Chapter 05.3

The two women stroked my balls with their fingertips and ran their hands over my sleeping penis. The pipe was passed from person to person. The rain drizzled on and the thunder now became low grumbles far, far off beyond the mountain. Finally Oma broke the calm with an announcement sounding festive like a party was to start only her words were,

"I have to take a crap!" With that, she merrily hopped off the bed and headed into the toilet at the edge of the kitchen. Tante Margarite and I moved closer on the bed with her head on my shoulder, her hand rubbing and caressing my slumbering cock while my arm wrapped around her in an intimate post-fuck cuddle. We listened to the rain, we kissed, we listened to the rain some more.

The sound of the rain was suddenly punctuated by the loud wet fart of my Oma crapping with the door open. A second later a second "SQUONK!" of a wet fart left my grandmother and echoed against the bowl of the toilet followed a moment later by the sound of sound of a splash. Tante Margarite and I giggled and she said aloud,

"Mutti! I hear more thunder coming!" That got us both roaring on the bed with laughter. Oma grunted and pushed out another something with a loud splash replying,

"It's stinky thunder anyhow! No THAT my dears is the sound of a healthy bowel that now feels great! Stephan, you seed-spout up into my rear loosened everything up, I feel magnificent and empty and clean!"

"Any time Oma!" I answered.

"HE IS GOING TO SEND YOU A BILL FOR HIS PLUMMING SERVICE AND FOR HIS MEDICAL PROCEDURE!" shouted Margarite. She and I laughed again and even Oma giggled as we heard the commode flush. Tante Margarite then tapped me on the thigh.

"I have to crap young billy goat! Up with me and to the toilet!" I got up with her and we raced to the commode as I had to piss. I got to the door first and as I pointed my cock to the bowl after flipping up the seat. Tante Margarite reached from behind me to bat my hands away and steer my piss-wurst with HER hands just as I was about to let loose. She held my cock in her hands kissing my shoulders and presently I was able to make water as she cooed and said,

"Oh such a big boy, you are pissing like a horse you are! Tante's loves her nephew with his nice fat fuck-wurst! So nice, so very nice!" She held me and held me, kissing my back and making little tickling swirls with her tongue in the middle of my spine and creeping up to my shoulders until she found my neck. I had to reach down and put my hand upon her hands holding my cock because while she was kissing she wasn't aiming and she almost "steered us off the road" so to speak, but I was quick to react and my hand guided her back to the center and we suffered no accidents I am happy to say. I kept pissing and she kept kissing saying her little OH SO NICEs and SUCH A GOOD BOYs and TANTE LOVES HER LITTLE MANs!

Finally my stream went dry. Tante gave me a few shakes and then I flushed the commode. I started to walk off but my aunt grabbed me by the cock and made me stay while she dropped the seat, spun around, and sat down on the toilet. She began to suck on me while she took a steaming hot piss!

She fellated my cock back into something more or less hard and kept doing so as Oma walked over to the doorway to watch us; her hand tweaking her sex as her mouth puffed on her pipe and her daughter puffed upon mine! Presently my aunt ran out of piss and began to trickle a last few drops of piddle. She then squinted her eyes and strained as a loud TOOOOT of a fart sounded against the bowl! Oma and I chuckled. Oma kept her voice at a whisper saying,

"His cock did good things for you to Margarite? He loosened you up back there? Got things, going, yes?" Tante Margarite did not take her mouth off my cock but registered her reply with her eyes and nodded her head happily as she sucked and said MMMMM- HHHHMMM! in acknowledgement! She strained again and another fart produced a large splash in the bowl below her rump. I had a question for Oma,

"Oma, many of the magical people are like you and Tante Margarite? They enjoy lots of sex, yes?"

"Yes, that is true. Why do you ask?" replied Oma.

"Well, it's just that many of you seem to have relations with your relations, yes? You seem to fuck relatives and what-not, yes?

"That is true too. Go on," she said.

"Well, in school we learned that sex between relatives produces birth defects and stupidity amongst their offspring. Why is your family not rife with idiots and deformed bodies?

"Oh that is an excellent question Stephan!" she said as my aunt continued to crap and suck my cock in a scene most surreal and strange, "You see, with enchanted folk-first of all; not ALL practice incest. Many do but many do not. My father and mother did not but they were only half magical and they never developed the part of themselves that was magical. My Tante did (as did her son), my cousin Magnus. When magical people who are related copulate, they can combine powers like I told you earlier. If the copulation results in a pregnancy, the child will be normal but perhaps with even MORE powers than if the parents were not related. In some cases where magical people who are not related come together and copulate, the same is true; the magics can multiply and produce an offspring of great power as is the case of you!" I understood and I nodded my head.

"You could sire some incredibly powerful magic folk," Oma continued, "if you were bred to the right witch. If you bred with a cousin or aunt or even your mother that offspring would be normal but exceptionally powerful. Regardless of the level of power, magical folk do tend to have a certain higher level of sexual vigor you may discover."

"You mean we are always randy?"

"Like goats in the Spring!" she laughed, "Magical folk are always ready to rut and have a good horizontal time! With the strong power comes strong drives! Even non-enchanted people descended from magical folk, often report having especially strong sexual urges and drives well into their later years!"

Oma put her hand on my Aunt's head and looked down at her while she sucked me. Another fart and another splash were heard. I was beginning to get hard, and very aroused as Tante picked up the pace and intensity with her mouth. Oma blew smoke in my face from the pipe muttering another quick spell before kissing me while my aunt sat on the commode fellating me. I felt my balls recharge and my erection became painful as my Oma kissed me and my aunt's mouth became a sucking slurping hole of hungry greed! This went on for a few minutes until I felt my balls begin to quake again as Oma's spell pushed them forward to yet ANOTHER explosion. Oma locked her lips around mine and I was surprised at the intensity of this new orgasm as I was hit by a huge spasm that forced Oma to hold me upright and steady me as I howled and spouted hot fresh seed into my aunt's hungry feeding mouth! I sobbed and cried as I heard my aunt make loud gulping sounds. Finally we pulled away from our kiss and my Oma patted me on the butt looking down at my aunt saying,

"You're welcome Margarite! I just had a healing shot of his seed spout into your maw! Between what he has fired into all your holes you will feel ten years younger!" Oma walked to the kitchen to toss on her dress and fix some lunch. Tante Margarite kept sucking me until my rude root was clean. She pushed and strained again and there was a spattering sound in the bowl beneath her. She broke her suction of my cock and looked up at me to say,

"Your seed has made me a little loose back there! Its running right out of me! Such a naughty foul boy you are! I haven't been able to push out a crap this easily since I can't remember when!" We chuckled in the fouled atmosphere in the toilet. Our laughter was interrupted by a knock at the door. It was a good thing Oma had dressed. She pushed the door to the toilet closed after slapping me on the arse and telling me to get in. I sat there on my Aunt's lap; both of us fearful what the knock could be. Could Grandmother's spell have failed with the Gestapo? We didn't know; we just cowered in the cramped toilet and listened.

Oma opened the door and to greet the person standing outside. We were relieved to hear the voice of a little boy telling us that his father's cow was ailing and we were needed. Oma said that she would gather her things and that she would be there right away. The front door closed, there was no danger. We were so relieved! The door flung open and Oma stood there before us.

"Lunch will have to wait for us. Get some clothes on you two! We have animals to see to the needs of!" With that she turned and went for her black medical bag. I hopped off my Tante's lap and she stole a kiss off my shoulder as I got up. She closed the door and finished the paperwork associated with her job while I went for my clothes. I was blowing out candles in the bedroom as she emerged and scooped up her dirndl and found her undergarments. We were a mess and we smelled of sex, but we were desperately needed apparently.

"Come on you two," said Oma "we haven't got all day! Raus!" She gave us both a swat on the ass as we exited the door after hurrying to get our shoes on. We were out the door and up the street to the village in no time. The rain had finally backed off to a fine mist. As we walked I could see Tante Margarite's sheep in the pasture, looking forlorn and sad like drowned rats. A little bit of blue in the clouds to the west indicated that the day would clear again and then the flock would be warm and dry once more. Oma told me to stop looking at the sheep and to hurry.

We arrived, at the farm and Oma greeted the farmer whose son had run to get us. He was an older man who had lost four sons in the war at various locations we would later learn. The young boy was the only son he had left. His wife was in the barn with the cow and the situation seemed serious. The farmer led us into the barn to see the problem.

The cow was off to one side of the barn standing in a stall with the farmer's wife staring at the animal, very concerned. Oma greeted the woman and entered the stall. She walked up to the animal, talking in soothing tones of reassurance. She placed a hand on the cow's side and patted the animal to let her know all would be well. The farmer's wife explained that the cow had been walking with a limp for three days now and that she was not giving milk. Oma looked around the stall and saw the droppings of the cow. She bent over them and sniffed, and then asked for pitchfork which the farmer fetched for her quickly.

She turned the cow dung over and over; observing the material and nodding her head. Handing the pitchfork back to the farmer, she then went to the head of the cow and looked up her nose and into her eyes; nodding in understanding of what she saw. Then she went to the cows udders and took a peek underneath; only to come up nodding her head. Lastly she looked at the cow's feet and she lifted each one to inspect the hooves. As she dropped the last hoof, she was now a series of nods; sure of what the misfortune was. She turned and looked at the farmer's wife,

"Frau Hertel," she asked, "may I please use your kitchen?" Frau Hertel promptly agreed. As we walked from the barn Oma said to me and Tante Margarite,

"I know what ails this cow. I will need your help while I boil up some things on the stove in the kitchen. Oma gave us a list of items to fetch back at her own kitchen and then with a swat on my rump she sent me and Tante Margarite to fetch what she required. We took about half an hour to find what Oma needed and then return to the Hertel family farm. We spread out the contents from Oma's cupboard on the table while Oma worked over a large pot on the stove.

She brought a second pot to boil and added ingredients from the items on the table. Reaching into her medical bag of holding, Oma produced a pestle and grindstone which she used to grind a few yellow roots up into a fine powder. She added them to the first pot. She then added a few desiccated mushrooms and lichens to the second pot and kept stirring.

The room began to smell particularly foul and noxious. It was a bit like sitting in a jar of medicine. Oma noticed this and had Frau Hertel open a few windows to get a draft going. Over the next forty-five minutes she stirred and stirred both pots; the atmosphere of the room becoming very pungent and smelly. Oma didn't seem to mind but just continued to add ingredients to the pots as we chatted and attempted to ignore the smell. Finally she checked the contents and deeming them ready, she took the contents of the first pot and added them to a clean jar. As for the second pot (which looked something akin to a black boiling tar), she asked the farmer to carry it to the barn. She also asked for a paint brush to be brought. Herr Hertal huffed and puffed as he carried the foul stinking tub of black porridge out to the barn.

Upon arriving back at the cow's stall, Oma had the pot set down on the straw and she picked up the cow's lame foot and had me hand her the paintbrush. She dabbed the brush in the smelly tar and then gave the hoof a liberal painting all around the hard cracked tissue. When she had applied what she thought was sufficient she dropped the cow's foot to the ground and turned to the farmer handing him the brush saying,

"It is hoof rot. Early stages. I have arrested the condition with that tarring but I want you to continue tarring that foot every day for two weeks. Now, the contents of that jar in the kitchen are for the milk problem. Take three spoonfulls and add them to her grain at each feeding. You should have milk in about five days." With that we were thanked by the Hertel's and we were paid with a jug of Herr Hertel's cider from the barn. We gathered up our supplies from the kitchen table and were about to leave the smelly kitchen we had stunk up with our medicine-making when a girl appeared at the door and asked Oma to come at once. We had another farm emergency.

And so it went; we went to another farm and helped a farmer whose chickens were not laying. Upon seeing the barnyard, Oma realized that the problem was the farmer's rooster. After inspecting the young cock, she found there was nothing wrong with him but for the fact that he was not fulfilling his obligations to shag all the hens in the barnyard rotten, and with regularity. She reached into her medical bag and handed the farmer some pills that she had put together with a little pill press back in her kitchen. She told the farmer to grind one of these pills up and put it in the rooster's feed. In about two days he should be rutting the hens ragged and then shortly there would be eggs again. The famer had no money at the moment. Oma looked around the barnyard and saw that the farmer DID have another rooster who was a little on the scrawny side of he had been put together with odds and ends. Definitely he was anything but the alpha male of the barnyard and he would have barely passed for a beta! The farmer scratched his head and then agreed to give him in exchange.

I asked if he was going in the pot as I carried the scrawny rooster and Tante Margarite walked alongside us carrying the cider jug. Oma shook her head. She laughed saying,

"No, that rooster just needs the right feed and his feathers will come out and he will be big and strong. He will be a fine addition to our barnyard and he'll be fucking the hens hard in no time! He'll also give the hens something they need, which is a little variety! I feed that special pill ground up to my other rooster and he is a veritable satyr of the barnyard with the hens! It's a wonder they can sit down to lay!

We next were called upon to help a farming family whose plow horse was colicky. After that we were pulled across the road to help a family with a boy with a rash upon his arm. A poultice of herbs later, and following instructions to the boy's mother, we were on our way down the road to Oma's farm. The shadows were getting long and we would need to feed our animals soon. We guessed that lunch would be put on hold as Oma and Tante would try to cobble together a meager supper.

It was going to have to be postponed however, as a girl came riding up to us on a bicycle with tears in her eyes. She was frantic and had been looking for us all over the village. I noticed she was pretty and about nineteen years old but very distressed. She told us that her Mother, her Grandmother, and her older sister were all ill and she was greatly frightened for their welfare! We headed to the house as quickly as we could manage. The house lay on the outskirts of the village and Oma commented that quite frankly she did not get over that way very much.

We entered through a doorway to the home and the girl led us to a bedroom where the girl's grandmother lay in bed moaning and groaning. She then led us to another bedroom where her mother and sister lay in bed. It was the same story as in the first room; both women were moaning and groaning in great discomfort. Oma had gone from sick person to sick person and looked in their eyes and smelled their breath. Again with the head nods, she knew what it was.

"May I see your trash?" Oma asked the girl.

"Of course," the girl answered. She brought Oma out to a rubbish bin and Oma sifted through the meager garbage left by the family until she found what she was looking for.

"What did the family have for lunch today?" she asked the girl.

"My grandmother said she would be making soup," answered the girl.

"Did you have any?" Oma asked.

"Nein," she answered, "I was working at a farm up the road and I could not make it home for lunch. I ate with the family there."

"It may have saved your life and the lives of those inside," Oma answered, " you were able to not eat what made your family sick and you then were able to come get help. She held up an empty soup can with a large dent in it. The inside of the can showed foul streaks of rust inside and smelled of fouled food. Oma sent the girl to fetch a bucket of clean water and to but it to boil on the stove. She then turned to me and Tante whispering,

"I know those three women; the grandmother is Norma Antmuller. She is an old contemporary of mine from a long time ago. The mother is Marlene Antmuller."

"Marlene Antmuller!" Tante Margarite cried, "I could barely recognize her! I haven't seen her since..." Oma nodded and continued,

"The last one is Sabina Antmuller," she said, "she is the cruel woman who visited us yesterday with the two soldiers!" She said this more to me than to Tante Margarite. I had been standing back in the doorway as grandmother had been inspecting the patients and I had not really gotten a good look at anyone's faces but now I realized that the young girl fetching water in with haste did resemble the cruel woman with the tight blonde bun of hair. I asked Oma,

"What will you do Oma?"

"What will I do?" she said with eyes looking at me in disbelief, "I came here to heal this family and that is what I intend to do.

"But if that woman survives, she will report us!" I said.

"Keep your voice down, wooden head!" Oma snapped at me, "No she won't. The situation has turned a bit and past loyalties for Fatherland and patriotism have faded away like so much smoke on the wind! I can feel it. Everyone now is more concerned with where their next meal will come from and not about being a good party man. Everything up is now down for this town anyway! "

With that, she sent me to run back to the her house to get something she needed. She had the ingredients already in her bag and in sufficient quantities but I was to pick up a red leather doctor's bag from underneath the sink in the toilet room. She said I would know it as soon as I saw it. She was right. When I got to the farm house and looked under the sink, I saw a gaudy red leather physician's bag that was quite worn and threadbare. I snatched it up and raced to get back to the house on the opposite side of town.

When I arrived back at the Antmuller home, Oma had prepared a large broth of some sort on the stove. She had quite a few of the things that we had gathered the day before in little jars spread out on the kitchen table and every now and then she would grab a handful of this or a pinch of that. I didn't really see a method to it at the time. She then reached into the bag and pulled out three of the red topped mushrooms from that morning that we had collected that day. With a sharp knife she diced them up in to coin sized peices. Seeing me in the door, she moved to me and took the bag. She opened it and looked inside to inspect the contents. She then turned to me, giving a very strange request given the circumstances,

"Open your shirt and drop those lederhosen. You are going to be my assistant!" I looked at her somewhat perplexed and dumfounded at which point she lost a little patience saying,

"Do I have to do everything myself!" She reached forward and opened my shirt, and then slipped off my suspenders so that my pants came down to the floor with a tug of her fingers. She did this with enough force to make me understand that I was not to be asking questions and I stepped out of my pants and stood bare-ass to the breezy front door. She closed the door so that passersby would not witness what was going on inside and she then had me take slices of the mushrooms and put them under each armpit and between my legs while sitting in a kitchen chair.

"You ran over here, which is good. Your extremities are loaded with sweat and your essence. I will need a lot of it on those slices if they are to work. She rubbed another slice across my beaded sweaty brow and then giving it a cautious sniff, nodded her head and tossed it in the pot. Likewise she took the now sweaty slices from under my arms and from beneath my sweaty balls and then replaced them with other slices for me to taint with my perspiration. She had me sit in a chair next to the stove. The air was boiling hot but she was able to give me a glass of fresh water to drink to offset what was next.

"But Oma, what am I doing?" I asked sipping the water, "Are you making a love potion? NOW?"

"No Stephan but it is similar. You know how you are a healing enchanted person, yes?" I nodded dumbly.

"You also understand I said the mushrooms can be used for other ailments, yes?" I again gave the dumb nod.

"Well Stephen," she explained, "I am using your essence and humors to be drawn out by the fungus slices which I am then adding to this mixture on the stove. I want to treat what is ravaging the innards of these three women and I am yoking your natural strength as a healing force. Of course there are some side effects but enough of all that; let me look at those slices! " She popped the slices out from around my sweaty armpits and from my crotch and then ran another couple of slices across my chest, forehead, and the back of my neck; soaking up as much of my sweat and using the mushrooms as a kind of catalyst, tossing them into the brown medium boiling on the stove.

Oma now fetched a spoon and began scraping any sweat she could find from my body before swirling the spoon back in the bubbling mess on the stove. At this time the girl came out to see if she could help. She looked at my grandmother scraping sweat from my balls and my belly. She put her hand to her mouth in shock but my grandmother merely turned to her and said sternly and seriously,

"Get over here and help. Fetch a spoon now girl!" The girl did as she was told. Soon I had two women stripping off my shirt which was soaked with sweat from running to this house carrying a bag of items and then being forced to sit by a stove with a raging fire inside! Peculiar did not begin to describe it. I asked the girl what her name was as she scraped sweat from my back,

"I am Dorothea," she answered, "I was lucky to find your Grandmother. Dr. Gruber left the village a week ago and nobody has seen him since. There is no doctor here and all we have left is your grandmother, the mountain healer."

"Who told you to find me?" Oma asked.

"My grandmother Norma," Dorothea answered, "she said to look for you walking with your bag and that the farmers would know who you are. I went to your house first but I found no one there, so I kept riding around the town on my bicycle until I found a farmer who pointed the direction you were going in and I kept going that way until I rode up on you. He said you were traveling with a woman, a boy, and you were carrying a jug of cider and a rooster. I figured, how hard could THAT be!

As she scraped my sweat away and handed spoons to my Oma who swapped out spoons from the stirring with her, I noticed the girl was sniffing the air around me. I turned around and looked her in the face, her nostrils were flaring a bit and she looked right into my eyes. She began to scrape my belly and my chest, using the finger of her hand and then wiping the sweat onto the spoon.

"You smell good," she said, "do you use some sort of fancy soap?" Her eyes and her expression told me and grandmother enough of what was happening. These mushrooms could be something powerful in the wrong hands! Oma shot me a wink and took the spoon from the girl, replacing it with another spoon. Soon Dorothea had me open my arms and she scraped under my armpits. Something came over her and she then stuck her nose under my arm and sniffed good and hard, like she was smelling a freshly baked cake or pastry.

"MMMM you have something about you that is sooo good!" Her hand moved the spoon around to my belly, scraping down, down, down, until she touched my cock with the side of her hand. She reached around me and moved my cock from out of the way and I parted my legs so she could scrape the sweat from my scrotum. Her hand never left my cock as she scraped sweat with the other one and passed spoons to my grandmother. After a few seconds, her hand actually began to jerk my penis. Blood began to rush into my cock and soon I had a troublesome Flak Tower standing tall in my lap as the girl continued to scrape my balls and jerk my cock.

"Not too much of that," Oma said, "I want you to save your seed for in there!" she said motioning to the bedroom door with her head, "You and her can make that rude root spritz after we see to the needs of those three women who are sick! Right now I need your supreme energy Stephan. Take a puff of this bullweed. She handed me the pipe. I took a good long inhalation, sucking in like a wind tunnel. In half a minute, my schwanz was swelling to the point of where I thought the skin on it would break. The girl turned and looked at my grandmother; my cock still in her hand,

"Oma," she said, "his cock is like a plank covered in leather!"

"It will need to be girl! It will need to be," she replied. Oma now sniffed the darkbubbling mess on the woodstove and then added some water to cool it. As the steam died away she stuck a finger in the pot to feel the temperature and again looking up at the ceiling and thinking hard she nodded her head. She then offered her finger to the girl,

"Taste my finger, see what you think?" Dorothea did as she was told and took Oma's finger in her mouth and sucked it. After a few seconds she shot a hand up underneath her dirndl and began to paw her sex with her hand. She whirled around; her face a mask of raging lust as she pushed my sweaty body back against the chair, and seized my cock up in her mouth!

"It's ready. A good strong batch," observed my Oma who called to Margarite in the next room. "HOW ARE THEY DOING MARGARITE?" Margarite had been running between two bedrooms applying wet compresses to foreheads and offering drinks of water to the three ill women. The door opened and she stuck her head from around the side,

"They have seen better days, all are very ill! Is it ready?" She looked worried.

"Almost ready, I just have to add some to the device," replied Oma who then looked at the girl sucking my cock. "Alright Missy, you can take that over in the corner away from the stove. Margarite and I have some work to do!" We got up and moved my chair away from the stove to a cooler corner, out of the way. Dorothea's hands were a blur as she clawed to get her dirndl off and then her underthings. She was in a frenzy and didn't even bother to kick off her shoes or stockings. She pushed me down upon the chair with my painfully hard cock sticking up in my lap like a crazed telephone pole and then she straddled down upon me. Oma was ready for this and she kept a little bit of her mind focusing on me while she did her work, ensuring that I would not blow my seed. Her mind held my cock and balls in its vice-like grip; no salted cream pudding was coming from those balls until she said so!

I now had this crazed nubile blonde maiden bouncing up and down upon my cock in her family kitchen, kissing me and licking my neck and moaning like the three women in the bedrooms! Oma and Tante Margarite paid no attention as Tante opened the red leather bag and took out a large instrument with a rubber bag and three long arms, (each arm a rubber hose that ended in tubing and a rubber nozzle with a ball on the end). Oma took a soup ladle from a wall rack by the stove and she bid my aunt to open the rubber bag so that it looked like a funnel while she began to spoon large quantities of the mixture from the pot into the rubber bag's open end. Tante Margarite held the bag up with one hand on a looped chord that the bag could hang from and with her other hand, she held the bag open as Oma kept spooning the brown slop into it.

After about five minutes of spooning, the bag was nearly full. Oma sensed that Dorothea riding on my cock was ready to come. She snapped her fingers and Dorothea let out a howl and kissed me hard, clawing at my back and shaking her hips against my loins with a final loud AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH of triumphant release before she piddled her dewdrops upon my crotch and all over the chair! Now my grandmother turned to us and said,

"Alright Missy, you 've had your release! His cock is fun to ride isn't it! I need you up and off him and Stephan I need you to get up and hold this bag up while we put the last of the contents in it. The rubber reservoir is getting too heavy for your aunt. We did as we were told. Tante Margarite left the kitchen to move the other two sick women down to the grandmother's bed for ease of what we were about to do.

"Now Stephan," said Oma zipping the open end of the rubber bag closed and then hanging the bags chord around my neck, "I need you to drink this!" She held up a coffee cup of the bubbling brown glob after sweeting it with a little honey from the cupboard.

"I tried to make it taste a little better with the honey." she said. I smelled the contents of the cup. It had an aroma like honey, boiled mushrooms, and tree bark. I made a face and started to down the cup. It tasted just as it smelled. Halfway through drinking I stopped and made another face.

"Good! That's very good," said Grandmother crushing a pill from her doctor's bag and putting it in the coffee cup and pushing the crushed powder into a spoon. She stirred the mix into my cup and told me to drink. I made more faces but I got the whole rude mixture down. I made one last face and shook involuntarily as the mixture traveled down to my belly to do whatever it was it needed to do.

"Alright Stephan," Oma coached as she filled three more cups with the foul mixture and gave each cup a spoonful of honey, "I am going to REALLY tax you boy. You've already spent your seed quite a few times today, but now I am going to make your cock cum twice in each of those three women next door. That pill and that medicine you just swallowed will make it possible. I will be controlling your cock with my mind so don't worry - your balls and cock will reload just like an anti-aircraft gun. All you have to do is fire! Understood?"

"Ja Oma," I replied with a nod and still feeling queasy from the medicine, "I understand!" I looked ridiculous standing with this bag hanging around my neck, naked and now with an erection that was threatening to fly off my body like a V2 rocket! Oma handed two of the three cups to the girl and then she led me by the cock into the next room, just like I was a prized bull going to a farmer's fest! In the next room on the large bed were the three sick women; each moaning and groaning in agony and extreme discomfort! Oma produced another dried mushroom and rubbed it around on my lips, mouth, face, neck, shoulders, and then she rubbed it around on my sweaty post-sex smelling cock and balls. She then led me to the barn and had me hang the bag from a hook on a wall over a bench that was opposite the pig stall. We returned to the kitchen and Oma met Tante Margarite and Dorothea, telling them it was time to go to work on the three sick women. She turned to Margarite and told her that while she helped the three women for her to continue to work on me with some of the dried mushrooms. The four of us then went into the room.

Oma wasted no time. She took one of the cups from the girl and walked to the grandmother first. She caressed her hair and spoke to her and asked her if she knew where she was. The woman nodded in pain.

"Norma," Oma said, "you remember all that fun we used to have in the woods together with my Aunt Magda and my cousin Magnus?" The old woman nodded and smiled weakly.

"Well," Oma continued, "this is my grandson Stephan. He is going to help you. I first want you to drink this." Norma nodded and touched my grandmother's face. She took the cup and drank. While she did Oma nodded to Tante Margarite who continued to rub the dried mushrooms around my balls and cock and belly. I was beginning to notice that I smelled a bit like the rotten log up on the mountain. While she rubbed the strange little fungus about me, Tante Margarite couldn't resist running a hand up under her skirt to stroke at her crotch and absentmindedly ease a building tension in her. Dorothea kept trying to put her face down near my cock to have a sniff but Tante Margarite kept pushing her face away. Finally, Margarite made the girl come to the other side of her so that she couldn't reach me. Witches like Margarite and Oma could stand the sexual tension created by the mushroom spores but normal non-magical people were quite susceptible it turned out! After Norma finished her cup, Oma went to the other two women, first Marlene and then Sabina.

When it was Sabina's turn to drink, she looked through the fog of her sickness and recognized my grandmother from the previous day. Her eyes went wide with fear as she remembered some bits and pieces of the previous day's events. Apparently she couldn't still make the connection about me...but she remembered Oma and her having sex and having sex with her brother and cousin as she mentioned some of it in her fuzzy delirium. Oma patted her hand and cooed and reassured her telling her that if she meant to harm her she would have been able to do so but she hadn't so she should simply drink and get better. Oma later explained that the delirium of sickness sometimes pulls up the subconscious by the roots so despite the powerful memory spell in Sabina's mind, she was now recalling things here and there from the previous day.

Now that all three women had downed the brown slop, Oma had each of the strong people (to include Dorothea) help move the three women from the bed out to the barn after we had removed their clothing. We sat each of the naked ill women upon the bench and Oma, Margarite, and Dorothea each sat on the bench next to a patient holding them up. Oma beckoned with a finger for me to approach Norma and said,

"Norma, here is Stephan. Remember him? He has a nice lovely cock doesn't he?" Oma took my cock for a moment and gave it a gentle suck to show Norma through her haze what she needed to do. Then she pulled my erection from her lips and put the head of my penis to the old lady's nose.

"Sniff!" Oma said, "Sniff and take it. Take it and get well my dear!" Norma did as she was told and she sniffed the tip of my cock. Nothing happened for a few seconds, but then her eyes went wide. She then acted as if she had whiffed the most pleasant odor her mind could register. She sniffed and smelled and whiffed down the length of my cock and then whiffed and sniffed and licked under my belly at my pubic mound, running her nose through my hairs and inhaling deeply. She then took my cock in my hand and lifted up my penis to smell and lick at my testicles. It was working. A moment later, she opened her mouth like a pike that had just found a helpless minnow in the shallows and she impaled her mouth down upon my cock, sending the tip straight to the back of her throat to nurse upon my man-root. Oma smiled as her old friend fellated me hard and she ran her hand through Norma's hair. Her other hand crept down to Norma's cleft between her legs and my naughty grandmother masturbated the woman and urged her on with words of encouragement.

"There you go Norma," Oma whispered in her friend's ear as she pushed the old lady's head down upon my throbbing penis, "suck him! Suck on him like you are trying to suck all the marrow from a bone. You like it don't you! I knew it! His cock is delightful isn't it? Yes, I know! After you and these other two get well I will bring him by anytime you want to fuck him but for now just suck! Suck him until he spritzes his custard and cream into your mouth and down into your tummy!" Norma didn't need to be told it seemed. She gobbled me hungrily; moaning and whining all the time while her hands feverishly rubbed and squeezed my balls. It felt so wonderful what she was doing with her mouth. After a few minutes I realized she had worked me into a state of blissful agitation and my orgasm rose from the depths of my testicles, I felt a spasm approaching and Oma sensing this removed her hand from Norma's clitty and damp crotch to look straight into my eyes. She snapped her fingers and my balls exploded in an enormous torrent of semen that jetted into Norma's greedy mouth which seemed to pull and suck harder with each stroke as she began to finally get at the testicle nectar her mind now so desperately craved. A few gulps and loud swallows later, she had downed my ball- broth and it was on its way to join the medicine in her stomach.

Oma pulled Norma's head off my cock and looked into her friends eyes. Norma smiled back at her weakly and rubbed Oma's face in her hands. Then Oma grabbed my cock and sucked upon it as it began to go limp. A second later she snapped her fingers and my balls roared to life again like an engine that was restarted. It was as if I hadn't even spritzed or came! My cock was seething and snorting and raging even though I thought I was completely spent. Grandmother allowed me to adjust for a moment and catch my breath before she then had me step back to prepare for what was next.

She had Norma get on the ground with her head down on the hay-floor and her arse high in the air. Standing above Norma with both feet to either side of her head, Oma bent over the woman's upturned bum and pulled the cheeks apart, exposing the granny's antique pucker and pink cunny. Oma hocked and spat a blob of spittle onto the cratered anus before her and she diddle the woman's cunny parts before looking up at me she said,

"Alright Stephan, time to put your miner's helmet on! You are doing some deep drilling!" She motioned me forward and when I approached to put my cock in Norma's arse, Oma pushed my hands away from my schwanz, took it in her mouth to suck it well and then seeing it was good and slick, pushed my root up into Norma's pink craggy rectum! Norma let out a moan of pain at first but something about the brown porridge she had consumed combined with my semen that she had swallowed put her in a dreamlike state. Her cry of discomfort soon turned to moans and yelps of excitement and passion as I speared my cock deeper and deeper into her bowels.​
Next page: Chapter 05.4
Previous page: Chapter 05.2