Page 02

"You came home for me!" she cried. "I needed you and you came."

"Of course. Where else would I be?"

Ashlee buried her face against Phillip's neck and held onto him tighter than ever. Neither thought anything was wrong with her being naked as she held on to him. He'd seen his mother nude many times before. She'd always been liberally minded when it came to the human body and sexual needs, and she didn't want to raise her boy to believe there was anything wrong with that. It wasn't like she went out of her way to advertise the things she'd done with Phillip's dad or her other husbands, but she didn't hide them, either. Phillip knew his mother was an adventurous woman. Yet for all the times she'd been naked in front of him, she'd never hugged him naked.

If Phillip was fazed by his mother clinging to him naked then he didn't show it. He just held on to his clinging mother as if there was no other purpose in his life but to comfort the naked beauty who'd given birth to him. It was the first time since Gerald's tragic attack that she felt like everything was going to be alright. Yet nothing could prepare her for the warm, pleasurable feeling of her nude pussy grinding up against her son's big, solid body. Maybe it was only because she'd been teetering on the verge of a badly needed climax when he came in and interrupted her.

At the moment, though, with her overheated pussy mashed against Phillip's gorgeous, young body, Ashlee didn't feel like anything had been interrupted. Her body was taking over, demanding the most basic and most effective outlet for times of duress. In a defense mechanism, her mind blocked out everything except the warm glow of love emanating from her devoted son and also the throbbing waves of pleasure centered in her pussy.

Ashlee couldn't remember the last time she'd had her big, expensive tits crushed against a body as hard and defined as Phillip's. The sensation was delicious. It came as a huge affirmation of life in the wake of a deathly shock. She was given over completely to the sensations in her luscious body and started to grind her bare, wet pussy into Phillip's body as she whimpered like a kitten against his neck.

By now there was no ignoring the fact that Ashlee was grinding her snatch against her son in an undeniable quest for pleasure.

"Baby, baby, oh god, I'm so sorry," the blonde whined in shame. But she didn't stop. She just kept mashing her swollen clit against the rock hard body beneath Phillip's thin T shirt.

"It's okay, Mom," he told her in a soothing voice. "Just let it go. I'm right here for you."

Phillip's big hands kept kneading his mother's ass cheeks firmly but carefully. His intimate touch only made her body vibrate with need. Ashlee knew her son might look at her in shock or horror when she was finished, but her body was in complete control now, taking her down a dark path she never imagined. She ground against her perfect son's perfect body for long moments, her own body growing hotter and closer to her peak.

"Baby, forgive me. Mommy's gonna cum. I need it so bad," she whimpered desperately.

"That's it, Mom. Don't fight it. You need this and I love you. Cum for your big boy," he said, his hands kneading and following the gyrations of her tight ass at the same time.

"Oh, ohhhh, OHHHHHHHHH!" she cried as the most shameful yet delirious orgasm rocked her luscious body. She held on to Phillip tighter than ever while the shudders of ecstasy rippled through her flesh, making her head spin in a swirl of joy and embarrassment. But through it all, Phillip cuddled and hugged her in the most soothing way. As erotic as his touch on her naked body felt, it felt more like a comforting caress than anything else.

Ashlee snuggled against her son for a long time before she loosened her grip and let her legs come down to the floor.

"Oh, Phillip, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. You've barely walked in the door and I ..." she couldn't finish her statement because she had no idea what it was she'd just done. All she knew was that she felt a thousand times better.

"Mom, it's okay. It's just a stress reaction," he reasoned.

Ashlee could barely look her son in the eye, which left her gazing down at the enormous bulge in the front of his pants. It was a shock to think he'd been so aroused by her irrational behavior, but it made her smile nonetheless. She knew she had what it took to excite a hunky young man his age, but the visual proof was exciting to see. The fact that it was her son only made it feel like something special. And under those crazy circumstances, it wouldn't have seemed right if it had been anyone else.

"Oh, you're soaking wet," she noted, making her outward shame even worse.

Phillip just laughed. "It's not that bad, Mom. My clothes will be dry in a few minutes. Maybe you should get dressed so we can talk about everything that's going on and get to those phone calls you need to make. If you don't put something on I'll never be able to make eye contact."

Ashlee giggled, feeling happy as she twirled to go back to the bathroom to dry her hair. When she went back into the bedroom, Phillip was gone. She pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a cropped T shirt, then went downstairs to find him sitting on the living room couch. As soon as she went in, he got up to give her another long hug.

"Oh, Honey, you must think I'm awful," she cried against his shirt.

"No, Mom. Never. I just think you've been through a shock. Let's just sit down, take a few deep breaths and get through the rest of the day."

Having Phillip there made everything bearable. He sat with her for the next three hours as she made all the necessary phone calls, including a few extras she hadn't been counting on along with the incoming calls from some of Gerald's friends and associates.

The next few days held more of the same, and Phillip was there for his mother every step of the way. It was all such a shock, but the way things ended with Gerald continued to leave Ashlee with a secret she wasn't about to share. For that matter, there was another secret, but Phillip knew all about the second one. He was there for it, after all, when his mother rushed out of the shower and ended up grinding herself to orgasm against his body.

Ashlee had nothing but the best memory of the way it felt to cum against the only man to ever love her as much as her first husband. It gave her a delicious escape during an otherwise stressful time. Over the days leading up to the funeral, she often thought about telling Phillip what had really happened the night before and morning of Gerald's death, but she kept it to herself.

There was no repeat of Ashlee's impulsive performance with Phillip, but it was never far from her mind. The climax she had was unforgettable. That, combined with her relief that he was there for her at one of the worst times of her life, made her feel more affectionate than ever toward him. And after seeing the size of the bulge in his pants the day he got there, she couldn't go very long before her mind was filled with thoughts of his cock.

With Ashlee and Phillip being the only ones together in Gerald's big house, she gave up on making any concessions to modesty. She bathed and pampered herself with her door wide open, secretly hoping Phillip would barge in and claim her. The fantasy never failed to give her a wet pussy, which she had to satisfy with her fingers every time. She also spent hours at a time dressed only in revealing lingerie, excited to feel her big boy's eyes on her luscious MILF's body. It felt more like the happy, erotically carefree days of her first marriage to Phillip's dad.

The day of the funeral finally arrived and Ashlee was surprised it was so sparsely attended. Darlene went, but not her mother, Gerald's first wife. Then there were a few of his current business associates putting in a polite appearance. Ashlee realized she wasn't the only one her late husband had managed to alienate. Still, she held her secret, worried that if anyone knew Gerald had kicked her out that someone might come along and contest his will. She didn't know anything about his will, other than his promise to leave her the house when and if this day arrived.

Oddly enough, Ashlee found herself on friendly terms with Darlene. Gerald's daughter seemed to know what the blonde had been through being married to her stiff as a board father. The business associates all sucked up to both of them, none of them sure which of the women would inherit Gerald's shares of their business ventures. The two women just laughed it off when they had a private moment together. They even made a quick agreement not to battle over whatever decisions Gerald made in his will. They were both already well off, but they did agree to put up a fight together if Gerald turned out to cut both of them out completely.

Ashlee felt a little better, as if she'd made a new friend, but she still kept the nastiness of their last fight to herself. The only time the blonde felt herself getting upset with Gerald's busty, brunette daughter was when she spotted her getting inappropriately flirty with Phillip. Ashlee was jealous and didn't even try to deny it to herself. This was her father's funeral, for crying out loud. And Phillip was practically her stepbrother. How much more inappropriate could she get?

It wasn't much later that Ashlee told her son she wanted to go home, so they got into their limo and let the driver take them away. When they got home, Ashlee got out a bottle of wine and poured each of them a drink. They sat on the couch to drink and talk about the day. Phillip looked especially handsome in his black suit, and his mother had to fight the warm tingles fluttering in her pussy. She crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs, which only made it worse. And then she couldn't ignore the way her son was looking at her.

Ashlee had worn a simple, black dress. It came just above her knees without being too short for the occasion. The halter style top had a sheer panel that didn't go low enough to show her deep cleavage, but the dress was snug enough to feature the blatant swell of her tits. She also wore semi-sheer black pantyhose, but she'd slipped off her heels when she sat down. She knew she looked good, but had purposely toned down her usual way of dressing for the funeral. It seemed appropriate considering the fact that her late husband's last words were to call her a slut.

"What?" she asked with a coy grin when she caught Phillip staring at her.

Phillip grinned back. "You make a really hot looking widow," he said.

Despite the thousands of compliments his mother had gotten on her looks and body over the years, she felt herself blush and feel excited.

"That's just the wine talking," she said.

"No, that's your son saying what he's been thinking ever since I saw you run out of the shower the other day." He looked smug, proud of himself for making his mother blush.

"I can't believe I did that," Ashlee said, feeling embarrassed but also amused by the memory. "You're going to do your mother a big favor and forget that ever happened."

"You know damn well I'm going to remember that for the rest of my life. It was one of the hottest things that ever happened to me."

"Umm, well it was one of the more pleasurable moments I've ever had," the blonde admitted, blushing. "But it shouldn't have happened. You said it yourself -- it was just a reaction to stress. I was grieving."

"Mom, did you forget who you're talking to? Your son, who knows you better than anyone? I know you're not glad Gerald died, but I know you're not sorry, either. Less than a dozen people came to his funeral. That's not the kind of sendoff you see for a guy people loved."

Maybe it was the wine, but Ashlee couldn't hold back a small giggle. She then admitted everything that happened before the fatal heart attack. She told her son the whole story, from the argument the night before to the one in the kitchen the next morning when Gerald's attack suddenly came on. She even told him what started the fight. It felt good to finally unburden herself, and Phillip was the only one she trusted to keep her secret. He looked at her with an astonished expression while she related the story, and when she finally ended with a shrug he just smiled.

Phillip moved across the couch to sit close to his mother and put his arms around her, hugging her close while she breathed a sigh of relief. It felt so good to have his big, solid arms around her. For the first time since she ground herself to a climax against his body, she felt like everything was going to be okay. Feeling him so close again couldn't help but bring back the vivid memory of that intensely powerful orgasm. She wanted to feel that way again and she knew there was only one man in the world who could give that to her, except the most ancient rule of society didn't allow it.

"Gerald was an idiot," he finally said as he backed out of the hug. "He never should've called you names like that."

Heaving a deep sigh that pushed the swell of her large tits out, Ashlee said, "Maybe he was right."

"No, he wasn't. He was being an asshole."

"Phillip! We just buried the poor man!"

"That doesn't make him a nice guy. He shouldn't have called you names."

Phillip stopped to refill their glasses, and then Ashlee leaned back against the side of the couch and stretched her legs across his lap. This caused the lower end of her dress to ride high on her legs. Phillip held his wine in one hand while resting the other on the inside of his mother's leg, just above her knee. The wine was starting to make her feel warm, but her son's hand made her feel even warmer.

"I probably deserved it," the blonde admitted with a sigh.

Phillip chuckled. "Not the way he meant it, Mom. He should've been saying those things as a compliment, especially since you were, ummm, giving him something really nice."

"I can't believe I told you about that," Ashlee blushed.

"I'm glad you did. I like knowing that about you?"

"You like knowing your mother licks ass?" If it weren't for the wine, she probably wouldn't have said it, but there was no denying what they were really talking about. On top of that, Ashlee loved the way it felt to be so open with her son. He was the only person alive she trusted completely, knowing he'd never do anything to hurt her. And as much as she loved and trusted his father, she loved and trusted Phillip even more.

"Mhmm," he replied. "That's so hot."

Ashlee felt her pussy churn with heat. "So you don't think your mom's a slut?" she probed curiously.

Phillip gave her a wide, panty-melting smile. "I actually do, to be honest, Mom. I do think you're a slut. But I don't think that's bad. It's hot. If I ever called you a slut I'd be saying it as a huge compliment."

Ashlee's pussy was quickly going from warm to wet, but she was still curious about Phillip's point. He sure wasn't like most other men. "So you do think I'm ... ya know? That?" she played it coy.

She was rewarded with another intoxicating smile.

"Yes, Mom, you're a slut. You're the most gorgeous, hottest woman I've ever seen. And I know you love sex and lots of it. It's not like you ever tried to hide it, even from me. I'm really proud of you. Even if I get jealous sometimes, I'm proud of the way men want you."

Ashlee was taken aback, though the ache in her pussy only kept getting deeper. "Baby ... I -- I -- had no idea you felt that way."

"Remember what you did the day Gerald died? Right after I got here?"

"Oh god, I'll never forget it. I should never have done that to you, Honey."

"I'm glad you did. It was so slutty," he laughed. "Beautifully slutty. What kind of woman runs out naked from the shower and then grinds herself to an orgasm against her own son? And just a couple of hours after her asshole of a husband drops dead?"

"Oh. My. God." Ashlee was blushing furiously, but the way Phillip described what she did made her pussy leak in her pantyhose.

"I know you could tell how hard my cock was, Mom." He started rubbing her inner thigh, feeling her leg through her nylons. "You needed it and you took it. I was so amazed."

"That was so wrong," his mother said with a sigh despite the nagging heat in her pussy. Phillip's hand was squeezing harder and moving higher on her thigh.

"But it made you feel good when you needed it most. God, you came like such a slut," he said with a grin, sliding his hand even higher on her leg. His fingers were mere inches from her pussy. Ashlee thought her pantyhose were a mixed blessing, creating the illusion of a barrier between her son's hand and her skin.

"I had to be a slut to do something like that," she said barely above a whisper.

"The way you were holding on to me and grinding so hard made me feel like you were my slut."

Ashlee felt a deep surge all the way up her moist pussy at her son's words. "I, uhh, don't mind when you call me that," she admitted. She could feel his cock swelling inside his pants where her calf was resting across him. He pushed his hand the rest of the way toward her pussy and felt her slit through her seamless pantyhose. She let out a deep gasp at the electric spark of his bold touch.

Phillip's fingers were strong and sure as he massaged his mother's pussy. Her juices seeped out heavily at his forbidden touch and started to make her nylons feel gooey and slick. It wasn't anything her son should be feeling, let alone rubbing her cunt and making the problem worse, but the last thing she wanted now was for him to stop. She rubbed her calf over the bulge of his cock through his pants, letting him know she approved of his touching no matter what she might say. He felt so big and solid and just touching his cock with the back of her leg was enough the make her heart race with excitement. And her excitement grew along with the growing pressure of Phillip's hand.

"I know something else that makes you a slut," the young man teased.

Ashlee ground her pussy against his hand and whimpered, as if that was reply enough.

"You didn't wear panties to your husband's funeral."

Ashlee started to giggle, then moan, but then Phillip had both his hands under her dress and started pulling down on her pantyhose. She automatically lifted her ass and let him pull the hose down her legs, finally lifting her feet so he could take them all the way off. He left her dress in a bunch around her hips so her perfectly smooth pussy was now fully exposed. Phillip was staring intently at his mother's dainty looking slit and slid his hand back up her bare thigh. She parted her legs a few inches to give him room to feel her damp cunt.

"Oh fuck," she sputtered when his fingers came into contact with her overheated sex lips. She ground the back of her leg against the rigid cock in his pants. He massaged her lips, dipping his finger into her hole for a few strokes at a time before pulling back out to keep massaging. By now her clit was painfully swollen but her boy gave her dew coated pearl plenty of attention.

"Mom, you have the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen," Phillip said as he slipped his middle finger into her hole.

Ashlee moaned and opened her legs a little more, grinding her mound into her son's probing finger.

"And now," the boy went on, "you're letting your own son finger your wet hole just hours after burying your third husband. You're so fucking hot."

"Mommy's such a slut," the blonde said, arching her back as the pleasure went through her body in waves.

"But now you're gonna be my slut, Mom. Only mine. No more husbands or boyfriends. I don't want you giving this hot, wet cunt to anyone else."

"Fuck, you have such a dirty mouth," his mother groaned.

"Who do you think I got it from, Mommy?"

Phillip then leaned over far enough to kiss his mother's mouth. Her breath caught as their lips connected, instantly opening wide enough for their tongues to play. Their kiss was deep and intense. To Ashlee, it almost felt naughtier than letting him push his finger in her pussy. Kissing was just so much more intimate. And yet she loved him the way she'd never loved anyone before, not even his father. He kissed her back in a way that let her know he felt the same way. But could she really be his? Could she give him everything she'd given other men before him? From the way his finger was stroking across her G spot her doubts were evaporating quickly.

Ashlee started moaning too hard to keep up their desperate kissing. Phillip kept massaging her sweet spot and mashed the pad of his thumb onto her clit at the same time. His mother felt her body twist and squirm as the pleasure threatened to overload her senses. If he could do this with his finger, then what kind of depraved mess would his cock turn her into?

"Baby, oh fuck, you're gonna make Mommy cum," she mewled.

"Show your boy what a slut you are and cum for me," he said breathlessly.

"Ah, ahhhhh fuck! I'm cumming!" Ashlee cried out. Her body arched and shuddered with a wave of sensation she'd never felt before. It wasn't as if Phillip was the first man to find her G spot, but being her son she had a level of love and trust for him no one else deserved. He was the one who rushed to be by her side the morning Gerald died. He was the one who didn't judge her, who even embraced everything she was.

"I love the way you cum, Mom," he told her, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Oh, so much. And that was oh, so wrong."

But they both laughed it off. They both knew how wrong it was to be more than mother and son, but neither of them cared.

Ashlee got off the couch and stood up, beckoning Phillip to follow. She started taking his suit off piece by piece until she had him completely naked.

"Oh god," she said, running her hands over his firmly defined muscles. He was perfect, and she finally took hold of his impressively swollen cock and started stroking him.

"That feels so good, Mom," he moaned. "You're so good at that."

She gave him a wickedly seductive smile. "This is what you get when you take a slut for a lover."

"Is that what you are now? My lover?"

"For you, baby, I'll be anything you want."

Phillip pulled her close, their bodies only separated where Ashlee had her hands on his cock. He pulled the zipper in back of her dress down and started to pull it off her shoulders. "I want everything with you. You've always been my angel, and now I want you as my slut, too. I know you're both all rolled up in one, Mom. You're the only one ever."

Ashlee felt her face go hot over her son's words. Not even his father had ever said anything like that to her. She let go of his cock and let him take her dress off. He started kissing her again, this time with his large hands exploring her big, heavy tits. He squeezed and massaged them eagerly, but when he started rolling and twisting her erect nipples she moaned into his mouth. He leaned over and spent a long time sucking the tips of her firm orbs and fingered her pussy some more.

He finally sat back down and set his feet wide apart, holding his long cock upright. Ashlee giggled, knowing what he wanted. He might've been special, but he was still such a guy. She gladly knelt down in front of him and replaced her hand around his shaft with hers.

"Mommy knows just what you want, baby," she purred.

"Suck it, Mom," he groaned. "I've been dreaming of this forever."

Ashlee looked in surprise at her proudly smiling son, almost forgetting that she was holding his throbbing stalk of man flesh in her hand. "You have? You actually thought about me sucking your cock?"

"More times than I can tell you."

The blonde took a deep breath and then leaned over and started licking Phillip's cock. The moan of pleasure that instantly came from his mouth made her heart race even faster. She couldn't believe she was actually tasting his pole. Finally. Ever since she'd seen the shape of his gorgeous erection in his pants the other day she'd been imagining how it looked and felt. How it tasted. And it was delicious. He was sort of sweet but so manly and tangy. Precum dribbled heavily from his dome as she lapped around the ridge of his head, finally taking the end into her mouth.

Ashlee jerked and sucked at the same time, twisting her hand in a corkscrew motion while her tongue swirled over his flesh within her bobbing mouth. She kept looking up at him and was pleased to catch him watching her every time. She felt overwhelmed with love for him. Overwhelmed with love for his luscious cock. She would suck it for him ten times a day for the rest of her life if that's what he wanted. But after watching him watch her for a few minutes, she freed him from her mouth but kept her hand around his shaft.

"Do you like the way Mommy sucks your cock, baby?"

"Fuck yes. I'll never get enough of this, Mom. You suck cock like a slut," he said with a playful grin.

Ashlee giggled happily. If they were really taking this huge step together, she wanted him addicted to her body and skills. She giggled again as she thought it was a mother's duty to make her son feel better than any other woman. But then he surprised her by lifting his legs up high, bringing his knees toward his shoulders until his rimhole was staring back at her from below his cum-filled balls.

"But now I want you to lick that asshole, Mom. I want you to tongue fuck that ass like a dirty slut."

Ashlee's heart raced. She noted how Phillip was not only shaved around his cock and balls, but all the way back to his asshole. Unlike Gerald. There was nothing but pure, hair-free rim for her to lick and please. Wanting to impress as much as please him, she leaned in without hesitation and flicked her tongue over her son's tightly puckered rimhole.

"Ohhhhhhh, fuuuuuuuuuck," he moaned, obviously savoring the bold and skillful lapping and darting of his mother's highly practiced tongue.

Stroking his oozing cock at the same time, Ashlee spent a long time making love to her son's asshole with her mouth. She kissed his little rim like a tiny mouth, then licked it, lapped it and darted the tip of her tongue against the taut ring. She soon had the end of her tongue squirming inside the boy's ass, fucking wetly into his hole while her hand slid up and down his rock hard prick.

Phillip was moaning and squirming. It made his mother happy to know she was giving him something special. She wasn't so clueless as to think there weren't other girls who'd licked his ass before, but she was sure his little college girls weren't as good as his much more experienced mommy.

After a while, Ashlee pulled back with her tongue and slowly slipped a finger into her son's ass. Phillip just kept moaning and squirming across the couch. With her finger up his ass, she went back to sucking his cock. She was happy to hear the deeper, raspier sound of his moans. He was totally under the spell of his mother's talents, and she was determined to make sure he felt the full benefit of them. But she was surprised when he pushed her back just before she was sure he was about to give her a big mouthful of warm cum. She almost felt cheated when he made her stop, but she was eager to see what he had in mind.

Phillip stood up, his cock brushing against his mother's face with the move, but then he took her hands and guided her up to her feet. Now his cock was rubbing against her tummy while he stared at her with the most intense desire she'd ever seen in a man's eyes. He explored her naked form with his hands, reaching for her smooth pussy to stroke her sodden lips, but paying special attention to those big, beautifully sculpted tits. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he suddenly started kissing her again. They shared a long, hard, deep, soul searching kiss while she fondled his cock as eagerly as he fondled her tits.

It seemed like forever before they broke off that kiss. By the end of it, there wasn't a shred of doubt they were going through the rest of their lives as a couple. A mother and son, but a hotly devoted couple. Ashlee only giggled with delight at the idea her own son was the man she was meant to be with. But before she could say anything, Phillip pulled her behind him by the hand, leading her into the kitchen where he bent her over the table. He sat in the chair directly behind her. It was the same chair where Gerald usually ate his breakfast, but now it was her son diving in between her ass cheeks for a completely different type of meal.

Phillip was forceful but not rough in the way he pulled the spheres of his mother's ass apart. He held her wide open and began licking her from her pussy to her starbud. He slurped her honey coated lips hungrily and let his tongue dart against her clit and into her hole while he massaged her rimhole with his thumb.

"Baby," Ashlee called breathlessly, "my son, you're making Mommy feel sooooo good."

Phillip growled in reply, never allowing his tongue to let up in its saliva-soaked exploration of his mother's holes. She was moaning and cooing like a sex kitten in heat. Her enormous tits were now squashed against the table top while she clutched at the edge and felt her baby's love ripple through her body.

After several minutes, Phillip brought his tongue to his mother's tight asshole, concentrating his licks and kisses to her tiny ring. He brought his thumb and fingers to her pussy, stroking and probing her dripping slit while probing her ass with his tongue.

"Owwww, fuck, baby that feels purrrrfect," the blonde mommy moaned.

Ashlee had always loved when a man paid loving attention to her asshole. There were precious few who ever did, though. Gerald never so much as touched her rimhole even by accident, but now her son was pushing his tongue inside her. The blonde felt like she was floating on a cloud of pure pleasure. Phillip filled her pussy with a pair of pumping fingers while continuing to probe her asshole with his agile tongue. He was too good at it for this to be his first time exploring a girl's starbud. The thought of him driving those young coeds crazy with pleasure as he licked and fingered their assholes made her feel giddy with pride.

When Phillip started massaging his mother's G spot while tonguing her ass, Ashlee's body quickly lit up with explosive pleasure. Her boy made her cum so hard she squirted for the first time in ages, soaking his neck and the lower part of his face with her bursting spray. Her entire body rocked with shudders of blinding pleasure. Her climax went on longer than she thought was possible. And before she had a chance to catch her breath, she heard Phillip's chair scraping back on the floor. Then he was standing behind her and rubbing the blunt tip of his fat cock against her holes.

Everything felt wet and slick as Ashlee's entire cunt and ass crack were coated with a heady mix of her own juices and her son's saliva. Now he was adding his precum to the stew, massaging her ass bud with the head of his cock and then angling his shaft downward to stroke it over her sex lips. She knew what was coming. Any second now, she would feel something few women ever felt, her own son's cock surging into his mother's slippery cunt channel. She needed it. She couldn't wait for it. This was the momentous occasion when her boy proved himself as her man and staked his claim by filling her most precious treasure with throbbing man cock.

"Do it, baby. Fuck Mommy's snatch," she moaned in a hoarse whisper.

Phillip then pushed his knob into his mother's slippery opening. Her swollen lips parted for the hot, rigid meat driving into her pussy. She uttered one, long, throaty moan that grew louder with every inch that slipped inside her tight sheath. When the full length came to a stop, filling her the way she'd never felt before now, Ashlee could barely breathe. Her heart was pounding with excitement and even a little fear. Had she lost her mind? Didn't she just tell her own son to fuck her? Yes was the only answer, and it suddenly made her smile.

"Give it to Mommy, baby," she crooned, squeezing her inner muscles around his throbbing shaft. "Give Mommy that cock just as hard as you please."

But Phillip didn't move. "Prop yourself up on your elbows, Mom," he said.

Half dazed and wondering why he was waiting to start fucking her, Ashlee did as he asked. Then she felt those large, strong hands reach around her to cup and squeeze her heavily dangling melons.

"Ahhhh, yeahhhhhh," Phillip groaned. "This way I can feel these gorgeous tits while we fuck."

Ashlee tried to reply but her son started moving his thick cock in and out of her pussy. His meat was quickly coated with her juice and started sliding back and forth with long strokes. His fingers played roughly with her swollen nipples while his cock stroked her inner sheath with steady thrusts.

"Mine," her son growled, breathing heavily as he started pumping harder and faster into her core.

"Ohh yes, baby, Mommy's all yours. Fuck me. Fuck your slut!"

After that, Phillip just groaned and grunted as he strained to pump his mother's squelching cunt with the full length of his straining meat. He kept massaging her tits, but eventually moved one hand backward. That was when Ashlee felt his thick thumb press into her asshole. She yowled like a cat in heat while he filled her ass with his blunt thumb and steadily pumped that marble hard cock into her pussy.

Ashlee was gasping for air. Nothing mattered now but the powerful sensations racing through her body. She wanted Phillip to fuck her forever. No other cock could give her what she had now and she hoped he could feel half the joy and pleasure she was. Then she started to cum, and in their current position, the underside of her son's cock kept stroking across her G spot until she felt herself squirting again. This time, instead of soaking her baby's face with her pussy shower, she soaked his cock and all around his gyrating groin.

"OH FUCK, MOM!" he shouted. "I fucking LOVE that tight, wet cunt!"

Ashlee's orgasm never subsided but morphed into another one, her snatch spraying her motherly nectar into Phillip's lunging body. He suddenly yanked his thumb out of her ass and spanked her cheek while he pounded desperately into her hole. She knew her baby was on the brink of his climax before he called out to warn her.

"Gonna cum, Mom!" he shouted. "Fuck, that pussy feels so good!"

"Yes, baby, yes!" Ashlee screamed back at him. "Fill Mommy's slut hole with her baby's cum!"

The warm flush of spurting cum spread through Ashlee's loins as her son drove relentlessly into her pussy, coating her hot womb with familial seed. He pounded and thrust all the way through her climax, finally spending the last of his forbidden spunk into his mother's luscious pussy.

Phillip held his cock inside her as they huffed for air. He pulled her backward with him as he sat in Gerald's chair again, keeping her on his lap with his pole still embedded in her hole. He kissed her shoulder and lazily massaged her tits while they caught their breath. When she felt steady enough, Ashlee rose off her son's cock and turned around, sitting back astride his lap but now facing him.

"Baby, I love you so much," she said, almost weeping for joy as she kissed his face.

"I love you, too, Mom," he replied. He took her face between his hands and kissed her mouth. It was a calmer kiss than before, but still deep and filled with the need and hunger that only comes with the deepest kind of love.

After kissing for a long time, Ashlee rested her face against her son's shoulder. He held her in place with his thick, strong arms. She was perfectly happy and secure, a feeling she knew would be permanent now. Yet she knew the sexually satisfied glow in her body was only temporary. It was only a matter of time before she would need more of her son's glorious cock and the needful way he pumped her pussy full of his love.

Ashlee wondered if Gerald might've been right after all, that maybe she was really just a slut who didn't feel the least bit guilty about sharing her sordid pleasures with her own son. What kind of woman tongue fucked her son in the ass? Or let him do the same thing to her? Or let him make her cum so hard she squirted all over his face and groin? But the thought of being Phillip's slut, being his fucktoy, only made her feel closer than she'd ever felt to any man. She felt a sense of mutual belonging like a warm glow of contentment deep in her core.

Then she thought of how different she felt when Phillip called her a slut vs. Gerald. Coming from Phillip, it made her feel happy knowing he was merely proclaiming their unbreakable bond. No matter how dirty or sordid it seemed on the surface, down deep it was something too special to ever let go. She lifted her head and looked at her son's handsome face. He smiled and kissed her for a long time. His hands started to roam again and she felt his cock already growing back to its erect state. She got up from the chair and took hold of Phillip's rod to lead him upstairs.

"Come with Mommy, baby," she said, casting a playful glance over her shoulder. "Your slut needs more. So much more."​
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