Chapter 05.2

"I love you, Tony. You're the best Big Brother and boyfriend I could ever have. Even if I have to share you with Mom. I'm happy. One day, you really will put a litter of kittens inside me. Then we will be complete. I love you, I love us, all three of us." She murmurs out the last as she drifts off to sleep.

"I love everything about us too, Tabs," I whisper into her ear. She squeezes my arms lightly before her tiny snores begin.

I lay there holding my little sister, my girlfriend, my kitten, and my lover tenderly. I cup her breasts in each hand as I fall asleep as well. After a good hour, we both wake chilled by our cooling emissions. We slide from the wrecked bed and into the shower together. We clean slowly, quietly, and gently until we both are sweet and clean. We slip into my old bed for the rest of the night, still naked and happy.

Maddie wakes us late in the morning by climbing into bed and kissing us both. I release one of Tabbie's breasts and take one of Maddie's in hand, to moans of pleasure from both as I begin to massage them both slowly and gently. I kiss Tabbie's neck and ear a few tender pecks before making fish lips at Maddie. She giggles and leans in to give me kisses. She then kisses Tabbie's neck and ear like I had.

Eventually, we pry ourselves from bed, and everyone puts on comfy loungewear. I get a tee shirt and loose cotton house shorts. Maddie puts on a pair of snug silk pajamas with shorts instead of long pants--Tabbie opts for a tight camisole with booty shorts. We giggle at our less-than-subtle sexy wear.

We worked together to make a quick, light, yet filling breakfast. We all opted for cereal. Everyone also accepted coffee and juice. We all took our refilled coffees to the patio when we finished eating. I figured the simplest way to start the conversation was directly.

So I said, to Maddie, "Maddie, have you ever had anal sex?"

Her coffee cup paused mid-air as she was about to take another sip. Tabbie just giggles, knowing where this has originated. Then, the most devilish look came over Maddie's face.

"Well, everyone has heard about this or that model getting caught or exposed for doing something extra sexual, like Paris Hilton." She pauses, looking for and getting nods from both Tabbie and me. "Well, I didn't get caught. But when I was modeling, I, too, did many of those 'Dirty' things models are so often accused of. And loved the hell out of it." She says 'dirty,' setting her coffee down to do air-finger quotes. "So yes, I have had anal sex, Big Tony." Both she and Tabbie giggle. I grin broadly. "But it has been a while, and never with someone nearly as big as you." She pauses briefly before asking, "Why? Do you want to Fuck your mother's asshole?" We all laugh at the forthright question and especially the dirty emphasis. My grin just gets bigger.

Tabbie fields the question, though, "Well, I want to give our wonderful man, my best boyfriend, my anal virginity, Mom. And the costume I wore last night included a new tail." She paused for dramatic effect, and Maddie's eyebrow quirked like Mr. Spock. "I upgraded my 'Kitten' outfit to include the tail. It's on a buttplug, a small one, but.." She grinned at me. My dumb grin is still in place. "And someone asked about it after appreciating its presence."

"So, I asked if Tabbie was preparing herself for anal sex. She told me the same thing, and she wants to give that to me, to be her first. I accepted on the condition that I do it with you first or at least ask about it before we do that." I finished.

Maddie smiles. Then she says to Tabbie, "That's pretty brave, Tabbie Honey. With his size, it won't be easy. Remember how slow you had to go to take his size into your pretty little pussy. Your little brown pucker will be even tougher and more painful, at least initially."

Tabbie nods, both agreeing and knowing it will take time. "But I know Tony would never push me too fast and hurt me on purpose or even accidentally like some college slob would. He loves us too much to hurt us unless we want that, Mom. Even if we both like the spankings." It's Tabbie's turn to grin broadly now. Then she and Maddie share a giggle fit for several seconds.

To try and bring the conversation back to the question, I repeat, "So do you want to try anal sex with me, Maddie? We don't need to, but it would offer another dimension to our already fairly kinky love life." I ask when the giggles diminish.

"Do you have a good lube?" Maddie asks with an impish smile.

I have to think a second before replying, "Maybe. I haven't needed it for some time since finding willing partners since starting to have sex in Middle School." Maddie's and Tabbie's eyes go wide at that. "Just kidding, I didn't start having sex until high school. But my first wasn't a classmate." I waited. It was my turn to build suspense, just as they both opened their mouths to ask, I continued.

I chuckled and said, "It was Miss Tate, the new history teacher. She didn't realize I was a student, and we hooked up after a football game. Since her classes were for sophomores and up, she didn't know for a couple of weeks until she had to sub for our freshman teacher who was out sick." I chuckled at the memory. "Boy, was she surprised to look into the back of that freshman class and spot my smiling face and knowing smile. Then her eyes squinted, and she nodded. "When class ended, she told me to stay afterward. My classmates assumed I was going to get into trouble, but little did they know why." I laughed heartily at the memory and the looks on Maddie and Tabbie's faces.

"Of course, she said what we did was wrong and could get her fired, and it could never happen again. After that week's football game, we had sex again for the last time. I told her she had been my first, thanked her, and then went down on her, thanking her again. We made love that night, and it was the sweetest I had ever until the first night with you, Mom, and later with you, Tabs. My ladies far outstrip anyone ever." I looked at them with all the love in my heart and saw the same in their eyes in return. Then, I had to stand up, move around, and hug them both separately first before taking in them in a group hug.

I released them both with a peck on the cheek and headed to my old bedroom. I found my old bottle of lube deep in my closet, but it was done, all but hardened up. I returned to the patio with it to show them. I then tossed it into the nearby trashcan. They had returned to their seats by then.

"Looks like it's time for a trip to the adult bookstore in Melvinville," I stated with a grin.

"Ooo! Can I go too? I might be able to pick up more accessories for my 'Kitten' wear or something else." Tabbie asks, the excitement shining forth from her eyes. We all chuckle.

"I don't see why not. Do you want to go too, Maddie?"

"I shouldn't. With my modeling being pretty popular, I can't tarnish my rep by going to one of those places. It might bring unwanted scrutiny, too." Her serious face turns devilish again. "But I could do some cyber shopping while 'incognito' and get a few surprises. Yeah, that sounds good and maybe a little more kinky." She giggles, and Tabbie joins her. I just grin a big dopey smile at the potential ideas running through my 'dirty model' Mom's mind.

"How about we go now, Tabs? You got anything today to do or keep you from going soon?" I asked her.

She grins, hops up with a peck on my cheek, and replies, "Nope. I'll be ready in five minutes. You be ready too." With her directions laid down, she was off like a shot to her bedroom. Maddie and I just laugh.

"I guess I better get ready. I don't want that little dynamo mad at me." We smile, knowing my sister's energy level when she's excited about something. I kiss Maddie hotly, then stroll away, leaving her a bit breathless.

"My God, could I love that man any more?" She then looks down and rubs her non-existent belly. "Nope. If he doesn't know now, he will when our child arrives." That provokes a thought and reminds her of an appointment call to make. She heads inside and grabs her cell to place the call. She arranges the appointment, looking at their schedules on the fridge. It's set for Wednesday, Tony's day off the following week.

It took me about two minutes to be ready, slipping into regular cargo shorts and my beat-down tenny's. I waited at the front door afterward, chatting with Maddie. True to her word, there was Tabbie, bouncing on her toes five minutes later, eagerly ready to go to a 'dirty bookstore' with her big brother. She had a cute Powder Puff girls crop top, a short skirt, and white canvas Keds. We pulled out in my truck a minute later after both of us gave Maddie a quick kiss goodbye.

We chatted about this and that. It was nothing of great importance but fun anyway. As we got close, I laid out my plan. "Why don't you go in first? Then, we won't look like we came together until the end. I'll pick up the tab for your kinkiness." I say, grinning my best lascivious smile. Plus, pick up what I grab."

"Okie, dokie." A very excited Tabbie replies. She gives me a peck on the lips, then hops out, and without a backward glance like many would, she heads inside. I wait until the song on the radio finishes and then go inside myself, not caring who might see me enter either.

Tabbie begins with a quick walk around, noting which sections of the store are where. The middle-aged man covering the counter watches with obvious interest the entire time. Tabbie is still a little bit naive, so she doesn't catch on right away. It creeps her out when she does, giving the guy a scowl and a wide berth. He chuckles to himself like a scowl would dissuade him.

When I step in and note him clocking Tabbie like a rabid dog, I make a note, but unless he does or says something, I leave him be for now. I made my way around, staying away from Tabbie mostly so she could shop privately. She had mentioned surprises, and I didn't want to ruin them.

After checking a few places and things to come back to, I proceeded to where the lubes were. There were a bunch. I proceeded to compare them and found some were flavored and not recommended for what we had in mind. Others were specific to that and only recommended for anal intercourse. I finally settled on one that was water-based and good for all uses within the bedroom. I then roamed further and picked up some furry handcuffs. I grabbed a riding crop just to tease the ladies about their interest in spanking.

Nearing the end of my time perusing the stuff and heading to the counter, I see the counterman reach up and stroke the back of his hand on Tabbie's face in a come-on way. She recoils and says, "Just total my purchases and bag them up, now! I'm not some plaything for you, you over-the-hill creep." The force of her words is diminished by the fear and slight squeak in her voice. He just chuckles--time for Big Brother to help out.

"Touch her again, and that hand will be broken in so many places you might as well have it cut off," I say as I step up behind Tabbie.

"Oh, the big hero. Coming to save the little waif, maybe be her hero, and get some after saving her. Please. Oldest trick ever."

I gently put my hands on Tabbie's shoulders and moved her to the side. But she says, "Oh, he will definitely be getting some later. This is my boyfriend, asshole. Now he is going to crush you anyway. Right, Baby?"

I step right into the guy's face, look down on him, and simply say in my most menacing, gravelly voice, "Finish ringing up our purchases and bag them. We won't ever be back, and you can expect a visit from the police. Creep."

The guy steps back and does as he is told, even offering a discount for not calling the police. I smirk and deny him. I nod towards Tabbie, and he sees her cell phone out & recording. Without evidence, it didn't happen, Maddie taught us. Her point having been made with the incident with our father and the slut Karen.

He groans, knowing he is screwed. I pay, and we leave with our 'booty' in hand. When we step outside and into my truck, I grab a handful of another booty while helping Tabbie in. After I hop into the driver's side, Tabbie giggles and climbs into my lap, facing me, and we make out right there a minute before she climbs off, leaving a wet spot on my cargos.

She sees that and giggles before saying, "Oops."

We drive home again. Tabbie looks through her bag of purchases and notes that everything is there. She gives me an impish smile, so much like our mom, Maddie. I smile back, thinking about my own purchases and their potential. She kissed me quickly when we arrived before speeding off to her bedroom. I head into the living room to tell Maddie we are back and what happened. She smiled at both the parts where I stood up to the guy for Tabbie and the recording part.

She kissed me hard, and I pulled her into my lap for more. We were still making out a few minutes later when Tabbie returned. She calls out, "Hey! That's my hero!"

She jumps onto the both of us, play-fighting Maddie off of me. We all end up falling to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs, laughing our asses off. When we make it back to the couch, I find a new wet spot on my shorts.

Maddie looks at it, and it's deja vu moment, "Oops." We all laugh again. I pull both my ladies into me and begin kissing them one after the other for the next few minutes. When we have all had enough, we cuddle up for a few minutes more. Then my stomach growls, and so does Tabbie's. We look at Maddie and soon hear her's growled, too. We all laugh again, which prompts me to ask, "Lunch?"

We all get up and head for the kitchen. We go all out and make sandwiches. Of course, I must outdo both of them and make a 3" tall dagwood with roast beef, ham, salami, Pepper Jack cheese, and sweet pickle slices, topped with my signature chipotle sauce. My eyes go huge with delight, and Maddie and Tabbie stare in disbelief that I could eat something that big. When lunch is over I burp grandly at polishing it all off, not a crumb left behind. Washing it all down with a Coke. My ladies make fun and wave around their noses like my burp stinks. Admittedly, it might have a little bit.

After the light cleanup was done, we moved back to the living room to watch a movie. About 20 minutes in, we are all restless and uninterested in the movie. It's time for plan B. "This movie sucks. Who's ready for some fun in the pool instead?"

Maddie says, "Sure, let's do it. Besides, I need to keep my man seeing my current figure so he remembers when I'm all fat and bloated with his baby in a few months."

"Pfft. Fat and bloated my ass. You will be just as gorgeous, if not more so. Because I know it's our child growing inside you." I respond thoughtfully but with a loving smile.

"I dare you both to go skinny dipping," Tabbie says, stripping right there. Not that it's hard for her, as she pulls off her crop top and isn't wearing a bra. Next, her skirt dropped, and we both saw she wasn't wearing panties either.

"Well, that explains the wet spot after the bookstore." I quip to her and Maddie. Tabbie just giggles and then flips off her sandals.

"Well? Are you guys coming or what?" Standing there buck-naked, she puts her hands on her hips, accentuating her narrow waist and pushing her pert and perky tits towards us.

I look at Maddie and grin. We both stand up and strip down right there, too. It turns out Maddie wasn't wearing panties either, and I was going commando under my cargos. We all laughed again. It's great to laugh so often and easily with these two.

I take them both by the hand and walk out to the pool, where we dive in together. The afternoon is spent frolicking in and out of the pool. I chase both my ladies around the pool and around the house, particularly the bedrooms. Of course, they both allow me to catch them, which proceeds immediately to a fun romp of kissing and groping.

The last time I catch Maddie, she says, "Are you ready to Fuck Mommy's ass, Big Tony?"

"Oh, God, Yes. But are you ready to take my anaconda up the ass, Mommy?" I reply with a huge grin and return her title selection.

"Can I watch Pleeeeeaaase?!?!" Tabbie asks suddenly. She is fairly vibrating with excitement to watch this hot sex.

Maddie and I can't help but laugh. Then Maddie says, "Where's that lube? Get it and get me all lubed up, baby girl. Make Mommy very slippery for your Big Brother's huge cock." Tabbie squeals and runs for the lube on the coffee table. Maddie and I laugh again and follow Tabbie inside. We all meet up, and Maddie takes my hand and walks me not to our bedroom but to my old room. "I want you to take me on your old bed, Tony. Probably fulfilling some teenage fantasy that you stroked to." She grins at me and then kisses my lips tenderly.

Afterward, she climbs on the bed, positioned over the side and edge of the bed, and tells Tabbie, "Grease me up, Little girl, and be generous."

Maddie had moved to the bed and crawled up on all fours. She was wiggling her ass at me with a devilish grin and love and lust in her eyes too. Tabbie starts to move in to lube up Maddie, but I hold her off and step behind Maddie and slowly slip my hard cock into her hot and ready pussy. We both moan at the heat that permeates our contact, her pussy swallowing my huge rod, and the feel of her slick tight tunnel around my rod makes me harden more.

"Jesus, Maddie. I love fucking you. You're so hot, wet, and tight. I'll say it again, 'Dad was an idiot.' How he could fool around with some slut when he had this smoking hot mama at home, I'll never understand." I had been buried up to my balls the whole time I spoke, but now it was time to start pleasuring Maddie. I want her so turned on that any pain from my taking her ass is minimized and even overrode with a receding orgasm. I started stroking slowly for a few minutes to allow her time to loosen enough for me to truly pound her and make her cum hard.

Tabbie, not to be left out of this part, stands next to me and begins kissing me. Maddie is in heaven as she begins to moan after only several seconds, and her sounds just get louder. When Maddie is at fever pitch, I send Tabbie to Maddie to kiss her next. She grins and turns around and lays beside Maddie and pulls her face to her, and the two start making out as I ramp up the speed and power to Maddie's steaming pussy. After all the foreplay from earlier running around the house, it doesn't take long for Maddie to have her first orgasm.

When she does, she breaks the kissing with Tabbie to moan and groan loudly. I have Tabbie come up and begin lubing Maddie's beautiful bubble butt. She lays on a large dollop of lube, then, using her small fingers, begins working into the tight ring that is Maddie's backdoor. Soon enough, she has slipped a finger into our mother's asshole and working quickly on a second. After a few more minutes, she has three inside, working them furiously to Maddie's continued moans at essentially being double penetrated by her children. The nasty nature of our coupling is not lost on any of us, and there are grins on my and Tabbie's faces and ecstasy on Maddie's.

In a few more minutes, Tabbie has four fingers pumping into Maddie's now gaping backdoor. On a whim, she folds her thumb in and almost slips her whole fist into Maddie, but she gasps at having that much, and Tabbie pulls back to just four fingers. Right then, I push Maddie over her precipice, and she cums hard. A gush of her cream floods my balls in not quite a squirt.

When it begins receding, I nod to Tabbie, and I slip from Maddie's still-quivering pussy and put the head of my cock at Maddie's backdoor. I slowly pushed in until my cockhead popped inside to a massive moan from Maddie. I hold there until she nods, and I begin ever so slowly feeding her my cock. She continues to moan, only getting louder as I am able to bottom out and hold again. I moan, too, as the tightness and heat from my Maddie envelopes me.

Tabbie is standing there husking out her breaths, too, at the sight of my giant cock buried in our mother's ass. She doesn't realize it, but she is doing a little happy dance while rubbing her thighs together, stimulating herself. The flush on her face has reached to her hard little pink nipples.

I leaned into her ear and whispered, "Slide that slippery finger into your ass, Tabs. Get yourself started on being ready for me next date night." She nods distractedly as she does as I suggest, never taking her eyes off Maddie's filled asshole.

I start slowly pumping then, to more loud moans from Maddie. The exquisitely tight feeling of her anal ring around my cock makes me moan in concert. I ramp up slowly, genuinely enjoying the feeling of fucking Maddie's ass. The moans and groans from her adding fuel to the building tingle in my balls. Before the end, I am fucking Maddie hard, to lustful growls from us both and excited squeaks and squeals from Tabbie standing beside me. Her fingers working her own asshole to barely heard slurping sounds. In the end, I unload into Maddie, sending her over to a screamed-out pleasure. Tabbie cums, too, falling onto the bed face first next to Maddie, her fingers buried in her ass and her hips twitching in sexual release.

I slip from Maddie's ass slowly to keep from hurting her. As my cock pulls clear, her asshole is gaped open for several seconds, about 2" across. It slowly winks closed, so very sexy. Some of my cum begins to dribble out before her hole finally closes.

"My God, Maddie. Your one sexy bitch." I say to her.

She giggles before saying back, "And you have a massive fuckstick that keeps me so satisfied. I wish again we had started sooner."

"Me too, Mom." I say back. Then, we laugh at the intentional reminder of our original relationship. But now Maddie is my woman, on top of our mother and soon to be the mother of my first child. That thought makes me smile wide, and she sees it smiling, too, as she slips down, lying flat on the bed. I climb into bed between my ladies and cuddle them to me. Tabbie reaches out to take hold of my still-hard cock. She slowly strokes it, feeling the size and girth of it.

"I don't know if I'll be able to take this big monster in my ass, Big Brother, but I really want to try. I might need an extra week of butt-plugging to get stretched enough to begin taking you, but Oh God, it will be wonderful, I'm sure." Tabbie says.

"Don't you worry, Tabbie girl. I'll be extra gentle and careful until you're ready." I grin, looking down at her and lifting her chin to look at me. "When your all stretched out and open, that's when I'm gonna pound your little asshole raw." Maddie giggles, seeing Tabbie's eyes go wide. Then I say, "Just kidding, Tabs. I'll be as gentle as I was with Maddie until it is time to step it up and bring us both the pleasure we seek. Okay?" I reassure her. She releases a breath I bet she didn't realize she was holding.

"I know you will, Tony. You have always protected and taken care of me however I needed it as we grew up. You are the perfect lover whenever we are together, giving me what I need and nothing I can't handle. You make me feel so special, not like those other boys. I love you so much, Tony." I squeeze her in a one-armed hug, and she coos. Then, she kisses my chest tenderly.

"Aww, I love how much love you two have for each other. That we are now all lovers just adds another way for us to show our love." Maddie says to us. I side-hug her, too. Then I decide to kiss them both tenderly.

Tabbie gets a dreamy look on her face after the kiss. Then her face takes on a mischievous look, and she then leans down and takes my cock in her mouth, knowingly tasting our mom's ass while doing it. She moans at the new and unique taste. This causes me to moan in pleasure from the vibrations that sends up my cock, stimulating my balls.

"It's been a minute since I tasted my own ass. Move over and share Tabs. Momma wants some incest cock, too." This causes Tabbie to pop off, giggling at Maddie's silliness.

I chuckle too and say, "Get some 'Incest' cock, Mom! Suck my 'son' cock and taste that wonderful ass of yours." It's Maddie's turn to pop off giggling, but she is right back on it before Tabbie can steal it back. They then work together to get me off and share a facial with them on their knees as I stand over them and splatter them as equally as I can. They jump on each other's faces and necks and tits, getting my cream wherever it landed on the other, swallowing as they go. There is no swapping today, apparently.

When they finish, we make our way into the Master bath and the shower. Of course, my cock is still hard, and I bend them both over in the shower. I take Tabbie first since she hasn't had any cock inside her over the latest romp. I quickly bring Tabbie to a screaming orgasm as Maddie gropes, feels, and twists Tabbie's sensitive nipples. Maddie gets a bit more cock in her pussy as I finger her loosened asshole as Tabbie repays the titty attack. Kissing amongst us is a must and continues throughout when we move to clean up. When the shower finishes, we throw on shorts, and everyone goes commando with no tops.

Dinner is burgers and salad on the patio; everyone is libated with a bit of liquor. Even Tabbie is allowed one of my Hard Mike's. She sips it slowly, enjoying being able to drink with us. After dinner, it's into the living room to Netflix and chill, all cuddled up with a lady on each side. We watch a classic horror movie. Both women stay plastered to my sides, leaning in for protection. Those naked breasts pressed into my ribs feel great. Feeling Tabbie's small firm tits with their tiny nipples is fantastic. While Maddie's slightly larger, yet no less sensitive and hard nipples pressed tight has my cock at full mast the entire movie.

At the end of the movie, I goose them both at the end where the villain attacks the eventual hero. They both squeal in surprise and then look at me quickly, seeing my broad grin. They then look at each other, and a determined look forms on each other, and they look at me right before attacking me together.

With my size, there is only one play for them. They jump me and start tickling me everywhere. Soon, we are tumbling on the floor again, both trying to pin me down to tickle whatever spots are within reach. The movie is forgotten, and things rapidly move to hot gropes and grabs all around. When all of us are flushed and breathing hard, without a word, we get up and head for the bedroom, dropping shorts on the way.

They work together again and 'force' me onto the bed on my back. Then one mounts my face and the other my cock. I eat Tabbie's hot little quim first, meaning Maddie is riding my cock again. They are kissing hotly above me, but I can't see with my vision and focus on Tabbie's pussy. After several minutes and petite orgasms for each of them, they switch. This happens twice more before Tabbie gets my hot and heavy load into her tight, teenage pussy. When she finishes shuddering above me from her latest orgasm, she flops down beside me. Maddie recovers from her tongue-induced orgasm and slips down between her daughter's thighs, and slurps my creampie from her steaming cunt.

I lean to Tabbie for a kiss and say, "Looks like no 'kittens' this time either. Mom's vacuuming your pussy clean of my sperm. Maybe next time, Little Sister." Tabbie giggles long and hard.

"We will have to just keep 'practicing,' Big Brother." She smiles cutely. We kiss again, and Maddie wipes her face with the back of her hand before joining us, lying together, cuddled again. We fall asleep shortly after that, so happy in our recently found love.
Previous page: Chapter 05.1