Update 01
Hello Guys, this is Rashmi here. Form Ghaziabad. I live with my husband who works in a government office. I am 32 years old. Married for 4 years now, we had love marriage. My husband is regular built, 5'8" tall. He is fair in complexion. I am his prized possession.
The first two years of our marriage was good, we had lot of sex and kinky suffs, we always tried to push our limits as a couple. Which left us wanting more and more. We are very open to each other and know each other sexual secrets and desires. My husband is very polite and Indian type from outside, but when inside a bedroom, his imagination holds no bounds.
So about a year ago, things started to move a bit. He was getting into cuckold. He wanted me to fuck men he prefered while he is watching. I felt excited and little worried when I heard him, one rainy night. I was thinking and wondering the whole night that day.
He asked me, about it the next day. And I said, "If you are okay with it, I am in", and from there on new chapter came into our lives.
Now, i will tell you about my fantasies, I am mad about black men, a man who is taller, stronger and dominating attracts me more, i am completely drawn to him. I don't like someone who worship me, rather i want someone who takes all the charge, and do whatever he pleases. And i am available to him for disposal at his will.
I am a very fair, 5'4" tall woman, my measurements are 32-24-35. I have black hair, and black eyes. Although i have been married for 4 years, my breasts are still small, which i am worried about, but my husband is totally drawn to it, and he says, "Babe this is the best part of your body, you breasts are heavenly. A man is more attracted to firm tight breasts, rather than, big and soggy one."
My breasts feature with small red cherries on the top, who raise erected as soon as as it gets any stimulation or gaze by men. I don't usually wear bra, so it attracts even more gazes, leaving men, imagining for more and more.
So back to cuckold sessions we do it not more than once a month or so, to keep our urges alive. I have had sex with 3 different men so far, all of them personally known to my husband. They were already been Fantasying about me, and when my husband talked to them, there were in almost immediately. All of them were average or so, who had more hunger than passion, they were in pleasing themselves, rather than myself, and treated me like goddess. I wasn't sexually intimidated by any of them, they left me thrusty all the time, but I didn't tell my husband about it, as he was having a good time, himself.
So it was round, Deewali last year, we decided, on a good vibe that, we should be hosting a party for our friends, colleagues and acquaintances, but leaving all those with whom we had sex with, as we were strict about our privacy.
My husband had also invited a childhood friend him, Shamshed Khan, who was a contractor by profession. He was like best friend to him in childhood, but they haven't met in last fifteen years, and he wanted to meet him. I totally agreed to him and asked him if he could come over. My husband's paternal home is distant from Ghaziabad, we were thinking he might refuse, but when forced by my husband, he agreed to come over.
Three days before Diwali, Our house looked perfect for the festival, perfectly cleaned, lit and everything was in place. We had done with the last time cleaning and had taken bath, and were watching Netflix and chatting of sofa, about the particulars of party, and our door bell rang. We lived in a small bungalow, provide by the organisation. My husband got up and went to look. I was also curious, who it could be, aa we were no open to Everyone, and only a few people had occasional visits to us.
My husband was taken aback when he noticed a tall 6'4" strongly built, bulging, very muscular man, holding a trolley wearing glasses on our gate. He was wondering who he could be. He was looking, brute and totally hunk. He introduced himself as Shamshed, my husband was not expecting him this soon, but he was very happy seeing him. He took him to thorough the corridor, and to our hall. I was watching all this through window. I decided to change as i was in a short satin pink nighty, ending over my thighs, Kissing my skin. I wasn't wearing any undergarments beneath it, so i was worried that, by body will send unintentional wrong signal to a complete stranger, but it was too quick, before i could react, they were in the hall.
My hubby, excited, introduced me to Shamshed, who was transfixed to see a such a beauty like me, he wasn't expecting this. He looked at my husband seeking confirmation, to which he winked and nodded, playfully hitting him on the back, Yes Bastard, she is the one, told you i will bag the hottest wife. I was slightly taken aback, with such an awkward introduction, i was like some prize here. I stared at my husband, who said, I am sorry, I cant help woman, you are my prized possession. To which we all chucked. Shamshed greeted me, in Namaste. But he was totally into me, i could see the lust in his eyes, already undressing me, body which is hairless, below neck, glistening in full glory.
Such A strong stare by one hell of a man, was enough to intimidate me, my nipples responded quickly. Poking the thin satin dress, like it will spurt out, piercing it. He noticed it. He had a coy smile on his face.
They settled on the sofa, made themselves comfortable, I was in the kitchen to fetch some water for our guest. They were chatting and having a good time themselves, occasionally laughing. I appeared, holding a tray and some snacks for our guest. He took the glasses, but his eyes were transfixed the the same point all the way, my cherries. He drank in all of it, in one go, asking me to fill again, before i could sit myself, i obliged. I tried to execuse myself for a dress change, as i couldn't control anymore, his deadly stares have got my juices flowing, i was sitting crossed legs in front of him, and any time, my thin nighty could get wet.
But my husband said, its perfectly fine, we are home, and Shamshed is a very polite family man, to which that bastard nodded. Smiling. I couldn't do anything, so took a cushion in my embrace and tried acting normal. After 10 Minutes. My husband's phone rang, it was from office, he got up to pick. He said me that, he might have to go office today, to finish some last minute job before a 5 day long Holiday. He finished talking, and returned. He said, about the office, and declared that he is leaving, but he wasn't sure, when he might come back, so said nothing about the lunch. He said to me, " Take very good care of my friend, feed him lunch, he must be tired, we will take dinner together." And to Shamshed, he said, "Don't hesitate to ask your bhabhi, if you need anything."
Shamshed replied, " Don't worry, i will be comfortable, bhabhi seems like home, be assured. We will chat and have a great time together." Smiling at me, i smiled back, terrified. Deriving meaning of what he just said.
And after sometime, my husband left, after collecting his stuffs from our bed room. We were alone on the sofa.
He was sitting on the middle one, and myself on the side. To my surprise, he said, "Rashmi why Don't you sit, besides me, on this middle one." He was calling me by my name, i was aken aback, but i really hated when someone called me Bhabhi, so it was fine for me.
I said, " No I am okay, here." But he insisted, by saying, its your home, i want you to be more comfortable. I was uncomfortable at that chair on which i was sitting, one has to turn his/her head, to watch Television from that angle. So i got up, and sat besides him.
He said, " Are you scared of me". I wanted to say yes, but replied, "No, why i would be".
He said, "Then why are you sitting at the the farthest end, you can sit in the middle, let me enjoy some private company with by Friend' s wife." I shifted as i didn't wanted to upset him, that would mean upsetting my husband, he wasn't asking much. Plus I didn't wanted to be rude on him, so I shifted and made myself comfortable.
Shamshed was a man of humour, he had a lot of jokes of all sorts, to which i laughed a good. He was very friendly, and I was regretting myself, as i doubted his intentions earlier.
I switched off the Television, and started having a attentive conversation with him, he had lot of stories to tell, which I was completely drawn to.
He stretched his hands behind me over the back rest, not touching me, he has made himself really comfortable, his legs spread wide, while i was sitting, my knees joined but legs not crossed.
He fell sitent, all of a sudden, a stern look in his eyes, strong penetrating. I looked at him, questions through gesture, what happened, why did he stopped. He was looking to me, deeply. Like seeing through me, and said, "Rashmi you are a very beautiful woman, Ridhan is so lucky to get you."
I fell silent, soaking in every word he said, Really proud of myself. To distract, I asked him about his family, and wife, He said, laughing, I have two wives, but they are not even one compared to your perfect 10.
He was rating me, a man, that Just met, 1 hr ago !
But strangely felt like a winner here, compared to his wives.
I said, "Thats so sweet of you, to say, but you must be exaggerating, Men are always interested in someone elses wives."
He chucked, and said " thats true as well"
It was an awkward silence between us, breaking it, I said, "You must be tired, you retire in the room, let me make something delicious for you."
"Okay, i better take a bath, And I am hungry as well, be quick."
"Don't worry i will fulfill all your cravings."
We got up and headed to our respective businesses, he shut the door behind him, in the guest room. I too pickup the tray, and went to kitchen. Food was ready in 40-45 minutes, i made a whole lot of things for him. I was all sweaty so i decided to to take a rest and bath if possible. But as soon as I got in my bedroom, i directly headed towards bathroom, as i found a cooking stain on my dress. I took a nice long bath and cooled myself, and blow-dried my hair, wear a casual nighty which was falling below my knees. I wore panties, but the wicked side of me, refused to wear the bra. And i decided to check upon Shamshed, if he is done with his duties and ready for lunch.
I took silent steps, and knoocked on the door, no sound came back, so i decided to get in, it was not locked, just shut. And i found him sleeping on the left side of bed, peacefully. His big broad chest heaving up and down. He was huge. He was completely naked just a towel wrapped around his waist, his legs parted, claiming the full territory on the bed. He looked peaceful but rough. I decided to wake him up by calling his name, all invain, he was in deep sleep.
So i decided to touch-wake him up. As soon as I was about to touch him, he took a turn in his sleep. He now was on the middle of the bed, Peacefull, as he was. But his towel has loosened, the root of his shaft was visible, but the whole deal was still concealed. That glimpse, left me wondering for more, i wanted to see this Ball, all naked.
I got closer to him, and got hold of the ends of towel and parted them, in a flash. The view was huge. It was all black, circumcised. Even sleeping, it was the biggest thing i have ever seen in my life. It has the grith, the viens visibility. It was perfect, it looked innocent but destructive at the same time. I was transfixed. Soaking in the view.
I decided to change my angle and have a good look from the other side. I wanted to click it well, but I wasn't carrying my phone, but i didn't wanted to miss this view live. I placed myself between his legs, trying not to touch anything. The smell of it enough to turn me on, i was sniffing it, inhaling his masculinity into me, and leaving my tender breaths on his. Although asleep, but he must have felt it physically, his body started responding, and his anaconda, raising tall, with every second. I was all witnessing it, marveling at this creature. It raised all erect in full glory, and there I saw his artillery as well, his bullet holder, It was all shaved, his groin hair, not older than 2-4 days. Even his balls were huge, like a cricket ball, and really firm. I decided to check upon him, but he had his eyes shut. I decided to sniff off his balls and leave for now, i lowered my head, soaking in his smell. And leaving my breaths there, leaving his dick more stimulated.
It was already, erect. But streching for more erection, increasing the degree from 90 to 110 or something. It was really erotic. Although I had done more than this, with my husband watching, but the though of himself being away and myself being with an stranger had really left me craving.
I felt a sudden movement in his body, i checked upon him, he was wide awake, his hands comings towards mine, which were on the sides of his waist. Almost catching them, but the catch wasn't strong yet, I ran from him. Leaving his bed, on the ground, escaping the room. He roared, I shuddered. I could hear him racing to me. Really fast. I ran across hall, towards my room, trying to get in as soon possible. The door knob in my hand, tried to rotate, but it didn't clicked. The bull was behind me, catching me in his strong embrace over the stomach, from behind, his shaft digging deep in my ass crack. He was completely over me !
"Got you babe, there is no running from me. What made you think you can escape me ?"
"Leave me, Shamshed, its not right." I begged
"Why would I leave you, you have awaken up the beast in me."
I tried escaping his clutches, But he was too strong for me, the more I tried, the rigid his arms became.
He cried, "Ohhh God, you are so soft." He was touching all over me, with of his body.
He side parted my hair, from the back and kissed me hard on my neck. My body responded in joy, shivering, squealing. That made him kiss more and more, his tongue doing all the job, making my neck wet. Although i was resisting, but quite passively, it was no match to that hulk,i have given myself up to this beast.
He turned me towards himself, facing me, i was a foot smaller to him, my face facing his chest. Forcing me down and pinning me down to the wall. His naked dick on my stomach, poking me hard. His hands clenching my hands, not leaving me to move even an inch.
"Ohhh my God, Rashmi, what would I do to you, you are just perfect. My intentions are getting wild and ferocious." He declared.
He was picking me up, in his lap, my back resting on the wall, his hands leaving mine, holding my waist now, his fingers digging deep in my love handles.
"No, Shamshed, Noooo ! Ouch ! Ahaaah, leave me."
But my hands doing just opposite, trying to get hold of his neck and arms for positioning. He was kissing me deep, on my entire neck, my bosom, his lips enhancing my excitement to a completely new level. He bit on my chin, I cried in pain, leaving my mouth open, my luscious lips parted. He took the chances, his lips getting hold of my lower lips, kissing it hard. Completely in his control. His mouth covering all of mine, tasting in myself. His tongue invades, conquering all mine. My tongues meets his, trying to suck each other. Wetting themselves in other's taste. I was gasping for air, his lips not leaving mine at all.
I was in heaven, for the first time in my life, i was overwhelmed by such masculinity. I was trying more to imress him. His palms on my ass cheeks now, digging deeps, feeling its softness, inching towards my love triangle. Feeling it, rubbing all over it. It was one hell of a sensation.
He bit my tongue, pulling it out, holding between his teeth. He sucked it hard, with his lips, completely taking in my sweetness. He started moving, and he placed myself on his right shoulder, on my stomach. Holding both my thighs in one arm and and his one hand on my ass, softly spanking me. Taking me to the sofa.
I was in his lap, my legs parted, his dick, poking in my ass crack, he was kissing me again, his hands on ny waist, pulling me lower to his shaft, asking me to rub him, indirectly. I started shaking my waist, pleasing my master.
"Yeah, I liked that, babe, keep on doing it, shake it faster." I obliged.
His hands on the strip of my night gown, pulling it down, to my half troso, leaving my boobs half visible and naked. But my cherries still not visible. He took charge of my hands, arching them and pinning them on my back. And his mouth all over my exposed love bulbs.
His facial hairs were trimmed, but no older than 2-5 days, which was enhancing my pleasure even more, my soft love bulbs, being nicely pleased. He put me down on the sofa, besides him, pulling whatever cloth left on my breasts, down to my navel, his eyes transfixed on my heaving breasts. Planning all sorts of imagination, what will he do to them, how will he use them, suck them, please them.
I felt shy, on such a strong gaze, and tried my hands to cover my breasts, one palm was covering both my nipples and other was on my face, to avoid his gaze, I felt really shy. But he was determined to make me open to him, he took hold of my hands, pulling them up above my head, holding both of them with his single hand, i was in no comparison to even the strength of his single hand.
He roared, "Look at me."
I had my eves shut, tighly. He roared again, "Look at me Rashmi, don't force me to punish you."
I opened it slowly, he appeared in full glory. He was above me, his both legs on sides, his one hand was free resting on his back, while the another pinning my hand over my head, staring strongly in my eyes. "Keep it open, I want you to witness whatever happens with you."
He lowered himself, on my breasts, He hasn't tasted my nipples yet, i was ready for the assault, but he did nothing, Just leaving his breaths on my nipples, making them erect more and more. He made shapes with his mouth, how he is goona devour them, but he was teasing me, Everytime he made such shapes, I was Squealing and shaking below him, encouraging him to do more.
But to my surprise, he took himself to my armpits, which also attracted male attention whenever i used my hands up. My armpits are hairless and fair, they haven't turned black, as i avoid razors for my hair removal. He kissed my armpits, making me giggle. He stopped, he kissed again, this time deeper, using his tongue as well, tasting it. He made circles with his tongue, that made me giggle even more.
He whispered to my ears, "I am gonna bite your armpits."
I said, "No please, Don't, Aaaahhh, I beg ! No No No No !"
Shaking. He replied, "Oh hell yes, I am gonna do whatever I want. You cannot stop me."
He headed back to my armpits, lowering himself, I cried in anticipation, seeing his mouth open. "Aaaaaahhhh, Shamshed, Please Nooo. My husband will know" I begged.
He stopped to my relief, said, "Why do I care for your husband, I am having a good time, and what makes you think I will leave you. A lion always claims whats his, this won't be the only bite, soon your whole body will be marked with my love."
At that moment, i regretted going into his room, and inviting this trouble upon myself. Now I have to suffer his wrath and outcomes. I tried for the last time, "Please, Aaahhh, I beg you, Ouuuchhhh, aaahh ohhh fuck" moaning his mouth again on my sensitive part. But he didn't bit me, he made sweet love to both of them, letting me experience a completely new thing in my sexuality.
He lowered himself down to me, now laying all over me, his dick between his stomach and mine, flat between us. I could feel his weight. He was indeed a bull, weighing 97 Kilos, while was just 53. Crushing me between the sofa and himself. The next target were my breats.
He poked his tongue out, slightly touching my nipples, I body responded with a shiver. He did this again to the right one and lowered his lips on it, his hands still resting on his back, and other holding both my hands.
I said, "Can you loose my hands, they are paining ?" He obliged. His mouth on whole my breasts, trying to take all of my left breast in one go, my breast was fully stuffed in his mouth and his tongue doing all the things, giving me shivers, my hands in his hair, pushing his head down to my love bulbs. And then he used his teeth, my nipples, were hard, and were like bullets, but it was no match to his teeth, Although he was just playing with them, but his teeth felt digging in cherries, trying to cut open the juices inside.
I cried in pain, " Aaaaah, No teeth, Ouchhh, Ohhh god, please, Aaahhh, Shamshed, No no, its paining, Fuckkk you asshole, fucking brute". But he was in no mood of stopping, rather to inflecting more pain, he shook his head. This was unbearable but erotic as hell for me. My man doing all sorts of things to me, at his will while my body responding in mixed reactions. I cried in pain, again. Pulling his hair with my finger, which made my breasts pulled as well, more pain.
He took a good deep look in my pleading eyes for 10Sec or so, and leaving my conical shaped to return in its original position. Bouncing.
I cried, "You bastard, what you did to me. I am not your wife, you have no rights to do these things to me, you fucking brute maniac."
He cut me off, sealing my lips with his, his tongue claiming his territory again, my tongue responded as well. He took his hand over my pinched nipple, punching it in between his thumb and index finger, leaving me crying, my muffled cries, erupting in mouth and silence in his. Only myself hearing it, and my mouth responding to my pain, but his mouth oppresing it even more.
The first two years of our marriage was good, we had lot of sex and kinky suffs, we always tried to push our limits as a couple. Which left us wanting more and more. We are very open to each other and know each other sexual secrets and desires. My husband is very polite and Indian type from outside, but when inside a bedroom, his imagination holds no bounds.
So about a year ago, things started to move a bit. He was getting into cuckold. He wanted me to fuck men he prefered while he is watching. I felt excited and little worried when I heard him, one rainy night. I was thinking and wondering the whole night that day.
He asked me, about it the next day. And I said, "If you are okay with it, I am in", and from there on new chapter came into our lives.
Now, i will tell you about my fantasies, I am mad about black men, a man who is taller, stronger and dominating attracts me more, i am completely drawn to him. I don't like someone who worship me, rather i want someone who takes all the charge, and do whatever he pleases. And i am available to him for disposal at his will.
I am a very fair, 5'4" tall woman, my measurements are 32-24-35. I have black hair, and black eyes. Although i have been married for 4 years, my breasts are still small, which i am worried about, but my husband is totally drawn to it, and he says, "Babe this is the best part of your body, you breasts are heavenly. A man is more attracted to firm tight breasts, rather than, big and soggy one."
My breasts feature with small red cherries on the top, who raise erected as soon as as it gets any stimulation or gaze by men. I don't usually wear bra, so it attracts even more gazes, leaving men, imagining for more and more.
So back to cuckold sessions we do it not more than once a month or so, to keep our urges alive. I have had sex with 3 different men so far, all of them personally known to my husband. They were already been Fantasying about me, and when my husband talked to them, there were in almost immediately. All of them were average or so, who had more hunger than passion, they were in pleasing themselves, rather than myself, and treated me like goddess. I wasn't sexually intimidated by any of them, they left me thrusty all the time, but I didn't tell my husband about it, as he was having a good time, himself.
So it was round, Deewali last year, we decided, on a good vibe that, we should be hosting a party for our friends, colleagues and acquaintances, but leaving all those with whom we had sex with, as we were strict about our privacy.
My husband had also invited a childhood friend him, Shamshed Khan, who was a contractor by profession. He was like best friend to him in childhood, but they haven't met in last fifteen years, and he wanted to meet him. I totally agreed to him and asked him if he could come over. My husband's paternal home is distant from Ghaziabad, we were thinking he might refuse, but when forced by my husband, he agreed to come over.
Three days before Diwali, Our house looked perfect for the festival, perfectly cleaned, lit and everything was in place. We had done with the last time cleaning and had taken bath, and were watching Netflix and chatting of sofa, about the particulars of party, and our door bell rang. We lived in a small bungalow, provide by the organisation. My husband got up and went to look. I was also curious, who it could be, aa we were no open to Everyone, and only a few people had occasional visits to us.
My husband was taken aback when he noticed a tall 6'4" strongly built, bulging, very muscular man, holding a trolley wearing glasses on our gate. He was wondering who he could be. He was looking, brute and totally hunk. He introduced himself as Shamshed, my husband was not expecting him this soon, but he was very happy seeing him. He took him to thorough the corridor, and to our hall. I was watching all this through window. I decided to change as i was in a short satin pink nighty, ending over my thighs, Kissing my skin. I wasn't wearing any undergarments beneath it, so i was worried that, by body will send unintentional wrong signal to a complete stranger, but it was too quick, before i could react, they were in the hall.
My hubby, excited, introduced me to Shamshed, who was transfixed to see a such a beauty like me, he wasn't expecting this. He looked at my husband seeking confirmation, to which he winked and nodded, playfully hitting him on the back, Yes Bastard, she is the one, told you i will bag the hottest wife. I was slightly taken aback, with such an awkward introduction, i was like some prize here. I stared at my husband, who said, I am sorry, I cant help woman, you are my prized possession. To which we all chucked. Shamshed greeted me, in Namaste. But he was totally into me, i could see the lust in his eyes, already undressing me, body which is hairless, below neck, glistening in full glory.
Such A strong stare by one hell of a man, was enough to intimidate me, my nipples responded quickly. Poking the thin satin dress, like it will spurt out, piercing it. He noticed it. He had a coy smile on his face.
They settled on the sofa, made themselves comfortable, I was in the kitchen to fetch some water for our guest. They were chatting and having a good time themselves, occasionally laughing. I appeared, holding a tray and some snacks for our guest. He took the glasses, but his eyes were transfixed the the same point all the way, my cherries. He drank in all of it, in one go, asking me to fill again, before i could sit myself, i obliged. I tried to execuse myself for a dress change, as i couldn't control anymore, his deadly stares have got my juices flowing, i was sitting crossed legs in front of him, and any time, my thin nighty could get wet.
But my husband said, its perfectly fine, we are home, and Shamshed is a very polite family man, to which that bastard nodded. Smiling. I couldn't do anything, so took a cushion in my embrace and tried acting normal. After 10 Minutes. My husband's phone rang, it was from office, he got up to pick. He said me that, he might have to go office today, to finish some last minute job before a 5 day long Holiday. He finished talking, and returned. He said, about the office, and declared that he is leaving, but he wasn't sure, when he might come back, so said nothing about the lunch. He said to me, " Take very good care of my friend, feed him lunch, he must be tired, we will take dinner together." And to Shamshed, he said, "Don't hesitate to ask your bhabhi, if you need anything."
Shamshed replied, " Don't worry, i will be comfortable, bhabhi seems like home, be assured. We will chat and have a great time together." Smiling at me, i smiled back, terrified. Deriving meaning of what he just said.
And after sometime, my husband left, after collecting his stuffs from our bed room. We were alone on the sofa.
He was sitting on the middle one, and myself on the side. To my surprise, he said, "Rashmi why Don't you sit, besides me, on this middle one." He was calling me by my name, i was aken aback, but i really hated when someone called me Bhabhi, so it was fine for me.
I said, " No I am okay, here." But he insisted, by saying, its your home, i want you to be more comfortable. I was uncomfortable at that chair on which i was sitting, one has to turn his/her head, to watch Television from that angle. So i got up, and sat besides him.
He said, " Are you scared of me". I wanted to say yes, but replied, "No, why i would be".
He said, "Then why are you sitting at the the farthest end, you can sit in the middle, let me enjoy some private company with by Friend' s wife." I shifted as i didn't wanted to upset him, that would mean upsetting my husband, he wasn't asking much. Plus I didn't wanted to be rude on him, so I shifted and made myself comfortable.
Shamshed was a man of humour, he had a lot of jokes of all sorts, to which i laughed a good. He was very friendly, and I was regretting myself, as i doubted his intentions earlier.
I switched off the Television, and started having a attentive conversation with him, he had lot of stories to tell, which I was completely drawn to.
He stretched his hands behind me over the back rest, not touching me, he has made himself really comfortable, his legs spread wide, while i was sitting, my knees joined but legs not crossed.
He fell sitent, all of a sudden, a stern look in his eyes, strong penetrating. I looked at him, questions through gesture, what happened, why did he stopped. He was looking to me, deeply. Like seeing through me, and said, "Rashmi you are a very beautiful woman, Ridhan is so lucky to get you."
I fell silent, soaking in every word he said, Really proud of myself. To distract, I asked him about his family, and wife, He said, laughing, I have two wives, but they are not even one compared to your perfect 10.
He was rating me, a man, that Just met, 1 hr ago !
But strangely felt like a winner here, compared to his wives.
I said, "Thats so sweet of you, to say, but you must be exaggerating, Men are always interested in someone elses wives."
He chucked, and said " thats true as well"
It was an awkward silence between us, breaking it, I said, "You must be tired, you retire in the room, let me make something delicious for you."
"Okay, i better take a bath, And I am hungry as well, be quick."
"Don't worry i will fulfill all your cravings."
We got up and headed to our respective businesses, he shut the door behind him, in the guest room. I too pickup the tray, and went to kitchen. Food was ready in 40-45 minutes, i made a whole lot of things for him. I was all sweaty so i decided to to take a rest and bath if possible. But as soon as I got in my bedroom, i directly headed towards bathroom, as i found a cooking stain on my dress. I took a nice long bath and cooled myself, and blow-dried my hair, wear a casual nighty which was falling below my knees. I wore panties, but the wicked side of me, refused to wear the bra. And i decided to check upon Shamshed, if he is done with his duties and ready for lunch.
I took silent steps, and knoocked on the door, no sound came back, so i decided to get in, it was not locked, just shut. And i found him sleeping on the left side of bed, peacefully. His big broad chest heaving up and down. He was huge. He was completely naked just a towel wrapped around his waist, his legs parted, claiming the full territory on the bed. He looked peaceful but rough. I decided to wake him up by calling his name, all invain, he was in deep sleep.
So i decided to touch-wake him up. As soon as I was about to touch him, he took a turn in his sleep. He now was on the middle of the bed, Peacefull, as he was. But his towel has loosened, the root of his shaft was visible, but the whole deal was still concealed. That glimpse, left me wondering for more, i wanted to see this Ball, all naked.
I got closer to him, and got hold of the ends of towel and parted them, in a flash. The view was huge. It was all black, circumcised. Even sleeping, it was the biggest thing i have ever seen in my life. It has the grith, the viens visibility. It was perfect, it looked innocent but destructive at the same time. I was transfixed. Soaking in the view.
I decided to change my angle and have a good look from the other side. I wanted to click it well, but I wasn't carrying my phone, but i didn't wanted to miss this view live. I placed myself between his legs, trying not to touch anything. The smell of it enough to turn me on, i was sniffing it, inhaling his masculinity into me, and leaving my tender breaths on his. Although asleep, but he must have felt it physically, his body started responding, and his anaconda, raising tall, with every second. I was all witnessing it, marveling at this creature. It raised all erect in full glory, and there I saw his artillery as well, his bullet holder, It was all shaved, his groin hair, not older than 2-4 days. Even his balls were huge, like a cricket ball, and really firm. I decided to check upon him, but he had his eyes shut. I decided to sniff off his balls and leave for now, i lowered my head, soaking in his smell. And leaving my breaths there, leaving his dick more stimulated.
It was already, erect. But streching for more erection, increasing the degree from 90 to 110 or something. It was really erotic. Although I had done more than this, with my husband watching, but the though of himself being away and myself being with an stranger had really left me craving.
I felt a sudden movement in his body, i checked upon him, he was wide awake, his hands comings towards mine, which were on the sides of his waist. Almost catching them, but the catch wasn't strong yet, I ran from him. Leaving his bed, on the ground, escaping the room. He roared, I shuddered. I could hear him racing to me. Really fast. I ran across hall, towards my room, trying to get in as soon possible. The door knob in my hand, tried to rotate, but it didn't clicked. The bull was behind me, catching me in his strong embrace over the stomach, from behind, his shaft digging deep in my ass crack. He was completely over me !
"Got you babe, there is no running from me. What made you think you can escape me ?"
"Leave me, Shamshed, its not right." I begged
"Why would I leave you, you have awaken up the beast in me."
I tried escaping his clutches, But he was too strong for me, the more I tried, the rigid his arms became.
He cried, "Ohhh God, you are so soft." He was touching all over me, with of his body.
He side parted my hair, from the back and kissed me hard on my neck. My body responded in joy, shivering, squealing. That made him kiss more and more, his tongue doing all the job, making my neck wet. Although i was resisting, but quite passively, it was no match to that hulk,i have given myself up to this beast.
He turned me towards himself, facing me, i was a foot smaller to him, my face facing his chest. Forcing me down and pinning me down to the wall. His naked dick on my stomach, poking me hard. His hands clenching my hands, not leaving me to move even an inch.
"Ohhh my God, Rashmi, what would I do to you, you are just perfect. My intentions are getting wild and ferocious." He declared.
He was picking me up, in his lap, my back resting on the wall, his hands leaving mine, holding my waist now, his fingers digging deep in my love handles.
"No, Shamshed, Noooo ! Ouch ! Ahaaah, leave me."
But my hands doing just opposite, trying to get hold of his neck and arms for positioning. He was kissing me deep, on my entire neck, my bosom, his lips enhancing my excitement to a completely new level. He bit on my chin, I cried in pain, leaving my mouth open, my luscious lips parted. He took the chances, his lips getting hold of my lower lips, kissing it hard. Completely in his control. His mouth covering all of mine, tasting in myself. His tongue invades, conquering all mine. My tongues meets his, trying to suck each other. Wetting themselves in other's taste. I was gasping for air, his lips not leaving mine at all.
I was in heaven, for the first time in my life, i was overwhelmed by such masculinity. I was trying more to imress him. His palms on my ass cheeks now, digging deeps, feeling its softness, inching towards my love triangle. Feeling it, rubbing all over it. It was one hell of a sensation.
He bit my tongue, pulling it out, holding between his teeth. He sucked it hard, with his lips, completely taking in my sweetness. He started moving, and he placed myself on his right shoulder, on my stomach. Holding both my thighs in one arm and and his one hand on my ass, softly spanking me. Taking me to the sofa.
I was in his lap, my legs parted, his dick, poking in my ass crack, he was kissing me again, his hands on ny waist, pulling me lower to his shaft, asking me to rub him, indirectly. I started shaking my waist, pleasing my master.
"Yeah, I liked that, babe, keep on doing it, shake it faster." I obliged.
His hands on the strip of my night gown, pulling it down, to my half troso, leaving my boobs half visible and naked. But my cherries still not visible. He took charge of my hands, arching them and pinning them on my back. And his mouth all over my exposed love bulbs.
His facial hairs were trimmed, but no older than 2-5 days, which was enhancing my pleasure even more, my soft love bulbs, being nicely pleased. He put me down on the sofa, besides him, pulling whatever cloth left on my breasts, down to my navel, his eyes transfixed on my heaving breasts. Planning all sorts of imagination, what will he do to them, how will he use them, suck them, please them.
I felt shy, on such a strong gaze, and tried my hands to cover my breasts, one palm was covering both my nipples and other was on my face, to avoid his gaze, I felt really shy. But he was determined to make me open to him, he took hold of my hands, pulling them up above my head, holding both of them with his single hand, i was in no comparison to even the strength of his single hand.
He roared, "Look at me."
I had my eves shut, tighly. He roared again, "Look at me Rashmi, don't force me to punish you."
I opened it slowly, he appeared in full glory. He was above me, his both legs on sides, his one hand was free resting on his back, while the another pinning my hand over my head, staring strongly in my eyes. "Keep it open, I want you to witness whatever happens with you."
He lowered himself, on my breasts, He hasn't tasted my nipples yet, i was ready for the assault, but he did nothing, Just leaving his breaths on my nipples, making them erect more and more. He made shapes with his mouth, how he is goona devour them, but he was teasing me, Everytime he made such shapes, I was Squealing and shaking below him, encouraging him to do more.
But to my surprise, he took himself to my armpits, which also attracted male attention whenever i used my hands up. My armpits are hairless and fair, they haven't turned black, as i avoid razors for my hair removal. He kissed my armpits, making me giggle. He stopped, he kissed again, this time deeper, using his tongue as well, tasting it. He made circles with his tongue, that made me giggle even more.
He whispered to my ears, "I am gonna bite your armpits."
I said, "No please, Don't, Aaaahhh, I beg ! No No No No !"
Shaking. He replied, "Oh hell yes, I am gonna do whatever I want. You cannot stop me."
He headed back to my armpits, lowering himself, I cried in anticipation, seeing his mouth open. "Aaaaaahhhh, Shamshed, Please Nooo. My husband will know" I begged.
He stopped to my relief, said, "Why do I care for your husband, I am having a good time, and what makes you think I will leave you. A lion always claims whats his, this won't be the only bite, soon your whole body will be marked with my love."
At that moment, i regretted going into his room, and inviting this trouble upon myself. Now I have to suffer his wrath and outcomes. I tried for the last time, "Please, Aaahhh, I beg you, Ouuuchhhh, aaahh ohhh fuck" moaning his mouth again on my sensitive part. But he didn't bit me, he made sweet love to both of them, letting me experience a completely new thing in my sexuality.
He lowered himself down to me, now laying all over me, his dick between his stomach and mine, flat between us. I could feel his weight. He was indeed a bull, weighing 97 Kilos, while was just 53. Crushing me between the sofa and himself. The next target were my breats.
He poked his tongue out, slightly touching my nipples, I body responded with a shiver. He did this again to the right one and lowered his lips on it, his hands still resting on his back, and other holding both my hands.
I said, "Can you loose my hands, they are paining ?" He obliged. His mouth on whole my breasts, trying to take all of my left breast in one go, my breast was fully stuffed in his mouth and his tongue doing all the things, giving me shivers, my hands in his hair, pushing his head down to my love bulbs. And then he used his teeth, my nipples, were hard, and were like bullets, but it was no match to his teeth, Although he was just playing with them, but his teeth felt digging in cherries, trying to cut open the juices inside.
I cried in pain, " Aaaaah, No teeth, Ouchhh, Ohhh god, please, Aaahhh, Shamshed, No no, its paining, Fuckkk you asshole, fucking brute". But he was in no mood of stopping, rather to inflecting more pain, he shook his head. This was unbearable but erotic as hell for me. My man doing all sorts of things to me, at his will while my body responding in mixed reactions. I cried in pain, again. Pulling his hair with my finger, which made my breasts pulled as well, more pain.
He took a good deep look in my pleading eyes for 10Sec or so, and leaving my conical shaped to return in its original position. Bouncing.
I cried, "You bastard, what you did to me. I am not your wife, you have no rights to do these things to me, you fucking brute maniac."
He cut me off, sealing my lips with his, his tongue claiming his territory again, my tongue responded as well. He took his hand over my pinched nipple, punching it in between his thumb and index finger, leaving me crying, my muffled cries, erupting in mouth and silence in his. Only myself hearing it, and my mouth responding to my pain, but his mouth oppresing it even more.