Chapter 01.1
In April of 1945 I deserted the German Army. I had just turned eighteen and had been working on an anti- aircraft crew for about ten months. Myself, and the rest of the boys manning a FLAK gun simply stopped firing into the night sky when we ran out of ammunition. When a runner went off for more ammunition and was killed doing so, we simply got up from the anti-aircraft gun and walked away. We had enough. The war was lost and Germany was shattered. There was nothing left.
We left our positions and walked silently through the night in the direction of home. We reached the river next to my side of town about midnight. I walked through the city which was on fire and smoking heavily. When I got to my street I saw the houses were intact and there were a few window broken but it was eerily quiet. I went down the street and went into the house I shared with my mother and aunt.
My mother was horrified at what I had done. She knew I would be shot for desertion if I was caught now and she knew I could very well be killed by the Americans coming in from the West and North. She told me I was a stupid boy to do what I did. Presently my aunt came up from the cellar and told my mother and myself to come downstairs to shelter from the bombing. I told her the bombers had gone but my aunt was not convinced it was safe so we huddled in the cellar and talked about what to do with me.
My aunt and mother talked for the best part of an hour and finally told me that tonight while it was still dark, to change clothes and head out away from the city and away from the German Army. My mother scribbled a note and I looked at it -- it was in what I would best describe as complete gibberish but she was insistent that I take the note and head for the mountains in the south. She and my aunt scraped some rations they had and bundled them in a ratty old satchel bag and mom took some Reich's Marks from a jar in the kitchen upstairs and told me to head to my grandmother's farm house.
My grandmother Hilde was my father's mother. She had an old farm on the very edge of a village in the shoulders of the Bavarian Alps. I had not seen her since I was very young and the women on my mother's side of the family often spoke of her in strange terms that I could not completely put together. My aunt took on a mischievous grin and exclaimed, "The old witch will eat that young one alive Greta!"
My mother shot her an angry look and responded quickly, "He'll die here Ilse - and us with him too if he doesn't do this! Enough! There is no choice in this."
Mother explained her idea. They would join me at a later time when they could make the walk but for now it was too dangerous for me to be here and for me to be with them. I was to get out of town and stick to back roads and stay out of sight. Look like somebody bombed out of a home and don't let anyone get a good look at you.
Mother kissed me and threw her arms around me to hug me hard. The clothes I was wearing fit worse than the oversized uniform I had taken off which was now burning in the wood stove to remove any trace I had been here. With that my mother pushed me out the door into the night and told me not to stop until the farm, my aunt waiving behind my mother in the doorway as I left. I walked with the bag of provisions in one hand and with my helmet and boots in the other.
When I crossed the stone bridge at the edge of town I threw the helmet and boots weighted down with broken bricks and cobblestones into the canal and that was my goodbye to the German Army. I got off the road and moved into the night away from the light of the burning city which bathed the countryside.
I found a culvert under a farm road about sunrise and crawled in. That was how I spent my first day on the run and it was how I spent my next ten days as well. I hid and slept during the day and then got up and walked to the mountains in the south through the back countryside at night. I was always looking out for German military units and American soldiers. After my first night I saw no more of the German Army but from a distance I saw many American Army columns.
I felt a little like a rabbit staying clear of things with teeth and claws. I walked in my badly fitting clothes and my poorly fitting man's hat with it pulled down slightly to hide my face partially -- like that would do good. I told myself I would look less obvious -- who was I kidding? It was a miracle I wasn't picked up. In a barn near the city of Ulm, I found a place to sleep and found some chickens that I relieved of their eggs before the farmer awoke in the morning. I also found some jarred of canned fruit in his shed that I took with me. I knew I was getting close.
Two nights later, I waded across a very unpleasantly cold stream and into the valley where my Grandmother or my "Oma Hilde" lived. I was still moving through the darkness but when I got within sight of her village I could also see the sun was coming up. I went up some side streets to her house trying to move as quickly and quietly as possible. I came around the back of her farmhouse I went through the barn away from the main street. At the door of her barn leading into her house I knocked on her door.
Oma came to the door and opened it, and peered in a surprised fashion into my face with a look of shock and bewilderment. She then sized up my appearance and hurried me inside and she locked the door.
"Stephan, you look so different!" She exclaimed. She hugged me and took my bag and hat and coat and sat me at the table. She saw that I was wet and cold from the stream I had waded through and she went to a cabinet and produced a bottle of brandy. She put a pot on the stove and proceeded to heat some of the brandy for me while snatching some leaves from a spice cabinet about eye- level in front of her and dropped a pinch into the pan. Soon she handed me a steaming cup of the mixture.
"Here boy, take this. Drink it down -- it will prevent you from becoming ill with all you have been exposed to." I gulped a little bit while I sat shivering on the table bench.
"How did you get to be in such a state?" she asked, leaning forward and peering into my eyes. I explained that I was a deserter and that I and the other boys had run off from our unit. I let her know that there were probably people looking for us and I headed as far south as I could go. I also told her I had been traveling for days to get here and that this morning I waded across the stream outside the village to get to her door.
She shook her head not believing what she had heard. Then I handed her the note with the gibberish on it that my mother had given to me. She read it and frowned and looked like she understood. As I continued to gulp down the hot brew she went to the stove and tossed the note in the fire which made a funny POOF sound. She then put together some soup. Then she moved a large pot to the stove and began to pump water from a kitchen pump to be heated.
"Isn't that a lot of water for the soup Oma?" I asked.
"No," she answered, "this is for your bath. The soup is for this little pot. Keep gulping that mix. I want you to finish the whole of it and then you may have to drink another."
I continued to tell her about the war and what I saw as a member of the military. I told her in a hushed whisper I thought the war was lost as she pulled off my wet clothes.
"You don't have to worry about whispering in here, I am not going to turn you in!" she said with a wrinkled grin.
"Yes but such talk can get you shot!"
"You have already run away from the Army. It is a wonder you were not caught and shot days ago! Look, there are no hidden microphones in my cupboard, just spices and herbs I use cooking."
She continued to remove my things and she pulled off my shoes. Then she turned and went to the cupboard and took a handful of spices from a strange jar and dropped them in the wash tub. She then tapped on the tub three times with a wooden spoon. Steam began to rise from the water.
"That was strange." I thought. "The water has not been on the stove long enough to heat up and yet it's steaming already." I figured it must be my fever as my shivering and woozy feeling must be working on my senses.
My grandmother turned and looked at me and said, "Let me get the rest of those things off you!" Without another word she stripped off all my underclothes and socks and now I was standing naked as the day I was born before her. I stood there shivering as she handed me a blanket from a cabinet next to the fireplace.
"Now pull that tub of water onto the floor." I did as she instructed and placed it on the floor next to stove. I had to use cooking rags to touch the metal handles as I moved the ungainly thing. My grandmother moved me aside and tested the water with her fingers. She nodded to herself that it was the correct temperature and then she turned to look at me.
"Ok drop that blanket. I wish to see how big you are." I did as she said and stood there shivering again. My grandmother surveyed my size and then looked at the washtub. She then tapped the edge of the tub and to my astonishment -- IT BEGAN TO GROW! I was certain now I was insane with fever.
"That is the right size," my granny said. Then she looked back at me like she noticed something. She was staring at my schwanze - or my cock.
"Where did you get that mark on your schwanze?" she said a she pointed to a brown splotch of color at the base of my cock.
"It has been there ever since I can remember Oma." I answered.
She nodded and handed me my cup of brandy mixed with herbs and told me to get in the tub and continue to drink. The tub had a funny medicine smell from the herbs she had dumped into it. Still, I didn't mind. It was warm. Grandmother went to a cabinet and fetched some soap. Then she returned with the soap and a sponge and proceeded to scrub me.
She scrubbed me like a hog being prepared for an agricultural show taking time out only to bring me some hot soup from the stove which I quickly downed and then returned to my cup of brandy while my grandmother continued with the torture. It was rough scrubbing and the rag she used was none too soft. She commented about how dirty I was from my walk here to her house. She scrubbed my shoulders, my arms, and my neck, behind my ears, my face, my hair, and my chest. Then she took a drink from my mug which mysteriously seemed to have replenished itself and handed back to me. She continued scrubbing my feet and legs. Then she ordered me to stand.
"Up with you! Time to wash your loins." She scrubbed my buttocks and ran the soap and cloth down my ass crack and then washed my cock and balls. That was when it happened. I was sipping the brew in the cup and I looked down to see to my horror that I had an enormous erection! I tried to think of anything I could do to take my mind from my grandmothers soapy hands washing and rubbing my cock but it was impossible. It was stiff as a piece of lumber -- a veiny priapism and what was more -- IT LOOKED LARGER THAN I HAD EVER REMBERED IT TO BE!
"Oh dear!" my grandmother said as she realized what had happened. "Do not worry, that is a side effect of these herbs in your drink when they are mixed in combination with the effect of the herbs in the bathwater! This is called the 'Bathing Stone Condition' and it used to happen to your father when he was your age."
She continued to rub my painfully erect member and it seemed the only soothing relief I could get was the touch of her wrinkled old hands as the worked the soap up and down the throbbing shaft. It was the most raging erection I had ever experienced and now my grandmother either consciously or unconsciously was jerking my soapy cock!
The sensation of pleasure shot through my body like an electric current. My Grandmother rubbed and rubbed and rubbed harder it seemed with each stroke. She stared intently at my erection never taking her eyes off of it while she "cleaned" me. Her tongue gave her away as she licked her lips. I was wallowing in pleasure. I had never been with a girl -- I was inexperienced in such things. Now a woman was rubbing my phallus with her bare hand!
She suddenly looked up at me and said, "I know just the thing to take this swelling down -- it used to work for your father, and for your grandfather before him when they would get 'Bathing Stone' and it should work on you! I just have to get in there with you."
I thought, "Get in? How can she do that? This tub is too small!"
I soon saw how. She stood up and pulled off her skirt and her blouse and her brassiere. Her sagging breasts seemed to flop everywhere. She then turned around and bent over to pull off her stockings. As she turned she revealed a tangle maze of tattoos up and down her back that had been perfectly hidden by her clothes. The tattoos showed woven knots, twisted trees, forest animals and mythical creatures. On each of her buttocks was an eye with long eyelashes. At her tailbone were a nose and two tattooed nostrils. Down in the cleft of her ass was a red lipstick mouth with pouty puckered lips that surrounded appropriately, the ragged puckered wrinkled pink flesh of her rectum.
As she stooped lower to get the last of her stockings off I caught a glimpse of her cunny which was surrounded by roses and vines. Quite a bit of artwork but it was all very odd to say the least! The knots and tangles of the figures reminded me of old textbook sketches of Viking runes that I had seen in school.
After she finished getting off her stockings she turned and tapped the edge of the tub three times and to my astonishment, the tub increased its size by a factor of three! Granny frowned at the low water level and tapped the edge of the tub about five times and the water rose to a sufficient level, then she got in and stood on her boney knees with her tattooed buttocks resting on her heels. She had left her red kerchief in her hair but other than that I was sitting in a tub with a perfectly naked -- if not eccentric woman.
"Stand up. I have just the thing for you to take this thing down!" I did as she commanded and she leaned forward with her tongue out and her mouth slightly open. She licked the head of my cock sending waves of pleasure through my member! Then she kissed it and stroked it with one hand while gently kneading my testicles with the other. Then she did it -- she made an "O" with her mouth and popped my cock into passed her lips and began to suck on me!
I cannot describe the wonderful feelings that took over me! Her mouth drew my cock in deeper and deeper with each loud slurping suck and her tongue felt amazing as it rubbed back and forth on the underside of my cock. I began to pump my hips back and forth. It was strange because I was still holding my cup of steaming brew and absentmindedly taking sips from it while looking down at my grandmother's eyes as she fellated me with wonderful sloppy vigor!
She now grabbed both of my buttocks in each hand as if trying to urged on some bucking animal as her loud wet sucking continued. I put my free hand first on her shoulder and then on the back of her head. I gently pulled back and forth on her head as she pulled my buttocks toward her ravenous sucking maw and we must have looked like a crazed carnal steam engine pumping back and forth for dear life! I pushed away her kerchief which fell into the tub and her black and gray hair cascaded down over her shoulders.
She was now taking my cock deep into her throat and making even louder wet sucking sounds than before, all the while looking up and making lewd eye contact. It was a sensation that I had craved and did not even know it until then! I ran my free hand deep into her hair and tangled my fingers in the tendrils as her mouth and throat expertly worked their magic on my erection! Then I felt it. The long excruciatingly pleasing agony of an orgasm rushing up from the depths of my balls forcing me to howl loudly in joy as the seed of my loins shot into my grandmother's furiously sucking wet mouth.
I tossed my head back as another climax threw another load of my essence into her mouth. Then I subsided. My grandmother leaned back slightly wide eyed with her cheeks full like she had a mouth full of pudding. Instead of spitting it into the tub like I reckoned she would do, she thoughtfully swished it around in her mouth like it was some rare wine and she was trying to detect a certain hidden flavor. Her eyes narrowed like she was discovering something. Then she got a look across her face like she had experienced a hearty after-note in the taste of my seed! Her eyes went wide with some strange eureka moment. With that she swallowed my ball pudding in one gulp!
She leaned forward and kissed and massaged my slackening cock and looked up at me. She sighed with satisfaction as she patted me on my behind. I for myself could not believe what had just happened.
"Come now!" she said. "It's time to get you out of this tub, dried off, and into bed. You can take that cup with you. I want you to finish another two cups!"
We got out of the tub and she dried me off with a towel and then led me to a large bed where she pulled down the covers. She had me get into bed with my cup and gulp it down stopping me just before it was empty by a few swallows. She then looked at my nearly empty cup, tapped it and looked at me with an air of authority. Somehow the cup was full again!
"Drink up!" she ordered. I did as she instructed and then just before dumping down the last of the brandy and herbs into my gullet she stopped me and tapped the cup which again replenished its contents.
"One last draught, down your throat now! Drink!" she said. I did and finished and then got into bed naked and shivering. She put extra blankets on the bed. Then went and got some dry clothes from a trunk and set them down on a chair next to the bed.
"These were your father's. They will fit you I think. You can put them on after you sleep." I started to get up to at least put on some underclothes but she put her strong bony hand in my chest and pushed me back into the pillows.
"Sleep!" she ordered and then went back to her kitchen. I could see her from the bed as she scurried around. She had gotten her scarf from the tub and put it in her hair but she was still tattooed and naked but seeming oblivious to that fact. She tapped the tub with a stick she had taken from up on the shelf and then presently the tub began to shrink an diminish in size. Down it went until it was the size of a coffee can. She then picked up the tiny tub now fit for washing a doll and walked to a window. She opened the window and began to dump the water outside. She then thought for a second, like she was making a decision and swallowed the contents of our bath! Then she closed the window and put the washtub on the stovetop shelf for safekeeping. I truly was crazy with fever. THIS WAS NOT HAPPENING! I NEEDED TO COME TO MY SENSES! It didn't matter, a few seconds later the brandy and herbs took affect and I faded off to sleep.
What must have been several hours later the blankets moved next to me. I awoke with another painfully hard erection poking the blankets up like an indian teepee I had seen in books and the cinema. It was now dark save for one candle on a mantle next to the bed and a glow from the half opened stove in the kitchen. Grandmother, naked with her scarf out of her hair was climbing into bed with me...and right on top of me! She straddled my crotch and laid down on my body and embraced me.
"There, there Stephen! One of the best remedies for a fever is sleep and body warmth of another naked person. I'll take care of you! "
"But Grossmutter I dooonn't think I...."
"Shhh!" she commanded and she silenced me by wrapping her lips around my mouth in a passionate kiss while grabbing my painful cockwurst of and erection and placing it against her hairy gray pubis. She shifted her weight around and moved her hands to manipulate my cock until it found the opening. While still fastened to my mouth with hers, she paused like she was preparing herself and then with one thrust she sank on my aching penis taking my entire manhood into her cunny as she exhaled into my faced through her nostrils.
What we were doing was so forbidden and so foul as to not ever be mentioned but it felt so good and relieving. Grandmother started to raise and lower herself on my cock in a determined and purposeful fuck, all the while her mouth locked on mine and her tongue snaked lewdly into my mouth. Her mouth tasted and smelled oddly enough not like an old woman's but that of a young woman who had been drinking brandy and eating honey. I stopped resisting and returned the embrace placing my hands on her back, too weak to do anything but give in to the pleasure of having my first full sexual experience....WITH MY GRANDMOTHER!
My hands moved down her back and again I thought my mind was not right. It seemed her back was moving slightly, like parchment being shifted around. I stopped reasoning and let this dream or whatever it was take me over. I moved my hands down to her buttocks and felt more of the odd movement tickling my hands as I kneaded her warm slightly sagging glutes. For whatever reason, I sensed that I must place my fingers around the rim of her anus and rub gently. Her anus oddly enough stirred and jumped and she broke our lip-lock in excitement and realization.
"That's it Stephen, just as I wanted. Now let me fuck you and keep you warm and you keep rubbing 'mein arsch' while I illuminate you about what is going on!" I knew what was going on! I was still in a field someplace mad with fever and hadn't woken up. THIS HAD TO BE A DREAM! She continued....
"Your mother and father may never have shared this secret," she whispered in my ear seductively and lustfully, "but it is time you knew. I AM A WITCH! ... A WITCH! And you my beautiful grandchild are A WIZARD! I could tell by the mark on your cock. In fact, you are a wizard of some power I imagine based on the taste of your seed today!"
Alright I thought, this dream has to end! This was madness! It was insane and completely beyond my comprehension but my grandmother kept talking and fucking and kissing me and for my part I kept caressing her asshole with my fingertips. Her anus kept doing something so strange, it kissed and sucked my fingers as they danced along her puckered rim!
"I can't be a wizard Oma! That is insane!"
"It's insane probably to some but it's true. How did you know I wanted my puckered rectum fingered by your hands?" she said with raised eyebrows deriding my skepticism.
"I don't know, I just felt like I should, like you might like it, like it was sensitive."
"Ahah my young fish caught in my net! So you have a sense of where to touch a woman where she wants you to touch her when her mood dictates it? .....Still don't believe me? Where do I want you to touch me now? What am I thinking or more importantly desiring?" I could see she was thinking hard as she said this.
Instinctively one of my hands stroked her hair and then snarled its fingers in the dark locks and pulled while my other hand teased her hemorrhoids. Nothing told me to do it. I just sensed it was a sexual desire of her!
She ground her pelvis against mine and stroked me lasciviously and closed her eyes in enjoyment. Then she stared back at me. A wide joyous smile was on her face!
"YES! You can make love to a woman -- any woman and stroke and fuck and kiss her exactly how she would like to be done! Another sign!"
I still was not convinced of anything. This fever was giving me the strangest dream was what I kept thinking to myself.
"What about thinking other peoples thoughts in YOUR head?" she asked. "That has happened to you?"
I thought for a moment. I thought way back to strange occurrences in my past. Then I remembered.
"I used to know in school, when the professor would ask the class a trick question. I would know that in his mind he was already thinking about tricking us to make us understand the lesson better. I then would raise my hand and give the correct answer - completely the opposite of where he was leading the class in the conversation. He called me the 'sage in the third row'!"
"Yes," she said as she ground her pelvis stroking my cock up and down with her cunny and nibbling on my cheeks and chin, "what else?"
"I used to understand what the price of a loaf of bread was in the market and if the baker was trying to cheat us. I could feel his thoughts and remind him of the correct price."
"Good! Something else?" she said as her nibbles turned to kisses. My cock was swollen and wonderfully hard. I had now the huge pony cock that I saw between my legs in the wash tub. It ached and throbbed but I could not come. Grandmother seemed to be controlling my cock with her mind as I could see her brow furrowed in concentration as her kisses turned to sucking my chin and lips and her naughty tongue licked around my mouth. She would not let me come she had a psychic lock on my cock and was focused on letting all the water build up behind the dam!
"Something else!" she reminded me as she went back to nibbling and tweaking my nipples with her bony finger tips.
"There was a time when I was playing ball with the other boys on the sports field. I saw that one of the other team members would score a goal and I wanted so bad for him not to. We would lose if he scored. I wanted it so badly for him to miss but he was so close and the goal keeper was out of position and on the ground. The boy kicked and the ball flew through the air and I made it go straight up and over the goal instead of in. We all thought it was the wind!"'
"You moved it with your mind didn't you! You wanted it to miss and your desire became reality?"
I nodded.
"There is something else isn't there! "Her voice was soft and serious now, like she knew something dark had happened in my past. Her mind for a second let go of my cock and a little dribble of my seed leaked into her old cunny, then she remembered and focused, trapping the remainder of my semen in my cock straining and pushing to get out. She continued to fuck me and she looked me in the eyes while kissing me.
"Tell me! Tell Oma Hilde!"
"On the night I deserted. I knew that the boy who walked away from our anti-aircraft gun would not return. He had a deathlike glow around him in my mind, a weird light. We ran out of ammunition. There were still planes coming -- too many for us to do anything about. He walked away, down the street to get a wagon to bring up ammunition for us. He got down the street and turned a corner. Then bombs fell. The street vanished in fire and smoke. We waited for the smoke and dust to disappear, and then we walked away from the gun. That boy was in charge of all of us at the gun so there was nobody to report us leaving. It was hopeless, we just walked away."