Page 02

"I've really enjoyed having you as a student Eric, I'm sorry to see the semester end."

Eric was deeply tempted -- she was beautiful, the smartest, most interesting person he'd ever known — but it was premature. Be patient he told himself, one more dose. He reached for her hand, held it in his, said, "I've enjoyed it also, I've learned a lot from you, and please let me know about those plants."

Arching her back and neck, moving her body into him, she said, "And please, make sure to call me if you have any questions, any time, if I can be of any help at all."

On the flight home she struggled to regain control of herself. She'd broadcast her availability, she'd been ready to fuck him in her office. Any other man would have thrown her across her desk. She was a little miffed -- men didn't say no to her -- but grateful for his self-control. Screwing a student in her office this late in the year, when plenty of faculty are working late, would have been insane. He was a special, extraordinary, admirable, adorable, sexy young man.

At home she checked the batteries on her favorite vibrator and dildo. Tonight she would take her time.
* * * * *​

It was noon, the papers were due at 5:00. She checked her phone again, still nothing from him. It made sense, her notes had been thorough, he was her strongest student, the one least likely to need help, the one least likely to offer an excuse for a late or defective paper, but still, she longed to talk to him. Then she recalled the plants, why hadn't she thought of them earlier? She started to call him, but his paper was due in a few hours, he might be furiously finishing it, so she sent a text: "Hey Eric, is this a good time to talk?"

When he responded, "Yes, I'd love to talk," she called him on Facetime; at the sight of him her nipples tingled, her sex swelled, her heart beat faster. Dropping a hand between her legs she said, Hey Eric, how's the paper going?"

Gesturing to a computer sitting behind him, she'd been so focused on him she'd not initially noticed it, it was a dinosaur, she hadn't seen the model in years, he said, "I was just formatting it to send to you. I hope you like it, I think it's pretty good. Is everything okay?"

"Yes Eric. I'm sorry to bother you, I know you must be busy, but I was thinking about your offer of those plants. I've been rude, I should have called you earlier. Of course I'd love them, but I was thinking that instead of my office they'd be perfect in my condominium."

"No bother. Is tomorrow morning good for you? I'm scheduled for interviews at Berkeley. I could leave them with Morrow's Horticultural Services, they're friends of mine. They have the equipment necessary to deliver and set them up in a high rise. When we get off the phone text me your address. I'll let them know."

That was not what she had in mind, she wanted him to deliver them, but her mind addled by the fire between her legs, she was unable to come up with a Plan B and said, "That's perfect."

Hurrying to her bedroom , stripping, she texted Eric her address, taking a perverse delight in doing so while naked, then turned on the vibrator sitting on her bed -- it'd been in constant use lately, she hadn't bothered putting it away -- and several minutes later, imagining her and Eric's entwined sweaty bodies on this bed, her gut exploded and she screamed, "OH GOD ERIC, YES ERIC, YES ERIC, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS ERIC ERIC ERIC ERIC."
* * * * *​

After a long shower she returned to her computer. It was close to 2:00 P.M., the papers were due at 5:00. After spending several hours responding to work related e-mails she logged onto the university's site and watched the papers dribble in. A couple were a few minutes late, but close enough to the deadline to be acceptable. However, she saw nothing from Eric. She searched his name. It had been there for several hours. As he'd said, he'd been finishing it up.

After her experience with the mid-terms, knowing it would be unfair to the other students to let Eric set the bar too high, she set his aside and worked late into the night, not only reading and grading papers, but preparing the detailed comments that were her real contribution to her students' education. When she got to Eric's she was tired and a bit jaded, and decided to save it for the morning. It would be a treat over a cup of green tea.
* * * * *​

Wearing a sort sexy gown, she primped in front of a mirror, then fixed a cup of tea and curled up in her favorite chair as she read Eric's paper. His draft had been superb, this was better. He'd not only incorporated her suggestions, but showed a true understanding of what she'd been getting at. He'd also made several changes of his own. It was good to see a student who truly cared about the material, who was not just chasing a grade.

Then, although moving towards a conclusion, the paper ended mid-sentence. There was a missing page or two.

She re-checked her computer, the pages were not there, returned to her bedroom, put on a shirt, called Eric on Facetime.

He was in his greenhouse, surrounded by buttapboo plants. At the site of them, associative memories and desires flooded her body. It was like she could smell the plants, it was like she could smell him.

"Good morning Ms. Guttierez. Did something come up about the delivery today?"

Focusing, regaining her composure, she said, "No, I'm fine, it's not about the delivery. It appears I didn't get all your paper. I have thirteen pages. How long was it?"

Taking a moment to recall, he said, "Fifteen pages, but there wasn't much on the last page. It must be my computer, it can be persnickety," then checking his watch, said, "I'll run back inside and re-send it."

Adriana had seen his computer, she did not doubt him. Did she need the last two pages? It could be recitations of Mother Goose and he'd get, and deserve, an "A." But her inventive mind had identified an opportunity here. After all, she certainly couldn't award a grade without a complete copy of the final paper in her file.

She said, "Go ahead Eric, but also print a copy and bring it with you. That way if something happens I can get it from you while you're in town."
* * * * *​

When Adriana Guttierez returned to her computer she saw that Eric had re-sent his paper, it was there, each and every page. She read it, re-read it, awarded it the "A" it deserved, finished typing her comments, then loaded the grades into he computer. The only thing left was to forward them to the university.

That was when her phone rang.

"Ms. Guttierez, it's the front desk. Morrow Horticultural is here. They have some plants to deliver, said you were expecting them."

"I am, send them up."

The gentlemen, polite and professional, moved the plants around the apartment several times -- being men they had no objection to lingering around this stunning woman -- before Adriana decided on the right spots. Using the water Eric provided them, they watered the plants, thanked Ms. Guttierez for her generous tip, and once downstairs texted Eric to let him know the delivery had been made.

As the buttapboos' potent scent spread through her condominium Adriana headed for her computer to forward the grades, when her phone rang. It was Eric, she put it on FaceTime and said, "Hello," swallowing the word "darling" just before it came out, "Eric."

"Hello Ms. Guttierez, I was calling to see if the plants arrived safely."

She turned her phone towards the buttapboos, then back to herself, and excitement in her voice said, "They did, and they're lovely. How did you get so many blossoms, three flowers on one, four on the other? You're amazing, you must have magic hands."

"The greenhouse helped. Did you get the final two pages of my paper?"

When the idea had come to her, Adriana Guttierez wondered if she'd go through with it. But now, the air dense with the buttapboos' perfume, his face on the screen, the burn between her legs intense and powerful, the desire in her heart rich and deep, she sat and clicked her computer, forwarding the grades to the university. Eric was now a former student, fair game, and it would not really be a lie, more of an omission that she'd make it up to him a thousand times over.

"Eric, it'd be best if you brought them by. And with the semester over please call me Adriana."

"The interview ends about 3:00, so depending on traffic I can be there about 3:45."

Breathing deeply she said, "Good, use my guest parking space in the building. The parking entrance is on the Bay side. I'll text you the code for the garage and the spot's number."

"Thank you Adriana."

"No, thank you Eric for all the trouble you've gone to."

She hung up the phone. Her lawyer mind told her technically she hadn't lied, she hadn't told him she didn't receive the pages, she just asked him to bring them by. Yet her woman mind knew she'd been less than honest, but she'd never wanted a man like she wanted him.
* * * * *​

After a vigorous hour in the building's world-class gym, after a long hot bubble bath -- that always made her feel sexy -- Adriana sat at her vanity, applied make-up, got just the right look, combed out her hair, she'd been letting it grow out, put on pearl earrings.

The question of what to wear had been nagging her. She'd thought about greeting him at the door in lingerie and stiletto heels, but that was way over the top. She considered a short leather skirt, but while that might be right for his leering classmates, it wasn't for Eric. No, something chic, elegant, inviting, but casual.

Twenty minutes after she'd entered, she emerged from her walk-in closet wearing a pair of cropped black pants, red and white stripe running down the outside of her leg, and a black turtle neck sweater. It would show all her charms, but was not patently sexual. Shoes? With this look she decided she could get away with red open toed 4 ½ inch narrow heeled Gucci's. She'd be several inches taller than Eric, but she'd sensed no insecurity in him. She put them on, looked in the mirror, just right.

Taking off the shoes she went to the kitchen, checked on the Vietnamese Chicken Salad she'd made before heading for the gym -- it was best when it sat for a couple of hours -- picked up the salt, tasted it, put the salt down, it was perfect. She set the table on her balcony, made a run though her bedroom to make sure she'd left nothing embarrassing out, then straightened up. When the man downstairs called and said she had a visitor she put her shoes back on.
* * * * *​

She opened the door, my god was she beautiful. Six plus feet in those heels, slender and small breasted, long straight light brown hair, and large brown eyes and a radiant smile framed by the full lips of her oval face.

"Eric, please come in, I really appreciate this. I know it's an imposition to ask you to come to my home."

I could smell the buttapboos. The saturation rate was perfect.

"Not a burden. The building is lovely."

" Would you like a tour?"
* * * * *​

Adriana glowed in genuine pleasure as I complimented her condominium, it's design modern and angular, then stopped to gaze at the Golden Gate Bridge through the living room's ten foot floor-to-ceiling window.

"This is amazing Ms. Guttierez."

Walking up to me from behind, thinking her bedroom had the same view, she lay a hand on my shoulder and said, "Eric, it's Adriana. Now that you're no longer my student I'd like us to be friends. If you're not in a rush to get home I made Chicken Salad. I've been told it's quite good."

"No, there's no hurry; I'd love some."
* * * * *​

She removed the chicken salad from the refrigerator, filled the two turquoise feminine bowls she'd lined with lettuce, then pushing the hair back from her face said, "Would you like some wine?"

"Is it okay to drink with a teacher?"

Leaning forward, Adriana slid her hand across the kitchen's island, touched mine. "I'm a former teacher, all rules are off."

Holding the tip of her index finger between thumb and forefinger, I squeezed and said, "In that case, I'd love some. What goes with chicken?"

She said, "I prefer a Chardonnay," and poured two glasses.

We ate on the balcony, the conversation lively, she as fascinated by the world I lived in, so different from hers, as I was by hers.

When we were done Adriana, trying to read my body language, wanting me to stay, re-filled our wine glasses, came around the island, and standing directly in front of me said, "There is one last thing about the class. I forwarded my notes about the final papers to all my students by e-mail, told anyone who was interested in discussing them that I'd meet with them. Would you like to review yours."

"Very much, the den looked cozy."

She was ready; it was time. I looked at her and Adriana's blood pressure spiked, for she knew that look, a look that made her heart flutter and lips tremble, the look of a guy who's about to kiss you for the first time, the perfect blend of sexy and adorable. I lowered my gaze, fixed my eyes on her lips, looked back up. Then, leaning forward, my eyes moving up and down her face, I paused, as if unsure of myself, then finished the journey to her waiting mouth.

It was a long lazy kiss. I moved my tongue on her lips. Adriana, eyes closed, touched it with her tongue, then retreated, inviting me into her mouth. There her tongue greeted mine with grace and certainty, as if long lost friends, as if it had been in her mouth a thousand times before and would be a million times again. She licked my lips, enjoying my taste and smell, earthy and intoxicating, unlike the other men she knew, who were always the same combination of cologne and mouthwash suggested by the most recently trendy web-site. She moaned, the sound interrupting the quiet buzz of her kitchen. I folded my fingers on her upper arm.

When the kiss ended she opened her eyes and said, "I've been wanting you to do that."

I picked up the glasses of wine and said, "I've been wanting to do it. Now please, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my paper."

She told me to take off my shoes, make myself comfortable, and I sat on her couch, my back resting on its arm, as she, keeping her shoes on, for she knew how men loved heels, leaned her back into me. I wrapped my arms around her and, tablet on her lap, we went over my paper. Her observations were, as they'd been all semester, incisive, often brilliant, and somehow we both managed to pay attention, ask questions, and listen to answers despite my dick, hard and hot, pressed to her back.

When we were done she laid her tablet on the table next to the half-empty glasses of wine, turned, kissed me. Soft gentle pressure, nibbling on my lips, lingering tentative caresses of her tongue, and soon she leaned into me, her hands on my thighs, and said, "I hope you don't think me the hussy, but there is something I've been dreaming of," as she unfastened my belt.
* * * * *​

Adriana raised her head and checked the clock. They'd been asleep for two hours. She looked out the window to the sun descending over the ocean. It was magnificent, so was he. She'd never been fucked so forcefully or so well, never come so hard, never been this relaxed.

I'd been drifting on the edge of sleep and when she moved I ran a hand down the side of her magnificent body, lifted my head, looked at the sunset, said, "Wow."

She turned, pure elation on her face, kissed me, and said, "I hope I didn't wake you, but it's something, isn't it my darling. You get an amazing view from up here, it's one of the reasons I bought this place."

As we watched the sun disappear over the horizon I moved to the head of the bed and Adriana, her body cuddled to mine, stroked my length. When it was gone she kissed my mouth and said, "Darling I'm thirsty, I'm going to get some water. Do you want anything?"

"Water sounds perfect."

Upon her return she handed me a bottle, then, standing before the window, stretched her lissome body, putting on little show, before getting on the bed and, sitting on the back of her heels, knees spread, said, "Eric, all semester I've had these thoughts about you, I tried to deny them, but they kept growing, getting stronger," then kissed my lips, bent over and, her mouth salivating with a desire that had been building for months, kissed the knobby head of my penis, said, "Your going to get a blow-job you'll never forget."

Her moist tongue slithered between her lips, lightly flicked the crown, then, taking its time, lovingly licked around my piss-hole in ever widening circles until she was dragging it around the circumference of the cock-head. With the crown wet she cupped my balls, said, "God they're big, I can only imagine how much cum is in them," collected cunt juice on her fingers, smeared it on my shaft and kissed the head, smacking her lips on the warm meaty crown.

There was a thing other lovers had asked her to do. She'd read about it, thought about it, but in end always refused. Maybe she should have, she'd have gotten experience on dicks smaller than his, but no, she was glad she waited. She'd said no not only because she'd feared the discomfort, but because there should always be boundaries, even if arbitrary ones. Your lover should know there are things you will not do. But for him there were no boundaries; she'd do anything for him.

She said, "Darling, lay on your back, I'm going to deep throat you. This will be my first time, so please be patient," worked up a load of spit in her mouth, let it ooze between her lips onto me, then, as she stroked my shaft, created another load, swishing this one around, letting it grow thick and heavy and slick. When she was ready she propped herself on an elbow, took a deep breath, forced her throat wide open with a yawn, and flattening her tongue on the floor of her mouth lowered her head. As I, gliding on her tongue, moved deeper into her mouth she, feeling the urge to gag, stopped three times, holding me in place as long as she could, accustomizing herself to the sensation before withdrawing.

And then, on the fourth attempt, the head sat at the entrance to her throat. Nostrils flaring, breathing through her nose, filling her lungs with air, she pressed down and helped along by the thick heavy slick spit she'd manufactured, moved me into her throat with a nudge. She paused for several beats, getting used to the sensation, then used her tongue, pulled me deeper, stopped when her gag reflex reawakened, calmed it, then again extended her tongue, pulled it back, dragged me deeper.

When her nose reached my pubic hair she, with a sense of accomplishment, massaged me with her throat muscles and forced her tongue from her mouth to lick my testicles. Toes curling, I said, "I never..., never..., never felt anything like this."

After swallowing several times -- the suction was divine -- she pulled her tongue back into her mouth and looked up, her brown eyes sparkling. I said, "Ready?" and rocked my hips a fraction of an inch, my dick shifting position in her throat. She swallowed, letting me know it was okay, and working together we picked up speed, me lengthening my thrusts, Adriana moving with me. She touched her neck, felt my cock bulldozing inside.

Soon I was sliding in and out of her throat, and Adriana, moaning, "Mmmmmm," into my cock-meat. Needing a break, she moved up until only the head was in her mouth, wrapped her hot supple soft lips on it, sucked hungrily, swirled her tongue. As pre-cum drooled from me Adriana licked it up, loving the musky flavor.

She'd never been so happy: she loved her home, her bed, the view, her work, the heavy dick in her mouth, this young man. She let me slip past her lips with an audible pop, sucked my balls into her mouth, felt them quiver and tighten. I muttered, "My god," as she pushed them past her lips with her soft tongue and again swallowed me, working my dick with lips, tongue, and the muscles of her throat. Head back and breathing hard, I was passive as she pistoned her face on me, dragged her soft lips from tip to base, paused to lick my balls, then glided back up to the mushroomed head.

I'd never had a blow job this good, never imagined a blow job this good.

Letting me escape her mouth Adriana whipped her tongue on the ridge on the base of my crown, licked the piss-hole, captured white pearls of pre-cum, fuel to her runway libido.

Frantic for my cum she took me back into her mouth. Her long hair swirled round her face and shoulders, sometimes obscuring, sometimes framing the action as her tongue continued its relentless assault. I tossed my head to the side, my eyes shut, my body stiffened, my balls retreated into my body, and I yelled, "Yes." As I did Adriana thrust her face down, driving my cock-head into her throat just as a thick geyser of cum squirted into her stomach then, moving back up, caught the second explosion in her mouth, swirled it on her tongue, let a stream of white cream seep from the corner of her mouth and trickle down her chin.
* * * * *​

Early in the afternoon of the following day, realizing we hadn't eaten since yesterday's chicken salad, we got out of bed, shared what remained of the salad, and when we were done Adriana said, "How about Charlie's for dinner?"

I'd heard of Charlie's; it was famous, expensive, and was supposed to be delicious.

"Sounds wonderful, but do I have the proper clothes?"

"Don't worry, there's a men's shop around the corner, we'll get you fixed up.

We returned to the bed where, her head laying on my chest, her silken hair scattered over my body, she placed a phone call. I would learn that Charlie's was not the kind of place you called on a Saturday afternoon to make reservations for Saturday evening. I'd also learn that Adriana Guttierez was the kind of person who could call Charlie's on Saturday afternoon for a reservation that evening.
* * * * *​

I was wearing a light blue suit and tie -- not my usual style -- and, at Adriana's suggestion, no underwear. Her knee length strapless white dress would be spectacular on the right woman, and Adriana was the right woman. After a superb meal we decided to share a slice of cheesecake topped with strawberries, then I excused myself for the men's room. I returned to two cups of coffee, cheesecake, and no Adriana. All evening we'd been interrupted by people she knew and I scanned the room, thinking she was visiting another table, but no luck. Figuring she was in the ladies' room I picked up a fork, then put it down, deciding to wait for her.

I was reaching for my coffee when I felt the hand on my thigh. My first thought, what was she doing down there, was immediately supplanted by a second, that the first was a stupid question, there was no question what she was doing down there.

A hand took hold of my zipper and, underwear not being an issue, deftly moved me into her mouth.

I looked around. No one was looking at us. How had she gotten under the table without anyone seeing?

Such questions soon evaporated from my consciousness, for not only was I getting a secret blow job in public from the most beautiful woman I'd ever known, it was a masterful blow job from a woman in no hurry. Gluttonously, I picked up my fork, speared a bit of cheesecake.

For Adriana the experience was exquisite. The feeling of utter submission, kneeling unseen before her lover, servicing him invisibly, anonymously, and at the same time she felt completely in control, the master of events. The penis in her mouth was warm and delicious, delicate and soft on the surface, adamantine within. She cupped my balls, ringed the base of the shaft with thumb and forefinger, slipped a fingertip in my anus. I gasped and shuddered, my sphincter tightened, relaxed. Adrian felt her sex spasm.

She was the conductor of an orchestra, raising the pitch with her mouth, then tightening her grip on my penis and easing me down, before doing it again.

She was gloriously happy, except for that single shudder and gasp he'd made not a sound or motion and he'd kept his hands on the table, didn't reach for her head to hold her in place. Unlike other men he didn't need to be in control, but happily accepted her service the way she chose to deliver it.

Was he picking at the cheesecake, as if impatiently waiting for her to return. Wondering how it would taste combined with the cum that would soon be in her mouth, she hoped not.

She imagined doing this forever, kneeling, sucking his cock, but knew she couldn't. The restaurant would have to close.

Taking him deep in her mouth, she was relentless, implacable, and when the coda came she drank it all, felt its energy flow through her body. Loving this world of just him and his cock, she kept it in her mouth, sucked gently as it softened and shrank, sipped the last few drops of cum, then wiped it dry with a napkin, tucked it back into his pants, zipped him up.

Taking off an emerald earing she whispered, "Is anyone looking?"

I said, "Can't be sure, but not that I can see."

She said, "Well, does it really matter," and got up from under the table. Holding up her earing, she refastened it, smiled, pleased to see I'd taken only the tiniest nibble of our dessert.
* * * * *​

Adriana lazily rolled over and looked at the clock. What was the last time she was still in bed at 1:00 P.M. on a Sunday? Had she ever stayed in bed until 1:00 P.M. on a Sunday?

"I'm getting hungry darling. Up to lunch?"

I said, "Sounds great."

"Do you like sushi? There's a wonderful neighborhood place which delivers. We could eat in the hot tub. "

Thirty minutes later the door buzzed. Adriana, who'd been monitoring the hot tub, put on a light robe and answered it while I tended to the buttapboos.
* * * * *​

Adriana picked up the final roll, bit half of it off, fed me what remained, and said, "How about a back rub? I have a wonderful massage table. I also have a friend who is a masseuse, she comes by once a week. Should I add you to her schedule?"
* * * * *​

Admiring the sleek limber muscles, the result of my daily bicycle rides, Adriana draped a towel over my backside and said, "I love your body Eric." Braless, wearing a light cotton white tank top through which her dark nipples were visible and matching yoga pants, Adriana dipped her fingers into the warm oil, spread it over her hands, and standing at the head of the table worked my shoulders and upper back then, putting her weight on her hands, moved down my back, leaning over me, dragging her breasts on my skin. The fabric absorbed the oil, becoming all but translucent.

When she reached the base of my spine she stood, fingered a hard nipple through her top, and said, "Did you enjoy that my love."

"It was wonderful."

Moving to the foot of the table she said, "I'm glad," and, her years of physical training evident in the strength of her arms and hands, worked her way up the back of my legs. She'd told herself she'd be good, give me a full massage, but when her oiled hands reached my thighs and slipped under the towel she said, "You have a scrumptious butt," and felt her resolve weakening. She shifted her hands to the inside of my legs and by the time she reached the top her resolve was gone. She would not finish this massage, instead she stroked, cradled, and squeezed my balls with oiled hands until completely giving into temptation she wrapped a slick hand on my shaft and twisted it up my length.

She let go, walked to the side of the table, set aside the towel, said, "Time to roll over my love," then dipped her fingers in the oil, took hold of my dick, and varying twists and pressures, slid alternating hands up it, sometimes using one hand on the shaft and coddling my balls with the other. She wasn't trying to bring me off, at least not yet.

Pre-cum was flowing freely from the head and saying, "I love this dick," she bent at the waist, took the head into her mouth, sucked on it, loving the way it rubbed against the roof of her mouth. I caressed her long hair as she nursed on me, then let me slip from her mouth, pulled her white yoga pants over her hips, stepped out of it. Still wearing the top she moved onto the table, straddled my thighs, leaned down, kissed me, sat back up.

There had been something banging around the inside of her head all weekend. She knew it was premature, that it was too soon to say it, that I was not ready to say it, but certain someday I would, for she believed a love as perfect as hers could only generate love in return. She said, "I love you Eric," then walked forward on her knees, held my dick flat to my stomach, slid her pussy on it, her labial lips splaying open on the shaft, then raised herself, placed the swollen head to the entrance to her sex, took half of me inside, eased back, took more of me inside, working my cock deeper and deeper. When all of me was inside she closed her eyes, squeezed her sex, and said, "I've never felt this content, this complete. You're touching places inside me no one has ever known before."

She dropped her head back, her long hair grazing my balls, and palpitated her full round breasts, clearly visible through the oil soaked fabric, as we fucked in long smooth strokes. When I was all the way in she'd push down, pin me to the table, grind her sex on me, squeeze me with her tight muscled pussy.

"Oh, oh, oh Eric, so good."

I planted the palm of my hand on her sex, rocked its heel on her clit.

"Oh, oh, oh Eric, yes, oh yes, so so so so good."

We fucked on and on and soon her hands fell away from her breasts -- her hard dark nipples were clearly outlined in the translucent fabric - as her body began to shake, then the well-developed muscles of her core, stomach, and butt tightened, squeezing my cock, and she started babbling, "Ohmigod Eric, ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod Eric Eric Eric Eric," finishing her soliloquy with a pleasure-crazed. "Eric, Eric, ohmigod Eric, Eric, oh yes, oh yes, yes, I"M CCOMMMIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG."

I'd never seen anything like it. She came, came again, then again, and again, one orgasm following another like the cars of a freight train until her spent body could come take no more. Face flushed a deep read, cunt swollen and wet, she placed a hand on my chest and said, "Eric please." I stopped thrusting, letting her orgasm wracked body calm and recover. After several long minutes she opened hazy eyes and said, "That was amazing," pulled her top over her head, leaned forward to slide her oily breasts on my chest and said, "Darling, that was amazing, never been that good. You're making me have all kind of naughty thoughts. I was wondering if you might like to fuck me in the ass, I'm a virgin back there."

"Are you sure?"

Picking up the bowl of oil she said, "Absolutely," and poured in on the top of her butt. As it flowed down her backside and over my balls and thighs she rubbed it into her anus, then pushed a manicured finger inside, introducing the slick liquid to her tightest channel, did it several times, stroking my cock, still buried in her sex, through the thin wall separating rectum and vagina.

Finally she moved forward, my dick sliding from her pussy, placed me at her rear entrance, said, "Go ahead my love, fuck me."

I pushed, heard her low groan, held still as she tilted her backside into me and said, "More, more, push it inside." We pressed against each other, the pressure measured and deliberate, and accompanied by her, "Unnh," the head popped inside. I held it there while she moved back to the vertical and hands on my chest, squeezed the muscles of her core, growing used to the feeling, whispered, "Yes, oh yes, oh yes my darling," and lowered her body, filling her rectum with me, saying, "Eric, you're gigantic, long and wide, impossibly thick, deeper, go deeper." As she did her stomach cramped and ass muscles convulsed and when I was all the way inside she said, "It's amazing, its hurts some, but it's more like I feel stuffed, in a way I've never felt stuffed before. So different from having a cock in my pussy. I'm glad I saved it for you."

Contracting my stomach and butt muscles I jerked my cock inside her, the slightest of motions, did it again. She squeezed her core, relaxed her sphincter, and said, "I'm ready. Eric, fuck my ass."

I began moving inside her and Adriana moved with me, working her body on my cock. Her clit was hard and filled with blood, her swollen cunt leaked juice onto my chest, and when I slipped two fingers inside her she said, "Oh yes," as we continued moving into each other. She took hold of her breasts, toyed with her nipples, felt my fingers in her pussy pressing against the dick in her ass, said, "Oh yes, oh yes."

We fucked on, strong firm movements, and she could feel it, an orgasm building deep inside her, some animal primordial place she's only scratched the surface of.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god."

This was not my first experience with anal sex, but still I'd never known anything like this. The hot depths of her rectum were supernaturally tight, the pressure in my cock unearthly. My balls were boiling; I was going to come hard and soon. Twisting and turning my fingers I found her g-spot, dragged a finger across it. Adriana, tearing at her nipples and areolas, shuddered and said, "That's it, ohmigod, that's it. Oh Eric, I love you, fuck me, never stop fucking me."

Her pussy spasmed, her body went rigid, she clamped down on my cock. Fireworks went off in my balls, my dick swelled, hot spurts of liquid flooded her bowels. As I exploded Adriana screamed in orgasmic fury, and we were both shaking, our muscles tensing, convulsing, and when I emptied my balls into her a second time Adriana detonated, her body overcome by an orgasm whose violence overwhelmed her. Screaming my name she collapsed onto my chest

I held her as she drifted in a happy place, a place where she could just be and savor the joy in her heart, the pleasure of her body, the contentment in her soul. The orgasm she'd just lived through had somehow been larger, more full bodied than the ones in her vagina. She was glad she'd saved her backside for him.

Eventually, back in this world, she nestled her body to mine, felt my cock shrink until it was no longer inside her. She missed it. She felt cum dripping from her anus. She turned her head, looked lazily into my eyes, and said, "My master, my love, my king."
* * * * *​

Adriana, as usual, woke first, and after setting the coffee maker in motion walked onto the front lawn. When we arrived last night I'd noted the apples were ripe and now she examined them, picked a perfect one, and turned back to the house. Built on the property she'd purchased north of San Francisco, it was not the mansion her friends and acquaintances were erecting up and down the coast, but modern and beautiful, comfortable and human-sized, it blended with the land around it. It was right for the two of them, their friends, and the children she'd hoped to have some day.

Taking a bite of the apple she turned her attention to the gardens and greenhouses Eric had built on the property, thought about when she'd introduced him to friends and family. There had been the expected raised eyebrows and questions, he was a decade her junior, a graduate student, had no money, was not of her world or her class. Now, a year later, not all had been won over, but everyone had to admit they'd never known her happier.

I rolled over, smelled the coffee. Eighteen months ago, when I began this experiment, I'd been in mad-scientist mode. I'd picked Adriana because she was the most accomplished, intelligent, and independent woman I knew of. If it worked on her, I figured it would work on anyone. But wanting to test my theory and research I'd proceeded without a real plan on what to do if it worked, simply assuming things would turn out okay.

And now, a year later, she remained without peer, the most beautiful, accomplished, intelligent, and delightful woman I'd ever met. I'd never contemplated falling in love with a test subject, but I was madly, deeply, head-over-heels in love with Adriana Guttierez.

I dug into my bag, found the small box I'd secreted at its bottom, steeled myself. Before I asked her I'd tell her the truth, I owed her that. Could the process be reversed? If she asked, I'd find a way.

I pulled on my shorts, stuck the box in a pocket, and carrying two cups of coffee shouted, "Good morning," from the porch and sat at the small table we kept there.

Adriana, wearing sandals and a cropped white tee shirt, her dark nipples visible, her heavy thatch of dark pubic hair -- she accommodated me, I liked it natural and unshaven -- exposed, said, "Good morning my love," and knowing I always fixed her coffee just the right way, smiled, handed me the apple, sat, and said, "You were right, they're perfect." I took a bite as she picked up her coffee, smelled it, sipped, tested its heat, and said, "Do you know what today is?"

"Our one year anniversary."

"You remembered. I have something for you."

"I have a gift for you also, but first I need to tell you something."

Picking up my serious tone Adriana's voice dropped in pitch. "What is it my love?"

"Remember the plant that was in your office at Humboldt State."

"Of course darling, the buttapboo, there are several in our condo now and you grow them in the greenhouses here. You're always publishing papers about them."

"Yes, the buttapboo. Adriana, despite the note you found the one in your office was not left by a prior occupant. I put it there the day before the semester began. Remember how I watered it for you. I'd raised it in such a way that when I mixed certain chemicals with the water the plant emitted what is essentially a love potion. It's a long story, going back to the pharaohs of Egypt and ending in modern science. I'll explain it to you in detail if you wish, but the plant caused you to fall in love with me."

I was not prepared for the look that emerged on her face, the one she'd adopt when wrestling with a knotty legal problem, trying to make an array of disparate facts fit together. Then, seeing the concern on my face, she leaned forward, took my hand in hers and said, "Y'know darling, I've wondered about that. The way I feel about you, the overwhelming intensity of my love for you. As a child, seeing my mother after my father abandoned us, I decided I'd never feel that way about a man. I didn't want to open up like that, make myself vulnerable, let another control my happiness. When I fell for you I wondered, had there always been a part of me capable of feeling that way or was there something in you that created that feeling in me. You say it is this plant."

"Yes, how do you feel about it."

It took her several seconds to understand my meaning, for it was foreign to what was in her heart, but when she got it she said, "My love, are you worried I might be angry?"


Her smile beatific she said, "No my darling, I've never been happier. Eric, I've dated Masters of the Universe, Titans of Industry, Silicon Valley jillionaries who compete with each other over the size of their yachts, but with none of them have I known a pleasure like the one I feel right now, sharing an apple with you under this lovely sky.

"You've never said an unkind work to me, done an unkind thing, put me down, felt a need to compete with me. You've supported me and my career unstintingly, and everyday you tell me I'm beautiful and smart and special. In you arms I feel complete. I don't know if I'd have had the wisdom or courage to understand that good-looking bright young man sitting in my seminar was the man I should be with. If it was the buttapboo, then the buttapboo was the best thing that ever happened to me."

She stopped, then said, "I do have a question. Could have you done this to anyone?"

"I think so, if it worked on you, it would have worked on anyone."

"Why did you choose me?"

"Adriana, you're the most amazing woman I've ever known."

She said, "Thank you my love," picked an envelope off the table, so nondescript I'd barely registered it when I sat down, handed it to me and said, "This is for you."

I opened it: "I can't believe it, is this what I think it is, it's too generous."

"Yes darling, and no, it's not. We designed and built this place together. Of all the things I own it's what most feels like us. I want that to be true in law, as it is in my heart, I want you to have a half-interest. Now show me, what do you have for me?"

I pulled the box from my pocket, opened it. It was an antique, not ornate or expensive, but lovely in the simplicity of its design. I had not dipped into her money to buy it, setting aside a portion of each of my graduate student stipends.

"Will you marry me?"
* * * * *​

Ten years later the Wall Street Journal carried a short announcement:

Adriana Guttierez, Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel of AGEW, L.L.C., announced yesterday that for the ninth consecutive quarter the company exceeded both income and profit projections. Her husband, Eric Workholder, Director of Research, added that AGEW is expanding its Silicon Valley research facilities to accommodate its recent move into plant-based pharmaceuticals.
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