"Okay, Dad, are you ready?"
"Yes, Quinn. Come in and let me see."
Luke was apprehensive. He wasn't looking forward to having to tell his eager, eighteen year old daughter the idea she'd been so excited about probably wasn't going to work. Then she walked into his home office in one of the outfits they'd bought at the mall earlier that day. It was the black, "lady executive" suit, with matching skirt and short-waisted jacket. The skirt was shorter than he'd thought it would be, and in sheer, black pantyhose, his teenaged daughter's legs were spectacular, volleyball toned muscles set off by the black pumps she had on.
Quinn's tits were rounder and fuller than he expected, too, and the jacket didn't fully close over the girl's cleavage which was too generously displayed by the white blouse she hadn't buttoned high enough.
Luke was stunned, and allowed too much of his natural reaction to show, making his daughter snicker with satisfaction as she strutted into the room and did a couple of full turns for him. Her long, chestnut brown hair displayed so many blonde highlights it was hard to tell which was even the original color, and she had it tied back in a simple ponytail. He was impressed by how skillfully her makeup was applied, and by how sexy yet professional she looked in her suit. Even with her fresh, pretty face, she could easily pass for a college girl.
"So? What do you think, Dad?" she asked after one more full turn and striking a model-type pose as she invited him to study her look.
"Sweetheart," he started, then paused to take a deep breath. "You really look spectacular."
He meant every word, and Quinn blushed. One thing Luke could never get away with was never telling his daughter anything but the absolute truth. She always had an uncanny ability to know when he was fudging the truth. Not that he'd ever lie to her, but anytime he tried to hide birthday or holiday presents or organize a surprise party she always rooted out the truth. Now he was left with the unfortunate task of telling her it was a bad idea because she looked better than he ever imagined.
As a single father, Luke and Quinn probably acted more like a couple than they should have, and he confided in the girl about work the way he would've with his wife if he'd still been married to the girl's mother. That was how they ended up in the situation they were in now, with the teenage girl prancing and preening for her father in a business outfit that wasn't exactly very businesslike. Luke had been working for the past couple of years on a suite of office software he was convinced had a good chance of catching on and changing their entire lifestyle.
His project was finally ready to demonstrate to potential customers, and Luke had pooled all his resources to go to a major, two-day business convention on the coast. But he knew that having a great looking girl in an eye-catching outfit was the best way to get people to stop at his table to check out his offering. He couldn't afford to hire a model like a lot of companies did, and when he admitted this to his daughter she came up with the idea that she could be his spokesmodel.
But now Luke was amazed to see his young daughter looked even better than he imagined she would, and he was nervous about her being on the convention floor with all kinds of people staring at her or flirting with her. And the worst part was that he didn't know if he was being a protective father or actually feeling jealous. He hated to disappoint the most important girl in his life, but he couldn't imagine spending two days in a row at the convention with hundreds of strangers checking out his baby girl.
"Honey," he began, "you really do look amazing, but maybe this isn't such a good idea."
Quinn's expression turned to a frown. "Why, Dad? Don't try to tell me you don't think I'm pretty enough because I can tell you do."
Luke sighed and looked at his daughter's legs encased in those sheer black hose, so generously exposed by her short skirt. When he lifted his gaze to her cleavage, there was more of it than he ever realized before, and he caught a glimpse of the lacy edge of the bra she was wearing. It seemed like she must have gone from a B to a C cup already.
"Baby, I could never imagine anything or anyone prettier than you," he assured her. "But that's the problem. All kinds of guys are going to be looking at you and thinking who knows what."
The smile returned to Quinn's pretty face. She walked over to where he was sitting and sat in his lap, her short skirt riding up even higher on her shapely young thighs. The pressure of her firm, round ass on her father's lap felt better than Luke would ever admit, and the sight of the exposed portion of her tits so up close made him worry about getting hard. Then she looped her arms around his neck and gave him that pouty look she only reserved for times she absolutely needed him to say yes to something. It was the one look she knew he could never resist.
"Daddy, lots of people look at me already. It would almost be like going to the mall with all those guys your age checking me out, except I'd be helping you get your new business started."
Luke put his arm around the middle of her body, affectionately holding her in place. She hadn't sat on her father's lap in a very long time, but the gesture to hold her there like he used to back when she sat in his lap almost constantly was an ingrained habit. He hadn't even realized how much he missed having his baby girl cuddle up on her daddy's lap until now, but it never felt like this before. Now she had the most delectable curves even a father couldn't ignore.
"I know, baby," Luke sighed. "It's inevitable people are going to look at a girl as pretty as you. That doesn't mean I have to like it."
"Awww, you're my daddy-bear," the girl cooed, burying her face in his shoulder. "Besides, no matter how many guys look, I'm always gonna be yours, Dad."
Luke wasn't ready to have that particular conversation. For that matter, he didn't think he'd ever be ready to admit how some guy would come sweep his little girl off her feet sooner or later. It was unthinkable, especially with the warm tingles of sensation threatening to make his cock swell against the girl's perfectly form ass.
"I guess it would be okay if you come to the convention," he finally gave in. It seemed like the best way to deflect at the moment.
"You won't regret it, Dad," Quinn replied happily as she lifted her face off his shoulder and looked him straight in the eyes. "I'll be the best company spokesmodel you ever had."
Luke smiled. He was so proud of how beautiful his daughter was no matter how much sleep he lost over it.
"You'll be the only one," he chuckled.
"That's beside the point."
Then he hugged her with both arms and moved to kiss her cheek, but she turned her face and caught his lips on hers. The surprise gesture made his whole body stiffen, but he didn't back away. His luscious, eighteen year old daughter was giving him a sensuously loving kiss on the mouth, and the only thing he was capable of doing was kissing her back. His pulse immediately jacked up a few notches. His most powerful instinct at the moment was to pry her supple lips open with his tongue, but he resisted the urge. If he pushed his tongue into the girl's mouth just then his cock would've been hard under her ass within seconds.
But Quinn ended up making the decision herself. Her moist, sensuous lips opened on their own and he could feel her warm, wet tongue probe into his mouth. Luke immediately pushed his tongue into his daughter's mouth and kissed her as hard and deep as he ever kissed any girl in his life. Now his cock was quickly growing hard against her tightly curved body, but he was past the point of caring. The couple kissed long and deeply, and Luke even chanced a subtle grind of his rigid cock against his daughter's ass.
By the time he caught himself moving his hand to reach into the girl's blouse to feel her ripe tits he forced himself to break the kiss. Now he just held her by the shoulders, each of them just gazing into each other's eyes in amazement.
"What was that?" Luke asked, not really expecting a reply. His cock was now pulsing with hot desire under the pressure of his daughter's ass.
"Amazing," she said, her eyes glistening brightly.
Despite the nagging demands of his pulsating cock, Luke managed to gently push his daughter from his lap and point out it was getting late, even though it wasn't very late at all.
"Maybe you should go upstairs and get changed for bed," he suggested.
"Do you really want me to go, Dad?" She was clearly disappointed.
"We have to leave early in the morning, sweetheart," he explained. "We're both going to need a good night's rest."
"Okay," the girl pouted.
Luke caught his daughter's eyes quickly drifting over the bulge in his pants as she pouted and turned to leave the room. She walked out slowly, giving him an extra sway of her hips in the tight skirt she'd be wearing at the convention.
The girl's father sighed with relief after she left him alone. He'd stayed behind mainly because he didn't want to stand up in front of her with the evidence of his ravenous hard on denting his pants. It wasn't like she hadn't been fully aware of his condition, but flaunting it in front of her just seemed wrong. He waited a few more minutes, then went upstairs and undressed for bed. It was a lifelong habit for him to sleep naked.
Luke tossed and turned for what seemed like forever, with his persistent erection refusing to leave him in peace. He tried stroking his rod a couple of times while mentally reliving the surprising kiss he and Quinn had shared in his office downstairs. He couldn't stop thinking of how hot she looked in the new outfit he got her for the conference. But every time he came to the boiling point he stopped. He just couldn't bring himself to cum while thinking about his eighteen year old daughter. It didn't matter that she was the one who first slipped her tongue in his mouth when they were kissing, or that she never so much as bat an eyelash when she felt his prick go hard against the warm press of her ass in his lap.
After what seemed like half an eternity, Luke's cock relaxed into a semi-swollen state and he drifted off into a fitful sleep. He didn't know how long he'd been sleeping when he woke up again with another raging hard on. He sighed with exasperation and took hold of his cock. Stroking his aching shaft, he tried rerunning his favorite porn scenes in his mind, but his brain kept replacing the scenes with images of his hot, young daughter. He was right back where he'd been before falling asleep, totally at a loss to let himself cum with Quinn running through his mind.
As he lay on his bed, lamenting the throbbing hard on he couldn't bring himself to relieve, he realized the house wasn't as quiet as it seemed when he first woke up. There were noises coming from the direction of Quinn's room, and the longer he concentrated on listening, the more he realized his daughter was in her own room masturbating. The sound was faint and muffled, but it was definitely the sound of a young girl moaning in pleasure.
Luke's cock only throbbed even harder as he thought of his baby girl touching herself. He got up and went to open his bedroom door, stepping quietly into the hallway where he could hear his daughter's moans much more easily. Now he could make out every moan and whimper as he stood outside his bedroom naked and stroking his rock hard pole.
Precum began oozing heavily from his cock head as he quietly inched his way down the carpeted hall floor until he was standing right outside the girl's bedroom. He rationalized that he'd just stroke a while and like before, resist cumming. But the sound of his beautiful daughter's whimpering moans of pleasure was sending waves of need pulsing through his body like he never felt before. His hand gripped his cock tighter and pumped his shaft faster.
"Oohh, Daddy, yes, give it to me hard," she moaned inside her room while her whimpers became louder and more intense.
Luke was struggling to keep quiet himself, realizing his daughter was driving herself closer and closer to her climax. He wanted to see her as he imagined how she was touching herself. He'd seen her enough times in her skimpy bikinis to know that she kept her pussy shaved smooth. The camel toe she showed off in her string-tied bottoms didn't lie. Now he just wanted to barge into her room and bury his face between her shapely legs and lick her young slit until she was begging him to stuff her wet hole full of throbbing cock.
Quinn's cries and gasps suddenly rose to a fever pitch. "Daddy, Daddy, yes, make me cummmm," she moaned inside her room.
Luke lost it, knowing his precious baby girl was giving herself a hard orgasm while she was thinking about her loving father. He held his breath and furiously fisted his aching cock until his pleasure spiked and his cum was spurting all over the hallway carpet.
Afterward he was dazed. He couldn't believe he'd just had a mutual orgasm with his own daughter. At least Quinn was clueless about it, and he'd make sure she'd stay that way. She certainly couldn't be the first teenage girl to ever fall in love and have sexual fantasies about her father. Instead of feeling guilty, Luke actually felt a wave of intense affection for his girl. Yet it could never go farther, as much as he would never escape the same fantasies and desires she obviously had.
Finally feeling drained in every sense of the word, Luke quietly padded back to his bedroom and went to sleep.
When Luke woke up in the morning, his cock was hard and aching for release. It was impossible to think about anything else besides kissing his daughter in his home office, and then foolishly stroking himself to a mutual orgasm with her from outside her bedroom door. He snuck naked and hard down the hallway to the bathroom to take a shower. It was a risk, since Quinn was already up and moving around in her room, most likely getting ready to leave for the city where the conference was going on.
Luke took a slightly longer shower than he should have, but he needed to stroke off another load before getting into the car with his precociously luscious daughter.
But it wasn't long before he was right back to trying to ignore the girl's undeniable qualities. While he was loading everything he needed for the conference into the back of his SUV, Quinn came out with her luggage wearing a thin pair of yoga pants and a cropped, white tank top that clung tightly to the full swell of her ripe, young tits, leaving much more of her cleavage on display than Luke could resist noticing.
They had a three hour ride to the city where the conference was being held, and Luke's eyes were on his daughter every chance he had along the way. It was easy to tell how much she liked having her father looking at her, too, from the way she was constantly shifting position, causing her yoga pants to ride tightly over the outline of her panties or squish her lush, young tits into a bunch that looked like they could spill out of her top any second.
Quinn had never exactly been shy about her father seeing her in swimsuits or underwear, but it seemed as if her modeling her conference outfit the night before triggered a change. Of course French kissing her on his lap with his hard prick rubbing against her ass might have had something to do with it, too. Luke realized he wasn't just looking at his daughter like he loved her, which of course he did, but like he was in love with her. He also realized he'd been doing it since long before last night.
The only way to keep his mind on the conference was going to be to keep his mind off the kind of feelings for his daughter no father should have. And knowing now that Quinn had the same feelings for him wasn't making it easy.
When they reached the hotel, Luke pulled the car into the parking garage and they unloaded their luggage and everything they needed to set up their table for the conference. Quinn waited in the car while he went to find a luggage cart.
The conference was being held in two, adjoining function rooms at the hotel, and the whole area was very busy with all the other companies setting up their booths and tables for the next two days. Luke's area was pretty small and simple compared to what the other companies were setting up. He didn't really need too much space to demonstrate his software but he also knew visibility would be important for getting people to pay attention in the first place. But he was pretty much at the end of his budget just getting to the conference and footing the bill for a hotel with Quinn for three nights. But if his programs caught on the way he believed, he'd be able to quit working for someone else and establish his own, independent company.
Quinn worked alongside her father steadily, and did a great job setting up their table and display boards in a creative and eye-catching way. Luke was impressed. But he was also hopelessly distracted by his baby girl's incredible body as she worked in her revealing tank top and yoga pants. He also noticed how many of the other people there to set up were also being distracted by the perky, round curves of his eighteen year old daughter. The idea worried him, but he realized with Quinn out in front of the table they were probably going to get plenty of attention. At least Quinn would. In her yoga pants and low-cut tank, it seemed like no one was able to pass by their space without taking a look at her.
They finally went to check in to their room. Luke was relieved to get Quinn out of the conference room. The thong she was wearing under her yoga pants was easy enough to make out if you looked closely enough, and without a bra under her tank top, her proud, young tits shook and heaved freely as she worked on getting their display area set up. Her father didn't like the way so many of the men passing back and forth were looking at her, even though part of him felt incredibly proud of his baby girl.
Quinn was excited when they finally got to their room. She'd stayed in motels when Luke had taken her on short vacation trips, but never in a nice hotel where they were a dozen stories high with a full window view of the city. She barely even noticed the identical pair of perfectly made beds. She just walked around the room checking it all out, and went to stand in front of the huge windows looking out on a view of the city. Luke couldn't take his eyes off his daughter. The dents of her delectable nipples were clearly visible in the fabric of her tank, and the way her tight yoga pants were accentuating the bubbly, round shape of her ass cheeks was driving him crazy. And that was not to even mention the way her camel toe was showing.
He started thinking he probably should have left Quinn at home. Sharing a hotel room with her was already driving him out of his mind and they hadn't even unpacked yet. But when Luke saw how excited and pleased his daughter was to have such a nice room to stay in he wouldn't have it any other way. He loved making his beautiful girl happy. He was just going to have to find a way to cope with his forbidden desires. For one thing, he was going to have to make himself forget what she sounded like in her room the night before when they were both masturbating at the same time. The mere thought of it made his cock begin to swell all over again.
"Daddy, this is the best room ever!" she shrieked excitedly. Then she rushed back to him from the window and threw her arms around him. "Oh, Dad, I love you so much," she added.
"I love you, too, baby," he replied, hugging her back.
Feeling her full tits mashing against his body as she hugged him felt better than it should have. His cock was in danger of getting hard against her lush, young body, but he couldn't resist letting his hands drift onto the round swells of her ass cheeks in her yoga pants.
Quinn sighed and pressed the side of her face against her father's chest. "This is so perfect," she said.
It was too perfect, yet Luke couldn't stop himself from lightly fondling his daughter's ass while she pressed herself even tighter against his body. His cock was already starting to grow inside his pants. Despite the fact that he was hugging his daughter too close and feeling her firm, round ass, he didn't want her to feel his dick get hard against her body. Regardless of what he'd heard her saying while she masturbated in her room at home the night before, it was just too far for a man to go with his own, eighteen year old daughter.
Quite obviously, Quinn wanted more than a girl should ever ask of her father, but Luke didn't know how he could do anything but give her what she'd obviously been dreaming about. She wasn't like other girls. She was exceptional, and with his cock growing thicker and harder between them she just sighed happily and ground her body against his bulge.
"Oh, Quinn," he sighed. "This feels so nice, but we shouldn't."
"Yes, we should," she said immediately. "You know how much I want it, Daddy. I know you heard me last night. I wanted you to."
"But it's wrong, baby. So wrong." Yet even as he was saying the words, Luke's hands slipped down inside his daughter's yoga pants to feel the warm flesh of her perky ass. He kneaded and squeezed her firm, young flesh eagerly, pulling her body against his rapidly growing cock.
"I know how much you love me, Daddy. And I love you, too. That's never wrong." As she spoke, one of her hands moved in between their bodies and she began feeling the bulge of his cock through his pants.
"Oh god, Quinn, I love you more than anything else in this world. And I want you. There's no way you'd believe me if I tried to deny it."
The pretty girl giggled and squeezed the shaft of her father's rod. "Not now, Daddy. Not with a boner this hard."
Luke then kissed his beautiful daughter. Her lips felt like they'd been custom made to fit his, and he realized no woman had ever kissed him with such blood boiling need. Her mouth opened readily and when their tongues met, Luke felt his pulse jack up to a whole new level.
When their kiss finally broke apart, Luke pulled his daughter's top up and off as she raised her arms to help him. He took a moment to gaze in awe at her naked tits, nipples already thick and hard with excitement. She quickly pushed off her yoga pants herself, exposing her shapely legs and smoothly shaved pussy mound. Trying to keep his eyes on his daughter as she lay on top of one of the beds, Luke quickly peeled off his clothes, following her with his rigid rod swaggering before him. Quinn gazed at her father's cock with a look of awe on her face, as if her dream was finally becoming real.
Once he got onto the bed next to her, Quinn touched her father's chest and he curled his arms around her to pull her to him. He kissed her harder and deeper, his aching cock firmly trapped between them while her shapely tits mashed tightly against his body. His broad hands explored the svelte terrain of her spine, until they were suddenly filled with the lush spheres of her ass. He gripped and clutched her warm flesh and ground his need-swollen cock shaft against her supple body.
She whimpered into his mouth while her hands couldn't seem to decide which way to go. They were all over his back and shoulders, sliding over his ass and thighs. Quinn explored him with rapidly growing hunger.
She rubbed her body back and forth across the hard cockshaft trapped between them. Luke groaned and kissed her again, rolling his thumbs over her protruding nipples. Then he buried his face in her neck and kissed the soft, damp skin where her shoulder met her throat. She tasted so sweet and fresh. His kneading hands caressed her tits with firmly while a soft mewling sound rose out of her throat.
Quinn's right hand fumbled anxiously into the tight space between them until her fingers encircled the hot girth of his cock. Luke nearly felt paralyzed by her touch. His daughter's touch. It was so loving and erotic at the same time. Her fingers relished every pulsing contour of his cock as they explored him with ravenous curiosity. Her kiss was just as ravenous, giving and taking all at once.
"I can't believe I finally have this incredible cock in my hand, Daddy," she whimpered.
Luke's hand took a slow, grazing sweep down Quinn's body until he was touching her supple thighs. The tip of his cock was seeping precum all over her hand, and she was smearing his entire shaft as she stroked him. He cupped his hand over her mound, and his finger delved against the flushed wet folds of her slick pussy lips.
Quinn gasped sharply at the wet scrape of her father's finger along her furrow, and her grip on his cock suddenly tightened in response. He practically sank his teeth into her neck. It seemed like her moisture virtually flooded around his finger, and she began stroking his cock with unrestrained excitement.
He found her lips again, and they looked at each other with wide open eyes as he kissed her deeply, his finger pressing deeper into the yielding folds of her pussy. Her eyes grew huge and her jaw suddenly opened while her father fingered her. She was incredibly wet and slick. He squeezed her nipple and pressed the tip of his finger deeper into her slick cleft. She rolled her hips against his hand, and reached to hold onto his shoulders while she gasping for breath. Luke slid his finger in and out of her sheath, turning her gasps into moans of pleasure.
"Oh, Daddy, god," she mewled.
He finally drew his finger out of her pussy and took hold of his aching cock. He guided the oozing tip to replace the void his finger had left. Massaging and pressing at her saturated lips. Quinn ground her swollen sexlips against her father's rigid shaft, smearing her dew along his length. Luke sank back onto the bed, lying back and pulling the girl with him.
As he gathered the weight of her tits in his hands, she leaned forward, lowering them to his mouth. Whispering groans rose from her throat as he sucked a nipple deeply. He pushed his thumb inside the ring of his own lips and rolled it across her taut, rosy bud along with his tongue at the same time. When he moved to pay equal attention to the other nipple, Quinn braced herself on one arm and reached back with the other, trapping his cock under her palm and rubbing his flesh deeply into her slit.
"Daddy, I need it," she whined. "I need it so bad."
Luke opened his eyes as he felt her tits move out of his grasp and her lips on his chest, kissing a trail down his flat belly until she had the tip of his cock trapped beneath her soft, moist lips. Her tongue swirled out to explore the contours of his ridge, lapping at the thick coating of precum covering his flesh. She moved off to his side and placed her lips along his shaft, massaging him with her mouth.
He groaned and reached for her bare hip, curling his large hand around her cheek while she touched his sac with the tip of her tongue. She licked at the shape of his balls, kissing them, sucking each one into her mouth before letting her tongue explore the sensitive underbelly of his shaft.
"Quinn," he moaned. "Ohhhhhhh Quinn."
She paused, looking up at his face, holding his throbbing stalk in her bold grip, stroking him slowly, waiting.
"Baby, if you go any further," he said, "we'll never be able to take it back."
"I know that, Daddy," she answered. "I don't wanna take it back. I want it all." Then she kissed his precum lacquered cockhead.
His fingers slid toward her pussy, the tips lining up along the tight crease between her pussy lips. She opened her mouth and took the head of his cock inside. Luke groaned as he felt her suck, pushing her hand up and down his shaft at the same time. He could feel her tongue moving even as she began moving her lips along the top end of his cock.
Her dripping cunt nectar coated his searching fingers as he took a small thrust upward, aching to be deeper in her mouth, but not wanting to give her too much too soon. The deeper his fingers explored, the more voraciously she consumed his yearning cock.
He was aching for release and could easily just lie back and explode across her tongue, but as his fingers sank deeper in her sodden pussy, he found himself consumed by a swarm of desires.
He withdrew his fingers and took her by the shoulder, guiding her to lie next to him. He kissed her again, his cock against her as he found her wet pussy with his fingers. He massaged her slippery lips and slid one, then a second, finger up inside her channel. He gave her several gliding strokes, but then pulled his hand back toward her tits and coated her swollen nipples with the sweet dew on his fingers. He sucked the heady froth hungrily from her nubs while she sighed and clutched the back of his head.
Quinn whimpered weakly as he repeated this several times, but he finally couldn't wait any longer. He turned to face her between the thighs, and slid his tongue in an upward slashing motion along her parted slit. He found her opening with his thumb and pressed inside as he licked around her lips, lapping around the edges of the slip-sliding thrust of his thumb.
Luke's lips soon closed around her hard clit, sucking the taut nub while teasing her with the tip of his tongue. She gnashed her hips against his face and gripped his head with both hands. Before long, she didn't seem to know what to do with her hands until her arms flailed a moment and she gathered up two hard fistfuls of the bedspread. Then her hips bucked and rolled against his mouth, grinding against his driving thumb, and she came with deep, shuddering gasps for air. Luke was amazed by the force of his daughter's climax, and it only made him want her even more.
Quinn's ass gradually settled back on the bed. Her father's mouth and hand were thoroughly smeared with her honey. He crawled up to lie beside her and found her half dazed. Her head lolled his way and she grinned at him. He kissed her without stopping to think he was forcing her own taste on her, but she kissed him back greedily while his wet fingers twirled firmly around her nipples.
She mewled into his mouth and reached for his pulsing cock. She stopped short of yanking, but he moved quickly between her widely splayed legs. Her skin was warm and damp, unearthly smooth against his hips. The underside of his straining cock lay poised against her pussy, still flushed and inflamed. Her eyes grew wide again as he arched his back, bringing the blunt tip to rest just within the damp maw of her pussy.
Luke pushed forward. Quinn's sweet pussy yielded to the gentle but insistent pressure of his rock hard cock. He sank easily just past the tip before he reared back to take another, deeper drive inside her. Her channel was incredibly snug, yet flowing with honey in the wake of her climax. Within a few more moments, his swollen length was buried inside her, and he kissed her again while his hips began a fluid, rhythmic rocking motion. Quinn mewled and gasped at the insistent glide of her father's imposing cock.
The desperate need behind Luke's plunging thrusts steadily increased, his cock driving through Quinn's core with growing force. Her thighs drew up higher, yielding even more to him, until his balls were nudging her primly puckered asshole with every thrust.
"Owwww fuck!" Quinn suddenly yelped, breathless. "Fuck, fuck...Daddy...ffffffuck!"
Luke kissed her ferociously, and then raised himself higher above her. He massaged her knotted clit with his thumb, rubbed the foam of their union over her nipples, rubbed her clit again, pushed his wet thumb in her mouth and watched her suck their mingled taste as he shoved and thrust and plunged.
Quinn's entire body shuddered. "Dad," she gasped. "C-c-cum...in...me..."
Luke dropped his weight back on his hands and let go. He drove his pulsing cock harder and faster than ever before, feeling the walls of Quinn's channel ripple around his driving stalk. She pounded a steady beat against his tightly flexed arm with a loose fist, rolling and grinding against him as if she could swallow him up completely.
With a deep, heaving groan, Luke's granite cock lurched with explosive spasms, and he felt the rush of his own body-heated froth spurting into her undulating core.
Afterwards, they lay together just holding each other and kissing for a long time. Eventually they showered together and went down to the hotel restaurant for a late dinner. It wasn't like things had suddenly made a drastic change between them. It was just that everything seemed better. Luke had never felt so happy in his life, and it was all because of his sweet daughter's hot love.