It had been a long, hard day, and Jake just wanted to get home and spend a relaxing night with his beautiful daughter, Olivia. Driving home late from campus, he found himself thinking of her in ways most fathers aren't meant to think of their own daughters. But he couldn't help it. Olivia was sweet, perky and beautiful. And to make his predicament seem even more impossible, she had a lusciously curvy body, with shapely legs, an ass that was tight and round as any porn starlet, and tits that any man would go crazy for. In fact, Jake didn't miss the way people looked at his baby girl's sexy tits when was dressed to show even the slightest hint of their fully rounded beauty.
Olivia had always been a good girl. At least as far as everyone could see on the surface. But Jake had recently begun to sense there was much more going on beneath the surface. He couldn't put his finger on it exactly. There was a certain look in her eye at certain times, like when they both came downstairs to the kitchen looking for coffee and something for breakfast, still only wearing the underwear they'd both slept in. And now, in her early twenties, Olivia had a collection of skimpy, sexy panties that she seemed to be less and less shy about wearing in front of her loving father.
As he drove closer and closer to the home he shared with his precious Olivia, Jake steered the car with one hand and let the other slip between his legs. He fondled the warm, tingling bulge in his pants as he thought back on the special goodbye kiss his beautiful daughter had given him earlier when he was leaving the house to teach his evening classes.
Olivia had only gotten home a little while before from her own teaching job. She'd gone upstairs to take a shower and change, but she hadn't finished dressing by the time Jake was ready to leave. Just as he was ready to go out the door, Olivia rushed downstairs in nothing but a fluffy bath towel she'd wrapped around her juicy, young body after her shower.
"Daddy, Daddy, wait!" she called as she rushed down the stairs and toward the door where Jake was standing.
He tried to keep from letting his jaw drop, but he wasn't sure he'd been able to keep his astonished surprise from showing in his eyes. The bottom corners of the towel flipped and flapped as Olivia hurried over to her daddy, and he felt his throat tighten when he saw the fleeting glimpses of his baby girl's smooth, perky looking pussy mound. Obviously, his daughter kept her pussy fully shaved, and the brief flashes of it would never leave his mind.
Jake had tried to seem composed and normal, pretending he hadn't seen his daughter's sweet little pussy, or noticed the heavy bouncing of her luscious tits, threatening to make the towel fall off and expose everything she was born with.
"Hey, Princess," he called back. "Is everything okay?"
"Not when you sneak out of the house without saying goodbye, it isn't," she pouted.
She was standing so close he could smell her soap and shampoo. He didn't want to move a single inch as long as he lived, but he also felt the need to rush out the door before he got a raging hard on in his pants that his girl would never miss spotting.
"But baby, you were still in the shower. I need to get to campus and didn't want to come in and disturb you."
Olivia gave her father another pout, cocking her hip to the side. "Well I'd much rather have you come into the bathroom and tell me you're going out."
"But Sweetie, you were probably naked and soaking wet."
Olivia giggled, making her tits jiggle under the towel. "Now Daddy, we're living together, so we're going to end up seeing each other naked sometimes. Don't you think it would be better if we just accept that and not make a big deal out of it?"
Jake and Olivia had just moved into the house on a new island, away from where they lived before. Jake and Olivia's mother had separated a year ago, and the girl had almost automatically stepped into many of the roles a man's wife would fill. Jake knew he should encourage Olivia to get out on her own more, but he loved every moment they had together. Also, since Olivia looked more like her Afro-Caribbean mother, no one in their new home took them as father and daughter, for some strange reason, neither of them had tried to correct anyone so far.
Jake sighed and looked into his gorgeous girl's sparkling eyes. "I suppose you're right, Princess.'re a very beautiful woman now. I shouldn't be looking at you naked."
"Oh Daddy you can be so old fashioned sometimes," she replied, her pleasure at her father's compliment showing all over her face. Then, with a nervous giggle, she pulled the towel away and exposed her naked body. All Jake could do was stare in awe. His daughter looked amazing naked. Her nipples were hard and swollen, and he could barely take his eyes off them.
"See? It's just my body, Daddy. It's no big deal."
Jake could barely speak, and his cock was beginning to broil with heat.
"Anyway," his naked girl continued. "I just wanted to tell you a proper goodbye and let you know I'll have a nice dinner waiting for you when you come home."
Then she quickly leaned upward and kissed her father on the lips. Jake wanted nothing more than to grab his sexy daughter's naked body and slide his tongue deeply into her mouth. But before he could think straight, Olivia backed away and turned around, bending over to pick up the towel off the floor. Her asshole and pussy flashed her daddy where he stood gazing in astonishment. Then Olivia carried the towel in her hand as she walked naked back toward the stairs, giving her father an extra sway of her hips as she went back upstairs.
Jake had rushed out the door and got into his car. By the time he got to campus, he still hadn't regained his composure. He'd been distracted in class, unable to think of anything but his gorgeous girl's smiling face and perfectly naked, caramel body.
Now, as he was only a few minutes away from their house, Jake's cock had grown rock hard under his groping hand. He forced himself to stop rubbing his bulge, not wanting to go back in the house with a raging hard on that Olivia would surely see. But even though he stopped fondling his cock, he couldn't stop thinking of his baby girl flashing her gorgeous body. By the time he pulled the car up to the house, Jake's dick had only subsided less than halfway.
He wasn't sure how he was going to look at her the same way ever again after she flashed him, but he couldn't spend half the night sitting in his car waiting for the bulge in his pants to go down. He finally got out and went inside. There were sounds coming from the kitchen, and Jake remembered how his sexy Olivia had promised him a nice dinner when he got home.
When he got to the kitchen doorway, the vision before him stopped him in his tracks. He just stood in the doorway and stared as he discovered his luscious daughter working at the kitchen counter wearing nothing but a tiny, frilly white French maid's apron. She wasn't even wearing the sexy maid's uniform, only the apron, and her perky round ass was delectably visible since all there was in the back were the strings that tied the apron around the gorgeous girl's shapely hips.
Jake's dick was instantly pulsing with heat all over again, and when Olivia turned to greet him with her beautiful smile his heart melted. He also couldn't keep from gazing lower at her naked tits. Her areolas were so dark and beautiful, and her nipples were hard and swollen and made him think of sweet, juicy pieces of candy.
"Welcome home, Daddy," Olivia giggled happily. "I told you I was going to have a nice dinner for you tonight."
"Um..." All Jake could do was sputter and stutter for a moment before he could form any real words. "Baby, you're full of surprises."
"I hope you think they're pleasant surprises, Daddy."
"Oh, very pleasant," Jake replied as he was staring directly at his baby girl's full, round tits. "But very naughty, too."
"Awww, Daddy," the girl crooned. "You love me, don't you?"
"More than anything in the world, Princess. I think you know that."
"And I love you back just the same. So nothing between can really be naughty, can it?"
"Actually, it can. It can be very naughty. But..."
"But why don't you just sit down and let your daughter serve you a nice dinner just the way you deserve?"
Before Jake could reply, Olivia reached back and swiftly untied the apron, pulling it away and exposing her perky, pouting little pussy mound. Jake's throat tightened and his cock gave a hard flex in his pants. Gazing at his lusciously naked daughter, he didn't want to ever take his eyes off her. He walked into the kitchen and sat at the table at one of the two place settings Olivia had lain out on the table.
The girl did her best to look casual about setting plates and bowls of food on the table. There were broiled steaks along with baked sweet potatoes and salad, but Jake barely noticed the food. His eyes were on every, graceful move and turn of his beautiful pumpkin's succulent body. Her ass was perfect, and the jiggling sway of her perfect tits had his cock straining at the tightness of his pants in full force.
Once the food was set out, Jake grabbed his devious daughter's wrist and pulled her onto his lap. Her delectable ass came down right onto the big hard bulge of his viciously horny cock, and he knew there was no way she couldn't feel it.
"Oh my God, Daddy," she giggled, wiggling her tight, warm ass against her father's rock solid bulge. "I think you're excited about dinner!"
The moment his naked daughter's ass settled onto his lap, Jake knew everything was about to change forever. He looped his left arm around Olivia's back and placed his right hand on her smooth, warm thigh, stroking her silky skin as he gazed at her beautiful face.
"Princess," he told her, "dinner looks fantastic, but we can always heat it up later. Right now, the only thing I'm interested in eating is my beautiful girl."
On that, Jake kissed his daughter's luscious mouth before she had a chance to reply. He slipped his hand up her thigh until his fingers came into contact with her smooth, warm pussy. Her thighs parted and when he started rubbing her slit, she moaned into his mouth as they kissed deeper and harder.
Their tongues made a wet dance inside the cavern formed by their tightly joined lips. Jake couldn't believe he was kissing his own daughter this way, but it was the hottest, most incredible kiss of his entire life. The fact that his fingers were gradually spreading and wetting her eager pussy at the same time only made his heart pump even harder. He fingered her slit until his finger was soaked and her clit was jutting out as hard as a little beach pebble.
They were still kissing hotly when Jake finally moved his hand upward from Olivia's pussy toward her tits. He cupped one, squeezing and fondling her firm titflesh before moving aside to do the same thing to the other. Within moments, his hand was sliding and groping all over both of her tits, barely able to get enough of the incredible way they felt. He paused to play with her nipples, rolling and squeezing them firmly between his fingers.
Jake was overjoyed to discover his daughter's nipples were incredibly sensitive, and the harder he squeezed them, the harder she rubbed and ground her bare ass against the bulge of his cock. She was so luscious, and her squirming, naked body felt so smooth and succulent, but it was the hot, open mouth tongue kiss that was transporting him the most. His sexy daughter was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, and he never imagined being able to kiss her like a hot, hungry lover.
After a few minutes, Jake let his hand go back down between Olivia's warm, silk-smooth thighs. He could have spent hours at a time fondling her amazingly perfect tits, but he was just as eager to feel her smooth, wet pussy again. As he slid his fingers against his daughter's slit, he found her cuntlips were even wetter and more swollen than before.
Olivia moaned heatedly into her father's open mouth when his fingers started to grind up and down her excited slit, and Jake soon slid two of his long fingers up inside her fuckhole. He slid them deep and curled them, searching for that sweet spot of pleasure inside her while he brought the pad of his thumb to her clit and rubbed circles around the hard, wet nubbin.
The girl moaned so hard it broke their long, deep kiss. With her arm around her father's shoulders, she gazed in stunned surprise at the fingers so deeply embedded in her hot, juicy pussy. Jake was just as amazed by the sight of his fingers sliding in and out of his own daughter's pussy.
The two of them sat that way for quite a while, both gazing down in amazement at Jake's fingers sliding in and out of Olivia's dripping girlhole. Jake was just as entranced by the vision of his daughter's full, gorgeous tits heaving with the deep breathing she couldn't seem to control as he fingerfucked her.
"Daddy...ohhhh Daddy," the girl finally moaned. "I can't believe you're really doing that. Oh fuck it feels so good. Even better than I dreamed."
The idea that his beautiful and outwardly proper Olivia had actually been dreaming of what they were doing right now only made Jake's cock feel even harder. And with his luscious daughter's naked ass squirming in his lap, the tip of his rod was oozing heavy amounts of precum into his boxer briefs.
"You've been dreaming of this, baby? Really? For how long?"
"It feels like forever, Daddy. I've wanted you to love me like this so long it was driving me crazy. I just couldn't take it anymore."
"That's a very naughty, slutty thing to do, baby girl," Jake replied, shoving his finger deep into the girl's wet cunt with a forceful thrust. He could hardly believe he said such things to her, but he couldn't help feeling an extra jolt of heat through his rigid cock when he did. He knew in reality his beautiful daughter was anything but a slut. She was serious about her job and hard working. He was proud of the way she'd accomplished so much, and the fact that she was obviously a very horny girl didn't really mean she was a slut.
Besides, Jake never thought it was a good thing to call a girl even if she did like sex a lot and with a lot of different people. There really was nothing wrong with that. For him, he used it as a sexy, playful word. His pretty baby couldn't have known how much he loved dirty talk and flirting, but she was about to find out. And from the way her hot pussy was juicing all around his fingers, it looked like she liked it just as much.
"Do you think I'm a horny little slut, Daddy?" she finally asked in a breathless voice.
The mere question made Jake's cock twitch against his baby girl's naked ass. "What kind of girl strips naked just to serve dinner to her own father, Princess?"
"A girl who doesn't mind being a slut just for her own daddy?"
Jake smiled and let his fingers sink deep into Olivia's tight, wet fuckhole. "You're Daddy's little whore, baby? This is just for me?"
"I think you know it is, Daddy. There's no one else in the world I'd ever do this for...even if I might think about it sometimes. I love cock, Daddy, but I just want your cock more than anything or anyone else's. I just want to be your girl."
Jake felt so happy at his daughter's words. He'd imagined the very same thing himself at least a thousand times, but never thought it could ever become a reality. But as their desire and passion for each other became hotter and more explosive, he realized they never would have gone much longer without it all coming to the surface sooner or later. Their feelings for each other were just too strong to deny.
"Oh, my beautiful baby," Jake sighed deeply, despite the raging feeling of lust coursing through his entire body. He was overcome with happiness at his beautiful daughter's words. "I love you more than anything in the whole world. And I think you can already tell how much I love you being Daddy's own, personal slut."
Olivia giggled happily and wiggled her ass against her father's huge cock bulge in his pants. "I think you just can't resist me and you need to make me yours completely."
"Mmmm, you're pretty smart, baby girl," Jake replied with a sly grin. "But I think you're already mine. We're just going to make it official."
Olivia started to giggle again, but Jake swiftly pulled his wet fingers out of her pussy and pushed them into her mouth. His girl was surprised, but there was an excited gleam in her eyes as she stared at his face and sucked her own juices off his fingers.
After she finished sucking her own fuck sauce, Jake told his girl to stand up. "Let Daddy see what hot little thing you are," he told her.
With a smile that melted her father's heart, Olivia got off his lap and stood in front of his chair. She was simply glorious, and the most beautiful thing the man had ever seen in his life. He needed her in every way a man ever needed a woman.
"Show Daddy how you like to play with those luscious tits, baby girl."
"Yes, Daddy," she replied sweetly.
Then she cupped both of her gorgeous melons in her hands and started squeezing and massaging them. She also spent a lot of time twisting and tweezing her hard, excited nipples, and when she did, she couldn't help suppressing her moans and rocking her hips as if she were dancing to some slow, seductive music. Jake couldn't help rubbing his aching cock through his pants.
"Fuck, baby girl, you're the most amazing thing in the world," Jake said. "I just want to sit here and watch you while I stroke my cock, but I want you to be the one to take my clothes off."
"Yes, Daddy, of course," she replied obediently. "Anything you want. I'm your slut now to do as you please."
"Mmmm, good girl. Very good. Now take my clothes off before my cock rips through my pants."
Olivia giggled sweetly as she leaned over and started to undo her father's belt. Jake could see her hands were trembling, but she soon had his pants open, and he lifted his ass off the chair while his daughter pulled them down. The way she gazed at his naked cock for the first time make him throb even harder, but after a moment of staring, she finally remembered what she was supposed to do and pulled his shirt off over his head and arms.
Father and daughter paused and looked at each other with hungry amazement as they gazed at each other's nakedness. Father and daughter naked together for the first time. It wasn't a matter of just being naked, but Jake's cock was huge and hard and throbbing with lust while his gorgeous daughter's pussy was dripping wet. It was a special moment of bonding like neither of them had ever experienced. Jake knew it was only the first of many more to come, and that each one would only bring them closer and closer, not only as a father and daughter, but as man and woman who loved and desired each other.
And then there was the simple fact that Olivia's luscious body was driving her father crazy. He wasn't supposed to be lusting so hard for his own baby girl, but that only made him want her more. How could he ever love a girl as lusciously sexy as she and not want her completely? It just didn't make sense. Any man with half a brain would love a girl like her with all his might, but no one could ever love her with all his heart and soul the way he did. And that was the kind of love she deserved. And she deserved to be fucked hard and deep by a man who loved her just the way he did.
It felt like there was a river of kinky visions flowing through Jake's mind as he gazed lovingly at his naked daughter, but the first impulse he had was to stand up and wrap the gorgeous girl in his arms. His cock pressed up to her warm skin while her full, beautifully succulent tits pressed against his. They looked into each other's eyes, and it was easy to see the girl was just as in awe as the man.
"My darling," Jake said softly, "you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and I love you with every breath that goes in and out of my body."
"Oh, Daddy," the girl sighed as her eyes lit up with happiness. "I love you so much."
Jake's heart filled with happiness and light at his gorgeous daughter's words. It was amazing to hear them at the same time her full, smooth tits were pushing against his body. He could barely speak now, so he leaned his head down and kissed her perfect mouth. He kissed her as hard and deeply as he'd ever kissed any woman in his life, and when she parted her lips and their tongues began an erotic dance of love, he held her even tighter, letting his hands roam over her smooth, glorious curves.
Olivia's hands were roaming over her father's body at the same time, and they were grinding hard and groping at each other's ass while their kissing went on and on. Finally, Jake squeezed his hand between their bodies and started fondling the girl's amazing tits. Her moans became deeper and deeper as he tweezed and rolled her hard nipples, discovering how sensitive the juicy little buds were.
Finally, Jake broke off their kiss and backed away. He didn't really want to, but he didn't want to rush things, either, and there were a number of things he wanted from her.
He shoved all the plates and glasses to one side of the table and told his daughter to sit on the clear part of the surface.
"Yes, sir," she said dutifully.
"Scooch back and get your feet up there too, baby. I want to see you spread those luscious legs and open that juicy wet pussy for me."
"Oh fuck, yes, Daddy," the gorgeous little fuckdoll moaned.
"Mmmm, what a good girl," Jake groaned as he watched her lift her feet onto the edge of the table and spread her legs open. "Now show Daddy how you love touching that horny little slit."
Jake's pulse was pounding while his daughter's hand moved onto her smooth, hairless pussy and started stroking her wet lips. He gripped his cock in his fist and started stroking while he watched his baby girl play with herself. She was soon rubbing her pussy hard and spanking her dripping slit with an open hand.
Jake took a step closer and rubbed the head of his cock against his girl's asshole while she continued to play with her pussy. Her juices were flowing heavily and running down onto his cockhead as he kept it nudged tightly against her ass pucker.
Olivia rocked her hips and mashed her shithole harder against her father's rigid cock. Jake realized she wanted to feel him slide his solid meat deeply into her tight ass. He was dying to, and it was almost impossible to resist the urge, but he'd decided there were other things they needed to do first.
A few moments later, Jake sat back down in his chair.
"Get back on your feet you little cockwhore," he said.
"Yes, Daddy," Olivia replied meekly, but with a clear tone of excitement in her voice.
Like the good little daddy's whore she was, Olivia sat up and slid off the table back onto her feet.
"Now kneel down here on the floor between my feet, slut."
"Yes, sir."
She was doing her best to look subservient, but there was a delighted gleam in her eye as she knelt down and came up close to her father's thick, hard cock standing up between his legs.
"Now finger that horny cunt some more and rub your fuck sauce all up and down Daddy's cock," he told her.
"Ooohhh, yes, sir," the excited girl moaned.
She bit her bottom lip as she reached between her luscious thighs and dub her fingers into her sopping wet pussy. The look of pleasure that came over her beautiful face as she fingered herself was priceless, and it only made her father's cock throb even harder.
Moments later, Olivia pulled soaking wet fingers from her pussy and started rubbing the juice all over her father's hard dick. Jake sighed and moaned while his baby girl fondled his rigid pole, loving the way his baby's fingers and juices felt going over his flesh.
"Good girl," he sighed with pleasure, watching her every move. "Now you can lick up that sweet fuck honey off of your daddy's cock, baby girl. Clean Daddy's rod with your mouth."
"Oh, yes, sir," the girl said eagerly.
Olivia took hold of the base of her father's cock and began licking all over his shaft and head like it was candy. Jake felt the pleasure of his daughter's devoted lips and tongue all through his entire body. There could be no better feeling than this on Earth. And he couldn't imagine anything more beautiful to see than his sweet little pumpkin slurping up and down his horny fuckstick.
"Take it in your mouth and suck it like a good girl, baby," Jake sighed. He could tell Olivia wanted to anyway, but he could also see she liked being told what to do. She had a natural urge to please him, as if her pleasure came from giving him the greatest feelings he'd ever had.
The girl's luscious lips easily slipped over the precum-oozing dome of her father's cock. Her tongue moved and rolled as she tasted his sap, then she dipped lower, bobbing her head up and down to fuck his shaft with her mouth while her hand moved down to fondle his carefully shaved balls.
The incredible heat and pleasure Jake was feeling from his beautiful girl's mouth was almost beyond real. Not only did the wet warmth of her mouth make his cock ache and throb like never before, just seeing his thick shaft with her supple lips wrapped around it was a vision he never imagined seeing. She was sucking his cock like a big, sweet piece of candy she couldn't get enough of, and he felt like he was floating with pleasure that just kept feeling better and better with every stroke of his daughter's wet lips.
"Good girl," Jake kept groaning. "You suck Daddy's cock so good, my horny princess...just like a good little daddy's slut should."
Olivia moaned a garbled reply, being unable to say anything more with her father's fat cock plugging her wet mouth. Jake felt like the king of the world, and let his preciously beautiful girl suck his rigid rod for as long as he could stand. But he finally took her angelic face in his hands and lifted her off his cock.
"Stand back up for me, princess," he told her as she looked up at him.
"Yes, sir, Daddy," she replied with a smile that her father's blood hotter.
He didn't want to stop looking at her. Not ever. She was the embodiment of sheer perfection. Everything about her made him want her more and more and more. The shape of her body was classic, and her youthful tits were so full and heavy, with generously swollen nipples he could only describe as perfect. And then there were her shapely thighs and the perfect little V of her smoothly shaven pussy mound.
There was no way Jake could imagine living another day without making her his one and only woman. She was the love of his life, and her amazing body filled him with a kind of desire he'd never known.
"Baby, come sit on Daddy's lap again, but...lets make it a little different this time."
The gorgeous girl got a devious gleam in her beautiful eyes, and Jake could see she could tell exactly what he had in mind. He slid a little lower on his chair while his baby positioned herself astride his hips. Her legs were planted widely apart while Jake's cock stood up long and hard in his fist, pointing straight toward the wet, pink slit he was about to claim as his own forever. It was an intense moment for father and daughter both, and they knew their lives were going to change forever.
"Spread those pretty cunt lips for Daddy," Jake said, fighting for enough breath to say the words.
The girl did as she was asked, pleasing her father more than he could ever say. He pressed the bulbous tip of his cock against her slippery, wide-open pussy, rubbing his flesh all around her opening. The girl's fuckhoney was flowing thick and plentiful, and Jake's cock head was soon thoroughly coated with his precious girl's special nectar. Olivia started to make cooing and whimpering sounds with her daddy's cock rubbing over her fuckhole, which only made Jake need her even more.
"Squat right down on Daddy's cock, my precious love," the man told her. "Let it just slide right up inside you."
"Oh, Daddy, yes," she sighed, squatting just enough to let the head of her father's prick plug into her snatch.
She felt hot, wet and so amazing that Jake felt dizzy. He was going crazy, and wanted to just ram his cock all the way into the gorgeous girl's cunt. But he realized this was her first time, and there would be plenty of time for hard, nasty fucking later on. This time, all that mattered to Jake was that his baby girl feel the depth of his love and need for her. He wanted her to feel more beautiful, more special, more important and more loved than any other girl in the world. He wanted her to feel like she was the queen of his body and soul, because that's exactly everything she was to him.
At the same time, his long, thick cock was throbbing with desire, and he needed her to plunge herself the rest of the way down his shaft and bury his meat inside her succulent body.
"Don't be afraid, my beautiful love," he told her. "I love you more than anything else in the world, and I think you know this is what we both need."
"Oh, Daddy, yes I need it so bad. I need you and I need your big cock all the way up inside me. But...I'm nervous."
"Me too, baby girl. But I want you more than anything. Do you want to belong to Daddy forever?"
"Oh, Daddy, yes, more than anything."
"Good girl," the man sighed, aching harder and harder every second. "My cock is already inside you. Just slip right down the rest of the way."
"Oh fuck," the girl sighed as she squatted down lower, taking more of her father's solid cock into her pussy.
The beautiful Olivia was so hot and wet that she slid the rest of the way onto her father's hard pole with little effort. Finally, her luscious ass sank all the way down to his balls.
Without moving, just keeping his prick deeply buried in his baby's fuckhole, Jake pulled her toward him and hugged her tightly, kissing her face and lips with all the love he felt within his exploding heart. She kissed him back with equal fervor, and before long, the natural need in their bodies took over. Olivia started to pump the length of her father's cock with fluid hip thrusts, and he pumped back at her as much as he could from his position on the chair.
The stroke of his beautiful daughter's tight, broiling hot pussy up and down his shaft made Jake's body feel like it was made out of pure electricity. He let his hands slide onto the perfect, round cheeks of her ass, gripping and squeezing them as she rose up and down on his cock.
With his left hand, Jake fingered the rim of his baby's pussyhole as it stretched around his cock, wetting his finger with the frothy juices that were flowing all over both of them. He then rubbed his wet finger over the tight little bud of her asshole, teasing and massaging the puckered rimhole while she fucked him harder and faster. When he pushed his finger into her ass just to the second knuckle, both of her holes tightened with excitement and she moaned deeply from her body.
Jake reared back his right hand and landed a firm spank on his baby's ass. Again, both of her holes twitched and tightened.
"Oh, Daddy...fuck!" she cried.
Jake gave her another spank, and then another. He kept nipping and sucking at her nipples and gave her more spanks, beginning to thrust his finger in and out of her asshole while they fucked.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh Daddy, you're gonna make me cum!" the luscious sex angel cried.
Jake could feel her pussy and asshole twitching with the pleasure streaming through her glorious body and couldn't hold back anymore. He shoved his finger all the way up her ass and ground his cock hard into her snatch while a dizzying series of cum spurts shot deeply into her succulent hole.
They kept on grinding into each other until they were spent, and the gorgeous girl eventually lay against her father's body with his cock still deeply embedded in her pussy. Jake slowly pulled his finger from her ass and hugged her with both arms.
"I love you so much, my precious sweetheart. You're Daddy's wife now. And so many other things. And I'm going to love you every day of my life."
"Oh yes, Daddy, I love you, and I love being your wife...and your horny little slut of a daughter."
There was a sweet giggle in the sound of her tone, but she was too dreamy to let it out all the way. Jake knew she was the perfect mate for him, and he wanted to feel her warm, naked body against his forever.
There were so many things he wanted to tell her, but he knew there would be time for that. Now was the moment for their love to radiate all around them as they clung to each other. He was already thinking of the collar he would buy for her. Already imagining the look on her face as he put it around her neck and told her he loved her. He imagined how it would look around her neck and how he would attach a velvet leash to guide her into a world of love and deep pleasures for them to discover together.
He knew she was the one. He felt so much that was inside her, and that they were made to fit each other's deepest, most secret desires perfectly.
They would talk of such things later. Now was the moment to savor the deepest love either of them had ever known.