Page 03

"Baby, you know I love you, too. So much," she sighed, powerless to resist his steady massage of her bulbous tits.

"Mom, I mean I'm in love with you. I want you. As a woman."

"Oh god, baby. I know I could love you that way so easily. But I'm your mother!" she hissed emphatically, even as her pussy flushed at the sound of his ardent words.

"If you don't want that kind of love from me you can always just push my hands off you. I'll never try to touch you like this again. You could've done it last night, too. But you didn't. I know you want me too, Mom."

Tracy just let the breath rush out of her body. When she didn't make a move to shove her son's hands away from her tits, he pushed them inside her shirt through the V neck and slipped them down over the bare flesh of her warm tits. He clutched her flesh firmly, squeezing and kneading her, searching for her throbbing nipples with his fingers.

"Ohhh, so wrong," the brunette sighed, leaning back as far as she could. The direct touch of her son's enormous hands set her skin on fire. "I love you so much, baby. Oh god, this is so wrong."

Daniel rolled and squeezed his mother's rigid nipples, forcing a hot rush of nectar into her slit. Without thinking twice about it, Tracy pushed a hand into her yoga pants and started rubbing her dew-trickling pussy. She knew Daniel could see every movement of her hand under her thin, stretchy yoga pants, but she didn't care. She wanted him to see how desperate he made her. He went on massaging her tits and stimulating her nipples while she worked her pussy with her fingers, finally pushing a pair into her hole and fucking herself until the voltage within her lush body built up to the point of exploding. Her back arched against the chair and her hips jerked uncontrollably against the hot, fast pump of her fingers.

Tracy came until she was breathless. Her hand was still stuck in her leggings another minute or two before she finally pulled it free and Daniel pulled his hands out from her T shirt. The afterglow of her climax was the only thing that kept her from freaking out over the shame she was feeling. It might've her fingers, but the powerful orgasm she'd just had was all about her son, and it was the best one she'd had since she could remember.

"Still think it's wrong, Mom?" Daniel asked, his hands back on her shoulders.

"Yes, baby. I love you more than anything in the world, but we can't let anything like that happen again. You can't put your hands inside Mommy's shirt again. Especially when I'm not wearing a bra, sweetheart."

"Hmmm, sure. I guess that's why you just fingered yourself," he replied.

Daniel left his mother's office before she had a chance to turn around and see the look on his face, not to mention the throbbingly hard cock she knew he must've had. She was exasperated by his confident sarcasm, but relieved she didn't have to face him right now. After this, it was impossible to pretend nothing happened. Not after masturbating right in front of him while she let him massage her tits. If only it hadn't felt so fucking amazing.

A little while later, Tracy found herself standing in the kitchen trying to think of something to put together for dinner, but her mind was everywhere but on cooking. Going out for dinner seemed like a much better idea. Taking Daniel to a neutral location would certainly be a better way to convince him that he was on a dangerous path, no matter what her crazy, blonde friend had been telling him.

She called upstairs to her son to suggest going out, and he shouted back that it sounded like a great idea. A couple of minutes later he came downstairs in a pair of shorts and a T shirt. Between Daniel's outfit and Tracy's yoga pants and T shirt with the over stretched V neck it didn't look like they could go anywhere too fancy, but Tracy knew a few places where they could have a nice dinner just as they were.

They got into Tracy's minivan and started driving, although she hadn't thought of exactly where to go yet. She drove aimlessly, wishing she could think of the right place for dinner to come up in the midst of all the other distractions clouding her mind. It hadn't been much more than an hour since she'd fingered herself with her son's hands groping under her shirt.

"Mom?" Daniel asked after a while. "Do you even know where we're going?"

Tracy ran through a series of possible excuses in her mind, but they all sounded feeble. Besides, it wasn't as if Daniel didn't know what was occupying the woman's mind. The kind of thing that had happened between them wasn't something you could just pretend hadn't and then try to go on as if everything was normal. She kept sneaking glances at her son's hands as they were splayed out on each of his muscular thighs, so close to that cock she knew only from feeling through her clothes.

The brunette finally realized there must be some reason she kept circling around the area of the park when she pulled in and took the road toward the duck pond. It was her favorite place to go when she was feeling stressed. It was also a place where she'd taken Daniel when she had something important to discuss with him. It was where she took him the time she had to tell him his father was leaving them on their own. He'd have to know she was taking their situation very seriously.

Tracy parked right in front of the pond and shut off the engine. There was about an hour of late day light left, and while the park wasn't exactly crowded there were still people out. Both mother and son unbuckled their seatbelts and Daniel leaned against his door, cocking one leg to the side in a careless position that drew his mother's attention in just the way she was trying so hard to avoid. Tracy now wished she'd changed into something else before leaving the house. The neckline of her shirt was still stretched out of shape from her son's hands groping inside it, and there was still a telltale shadow stain in the crotch of her yoga pants.

How had she ever let this happen, she asked herself. This wasn't the kind of person she was. It was so shameful and perverse.

"You're right," she finally replied to his question. "I don't really know where we're going. And more importantly, I don't know where we're going. Things have obviously been a little -- different -- lately, and they certainly can't keep going the way they have been."

Daniel was looking at his mother in the most unsettling way. The sordid desire in his eyes was blatantly obvious and he was making no effort to hide it. Tracy barely recognized her son. It was like he was turning into a completely different boy right in front of her. But he was no boy anymore. His big, muscular body was proof of that, and the cock she hadn't been able to stop imagining only confirmed it. And yet the fact that he seemed to be getting hard as she sat there looking between his carelessly spread legs was a stark reminder of his youthful exuberance.

Despite his brash confidence, Daniel was having a hard time getting his voice to work, but he finally managed.

"I've always liked looking at you, Mom," he told her with hesitation in his tone. "Who wouldn't? You're amazing. And the less you wear the more I look. It's not my fault you're the hottest and most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Tracy was too stunned to reply at first. No one had ever said things like that to her before, including her self-absorbed ex-husband. Daniel took a deep breath and kept going before giving his mother a chance to gather her wits and respond.

"You look amazing in anything you wear," he told her. "You have the best legs and ass I've ever seen. And, Mom -- seriously -- your tits are world class. Now that I've held them in my hands I can't stop thinking about them," the boy blurted out in one, long stream.

His mother stared at him with her heart hammering inside her chest. She was so ashamed of the nagging tingles of sensation her son's words had created in her pussy. But there was something else. It was a feeling that hadn't left her alone since the first time Daniel had grabbed her tits in the kitchen the night before. She felt admired in a way she'd forgotten was even possible.

"Daniel," she started, so unsure of what to say. But she had to say something. She had to put a stop to this now, before it only got worse. "It's perfectly natural to get aroused around an attractive woman, but I'm sure you'd be much more aroused by a girl your age."

Her son nodded thoughtfully, despite the excitement between his legs looking more prominent.

"That might be true for most guys," Daniel said. "But not for me or Matt. In case you haven't noticed, I don't go out with girls my age. I want something more. I want you, Mom."

Despite the boy's outrageous behavior recently, hearing him actually say the words gave his mother the most unsettling tingling sensation in her pussy. It was so shameful, yet the more she tried to set her mind against the reaction of her body the stronger the sensations became.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting an older woman, son," the brunette said in a shaky voice. "A lot of younger men..."

"Mom," he cut her off. "It's not about just fucking some older woman. I want you. Just you. I want you to be mine. And I mean completely. I'm in love with you, and I don't want you being with anyone but me."

"I love you, too, baby, but I'm your mother. Don't you see the problem?"

"I see a lot of things, Mom. I bet you'd love to know what I saw earlier today," he said, a taunting tone in his voice.

Tracy was afraid to ask. And then she was distracted by her son slowly pulling his zipper down.

"You know I was over at Matt's house today," he said.

He got his shorts open completely and pushed them down, letting his cock snap freely into the open. Tracy gasped softly. Now she knew exactly what she was feeling pressing up against her ass the night before.

"I watched Sandra suck Matt's cock," Daniel continued. He wrapped his hand around his thick shaft and started stroking it while his mother stared, speechless. "She was playing with his dick the whole time you were talking, Mom. I was right there."

Tracy couldn't fathom all the implications of what she was hearing. But what she was seeing right in front of her made everything else seem unimportant. Her own son was brandishing his big, naked cock before her eyes, and it was one of the most beautiful things she'd ever seen. There was such a graceful flair to the sweep of the ridge of his head, and it was impressively long and thick. It was criss-crossed with pulsing veins, but not so much as to keep his shaft from looking sleek and smooth. He was shaved smooth all around the root, plus his balls. His mother couldn't control the intense quivering feeling in her pussy as she watched him proudly stroke his throbbing prize.

"I, ummm, suppose you want me to...suck that for you like Sandra did for Matt." Tracy could hardly believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. It was like someone else was speaking them.

"I do, Mom. I need it. I need you."

Tracy thought her son's words must be lulling her into some kind of lurid trance as she leaned over, bring her face down close to the ripe stalk jutting upright from between her son's legs. Daniel let go of his shaft and let his mother take it into her own hand. He moaned as she gripped his cock. His flesh was so hot it burned. She felt her face flush with shame. Her son was watching her every move which only made it worse.

"This is so bad," she said softly, but Daniel was touching her hair, stroking with his fingers. She looked up at his face and he was looking at her like she was the only woman in existence. That was when she knew he meant what he said, that there was really no other woman for him but her. It was sinful and perverse, but at that moment she never wanted another man, either. "I love you, baby," she told him. And then she took the ripe, round head of his cock into her mouth and rolled her tongue around it.

Daniel moaned and sighed with pleasure. Tracy sensed all the tension in her son's body going slack as she took more of his cock into her mouth. Shame broiled inside her as she drove her moist lips further onto his shaft. She should have been disgusted with herself, but all she could think about was the heat of that delicious cock flesh in her mouth. Her hand started to follow the up and down stroke of her lips and Daniel wove his fingers into his mother's satiny hair. He didn't try to push her head up and down. He simply followed the motion of her head with his hands while he gasped for air and groaned with need.

Tracy's heart was racing and her pussy was soaking the same yoga pants she'd fingered herself in just a couple of hour before. It had been ages since she had a hot, throbbing, sap-oozing cock in her mouth. She had always been a passionate cocksucker, and back in her heyday, Tracy had probably sucked around seventy-five dicks, a fact she had always kept from her ex. Sucking cock had always made the brunette's pussy drip with excitement, but sucking her son's cock wasn't even in the same solar system. The thought of her son watching Sandra suck Matt's cock was surreal, but she wanted to give her hot, precious boy something beyond anything he'd the blonde do for show.

"Mom, Mom, ohhhhhh fuck, Mom," Daniel was moaning over and over.

The sounds uttering from his throat kept his mother's pussy trickling with warm lady cream until her leggings were fully soaked all around her pussy. Tracy had fully intended to tease her son with her talented, if a little out of practice, mouth until he was out of his mind with lust. But she was in a daze just to have a throbbing cock in her mouth again. The fact it was Daniel's cock was quickly turning her into a cum hungry vixen. She plunged her mouth up and down his shaft with her head bobbing rapidly. Her son was gasping now and rocking his pole into her mouth as deeply as his position allowed.

Before much longer, Tracy felt her son's hands ball into fists in her hair, pulling at her fine locks until his cum started jetting into her mouth faster than she could swallow it all. Daniel growled and kept cumming as long as any man his mother could ever remember. When she finally released his satisfied cock and lifted her head there was excess cum dripping down her chin.

Tracy felt deep pangs of shame, yet somehow no regret, as her son gazed at her with his cum on her freshly fucked face.

"You loved it, didn't you," Daniel said once he caught his breath. "Admit it, Mom. You loved sucking that dick."

"Oh god, I'm so ashamed," she admitted. "But yes, baby. I never loved sucking any cock so much as yours. And you loved cumming in Mommy's mouth just as much. I know you did."

"Yes, Mom, I did. And I'm gonna love it more every time it happens, which is gonna be a lot from now on."

"Hmm, you sound pretty sure about that, baby."

"I am. Face it, Mom. This is why we belong together. You and me. You're my woman now. And I love you so much."

"Oh, darling, I love you too," Tracy cried, practically lurching across the console to throw her arms around her beautiful son and kiss him hungrily. Daniel's tongue slipped between her lips right away. She knew he couldn't miss the fact that the cum on her chin was getting on him now, too. It only made her want to kiss her lover even deeper. And yet the shame she was feeling also deepened when he pushed his hands under her shirt to caress the smooth, heavy tits underneath. She loved the way he touched her and finally realized the shame she felt in loving her own son this way was making her wet just as much as he was.

Tracy had all but forgotten they were in her parked minivan in a public park. At least it was nearly evening and there weren't many people around, but the possibility of being seen kissing her son like a slut at the beginning of a porn video was a constant possibility. Daniel was fondling her tits for the third time in less than twenty-four hours, and as she caressed his cock she could feel it growing hard again before it even went completely soft. His hands felt rough and aggressive while their tongues swirled within the open cavern of their joined lips.

One of Daniel's hands then traveled down the front of his mother's body and burrowed into the front of her leggings. She had one foot on the vehicle floor with the other knee on her seat. Before she knew it, her son's fingers were eagerly exploring the silken skin of her recently waxed pussy. She gasped into the boy's mouth as their kissing grew deeper and more intense. His fingers were sliding all over her perfectly bald mound and snaking down deeper into her yoga pants to slide over her leaking slit.

The moment Tracy felt Daniel's finger touching her hot pussy lips she suddenly broke off their long kiss and gasped. She tightened her grip on his fully revived hard on and gyrated her hips, encouraging his fingers to play and explore.

It had been years since Tracy had felt anyone's fingers on her pussy other than her own. Daniel's were so much bigger than hers, so much rougher and thicker. The aggressive rub of his fingers over slit was making her ooze in a steady flow.

"Oh, oh, ohhhhh," she moaned, rocking her hips while her son boldly explored her slick slash. "It's so wrong, darling, but fuck, baby, it feels so good."

Daniel grunted in response. His cock felt so big and hard in her hand it was impossible to tell he'd just cum, except for the fact that his shaft was still wet from his climax. Tracy used the boy's own cum for stroke lube while he pushed a finger into her frothy hole. He started to fuck her with it and she could hardly draw breath. Then a second finger joined the first and his mother's hole felt so full. She gasped deeply and then buried her face into his neck and whimpered. The in and out stroke of his fingers kept rubbing over her G spot sending waves of pleasure flowing through every part of her body.

"This pussy is mine now, Mom," Daniel said in a low, growly tone his mother had never heard before. "You're my girl now and there won't ever be anyone else for me. And you're never gonna have anyone else, either. That cock in your hand right now is the only one you're ever gonna need."

"Ohhhh, Danny, I love you so much," she mewled against her son's neck.

"I love you too, Mom," the boy groaned intensely.

Not even the love they could now, finally, express to each other did anything to ease the feeling of shame Tracy had. Of course a mother and son should love each other, but that didn't mean he should be stroking the inner walls of the pussy that bore him toward an explosive burst of pleasure. But it was exactly for that very reason that the electric pulses jolting through her body felt so intense. If he could make her feel like this with his fingers she was almost afraid to imaging what his cock would do to her.

Tracy felt like her whole body was spinning as the depth charge erupted inside her. Her whole body shook from the uncontrollable climax. She kept his cock in her hand, holding onto his shoulder with the other while he took her mouth in another dizzying kiss.

The brunette now understood why Sandra had started fucking Matt. She even understood why the blonde would let Daniel watch them. It validated their relationship, like having a witness at a wedding ceremony, except that it must have driven their pleasure to a level few people ever experience.

After a brief recovery, Tracy got out of the driver's seat and went around to the side of the vehicle. She slid the rear door open and got in, lying back on the seat and pulling off her yoga pants while Daniel watched her. He was now stroking his swollen cock while his mother spread her shapely legs as far as she could. She teased her sodden slit with her fingers, gazing at her son's face as he stared at her open pussy.

"Get back here, baby, and take Mommy's pussy. Mark it and make it yours forever," she yowled in a feline voice she barely recognized as her own.

Daniel pushed off his shorts, then got out of the car wearing only his T shirt, his big, excited pole wagging before him. He climbed into the back with his mother and slid the door closed. There wasn't much room to move around, so when he got between his mother's open legs the underside of his cock was rubbing against his mother's slit. Tracy felt like the whole world had changed just from the simple touch of her son's cock against her dew-coated slit. She pulled her shirt up over her tits and played with her nipples as she took in the sight of her son hovering above her.

"Don't make me suffer, baby," the brunette cooed. "I need that cock in me now."

Daniel grinned and teased his mother, taking his cock in one hand and rubbing the tip across her clit without going inside her. Tracy moaned and pouted, but her son couldn't hold out the tease very long. He was just as eager as she was to bury his hard shank deep in her oozing hole. Pushing the fat dome of his rod past his mother's swollen sex lips, he finally gave a hard shove with his hips and drove himself into her body.

Tracy's eyes went wide with disbelief as she watched that huge bone gradually disappear into her sheath. Her son began slowly stroking the long, thick rod in and out of her pussy, his flesh growing wet and slick with her ooze. Soon he was pumping into her with steady thrusts. The car filled with the sound of the raspy sighs of pleasure and the wet slap of the boy's rigid dick in his mother's hole.

"Oh, Mom, fuck, you feel so good," he growled, pumping her harder and faster.

Tracy held her tits and invited her man to suckle her nipples while he fucked her. Daniel lapped and sucked hungrily at each of her thickly aroused nubs, pumping his rod into her core ever faster, ever harder, ever deeper.

The brunette didn't care if anyone walked by the car and saw them. She moaned deeply and started to cum all around her son's driving cock. He left her breathless, yet her body was on fire with joy as another climax rippled through her glorious body. Feeling the hot, orgasmic clench of her inner muscles, there was no way Daniel could last any longer. His powerful cock lunged and throbbed while his seed-filled cream burst from his rod, deep into his mother's long-neglected fuck hole.

It seemed to take forever to catch their breath. They spent a long time kissing and staring into each other's eyes with just as much love as awe. Tracy felt fully ashamed of herself now, and it made her smile at her lover while his cock was still embedded in her body. She never wanted to let him go. Nor would she ever let go of that feeling of shame for fucking her own son and loving every stroke of his magnificent cock. Her shame and her love for him were irreversibly woven together, as if it were all the same emotion.

She was his now. For better or worse. And for the first time in her life she truly understood how deep that part of the wedding vow could be.

The couple were far too disheveled now to go to a restaurant. On top of that, they reeked of sex, which only made them smile at each other like a pair of newlyweds on their honeymoon.

They got back in the front of the car and pulled their clothes back on. Tracy drove back to the house where they showered together. She then put together a dinner for the two of them while her son watched her with a sly grin on his handsome face. Every time his mother caught that rakish smirk it made her smile. She had never felt so thoroughly loved or soundly fucked.

That night they spent a lot of time talking about how they imagined they could make things work in a relationship they could only be open about with two other people. But Tracy was sure they'd eventually meet others who could understand their love. They finally went to bed in Tracy's room because it was more spacious.

Sometime in the middle of the night, Tracy awoke to Daniel's tongue exploring her pussy. He had his mother cumming again before he even pushed his cock back inside her and fucked her until they both came until they saw sparks.

As she fell back to sleep with Daniel spooning her, she thought about her lunch date with Sandra the next day. Now, the two friends would each have a similar story to tell.​
Previous page: Page 02