Chapter 01.2

"I know!" You must not let this haunt you. You must simply understand that this was one more time where you saw something about to be played out before it happened. She continued fucking me. I was sad about what we had just spoken of but the feeling in my loins compensated for it all.

Grandmother picked up the pace of her fuck. My balls felt like they would roar in joyous agony but she held my cock firm with her vicelike mind.

"I am going to use your power and my power to heal you!" she said. "You can destroy a fever with sex between two people of power. You just have to use the good healing power of fucking! We must fuck and make a magic!"

"A magic?" I asked as I was now thrusting up trying to match her experienced strokes.

"When a man and a woman lay together and fuck, they normally combine pieces of themselves to make a child. When two people of power fuck, they can also produce a child but my child rearing days are long gone. I won't have any more babies!" she said this sadly and thoughtfully.

"But two people of power can also combine their powers to create something new and stronger than the original energy through a fuck - to create a magic! The magic is like an offspring in that it is conceived and then grows and can become mature. Then it is very useful. A magic can give the wizard or witch the ability to do things they could not do before or new strength for things they already are skilled at. This magic we will make tonight will heal you and break that fever!"

"How long have you been able to do this? To have powers?" I asked.

"Oh I knew something was different since I was very young. Then when I was eighteen my Aunt Magda took me to her hut out in the woods up the mountain and showed me things about myself. She taught me healing, how to make potions to heal, how to do the mind tricks you have already seen, and much more!"

I listened as she continued to stroke kiss, fuck and tell the story.

"She also taught me in the ways of Sappho so my first sex was with my Tante Magda! We made plenty of magic in the bed in her hut and in her barn and in the field behind her house! My powers grew every day! I would read her books while she licked my cunny and finger the folds of my quim. I would sigh and buck and fuck her face and then do the same to her as she would teach me the old language of spells!"

Her eyes looked off into the distance remembering something quite thrilling and exciting but still she was able to control my cock and keep me from reaching a crescendo. She now seemed to stroke my cock with her cunny like the mere memory of the events infused her with lust that needed to be stroked and fucked away.

"We would sit up in her field behind her hut tending her flock high on that mountain up there!" she motioned with her eyes to the window that was now dark and shuttered but it framed a beautiful high mountain with snow and ice year round. You could clearly see its snowy top in the day time but it had had wonderful lush green meadows in between its pine woods on the lower slopes in the summer.

"As we sat we would watch her sheep in the meadow talk about healing, and herbs- how to make a soup that would cure a cold, how to make a potion of honey to make a rash go away. How to cure a cow with special meadow herbs so that it would be able to give milk again, we even talked of potions that made a man's cock stand up straight as the mountain itself and twice as hard!"

"You mean like mine Oma?"

"Precisely mein schatz, just like your wonderful schwanze! I can show you where that herb grows but be forewarned it is VERY powerful and too much can cause severe nausea and diarrhea, plus you may run out of women in the town before you run out of your erection and soon all the babies in the town will look like you!" She said that with wise smile and a sly lewd wink and continued.

"Anyway, she would tell me things and then we would talk about love and she would wiggle a finger under my skirt and make me sigh as she touched me between my legs. She showed me a spot where my little love bean was and she would rub it and rub it while talking to me! I would rub her bean too. I loved that I could make her sigh and shudder with joy it was such naughty fun. We could look way down the mountainside into this village in the valley and see the people and farms here but we were too high up to be seen. Then we would take off our clothes and bathe in the sun nude and brown ourselves."

"We would rub each other's bodies and each other's beans and eventually we would kiss. It was a magnificent passion of tongues and fingers and hands and breasts with mouths sucking and licking and tugging hair and massaging nipples and bellies. I loved licking her cunny and making it juice and pour nectar out into my mouth and greedy tongue. I also loved how her tongue on my cunny and bean could make me shudder and scream like I was struck by electricity from the clouds! One day when I hit my crescendo on her face there was a huge clap of thunder that shook the whole valley. Lightning struck a tree near us! She knew then she had taught me the ways of the great witch priestess Sappho up there on that mountain. That night she and I made a magic in her bed licking each other's cunnies and assholes. We cried and sobbed with joy and the whole mountain shook with our crescendo! The next morning we saw several trees knocked down from the wind storm that our face fucking had created! We had to walk a half mile down the mountain to find her sheep because they were so frightened from it all after they broke free of their pen in the excitement!"

I chuckled at this as she continued to hump my raging cock. She then continued.

"Then one day a week later I saw my powers increase. I could do more things better plus I found I had new powers. Our magic had worked! Tante also had stronger powers. It was exciting. I could move things just by thinking and pointing -- it was good fun teasing the cat with a cloth mouse watching her scurry for it!"

I was puzzled by something she said.

"The priestess Sappho? You mean the poet? She was Greek and from the Island of Lesbos. We read about her in school."

"Yes, she was!" she answered. "Her teachings and poetry were not just about passion and love and devotion. She also taught magic, especially to her lesbian acolytes who she schooled in a much more ancient knowledge -- even older than Greece and its colonies. Many women spread what they knew from her special tutelage across Greece and Asia Minor. The knowledge eventually spread with the Roman Empire up through Italy and into the Alps and finally here to the tribes of the Allemani in Germany. The female druids embraced the new knowledge although they resented most other things Greek and Roman and rejected nearly everything else. It became mixed with the teachings of the local druids who gained great power of magic and healing. My Tante knew this ancient knowledge and taught it to me!"

"So when did you learn to fuck men?"

"That same summer, Tante Magda's son Magnus came with his flock through the mountain pass over from another mountain where he had another hut. He was two years older than me and very handsome -- I was quite taken with lust. My magic was growing strong and my Tante made it stronger that night with her son in her bed! That night while I sat by the bed and watched, Magnus came to his mother's bed as he had done since eighteen years of age and bedded her in the style of Oedipus and Jocasta! It was a wonderful fuck to behold. Magda chanted with him as they coupled with her on all fours and him thrusting his cock hard into her cunny. They plowed and fucked violently and soon they reached an enormous crescendo while I watched awestruck."

Her eyes again looked off in the distance as she remembered and fucked me with distracted intensity. Her memory was clearly exciting her! Her fingers continued to twist my nipples and I responded by twisting her nipples with my free hand and stroking her strangely pulsing anus with my other hand.

"Then Magda beckoned to me and I joined them in the bed. I lay on the bed and Tante spread my legs and licked me while stroking Magnus's cock. Occasionally she sucked it and then went back to my cunny and bean. Then she sat on my face and held my legs apart while Magnus's passion rose. I felt his cock enter my cunny and he began to fuck me. It hurt so wonderfully bad! I loved it immediately! I licked at Tante's cunny and tasted my first man-seed as Magnus's cream fell down the channel of his mother's womb into my mouth! It was the first time I tasted semen and it was the semen of a powerful wizard! I never have forgotten that taste! It was different from the normal salty custard of your gender!"

She gave another lewd wink and continued as she fucked.

"Tante fucked my face and licking tongue and her son fucked my cunny until the whole house shook. Tante and Magnus began to chant as the three of us copulated. They were sharing their magic with me! I could feel the energy flowing through me just as it had when Tante and I had created that storm on the mountain. We bucked and moaned and fucked and cursed and swore and licked until we hit a rising culmination of energy and excitement. The bed began to rise off the floor and turned slightly in the bed chamber -- the three of us howled in joy and a wind rushed down of the mountain and through one open window and then out another!"

All the while my balls ached and I wanted to spritz into her cunny but her mind held my seed tight!

"Our crescendo hit at the same time like the force of three immense horses all striking a gate at the same time with their bodies to shatter it to pieces! We cried out in joy and the bed fell to the floor with a loud thump and the wind died away! We had made the magic of three!"

"Magic of three?"

"It is simple, the more fucking, the more powerful the magic. A witch orgy on a mountainside is something truly magnificent to behold! But that is something you can learn for another day. Let me just tell you that I developed a whole new level of power. Magnus and Magda and I had jolted my powers beyond anything before -- and theirs too! Tante then decided I was powerful enough to take on the magical tattoos you see on my back. She had them and so did Magnus. They are spells that stored our powers like a cupboard. Meanwhile Magnus stayed for several weeks to help with Tante's flocks. We watched the sheep in the meadows by day naked accept for our shoes either laying naked in the sun and playing with our naughty parts or just plain fucking, eating, and sucking in the grass. At night the three of us made love in Tante's hut. I learned to suck him and he buggered mine as well as his mother's assholes while we ate each other's cunny's."

Her asshole hungrily drew in my finger with those words and I felt the funny parchment like movement on her back as she recalled.

"Tante and I would engage him in the bed or in the field where one woman would sit on his cock, the other on his face and we would joyously ride him and then switch out! We would fuck and fuck like that until we screamed in joyful agony."

"You said something about his sperm, and mine, the taste?"

"Yes! You are correct my dear!" and she kissed me hard shoving her tongue into my mouth before explaining in between more pecks and lusty nibbles.

"I tasted the exact same taste in the sperm of Magnus all those years ago that I did in yours this morning! A man's seed is his essence! It tells a lot about him, just like the prints on his fingers, and YOU my wonderful fuck, are a healing wizard. Your seed has the power to cure all kinds of maladies and ailments and I imagine that just the very act of sex with you now is enough to do wonderful things for me from the energy we are building! You are a living breathing apothecary of cock and seed!" She said this with glee and joy but I was puzzled.

"How can I heal with my...."

"While you were sleeping," she interrupted, "I not only noticed a familiar feeling in my stomach from swallowing your man-sauce, I also noticed that a queasy feeling that I had from something I ate the day before that did not agree with me was gone. Gone too was the stiffness in my knees! When I took a break from watching you and tending the house and the animals in the barn, I went to the lavatory. I was able to take a generous and healthy CRAP, not the straining farting constipated brown stones I normally pass or the black devils pudding that burns the rim of my asshole to no end but a wonderful satisfying healthy SHIT! I have a back tooth that has annoyed me so much for years but when I went to the kitchen to make tea -- it was gone! The pain was gone and the tooth was healthy as if I was a young girl again. Still don't believe me? Look at this!"

She bowed her head and the candle light showed the locks of her hair, gone were the salt and pepper streaks of gray. I looked into her face and noticed too that although many of her wrinkles were still there, her skin was more youthful, like I was now fucking a woman in her late fifties! I nodded in comprehension.

"That is what I am trying to tell you! You have the power to do great things and your body is the font of that power!"

"Just like your cousin Magnus?"

"Just like him!"

"So where is he now?"

"Oh I saw him a few years ago. We drifted apart when we were young or I might add we just kept finding others to fuck!" She resumed her fucking of my throbbing agonized member!

"He was always like that. When he was with Tante and I, he would leave for days at a time and go up into the hills or down to town and there would always be a different smell to him when he returned -- like he had fallen into a pile of scented women at the local tavern. I was jealous but Tante would merely welcome him back into bed for another spirited fuck with the three of us reconciling. She also would remind me that I was not pure as the driven snow either!" She said this again with one her lewd winks.

"I would go down the mountain to the town with Tante to sell sheep or wool or do some healing with her. Normally we would give somebody medicine or herbs in exchange for money or a few chickens or a pig. It was there that I had my run with the girls of the town who were my age! I found quite a few willing students willing to learn the art of Sappho in those days if I looked in the right spots -- there was also a lot of cocks that found their way inside me and of course many young folk came up the mountain to "visit" me and Tante. Several witches and wizards also came by to 'drop in for a meal and rest for the night' with us as well so I had no room to be critical of Magnus when he would tomcat around in the next village or valley! I was just as bad as he and that was how I got the nickname the devourer!" She chuckled at her own lewd memories and recollections.

"Then one day I met your grandfather. He was a beautiful young man. He was not a witch, well not in that he any real power, his parents were witches but his powers never developed beyond him 'knowing things' and the thoughts of others. Oh but I loved him soooo! He was so handsome and with a wonderful cock that gave me two children after we were married, your Tante Greta and your father Klaus!"

I had never known my grandfather. He died in the First World War when his reserve unit was called up. His death left my grandmother with two children to fend for. Grandma continued.

"We were so happy, until the war came. Then after he was gone I was all alone. That is except for your father and his older sister your aunt Margarite. Your father never developed powers but his sister did. I schooled her in the old ways when she was nineteen. She is a full witch today. Your father on the other hand was just like HIS father in that he could 'know' things but his power never developed beyond that. You on the other hand are quite different! Your power is strong!"

"Oma, you said that my father used to have the same problem in the tub? His schwanz would grow because of the herbs?"

"Oh yes," she remembered, "he used to develop the stiffest donkey cock in the tub after he was eighteen! I had been alone from your grandfather four years by that time and it all had been a great strain on me so ......well, I did something very improper. The same thing I did to you in fact. He was a man by that time and I had needs and so did he and thing led to another and soon we did other things over the course of several days and well....I used to service your father .......and he -- me! There I said it! My son and I were lovers just as my aunt and cousin had been!"

I listened. I was going to remind her that she was fucking her grandson so why should she feel guilt about that but it was guilt she seemed to be feeling, it was reckless excitement and lust that she was recalling. I kept my mouth shut as she fucked me and continued.

"It was magnificent, what we had -- your father and I! He used to sneak up behind me and kiss the back of my neck and whip up my dress and plow my cunny or bugger my ass and I would suck him to sleep. It was wonderful! My only sadness was that he never developed his powers beyond 'knowing things'. I started teaching him all kinds of love making but we never could get a Magic to develop -- even when his older sister joined us in the bed for a fuck!"

"Tante Margarite?"

"Yes she is a witch like me and powerful too! She comes by now and then for tea with her sheep and we still talk and chat and do 'things' to each other's cunnies but it is not like when your father was here! Oh! You thought Magnus and Magda could copulate? Well that was nothing! I am surprised this house is still standing what for the beams and timbers that should have come down -- and then when Margarite brought her girlfriends over for 'mischief' with your brother and me in the bed -- that was like a wonderful naked party! That was how your father met your mother. I taught all three women, Margarite, your tante Ilse, and your mother Greta in the Discipline of Sappho. Both your mother and Ilse, her sister could have been great witches!"


"Oh yes, your mother and her sister are witches but your grandmother and those on the other side of your family rejected all their powers. It's a shame because I could tell they were strong even at the tender age of nineteen or twenty! So that is why you were raised without knowledge of your family or your powers. Your father joined up with the Army in the 20's and led a secular life with your mother and when this terrible stupid war came it robbed me of him in Russia. I have no son to bury -- just the letter from the National Socialist Party consoling me and lauding his 'sacrifice'. Stupid people! Sacrifice? Glory of the Vaterland? Bahhh!"

As she fucked I could see now a flash of anger in her eyes but then they softened and met mine. Her tone became soothing and comforting.

"But now I have you! I have you to heal and you to protect and to teach! You want your first lesson while we have this healing fuck!"

I nodded.

"Good. Have you any idea that as a healing wizard you can make a woman climax with your mind?"

I shook my head. If this was the fever working my head it was now the wildest dream ever but I figured I would just let it all go on!

"Grind your hips against mine just like I am doing to you and imagine with that keen mind of yours that your hand is inside the core of my body!"

I concentrated and did as she told me.

"Now you have that imaginary mental hand bring your fingers together and snap your fingers."

I tried through my fever to do this and I imagined the hand but the brandy and the fever worked against me. I tried again, and again. Then I was able to imagine it.


Grandmother's eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open! The candle by the bed sputtered and became a slender five inch flame momentarily before settling down. The fire in the stove across the house roared for a couple of seconds like a great gust of wind had come down the chimney into the stovepipe! Grandmother let out a loud "Ooooooohhh!" She then looked at me.

"Oh Stephen, that was nice! Now let's do that again only this time put both hands inside me and clap!" She again picked up the pace while mentally not letting me cum. She had me dancing on the edge of my own crescendo not letting me spill over the side with her mind. I imagined my other hand slipping inside her body -- touching her soul. I brought the two hands together and tried through my haze to clap. The candle fluttered and shook next to the bed but nothing. I tried again -- nothing.

"You want me to try a naughty little trick with my cunny grandson?"

I nodded and kept trying to clap. Then I felt the oddest sensation on my penis. A mouth instead of a cunt was sucking me! I could distinctly feel a pair of lips, two rows of gently scraping teeth, and a ravenous greedy wet tongue slurping and loudly sucking my cock! The parchment like sensation on her back began to move and shuffle in the dim light of the candle -- could not see but I could feel movement on her back and her asshole greedily sucked and slurped my fingers! My mouth fell open as the sensation built and my balls were now in screaming wondrous agony wishing to erupt! I imagined and tried again, this time with success!


"Haaaaaarrrrr! Woooooh!" was the response from my Oma's mouth and the candle produced a five inch flame as it lifted off the stand into the air! The bed shook and the stove roared with a wind of great substance! Grandmother through back her head and howled with joy as I clapped again furiously fucking me and sucking my cock with her magic cunt! I bucked and shuddered and it was at that moment she released my seed with her mind and allowed my crescendo to spill over the edge!

My balls roared like two wild beasts and I let out a moan that became a wonderfully agonized tortured howl. A rushing white hot river of my seed shot from out of my loins and up into Grandmother's hungry sucking cunny! I clapped my hands again and snapped my fingers this time as a second orgasm channeled up out of my balls and into my grandmother!

At that instant a huge thunderclap hit outside and shook the whole house! Great flashes of lightning repeated over and over in loud cracking booms as my cock spouted and spouted and my grandmother shook and shuddered. Then the loudest thunder crack of all sounded as my grandmother was seized with one last spasm of joy and lust!

"Aaaaaaaghhhh!" came the call from my grandmother's wide eyed and wide mouth face as one last crescendo wracked through her body and her juices ran from her cunny down across my loins onto the mattress. She collapsed on me and we lay in a puddle of sweat and juices. The candle floated down slowly onto its stand and resumed its half inch sputtering flame. The stove ceased roaring and a steady calming rain replaced the thunder outside as the lightning storm moved away.

After a minute or so my grandmother climbed off me and ordered me up out of bed. She felt my forehead and to my surprise I felt better.

"We broke the fever! That fuck was as success!" she said to herself.

She looked at the wetness from our fuck in the bed and scowled.

"That wetness isn't just from our fuck -- it is mixed with your fever." She strode naked to a corner and grabbed a broom. As she walked back I realized that she was not walking like an old lady but like a girl in her twenties. Had my fucking and cumming really cured her of her ailments like she claimed? I stood there bewildered as my penis dripped my last bits of seed onto the floor like a snotty nose.

Grandmother tapped the bed with the broom and then swept the it back and forth across the bed! As she did the damp spot began to sweep away.

"Out foul sickness and return here no more!" she said as she swept. In a minute the wetness was gone and the sheets were as dry as if the bed was freshly made.

"Now then, you need to urinate to get your inner works functioning properly."

Grandmother grabbed a pewter stein from the shelf and held it to my cock with the top opened with her thumb.

"Piss!" she commanded. As I went, I could see in the candle light that her hair looked even more youthful than before -- not just with color but with luster. Only when I saw her wrinkled skin could I tell it was her. I finished pissing and had done a good job of filling the container when she put it on the kitchen table and turned to me.

"Alright back into bed with you! You need more rest. I don't want to let the fever find a way back into you!" she said with a knowing smile. She gave my naked ass a naughty slap as I got up onto the bed and settled into the covers.

As I drifted off to sleep I figured this was the oddest dream I ever had. I held onto consciousness for a few minutes but soon the fatigue of the fever and the long walk and the wonderful fuck took ahold of me. In the candlelight I saw the oddest thing. Grandmother was murmuring something over the stein of my urine and pouring in some strange liquids from a set of small bottles. Then she crushed some herbs and dropped them into the container. A blue glow emitted from the stein illuminating her pleasantly smiling face in the darkness. She raised the concoction to her mouth and began to drink! She then gulped down the contents like she was at a festival in a beer tent. She walked to the sink with the empty stein and I let sleep take hold of me and shake me into bottomless slumber.
Next page: Chapter 02
Previous page: Chapter 01.1