Page 3
Ray instantly held her tighter. Unsure, Erica did it again. Ray grasped her tighter yet and pushed back against her, bulging against her Bill-sensitized mound. Christ! She didn't mean to but Erica responded automatically, pressing back against Ray's mid-sized lump. So Alice has to be taught a lesson, too. Erica pushed her drink-softened puffiness against her prey and he, so easily led, responded instantly.
It was time to get on with her plan. Erica shouted, "To the hot tub! Derek, take the girls out to the hot tub. I'll show the gents where they can get changed."
Erica had told her friends to wear something suitable underneath their costumes to wear in the hot tub but she had 'forgotten' to ask them to pass the same message on to their husbands.
"Go on girls," Erica repeated in a voice drink-laden far beyond the amount of alcohol she had actually consumed. "I'll show the men were to get changed."
The women dutifully filed through the kitchen behind Derek on the way to the backyard. Samantha and Janice were already undong their dresses. Erica led the men upstairs to her and Derek's bedroom. Three baggy bathing suits were laid out on the bed.
"There you go, men. Get changed," Erica said, walking past the bed to look out the large, open window onto the deck and the hot tub below. Samantha and Janice had already doffed their dresses and were hovering around Derek in skimpy bikinis. Alice was still dressed. Derek and the two women got into the tub, to much fanfare, hooting and laughter. Alice watched them calmly, and Erica watched her, intrigued, while the women's husbands changed behind her. Was she wrong about Alice?
Well, Erica thought, the other cat's are in play. Let's see the claws come out.
An evil feeling washed over her. This was so delicious. Revenge was so sweet. Now, her preparations would bear fruit. Each woman, she was sure, would soon realize they weren't the sole object of his Derek's desire, and that would ruin it for him, for their pride wouldn't allow them to be anything but 'the' one. And Erica would let their husbands who had followed her upstairs to the perfect observation post for an ulterior reason, another peep show. Well, she would give them one while they watched their wives obviously vying for another man's attentions. And to top it off, as soon as Alice was in the tub, Erica would make sure the other women saw her entertaining their men.
Ah, yes, Erica laughed to herself, delectable.
Samantha and Janice cosied up close to Derek and he immediately soaked up their attention. Soon, neither one could help but notice his familiar way with the other. Erica smiled. Good, good.
But then something unexpected happened. Derek turned his eyes to the demurely clad Alice still standing on the deck in front of the tub. Once she had his attention, Alice began to disrobe. Unlike her two friends who had rushed to gain the coveted positions at Derek's side, Alice made a tantalizing show of removing her dress. She didn't just drop it to the floor in a hurry to display her bikini-clad body as the others had. Instead, Alice removed her dress slowly, twisting her body with brief pauses to emphase particular charms.
Samantha and Janice fell silent. There was little they could do since Derek ignored their attempts to distract him from the capivating show put on by their quiet friend. When Alice was done, she stood before Derek and his two consorts in her skimpy bikini, no more revealing than the others, but the only one Derek was watching.
Then Alice delivered the coup de grace; she unsnapped her top, slid it off her shoulders and slowly down her arms, opened her hands, and let it fall to the ground in front of her. Erica was sure she heard a gasp from her other two friends but knew she was too far away to actually hear. Alice stepped over her top and slid gracefully into the tub, settling herself directly opposite Derek to take possession of his line of sight.
Erica was shocked, even given her recent suspicion.
Alice's move was disconcerting. She may have taken the game past the mutual horror of not being Derek's only mistress to an intense competition to become the chosen one. Well, that would still lead to a falling out between her former friends but not a comeuppance for her husband. Maybe this was even better, for the husbands might not appreciate the subtle chagrin of their spurned wives but they would certainly notice and dislike seeing them compete for Derek's favor, to his disadvantage.
"Come see how much fun your wives are having," Erica invited the husbands to join her.
Erica was joined by Don, then Bill, and finally, Ray. They stood around her, looking down at the deck below, at their wives flirting with their friend. They didn't seem to mind yet; it hadn't gone too far. With her back to them, none of the men were aware that Alice had removed her top. In fact, they were more focused on Erica; they had seen their wives in the hot tub before. That was fine. Erica wanted to take her friends' husbands right to the point where it was obvious that they would go to bed with her. And while they were competing for something she already had, she could easily take what was theirs, at the drop of a hat, or bra. She would throw that in each of their cheating faces. She could have any one of them, any time she wanted.
"That looks like so much fun. Can you loosen my dress for me, boys? I have my suit on underneath too."
Not surprisingly, Don's hands were the first to touch her, caressing her shoulder before grasping her zipper and deftly running it down the curve of her back. Ray knelt down and urged her foot off the floor, slipping her sandals off as soon as her knee bent. Bill stepped up behind her, replacing Don, who stepped around to her side, reaching across her front to guide the dress off her shoulders. He let it drop. The dress caught at her waist, but only for a moment, sliding down her legs to a heap on the floor.
"Oh my god," Ray gasped, looking up from his kneeling position at Erica's feet.
Erica looked down, feigning surprised horror. Quickly, perhaps not so quickly, she crossed her arms in front of her bare chest.
"Oh," she squealed. "I forgot my top."
Don, standing beside her on the opposite side from Ray, was looking down at her breasts, specifically the swell at the side that couldn't be covered by her hands. Bill was looking at Erica's almost completely bare ass, not the least bit covered by the thong bikini. Ray's eyes shifted to join Bill's.
"Could someone please get my top. It should be on the bed."
Sure enough, the skimpy top was lying on Erica's pillow. Don retrieved it and brought it to her.
"I can't drop my hands, or you'll see," Erica said. "Can you put it on for me?"
This didn't make any sense but Don wasn't about to argue. He stretched the top across Erica's front. Ray was now standing and he took one end from Don. Together, they brought the top against Erica's torso under her breasts and eased it up until it pressed against her hands. Erica 'stumbled' and Bill placed his big hands on her waist to steady her, his fingers curling around to cover her navel and her pouting tummy.
"You'll have to pull your hands out of the way so we can lift the top over you," Don suggested.
"Ok guys, but don't be naughty."
Don and Ray pulled the strapless top up, covering Erica's hand-covered treasures and she began sliding her hands away to the sides. The deed accomplished, Erica stood at the mercy of the men, her honor depending on their willingness to keep the top covering her breasts.
"Can you tie me up?" she asked.
Don and Ray passed the ends around to Erica's back where Bill grasped each end and pulled it together, trying to find out out it fastened. Just then, a mild exclamation burst from Erica's lips.
"Oh, my."
The men turned to look, following Erica's gaze, down to the hot tub. They were just in time to see Samantha's arms falling to her sides and Alice turning to look behind her at Samantha's bikini top lying on the deck. Now, all could see that Alice wasn't wearing a top. Her breasts jutted from her chest, nipples standing in full excitement from her tits. Over her shoulder, the men could see Samantha's breasts still bouncing freely up and down. As they watched, Janice stood, removed her top and flung it over Alice's head to the deck. She sat down wearing a defiant, 'so there' look on her face.
Bill let the ends of Erica's top go and it fell from her breasts, grazing her belly as it dropped to the floor. Erica didn't try to cover herself.
Alice stood and waded across the tub to Derek and sank to her knees in front of him. The observers could see Derek reach out and knew, though they couldn't actually see, that he had taken hold of Alice's tits. Janice put her arm around Derek's neck and kissed the side of his mouth. Samantha did the same on the other side. Both women moved their other arms around his front, under the water.
Bill's hands circled Erica's waist again and Don and Ray each took possession of a breast, gently cupping the meat of her swells, fingers folding around to lightly pinch her rapidly extending nipples. Erica hadn't planned on letting the men touch her. Look, yes, but not touch. But she had to let them enjoy at least as much leeway their wives allowed Derek. And she needed an opportunity to catch the attention of the women below, something that wasn't about to happen right then.
Don and Ray each kissed Erica's cheeks, then nibbled on her neck and ears. Bill's lump pressed into her rear and his finger dipped into her navel. Janice had pulled Derek's face toward her. She kissed him. Don, watching, turned Erica's toward him and placed his mouth over her lips. His tongue slid inside and he was kissing her while Ray tugged her nipple away from her chest.
When Don finally released her mouth, Erica saw through hazy eyes that Samantha was already working her mouth on Derek's face. Ray pulled her face toward him and right away her mouth was filled with his tongue. Now her right tit was manipulated more deftly as Don applied his full concentration. The lump grew larger behind her and pressed more firmly into her butt, lifting her heels from the ground so she was almost on tippy toes.
This is going too far, Erica thought. Ray was an excellent kisser and he held her much longer than Don. She looked down at the tub and was shocked to see Alice's head lowered in Derek's lap, bobbing gently up and down. She was sucking him!
Just then, Bill's big fingers dipped down to cover the front of her thong. Erica jerked in reaction, but the wrong way, against him. She struggled for a few seconds but Bill's big hands easily held her in place. Wait, wait. Janice stood up in the tub and eased her bikini straps over her hips. She stepped out of them and tossed them outside the tub. Samantha, watching, followed suit. Janice gently pulled Alice's head up and nudged her aside. Quickly, she swung her leg over, straddling Derek, and sunk slowly down, one hand reaching in front and below, clearly guiding Erica's husband's cock inside her.
Erica ceased struggling and Bill's fingers dipped inside her bikini. He lifted her off her feet, urging her ass against his bulge, and started backing away. The last thing Erica saw was Janice moving up and down, fucking her husband, while Samantha stepped onto the submerged seat and swung her leg across Derek's chest, fitting herself between him and Janice and pushing her pussy onto his face. Erica fell back onto Bill on the bed. She could feel his bare cock slip down the crack of her ass and fit between her legs. When had he pulled down his swimsuit?
There was a man on either side of her as she lay on Bill. Mouths were on her tits, working her nipples up, sucking. Fingers were on her pussy, slipping inside her slit, digging deeper.
Oh, god. I have to stop it. Ohhhh, it feels so good. So much happening at once.
There was a loud smacking sound as one of the men, she didn't know which one, started sucking her tit really hard. Erica arched her back, pushing her long nipple deeper into his mouth, as deep as she could get it.
"Ohhhhhhh, yessss."
When she sagged back onto Bill's chest, she felt something bigger nudging at her slit, something very thick. A large hand covered her mound and the thickness was pushed into her slit. It began to move, nudging back and forth. Ah, god, he was sucking hard again. Erica arched her back high, she couldn't help it.
She sagged back onto Bill's chest and the thickness pushed inside her an inch, maybe more. He was so big. Big, affable, average-looking Bill who possessed this incredible weapon was pushing it further into her pussy. She looked down at her chest and new it was Ray that sucked her tit so well. She felt the big paw covering her mound being pushed away and a slender set of fingers took its place. Her pussy lips were treated to an amazing tickling massage and her clit to a teasing brush and run thumb attack. Immediately, Erica began to moisten, rapidly becoming wetter. Bill's huge organ slipped deeper.
Erica was in the middle of another deep, arching response to a hard tit-suck when Bill's cock sank fully home. When she fell back to his chest, Bill started moving steadily in and out.
Oh, god. Yes. Fuck me with that thing.
Don's fingertips were gently rubbing her clit.
"Oh, boys. Oh boys," Erica moaned.
Bill started moving faster inside her. Don's delicate fingers were replaced by a very talented tongue and Erica knew it was Ray.
"Fuck me," Erica cried. "All of you. I want all of you to fuck me."
She had meant to ease any concern that Don and Ray may have that she would be done after Bill was finished, or that they might feel inadequate after she had been filled by their bigger friend. Erica just wanted them to know that she was woman enough for all of them, and that she wanted each of them inside her. She no longer cared what was happening outside.
But Erica never thought they would all try to do her at the same time. Ray's mouth pulled away and he straddled her, pushing his long slender cock on her pussy, keeping it firmly pressed there as Bill shoved up from below. His eyes locked onto hers and then he walked on his knees towards her. He slid his cock into Erica's mouth and Don's fingers returned to her pussy. Erica raised her head, pushing her mouth over Ray's shaft, taking in as much as she could and Ray slid his hand behind her head so she could relax onto it but he soon pulled her onto him again. Erica didn't mind. She was entering a zone she'd never been in before and she liked it.
Erica couldn't believe how easily she was now accommodating Bill's big cock. She was so fucking wet. Don was running his fingers all around her soaked pussy, not just her clit, and he was even pushing his fingers into her cunt while Bill fucked her. She was amazed how fantastic that felt, and knowing it was different made it wildly more exciting. One man could never fuck her like this. She was spoiled for life.
It was right then, at the point of this revelation, that Erica remembered it was Halloween. Is that why an evil pleasure lurked in her bedroom, waiting to be consumed? Don straddled her hips and tried to push the tip of his cock into Erica's cunt, sliding on top of Bill's larger member. God. She knew she could take his fingers in addition to Bill, in fact, loved the feel of it, but another cock?
No. She couldn't. He was stretching her. She couldn't. Suddenly, Don's head was in, it was inside her. Quickly, his shaft sunk deeper. He was moving, fucking her. Jesus. They were moving differently. Filling her. Pushing in different directions, different places. She moaned around Ray's cock.
Oh god. Fuck me, fuck me. All of you. Fuck me!
Ray's hands were on both sides of her face now, pulling her onto his cock. She could hear Bill grunting loudly beneath her. He was close, rasping, gasping for air. She couldn't see or hear Don but, strangely, since he was so much smaller than Bill, she could feel his cock most of all.
Bill suddenly lunged upward, lifting all of them a good six inches off the bed, gushing in Erica's cunt, flooding it. Ray unloaded in her mouth and Erica pushed him violently away from her face, suddenly bearing the brunt of his wildly spraying hose, closing her eyes to protect herself from his errant blasts. But Don, Don pulled out and guided his bursting semen directly on target, exactly where he wanted it to be—right on Erica's clit, and that triggered Erica's own convulsing orgasm.
The four of them writhed uncontrollably on the bed. Shaking, settling, then shaking wildly again. Eventually, they all relaxed, sagging onto the bed, Don and Ray falling to the side and Erica rolling off Bill. Ragged breathing gradually returned to normal.
Don rose first, going to the bathroom and returning with a warm face cloth and a towel. Gently, he cleaned Erica's face and then her pussy, including the few shots that had missed their mark and landed on her belly. Nobody spoke but each man gently caressed Erica's body. This went on for at least fifteen minutes. Erica was beginning to respond to the men's loving touch.
Strangely, nobody knew what to say despite the fact that moments earlier they had each instinctively known exactly what to do. Erica knew there was no way to understand what had happened. It was her who finally broke the silence.
"Should we join our spouses in the hot tub?"
Bill and Ray looked away. Don didn't.
"Why?" he asked simply.
Erica didn't have an answer to that. She was about to say something anyway, something lame like, they're probably wondering where we are, when Ray moved his head down and started flicking his tongue across her pussy. Bill's paw covered her tits and Don kissed her. In the silence, Erica could hear the sound of love-making in the distance.
Some time later, Don stopped kissing her and Ray pulled his tongue from deep inside her pussy. Ray got up and disappeared into the bathroom.
"I think Bill would like some face to face time," Don said, urging her over onto her side and then onto Bill's chest. As soon as Erica's open legs straddled him, Bill fed his renewed cock into her pussy.
"I don't mind," Erica gasped, "but it will be hard to look after all of you this way."
Don got up onto his knees and approached Erica from the side. Erica turned to face him and opened her mouth. She knew what he wanted. She could hear Ray returning from the bathroom.
"But what about Ray?"
"I'm sure he'll think of something," Don smiled and pushed his cock between Erica's lips.
Erica felt Ray's legs straddling her, scraping along the outside of her thighs until his cock was lying on her ass, along her crack. It was cold, clammy and wet. She felt Ray's hands on her ass, pulling, spreading her apart. His slick cock fell into the widened crevice and his hands closed behind it, pushing it down against her, pushing the tip, down, into her, trying to get inside.
Oh god. No. He wants to fuck my ass. I never...I don't know, I don't know if I can... I don't...ohhhhhhh god, ohhhhh jesus, mmmmmmmmm, ok, yeah, maybe, ohhhhhh, yeah, baby..."
A long time later, a loud grunting, groaning climax shattered the room. It was followed by the same long period of gentle caresses but this time, no fucking. Everyone fell asleep.
Erica woke in the dark amid a pile of male bodies. She got up quietly, not wanting to wake the men in case they wanted to have another go. It was late. Erica crept stealthily out of the bedroom. She walked toward the stairs. Where was everyone? Had the wives gone home?
She heard soft murmurs coming from downstairs. Carefully, she dropped to her knees and crept quietly to the railing, peering at the living room below, lit softly by a single lamp in the corner. Samantha and Alice were sleeping, one sprawled on the couch and the other on the loveseat.
Janice was bent over the ottoman, moaning softly, her long, rich brown hair covering her face. Derek was behind her, murmurring into her ear, cajoling, convincing. He straightened and Erica could see his cock pushing behind Janice, bending, too high to be in her pussy. Janice moaned again. She sounded reluctant. Derek leaned forward again, cajoling softly, pleading his need.
There was a sound behind her. Erica turned. Don was walking up behind her, naked, his cock waggling before him.
"Shhhhhh." Erica motioned for him to be quiet.
Don squatted behind Erica, looking over her shoulder, watching her husband trying to get into his wife's ass. A few minutes later, Derek succeeded in getting just inside her. Erica sucked in her breath, knowing that it had taken her less time to allow entry and that her fears were unfounded. Soon, she would feel that wonderful spreading glow and she wouldn't be moaning so softly.
Erica lifted her head to peer over the railing to get a better look, no longer afraid that Derek might turn and see her. His attention couldn't be diverted now. Erica was mesmerized, watching in fascination as her husband won from another woman what she had never given him, what he had never asked for. From a woman whose husband was kneeling behind her.
Suddenly, Erica felt the tip of a cock against her own rear entrance. She turned to look at Don.
"Are you too sore," Don whispered.
Erica could see that his concern was real. What a considerate man. Erica raised her hands to grip the railing beside her head. She turned back to watch her husband fuck her lover's wife's ass.
Don pushed. Erica was surprised how easily he gained entrance. Moments later her attention to the scene below waned. Don was very good at this. Much better than Ray had been. But how could that be? Don's wife was clearly getting it in the ass for the first time. Where did Don gain such expertise?
As Don became more urgent, grinding into Erica from behind, flashes of parties in years past flashed through her mind, glimpses of Don and Alice talking quietly together when everyone else was engaged. Tonight's scene of Alice tossing off her top, setting this wild night into action was vivid. Was Alice the source of Don's prowess?
Erica didn't know and she didn't care. This felt so good. She pushed herself away from the railing, falling to the floor and turning her head to the side on the rug, lifting her ass high to help Don get deep inside her. Nothing was ever going to be the same.
From on, she was Mrs. Fucking Hyde.