Update 08
Sid:"Now tell me Pooja, did you enjoyed this?"
Pooja:"How the hell do you think I can enjoy this? This is awful. What you did to me is wrong. I want you to delete the video this instant and then we will never have to speak of this terrible incident again." she blustered. She was standing fuming in front of him with her hands planted squarely on her hips in a gesture of defiance.
Sid:"Are you done yet?" He asked sarcastically. "You see Pooja, I don't think you're really in a position to be making any sort of demands of me. The way I see it, I'm holding all of the cards here."
Pooja:"What do." she began.
Sid:"Ah, ah, ah.no interrupting Pooja. Have a look at this picture." He said that and shoved the mobile right in front of her face. Almost immediately all color drained from her face and she appeared to collapse on to a sofa with a thud. It was as if all the wind had been taken from her sails and she now realized that he was indeed still in control of the situation.
Pooja:"Why are you doing this to me? What do you want?" she pleaded.
Sid:"I think you know WHY I'm doing this and WHAT I want is quite simple..YOU. How do you think the security officer will look at this photo and the video? They'll see a married woman and that too a teacher corrupt the morals of her servant. I believe the sentence for that type of crime is 5-10 years jail time. Are you willing to go to prison Pooja? How will your family react to this? Your kids will be proud to have a mom like you I bet." He said sarcastically.
Pooja:"Wh.what do you want from me?" She asked even if her voice was breaking down.
Sid:"For now not much. Just get down on your knees like the bitch that you are and start sucking my dick." With tears running down her cheeks she got down to her knees. Sid wasn't standing far from her but rather than walk to where she was kneeling, he ordered her
Sid:"You can't suck my cock way over there. Now get your fat ass over here." He pointed to the ground in front of his feet. This forced Pooja to shuffle on her knees until she was kneeling directly in front of him with tears in her eyes. What a feeling of power it was to have a beautiful naked woman kneeling before you, who had to do absolutely whatever it was you wanted. To have that kind of control, Sid found was intoxicating. She slowly reached up to his waist and began to undo his belt buckle. When that was undone, she then worked on the button and zipper of his jeans. When those had been opened, she grabbed the sides of his jeans and boxers and pulled both of them down to his ankles. As she sat back up, she came face to face with his raging thick black monstrosity.
Sid:"Now show me how you suck cocks bitch. I bet by now you have sucked so many that you will be an expert in sucking dicks." She reached up with one shaking hand and began stroking the shaft. She then tentatively leaned forward and placed a kiss on the tip of his cock. A few more strokes and then she began to lick around the head and a bit of the shaft getting the top half of his cock covered in her saliva. Once it was suitably wet, she placed the tip of the cock in her mouth and began working a bit of it in, all the while stroking the shaft with the other hand. Sid gave her a couple of minutes to show her stuff, before he finally spoke. She had been doing an alright job, but it certainly wasn't anything special and it certainly wasn't the type of blowjob he wanted from her. What disappointed him the most was that even the aunties from his village gave him far better blow jobs then this lame effort.
Sid:"Bloody hell! Where in the hell did you ever learn to suck a cock like that? You'll never please a man with crappy techniques like that. I'm surprised your man has not left you already." Tears began to well up in her eyes again but she didn't say anything.
Sid:"Well guess what Pooja darling? Today is your lucky day. I'm going to teach you how to suck a cock properly. Ain't I a real gentleman?" She remained tight lipped but a deep hatred could be seen in her eyes.
Sid:"Alright first thing is, you use your hands way too much. It's called a blowjob because you're supposed to use your mouth. If a man wanted a handjob, he would just do it himself for fuck's sake. Now clasp your hands behind your back.Very good.Now listen very carefully Pooja. You are to keep your hands clasped behind your back NO MATTER WHAT. If I see those hands come apart for ANY reason then our deal is off and your MMS clip and picture will be all over the net. Are we clear on that whore?".
Sid:""Now listen bitch. The first thing is, you use your hands way too much. It's called a blowjob for a reason - because you're supposed to use your mouth. If a man wanted a handjob, he would just do it himself for fuck's sake. Now clasp your hands behind your back.Very good.Now listen very carefully Pooja darling. You are to keep your hands clasped behind your back NO MATTER WHAT. If I see those hands come apart for ANY reason then our deal is off and your video and picture will be all over the internet. Are we clear on that?" He asked.
Pooja:"Yes." She mumbled out somehow.
Sid:""A blowjob is supposed to be the same sensation as fucking a pussy. A man wants to put his entire cock into your pussy not just the tip of it. So we are going to learn how to use more of that mouth of yours. Okay now we don't have all day so just open your mouth." Looking up at him with tears on the verge on coming out again, she slowly opened her mouth wide.
Sid:"That's it. Now I'm going to place my cock in your mouth and once there I want you to close your mouth around it." With his cock in one hand, he guided it to her ready mouth. Once it was resting on her tongue, she slowly closed her lips around it and held it there.
Sid:"Now unless the I'll pull out for some reason, you are to keep that cock inside your mouth at all times. Are you listening to me cunt?" A slight nod of her head is all the response she was able to give.
Sid:"Alright here we go now. I'm going to start working the cock back and forth in your mouth just like it was a real pussy." He began a gentle see sawing motion back and forth. Sid didn't want to alarm her by going too deep, so he kept the thrusts shallow at first.
Sid:"Now do you see how only a bit of my cock is getting any attention?" He asked. Again a small nod of the head.
Sid:"I want you to start taking more cock into your mouth. To help you do this, I'm going to place my hands on the sides of your head." With that he reached down and grabbing a handful of hair on both sides, began to pull her head more forcefully onto his cock. To her credit, she kept her hands clasped firmly behind her back. He could soon feel his cock periodically bumping against the back of her mouth. After a few minutes of this, he stopped pulling on her head and said
Sid: "Alright Pooja darling, I want you to try and take as much cock into your mouth as you can and then hold it there. Can you do that?" Without a reply Pooja bobbed her head forward and struggled to cram as much cock as she could into her mouth. His dick was far bigger and thicker then both Aakaash or even Ram's cock. Once she had as much as she could fit in, she held it there as directed.
Sid:"Now with your mouth full of cock, I want you to look up at me Pooja darling."
While she was busy stuffing her mouth as full as she could with cock, he had taken the opportunity to get his mobile out and snap a few photos. Having a picture of her looking up at him with her mouth full of his cock would further guarantee his control over her. With his free hand Sid quickly grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her head to prevent her from pulling away from his cock.
Sid:"Ah ah ah. I didn't say you could take my cock out of your mouth." He warned with menace in his voice.
Sid:"Don't worry about the pictures. Everything will be kept just between you and me." Putting the mobile away he then said
Sid:"Now Pooja darling you've done very well so far but as you can see we're still neglecting part of my cock here." Ans he pointed to the part of his shaft that was still not in her mouth.
Sid:"I want you to relax your throat bitch because I'm going to start throat fucking you now. It's probably going to make you want to gag and that's OK because to be honest it adds to the experience for the me. You do want to make me proud of you, don't you Pooja darling?" He asked not really expecting an answer. But when she nodded her head ever so slightly, he was stunned. Egged on further by her affirmative response, he began to saw back and forth into her mouth again. With hands on both sides of her head he began to pull her face forcefully onto his cock. Soon he could feel his cock bumping against the back of her mouth every time. He began to almost purr to her.
Sid:"Oh that feels so good Pooja darling. You're a good little cocksucker aren't you?" He said stroking the top of head like an obedient dog.
Sid:"That's it my little cocksucker relax the throat so I can get my cock in there." And with a particularly hard thrust, he felt his cock slip past the back of her mouth and enter her throat for the first time. She immediately began to gag as his thick cock forced its way into her throat. The sensation of his cock in her throat while she was trying to gag was absolutely amazing. It was like a rippling effect with each gag. Wanting to savour the moment and to ensure she realized who was in control here, Sid held her head still with her face buried in his smelly pubic hair and his cock lodged deep in her throat for several seconds. When she began to panic about not being able to breath, he released his pressure somewhat and allowed his cock to slip out of her throat. With deep sucking breaths around his cock, Pooja tried to regain her composure..
Sid:"That felt amazing Pooja darling and I'm very proud of you for keeping your hands behind your back. You're turning into a good little cocksucker." Again Sid began to stroke the top of her head like a dog.
Sid:"Alright here we go again. Relax your throat now." Once again by grabbing a hold of the sides of her head he began to thrust forcefully into her mouth. With each thrust he was now burying his cock in her throat causing her to gag momentarily each time. The sensation of her throat gagging around his cock on each thrust was pushing him very close to the edge very quickly. As he was rhythmically fucking her throat, he begin to purr again.
Sid:"That's a good little cocksucker. You like having your throat fucked don't you bitch? Yeah that's it you cocksucker swallow it up." As he felt his orgasm nearing, he began to increase his tempo and start exclaiming loudly
Sid:"Come on cocksucker fuck it harder. Get it down there. Come on you can suck it better than that." Amazingly he started to feel her respond under his hands. Where before he had been doing all of the work pulling her head onto his cock as he thrust into her, he could feel her now throwing her head forward into each thrust. Sid couldn't believe it. She was actually gagging herself on his cock all on her own. Now that she was doing all of the work, he was able to go back to stroking the top of her head like an obedient dog and encouraging her on.
Sid:"Oh that's it cocksucker. Gag yourself on my cock. That's right gag for me. You're going to make me cum you cocksucker. Pooja darling hold my cock in your throat now." He ordered and amazingly she did. There she was with her nose buried in his smelly pubic hair, throat full of his thick cock and gagging on it, not able to breath and he didn't have to hold her head or anything. She was doing it all by herself. After a few more seconds he told her
Sid:"Alright start fucking my cock again, you dirty little cocksucker." She immediately withdrew his cock from her throat, grabbed a quick lung full of air and began at it again. She was really getting into it. Knowing his orgasm was very near, Sid quickly grabbed a few more photos of his cock lodged deep in her throat.
This time it didn't even phase her. She just kept gagging herself on his cock. Just as Sid was about to cum, he grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her head with one hand and yanked her head back hard while the other hand grabbed his cock and pointed it at her upturned face. It all happened so quickly, she didn't even have time to react. The first shot of cum caught her across the right eye, while the second ended up in her still open mouth. The remainder he shot as evenly as he could all over her face. Sid wanted to make sure he covered as much as he could in cum. It would hopefully add to her humiliation. Sid fully expected that when the first shot of cum struck her in the face she would have tried to pull away or at the very least raised her hands to block the barrage. But she didn't. Her hands remained clasped behind her back as he had ordered. That made him confused. She wasn't responding the way he had imagined she would.
Sid:"Now don't move cocksucker." He said as he released the hold on the back of her head. She obediently kept her head back and face tilted up while he took several steps back and clicked a few more shots with the mobile.
Under all of that cum, he could see her face redden with the humiliation of it all. She was still panting a bit trying to catch her breath and that's when he noticed the condition of her body. Her breasts and upper body were flushed red with exertion and her nipples were rock hard. He could swear they were bigger than last time and looking at her pussy which was splayed open before him, it glistened with evident moisture. Now he may not be that experienced with women but it sure did look like she was turned on at the moment. That gave him an idea.
Sid:"Pooja darling you did such a good job sucking my cock that I'm prepared to reward you for that. I want you to leave that cum on your face for the moment but I'm going to let you have some release too. You'd like to cum too, wouldn't you my little cocksucker?" He asked. After only the slightest hesitation she nodded her head yes.
Sid:"Ok open your knees as wide as they can go. With one hand I want you to play with your tits and the other I want you to start rubbing your cunt for me." She immediately moved to comply. Once her knees were splayed wide apart providing him and his mobile camera a birdseye view, she quickly moved her hands into position to achieve her release. In seconds her right hand was busily rubbing her clit while the left hand was pinching, rolling and pulling on her nipples with her fingers. What an erotic sight it was.
Sid was certainly building up quite the collection of photos. His control over Pooja was now guaranteed as he definitely had enough material to guarantee her cooperation for as long as he desired. In less than a minute, Pooja's eyes were closed and she became lost in her own thoughts as she madly masturbated in front of her servant turned Master. Using even more vulgar language, Sid began to encourage her further.
Sid:"Come on you whore, make yourself cum for me. Prove to me what a good little slut you are. You know you want to cum for me. Isn't that right bitch?" Her hand on her pussy was moving so fast now, it was practically a blur.
Sid:"Come on you fucking whore, you can do it. Rub that dirty little cunt of yours. Cum for your servant you slut. I bet you'd like me to open the door right now and bring in even the neighbors to watch you humiliate yourself?" At that Pooja began to pant and grunt out loud and Sid could tell she was very close to cumming.
Sid:"Maybe tomorrow I'll bring one of your neighbors with me and we'll both throat fuck you like the whore that you are." Hearing that she let out a horrific scream as her head shot back and her entire body went rigid.
For several seconds she could only grunt and moan as her body twitched uncontrollably. After a short bit she eventually began to relax and come back to Earth. It was then that the full import of what she'd just done struck her. The humiliation of allowing herself to be throat fucked by her servant and her face cummed upon and then willingly masturbating in front of that same servant was almost too much for her. Tears welled up in the eyes again and Sid could see her trying to choke back the sobs.
Sid:"I'm very proud of you Pooja darling. You did very well today but before you get dressed I want you to scoop all of the cum off of your face and swallow it. From now on Pooja darling, you are to look at it as a gift. It is never to be wasted. Wherever cum gets deposited on your body, you will scoop it up and swallow it all. Is that clear?" He asked in a tone of voice meant to brook no disagreement. She meekly nodded her head yes and began scooping his cum off of her face with her fingers and licking them clean.
This was just the beginning of Pooja's nightmare.
Pooja:"How the hell do you think I can enjoy this? This is awful. What you did to me is wrong. I want you to delete the video this instant and then we will never have to speak of this terrible incident again." she blustered. She was standing fuming in front of him with her hands planted squarely on her hips in a gesture of defiance.
Sid:"Are you done yet?" He asked sarcastically. "You see Pooja, I don't think you're really in a position to be making any sort of demands of me. The way I see it, I'm holding all of the cards here."
Pooja:"What do." she began.
Sid:"Ah, ah, ah.no interrupting Pooja. Have a look at this picture." He said that and shoved the mobile right in front of her face. Almost immediately all color drained from her face and she appeared to collapse on to a sofa with a thud. It was as if all the wind had been taken from her sails and she now realized that he was indeed still in control of the situation.
Pooja:"Why are you doing this to me? What do you want?" she pleaded.
Sid:"I think you know WHY I'm doing this and WHAT I want is quite simple..YOU. How do you think the security officer will look at this photo and the video? They'll see a married woman and that too a teacher corrupt the morals of her servant. I believe the sentence for that type of crime is 5-10 years jail time. Are you willing to go to prison Pooja? How will your family react to this? Your kids will be proud to have a mom like you I bet." He said sarcastically.
Pooja:"Wh.what do you want from me?" She asked even if her voice was breaking down.
Sid:"For now not much. Just get down on your knees like the bitch that you are and start sucking my dick." With tears running down her cheeks she got down to her knees. Sid wasn't standing far from her but rather than walk to where she was kneeling, he ordered her
Sid:"You can't suck my cock way over there. Now get your fat ass over here." He pointed to the ground in front of his feet. This forced Pooja to shuffle on her knees until she was kneeling directly in front of him with tears in her eyes. What a feeling of power it was to have a beautiful naked woman kneeling before you, who had to do absolutely whatever it was you wanted. To have that kind of control, Sid found was intoxicating. She slowly reached up to his waist and began to undo his belt buckle. When that was undone, she then worked on the button and zipper of his jeans. When those had been opened, she grabbed the sides of his jeans and boxers and pulled both of them down to his ankles. As she sat back up, she came face to face with his raging thick black monstrosity.
Sid:"Now show me how you suck cocks bitch. I bet by now you have sucked so many that you will be an expert in sucking dicks." She reached up with one shaking hand and began stroking the shaft. She then tentatively leaned forward and placed a kiss on the tip of his cock. A few more strokes and then she began to lick around the head and a bit of the shaft getting the top half of his cock covered in her saliva. Once it was suitably wet, she placed the tip of the cock in her mouth and began working a bit of it in, all the while stroking the shaft with the other hand. Sid gave her a couple of minutes to show her stuff, before he finally spoke. She had been doing an alright job, but it certainly wasn't anything special and it certainly wasn't the type of blowjob he wanted from her. What disappointed him the most was that even the aunties from his village gave him far better blow jobs then this lame effort.
Sid:"Bloody hell! Where in the hell did you ever learn to suck a cock like that? You'll never please a man with crappy techniques like that. I'm surprised your man has not left you already." Tears began to well up in her eyes again but she didn't say anything.
Sid:"Well guess what Pooja darling? Today is your lucky day. I'm going to teach you how to suck a cock properly. Ain't I a real gentleman?" She remained tight lipped but a deep hatred could be seen in her eyes.
Sid:"Alright first thing is, you use your hands way too much. It's called a blowjob because you're supposed to use your mouth. If a man wanted a handjob, he would just do it himself for fuck's sake. Now clasp your hands behind your back.Very good.Now listen very carefully Pooja. You are to keep your hands clasped behind your back NO MATTER WHAT. If I see those hands come apart for ANY reason then our deal is off and your MMS clip and picture will be all over the net. Are we clear on that whore?".
Sid:""Now listen bitch. The first thing is, you use your hands way too much. It's called a blowjob for a reason - because you're supposed to use your mouth. If a man wanted a handjob, he would just do it himself for fuck's sake. Now clasp your hands behind your back.Very good.Now listen very carefully Pooja darling. You are to keep your hands clasped behind your back NO MATTER WHAT. If I see those hands come apart for ANY reason then our deal is off and your video and picture will be all over the internet. Are we clear on that?" He asked.
Pooja:"Yes." She mumbled out somehow.
Sid:""A blowjob is supposed to be the same sensation as fucking a pussy. A man wants to put his entire cock into your pussy not just the tip of it. So we are going to learn how to use more of that mouth of yours. Okay now we don't have all day so just open your mouth." Looking up at him with tears on the verge on coming out again, she slowly opened her mouth wide.
Sid:"That's it. Now I'm going to place my cock in your mouth and once there I want you to close your mouth around it." With his cock in one hand, he guided it to her ready mouth. Once it was resting on her tongue, she slowly closed her lips around it and held it there.
Sid:"Now unless the I'll pull out for some reason, you are to keep that cock inside your mouth at all times. Are you listening to me cunt?" A slight nod of her head is all the response she was able to give.
Sid:"Alright here we go now. I'm going to start working the cock back and forth in your mouth just like it was a real pussy." He began a gentle see sawing motion back and forth. Sid didn't want to alarm her by going too deep, so he kept the thrusts shallow at first.
Sid:"Now do you see how only a bit of my cock is getting any attention?" He asked. Again a small nod of the head.
Sid:"I want you to start taking more cock into your mouth. To help you do this, I'm going to place my hands on the sides of your head." With that he reached down and grabbing a handful of hair on both sides, began to pull her head more forcefully onto his cock. To her credit, she kept her hands clasped firmly behind her back. He could soon feel his cock periodically bumping against the back of her mouth. After a few minutes of this, he stopped pulling on her head and said
Sid: "Alright Pooja darling, I want you to try and take as much cock into your mouth as you can and then hold it there. Can you do that?" Without a reply Pooja bobbed her head forward and struggled to cram as much cock as she could into her mouth. His dick was far bigger and thicker then both Aakaash or even Ram's cock. Once she had as much as she could fit in, she held it there as directed.
Sid:"Now with your mouth full of cock, I want you to look up at me Pooja darling."
While she was busy stuffing her mouth as full as she could with cock, he had taken the opportunity to get his mobile out and snap a few photos. Having a picture of her looking up at him with her mouth full of his cock would further guarantee his control over her. With his free hand Sid quickly grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her head to prevent her from pulling away from his cock.
Sid:"Ah ah ah. I didn't say you could take my cock out of your mouth." He warned with menace in his voice.
Sid:"Don't worry about the pictures. Everything will be kept just between you and me." Putting the mobile away he then said
Sid:"Now Pooja darling you've done very well so far but as you can see we're still neglecting part of my cock here." Ans he pointed to the part of his shaft that was still not in her mouth.
Sid:"I want you to relax your throat bitch because I'm going to start throat fucking you now. It's probably going to make you want to gag and that's OK because to be honest it adds to the experience for the me. You do want to make me proud of you, don't you Pooja darling?" He asked not really expecting an answer. But when she nodded her head ever so slightly, he was stunned. Egged on further by her affirmative response, he began to saw back and forth into her mouth again. With hands on both sides of her head he began to pull her face forcefully onto his cock. Soon he could feel his cock bumping against the back of her mouth every time. He began to almost purr to her.
Sid:"Oh that feels so good Pooja darling. You're a good little cocksucker aren't you?" He said stroking the top of head like an obedient dog.
Sid:"That's it my little cocksucker relax the throat so I can get my cock in there." And with a particularly hard thrust, he felt his cock slip past the back of her mouth and enter her throat for the first time. She immediately began to gag as his thick cock forced its way into her throat. The sensation of his cock in her throat while she was trying to gag was absolutely amazing. It was like a rippling effect with each gag. Wanting to savour the moment and to ensure she realized who was in control here, Sid held her head still with her face buried in his smelly pubic hair and his cock lodged deep in her throat for several seconds. When she began to panic about not being able to breath, he released his pressure somewhat and allowed his cock to slip out of her throat. With deep sucking breaths around his cock, Pooja tried to regain her composure..
Sid:"That felt amazing Pooja darling and I'm very proud of you for keeping your hands behind your back. You're turning into a good little cocksucker." Again Sid began to stroke the top of her head like a dog.
Sid:"Alright here we go again. Relax your throat now." Once again by grabbing a hold of the sides of her head he began to thrust forcefully into her mouth. With each thrust he was now burying his cock in her throat causing her to gag momentarily each time. The sensation of her throat gagging around his cock on each thrust was pushing him very close to the edge very quickly. As he was rhythmically fucking her throat, he begin to purr again.
Sid:"That's a good little cocksucker. You like having your throat fucked don't you bitch? Yeah that's it you cocksucker swallow it up." As he felt his orgasm nearing, he began to increase his tempo and start exclaiming loudly
Sid:"Come on cocksucker fuck it harder. Get it down there. Come on you can suck it better than that." Amazingly he started to feel her respond under his hands. Where before he had been doing all of the work pulling her head onto his cock as he thrust into her, he could feel her now throwing her head forward into each thrust. Sid couldn't believe it. She was actually gagging herself on his cock all on her own. Now that she was doing all of the work, he was able to go back to stroking the top of her head like an obedient dog and encouraging her on.
Sid:"Oh that's it cocksucker. Gag yourself on my cock. That's right gag for me. You're going to make me cum you cocksucker. Pooja darling hold my cock in your throat now." He ordered and amazingly she did. There she was with her nose buried in his smelly pubic hair, throat full of his thick cock and gagging on it, not able to breath and he didn't have to hold her head or anything. She was doing it all by herself. After a few more seconds he told her
Sid:"Alright start fucking my cock again, you dirty little cocksucker." She immediately withdrew his cock from her throat, grabbed a quick lung full of air and began at it again. She was really getting into it. Knowing his orgasm was very near, Sid quickly grabbed a few more photos of his cock lodged deep in her throat.
This time it didn't even phase her. She just kept gagging herself on his cock. Just as Sid was about to cum, he grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her head with one hand and yanked her head back hard while the other hand grabbed his cock and pointed it at her upturned face. It all happened so quickly, she didn't even have time to react. The first shot of cum caught her across the right eye, while the second ended up in her still open mouth. The remainder he shot as evenly as he could all over her face. Sid wanted to make sure he covered as much as he could in cum. It would hopefully add to her humiliation. Sid fully expected that when the first shot of cum struck her in the face she would have tried to pull away or at the very least raised her hands to block the barrage. But she didn't. Her hands remained clasped behind her back as he had ordered. That made him confused. She wasn't responding the way he had imagined she would.
Sid:"Now don't move cocksucker." He said as he released the hold on the back of her head. She obediently kept her head back and face tilted up while he took several steps back and clicked a few more shots with the mobile.
Under all of that cum, he could see her face redden with the humiliation of it all. She was still panting a bit trying to catch her breath and that's when he noticed the condition of her body. Her breasts and upper body were flushed red with exertion and her nipples were rock hard. He could swear they were bigger than last time and looking at her pussy which was splayed open before him, it glistened with evident moisture. Now he may not be that experienced with women but it sure did look like she was turned on at the moment. That gave him an idea.
Sid:"Pooja darling you did such a good job sucking my cock that I'm prepared to reward you for that. I want you to leave that cum on your face for the moment but I'm going to let you have some release too. You'd like to cum too, wouldn't you my little cocksucker?" He asked. After only the slightest hesitation she nodded her head yes.
Sid:"Ok open your knees as wide as they can go. With one hand I want you to play with your tits and the other I want you to start rubbing your cunt for me." She immediately moved to comply. Once her knees were splayed wide apart providing him and his mobile camera a birdseye view, she quickly moved her hands into position to achieve her release. In seconds her right hand was busily rubbing her clit while the left hand was pinching, rolling and pulling on her nipples with her fingers. What an erotic sight it was.
Sid was certainly building up quite the collection of photos. His control over Pooja was now guaranteed as he definitely had enough material to guarantee her cooperation for as long as he desired. In less than a minute, Pooja's eyes were closed and she became lost in her own thoughts as she madly masturbated in front of her servant turned Master. Using even more vulgar language, Sid began to encourage her further.
Sid:"Come on you whore, make yourself cum for me. Prove to me what a good little slut you are. You know you want to cum for me. Isn't that right bitch?" Her hand on her pussy was moving so fast now, it was practically a blur.
Sid:"Come on you fucking whore, you can do it. Rub that dirty little cunt of yours. Cum for your servant you slut. I bet you'd like me to open the door right now and bring in even the neighbors to watch you humiliate yourself?" At that Pooja began to pant and grunt out loud and Sid could tell she was very close to cumming.
Sid:"Maybe tomorrow I'll bring one of your neighbors with me and we'll both throat fuck you like the whore that you are." Hearing that she let out a horrific scream as her head shot back and her entire body went rigid.
For several seconds she could only grunt and moan as her body twitched uncontrollably. After a short bit she eventually began to relax and come back to Earth. It was then that the full import of what she'd just done struck her. The humiliation of allowing herself to be throat fucked by her servant and her face cummed upon and then willingly masturbating in front of that same servant was almost too much for her. Tears welled up in the eyes again and Sid could see her trying to choke back the sobs.
Sid:"I'm very proud of you Pooja darling. You did very well today but before you get dressed I want you to scoop all of the cum off of your face and swallow it. From now on Pooja darling, you are to look at it as a gift. It is never to be wasted. Wherever cum gets deposited on your body, you will scoop it up and swallow it all. Is that clear?" He asked in a tone of voice meant to brook no disagreement. She meekly nodded her head yes and began scooping his cum off of her face with her fingers and licking them clean.
This was just the beginning of Pooja's nightmare.