Page 01

The train rattled out of Liverpool Lime Street, the hum of the engine vibrating through the seats, the echoes of Kasabian's encore still ringing in my ears. I was wedged into a seat by the window, the carriage packed to bursting with sweaty bodies and the lingering buzz of the gig combined with the usual exodus from a typical night out in Liverpool. The air was thick with beer-breath, shrieks, and off-key singing - everyone belting out "Fire" like their lives depended on it. My legs ached from jumping around all night, but I wasn't complaining. The gig had been excellent, one of the best I'd been to.

And then I saw her. Standing in the aisle. Clutching the metal pole attached to the back of a seat, her knuckles already white from the grip as the train jogged along. Through the bodies all around her, I could make out her short red skirt and the way it hugged her hips, the delicate lace of her black corset wrapping her large breasts and pulling her waist in tight. Knee-high boots that looked like they could do some real damage. But it wasn't just her outfit that caught my attention or her beautiful English-rose face; it was the sadness etched into those features; it was the way she kept blinking, fast, like she was trying to stop something from spilling over. Tears. Tiny, glistening tears streaked down her cheeks, one after the other. She wiped them away quickly as if no one was supposed to notice.

I noticed.

I hesitated for only a second before I stood, ignoring the ache in my legs from the gig.

"Here," I said, nodding toward my seat. "Take it," her plight so out of place on Valentine's night, a night meant for love and celebration, not tears. So out of place that I had to act.

She looked across, startled, her dark brown eyes meeting mine. "Oh, no, it's fine. I'm okay." Her voice was soft, tinged with that distinct Birmingham accent, though she tried to mask it with politeness. Tried to mask her tears with a sniff.

"Seriously," I insisted, stepping aside. "I'm alright standing, honestly."

She smiled weakly, gratitude flickering across her face as she squeezed around other passengers and slipped past me. "Thanks. You're a lifesaver." Her face was even more beautiful close up. The soft curve of her jawline gave her features a delicate, sculpted look. Her cheekbones were subtle yet defined. Her nose was small but refined, slightly upturned at the tip, perfectly proportionate to the rest of her face. Her lips were full but natural -- they looked like they were meant to speak poetry or secrets. Her skin was flawless, pale, angelic. Her eyes, though, even with tears, were the centrepiece. Big and expressive, framed by long, dark lashes that made every blink feel like a small, graceful pause in time.

I leaned against the pole, watching her settle into the seat. Her wavy, auburn hair fell forward over her face as she sat, before she flicked it back over her shoulders with a practiced move. She got herself comfortable, crossing her legs, revealing a flash of the tops of her thighs beneath her short skirt. My stomach tightened. Focus, Ben. This wasn't the time or place for that kind of thinking. But damn, she was stunning.

The moment he offered me his seat, I felt like crying all over again. Not because I was sad, but because it was the first kindness I'd experienced all night. God, what a disastrous Valentine's Day this had been. All dressed up for nothing. Sitting alone in that restaurant, several glasses of pinot grigio and an alright pasta dish, while the waiter gave me pitying looks. Sitting there, hoping against hope that Jake might show up, even though deep down, I knew he wouldn't. Then I consoled myself with a deep, dark chocolate brownie with loads of whipped cream, which will come back and bite me on the scales. St Valentine can just Fuck Off!

And now here I was, crammed onto a train full of drunk idiots, feeling completely pathetic. Until he appeared. Tall, blonde, with those piercing blue eyes that gave off comfort, security, and plain sexiness. He didn't ask why I was crying. Didn't pry. Just gave me his seat without a second thought. For a moment, I had hesitated; like I wasn't sure if he was serious; like he was trying to hit on me. But I thought, 'sod it, I need a seat, take it'. Murmuring a quiet "Thanks. You're a lifesaver," I slid into the spot he'd vacated.

I sank deeply into the seat, wanting to disappear from everyone's view, pressing my lips together, willing myself to hold it together. Don't cry in public. That was rule number one, surely. But tonight... tonight had been a disaster. I'd spent hours getting ready - straightened my hair just so, squeezed into the corset that made my waist look tiny. I even put on the leather boots I saved for special occasions. All for nothing. What's more, my hair had even gone wavy.

As the train rolled on, I glanced up at the guy who had given me his seat. My eyes still a little wet and unattractively puffy. He was fit - not just gym-fit but athletic-fit, football-fit. His broad shoulders filled out his Libertines t-shirt nicely, and his jeans hung low on his hips. His hair was a mess of waves, like he'd just run his hands through it, strands falling onto his forehead in a way that looked almost deliberate. I couldn't have styled it better myself. His face was slender and defined, a strong jawline and lovely cheeks. His ears, slightly prominent, just enough to be endearing, to soften all his sharp edges. The kind of detail that made him real, made him more than just another handsome stranger on a train. Kind, I thought. Genuine. What am I doing? Why am I analysing him? But I could feel myself relax, just being near him. There was something effortlessly cool about him, like he didn't have to try.

I couldn't help but glance at her every so often. Who am I kidding? I looked at her so often I was scared she would think I was a stalker. Her perfume had hit me as we had passed - something sweet, fresh, like vanilla and citrus. She was hand-crafted, modelled from the rarest ingredients on earth; even with tear-streaked mascara on her cheeks, she was from the front cover of Vogue. However, it wasn't just her beauty - it was her vibe. She seemed deep, intriguing, with something fragile about her too, like she was holding herself together by a thread. I wanted to ask if she was okay, but didn't want to pry, didn't want to look like a pushy jerk. The way she stared out of the window, her lips pursed, her jaw tight, told me she didn't want to talk about it. Not here. Not now. And that was perfectly fine with me. I could look at her in silence. Trying not to look creepy.

As we arrived into Crewe, the train mostly emptied out. The drunk lads and lassies stumbling off, their laughter fading into the platform, connections heading on to London, or up to the North-East. The air in the carriage at once felt lighter, cooler. My heart leapt as the seat across from her became free and I slid into it, relieved to finally sit down again, stretching my legs out, trying to soothe the aches a little. Excited to be so close to her, able to maybe interact.

"Ah, that's better. A bit more room in here now," I said it casually, trying to make it sound like we were old friends catching up.

She managed a small smile. "Thanks again for the seat. You didn't have to do that."

"My pleasure, you didn't deserve to be squashed against all those guys. Most on here had been to the same gig as me, so wouldn't have been smelling their best!"

She laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "You could say that. Was the gig good? Who was it?"

"Yeah, excellent. Really good. Kasabian killed it tonight. Been a while since I've seen them."

Her eyes finally lit up - my distraction technique appeared to be working. "Kasabian? That's where you were? No wonder everyone was singing, it makes sense now. I love them."

I nodded, leaning back in the seat. "It's my third time of seeing them. They always put on a terrific show. Worth the trip, for sure. I actually work in a music store, well a musical instruments store, so try and see as much live stuff as possible." I'm maybe over-sharing, but I'm trying to take her mind off things.

"That's cool. So you play?"

"Drums and guitar, yeah. Not in a band or anything though. Maybe one day."

"Did you go alone? To Kasabian, I mean," she inquires.

"Nah, went with a couple of mates but they live in Liverpool, so left them there. You headed to Birmingham too?" I crossed all my fingers that she said 'Yes'.

I nod, my foot brushed against his accidentally. "Sorry," I mumbled, pulling my leg back. Suddenly embarrassed, dropping my head.

"Don't be," his voice and chin dropped slightly to match mine, trying to look up into my eyes.

"My name's Ben, by the way," he said, his eyes sparkling.

"Penny, and thanks again," I give him a sheepish smile; he's lovely.

"If you like Kasabian, you should come next time. Might've been better than whatever you were doing."

I feel my smile falter, and for a moment, my mind returns to the restaurant.

"Yeah. Probably would've been," I look down again, self-consciously.

Fucking Jake, men are complete and utter bastards. But then I look at Ben and somehow, I know that what I've just thought is not true. Somehow, I know that some guys are alright, never perfect, but alright. Somehow, I know that this guy, sitting in front of me, is one of those guys. Somehow, this guy, sitting in front of me, has had an instant impact on me.

A pause, the kind that begs to be filled. So, he filled it. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Something about how he leaned back, like he had all the time in the world, made me feel safe. Like he wasn't going anywhere, ever. And God, I needed someone to unburden myself to. Someone who wasn't my bestie, who wouldn't immediately go into "I-told-you-so" mode, "on-line-dating never works" mode. I needed to get it out, rid myself of the temporary grief I was feeling. So, I took a breath and let it out slowly.

"No, it's fine, well it's not fine, but it's fine to talk about it... I think..." I smiled cautiously, scared the tears would return "...I came to Liverpool for a date. Valentine's Day, right? Met this guy online. Jake. We'd been talking for a few weeks. He seemed... nice..." I felt myself rolling my eyes at myself. "...Anyway, he never showed. Ghosted me. Left me sitting in some fancy restaurant in a strange city for the whole night. I came all the way from Birmingham like an idiot. I ended up ordering two courses and multiple glasses of wine, just to pass the time. Classy, huh?"

I see him wince opposite me. "Jesus. What a prick."

"Yeah," I shrugged, trying to play it off like it didn't matter. Looking away. But my voice cracked on the word, and I felt the tears, the embarrassment rising again.

"Hey..." he said softly, leaning forward. "...his loss. Seriously. Jake is the idiot, not you. You're..." He gestures vaguely, like he is searching for the right word. "...Stunning. Like, stupidly beautiful."

Wow, that was unexpected. I looked into his eyes again, blinking, surprised. "You don't have to say that."

"I'm not just saying it." His eyes locked onto mine, and my stomach does a little flip. "Anyone who stands you up is a fool. A complete and utter fool."

I felt a shift between us, subtle but undeniable. The air felt charged with something I could feel but couldn't quite name.

I stared at her. Incredulous. "Jesus. What a prick."

Her cheeks flushed, and she looked away. I thought she might cry again.

"Hey..." I lean towards her, "...his loss. Seriously. Jake is the idiot, not you. You're..."

I feel I need to tell her she is amazing. Should I say it? Is it too far? Too quick? I go for it.

"...Stunning. Like, stupidly beautiful." There, I've said it. What will she do?

She doesn't run away; she looks at me with those amazing, big, brown eyes. On the verge of crying again, but I see the flicker of a smile in there too.

"You don't have to say that," she says.

"I'm not just saying it." I'm locked onto her eyes; I want to dive in and swim around. "Anyone who stands you up is a fool. A complete and utter fool."

I felt a shift between us, subtle but undeniable. The air felt charged with something, I couldn't help it - I reached across the space between us, gently touching her face.

"I would never stand you up."

I cringed. Was that too corny? I watched her, looking for clues of how she was feeling. I noticed the way her lips parted slightly as she looked at me. She was biting back a smile, her eyes darting to my mouth and then away, like she was nervous, but pleased, flattered. God, she's gorgeous. Sitting this close, I couldn't stop looking at how soft her skin was, how pink her lips were, how perfect her cheeks were. And then how her corset dipped just low enough to give me a glimpse of cleavage. Her skirt rode up, giving me a wonderful view of her amazingly sexy thighs. I'm not usually this forward, but something about her made me bold. Reckless, even. It was a chance in a lifetime, that I had to take.

He was close enough to me that I could see the faint stubble along his jawline; his lips, they weren't perfect - there was a slight roughness to them, like maybe he bit them when he was thinking; the top one had the slightest natural curve, a ghost of a smirk always threatening to form, while the bottom was just plush enough to make you wonder what it would feel like against your own. Oh god, what would it feel like against mine. I had to look away for a second because suddenly, the space between us felt too small, too charged, too dangerous. But that only brought my eyes to the way his t-shirt clung to his muscular chest, slightly stretched, telling stories of sweat-drenched nights and loud beating venues. My body tingled all over. What was I feeling? I looked back to his bright, deep, friendly, unwavering eyes.

He reached out, his thumb brushed against my chin, and for a moment, I forgot how to breathe. The way he looked at me... like I was the only person in the world. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"I would never stand you up," he said softly.

My heart was pounding, my pulse racing. I should have pulled away, but I didn't doubt him for a second. I should have told him I'm not the kind of girl who meets a random on a train, but the truth was, I wanted whatever this was. I wanted him. After the night I'd had, I deserved to feel good. To be touched. To forget, even for a little while. No, that's wrong; it had nothing to do with the night I had had; this was new. This was us.

"Ben," I whispered, his name slipping out before I could stop it.

He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my cheek. "Penny."

When the fingers of his other hand tangled with mine, I didn't stop him. When his lips hovered inches from mine, I didn't answer. I just closed the distance between us and pressed my lips to his in a kiss that, in such a short encounter, felt long overdue. I kissed him softly at first, then deeper, hungrier as my body responded. His strong hand cupped my face, his thumb brushing along my cheekbone as our tongues tangled. It was messy and electric, and I couldn't get enough. His hand moved to the back of my neck, sending a jolt up and down my spine, pulling me deeper as the train jostled us together. It was incredible, every nerve in my body alight with want.

When we broke apart, I could see the hunger in his eyes matched mine. "Penny..." he said again, I loved the way he said my name; low, with care; but I silenced him with another kiss, my hand scrunching the logo of his T-shirt.

"Just kiss me," I purred against his lips. "Just kiss me." The memory of the night washed away in a current of desire.

Fuck, she tasted incredible. Like wine and chocolate and everything I have ever loved. My hands roamed over her body, tracing the curve of her waist, sliding up to cup her breasts through the thin fabric of her corset. She moaned into my mouth, bending to my touch, and I felt myself harden instantly.

She smelt incredible - like heaven and sin all wrapped into one. It wasn't enough. I needed more of her. "Fuck," I muttered against her lips. "You're perfect." I needed to feel every inch of her skin against mine. I glanced around the carriage - most of the other passengers were either asleep or too engrossed in their own worlds to notice us. Still, we couldn't go too far here. Could we?

He groaned into my mouth, his other hand sliding to my waist, pulling me closer. I shivered as his fingers traced the edge of my corset, teasing the lace. "Fuck," he muttered against my lips. "You're perfect."

It's exactly what I needed to hear that night. Precisely what my bruised self-esteem needed. I pulled back slightly, my breath coming in short gasps. "I want you now, but we can't... not here." His mind is thinking the same, looking around at the other passengers.

I heard myself say the word and I still can't believe I said it. "Toilet?" Slipping my hand into his as I stand.

"Come with me," I whispered, grabbing his hand and leading him toward the tiny train toilet at the end of the carriage. He followed without a moment's hesitation. I felt his eyes on me as we walked. I loved it.

The cabin was cramped, barely big enough for the two of us, but I didn't care. As soon as the door clicked shut, I pinned Penny against the wall, kissing her fiercely. Her hands fumbled at my belt, her lips moving against my ear. "I want to taste you. All of you," she whispered, her voice low and dripping with desire. Within seconds, she had me free, her fingers wrapping around my cock.

"God, you're amazing..." she breathed, stroking me slowly " thick...and long..." Her fingers tightened around my cock, feeling me throb in her hand. I groaned, letting my head fall back as she dropped to her knees. Her hands tugged at my jeans, pulling them down just enough to free my cock. Her tongue flicked out, teasing the tip before she took me into her mouth, her lips tight and warm around me. My hands tussled in her hair, urging her on as she jerked me and sucked me, her eyes locked on mine.

Penny's breathing started to falter as she took more of me down her throat. "Fuck," I splurged, my voice rough with need as she wrapped her lips around me, moaning as she took me in and out.

His cock was amazing. I couldn't hide my delight. Easily the biggest I've ever seen. My body wanted to taste it, feel it, fuck it, savour it. I didn't hold back. I worked him with my tongue, swirling it around the tip, teasing him, tickling him. I wrapped my hand around his cock, not able to encircle it all and jerked him back and forth before taking him deeper, my throat relaxing as I swallowed him whole. I gagged and spluttered but kept feeding him in. I couldn't stop; my body wouldn't let me. My hands gripped his thighs for balance as he swayed with the train and I bobbed my head, my eyes not stirring from his. In and out, stretching my lips around him, pushing and pulling him down my throat. Sucking and slobbering. Loving the way he looked at me - like I was the only thing that mattered in the world, it sent a wave of heat through my core.

She didn't hold back. Her tongue, her lips, her teeth all over me, all around me. Her hand pulling me back and forth as she sped up and took more and more of me each time she pulled back and dived back onto me. My penis wet, saliva dribbling from her as she sucked and flicked. Her tongue explored the head as she came up for air, not letting my cock have a second without part of her touching it. I'm in ecstasy from this gorgeous girl, who's looking into my eyes like I am the only thing that matters in the world, it sent a wave of heat through my core.

My fingers tangled in her hair, guiding her gently but firmly. "You're so good," I groan, my hips thrusting in the tight confines of the cabin, unable to help myself. "I can't believe you're real."

Penny pulled back slightly, her lips glistening. "You haven't seen anything yet," she gasped, her voice thick with lust. She stood, her hands taking the hem of her skirt and pulling it up to reveal her lace panties. "I want you to fuck me. Right here. Right now."

I didn't need to be told twice. I pushed my jeans lower, dropping them to the dirty toilet floor, I spun her around, pressing her chest against the bathroom wall. My hands roamed her body, slipping beneath her corset to grab her breasts, my thumbs brushing over her nipples, feeling the mounds of her tits fill my palms. She moaned, sending me into another tail-spin. "You're so fucking perfect," I growled this time like an animal, my breath hot against her neck as I tugged her panties to the side.

"Fuck me!" she commanded. Equalling my animal desire.

She gasped as I slid into her, her back rippling as she pushed back against me. The cramped space forced us close, our bodies pressed together as I began to move, my thrusts slow and deliberate at first, letting her take me, accept me, envelop me, then faster, harder. "Oh God, Ben," she moaned, her nails scraping against the wall for purchase. "It's so good. It's so big. Don't stop. It's fucking amazing." Moans and yelps intersperse the words as she continues to gasp and grind. Her body light and lithe, beautiful and bare.

I don't stop. I can't stop. My hands grabbed her tits, pulling her back onto me with every thrust, my lips trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along her shoulder and across her neck. "You're so tight," I groan, my voice strained as I fight the urge to explode into her. "I can't get enough of you."

The train rattled around us, my mouth dribbling from sucking his gorgeous cock.

"I want you to fuck me. Right here. Right now," I say. Where the hell did that come from? I've surprised myself, once again that evening, by demanding that he fucks me.

I can't explain the desire, the lust, the need for him to be inside me. I lift my skirt showing him what I want, he spins me, moving my panties to one side, and slides his cock into my soaking pussy. Sucking his cock has made me so wet. I stifle a scream, a yelp, as my pussy stretches to take him. "Oh God, Ben," I moan, I grab the walls to hold me into him, my manicured nails scraping and scratching as I lose control. "It's so good. It's so big. Don't stop. It's fucking amazing." I can only just get the words out as my pussy stretches around his hard, wide, long cock. He's going to break me, I can't take him, I have to take him, I'm going to take him.

The noise of the tracks blended with our breathless moans and the wet slap of skin on skin. I'm sure the passengers must have heard us, but I don't care. My legs began to tremble as the pleasure builds, my body coiling tighter and tighter as he slams into me, and I push back onto him. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." We say the words together, feeling the intensity, feeling the ecstasy, feeling the tightness, feeling the wetness.

"Ben, I'm going to cum," I scream, my voice breaking as the first wave hits me, my body shaking with the force of it. I jolt, I buck, I slide and slip around, unable to control my legs, relying on his cock to keep me upright as he continues to thrust into me. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck," I scream again as my head flies from side to side. My eyes screaming, my mouth screaming, my pussy screaming.

Her pussy is incredible, it's gripping my cock tightly as I plough into her. Her perfect ass smashes against me as our skin slaps together. Her tits in my hands, pulling on her hard nipples, making her twist and groan and scream. I don't think I can last much longer as she pushes back into me as I thrust into her. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." We say the words together, feeling the intensity, feeling the ecstasy, feeling the tightness, feeling the wetness. I feel her pussy tighten even more around me, and her pussy walls ripple as my cock slides up into her.

I feel an overpowering lust and love as she shouts "Ben, I'm going to cum," and I feel her pussy explode around me. Her walls close in, squeezing me, drawing everything out of me. Her juices spill around me and over me. The sensation is too much for my cock, but I hold on for a few more thrusts to send her into higher raptures before I feel the streams power from me, and I am spilling cum into her in what feels like endless jets, over and over. She bucked and jolted again and again as I continued to thrust up inside her. My legs are giving way, but instinct drove me in and up, again and again. My forehead rested against the back of her neck as I rode out my climax. Her hands grabbing the walls, she pushed back into me, her legs and hips balancing on me as she convulses on my cock.

For a moment, we stayed like that, breathing ragged, bodies still connected, my semen and her juices leaking from her pussy, over my balls and down my thighs. I don't want to move, I never want to move again from this position.

It was the most incredible orgasm of my life. I thought he was going to slice me in two, the intensity and size of his cock. As his cum shot into me, my body gave up on life, it didn't know where it was or what it was doing, but it loved it. Every part of me seemed to feel every jet as it hit inside me. My head was pounding, my chest was exploding, my mouth and eyes losing control, losing vision. I wanted him to stay inside me forever, never leave. I wanted him to keep thrusting into me, forever, never stop.

As we started to recover and our bodies cried out for some respite, I snuggled my pussy back onto him, purring like a kitten. Content as content can be. And when we finally pulled apart, I turned to him, looking around at our surroundings, looking at this sexy, sexy guy, a new, wicked smile on my face. "That was incredible, so fucking incredible!" My voice soft but laced with a deep satisfaction.

Shaking his head as he pulled up his jeans. "You're incredible, so fucking incredible," he leant in and kissed me deeply. I thought my legs would give way as the feelings hit me all over again.

We straightened our clothes as best we could, mopped up the semen from our legs, and stepped out of the toilet together, laughing quietly as we looked around for signs of anybody having heard. "We're going to have to do that again," I whispered, slipping my hand into his.

"I'll hold you to that," Ben replied, grinning as we tentatively made our way back to our seats.

We sat next to each other, her head on my shoulder, her breathing still deep as she recovered. My legs telling me they had put in a shift. Both of us smiling, not able to stop our faces from showing the other exactly how good we were feeling.

A short while later, the train pulled into Birmingham New Street, and I led Penny off and onto the platform, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"My place is just around the corner," I said, slightly unsure if this was the right move. I thought we were on the same wavelength, that we wanted each other; wanted this night to continue. But was it too presumptuous? She's gorgeous; she was upset; maybe it was a spur-of-the-moment thing; she's gorgeous; maybe it was all too much. But I had to try. Had to gamble. She's gorgeous! This is my once-in-a-lifetime chance. "What do you say we continue our journey there?"

Penny didn't hesitate. "I say, yes please. Next stop, Ben's house, Choo Choo," her eyes sparkling with mischief, as her hand imitated pulling a train's siren. Why was I scared?

We walked quickly, almost running, our hands intertwined, the tension between us palpable. It took every inch of control not to jump behind a wall and take her again. But I didn't have to wait too long. As soon as we stepped inside my apartment, Penny pushed me back against the door, her lips crashing into mine as she pulled at my T-shirt and lifted it over my head.

"You're insatiable," I teased, my hands sliding down to grip her ass as she ground against me. Kicking off my shoes in the process.

"And you love it..." she shot back, her voice smug, ", I wanted to see this chest, and I was right, it's fucking gorgeous." She sunk her teeth into me and I let out a yelp. It didn't stop her, though; she nibbled and pulled at my chest and torso, slobbering me with kisses and bites. My cock was springing to life again and she slid her hand down the front of my trousers to find me and play once more. I unclipped my belt and let my trousers fall to the floor.

I pulled her corset over her head, and finally, her tits were right there, finally bare, pushed forwards, perfectly pert, perfectly round, no bra needed, and I couldn't stop staring. How did I get so lucky to see her beautiful breasts in all their glory? God, they were perfect. Round, soft, with bright pink nipples that begged to be touched. I cupped one in my hand, my thumb brushing over the peak, and felt her shiver against me. She moaned softly, her eyes fluttering shut, and I couldn't resist leaning down to take her nipple into my mouth. The way she pushed into me, her fingers tangling in my hair, sent a jolt of heat straight to my cock, which bounced in her hand. I teased her with my tongue, flicking and circling, before moving to the other breast; her hands moved up, gripping my shoulders, and I could feel her hips shifting restlessly beneath me.

"Ben," she whispered, her voice trembling, and I knew she was just as desperate as I was. I was in awe of her as she filled my eyes, my hands, my mouth. I lapped and licked, kissed and sucked. My mouth slipped around her nipples, over her skin, between her breasts, breathing in her scent, trying to touch every part of her, slowly, quickly, inch by inch, pore by pore. My teeth grazed her gently, my lips pulling at her fiercely, my fingers stroking and caressing. She encouraged me with moans as I explored more and more.

His body was amazing. Firm and bulging. So good that I couldn't stop myself from biting it, I wanted it all for myself. As my lips and tongue, and teeth explored his upper body, my hand trailed down to his lower half, wanting to feel his cock again, unable to resist that feeling once more. I was rampant, not able to control what my mind was telling my body to do. Feelings hitting me for the first time in my life; surprising, exciting, erotic. I felt him tense as I touched him; I felt him push into me, wanting me.

He lifted my corset off and then sent me into palpitations of my own with his tongue on my breasts. Every lick and suck felt like it was strategically placed to exert the highest level of sensation from me.

"Ben, I whispered."

My pussy was wet, my nipples were like bullets, I didn't think it could get any better than this very moment. But Ben proved me wrong. He lifted me up, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist as he carried me to the bedroom. We fell onto the bed in a tangle of limbs, our hands exploring every inch of each other. I pulled his shorts down, and his cock sprang free. My face was surprised again by its sheer size. That cock had been inside me. I licked my lips.

He pulled my knickers down, over my long leather boots, leaving my mini skirt in place, and slowly slid himself down my body. He kissed and licked all the way, I didn't mind; it was sensational, but I wanted him lower, lower. I thought he would never get there until his face pushed into my pussy. Then he took me to heaven.

His tongue on my breasts had been a mere starter, this was the main course. His tongue pressing on my clit was like a jolt of electricity coursing through me, followed by shock after shock as his tongue pushed into me, over me, his lips sucked and plucked, his tongue flicked and fucked. Ben inserted fingers; Ben inserted his tongue; Ben pulled with his fingers; Ben rubbed with his thumb. Ben, Ben, Ben. My leather-clad legs flew around him, fighting him, needing him. He caressed my tits, my nipples, my stomach. My body jumped around him, fighting him, needing him. I came in his mouth as he clamped onto me; I thought my body would implode. I came over his face as he delved his fingers into me and he sucked my clit. My body did implode. He flipped me over, and I came in his mouth as I ground my pussy onto his face, pushing him deeper and deeper into me. An out-of-body experience watched me as my body reacted in ways I never could have imagined. Bucking, flying, floating, grinding. Ben. Ben. Ben.

Through the haze, my mind told me I needed to please him now. I needed to fuck him.

I made her cum over and over; I couldn't stop myself from sucking her clit and licking her pussy. Making her feel what she was feeling was the biggest turn on of my life. As she sat on my face, smothering me, writhing and twerking on my lips, I felt the waves, I tasted the waves coming through her as she bucked and twisted on me. Screaming, moaning, yelping, groaning. The sexiest noises I had ever heard.

She moved herself backwards, her wet pussy sliding down my chest, her breathing coming in short gasps, her breasts heaving, her mouth and eyes wide open, each seeking respite in some way. She looked me in the eye, as I too gasped for breath, after taking everything she had.

"I want to ride you," she said, her voice husky as she positioned my rock-hard cock at her entrance. She straddled me, her hair falling around her face as she rocked against me, her face contorting through the sensitivity so soon after her orgasm. Her body slick from sweat, her body glowing from exertion. My cock twitching with anticipation.

My hands gripped her hips as she sank down onto me, both of us moaning as she took me all the way. Her eyes popping as she felt me hit deep inside her. Her pussy so wet and warm, so tight and moist. She moved slowly at first.

"I want to feel everything," she said, savouring the feeling of me inside her. Her hands reached out to my chest, she pulled and pinched, caressed and teased my chest and nipples, tracing fingers around them and down my abs. Her pussy moved up and down, gripping me, freeing me. I felt the tip hit high inside her, felt the width stretch her as she closed around it. Then faster, her body moving with a rhythm all its own. I watched her tits bouncing with every motion; I watched her face, her eyes opening and closing with pain and pleasure as she felt the sheer size of me inside her again. She did as promised, she rode me. Fuck, she rode me.

Her fingers dug into my skin as she raised herself up and down, grinding her pussy into my groin this time, not my face. She pulled her buttocks up, before smashing herself back down. She bounced and jumped, her leather boots sliding around my thighs. Her skirt still wrapped around her waist, a rag now, covering nothing. Her pussy gripped me and squeezed me. Her body writhing, her tits bouncing. My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing; my cock couldn't believe what it was feeling. Over and over her body bounced on me, writhed on me, twerking and gyrating those gorgeous hips. Her tits defying gravity, pointing toward me as they bounced and jiggled. I wanted this sight forever, I wanted this feeling forever, but I felt myself tighten. She smiled that wicked smile as she also felt me tighten.

"I'm gonna cum," I mumbled, my head and voice having become detached somehow, not able to tell the other what it was doing. I grabbed the bed; I grabbed onto her; I pulled her to me; I sat up; I lay back; I sat up, wrapping my arms around her and thrusting up into her, wanting to bring her to the edge at the same time as me.

I felt her pussy walls tighten around me, and sensed she was close. "Cum with me, Penny, cum with me. You're so fucking beautiful," she grabbed hold of my shoulders, pushing herself down on me as I thrust up into her, my lips finding hers in a searing kiss. We screamed into each other's mouths, my hands reaching up to cup her breasts, my fingers and thumbs brushing, crashing over her nipples, as she bounced on my cock. I wanted to touch every part of her, show her how I felt.

I saw her eyes widen and she bit down on my lips. I thrust into her and my cock erupted, my voice erupted, my head erupted. My cock shot jets of cum into her as she, too, cried out through her orgasm; her body convulsed around me, her nails digging into my shoulders, her teeth into my lips. We kept on bouncing and thrusting as our bodies went into overdrive, not wanting to miss out on any additional sensations they could get.

I could never imagine that my body could feel this amazing and wrecked at the same time. If Ben has neighbours, I feel sorry for them, they got no sleep that night.

We collapsed onto the bed, our bodies still intertwined, our breathing ragged, still convulsing through pleasure and pain. It felt like my pussy had fucked him to an inch of my own life, his cock had fucked me to what felt like an inch of my life. I was in delirium. It was heaven.

I rested my head on Ben's chest, my fingers tracing lazy, random patterns on his skin. I wasn't able to control my fingers properly, but they had to be on him, touching a part of him. The only sound was the steady rhythm of our breathing.

I don't remember when or how, but somehow, he gently removed my boots and skirt, wrapped me in himself and then the bed covers, and we fell asleep in each other's arms. Me a contented little kitten, him a gorgeous powerful guardian of Penny. Of my body. Of my heart.

I awoke, and it wasn't a dream. She was there; she was real. I awoke, and Penny's face was above me, to the side. She was looking into mine as her hand drifted around my body, exploring me. Her hands roamed over my abs, tracing the lines of muscle as if she were memorising every inch of me.

"Good morning," I said, sleepily.

"You have a little scar here," she replied, touching the dotted, inch-long scar I have on my ribs.

"Yeah," I said, "My sister accidentally stabbed me with a fork when I was seven. Well, she says it was an accident," I smiled.

"Nice sister! Maybe I'll meet her one day..." she smiled "... and you have a burn here," she moved her hand across to my bicep.

"Someone's been busy this morning..." I said, happy that she had been taking an interest in me "...that one was fireworks night, a sparkler got too close."

Penny nodded thoughtfully, her hand sliding down my body. Then as her hand slid under the sheets, her face broke into a massive smile, "And you have a massive cock here," she announced taking me in her hand. I burst out laughing but moved my head up to kiss her. Seeking out her lips to mine, capturing her mouth once again in a deep, hungry kiss, my tongue battling against hers. She tasted like salt and honey, and the morning, her skin heating me from a night's rest. She pushed into me, her hand sliding up and down my cock, as I felt myself starting to harden.

As he laughed at my playfulness, he kissed me deeply, his hands fell to my tits, cupping them gently. Every touch, every kiss, felt like a promise. I gripped his massive cock, feeling the weight of him in my hand, wanting it to harden instantly, wanting to experience him again, in the daylight, in the reality of dawn. When his mouth found my breast, I gasped, my back arching off the bed. His tongue was sinful, teasing and tasting, and I could feel the heat pooling between my legs. I moved on top of him and ran my other hand over his chest.

His hand moved past mine, downwards, teasing, tickling, down my body until his fingers found my wetness. I moaned into his mouth, my hips lifting to meet his touch, and he didn't waste any time. His fingers slid inside me, curling just right, and I cried out, my nails digging into his chest, gripping his cock tightly underneath me.​
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