Chapter 03.2

I pour two glasses for Maddie and me before offering any to my sister. "Tabby would you like a glass of wine with Mom and me?" I ask in a calm gentle voice.

Her eyes blink rapidly and she turns to look at me seeing me now. She sees both Mom and me there beside her and she nods before saying, "Yes, please." I pour the other glass and hand it to her.

We all have a small drink and a deep sigh. "Tabitha, you still haven't answered our question about me and Mom being together. Are you okay with it?"

She breaths deeply and after another small sip replies, "Yes, I'm okay with it. I can see the love that you guys have now. I saw the love we all still have too but I also see how many things will be different. I'm just not sure how to deal with that." She sips again and looks back and forth between me and Mom. "Will you two be getting married? Can you here in Jersey?"

The thought surprised us both. We kind of realized we jumped the shark on going straight to getting pregnant without thinking about other parts of our relationship. "Wow, Maddie. I guess we haven't even discussed much beyond us being together and of course the other thing." It was then I realized I may have screwed up. Tabitha saw the looks after my simple yet slightly revealing statement. She let it go for now waiting for an answer.

Maddie answers, "I don't think we can here Honey. In most places, incest is even illegal. So we have to be careful while we look into that. Maybe you should do a bit of Googling on that after this Tony."

"I'll get on that when dinner is cooking Maddie," I reply.

Tabitha tilts her head at my use of mom's proper name but isn't put off it seems. Maddie just nods. We sit quietly for a minute while Tabitha thinks more, the wheels visibly turning in her mind. Her face then lights up with a thought. "So what's the other thing?"

Maddie and I both suck in deep breaths then deflate just as quickly. I start to open my mouth but Maddie stops me and touches her chest. Tabitha looks back and forth rapidly knowing it's something big, she just hopes not tragic. Maddie sets her glass down, gently takes Tabby's from her, and takes both her hands in hers. "I'm glad, No we're glad you accept Tony and I's relationship Honey but there is more I'm afraid."

She looks at me and I nod. "We accidentally put the cart before the horse but are very happy about it and we hope you will be happy for us too." Tabitha looks at us both in confusion.

I reach in and take one of Tabby's hands from Maddie. She looks pretty freaked out now. "It's good news to us Tabs, we hope you will think so too. Gimme just a second, I want to get something to show you." I let go and headed for the bathroom and the positive pregnancy test. I bring it back and hand it to Tabitha. She sees it but at first, isn't sure what it is until she reads the little screen. Her eyes go impossibly wide as the truth hits her. "We're pregnant Sis, Mom, I mean Maddie and I are expecting a child. It wasn't planned but we aren't shying away either. Are you okay with this too?"

Her head is on a swivel at this point looking back and forth not sure where to look.

Her face shows the most recent shock in perfect detail. "Holy Fucking Shit!" She blurts out. "When you guys throw society's norms in the crapper, you do it in Spades huh?" We look back at her shocked at this reaction. She continues, "So let me get this straight. Not only are you having sex, you haven't even looked into a deeper relationship and are now pregnant all in under two weeks?"

"You forgot that we fell in love too, Sis." I quip trying to lighten the mood.

Both women just look at me, then I grin and shrug my shoulders. They start giggling and that turns into a full-blown laughing jag for us all. As the laughter dwindles I say, "Well since you ran down the last couple of weeks' greatest hits, do you have an opinion or feelings on the subject? By the way, you missed one we didn't share. I started escorting Mom to her photoshoots as her security. It was kinda fun scaring the shit out of a few douchebags trying to catch Mom naked. Especially the slimy agent guy I hoisted up by the throat. I thought he was gonna piss himself."

Both women grin seeing the scene in their minds as I describe the scene. We all chuckle again. "Anyway, now that we have been completely upfront with you. Do you think you can give us that opinion or tell us your feelings Tabby?" I ask again.

She smiles and looks thoughtful again. 'How do I feel about my brother and mother being together? That they have gone so far that they are having a baby together? Watching them before in the sack was hot as hell and Tony is definitely 'Big Tony' alright. Could I take that big dick? Do I want to? My God, I'm getting wet thinking about that, getting fucked by my own brother. Used like a slut. Fucked hard like he did Mom earlier. Jesus, my panties are soaked more now than when I watched them. Could I ask for that? Would Mom share Tony with me? Am I willing to share? My god! What am I thinking?'

Tabitha visibly shakes off those thoughts before returning to the original question. "Yes I think I'm okay with it but..." She stops not knowing if she could or even should ask.

Maddie and I look at her and see she is holding something back. We wait a bit letting Tabitha process whatever she isn't or can't say. I think it has something to do with the scene from earlier. Maddie thinks it's more along the lines of what we thought at the end, that she may want Tony too.

Tabitha decides to wait until later to ask about her wants. She remembers all either Tony or she ever wanted was for their mother to be happy after their father's betrayal. If Maddie can be happy with Tony then who is she to deny her or him that happiness? She will support them and help them keep their secrets, that of their love, and their child's origins. "I will support you in whatever way is required outside our home as well as love you both as I have before. I love you Mother and I love you too Big Brother. I hope you can be happy and I will do my part to make it possible."

Both Maddie and I collapse on Tabitha in a hug sharing our love with her and hers with us. After a bit, we pull back and see our afternoon has slipped away. We all get up and move into the kitchen to rustle up dinner. We work together, the women pull together a salad and toss in some potatoes to bake while I attend to some chicken legs on the grill.

As the chicken cooks, I also get us more wine for dinner from the bottle opened earlier. I place the bottle in a cooling bucket and place our glasses on the table. I first set the table for three as it has always been.

While I prep the table and the meat the ladies talk as they work. "Tabitha is there something else you wanted to say or ask when we were talking about Tony and my getting together? It seemed like you were holding something back. Maybe afraid to ask or say? You can not say or ask anything that will make me not love you, Tabitha. You are my daughter and my friend. I love you without reservation from the day you were born and will until I leave this world."

"I...I...I don't know how to ask or if I should Mom. It is so...I don't know...selfish maybe." She looks a little abashed at the statement not sure how to say what she was thinking earlier. Or to even be sure it is right to feel these feelings and have these wants. She knows she can't ruin what her mother and brother have found. The sexual ardor she feels for her brother she thinks may be wrong. Not in the traditional sense but in that she doesn't want to invade their bubble of happiness.

Seeing Tabitha doesn't appear to be able to ask for herself Maddie asks, "You want Tony to have sex with you too don't you?"

Tabitha just blushes a deep red and nods her head. The admission frees her tongue though. "I don't want to ruin what you have though. It feels so selfish like I said before. But Tony's big cock won't leave my mind. I couldn't help thinking, 'Could I take that monster and did I want to?' I had to admit to myself I did but how would I bring it up is where I got stuck. Thanks for making this easier Mom. If your answer is no I will understand."

Maddie just listened as her daughter admitted to wanting to have sex with her brother. She smiles her understanding having had the same feeling intensely herself from before and still does. "I would not share him with anyone else but I will with you if Tony is okay with it too. It's not like he is my cock for hire to pimp out or anything." Mother and daughter giggle at the analogy. "Tony didn't seem put off by the idea, only that he didn't want to hurt me like your father did. If we can all agree then it will be allowed but if anyone says no, that's it. Okay?"

"Of course Mom. If Tony says no then it's no. Same for you, if you have second thoughts, I will respect that and I'll just figure out how to deal with it."

While the two women worked on the sides and had their discussion, I completed the other prep. I finally sat at the patio picnic table and did Google the incest laws in general then drilled down for New Jersey where we live. Turns out this state is one of a few where incest is legal with persons above 18. That made me feel a little better not having to worry about getting arrested. It also occurred to me that sex with Tabby would be ok too as long as it's consensual. Which of course it would be or just won't happen, period. It is still immoral in normal society, sex with Maddie or Tabby will need to be kept secret.

When the chicken is nearly done I return to the kitchen for a platter to put the chicken on. I notice a less strained yet anxious atmosphere between Maddie and Tabitha. I assume they continued the earlier discussion without me and some kind of conclusion was reached. I grabbed the platter and announced, "Pulling off the chicken now so we can eat as soon as you ladies are done too."

"Yes Dear," Maddie answers, and then they both giggle. I grin.

I pull the chicken off and turn off the grill, leaving it open to cool off. I bring the meat in right to the dining room table and say, "Meats in. Anybody hungry?"

Both women giggle again before Tabby answers, "Definitely Big Brother. I wouldn't mind some chicken too." They giggle again.

I take my seat at the head of the table now with Maddie to my right and Tabby to my left. We dish everything up and dig in. We enjoy the meal with light conversation mostly Tabby telling us about her trip to swim camp. We tell her about our few dates. She comments on the romantic nature and appreciates the feelings that would engender. Maddie and I don't shy away from sharing looks at each other as lovers do when telling her about those dates either.

After dinner, we cleaned up as a team as we have always done since Dad was booted out. When everything is taken care of we head into the living room for TV. After our usual game shows we move on to Netflix and chill. We selected what I thought was a simple comedy but turned out as more of a RomCom, oh well. Maddie and Tabby exchanged looks throughout the movie but I didn't notice at the time. As the movie ends Maddie asks me to button up the house and to meet her in our bedroom after.

She and Tabby head off together. I checked all the required items and about 10 minutes later arrived at Maddie's and my bedroom as requested. No one is there so I just check my phone for social media and any messages for several minutes.

Maddie had taken Tabby to her room and after a brief discussion got her ready. When Maddie thought Tabby was ready she came to our room and joined me sitting on our bed. "I confirmed your sister is interested in a sexual... encounter with you. Whether that becomes a relationship will be determined tonight or maybe over time. If you're okay with it, I am willing to share you with your sister but no one else."

Maddie looks at me with nothing but love in her gaze, the question hangs in the air between us. "What is her expectation? Is she looking to be made love to or...something else?"

"I think it should be like it was our first time slow and gentle at first and then more vigorous afterwards. You are quite a bit to take as you know. I don't think Tabby has had many partners but she did say she isn't a virgin. I guess you will have to determine the right way, while you pleasure her."

"You're sure you're okay with my being with Tabitha, Maddie? What we have is wonderful and I wouldn't want to mess this up. I won't deny my sister is beautiful and watching her earlier was hot as hell with what we saw but again... are you sure?" My nerves at messing up our new relationship are prominent on my face.

"Yes Honey, I'm sure I'm okay with you being with Tabitha tonight at least. We will cross the other bridge if it comes to pass. Now go. I'm sure Tabby is getting more and more nervous the longer you take to decide but it is your decision. I told her 'you weren't my dick to pimp out to her'." We laugh lightly at the situation.

I stand up, and Maddie stands with me. I take her in my arms and kiss her deeply, she returns my love easily. She takes my hand and walks me to Tabby's room. As we walk in Tabitha's eyes go wide still not knowing what will happen. When I see her stand on shaky knees I step to her and take her by the hands. I kiss her cheek like I had done hundreds if not thousands of times showing her my love. I then step back still holding her hands and look at her.

Tabitha is dressed to appeal to any man that should see her but I know this is for me alone. She is wearing a very fitting pink babydoll lingerie with matching panties. Her curves are obvious without showing any of her womanly charms. To say she is beautiful would be an understatement. No, she was so much more, she was sexy. "My God, Tabby you're so hot right now. I've seen you in your bikinis of course but this is on another level. Just as sexy as Mom in any of her lingerie."

"Thank you, Tony. I love that my Big Brother finds me attractive. Even to say sexy comparing me to our model mom is wonderful to hear." She then pushes into me and hugs me tightly and I gladly return the gesture.

Feeling the mood shift I lean down and kiss Tabby lightly on the lips. She returns it just the same. I press our lips together a little harder and open my mouth slightly feeling Tabby do the same. She beats me to slipping her tongue in my mouth slightly. My tongue meets hers tenderly and they begin a slow twisting dance. We push our tongues back and forth to and from each other's mouths exploring. I smile to myself, 'I'm making out with my sister with our mother, my lover, watching'.

I break the kiss and look to where Maddie had been and see her retreating closing the door. I blow her a quick kiss. She smiles, as she closes and returns one to me. I turn back to Tabby and kiss her again just like before. Pulling back again I say to her, "I love you Tabs. Tell me what you want tonight. Do you want a nice slow time throughout or something else?"

"I don't really know now that you're here. I loved watching how you pounded the hell out of Mom earlier but I don't think I could take that right away. Not with your size and you will only be the...well fourth guy after last weekend to be with me." We move to sit on her bed. "The first guy was my boyfriend last year, Cameron. He was very bad, I felt like a hole he was sticking his thing in not his girlfriend. We did it a few times more but he never got better so I dumped him. The second guy was the first guy from my swim team, Billy, and he wasn't much better, I only was with him twice." She sighs.

"The last guy, like I said before, was last weekend at camp. One of the councilors, an old guy Dad's age." The shocked look on my face made her laugh out loud before saying, "Just kidding. It was actually another one of my teammates after Billy flapped his gums about being with me. So I gave it a try again with Dan but while he was better than the other two I still didn't get off so that it for him too. Later though I slapped Billy's face for talking about me and threatened to tell all the other female teammates he has a little dick. His eyes were so big that he immediately agreed. It was pretty funny. He wasn't really small but compared to you he was tiny." She giggles looking down at my hardening cock. "Hhm."

With all that I smile and pull her into my lap and kiss her some more. Tabby immediately kisses me back even harder than before. Her getting a bit turned on by her own story I think or maybe just seeing my cock hardening for her. I began roaming my touch over her luscious swimmer's body and feeling what no brother is supposed to but what the hell. She responded like all the girls before her including Mom. We frequently broke off kissing to get our breath as it was ramping up as we both became more excited. I could see it in her eyes and the flush rising in her face and chest. She could tell by my cock continuing to grow beneath her.

To slow things down a bit, I slipped her from my lap and stood saying, "Undress me Tabs. Nice and slow, leave me my skivvies okay?" She smiles and stands before me with a quick peck on the lips before grabbing the hem of my t-shirt. I help first by lifting my arms and then pulling them back through the armholes. Grinning she moves to her knees looking up at me and slipping my shorts off. She gets an up-close view of my trapped cock and even that way it's quite a bulge. She licks her lips.

Once down to just skivvies and her lingerie, I ask Tabby, "How much have you done baby sister? Have you given blowjobs or handies? You said those boys fucked you but..."

"Yeah, I did both for Cameron to wait and hold him off. Finally, though I gave in because I was curious enough and said 'what the fuck', so I let him in. I should have waited. Maybe waited for my Big Brother the wonderful 'Big Tony'. But those were all 'boys'. You are for sure a Man and you know what you're doing after seeing you with Mom. Now will you please show me a real man and real good sex, Please?"

I smile at the praise and the request. I pull her back into my arms and kiss her passionately but gently. She melts into my arms. I back us up again to her bed and gently push her over to lay back. I reach down and slide her wet panties down her long lithe legs kissing her thighs and calves as I go. She moans lightly with each kiss. I surprise her by not pulling off mine but hitting my knees and slipping my tongue into her nearly virgin pussy.

She moans loudly as I penetrate her hole immediately with my tongue. I then start licking her slit with long full strokes of my tongue, some wide some just the tip. Beginning from the bottom up and over her little hidden pearl. I add little nibbles to her outer lips and sucking her inner ones after a couple of minutes. In only a few more minutes of this hot loving attention, she cums. Her honey nectar slips from inside her straight into my waiting mouth as I enjoy the taste of my little sister's orgasm cum. She moans even louder and her fingers clutch tightly to my hair.

To give her another orgasm I add a finger into the mix as I slowly and gently continue to eat my sister's pussy. My first finger slips in pretty easily but when I add a second she is very tight then. I work them in stretching and spreading her pussy a little more over the next several minutes while lightly servicing her steaming quim. Tabby rocks her hips and pushes herself into my face and tongue trying to add to the hot feeling in her pussy. When she cums again, like Maddie had, she squirts that first little bit with a near-screaming moan as she came.

Feeling she is as stretched as well as I can with just two fingers, almost adding a third but she came first. I stand and then move in above my little sister after moving her with her head on her pillows. I flip my skivvies off while she recovers slightly. When she looks up at me I see the need and more so the love in her eyes. I tell her gently, "Your big brother is going to enter you now Tabby. I'm going to truly make you a woman and you feel both loved and so sexy. Are you ready for me?" She pulls the Babydoll off and adds it to the panties on the floor.

Breathing hard from her last orgasm she replies, "Take me...Tony. Fill me with...that big ... cock. Make me cum...on my brother's cock. I want be my...first real man."

With a kiss and a huge smile, I push the head of my cock into her incredibly tight hole. I take it very slow not wanting to hurt her in the least. My little sister will know I love her and always will. When the head slips into her past her tight first ring I stop and let her adjust. It takes quite a few minutes before she gives me the nod. In the meantime, I lean in and kiss her gently with love and restrained passion. She returns my kisses fervently.

I slowly push into Tabby just tiny bits at a time so as not to hurt her. She moans as I push in accepting every inch a millimeter at a time but when I bottom out we both moan in pleasure. She feels so tight and hot, truly sexy that I have to tell her. "Tabby Honey, you truly are the tightest woman I've ever been inside. For you to take my whole shaft until I bottom out is remarkable. Only you and Mom have taken the whole thing. I'm really proud of you and I love you, little sister."

"Oh My God, so full. Oh Tony your giant cock is all up inside your little sister and she loves it. Pump me, Big Tony, fill your sister with all this cock over and over. I want you to fuck me so good and so bad."

She moans as I slowly withdraw and begin one-inch strokes. I build very slowly using my little sister's tight pussy. Taking all the lubrication she is generating to fuck her slowly. After at least ten minutes I am slowly pushing in and out in full strokes. Tabby is moaning loudly on each stroke in or out.

After another ten minutes of the full stroke treatment, she croaks out, "Faster Tony. Give it to me faster."

I speed up until I'm smoothly working her hot cunt to her loudest and longest moans yet. She gasps out after several minutes, "I'm gonna cum Big brother. I'm gonna cum on my big brother's massive fuck stick. I already want to do it again and again. OOOOHHHHHH!!!! I'M CCUUUUMMMIINNGG!!! FUCK YES!!"

I watch as I continue to stroke into her slowing but not stopping my strokes. When she is near the end of her current orgasm I call her name, "Tabby Baby sister, open your eyes." Slowly she pries them open and looks at me with a glazed expression. "I'm gonna make you cum again in one stroke little sister. Hold onto your soul."

I then use my big dick trick and pound her from one inch out and as predicted she cums again. Her eyes go wide first then she slams them shut riding out her first double orgasm. She wails out, "OOoooooohhhh Ttoooooonnnnyyyyy!!"

Watching her cum so hard is amazing. As her pussy clamps down so hard she sends me over and I cum inside my little sister adding to her orgasm high. She hollers out, "Oh Fuck Yeah your filling me with your cum Big Brother. It's so hot and blasting my inner walls. I think I feel it squeezing into my womb. Are you going to knock me up too Big Brother? Oh sweet Jesus. It feels awesome." At her outburst, my balls squeeze hard again and shoot an extra two ropes into Tabby's pussy.

As my strength fades, I fall to the bed beside my sister avoiding landing on her with my huge dead weight. We breathe hard for several minutes. Unable to look but I can hear the door open. Maddie walks into the room seeing her children recovering from fantastic sex. She smiles broadly then asks us both, "I'm guessing this won't be a single event?"

It takes a couple more minutes before either of us can answer. When I finally have enough breath I respond, "If Tabby wants me again I'm fine with it as long as you don't mind Maddie."

Tabby gasps out, "Just give me twenty minutes or so and I'll be ready again." We all laugh.

As predicted Tabby is ready again in the allotted time. This time she wants it differently. She wants me to take her from behind like I did Maddie earlier when she got home. "Take me hard just like Mom earlier Big Brother. Fuck my little cunt into submission. And you have to fill me up again too. That was so hot throwing the pregnancy comment at you."

"Yeah, it was for me too, and ironically for Maddie and me too the first time." It occurs to me that we didn't discuss protection beforehand again. 'Did I or am I going to knock up my little sister too?' "Oh God, did I do it again girls? I didn't even think about protection again." I look from Tabby to Maddie and back. They begin giggling and I see the humor and then I chuckle along still not knowing the answer.

"We discussed it before getting you, Tony Honey. Tabby reminded me of her getting on the pill to even out her periods after about six months after her first one. She is protected."

"Yeah Bro, I don't want to walk the graduation stage waddling. Hell if it happened now, I would miss school to deliver next spring. Having a baby with my Big Brother would be hot but not until after I graduate college anyway. Now are you ready to fuck your little sister again and practice knocking me up? I'm serious I want your cum in me again."

I grin, stand up and grab Tabby putting her face down, ass up, then push into her sloppy hole slowly but to a huge moan from her and a giggle from Maddie. "Careful what you wish for little girl." She tells her.

I pick up speed faster now that she has taken my cock fully. I pump her hot tight hole like I would Maddie at normal speed but it has the same effect on Tabby's ultra-tight pussy. She starts moaning loud and it just keeps getting louder as I pump into her quickly but not as hard as I can Maddie. At my full speed for her, the slapping of our bodies as I slam into her round little butt is amazing. In less than ten minutes Tabby cums on my cock again but I keep pumping away until she is close to the end of her orgasm again. Then I give her the one-inch pounding a couple of strokes and she cums again bringing me over with her. I fill my little sister with just as big of a cum load as before. Pushing what might be left of the first one out around my cock in a lewd display of hot sex.

This time she flops down on the bed shaking in orgasm as her body is twisted and turned in ecstasy to one long moan, almost a growl. The growl makes me spurt a little more and I splatter her butt and back with a couple of extra ropes. She moans again just the same when my spew hits her. Maddie moans too. I look over and see she is rubbing her clit furiously with one hand and stuffing three fingers into her hot box with the other hand.

I grin and ask her when she's done, "Care for a snack Maddie? I could use a cleaning and Tabby's in no shape to do it." Her eyes light up and she carefully scrambles to my cock. I move so Tabby can see our mother sucking my cock with abandon as she recovers. Maddie gets me clean again and then with a huge grin goes on to suck me hard. Then on to get a bigger snack as I fill her throat and mouth with my last load of the night.

After Maddie catches her breath in a minute I help her up and then Tabby up. As she stands I watch my spew slide down the inside of her thighs to a sigh and a giggle as it makes her both happy and tickled. I kiss them both hard and passionately to smiles all around afterward. I then lead my girls into the Master bath and a group shower.

There is gentle caressing and washing amongst us all. Maddie and Tabby even kiss in a less parental and more loving way. Both sigh in happiness looking at their man, Me. I just grin then wash, caress, and kiss them through a very long shower.

When we finish we dry off and then see the wreckage that is Tabby's bed. I look at Maddie and she nods with a smile. I take both women by the hand again and lead them back to our bed. Without a word, we climb in with me in the middle and one of them on each side. I kiss them both switching back and forth for several minutes before everybody's eyes get heavy and we slip off to dreamland.
Next page: Chapter 04
Previous page: Chapter 03.1