Page 01

Tony was sitting at the end of the bar, halfway through his second whiskey when Hadley showed up in a wickedly revealing dress. It was the proverbial little black party dress, with spaghetti straps, a daring plunge between her prominent tits, and a hemline that covered her rounded ass but not much more. He watched his twenty-two year old daughter cross the room with her head held up proudly, shoulders squared, and those large, sumptuous tits wobbling with the motion of her long, determined strides. With her brown hair cut stylishly just above her shoulders, it made her look taller than her actual 5'4" frame. Of course the heels she had on only added to the effect.

On top of his surprise at seeing her in the first place, he was amazed by the way she looked. The man's daughter looked hotter and more beautiful than ever. There was simply no other way to say it. He might've been her father, but he was still a man with a deep appreciation for a girl as sexy as Hadley.

He started to wonder how she knew where to find him at the hotel lounge downtown where he liked to escape on his most stressful days, but then he remembered how she had put some app on her phone that allowed her to find him by tracking his phone. When she told him about it, he encouraged her to do it so she could find him if she ever needed to. And this was definitely one of those stressful days. After the argument he'd had earlier with his fourth wife, Amber, it was mutually agreed she would soon become his fourth ex-wife. But seeing Hadley unexpectedly was enough to take his mind off his chronic marital problems. The dress she had on and her brassy, confident stride was a welcome sight to the stressed out forty-four year old.

Despite Hadley being his daughter, Tony couldn't help admiring the way she just kept getting sexier and more beautiful, even if she did look a little tired and frazzled around the edges. It wasn't so much that anyone else would notice, but Tony knew his daughter better than anyone. She must've had just as bad a day as he if she was showing up now at his semi-secret hideaway. On top of that, she had to drive almost two hours to get there. She'd also taken the trouble to make herself look like she was going out to a club. Tony couldn't help chuckling to himself when he thought of how much that had to piss off the moron she was married to.

He could imagine her walking out of the house looking the way she did and not bothering to say she was going out to find her father. If she were his wife and went out dressed the way she was, he'd be worried.

Whatever the reason she was there, Tony was happy to see her. After the day he'd had, she was exactly what he needed. They talked and texted regularly, but he hadn't seen her face to face in months. He couldn't help admiring her as a woman. Sometimes he couldn't believe he'd ever fathered anything so exquisite. It wasn't that he harbored inappropriate thoughts about her -- at least no more than any other man with a beautiful, lusciously built daughter -- he merely knew what she was, and what she was filled him with love and pride. She was the best thing he'd ever done.

He was proud, smiling to himself at the way she turned every head in the room as she made her way toward him. She wasn't beautiful in the way a model would be. She had a brainier, more professional air about her. Hadley's real quality came from her air of confidence and self-awareness. Having a perfect body didn't hurt: fit and firm yet with a soft look to her natural curves. Although tonight, her father noticed that her tits seemed bigger than he remembered the last time he saw her wearing anything that showed as much cleavage as she was showing now. She'd always had the kind of tits that looked perfect in a dress like the one she was wearing. She still did, only now they were at least a cup size bigger.

Tony bit the inside of his cheek when he felt an unbidden stirring of heat between his legs. Hadley wasn't smiling as she wiggled her perky ass onto the stool beside her father. She crossed her legs and sat up with her spine staight, which caused her dress hem to ride up dangerously high and expose more of her smooth, beautifully shaped thighs. Tony couldn't help taking a long scan of his daughter's luscious legs before making eye contact with her, feeling guilty when he saw the knowing smirk now on her pretty face.

Getting straight to the point, Hadley simply announced: "Dad, I married an asshole. I just needed to say that at least once. In case there was any doubt."

Tony sighed. She'd just confirmed his main suspicion as to why she was there. "I won't say 'I told you so'," he replied.

"Thank you. Even though you kind of just did. You tried to warn me. I'm sorry I didn't listen."

"There was only so much I could say. I didn't want you to think I was trying to control your life."

"I could really use a controlling dad right about now," she said with a wistful sigh.

Tony looked at his daughter curiously. He signaled the bartender and ordered her a stiff drink and another one for himself. "Things that bad?" he asked.

Hadley took a long moment to reply. "I just want out, Dad. I've had it. I just want to admit my mistake and move on. Does that make me awful?"

She didn't have to explain why. Hadley's husband was a self-centered little prick, and Tony had known he was never going to treat his daughter the way she deserved. But he felt bad that the most precious girl in his life was going through such a hard time. Maybe he should have been more adamant about warning her, but she had been twenty and madly in love, and Tony hadn't wanted to alienate her. She had to find out on her own. It was the way she was wired. Tony wished he'd been wrong, but he was relieved to hear his daughter talking about putting this episode of her life in the past.

"It doesn't make you awful," he reassured her. "You know I'll support whatever you want to do. In fact, we could even share my divorce lawyer."

Hadley looked at him in surprise. "Again, Dad?"

Tony nodded sheepishly. "Last time, I promise," he told her. "I think I've finally learned my lesson."

Hadley's drink arrived and she raised her glass for a toast. "Here's to a pair of soon-to-be divorcees," she said.

Tony laughed and clinked glasses with her. They sat quietly for a few long seconds. Hadley caught her father staring at her thoughtfully.

"Dad, what is it? Am I growing a third eye?"

Tony shook his head. "Nothing, sweetie. I was just thinking, that's all."

"Well, from the way you're staring it has to be something about me. It's not fair if you don't tell me."

Tony shot down the rest of his drink, then he chuckled. "Okay, I was just thinking when Chuck realizes he lost the best thing that's ever going to happen to him he's gonna be in a bad way."

Tony laughed again while Hadley smiled from ear to ear.

"Thank you, Daddy. Same for that bitch, Amber," she said, referring to his soon-to-be ex-wife.

Tony groaned. "It's gotta be me," he complained. "Every one of my wives cheated on me. Including your mother."

Now it was Hadley's turn to laugh. Her father couldn't keep his eyes off her tits while they jiggled with her laughter. He blamed the drinks for the way he kept looking at his only daughter and only child sitting so prettily on the stool beside him. Yet at the same time he was vexed that she was laughing at his current marital predicament.

"What's so funny?" he asked, finally lifting his eyes back to the impish grin on her face.

"Seriously, Dad? You keep marrying sluts. Including Mom."

Tony looked at his daughter in disbelief. "I can't believe you just called your mother a slut," he said. Then they both laughed for a long time.

"You're the one who always taught me to speak the truth," she reminded him with a coy smirk.

"Maybe that was a mistake," he said, returning her smirk.

"I guess I can't criticize, though," Hadley said more seriously. "Looks like we've both been cheated on."

"What?" Tony nearly yelled. His first instinct was to want to thump his idiot son-in-law upside the head, but when he saw the looks he was getting he lowered his voice. "He's a bigger moron than I thought," he sneered.

"I was actually kind of relieved when I found out, to tell the truth," Hadley admitted. "It gives me an easy way out."

With his third drink half gone, Tony took a long, appraising look at his daughter in her scant party dress. There was no ignoring, even for her own father, how hot and desirable she was. Cheating on a woman like her was something he didn't understand, especially for an idiot like Chuck who would never find another woman like Hadley. But Tony was just as relieved as she that she'd be getting out of a marriage he always thought was a disaster in the making.

For a while, they commiserated about cheating spouses and going through a divorce. Tony wasn't fazed when his daughter suddenly asked if he'd ever cheated on any of his wives. The drinks were keeping his usual reactions at bay, but they were also doing nothing for the feelings he was getting whenever he looked at his beautiful daughter and listened to her relationship woes. His first thought as a father was to want to make her feel better, but the ways he was thinking of doing that were anything but fatherly.

"Only on wife number three," he admitted, making his daughter giggle.

"Why, Daddy, you bad boy," she said, pretending shock, but Tony could see she was intrigued. "But I have to admit I'm surprised it wasn't more."

"Seriously? What kind of guy do you think your I am?"

"Extremely attractive," she said, not skipping a beat. "Hot, actually, if you believe what every one of my friends always said, not to mention most of their mothers."

Tony rolled his eyes comically, but his daughter's compliment made him feel good. "What about you?" he asked before she could question him any further about details. She was already finished with her second drink and her tongue was getting looser. He paused to order another round for the two of them.

"I thought about it," she said after the drinks arrived. "A lot, actually. But no, I never did anything naughty."

Tony wasn't surprised that Hadley would think about someone else being married to such an asshole. "Why didn't you?" he asked. "I'm sure you never had a shortage of interested parties."

"Hmmm, I guess not. But the guy I had in mind was taken, for one thing. Not to mention twenty-two years older."

"Geezus, Hadley. That would make him my age?"

She giggled heartily at her father's reaction. "Oh c'mon, Dad. You can't tell me you never wanted to fuck a girl my age. Really, your latest wife isn't all that much older than me anyway."

"If I ever did, you'd be the last person I'd tell," he said, laughing. But underneath his laughter he was looking at his daughter like some hot girl he was just meeting for the first time. They'd always been able to talk openly with each other, but tonight they were reaching a new level. Tony was also reaching a new level in the way he was starting to let his eyes take in his daughter's beautifully displayed features, not the least of which were those lush, bountiful tits that were nearly halfway out of her dress.

Hearing her admit she was interested in a man twice her age made Tony think his beautiful daughter seemed bold and open-minded in her tastes. It was impossible not to wonder if she'd slept with older men before, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought she probably had. She made it sound like the age difference between her and the man she was interested in was no big deal. He couldn't explain why he thought so; it was just his instinct talking to him. Besides, he'd rather see her with someone older and more mature who would treat her right instead the clueless asshole she was married to.

As he gazed at her tits for the hundredth time that night, he was dying to know if his mind was playing tricks on him or did she actually have some surgical work done? But regardless of the buzz he was working on from the drinks or the fact that Hadley was talking to him in a way she never had before, he still couldn't imagine just coming out and asking his daughter if she'd had her tits done. He didn't even realize how long he'd been looking at them until she pointed it out.

"Uh, Dad. You're staring at my boobs."

"Oh shit. Sorry, sweetie," he said, dropping his gaze lower. Now he found himself staring at her legs as she perched on her stool with one crossed over the other. They were just as perfect as her tits. They looked smooth as silk and shapely as any dancer's legs, except a little bit thicker. Tony raised his head and made himself look his daughter in the eye. She had that proud smirk on her face again.

"It's alright, Daddy. I don't mind. I didn't put on this dress to have them ignored."

"They're pretty impossible to ignore," Tony said before giving himself a chance to think about what he was saying.

Hadley smiled brightly and squared off her shoulders, pushing her full globes up and forward. "Do you like my tits, Dad?" she asked in a low, conspiratorial voice. "You sure have been looking at them a lot."

"They're gorgeous, sweetie. I mean, from a purely esthetic point of view, being your father and all."

Hadley's grin widened even more. "Hmmm, I think you might like them a little more than that."

"No comment," he grinned guiltily.

"I don't know if you could tell, but I had some work done on them a few months ago. Chuck wanted me to go bigger."

"That asshole," Tony muttered, gazing openly at his daughter's tits now that he kind of had her permission. "They're spectacular, but they were always spectacular."

"Awww, thank you, Daddy. I'm glad you like them." Then Hadley giggled deeply. "Poor Chucky. He paid for them. Now he's never going to touch them again."

"Yeah. Poor Chucky," her father agreed.

"Do you really think they're that nice, Daddy?"

"I really do, sweetheart," he nodded. "They're perfect."

Then Hadley leaned a little closer to her father and whispered. "I like the way you look at them," she said. "That's why my nipples are poking out so much."

Tony swallowed hard. He couldn't believe the direction the conversation was going. He was even more surprised when his daughter turned on her stool and discreetly pulled the edges of her dress open further, until the very rims of her areolas were teasing at the edge of the material. When he felt his cock start swelling in his pants he felt like a complete pervert, but then he reminded himself that Hadley was a big girl now and she was enjoying her father's attention as much as he enjoyed giving it to her.

What was so wrong about a little innocent looking? As long as he kept her from seeing how hard she was making him then what harm was there? Besides, if it made her feel good, then so much the better. Having been through so many divorces, he knew what kind of stress she was under. Stress she didn't deserve.

"Dad, I'm starting to feel tipsy. Maybe you should buy me dinner," she suggested.

Tony thought it was a good idea. Some food might take the edge off his buzz and maybe he'd quit ogling his daughter's body like some kind of incestuous freak. She was surprised to hear him tell the bartender to put their drinks on his room tab.

"You have a room?" she asked.

He nodded. "After today's blowout with Amber I knew I wasn't going home tonight."

"Hmm, that was smart. I wish I'd thought that far ahead when I left the house."

"Then share my room. It's got two beds. I'd hate to see you go back to the same house as that idiot tonight."

"Seriously? You don't mind?"

"How often do I get to spend a night in a hotel with a beautiful young woman?"

"Oh, Daddy, you're my knight in shining armor." She bat her eyelashes like a damsel in distress.

They slid off their stools at the same time and Hadley gave her father a long, tight hug as she leaned up to kiss him, half on the mouth and half on the cheek. Her tits were now bunching against him while they hugged, and there was no way his daughter could miss the rock hard bulge in his pants.

"Oh my," she grinned wickedly. "Maybe we'll only need one of those beds."

Tony chuckled, despite being surprised by his daughter's remark. "Did you really just say that to your own father?" he said. At the same time, he was enjoying the way it felt to hold this hot, young woman's body against his aching cock.

"We're the only two people here who know you're my daddy and I'm your bad little girl."

Tony felt his cock spew precum into his briefs. "You really are a bad girl," he laughed.

"Are you complaining, Daddy? Do you wanna punish me?"

"You're not too old to get spanked, you know." He let his hands brush over the twin swells of her firm ass under her dress.


Tony gave his daughter's ass a two-handed squeeze and couldn't resist grinding his cock against her tummy. Between the drinks and the hardness of his cock he was too far gone to be appalled at his own behavior. Hadley was looking at him with a gleam of excitement in her deep brown eyes that only encouraged him. He started to wonder if she was joking or if she really did like getting spanked. Amber liked getting spanked when he fucked her from behind, but that wasn't about to ever happen again. But she was his wife. A father can't be thinking that way about his own daughter no matter how good it felt to hug her with a hard on.

Tony and Hadley held their hug too close for too long, and Tony's cock was throbbing like he never felt it throb before. He wanted this hot, younger woman more than he'd ever wanted any other. Then he saw something else. There was something far more than naughty excitement in the way she was looking at him. There was an overpowering look of love in her eyes. It was more than a daughter's love for her father. Much more. And it was making Tony's cock pulse against her body like a schoolboy rubbing up against the head cheerleader.

Tony kissed his daughter without thinking about what he was doing. He went straight for those supple lips which opened immediately and took in his searching tongue against hers. He was aware people were looking at the older man at the end of the bar making out heavily with a much younger woman. He didn't even stop to wonder what they'd think if they knew they were looking at a man and daughter kissing like lovers.

The kiss finally broke as they both needed to breathe. Tony knew he should tell his daughter how wrong it was, but it was already done and he couldn't bring himself to take his hands off her ass or stop mashing his rigid cock against her. Besides, it wasn't like she didn't already know. He finally took her by the hand and they left the bar and went into the restaurant where they easily got a booth. Hadley slid in to sit next to her father. He knew it was probably a bad idea, but he couldn't resist having her that close.

When their server came, they each ordered another drink before dinner. Hadley reached under the table to feel her father's cock while they were talking to the girl who was even younger than she was. Tony tried to keep his surprise off his face and managed to place an order. When the server left, Hadley kept her hand on his cock while he put his arm around her shoulders.

"This is probably a really bad idea," he said.

"Dad, if you really think it's so bad then why is your cock as hard as cement right now? But I can stop if you really want me to."

She was smiling at him with a look that was teasing and loving all at the same time. Tony could've sworn the girl was hypnotizing him. She was turning him on more than any woman before her, but he could see in her eyes that this was about much more than naughty, taboo sex play. Even after having fantasies about her, he would've thought he'd recoil if his own daughter ever tried touching his excited cock. But the last thing he wanted her to do was stop. He felt insanely wicked, yet nothing had ever felt more right than having this one, particular girl feeling his cock.​
Next page: Page 02