Page 01
As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters within exist solely within the confines of the story and my imagination. Enjoy!
With a relieved sigh, I put aside the last of the freshman essays, happy to finally be done with them. I glanced at the clock on the wall and was pleased to see that it was six-thirty. Just thirty more minutes to go. It was Parent-Teacher Conference night and although initially, I had had a slew of parents pass through, the last hour or so, things had been slow. I had put the time to good use and was looking forward to a long weekend without having to grade any papers.
"Mister Hamill?" I looked up and saw a woman's head peeking around the doorway. "Have you got a minute?" She looked vaguely familiar as she stepped into the room. Early forties, with dark brown hair, and a pert nose, she was a little on the plump side...maybe ten pounds if that, but it fit her well, filling her out in all the right places. Her black jeans fit her snugly and her black blouse was unbuttoned just enough to advertise that she had a spectacular pair of breasts. She was wearing three inch heels and knew how to walk in them...something that I think is becoming rarer as the years pass.
I stood up and gestured to the computer chair I had placed by my desk. "Absolutely, please have a seat." I was about to ask her who she was when I realized she was being followed by another person and I smiled and realized why she looked familiar. "You're Kelsey's mother?" I asked.
The young lady who followed her in was Kelsey Page, one of my Senior Honors English students. There was a great resemblance between the two in their faces...especially the slope of the noses and the tiny clefts in their chins and their dark, almost black eyes. The resemblance more or less ended with their faces. Kelsey was taller than her mother with a lean, shapely body...the kind that makes a fifty year old man remember his youth with more than a touch of wistfulness.
"Yes, I am," the woman replied, extending her hand which I shook...her skin warm and soft to the touch. "I'm Michelle Page."
"I'm very pleased to meet you," I replied. She took the offered seat while Kelsey slipped lithely into a student desk-chair combination and offered me that typical mortified gesture that I've seen a thousand times over the years when I've encountered my students and their parents together.
I reached out and flipped open my grade book, not really needing to check on Kelsey's grade, she was one of my best students and in the running for Valedictorian. "Let's see," I began, pretending to scan her grades. I looked up and smiled at her mother. "No problems here. Kelsey's one of my best students...she's maintaining a ninety-nine average and may be the finest essay writer I've had in the last twenty-five years. You should be proud. You've raised a fine young woman."
Both mother and daughter glowed with pleasure at my words and I could see that my student's beauty had been passed down from her mother. "Thank you," Michelle replied, glancing back to smile at her daughter. "She loves your class and you're her favorite teacher."
Kelsey blushed at her mother's words, no doubt a little embarrassed and to be honest, I felt a little heat in my face as well. The young woman grinned at me, the tip of her tongue peeking out the way it did when she was pleased by something...the act somehow evoking feelings deep within me...feelings of arousal that I have no doubt that every middle-aged male teacher gets when he's around such sexy and nubile young girls. I should probably have felt more guilt for my lecherous thoughts, but...hey, she was eighteen, so my guilt wasn't too bad.
"Well, Kelsey's a joy to work with and it's been my experience that that's the work of her parents. You and your husband get all the credit."
Now it was Michelle Page's turn to blush and throwing her daughter a sidelong glance, she said, "Well, actually, I guess I'll take all the credit. Kelsey's daddy walked out on us ten years ago." She rolled her eyes and gave her shoulders a little shrug as if to say, "What are you going to do?"
"Sorry," I murmured. Then I sat up straighter and said, "Then my hat is off to you, Ms. Page. You've done a spectacular job raising Kelsey."
Again, she glowed with pleasure and for a moment, there was an awkward silence before she began asking questions about the Honor's Final and wanting my opinion about Kelsey's university choices. We talked for several minutes before the conversation ended again with an awkward silence.
Michelle started to stand up, but stopped and laughed as she said, "Oh, I understand we were both at the same ACDC concert when we were young!"
Kelsey laughed and then I did too, feeling my face heat up again. I recalled one day earlier in the Fall, regaling my students with the story of how the guitarist Angus Young had showered me with sweat (along with everyone else), when he'd been carried around the arena by roadies during the Black & Blue tour. "Really?" I replied. "Did your parents bring you to the concert? You were what...five or six?" Inwardly, I winced, realizing how what I'd said sounded like a corny pick-up line. Still, that had been 1980 and I'd been nineteen.
Michelle put her hand to her mouth and giggled and said, "No...I was um, fourteen." She glanced at her daughter again and then said in an embarrassed tone. "I snuck out of the house." She turned back to her daughter and said in a mocking tone as she playfully shook her finger at Kelsey, "You didn't hear that, young lady."
Kelsey rolled her eyes as only a teenager can do and said, "God, I didn't already know you were a wild child." The young woman turned to me and said, "You should see her rock concert T-shirt collection, Mister Hamill...she has a dresser drawer full of them. I think she was at every rock concert that came through Indianapolis!"
I grinned and began an exchange with her mother as we each offered up various bands from the early 1980s, nodding and laughing as we recalled each one. "REO – 1981?" "Yep...Van Halen – '83?" "Oh yeah, and in '88! Judas Priest in 82?" At one point we both looked at each other and said, "Ozzy...Crazy Train!" at the same time.
I shook my head. "Great shows all and some crazy days." Sighing, I said, "I wish I still had some of those concert shirts, but I pretty much wore them out."
Michelle nodded and replied, "I know, I still have most of mine, but a lot of them you can practically see right through."
I sorta gawped at her comment, suddenly envisioning her wearing a nearly worn through T-shirt with those magnificent breasts. I felt my cock twitch a little at the thought. Kelsey giggled, "Jeez, Mom!" while realization of what she said dawned on her mother's face.
With her face turning bright red, Michelle started to speak, but was interrupted by the principal's voice coming over the intercom, announcing that "It is now Seven o'clock and our Parent-Teacher conference is now concluded. I'd like to wish students, their families and all our teachers a wonderful three day weekend."
The announcement gave Kelsey's mother a moment to recover and she stood up and said, "Well, we should let you go home. I'm sure you've had a long day. Thank you for your time." She paused and grinned as she added, "And thanks for the stroll down memory lane."
I offered her my hand which she shook as I replied, "Definitely my pleasure, Ms. Page. You two have a wonderful weekend." I looked to her daughter, looking lovely in a short, flared skirt that showed off her long, toned legs. "See you on Monday, Kelsey."
Mother and daughter retreated to the door where Michelle stopped and turned back, an odd, almost nervous look on her face. "I don't know if you've heard, but do you know who's playing at the Barclay Club tomorrow night?" The Barclay was an old nightclub fixture in downtown Indianapolis that often featured old, once famous bands still out there grinding out their music in small venues.
When I shook my head, she said, "Kansas, remember them?"
I smiled at the memory of some of their songs..."Carry On, My Wayward Son" and "Point of No Return" and especially, "Dust in the Wind." I hadn't heard most of them in a long time. "Really? I might have to check that out."
Michelle smiled at me and nodded as she said, "Well, maybe I'll see you there." She shot me the briefest of winks and putting her arm through her daughter's arm, strolled out, leaving me wondering if I had just been flirted with.
I replayed the whole meeting with Kelsey and her mother in my head as I packed up my briefcase and headed for my car. I still couldn't make up my mind if she had been flirting with me or not. The truth was, I was out of practice. I was twelve years still recovering from a bitter divorce from my first wife who'd been unfaithful and a credit card addict to boot. I had avoided women in general – in part out of anger and in part because I had been close to broke as I struggled to pay off debts she'd accrued. By the time I had regained my footing financially, I'd pretty much grown out of the habit of interacting with women outside of work.
I still appreciated the opposite sex and had had a few brief relationships, but mostly the last few years, I'd satisfied my needs with my hand while fantasizing about various students and fellow female teachers. And yes, more than once, I had masturbated thinking about Kelsey with her long legs and full, pert breasts that jutted out so entrancingly against her T-shirts and blouses.
I slept in the next day, savoring the rare Friday off, waking up and feeling horny, remembering vaguely that I had had a series of dirty dreams. I spent most of the day taking care of various errands around the house...laundry, dishes, the bathroom...all the things that a bachelor tends to let slide.
As the afternoon grew long, I kept thinking back to Michelle Page and that wink and all the naughty thoughts her obviously innocent words had produced and as it grew dark in the early Fall evening, I found myself searching for a place to park in the Barclay's parking lot, having showered and shaved, wearing blue jeans and a Colts jersey. After squeezing my little Ford Mustang into a tight spot, I paid admission and walked into the loud nightclub. Kansas had just started its set and I was pleased to see that they could still do "Point of No Return" right.
They were performing on a stage at the bottom of a circular amphitheater, surrounded by bleacher seats and small tables where people who were mostly my age or even a little older were moving to the music. Part of me was wondering if we'd still be rocking out when we were all using walkers. Part of me knew that answer was a resounding, "Fuck yes!" I found an open spot at a bar that looked over and down the stage, giving me a reasonably good view of the dimly lit club. People were dancing here and there...mostly at the bottom of the amphitheater. I looked for Michelle as I scanned the room, not seeing anyone I knew.
The music was better than I would have hoped for and by the time I was working on my second beer, I was over any disappointment at not seeing Michelle. My nostalgia for my youth grew as I became more relaxed and then expanded as the unmistakable and sweet aroma of marijuana wafted by. I had to laugh a little. I hadn't toked reefer in nearly twenty years.
I had turned in my seat to order another beer when I felt a hand drop on my shoulder and heard someone holler, "Mister Hamill! Hi!" I turned and found myself looking at Kelsey Page, looking gorgeous and sexy in tight blue jeans and a black bustier top that lifted her young breasts up for display, baring almost the top half of her firm globes. She was waving a beer bottle in one hand and was sporting a silly grin. "Mom has almost given up on you!" She pointed down below into the amphitheater out of my line of sight and said, "Come down and join us."
My teacher instincts kicked in as I quashed the raw lust I suddenly felt for this lovely teenager and I tried to eye her beer bottle with a disapproving stare. Kelsey followed my gaze down to the bottle in her hand and giggled before she caught me off guard, stepping up close and leaning her body into mine as she whispered into my ear, "Don't bust me, Mister Hamill. Mom got me in!" I felt my cock jerk with excitement and my stomach flipped-flopped as I felt her lips brush my ear as she spoke.
I was still in shock when she moved back and took my hand and with a jerk of her head, sending her dark, red streaked hair swirling, said, "C'mon. Mom is going to be thrilled to see you!" I was helpless to refuse, not that I wanted to and so I found myself being led down into the amphitheater, Kelsey deftly weaving through the crowd of mostly middle-aged folks like myself.
We stopped so abruptly at a small square table that I bumped into Kelsey from behind, her firm butt feeling marvelous as it collided with my front, an erection threatening to emerge. She glanced over her shoulder at me in surprise and then giggled as she turned around and tapped a woman sitting with her back to us on the shoulder. Over the din of one of Kansas' later tunes, she shouted, "Mom, check out who I found!"
Michelle turned and saw me standing there, a slightly uncomfortable grin on my face and she jumped up and threw her arms around me and gave me a quick hug, surprising me a little with her overt familiarity...not that I actually minded as I felt her large breasts rubbing against my chest. "Mister Hamill, you came after all!" she shouted as she let me go and took a step back with a silly grin beaming on her face.
Her eyes were a little unfocused and a quick glance at the table confirmed some empty bottles, so I reckoned she was a few ahead of me. Part of my mind chided me for focusing so damned much on how much beer was being drunk and reorganized my thinking, aided by Michelle bouncing a little on her feet and gesturing to her chest as she crowed, "Ta-Da! From my priceless collection!"
Like her daughter, Michelle was wearing tight fitting blue jeans, but with an old black concert shirt that was nearly faded to gray. Tattered and peeled print told me that it was from a Styx concert, but what drew my attention to it was that even in the dimly lit room, I could tell how worn out and threadbare it was. Bought for someone who had been more slender in 1982 or 1983, it was stretched more than skin tight across her considerable chest, leaving no doubt that she was braless, her nipples standing erect like proud, stubby soldiers on duty against the tattered material. Here and there were small rips and separations and I sensed that under better light, I would be able to see brief, tantalizing glimpses of her bare flesh.
I felt my cock responding to the very lovely and womanly visage before me, growing larger by the second while I grinned stupidly at her and tried to think of something to say, finally settling for, "Hi! You look great!"
Kansas had started up one of their last hits, "Play the Game" and Michelle was moving to the music as she moved towards me again and pulled me towards the table. "Come have a seat with me. Do you need another beer, Mister Hamill?" She grinned at her daughter who was looking at us both with amusement. "Kelsey, think you can get us both another beer, hon?"
I nodded and said, "I'd love one, but please call me John."
Kelsey laughed and said, "Beers coming right up, Mom...John." She paused and her forehead wrinkled as she seemed to consider something. She shook her head, her mahogany and red tresses falling over her face before she brushed them back. "Nope, I can't do that. You're Mister Hamill to me." She waved goodbye and moved upwards into the crowd as Michelle pulled me into a seat and slid her chair close to mine.
"Well, I like the sound of your name. suits you." She reached out and put her hand on mine. "I was hoping you'd show up tonight. I really enjoyed meeting you at the parent-teacher conference and doing that trip down memory lane."
"I enjoyed it too," I hollered over the music. I was kind of glad that in the dim light of the club, she couldn't see me blushing from my awkwardness. "I'd hoped I would run into you tonight." I paused and then added, "I was surprised to see Kelsey with you though," immediately regretting having said it – hating those moments when the responsible teacher came out in me. I had no business judging other parents decisions.
Michelle didn't seem to mind, sticking her tongue out at me and saying, "No big deal...she's eighteen and at least I know where she's at, right? Better she have a few beers with me than out running the road with some eighteen year old pile of male hormones with his attention on her tits rather than the road."
She laughed as my jaw dropped open in surprise at her frank comments. She finished off the beer in front of her and said, "I know, I know. I'll never be parent of the year, but hell...we were kids too once, right and when we were eighteen, you could at least drink beer – at least that pissy 3.2 swill."
I laughed and recalled the days before the drinking age was kicked up to twenty-one. "Sorry, I've no right to sound judgmental and besides, you've already got my vote for parent of the year. She's a great kid!"
Michelle beamed with pride and nodding her head, replied, "Thank you." She let out a long sigh. "But, she's not a kid anymore...I've got a young woman on my hands now. I thought I worried about her when she was five."
She squeezed my hand and I rolled mine over so we could intertwine our fingers and lock them together. Her flesh felt almost arousing warmth that seemed to flow and spread into my body. Looking into her eyes, I saw something wild and restless there and my cock pulsed in my jeans in response. Nearly dry-mouthed, I said, "I'm not worried about her. She has a great mother who raised her right."
Michelle beamed at me again and squeezed my hand tight. Then she shook her head back and forth and said, "Listen to us. There's rock music booming and we're acting like a couple of square old farts. We're at a rock concert, we need to be grooving to the music – dancing and kissing and getting down!" She jumped to her feet, her barely contained breasts bouncing happily as she held out her hand and said, "Dance with me, John!"
Feeling awkward and shy, I nevertheless stood up and took her free hand and we not so well because I hadn't done it in so long, but also because Kansas's music wasn't exactly great for dancing and in part because I was very distracted by this buxom beauty that I scarcely knew, but who seemed to very interested in me. I tried to match her shimmying movements, nearly awestruck by her graceful and sexy moves, but mostly I worked at not falling over my own feet.
Kansas suddenly transitioned from a fast moving rocker to the more lyrical and slower Dust in the Wind and Michelle followed suit, transition from a body quaking dynamo to moving into me, her arms going around my neck as she pressed her body into mine, her breasts flattening out against my damp Colts shirt while we moved to the music...not exactly slow dancing, but slow enough that I could keep pace with her...not that I wanted to allow her to move away. It had been a long time, but suddenly I found my arms full of a luscious...voluptuous woman and I most definitely liked it.
My head was swimming a little as I hadn't been with someone that moved this fast...flirted this furiously for many, many years. This combined with her reckless attitude with her daughter created a nagging voice in the back of my head that said I was heading for trouble. That voice was greatly muted as she slowly ground her body against me, her breasts dragging against my chest so that I could feel her hardened nipples.
Michelle stared up at me, capturing me with those dark eyes of hers...drawing me in so that I could get a sense of her face with that cute nose and those thick, luscious lips and then she smiled at me, the tip of her tongue peeking out just as her daughter's did when she was pleased about something or had been praised in class. I felt my cock twitch in my pants, pressed against her stomach and wondered if she could feel it throbbing, betraying my aroused state.
"This is nice," she said, raising her voice just enough to be heard. "I'm not moving too fast for you, am I?"
I wasn't sure if she was talking about the speed of our dancing or her actions as a whole, but in the end, I was fine with both and said, "Nope. I'm having a fine time, Michelle!"
She looked pleased and purred back, ", we've got as far as the dancing. Would you think I'm being forward if I asked for a kiss?"
That surprised me a little, but I shook my head and said, "I'd love to kiss you, but you should know, I'm a little out of practice and might not get it right."
Michelle giggled and replied, "Not a problem...I'm a firm believer in practicing something until you get it right...that's why Kelsey is such a good student, she practices until she has things down perfect."
Her comments, especially bringing her daughter into it, was sort of shocking, but also titillating and I tried to respond at her level of teasing by saying, "Sounds good to me, especially if I have a good teacher helping me."
She grinned at me and licking her full lips, answered, "Oh honey, I will rock your world. I felt her breasts dragging upwards on my chest and her stomach sliding up along my cock filled jeans as she rose up on tip-toe and pressed her lips against mine. I expected a chaste kiss at least initially, but her mouth was open from the get-go, and in surprise, I opened my mouth in response to the furious assault from her tongue which quickly found my own and I found myself kissing her with more passion than I had possessed in a long time.
As Michelle and I dueled wet tongues, my hands on their own, somehow found their own way from her waist to her hips and I cupped and squeezed her butt cheeks as she worked herself against me. I could feel the blood pounded in my head as she finally slipped her tongue from my mouth and with our lips almost meeting, said to me, "Nothing wrong with your kissing, get an 'A+' but just to be sure...let's keep practicing."
We resumed kissing, our tongues coming together in lewd fashion before our lips touched, enjoying the feel and taste of each other. Pulling herself against me tighter, Michelle drew one leg up along mine and then curled it around my left leg, grinding her crotch against my thigh. Even though the club was warm and humid, it seemed to me as if her crotch was hot. I quivered with sudden hunger for this woman that I barely knew and kissed her harder and more fervently, drawing an approving and muted moan from her. We both had our eyes open, staring at each other, recognizing our lust mirrored in the other's image.
The song faded away and was followed by applause and we still slowly danced and kissed, not really conscious of the rest of the world until I heard some fellow with a deep bass voice bellow, "Get a room, you horndogs!"
Michelle giggled into my mouth and we both broke the kiss, both of us gasping for air as we let each other go and took a step back to look at each other with a lot of desire and a little wonder at the sudden development of physical attraction. I suddenly realized the lights had come up a little and indeed, Michelle's T-shirt was so threadbare that her breasts were nearly completely exposed – in places the fabric just barely holding together and I struggled to not focus solely on them which she noticed with a wicked grin on her face. A voice announced from speakers overhead that Kansas was taking a break and would return in half an hour for a second set.
I stepped up to Michelle and said, "That, that was wonderful."
She took my hand and drew it to her face and said, "Yes, it was," before kissing the back of my hand. She then guided me back to our table where we found Kelsey sitting, watching us with a grin that looked as evil as her mother's.
She blinked her eyes in a poor imitation of blithe innocence and said, "Well, I guess you two aren't having any problems getting acquainted."
We slipped into chairs opposite the young girl and Michelle giggled again and said, "Well, sweetie, I always told you I was a wild child!"
Kelsey rolled her eyes with mock exasperation and said, "Yeah, but it's different when you actually see your mother in action!" She slid two bottles of beer over to us. "It looks like you both could use something to cool off."
Michelle and I looked at each other and broke out laughing like embarrassed teenagers caught necking and then clinked our bottles together before we each took a sip.
Kelsey studied us both, a grin on her face before she turned to me and said, "I don't know if Mom told you, Mister Hamill, but she's developed a crush on you."
"Really?" I said even as her mother told her to behave.
Michelle's daughter nodded and went on, saying, "Oh yeah. I kept coming home and telling her how cool your class was and how cool you were, how good looking." I felt my skin begin to burn again as the teenager looked coyly at me and added, "And then I showed Mom your picture in last year's yearbook and she fell head over heels for you!"
Michelle took a sip of her beer and said in a serious tone. "I said he was sexy hot, Kelsey...not that I fell in love with him." She reached out with her free hand to grasp my hand again. "Not that falling for him would be all that hard to do." She ran a fingernail over the top of my hand, smiling coyly at me.
"Maybe you should cool your jets a little, Mom," Kelsey said smugly. "You might scare him away."
I stepped into the conversation and said, "Well, things might be moving a little fast, but I'm not planning to run away."
Kelsey's mom smiled at me, still gently scratching my hand with her fingernail and replied, "That's good, John. I hope that this night is just getting started."
We looked at each other for a long time silently...maybe too long because Kelsey said again in that tone of exasperation that only teenagers can muster, "God...go ahead and kiss each other again. I know you're dying too!"
Michelle watched me expectantly and suddenly, I didn't want to disappoint her. I scooted my chair a little closer and leaned into her, sliding my arm around her waist and pulling her to me. We kissed again, Michelle's mouth open and welcoming as our lips met. As before, we both kept our eyes open as we kissed – our tongues already moving together with familiar intimacy. Once in a while, I could see her quickly glance over at Kelsey and my eyes would follow to see the teenager looking at us with great interest and maybe even a little bit of envy, her tongue peeking out to worry at her lips.
When the kiss ended, I ran my tongue over my lips, savoring every bit of Michelle's taste and then gave Kelsey an awkward and embarrassed grin. She gave me that evil grin that she must have inherited from her mother and said, "What's wrong, Mister Hamill?"
I started to reply, then hesitated. How to put all my emotions into words? Here I was, basically making out with a woman I barely knew, but who I already was dying to get into her pants, kissing her in front of her daughter who happened to be in one of my classes and was herself dressed somewhere between sexy and slutty and who was responsible in part for the throbbing erection in my jeans, along with her lusty mother.
Finally, I managed to stammer, "I, um...well, I don't think I've ever French-kissed one of my student's mother least not in front of her."
Kelsey shrugged, making her large, youthful breasts bounce a little in that bustier outfit of hers and said, "It doesn't bother me. You both seemed to be enjoying yourselves. I reckon you must be a good kisser."
"Oh yeah, he is that!" murmured Michelle.
Kelsey shrugged again, her smile seeming to hint that she knew what her movements made her breasts do and that she enjoyed showing them off to me. "I'm happy for you guys. I love my Mom and all I want is to see her happy and I think you're a great guy. If you two hook up, I'll be thrilled." She glanced at her mother and shot her a sly wink.
Michelle scooted a little closer to me so that her leg was pressing against mine. She dropped her hand on my upper leg as she said, "Don't be shy around Kelsey. We've never kept secrets from each other...after all that we've been through, we're too close to do that." She smiled at her daughter, the love that she had for her clearly evident and said, "She knows exactly how horny her mother can get and has never judged me." Her hand stroked up and down my upper thigh, coming dangerously close to the bulge of my erect cock as she added, "And she knows that I'll never judge her."
On the stage, the members of Kansas were again beginning to gather and after staring at them for a moment, Michelle said, "I'm glad we came here tonight, but we've heard most of their hits. How about we get out of here and get something to eat? Maybe someplace quieter where we can talk?"
"Sounds great to me," I replied. "Kelsey?" I asked, looking her way.
She shrugged again, I think for my benefit so I could see her fine, pert breasts bounce yet again and said, "I think I've had enough of the classics for one night. I want a cheeseburger!"
I told them I knew just the place and we weaved our way through the crowd, Michelle holding hands with both of us. I felt like a proud, preening peacock as I led them out, seeing many of the men there eyeing mother and daughter with interest and looking at me in envy or in confusion as to how some average, middle-aged guy had wound up with two gorgeous women.
Michelle asked me to drive as I had only had a couple of beers while she had gotten several bottles ahead while waiting for me to show up. I had no problem with that and led them back to my one vanity possession – a '68 Mustang Fastback. It had been one of the few things I'd walked away from my divorce with...back then, being little more than a shell. Much of my time since had been spent restoring my Mustang.
Both ladies were very impressed with my metallic blue Ford, although Kelsey fussed a little as she clambered into the back seat. "Wow, this is really cramped," she muttered as she bent over and wiggled her way different points offering a premium view of her tight, blue-jean clad ass and then as she pulled herself in, appeared to almost have her firm breasts fall out of her bustier.
I felt my face burning as I looked up from the view of her breasts on display to see her mother watching me with amusement while she told Kelsey, "Don't complain to me about how tight it is in the back – I think you were conceived in the back of a Mustang just like this...only it was painted green."
I held the door open for Michelle and she got in after pausing to give me a quick, but very wet kiss. As I climbed in and fired the engine up, Michelle scooted over as close to me as she could in her bucket seat and said, "You know, some people say when a guy owns a car like this, he must be compensating for something else." She glanced back at her daughter who was hovering close to us on the edge of the back seat and in full view of Kelsey, reached over and ran her hand over the bulge in my jeans, assessing the size of my erection. Giggling, she turned and looked back at Kelsey and said, "Nope...not compensating for anything here!" Then, in a slightly softy and huskier voice, she said, "Very nice, John!"
My ears were singing as the blood pounded in my head, my face feeling like it was on fire as I tried to get my mind around the fact that a student's mother had just blatantly groped me in front of her daughter. I tried to laugh it off and leered at Michelle and admonished her jokingly to, "Behave now, I don't need any more distractions than you two ladies while I'm driving."
Both ladies giggled at my comments as I moved through the eastern side of Indianapolis until we reached a well known burger joint, its rundown appearance being no indication of the quality of the food. Soon, we were chowing down on the best burgers in town as we talked. I discovered that Michelle was a Nurse-practitioner in an ER in a local hospital and had been married once...divorcing Kelsey's father after he abandoned them when Kelsey was seven years old. She had been working as a secretary for an insurance agency, but went back to school for her medical degree while working and raising Kelsey.
"Wow...that had to be hard and the fact that you obviously did a fantastic job raising her says a lot." I looked at Kelsey who was sitting next to her mother across the booth from me, the two of them a vision of youthful and mature sensual beauty. "You must be proud of your Mom."
Mother and daughter eyed each other, smiling affectionately at each other and then Kelsey replied, "She's the greatest! I'm glad things were the way they were. It just made us closer!"
Michelle glowed with love and motherly pride. She leaned over and kissed her daughter on the corner of her mouth and said, "We did it together...just the two of us. I love her more than anything!"
Kelsey blushed and shivered a bit and reached out and squeezed her mother's hand. "I love you, Mom," she murmured and leaned in and kissed her mother back, a little more fully on the lips than the previous kiss." Both were blushing a little now and I felt a little flushed. I hoped my face didn't reflect how erotic my view was...the two sexily dressed women kissing was turning me on and somehow, knowing that they were mother and daughter made it even hotter.
Kelsey recovered first and looking at me speculatively, said, "But maybe...maybe Mom might find room for someone else in her life, Mister Hamill. You interested?"
It was Michelle's turn to be embarrassed. "Kelsey! And you're always complaining about how I lack subtlety!"
I laughed and said, "That's okay. I'll be honest...this evening has been like a wild roller coaster ride and my head is spinning, but..." I reached out and took Michelle's other hand in mine. "I like roller coasters and I'm having the time of my life."
Michelle's eyes went a little wide and her face softened a little with a joyful expression and she sighed, "Oh, John...that's so sweet! She stood up as best she could in the booth and leaned over and kissed me on the mouth, her tongue slipping into mine for a rousing kiss.
Between the background chatter in the diner and the wet noise of our kiss, I almost missed the soft, muted sound of tattered, worn cotton splitting and might have not even registered the noise if Kelsey hadn't said in a laughing voice, "Mom, I think you've had a wardrobe malfunction!"
Michelle broke the kiss, moving back to sit down as she looked down at the front of her T-shirt and made a funny "Eek!" sound as she and I both saw that her worn material of her shirt had split in a long line of maybe five inches where her left nipple had been nearly poking through the deteriorating fabric to reveal her swollen nipple – a dark nickel sized nub that was a half inch long as well as a sizable portion of her left breast. My aching cock let go with a sudden spurt of precum as it throbbed hungrily at the sudden appearance of a magnificent breast.
"Oops," I murmured, both sorry and pleased that I wasn't carrying a jacket to offer her some cover.
"Damn...and I liked this shirt. It was one of my favorites!" muttered Michelle as she tried to pull the torn cloth back together, but only proceeded to make it worse as the tear widened. "Damn!" she repeated and then looked up at me with a silly grin as she clapped her hand over her exposed breast and said, "I guess maybe you should run us home before I get arrested for indecent exposure!"
I glanced around and saw that a few other customers had noticed what had happened and were staring with great interest. "I doubt anyone is going to complain, Michelle," I said with a teasing tone, maybe happy to have someone else besides me feeling off-balance. "But, maybe we should get going."
I tossed down money for the food and tip and then led the ladies out, Michelle with a hand on my shoulder and another around my waist as she pressed herself against my back to minimize her lack of coverage. Glancing back, I saw she had an embarrassed but also proud expression on her face, acknowledging the winks and whistles of her new admirers in the diner.
Once we were back in my car and moving back across town, Michelle relaxed and dropped her hand away from her breast, leaving it exposed in the flickering light as we passed under street lights and by brightly lit business signs. That proved to be a distraction as I kept glancing over to admire the sloping curve of her breast and her swollen and delectable looking nipple.
At some point, I think I might have swerved slightly and she leaned close and said, "Pay attention to the road, sweetheart," even as she added an additional distraction by again dropping her hand into my lap and slowly rubbing my jean covered cock. From the back seat came amused giggling from Kelsey that did nothing to assuage the arousal I was feeling.
Finally, we arrived at their home – maybe a mile from my own small house. Michelle and Kelsey lived in a late nineteen twenties Craftsman style house that was well kept up with beds of now burgeoning flowers, responding to the unseasonably warm weather this early in the Spring.
Under the illumination of a bright streetlight, I could see that the rip in Michelle's T-shirt had widened and her entire breast, a lovely and meaty gourd-shaped tit was exposed. She turned in her seat to face me, unashamedly showing off her magnificent breast. "I think I speak for Kelsey when I say we've had a lovely time, John." Michelle murmured, her voice a little hoarse.
"It's been my pleasure, Michelle. I hope we can...see each other again...soon." I watched as her pleasure at my words seemed to make her nipple swell even more.
Michelle glanced back at her daughter in the backseat and from the edge of my vision, I sensed movement in my rearview mirror. Michelle licked her lips and said, "Would you like to come in, John?"
My heart was pounding with excitement, but I was trying to not go overboard and ruin the moment. " is getting late and I don't want to keep y'all up."
Michelle leaned in and with the one hand still resting on the bulge in my jeans, she reached out and turned off the motor and handed me the keys. In a voice that was low, but dripping with excitement, she said, "John, I want you to come in." She looked back at her daughter. "Kelsey doesn't mind in the least, do you, darling?"
"Nope!" came Kelsey's quick reply. "You two have been having a wonderful night...I don't see the point in stopping now." She was in shadow, but I knew that she was smiling – that her pleased, tongue peeking grin was on her face.
I reached out and stroked Michelle's face and replied, "Okay...let's go in!"
I climbed out and flipped up the seat for Kelsey and still complaining about the tight quarters back there, she wormed her way out, stumbling as she emerged to fall against me. I caught her, but suddenly found myself with my arms full of luscious, young woman. Kelsey pressed herself against me as she regained her balance and I was helpless and unable to resist looking down to see her breasts ready to spill out of her bustier...her aureoles now visible above the black fabric of her top.
She glanced down and then looked at me slyly as she murmured, "Whoops...sorry about that." She moved past me, her breasts dragging across my chest as she headed up the walk, digging house keys out of her tight jeans.