Chapter 04.2

QUESTION: At that moment what were you thinking?

ANSWER: I had an epiphany of sorts. I knew Neelam and Moti could, would, bring me pleasure and that I could, would, do the same for them. I thought about how beautiful they were; their bodies had my power and strength, but were also gracile, graceful, elegant, perfectly formed. Odd, I had never noticed that the male body was as beautiful, more beautiful, than the female body.

QUESTION: As you were thinking this, what happened.

ANSWER: Neelam leaned against the wall and spread his legs. His penis was erect; it was long and slender, radiating sexual energy. I had the same realization about his penis as I had about his body. The penis is beautiful. A women's sex is soft and inviting, it delivers pleasure by yielding and surrendering itself, molding itself to a tongue, a finger, a penis. The penis is strong and powerful, it demands attention. I thought of my friends on the football team and how I loved working out with them, turning our bodies into powerful instruments. How our physiques demand attention; we loved it; we dressed around campus to show off of bodies. The penis is the sexual manifestation of that same power. I looked at the veins running up its side, giving it life. I wondered why I'd never noticed all this before.

QUESTION: When you came to this realization what did you do?

ANSWER: I fell to my knees. I was an acolyte. I took his penis in my hand and did what I like girls to do, I pushed it towards him, exposed its underside, and, starting at the bottom, licked along its length. Girls are too tentative, they lick softly, like they might break it. I licked hard. Something that strong is not easily broken. I noticed its odor, powerful and musky. I had never realized a man's sex had a certain smell before.

QUESTION: How did Neelam react?

ANSWER: I wasn't looking at his face, but his penis jumped and quivered. I knew I was making it happy, pleasing it. It was an amazingly satisfying experience.

QUESTION: Did you continue to lick his penis?

ANSWER: I did, several more times. Then his juice bubbled out the top.

QUESTION: What did you do?

ANSWER: I thought, I've never tasted cum before. I didn't like kissing my girlfriend after she sucked my cock. I didn't want to experience the taste of me on her lips. But I was looking at the drops on Neelam's penis and thinking this is the essence of manhood, our strength. This is the seed from which we grow. I wanted desperately to swallow it, to drink its distilled perfection. I closed my mouth over it, focusing on its taste and texture. I needed more.

QUESTION: Is that when you performed fellatio on him?

ANSWER: Yes, I took the head of his penis in my mouth. I moved my head up and down, but I had trouble protecting him from my teeth. It's harder than I thought. I told myself to relax and held him in my mouth, gently sucking while licking the head and underside of his penis. He put his hand on my head, not directing me what to do, but encouraging me. He sensed I was a novice.

QUESTION: Did he come in your mouth?

ANSWER: Yes, it didn't take long. He was pretty aroused.

QUESTION: Did you swallow his cum?

ANSWER: At first I held it in my mouth to relish its pungency and thickness. Then I swallowed it. While I did so I looked at Neelam. I felt a spiritual connection, deep and profound, like we were part of the same being.

QUESTION: Did this end the sex?

ANSWER: No, Moti, had been watching. After I swallowed Neelam's seed, I looked at Moti's erection. His was a bit shorter and thicker then Neelam's, but also beautiful. I thought about what filled his balls. I wanted to swallow his cum; I wanted to share my cum with him. His blue eyes were gentle and knowing. He understood. I crawled forward and when our heads were over each other's penises, we started to lick each other.

QUESTION: What did Neelam do?

ANSWER: He came up behind me and ran his foot along the back of my legs. It was very sexy, I had goose bumps all over my body. When he pushed on the inside of my knees I spread my legs. He kneeled behind me, I remember the muscles of his calves against me. He took hold of my hips. He was gentle; his touch was strong but never harsh, it's as if I weighed nothing. He smelled clean, his body displayed no sweat. I felt his erection, it was hot and strong, against my leg. He fitted its head to my anus. Then he entered me.

QUESTION: Was it uncomfortable?

ANSWER: Some, not as much as I expected. He later told me he had applied a lubricant which made the entry easier and excited my nerve endings. I'm not saying it didn't hurt, but I'm an athlete. I know progress involves pain.

QUESTION: So you enjoyed it?

ANSWER: Very much and it didn't take long. It was weird in a way.

QUESTION: How was it weird?

ANSWER: I've talked to other men about the first time a man entered them. Most say their anus instinctively clamped down. Mine didn't. It welcomed the invasion.

QUESTION: What happened next?

ANSWER: We were soon moving as one, as a team. Moti was far more experienced than I and brought me along slowly, moving me towards a climax. I was eager, licking his shaft and testicles, taking him in my mouth, sucking on him. The three of us were like one; the pleasure of each was the pleasure of all, and it kept building until my climax. We came together.

QUESTION: Did the sex continue?

ANSWER: No, after we rested Neelam and Moti led me to my clothes; they were sweet and polite, but as I dressed I began feeling strange. It wasn't that I hadn't enjoyed it, I had. I kept thinking how could I enjoy something that would have been repugnant to me that very morning. I wondered what had happened to me and, to be honest, whether they had done something to cause the transformation.

QUESTION: Have you ever been able to identify such a thing?

ANSWER: I don't understand.

QUESTION: My question was unclear. Have you been able to identify, at that time or to this day, anything that Aadyha, Neelam, or Moti did - drugs, hypnosis, seduction, brainwashing - anything, that caused you to have sex with them? Was the decision entirely yours?

ANSWER: No, they did nothing. It was my choice.

QUESTION: Did they put pressure on you to return?

ANSWER: No. Moti gave me a phone number and told me they would be in town for four more days. I was welcome to call.

QUESTION: It is my understanding that you then called Corrine, your girlfriend. Is that correct?

ANSWER: Yes, I drove back into town and kept thinking the whole thing was insane. I was straight, I was a football player, I had a hot girlfriend and a few chicks on the side. Why was I making it with two guys I'd never met before. I called Corrine and asked her to meet me at my place. I left little question what I was looking for.

QUESTION: Did she agree to do so?

ANSWER: Yeah, Corrine was always willing.

QUESTION: Did you two have sex?


QUESTION: Please excuse the crudity of my question, but I must be explicit. Your ex-girlfriend has claimed, explicitly, that you were brainwashed to give up a perfectly satisfactory heterosexual relationship with her for a homosexual lifestyle in service to a yoga guru. When you had sex with Corrine did you orgasm?


QUESTION: Did you fantasize about another partner when you were with her?

ANSWER: What do you mean?

QUESTION: You had just had sex with two other men. When you were having sex with Corrine did you think about them or anyone else?

The recording of the deposition shows Donald shifting uncomfortably, glancing briefly at Corrine, and looking down. Ron was on to something.

QUESTION: Do I need to remind you that you are under oath and that your ex-girlfriend has made some serious allegations?

ANSWER: No, you don't. I didn't think of Neelam and Moti, I fantasized that I was with my old girlfriend, Amber.

QUESTION: Was this the first time you thought about Amber when making love to Corrine?

Another glance at Corrine. His voice was apologetic, ashamed.

ANSWER: No, I did it often, probably most of the time Corrine and I had sex.

QUESTION: After you made love to Corrine, how did you feel about Moti and Neelam?

ANSWER: I couldn't get them out of my mind. Corrine and I had sex again that night and three times the following day, but it was doing no good. I started contemplating throwing away the life I had for a new one with them. That's when I called Amber.

QUESTION: Tell us about the call.

ANSWER: I hadn't spoken to Amber since we broke up. I'd see her around campus. It was hard not to notice her; she was more beautiful than ever and carried herself with a confidence and grace I'd never seen in her. I had heard that she was doing well, that she, in fact, was doing extremely well. She was acing her classes and displayed a calm self-assurance. I had regretted cheating on her; now I saw her as the only thing that could keep me from chucking it all for Moti and Neelam. I called and asked if she would see me.

QUESTION: Did she agree to do so?

ANSWER: Yes, she asked me to come to her apartment.

QUESTION: How did the meeting go?

ANSWER: As I said, I hadn't spoken to her in years. Everything I had heard about her was true. She was as charming and open as ever, but there was a self-confidence and a discernment in her I'd not seen before. I had always been able to play on her insecurities and I tried to do so again, but couldn't even find them. I apologized for what I had done and asked, I guess begged, her to take me back. I said cheating on her was the biggest mistake of my life and I meant it.

QUESTION: What did she do?

ANSWER: She listened, thanked me, and said people only get to hurt her once. She wished me the best of luck.

QUESTION: What was your reaction?

ANSWER: I was sad, but I understood. She had a point.

QUESTIONS: What did you do?

ANSWER: I returned to Corrine's bed. When we made love I fantasized she was the new and improved Amber, but I knew it was hopeless. I called Neelam and Moti the next morning and have been with them, serving Aadyha, ever since.

Corrine dropped her lawsuit. During what was left of her senior year she earned a campus-wide reputation as a floozie, willing to sleep with any man who'd have her, desperate to live down Donald's testimony. After graduation she took a job teaching high school in a rural school district. I hear she lives with two brothers in a mobile home; they pass her back and forth and share her with friends. She has a reputation for bedding some of her students, preserving her job by being available to members of the school board on demand.

On first glance Donald got off easy. While he gave up everything - friends, family, sports - that had meant anything to him, he remains Aaydha's loyal servant and Moti and Neelam's devoted lover. However, I like to believe the name he has taken, Embara, tells us something. Embara is Hindu for Amber.
* * * *​

After the lawsuit was dismissed I took Regina, Ron and Michelle out to dinner to celebrate. We ate too much; Regina and I fell onto, more than crawled into, bed that evening. It was a clear night and we had opened the windows; I listened to the gentle sound of the night drift into the room and ran my fingers trough Regina's short hair.

"Regina, I'd like you to meet my parents."

"Are they ready for a gay daughter with a jet black girlfriend?"

"I am not gay, I'm omnivorous; its just that you're so damn terrific I don't want to stray. And no, I'm not sure, but it feels like time."

I brought Regina to Saturday dinner the following week. Regina instantly won over my parents. At one point, after Regina wandered off with my Dad to look at some of his paintings -he has exhibited in several local galleries - I had Mom alone.

"I was nervous, I wasn't sure how you'd react?"

"Amber, Regina's wonderful. And now I can brag, my daughter's got herself a lawyer. And what makes you think we didn't know. This town is full of gossips."

My Mom's calm acceptance washed away what was left of my nerves and when Dad and Regina returned, I motioned her to sit on the couch next to me. Our legs brushed together, I held her hand, sparks flew up and down my body. I had started the evening worried my parents might lose their minds, but Regina had impressed them instantly and how, I wonder in retrospect, could someone not be impressed by Regina. We were for them a happy couple. I lost track of the conversation as I mused about my situation, proud of my parents, and in love with the woman next to me. I would make her very happy when we got home.

We said goodbye about thirty minutes later. I, while kissing her neck and hands, running my fingers lightly up and down her leg, and whispering all the naughty things I had planned for her, started undressing Regina on the way home Five blocks from the house, at a stoplight, I got my fingers between her thighs, struck, as I often was, by the contrast of my slender white fingers with her dark brown skin. Regina glanced around and with no one in sight spread her legs. I could feel her pussy getting wetter. I looked into Regina's eyes, which sparkled even in that dim light, then put my lips to hers. Our tongues playfully wrestled while my fingers worked their way between her wet pussy lips.

The car started up again; the light must have turned green. Regina pulled her head away, focusing on the road. I brazenly lowered my face to Regina's pussy, tugged the wet panties to the side, and licked her clit while slipping a finger between her moist vaginal lips.

Her hand came to rest on my head. "You are one horny white girl."

Taking a quick break to answer, I said, "You have no idea."

While she stroked my dark thick hair, I slid my tongue along her vagina's outer lips. When Regina pushed my head down I flicked my tongue over the smooth skin of her hot pussy and sucked her labia's wet lips into my mouth. I tried to slip my tongue inside her cunt, but with my head wedged between Regina and the steering wheel, I couldn't quite reach.

We pulled into the driveway. Regina stopped the car and turned towards me, raising her left leg and draping it over my head. I forced my tongue inside her pussy. She pressed her hand down on my head and I tongue fucked her hot juicy cunt. I pulled her panties down past her knees. Regina clamped her thighs around my head, trapping my face in her smoldering cunt, sliding her pussy over my mouth. I felt the orgasm building within her. She was feeling aggressive: her hips thrust powerfully; her pussy rode my happy willing face from chin to nose. She squeezed her thighs tight around my head. The scent of her arousal filled the car. And then, suddenly, she bucked hard, moaned, and an orgasm ripped through her, cum spurting into my mouth as she ground her pussy fast and hard on my face.

Regina fell back against the car door, gasping for air. I got out and walked around, opened her door, helped her to her feet and let her lean on me, her chest still heaving in a desperate search for oxygen. We headed to the house. When we reached the bedroom I stripped to my bra and panties and Regina to her bra; I have no idea where her panties ended up. I scanned her magnificent body, my eyes stopping on her nipples, stiff and their dark hue visible though her bra. Her face reflected equal parts love and lust. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed up and down her neck from ear to shoulder. Regina shivered, happily reveling in my attention. She pressed her lips to mine for a long sensual kiss.

I took Regina's hand in mine and led her to the bed, motioned for her to lay down, and slid my hands from her face to her chest, massaging her shoulders and moving closer and closer to her breasts. Regina's eyes drifted shut as she waited for my hands on her nipples. And while I pushed aside her bra, instead of touching her nips, I cupped her breasts and sucked an areola into my mouth. Regina gasped at the sensations flowing through her body.

We didn't play racial games often, but tonight, after the open acknowledgment of our inter-racial love in front of my parents, it was sitting in the front of both of our minds. Under the expertise of my tongue it spilled out of Regina.

"White girl, you are something else. If you're like this every time, we will be spending a lot of time with your honky-ass parents."

Laughing, I replied, "Black bitch, you ain't seen nothing yet." I pounced on her. I was a wildcat. I kissed her over and over, loving the way her lips felt on mine, so soft, hot, and thick. My tongue swirled inside her mouth and my hands were everywhere at once.

Regina's hand found the band of my panties and tugged them down over her my thighs and ankles. As I kicked the panties aside, she removed my bra. Her dark black body glowing, she rolled me onto my back and now on top, smiled, running her hand though my hair. Her lips pressed to mine in an electric kiss. We made out, our kisses passionate and deep, our tongues rambling through the other's mouths. I wrapped my arms around my beautiful black friend in a tight embrace; our bodies burned with lust and desire.

Regina then raised herself up on her knees, looked into my eyes, and broke into a wide smile as she ambled forward until she straddled my face, planting a knee on each side of my head. I looked up, first at my friend's smiling face, then at her smooth shaven ebony pussy. The lips were swollen, puffy, and wet. Regina was excited, ready for me to eat her again.

"You like it, Amber? I shaved it just for you baby. Ready for chocolate pudding?"

I stroked Regina's legs. Her skin was hot to the touch. I kissed and licked Regina's inner thighs and raised my head and licked the skin between her labia and inner thighs. Spreading my tongue flat and wide, I journeyed around both sides of her pussy. Regina shuddered and moaned loudly. I licked the area between Regina's pussy and asshole and then, in one long stroke, drug my tongue the length of her vagina. Regina was looking at the bedroom mirror and I did the same, watching this majestic black woman sitting on her white lover's face.

She saw me looking in the mirror and hissed, "Put your tongue in me, Amber. I want it, now!"

I slid my tongue inside her hot wet lips, licking the sticky sweet juices.

Regina writhed, rubbing her wet black twat over my face. "Oh yes Amber! Lick me out baby!"

I pulled away for a second. "Does that feel good baby? My black queen, does it feel good?"

"Oh god baby, don't stop. Mmmm, you're great, you're the best!"

I was some turned on. I loved pleasuring my beautiful ebony princess and ran my tongue inside her.

"Uhmm, you little white bitch, I want your tongue deep, deep in my black pussy."

I tongue fucked her, thrusting my tongue in and out of this insatiable goddess. I captured her clit between my fingers, massaging and stroking it. Regina pushed her cunt down onto my face, driving my tongue deeper inside her.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna cum baby. This is amazing. Oh fuck, baby."

Regina started gyrating above me, screeched, and her pussy exploded, spewing cum like lava from a volcano. The first spurt hit the back of my mouth and then Regina hit her stride. Her pussy spurted all over my face; she bucked wildly and tangled her fingers in my hair. I desperately swallowed, but captured but a fraction of her cum.

As she came she talked. "Oh my God Amber, I'm cumming in your mouth baby! All over your face! Lick me baby. Ooohhh eat me out. You like this black pussy, baby? Hhhmmm? Cause this black pussy loves you."

I swallowed her sweet sticky juices in gulps.

Finally, she stopped, slumped forward, and curled up next to me.

"Oh damn Amber you are great."

She looked at me. My face was a sticky mess. My lips glistened with Regina's lust, but it was also on my eyebrows, forehead, and hair. I even felt some drops on my ears. Regina kissed me, tasted her juice, and then, on shaky legs, went to the bathroom, returning with a wet washcloth.

"I hope you don't mind if your black queen cleans your slutty white face."

I smiled.

When done she took off her bra, which had remained askew on her body, put a hand on my chest, and pushed me onto my back, taking her place between my thighs. "You have such a pretty pussy Amber. Time for some vanilla ice cream." She circled my hard clit with her sexy lips and began to suck, running two fingers inside me. My pussy clamped around the fingers. She dropped her head down, stuck out her tongue, and lightly licked my slit while working me her fingers. Encouraged by my moans her mouth worked its way back up to my clit and, with the tip of her tongue, touched the tender nub lightly before sucking it in her mouth and rolling it between her lips. After working over my clit she visited every inch of my happy pussy while her strong fingers rubbed my clit. When her tongue moved inside me, I rocked my cunt on her face.

"Mmmm that's right baby, feels so good."

I was profoundly aroused, but still Regina found a way to push my libido higher and higher. After a vigorous tongue fuck she lightly licked my labia. She knew exactly what I needed, she pushed me to the edge and then postponed my orgasm. I was at her mercy; I trembled in excitement. She inserted one, then two, then three fingers into my body; stroking in and out, finding the magic spot each and every time.

"Ohhh... Regina, you're perfect, right there touch me right there. Harder, lick harder you sexy black bitch!"

I pulled my lover's mouth tight to my cunt, grinding my pussy against her face, my body shaking fiercely at her practiced and wonderful assault. Regina looked into my eyes, sensing the orgasm building inside me. My hips were moving rhythmically, my soaking wet cunt riding quicker and quicker on her face. I felt lightheaded, warm sensations flooded my body. Regina's tongue lashed my clit as her fingers worked my g-spot.

"Oh my God. I'm cumming. Oh my God, baby, yes." Convulsing with pleasure, waves emanating from my cunt, my hips shaking frantically, I came. Regina drank hungrily from my spewing pussy. My body was on fire, my back arched, I bucked wildly and the orgasm continued ripping through my body.

Regina held me as I trembled through the aftershocks of my orgasm. It had never been this good, even with Michelle it had never been this good.

It was 2:00 A.M. Exhausted, we headed for the shower, letting the warm water cascade over our bodies, using a washcloth to spread soap over each other's body. Our forms tangled together, I was once again struck by the differing colors of our skin. I had never imagined I'd fall in love with a black woman, but I had.

I sat while Regina blow-dried my thick hair - her short hair needed no such treatment. We put on our pyjamas and headed back to bed. I drew Regina into my arms, and whispered, "I love you so much, you are so wonderful to me." We were soon asleep.
Next page: Chapter 05.1
Previous page: Chapter 04.1