

Without thinking, John took a small step and wrapped the voluptuous woman in his strong arms. She was just a little shorter than him, having left her shoes behind. As she tilted her head up to look at him, he looked down and their mouths met. It was one of the most sensual kisses John could remember. Their tongues wrestled in each other's mouths as Johns hands roamed over Susan's body causing her to sigh.

In a blink of an eye they disappeared only to reappear naked on John's king size bed, both seemingly oblivious to the change of location. John was soon on top of Susan, his mighty cock at full staff, almost a foot long. Unintimidated, Susan smiled and asked, "Are you going to fuck me with that club you call a cock?"

"Yes," John said, "and you're going to love every second of it. I'll make you cum like no man has ever made you come before."

"And what of my husband?" Susan asked, growing accustomed to the sound of her accented voice.

"Who?" John asked, clearly forgetting Susan was married to Jim. Not that it would have mattered, as this was definitely not normal behavior.

"Exactly!" she said. "Take me. I want to feel that big cock inside me. Make me feel safe."

John wasted no more time, and pushed into her tight, wet tunnel while Susan squealed in delight. John touched her mind, making certain to keep his word. She was cumming and he'd not yet begun to fuck her. She was tight, but also very wet. He slid into her with little trouble and as he bottomed out, Susan shrieked louder. She wrapped her long dancer's legs around him and gripped his cock tightly, getting Johns attention. He pulled back, but he couldn't move until Susan eased her grip. John had never met a woman that could grip him that tightly.

She shouldn't be able to do that, Dr. Smith noted. Perhaps John didn't really try to pull back.

John looked down on the temptress, her red hair fanned out behind her, her green eyes full of lust as he began to fuck her slowly. Each stroke sent ripples of pleasure through the woman. Four strokes later, she was cumming again and John increased his speed. Susan was moaning loudly now, he was right. She'd never cum this hard before, each time stronger than the last. John knew that he could go on like this for hours, as he loved the how much Susan was enjoying the fuck. He adjusted his speed, the size and thickness of his cock, like no man alive could. He played with her tits, sucking one nipple at a time into his mouth. She liked that and was coming again.

Finally, he decided that she'd had enough and he was ready to cum. He was doing her from behind now, doggie style, holding onto her hips and really letting her have it. They switched positions again, back to missionary. Susan was moaning and yelling his name in that strange new accent that she'd acquired, which seemed for some reason to turn him on. Then with a mighty roar, he came, flooding her with rope after rope of his manly juices.

Just as he stopped cumming and the room became quiet, something triggered inside Susan and the toxin was released. She gripped him tightly; "I must hold him long enough for the toxins to enter."

He smiled, he was done. It had been a very satisfying fuck. Susan was looking up at him, concentration on her face. He tried to pull out, but Susan gripped him tightly and stared into the eyes. He tried to pull out again, but she didn't let go. He reduced his size as his cock began its natural shrinking process after ejaculating, but she still held on tightly, despite being slippery.

"You can let go now," Susan. "We're done," John said half joking and he tugged again. He couldn't pull free. He looked at the woman lying beneath him, beginning to suspect something and tapped into her mind.

"Almost there, just a little while longer and you'll have absorbed all the toxin I have for you."

John realized that it was a trap and he vanished, reappearing standing over and staring at the stunned woman.

He read her thoughts again. She was troubled, it hadn't been her idea, she'd simply been a tool. "Oh no, I did it. I really did it. I did as they commanded me to. Will it really kill him? No, please no."

John began to feel strange, almost sick, something he hadn't felt for years. "Dad, dad..."

"What is it Johnny?"

Dr. Smith had been monitoring things, and only this second was receiving Susan's thoughts. "Johnny!"

"Dad, you have the conn," he said. Then John Smith seemed to mentally collapse within himself.

He buckled a bit as he took on the full weight of controlling his son's body, but managed to stand firm. Dr. Smith now had full control of John's body.

He was still imprisoned within in the ring, but it was if he were driving John's body, much as if he were driving a car, though it be from the back seat. He was controlling a two hundred twenty-pound, lean, muscular twenty-something man, who just happened to be the master of the ring of power.

"This is strange," Dr. Smith thought as he manipulated John's body, turning it slowly. To anyone watching, nothing would have looked out of place. He was a little clumsy, but since he was just poisoned, Dr. Smith thought it would pass. He turned back to Susan who was sitting up now, crying into her hands, yelling out an apology. Dr. Smith called out to his son over and over, but he didn't respond.

"What have you done?" John asked the woman through his father's manipulation, a little more harshly than he intended. She didn't answer, just continued to weep. He read her mind, learning the covert plan. He even saw all the things they'd done to her. She wasn't at fault, but she'd need to be contained and scanned more deeply. But he didn't have time to do it himself.

"Chance. I need you," Dr. Smith thought.

Chance and the others were searching the mansion looking for Susan when he received the summons from his master. It was urgent. He changed his direction and ran towards the master suite.

"Maria, you and Penny stay with Jim. Carmen, you're with me."

Chance took the elevator to the third floor, impatiently waiting for the elevator to rise to the master level. He would have preferred to run up the stairs, but despite his impatience, this was the faster method.

They entered the master suite. Susan was still naked and crying into her hands again. John too was naked, pacing back and forth, not too steadily and not looking well, pale in fact.


John's body turned to face the giant. Looking at Chance, he spoke to him privately through telepathy. "Chance, Susan was a trap. Through no fault of her own, she's attempted to kill me. She may yet succeed. Take her. Keep her secure."

Carmen heard her master's voice in her mind. "Carmen, your power to read minds has now been doubled. You need to scan Susan deeply to find out everything they did to her and learn if there's any more danger. Share what you learned with Chance, and only Chance."

Once Dr. Smith was sure they'd received and understood his instructions, John vanished, leaving his trusted agents to their mission. John materialized in the garage. By now, John had acquired a small fleet of vehicles. John stood motionless as Dr. Smith gathered as much information as he could. It appeared that John's body was still functioning perfectly, the question was, where was John's consciousness?

Having once been the Master of the Ring of Power, Dr. Smith knew that in times of crisis John needed to be where he would be the most powerful. If he were going to save his son's life, or consciousness, he'd need to significantly increase his reception of sexual energy. The best way would be through direct interaction. He would also call upon his agents who weren't currently engaged in some sort of sexual play to begin immediately and continue for the next several hours.

John was going have to do some serious fucking and Dr. Smith knew just where to start. John appeared to come out of his trance and leaped behind the wheel of his 2017 Mercedes-Benz AMG SLC43 Roadster, started it up, and roared down the driveway into the streets of Mountain View California.

It wasn't long before he had arrived at the mansion he'd once called home. The gate still accepted his code, despite his being dead almost seven years. It was the master code; he'd programed the gate himself. There were a few cars in the courtyard; she had guests. He wondered if his code would still work on the door, not that it mattered. He was now, for all practical purposes, once again the Master of the Ring of Power. And he was much more powerful than he'd ever been. John's network of well over two hundred agents dwarfed his meager few dozen. He was in possession of the other four rings, further magnifying his power. Why bother with a code?

With that thought in his mind, Dr. Smith, controlling his son's body, merely walked through the door as if it wasn't there. He heard faint noises coming from what he guessed was the drawing room. He walked through the huge home, surprised to see that not much had changed. On Johns many trips here, he'd never really looked around, simply a passenger along for the ride, but now he was the driver.

As he grew nearer, he heard the unmistakable sounds of a woman in the throes of passion. He was surprised to see two naked women assisting a third as she rode some sort of mechanical sex toy. He realized he knew most of the women, Jenny, Vicky and of course his widow Jacquelyn. He smiled. This was just what he needed, that is what John needed. He called out to his son again, but there was no answer.

John paused and watched as the unknown woman who had obviously just come was being helped off the machine. Her pussy lips were enlarged and dripping, her nipples hard. She panted as they laid her off to the side. She had a silly grin on her face, as if she'd never come that hard before in her life. Dr. Smith could feel the sexual energy being absorbed, but John needed direct infusion he'd only get from fucking.

John stepped forward into the room, alarming the naked women who would have run and covered their naked bodies, but Dr. Smith used John's control to calm them and accept him as part of his widow's many surprises of the night.

Jacquelyn, recognizing her stepson, jumped to her feet and all but ran into his arms. "John," she said as she fit comfortably into his embrace and kissed him deeply while the others watched and waited for an introduction that seemed as if it might never come.

Out of breath, she somehow found the words to ask, "What are you doing here?" It was soft enough that only he could hear as Jacquelyn's lips were at his ear.

"Querida, I came here to see you. But I see you have company, so it looks like you'll have to share."

Puzzled by his reply, Jacquelyn wanted to react to the use of her nickname. The nickname that only her husband called her. It was their private joke. It was also the name that the fictional Gomez Addams called his wife Morticia. How did John know to call her that? She pondered for a moment. She was just getting used to him calling her Jackie.

"Good evening ladies," John said as he walked into the center of the room, suddenly as naked as they were, swinging a sizable cock between his legs. Despite being tired from all the sex play of the day, they were suddenly rejuvenated and very much aroused. They all stood around the young virile man, as Jacquelyn slipped back into his arms, attempting to take control once again. But Dr. Smith wasn't going to have it. He pulled her along with him while he studied the women as they formed a semi-circle, waiting for his approval.

"I know you two," he said to Jenny and Vicky as he walked up to each of them, letting go of Jacquelyn and kissing each one passionately while he fondled their tits and ass. He had the others squirming and dripping as they awaited their turn.

"Is that Gale Farnsworth?" he asked. Gale blushed, turning her chest and half of her large breasts deep pink. She'd never seen this young man before, but she didn't care. He walked over to her and gave her some of the same treatment, only lifting her slightly sagging breasts and squeezing them before pushing his middle finger into the very wet opening between her legs, and then moving on.

"And who have we here?" John looked at where Betty Sue Weaver and Leah Scott were standing. They were a contrast. Leah's athletic long body and small tits and Betty Sue's shorter body and oversized breasts for a woman of her height. Dr. Smith had John play with each for a while before announcing that they were about to learn the difference between man and machine.

Each woman nearly swooned upon hearing John's words. They marveled as they watched his cock slowly begin to expand and rise to almost ten inches of thick, hard manhood. He told them that they would need to stay hydrated and that there was plenty of water sitting on the counter, but they were going to cum as they'd never come before.

As if on cue, Betty Sue and Leah dropped to their knees and together began to lick and suck on John's cock, each wrapping an arm around his leg. Vicky and Jenny helped him recline and took turns kissing him and suckling his nipples. This left Jacquelyn and Gale to curl into a sixty-nine, for reasons they couldn't explain if asked.

Then one by one, John fucked each of the women who came several times. While the women waited their turn, they got each other ready by sucking and fondling each other. Two hours had passed before John had fucked each of the women. They were all very satisfied, but John hadn't come yet. He announced that it had been so much fun that he wanted to do it again. This time he came in each one and they then spent the rest of their time cleaning up the others with their tongues, amazed at how much the taste reminded them each of butterscotch.

Although Dr. Smith enjoyed fucking Vicky and Jenny again, it was like watching porn. He wasn't actually getting off himself. He was controlling John, but he couldn't really feel what John was feeling. He could probably fix that, but he was, after all, still in prison. He called out to John several more times and with each woman, telling his son how much fun he was having fucking these women. He still got no response.

He was about done. It was early the next morning, and in spite of John's hold on the women, they were beginning to show signs of fatigue. Dr. Smith decided to finish with his widow. Jacquelyn couldn't explain what she was feeling; it was almost as if John was channeling her late husband Zachary. Once again, he was fucking her, her legs wrapped tightly around his body and she was cumming again. She seemed to be cumming constantly. "How is this even possible?" she thought.

"My Gawd, John," she moaned. "How can you keep fucking me like this? Aren't you getting tired?" And she squealed again as she looked at the others laying watching as they casually caressed and licked each other, trying to keep the orgy going.

"Querida, it's the effect you have on me."

"There it is again," she said. "How did you know your father called me that? And why are you calling me that, I kinda like you calling me Jackie."

"Okay, Jackie if you prefer."

"What's wrong with you," Jacquelyn scolded herself. "I don't like Jackie, no one calls me Jackie. I only let you get away with it...because..." She paused trying to catch her breath and then said, "I shouldn't have to remind you of this," she said between grunts.

Dr. Smith thought to himself, "So, she's beginning to get suspicious. Not a problem. She just needs to have the mother of all climaxes."

"Oh, oh...mmmy gawd!" she screamed, panting as John continued to slam into her, finally coming himself. He pulled out of Jacquelyn as she rolled back and forth, the aftermath of her violent orgasm subsiding.

"Ladies, it's been fun, but it's almost six AM and I have some things to do today. I hope to see you all again soon. Don't get up. I'll see myself out."

With that said, John walked out of the mansion almost as quickly as he'd arrived.

Leah groaned and cried out to no one in particular, "I'm going to have to call in sick, I can't go to work today. I don't know if I can walk."

Speeding down the two-lane road from the mansion, Dr. Smith had John pull over to the curb. Rush hour traffic was beginning. He called out to his son. No answer. "Irony is something," he said, hoping that his son could hear him. "A few years ago, I would have killed to be in control of this body. But now, I only want you back, son. I'll get out of this prison of my own making some day. I will ascend, as Rocky did. But, Johnny you have to come back."

Dr. Smith waited, but there was no answer. There was only one place left for him to go. John checked his mirrors, signaled, and pulled away from the curb. He phased the car into phantom mode and drove quickly through the stalled traffic. Within ten minutes, he was pulling into the driveway of Mary Smith, John's mother, and Dr. Smith's former mistress.
Next page: Chapter 31.3
Previous page: Chapter 31.1