Chapter 31.3

Mary was sitting in her favorite spot in the kitchen, drinking coffee, watching the sunrise over the mountain when John entered the kitchen. She had only just returned home thirty minutes ago, following orders to fuck more as there was an urgent need. "Hey mom," Dr. Smith said in John's voice. He wished now that he'd paid more attention to their conversations; he didn't want to screw things up, not that he couldn't fix them.

"Johnny!" his mother said, jumping up from the table where she sat naked. She was almost always naked now. She had always adored being nude, but since she'd become one of her son's agents, she never wore clothing at home. She grabbed her son and held him tightly. "I thought you'd forgotten about your old mother." She wanted to ask if everything was okay, but fought her curiosity. "He'd tell her if he wanted her to know."

Of course, like most of his agents, Mary looked nothing close to her real age, thanks to John. She appeared to be a woman in her early thirties, nowhere close to the pushing sixty like her classmates.

"Are you going to make love to your mother, honey? Mark is sweet, but he's not you."

Dr. Smith smiled. How did he forget that John was fucking his mother, too? John was the Master of the Ring of Power, Dr. Smith laughed to himself. He's fucking everyone, at one time or another.

"Sure, mom, I'd love to," Other than April, his mother was the only one with whom he could be himself, but this was Dr. Smith manipulating John's body. He'd have to be careful.

In a flash, John was naked. His mother marveled at her son's physique and commented, "That never gets old." They took each other's hands and walked into her bedroom. They kissed and made love. It was slow and deliberate. Like all of John's agents, she wasn't immune to his magnetism, it continued to grow. She was thrilled to be with him again. They didn't talk much, but she knew her son was troubled. She tried to reassure him that he was a good man and whatever was troubling him, he'd figure things out. He always did.

Dr. Smith hoped that John was hearing her. He recorded it and would play it back for him later. It was so strange to be in the driver's seat and making love to his mistress again even if he didn't really feel anything.

It was almost noon. They ate a light lunch, and then John left. Mary had a few errands to run before meeting one of her regulars for an early dinner. It was strange, Dr. Smith thought. John was in a sense whoring his mother out so that he could be the master of the ring. Of course, there was much more to the story than that. Dr. Smith began to feel ashamed, it was, after all, his doing all those many years ago, and it was he that had bequeathed the ring to his son. This had never happened before in the ring's long history. Despite appearances, Dr. Smith was an accomplished negotiator. He managed that while he negotiated his punishment. He wondered now if he had done his son a favor or cursed him.

"Wake up, John Smith, Master of the Ring of Power!" John slowly opened his eyes and found himself staring into a wall of multicolored sparkling light of every color he could imagine. It was beautiful, he thought.

"Thank you," was the response.

Slowly, as John became more aware, the wall seemed to back away and he recognized a pattern. They weren't just lights but gems, precious gems, diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires, and they created their own light.

"Oh, my God." It was the ring. He was standing before the Ring of Power itself.

"Am I dead?"

"No, John Smith, far from it."

"Then, where am I?"

"Try and think of it as another dimension. One where we can talk, face to face, if you will," the ring stated. "It is true that you should be dead, but you are one of the cleverest masters ever to possess the Ring of Power. Because of this, we couldn't allow you to die."

"What do you mean?"

Another voice spoke up, "As you know, John Smith, the rings you captured must be returned to the world. You can and should alter them; they've been corrupted over time. But you alone can recall them from their hiding place. A hiding place that isn't stable and is ever changing. Yes, you are very clever indeed."

A third voice entered the conversation, "But the sins of the father...he should be made to pay."

"What about the sins of my father?"

The first voice spoke. "He's reformed. Even now, he is driving your body around attempting to save you the only way he knows how. Even though he has the power to escape and become the master of the ring once again, by simply claiming his son's body as his own. But he has not and will not."

"Dr. Zachary Smith was a clever man, too," the third voice continued, sounding annoyed that he had been interrupted. "He was one of the first to discover that we are, as you would say, sentient." There was a brief chuckle from the other two voices.

"He thought to deceive us and drain our power for his own purposes, but of course, we couldn't allow that. He experimented on his own daughters, your sisters, resulting in the way you found them, androgynous. He was attempting to change their sex and for what corrupt purposes we'll never understand. As you know, he was imprisoned for his crimes. You are his son, and though you've committed no crimes, you should be allowed to die."

The other two voices chuckled again, and then the first voice spoke, "But of course he's forgetting several important matters. John Smith, you have been a very wise master. Weighing your actions carefully and taking care to do good deeds to balance your power, erring on the side of good. You've had a few painful lessons, but you learn from your mistakes. Recapturing the four other rings in and of itself makes you one of the greatest masters of all time. That feat had only once been accomplished until now. Like you, he too was young. His legacy has been that of being the greatest. Like young Alexander, will you too stand the test of time, John Smith?"

"Wait a minute, are you telling me that Alexander the Great was once the Master of the Ring of Power?" John asked, already knowing the answer. "You are comparing me to him?" John asked.

There was no response to his question as it hung in the air.

"There is the matter of retrieving the rings from your hiding place. Only you, John Smith, can do that."

The third voice conceded, "Perhaps we should let John Smith live? He has proven himself worthy."

"It is unanimous. John Smith, you will be returned to your body and take control. You've a lot of work ahead. We will be watching."

"Just a minute," John said before he was returned to his dimension, "Are you God?"

The three voices chuckled again. "No John Smith, we are not GOD. We kind of work for him." Then there was nothing.

Having visited all the women on his list of priorities, except Candace, Dr. Smith knew there was only one woman, if any, that could bring his son back. She was, of course, April. She was back at the mansion, hopefully unaware that anything was wrong.

He wasted no time. After securing the car in the garage, he manifested in the bathroom as April soaked in the tub. She realized that her fiancé had returned.

"Hey you," she said.

"Hey Apes, how have you been?"

She noticed it immediately. That wasn't their usual greeting. Something was wrong. She quickly rose from the tub, water pouring off her gorgeous twenty-something body. Dr. Smith watched through John's eyes as water trickled down from her shoulders unto her magnificent breasts and over her hard nipples. Where her legs met, John gazed absentmindedly upon her equally beautiful slit, as if seeing her for the first time. Dr. Smith realized how truly beautiful she was, not just in appearance but April in her entirety. She was truly a beautiful person, no wonder John loved her.

"Would you please hand me a towel?" she asked.

John quickly responded, Dr. Smith having gained great acuity with John's motor reflexes. He handed the naked woman the towel as he gazed upon her, admiring her beauty.

"Thank you," she said sweetly. "Now tell me what's the matter?"

Dr. Smith cringed. How did she know? He took a light probe of her thoughts.

"And don't do that mind reading trick on me, John Smith. What's going on?"

Dr. Smith was afraid that he'd have to confess to her. He couldn't lie. John wouldn't want him to. What if he was gone for good? He'd have to take control. He'd let her out of the agreement to marry of course, though he couldn't think of baring such a loss. He was becoming emotional.

"Thanks dad, I'll take it from here," John said as he returned to his mind. "I relieve you."

"I am relieved," Dr. Smith said as they mimicked the naval officers' change of command mantra.

Still standing in the tub, April called at her fiancé as it appeared that he'd lost focus and was simply staring at her. "Hey you!" she said, sounding almost annoyed.

"Hey you yourself," John said. Suddenly, he was naked standing in the tub in front of her.

She relaxed and as they embraced. They kissed more passionately than ever before. When the kiss was broken, almost by simultaneous mutual agreement, John asked about her day and what she had planned.

"Well, Mister Smith, your charitable businesses don't run themselves. I've a pretty busy day planned. I don't have time for..."

Before she could complete the sentence, they were dried and lying in a fresh bed, just the sheets covering their legs.

"No, Johnny," she giggled as he began to play with her sensuous girly parts. "I'll be late for my meeting. Besides, until you give me the power to clean myself like you do, hint-hint nod nod, it will take me another hour to get ready."

"Consider it done," John said. "Now will you give a guy a break?"

They made passionate love for about thirty minutes before April flew up over the bed and did John's refresh thing. In a flash, she was cleaned and smelling fresh. There was a long pause and nothing happened. Then, after reading her mind, John smiled and April was dressed as she had planned; her hair was perfect. She lightly landed on the bed. In another instant, John disappeared, only to reappear clean and attired for the day. April kissed him then flew away, still worried that she'd be late for her meeting.

"Johnny, it's good to have you back son!" Dr. Smith said, more cheerful than he could remember ever hearing his father.

"Thanks, dad. I see that you've been busy," John stated as he took inventory and images from the last several hours became integrated in his memory. "What was that like for you to have sex with Jackie again?"

Dr. Smith chuckled, "I didn't have sex with Jackie, you did," he laughed some more, "but to be honest, it was like having sex with a thick condom on. I didn't feel much of anything. I realize that I could have fixed that. Hell, I was controlling your body. But for some reason that didn't matter. I wanted to have as much sex as possible, thinking that is what your body needed, what you needed."

"And with mom?"

"That was special. It was far more emotional and tender, but like watching a romantic movie. And it was fun," he laughed again. "By the way, where were you or did you simply lose consciousness?"

John told his dad about his experience. When he was done, Dr. Smith asked, "So, you met the quartet?"

"No," John said slowly for effect, "I only heard or experienced three voices or personalities."

"Only three?" Dr. Smith said. "They must really like you. Number four is more like the punisher. You want to avoid meeting him, if you can."

"Dad, one thing puzzles me. Don't take this the wrong way, but you could have made off with my body, broken out of the prison and have been the Master of the Ring of Power once again. Why didn't you?"

"Johnny, I never said this enough, particularly when I was in my own body, but son I love you. The old me would have done just as you said, but you trusted me. I broke that trust once; I will never do that again or take your trust for granted."

The two men envisioned themselves in a father and son embrace, and they were. It was more emotional than either of them would have imagined. It took John back to some of his long-lost childhood memories that had been suppressed.

"There are things you need to attend to, son. I will be here later," Dr. Smith said and the visual faded slowly. In all the time that Dr. Smith had been mentoring John, he'd never seen a visual of his father. It was only his voice and the secure knowledge that it was his father. This contact he had seen his father's face. It was an older version of the face he'd remembered from his childhood. His hair was salt and pepper, but he had a full head of hair, and a few wrinkles he didn't remember him having. It was a pleasant sensation and it made John feel good.

He trotted down the stairs to find a worried Chance and Carmen seated at the table having their second cup of coffee. Seeing John, they both stood, bracing themselves for a jolt.

"Hey guys, you look worried. Is everything okay?"

Individually through his telepathy, John assured each of them that he was fine and unless they had news for him, there was nothing alarming from him. He watched them both as their bodies relaxed.

Chance explained what they had learned from the deep mental probes Carmen performed on Susan. It was most of what John already knew. She was an unwilling victim and tool used by the twins for their revenge. Once the trap was sprung she reverted to herself, minus the alluring personality, accent, appearance and a twat strong enough to crack walnuts.

John assured them he would fix all of that, changing Susan back as much as she desired. He considered briefly what to do about Jim, but made no definite decisions. He asked about the woman/man and former servant to the twins. Chance explained that he/she was very helpful and he might consider finding a position for him/her in his organization. They all laughed, since no one bothered to ask or remember her/his name.

John checked in on Jim and Susan. John still found Susan extremely appealing; of course, she'd been altered to turn him on. For her part, she too was becoming wet as their eyes met, but was extremely relieved to see him alive and unharmed.

John laughed aloud and then caught himself finding Susan's new accent amusing, particularly once he read her mind and learned her-self talk was minus the accent and how annoyed she was at the sound of her voice. When asked if she wanted to be changed back, she didn't hesitate and John made the change immediately, while rewarding her by taking several years off, which firmed her muscles and tissues. He rewarded Jim similarly. They were allowed to return to their lives, but would be bound to John for life, should he need them. They thanked him and left immediately, calling an Uber after making flight arrangements from their mobile phones.

Summoning Penny, Chance, and Elizabeth, he told them to meet him for an early dinner at an expensive restaurant in downtown Mountain View. They arrived together, without a clue as to the reason, and were taken to a private room where John and April were waiting, catching them in a passionate kiss.

"Hey why don't you two get a room?" Chance teased. "Other than this one."

They all enjoyed a fabulous meal, the food just kept coming and the wine and alcohol was plentiful. Everyone had a great time telling stories, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. When it looked as if things were winding down, John got everyone's attention and began to tell them why he'd asked then to dinner.

"As you all know, I now have in my possession all of the rings, but I can't keep them. They belong in the world so I must redistribute them. You are here because each one of you will be given one of the rings." He looked at April when he said that so that she would know that she was included.

They were all speechless. So, John continued.

"The rings have been corrupted over the years. I will fix that, rename them, and award one each to you. You will become masters and mistresses of that ring with all the powers and privileges that come with it."

They were still in shock. Some still had their mouths slightly opened, so John continued.

"I will put limitations on the rings; they will submit to me and be tied to me as long as I wear the ring of power. You will be released from your quotas, but your power will flow through me. In a sense, I will have a sort of veto power over your rings and you, but you will have a great deal of autonomy. You will need to balance your power by making sure to do good to offset any bad or questionable actions, lest the ring cease to perform. There will be a ceremony in a week, immediately following our wedding," John said as he turned to April again. "Now would somebody please say something!"

They all started talking at once, full of questions and asking about limits to their powers, obviously extremely happy and excited.

Chance finally asked, "Why me?" before reminding John that when they first met, he had tried to kill him.

John explained that he wanted to repay loyalty. Elizabeth and Chance had been there from the beginning. Penny, though new, was something special, and he wanted to reward that. April was his beloved since childhood. He ended the discussion saying they would know more at the ceremony.

As it was time to leave, John sharpened their alertness, without taking away the pleasant buzz they'd gotten from the consumption of their drinks. They wouldn't be any worse a driver than normal, though Chance had a bit of lead foot. Should they be pulled over, they could all handle themselves. Then they said their good-byes and left the restaurant in high spirits.

April pulled John in for another kiss and then said, "That's some wedding present you're planning for me, mister."

"I hope that it is, and not a burden," John admitted.

It was a warm spring day in Mountain View. The last of three storms had just passed and California had finally gotten much-needed rain, breaking the six-year drought. The mountains were covered in snow, contrasting with the green and colorful flowers blooming everywhere the eye could see. The temperatures would be in the high seventies, making the outdoor wedding and reception in the mansion's sprawling secluded grounds the perfect setting. Clothing was optional, causing all those who weren't part of Johns agent corps to tenaciously diet and exercise in order to look their best naked. A few even resorted to cosmetic improvements, after the date was announced.

As usual, John had seen to every detail of the security, the uninvited wedding crashers would be disappointed, but left with a memorable skin rash from the attempt.

As John looked out at the naked guests and agents mingling about the grounds, he reminisced to the days when he first learned to use his powers. He was just eighteen and as a result had a teenager's limited appreciation of the female form. He could have had any woman he wanted and his focus was stuck on big tits and asses.

He looked out at his agents, most of whom were women, admiring the rainbow of colors and diverse body types. He had finally learned to appreciate women in all their assorted body types and forms. What he finally learned was that all women were beautiful, but it was their minds more than their bodies that made it so.

If a woman lacked confidence and didn't think of herself as beautiful, then she wasn't. He chuckled to himself as he admired a pair of beauties who had just arrived and were exchanging hugs, they both would be considered small breasted, A-cups at best, and they were stunning. He wouldn't have thought that back then.

Most of the men were in pretty good shape, while others looked like they were models for a variety of men's products. Several of them were unable hide their enthusiasm, displaying their excitement at being in the midst of all the beautiful, naked women. Jackie and his sisters were there, naked of course. He'd invited all the women from Jackie's little party he had crashed. If they were there, he hadn't seen them yet.

It was soon time for the guests to take their seats. It was still early and the sun had yet to reach its apex, nevertheless most of the guests had taken advantage and covered themselves in copious amounts of sunscreen. The organ began to play and the bridesmaids and groomsmen processed up the wide aisle that split the two sections of folding chairs and then stood in front facing the guests. One by one, in pairs, they stationed themselves at six points along the aisle. Once all were in place they met in the middle and began to kiss and fondle each other. The nearly two hundred naked and partly dressed guests were stunned, watching as their own arousal began to peak. When the wedding march began, they quickly separated, stepping back to make room for the bride to enter. Each groomsman stood at attention, his large cock hard and pointing to the sky, while the bridesmaids firm breasts showed erect nipples and their mons absent of any hair and labia enlarged, all young twenty-somethings and gorgeous.

The bride entered, wearing a translucent wedding dress that clung to her body with a long train and veil. She was radiant. April smiled as she walked up the aisle, her maid of honor holding the ends of her long train. She was blushing a bright pink. She was one of April's high school girlfriends. They'd made a commitment to be there for each other on such an occasion. She had never been naked in public, until now. Her hard pink nipples ached. She'd have sworn everyone could hear her throbbing heart and the squishing of her pussy with each step she took. She tried not to swoon as she followed her girlfriend up the aisle; she couldn't help but notice the erect large cocks, secretly hoping to have one of them to herself.

As April began her march up the aisle, every head turned, and every cock grew hard and stiff in salute. Even those of the gay men in attendance, causing their owners, if only for a second, to question their orientation. Gleaming from between her legs, April's diamond sparkled as if it were creating its own light.

To say that April made a stunningly beautiful bride would have been an understatement. Every woman there wanted to be her, as they looked upon her beauty. Even those that knew her were hoping to catch her eye as she slowly moved towards the front of the makeshift altar, so that they could be a greater part of this moment.

April kept facing forward, a small smile on her pretty lips, yet allowing her eyes to look at the assembled audience. She couldn't believe that her childhood dream was coming true; she was about to become the wife of John Smith, her beloved Johnny.

Reaching the front, she turned to face the gathered. Candace (April's mother) stepped forward, looking almost as beautiful naked as her daughter, and lifted the veil from her face as her maid of honor bent down to arrange the train of the diaphanous dress, unknowingly completely exposing herself in the process. It wasn't until she felt the warm spring breeze that she realized what she'd done. Candace kissed her daughter on the cheek and returned to her seat, her own diamond catching the sunlight as she sat next to Mary Smith, John's mother. Mary took Candace's hand and squeezed it gently.

That seemed to be John's cue as he and his best man Mark Taylor, and John's best and childhood friends stepped onto the altar. John wore a collar with a bowtie, cuffs on his wrists, complete with cufflinks but was otherwise naked. His impressive physique looked like a combination of a world-class swimmer, bodybuilder, and NFL linebacker. His abs were the fantasies of most men, while his powerful arms and legs looked to be in perfect proportion. Swinging between his mighty naked thighs hung his semi erect cock, making the women damp and many of the men envious. Mark looked impressive too, a smaller bronze version of the groom.

It was Mary's turn to greet her son. She stood slowly, impressing the crowd with her beauty. Like Candace, she was stunning, her diamond glistening in the sunlight, though she too paled in comparison to the bride. She stepped forward, hugged her son, kissed him on the lips quickly, and returned to her seat.

The minister entered wearing only his collar, a smile, and an erection. He said a few words about the bride and groom, and commented on the wedding party before beginning the ceremony.

As things began, John and April gazed lovingly into each other's eyes, April heard Johns voice in her mind. "Hey you!" he said.

"Hey you, yourself," she replied.

Before they could say more, it was time for the vows, and commitment, and the pronunciation. When the minister said, "You may kiss the bride," John stepped forward, his cock now fully erect, almost twelve inches long, and they kissed. Their bodies met and they rubbed against each other. John lowered himself slightly and April rose to her toes as she accepted John into her tight, wet tunnel.

"I love you, April," John said mentally to her as she repeated those words back to him. "As part of my gift to you, we now share this mental telepathy. We can talk to each other privately. The range is several miles."

John stroked into her a few times as they kissed, and pulled out when they broke the kiss. Mark announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please greet Mr. and Mrs. John Smith."

The assembled got to their feet and cheered. There wasn't a dry eye or pussy in the place. Nipples and cocks were hard and the audience were anticipating the reception and getting relief from the pent up sexual tension. Most were unaware of the ring ceremony still ahead.

Mark announced there would be a brief five-minute intermission, and that despite their urges, they should refrain from any satisfaction of those needs for now. It would be worth the wait. Nevertheless, several men and women couldn't contain their enthusiasm and either broke away from the main group or simply bent or knelt to satisfy each other, only to learn that they couldn't cum and that it made matters worse. They were frantic when called back to order.

As Mark returned to the center of the altar, now turned into a stage, he announced the final ceremony. The distributions of rings. He could hear questions murmuring among the guests.

John came out and faced his guests. "Most of you won't remember this," he said, "because only my agents would as the rest will have foggy and selective memories of events. But to my agents and employees I am doing more than marrying my beloved April today. I am rewarding loyalty. Some of you may have noticed that there was no exchange of rings during the wedding ceremony. I will correct that now."

He paused for effect and then asked, "Would my beautiful wife, April Smith, please come forward?"

April joined him on stage, still in her beautiful see-through wedding dress, minus the long train, but still reaching the ground. "In addition to being my wife, April will also be known as the Mistress of the Ring of Chastity." From out of thin air, John held up one of the most beautiful rings anyone had ever seen and placed it on her ring finger. April felt a surge of power and energy swell through her body. Her pussy moistened as if she were about to cum, her nipples hardened and she felt as though she would collapse, then just as suddenly, she felt her strength return doubling, tripling and she smiled. She was the Mistress of the Ring of Chastity.

She immediately realized what it meant. Not that she had to be chaste as in having no sexual relations outside of with her husband, but that it meant morality, the concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct. It also meant purity, knowledge, honesty, and wisdom. Those things, in addition to sexual energy, would power the ring and her power. Everyone stood and cheered. April took a seat on the tall stool behind her, smiling proudly at the second honor bestowed on her.

"Chance Goodwin, please join us on the stage." From the back of the audience the large, black man stood, towering over the nearest people at his full height of six feet eight inches. His head now shaven, his beard trimmed to a neat goatee, he walked with purpose, his large cock swinging between his legs. He looked like a bodybuilder; every muscle had been developed to perfection. He greeted John with a smile and the two men embraced.

"When I first met Chance, he attempted to kill me. But as you can see, we're like brothers. He's been very loyal to me and will be henceforth be known as the Master of the Ring of Diligence," John said as the ring appeared in his hand and John put it on the giant's left ring finger. Like April, Chance felt the immediate surge of power, doubling and then tripling his strength. Chance understood the meaning of his ring, persistence, fortitude, effort, ethics, and rectitude were his ring's dominant traits. After the cheering died down, Chance took a seat next to April.

Next, John called up Elizabeth Brooks. Most knew that she had been John's second in command. Elizabeth looked as stunning as always. Her caramel coloring gave her an exotic look and her flowing black ringlets fell down her back, occasionally falling over her large jiggling breasts. Her new height gave her body an amazon quality that she and John both admired. John told the audience a funny anecdote about their relationship, that had everyone laughing and Elizabeth blushing. Then he got serious and explained how he'd never have been able to grow his corps to its present size without her help. He placed the ring on her finger and announced to all gathered that she was the Mistress of the Ring of Temperance, meaning humanity, justice, honor, and abstinence. Elizabeth almost choked when she heard the last virtue. Then, she, like the others, realized that it was just like her. Although she was extremely enthusiastic when it came to sex, she had an amazing amount of self-control.

Last but not least, John introduced Penny Jones. He didn't go into a lot of history but said that Penny seemed destined to become the Mistress of the Ring of Kindness. Its dominant traits included satisfaction, loyalty, compassion and integrity, all traits that described Penny perfectly. After her individual applause, John had everyone stand once more to a roaring ovation. It was only exceeded in volume when John announced that the formal ceremonies were complete and that guests were free to roam the mansion grounds and enjoy each other's company as they wished.

It wasn't long before more than a few screams of ecstasy were heard, as anxious guests quickly relieved each other orally. The orgy had official begun.

John and April embraced again, his cock sliding into his bride's wet pussy once more as if of its own accord.

Candace kissed her new son-in-law as he and April were mobbed. "Do you want some alone time," John asked his bride.

"Hmmm.... that would be nice, your cock feels extra-long and hard right now. Do you mind?" she asked her husband telepathically.

"Not at all," John announced that they would be back in few minutes and then they simply vanished, only to materialize in their master suite where they continued their lovemaking as husband and wife for the first time.

Back at the orgy, food and drink flowed freely as the guests took full advantage of the situation. The bashful maid of honor soon found herself being the center of triple penetration as she took on three hard cocks, making her airtight, another first for her. Almost all of John's agents were present and mingling, hoping to knock out a full month of quota in the process.

With the exception of April, the new master and mistresses of the rings held audience, showing off their new powers they were still just beginning to understand.

For many of John's guests it was a first to be out of their clothes in public. In fact, most didn't understand why they'd even agreed to attend. These guests would have no memory of the wedding details other than they had attended without their clothing. As far as the orgy was concerned, no one would do anything they didn't want to do, except that their libidos were highly increased and they'd be easily susceptible and led into participating.

The orgy was in full swing by the time Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned. Everyone was having a good time. John was surprised to learn that his sisters had all brought dates and all of Jackie's friends had attended. The guests had dwindled down to less than a hundred by the time that dinner was served. John had fucked the giggling maid of honor and as the sun began to set, the party was brought indoors.

It was late when the last of the guests had left or settled down with a partner to sleep off the day's events. Naked bodies lay motionless all through the mansion except for the areas that were off limits.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith, having fucked all day and night, were exhausted but pleased to finally be married. John was pleased that he'd made the right choice. Dr. Smith even took time away from his many projects to consider the events with pride. He had given his son a great gift, but it was no greater than the gift his son had given him.
This is the end of this series
Previous page: Chapter 31.2