Hello My Dear Readers...
This story was written a long time ago, but I could never properly edit it, and make it appropriate for submission.
I have tried my best to rework & compile it well, and make the reading as enjoyable as possible. I hope you like this effort.
Though the theme of the story has Indian Cinema and Superstars as a major part of it, I wish to stress on the fact that this story is in no way connected to any real person, or incident.
Madhavi Doshi and all other characters mentioned in the story do not exist in real-life.
This Is Purely A Work of Fiction.
Happy Reading!!
Ladies & Gentlemen!! Welcome to NO HOLDS BARRED - The Show you have all been waiting for.
I am Rajesh, and it is a great honor to be hosting this show. Every episode will feature a Star from the Indian Film Industry, ready to share their darkest secrets with us.
This is an Adult Rated Show, and parents, please make sure your children are not watching this.
Without wasting anymore time, let's welcome our guest for the day. The very beautiful, the very talented, Our Dream Girl - Madhaviiii Doshiiii!!
RAJESH: Thank you so much for coming, Madhavi. We could not have had a bigger star for our first episode. Thank you so much again.
MADHAVI: The pleasure is all mine, Rajesh. It's been almost 32 years since I have been in the Industry, and thank you for giving me this opportunity.
RAJESH: So, Madhavi, as you know, this is the show where we are trying to bring out the dirty & nasty secrets, that have always been kept hidden. Anything you want to tell the Audience, before we start??
MADHAVI: Well, Rajesh... I know that once this show is telecasted, people will never be able to see me the way they do now. I just want to thank them for the love they have given me all these years.
RAJESH: And, to your family??
MADHAVI: I think it is only my husband that I owe any kind of explanation... Thank you for always being by my side, Shirish. You have never asked me questions, never doubted me, and have always been loving. Please do not hate me after watching this. I love you a lot... You and our sons, are all I want...
RAJESH: You can still quit, Madhavi...
MADHAVI: No, I wish to go ahead.
RAJESH: Okay then... You have read the rules already... Let me just say it out so that the Audience knows it too...
MADHAVI: Yes... Please...
RAJESH: So, before we start the interview... I will hand over a specially developed tablet to Madhavi. This tablet forces our brain to speak only the truth, and you feel no more restraints when talking about anything related to Sex. You, in-fact, feel the urge to talk more about your sexual experiences.
RAJESH: Great!! So... Let me ask you this first... What really made you accept our offer to be on this show??
MADHAVI: Rajesh... Hahaha... Your question makes me laugh... Definitely, the money!!
RAJESH: Well... I know Rupees 80 Lakhs is a lot of money... But still, for somebody who is now over 50, happily married, mother to two sons, and loved by the entire nation... Don't you think opening up about your past, in an uncensored environment, now, is suicidal?? Is your modesty only worth 80 Lakhs?!
MADHAVI: Hahaha... I would happily accept to be on the bed with anybody, who would offer me a sum as less as Rupees Five Hundred. 80 Lakhs is the amount I would charge if he wanted to fuck me every second, everyday, for the rest of his life. I would gladly sit on his dick, till I die.
RAJESH: Damn!! I was not expecting this so soon... That definitely has got the TRP for this show already at the top.
MADHAVI: You want better ratings, Rajesh?? Why don't you try putting Five Hundred Rupees on the table. I would let you fuck me right here... On Live TV!!
RAJESH: I would love to Ma'am... In-fact, I grew up with fantasies of being on the bed with you... But, the rules of the show need to followed... And it clearly says NO PHYSICAL CONTACT!!
MADHAVI: You know what?! That Sucks!! But don't you worry baby... Rules don't say I cannot strip for you, and I am doing that, right now!!
RAJESH (FACING THE CAMERA): I am really sorry, but we need to take a break. We will be back soon...
RAJESH: Welcome back to NO HOLDS BARRED. We apologize for having to cut the telecast. The tablet takes a few minutes to settle down, and our dear Madhavi Ma'am had to be given time, to help make her thought processing and actions stable. Ready for the next question Ma'am??
MADHAVI: Yup, Shoot it!!
RAJESH: You started acting when you were just 18... How did you get your first chance??
MADHAVI: In the 80's, there were no serious auditions or casting calls. It was Director Mohan who first noticed me. I had danced for a function in my college, and he happened to see me. His sister was my classmate, and she was also a good friend.
RAJESH: Mohan Kumar?? The Director of Garam Love??
MADHAVI: Yes, exactly... Mohan was only an Associate Director then, and introduced me to his Senior - The Hit Maker of that period, Suresh Malhotra. Suresh along with his British Producer, Michael Robert, asked me to come to their office in Akasha Studios.
RAJESH: Wow... Suresh & Michael, together, were the most reputed Director-Producer combo of those times...
MADHAVI: Yes... And, they told me about a dance movie they were planning to do, and indicated they were keen on having me do the lead role. Dance was my passion, and I always wanted to act too. Playing a Dancer in my first movie, was more than I could have asked for.
RAJESH: Sorry to interrupt you, Madhavi... But your first movie was with Mohan, and also, you never did a movie with Suresh Malhotra!!
MADHAVI: You are right, because that movie never happened...
RAJESH: Then, why are you sharing this incident with us??
MADHAVI: Because this is indeed how I got my first chance... It was because of this very meeting that Mohan gave me the role in his movie.
RAJESH: Please continue, Ma'am...
MADHAVI: I was asked to be at the studio by 8 in the morning, the next day. Mohan accompanied me to the Audition Hall, inside their office, which was simply a very small & untidy room... It had a Sofa in the center, and a Bed in one of the corners, and was otherwise empty. Suresh & Michael were sitting on the sofa, and asked me to join them.
MADHAVI: I walked towards them and just stood near the sofa, but Michael grabbed & pulled my hand and made me sit in between them. They were both big and well-built, and I felt crushed... But, we soon started discussing about the project, and they began showing me different pictures of the set they were planning for the movie, also assuring me I was going to do great.
RAJESH: Okay...
MADHAVI: But, soon... I felt they were slowly getting touchy. They both had their hands on my back, and they even started feeling up my curves, pinching my belly. I was feeling uncomfortable, but I was too naive to understand what was happening. This was all new for me, and I did not know how to react.
RAJESH: Oh my... They did this to you even as Mohan watched??
MADHAVI: Mohan was right there, and he realized I was feeling uneasy, and he tried to stop them... But, they just asked him to leave. I requested him to stay, but Suresh convinced me it was better if only the 3 of us know the full script now, and I believed that is why Mohan was told to leave.
RAJESH: What happened after Mohan left??
MADHAVI: Michael told me it was time to try out the costumes, and gave me a box. It contained a very rich looking Lahenga. He also made me stand up, and clicked a few pictures of me, with his Polaroid Camera.
RAJESH: Okay... And??
MADHAVI: "You see Madhu, all our clothes for this movie are really expensive. We plan to buy them from London. This is just to get an idea about your size,and how well they fit you. The real ones will be even better." was what Suresh said, when I told them that I have not worn anything this beautiful before.
RAJESH: People used to call you Madhu?? That is news!! But, let's just get back to what you were saying...
MADHAVI: I wanted the role even more now. I was just too thrilled... And, I just could not wait to see myself in the luxurious costume... But, when I asked them where I should change, they very calmly told me, "Right Here, Madhu."
RAJESH: What?! They expected you to try the outfit right there?? As they watched??
MADHAVI: Yes... That was what they were suggesting... And, on seeing me stunned, Suresh continued, "You have all these doubts because you are new here. All the big stars like Rakhi, Hima Manasi, Jayanthi Bajwa... They change clothes in front of us. They sometimes even sleep with us. That is how strong the bond between an actress and her director & producer should be. We are doing all this for you."
RAJESH: Are you serious?? I feel terrible to realize that the idols we have all been admiring, all these years, stooped so low to survive in Bollywood... I am sure you rejected the offer that very second!!
MADHAVI: Well... Yes, I am serious about what I said... But... No!! I did not reject the offer!! I immediately pulled down my purple colored saree, undraped it, removed my yellow blouse & black petticoat, and I was standing in front of them wearing just a pair of bra & panties.
RAJESH: Oh Fuck... What was the color of your... I mean... What did you do after that?? I mean... What did they do?!
MADHAVI: Michael said that before I put on the Lehenga, there was something else they had to tell me, and asked me to go back to sitting in between them. I blindly followed Michael's words, and sat on the sofa.
RAJESH: What was it that they had to tell you??
MADHAVI: "Madhu, a lot of men are going to be on the sets of our movie, and the attention these men give the lead actress, often makes our young heroines aroused. I mean... You understand what I am trying to tell?? They get wet around their pussy... I am saying this directly to you because I do not want you to be scared when this happens to you on the set... And also, to see if you can really overcome this distraction and act comfortably, Suresh and me, are going to put you through a small test. Don't worry, it is nothing serious. Sreevidya did it before her first movie, and said it really helped her." Micheal sounded very reassuring, as he completed the sentence. He was very careful about the set of words he used.
RAJESH: What was your response?? It was obvious they did not mean good...
MADHAVI: I still told them I am ready for it...
RAJESH: Ohh... And??
MADHAVI: And, the very next second, I saw Michael & Suresh, pull down their pants, and show me their hard cocks... It was the first time I was seeing a man's penis, two actually, and they both looked huge. It was like they were asking me which one of their pricks was the better one... I could not take my eyes off it, and they noticed it too.
RAJESH: What?! This is...
MADHAVI: I was breathing faster, and I felt my pussy turn moist... I had never been in a similar situation, and I was not able to hide how excited I was...
RAJESH: How did they react to your sudden vulnerability?? Well... You sure were more covered than them... But, they definitely had you on the path of submission!!
MADHAVI: That is right!! They knew they had me exactly where they wanted me... And, they were now trying to complete the act... They continued talking to me, even as they provoked me... "You don't feel any change do you, Madhu?? See Suresh, the girl is doing fine." said Michael, slowly grabbing his heavy balls.
RAJESH: What was Suresh's reply??
MADHAVI: Exactly as per plan!! This was all a well scripted plot. Just that I had no idea about it... "Yes, Michael, but we need to confirm she is not wet down there... That is the procedure... So, Madhu, can you please accompany us to the bed?? It is easier to inspect a woman's pussy on the bed!!" was what Suresh had to say, and he sounded very blunt.
RAJESH: This is unbelievable. Scandalous. I just cannot believe this really happened... But, continue... Please...
MADHAVI: Suresh was already pushing his fingers inside my pussy, through my white cotton panties. I was in a state of shock, and I felt like hit on the head. I did not even realize Michael had lifted me from the sofa, and was carrying me, until he threw me on the bed, and ripped open my panties.
RAJESH: Oh my...
MADHAVI: "The Bitch is Fucking Wet, Suresh. My white dick is going to have so much fun!!" yelled Michael, looking at my dripping pussy, removing my white bra and handing it over to his partner.
RAJESH: Don't tell me they fucked you!! Don't tell me the girl of our dreams really had this nightmarish experience!!
MADHAVI: This is the truth, Rajesh!! They did fuck me!! Michael penetrated me first, and I lost my virginity to him. Suresh was more hostile, and he made it clear he had been doing this to a lot of young girls, tricking them by promising roles in his movies. They took turns on me the whole day. And once they were done, Mohan was ordered to take me back home.
RAJESH: Mohan must have been shocked to see you in that state. He got you into this.
MADHAVI: Yes, he felt let down... He was disgusted to know they were not ready to even return my bra. He could see me struggling with my busty melons, as I put my blouse back... Mohan felt responsible for my misery. And, later that year, introduced me to Bollywood, through his first movie. That is the story of me getting my first chance.
RAJESH: That was an explosive revelation Madhavi, or just Madhu. So, the reports that came out in magazines, few years ago, that The Queen of Bollywood had lost her Virginity to a Foreign National, was actually True?! How did the story of you being used during your very first audition leak?? Even you would have been shocked to read that news.
MADHAVI: I was horrified to read the headlines in the magazines. I feared my image was going to come crashing down. But, both, Suresh & Michael, were no longer alive, and I was sure they would not dare to leave any clue of them exploiting young actresses. They had a very big reputation to maintain. The reports were not linked to me in any way.
RAJESH: So, who according to you was the actress being talked about??
MADHAVI: It must have been either Katherine Khan, or maybe even Anashwara Rao. They are both not the QUEEN OF BOLLYWOOD, definitely, but you know the people running these magazines. They will call a QUEEN a WHORE, and a WHORE a QUEEN.
RAJESH: And, why do you think it is one among them?? It could also be Kinaara Kapoor, or even Komal Devgann!!
MADHAVI: Well... Katherine grew up in UK, so there is a great chance she was a street slut there, and ended up losing her V to some random dick... Anashwara began her career posing naked for American publications, and there was this gossip about her that she was dating a photographer working for PANTYHOUSE USA. And, he would have obviously fucked her!! So, it is either Katherine or Anashwara, the magazine was reporting about.
RAJESH: That sure makes a lot of sense...
MADHAVI: I have always been sensible, Rajesh... Even in the hottest of scenes I shot for, I tried to bring some kind of sensibility to my exposure... I often asked the Scriptwriters to try and establish a valid reason why my clothes reveal so much... Whether it is a scene where my ass-cheeks need to be on display, or my hard nipples clearly poke out of my top, I make sure the audience know why Madhavi skipped her pair of panties or her bra, for that scene.
RAJESH: I completely get your point, Madhavi. In-fact, I can say I remember being fully convinced why you shot a scene of your on-screen husband's funeral, wearing a red colored one-piece swimsuit. It only stressed how shocked the character was to hear the sad news, during her swimming class.
MADHAVI: Exactly!! We did think of adding a scene where I changed to a transparent white saree, in front of the mourning relatives, on-screen, and go fully nude for the first time ever. But, Sonika Bandre had done something very similar in a movie from the Michael-Suresh alliance. So, we decided to give that a miss.
RAJESH: Since you have brought their names up... I would like you to tell me this... How was your relationship with Michael & Suresh after the audition incident?? To be very honest, they Raped you that day!!
MADHAVI: I had no grudges against them. We never worked together, but that was not because they defiled me. If you ask me the truth, I did not feel assaulted that day. I really enjoyed them sharing my young virgin pussy hole. I felt a lot of pain when Michael pushed his cock inside me, the first time. But after that, it was pure pleasure. I had multiple orgasms that day, and still get wet thinking about it!!
RAJESH: We have talked a lot about the past, and before we continue to speak on that era, let me ask you something from the present... You have recently made a comeback to Bollywood, and almost all your co-stars back then, are not active in the industry now... What do you think about the new younger generation of heroes in Bollywood??
MADHAVI: I find all of them extremely hot... They have such amazing body, and these guys must be having a lot of fun.
RAJESH: Will you like it if they try having a little fun with you??
MADHAVI: Hahahaha... Come on Rajesh... I am 50... A sexy mummy at 50!! If you look at it, I AM A MILF... And MILFs love young boys!! I would definitely like to hang out with these guys, and I really won't mind if I have one of them come up to me, and tell me he would love to fill my mature pussy with his hot cum.
RAJESH: Has anybody asked you out yet??
MADHAVI: Well... Satbir did ask me out when we were shooting for 'Yeh Nayi Jawaani'... It had been almost a month since I had sex, and Satbir had this big sexual aura around him, that I found hard to resist. I immediately accepted his advances, and we had some wonderful time throughout the shoot... Making out inside his caravan was the hottest thing I had ever done on a set.
RAJESH: Satbir always has his way with the MILFs... I mean, the mature actresses of our Industry... How exactly was it with him??
MADHAVI: It was a little strange, at first, to get fucked by Satbir, after being fucked by his dad Shashi, years ago. Satbir has a serious addiction to Mom-Son Incest, and he loves fucking mature women. Maybe he has already fucked his mother, Teenu.
RAJESH: We have all been hearing of his sensual fantasies. But, how do you rate him on the bed??
MADHAVI: I have had many flings with young lads... Living in The United States had given me that special luxury. And, I must tell Satbir was as good as any of them.
RAJESH: So, that almost confirms you have seen Satbir naked!! Who else have you seen in their most 'desirable' form?? It could be from your earlier stint, too...
MADHAVI: Haha... Oh, Yes... And... Are you talking about only men, here?? Or am I required to mention the names of my female co-stars, too?? Haha!!
RAJESH: Whooaa...
MADHAVI: Hahaha... Don't tell me you heard nothing about the special parties in the early 90's!!
RAJESH: Well... I think let us just stick to the male artists, for now... The other part could be a little too mean for TV...
MADHAVI: Hahaha... Fine... So... From the current lot of actors, I have seen Satbir, Tarun and Sridhar, naked. And if you ask me about my co-stars from the past, I have seen almost all of them without clothes. I still remember how they would walk around bare in front of me, showing me their hard cocks.
RAJESH: Tarun and Sreedhar, also, had sex with you??
MADHAVI: They really wanted to. And, even I wanted them inside me. They were all set to Double Penetrate me. I had completely undressed myself, for them, and had even taken the pill.. But, that is when I got a call from my husband, Shirish. He wanted to surprise me, and was already in the hotel lobby. He called me just because he did not know my room number.
RAJESH: That was a close call!!
MADHAVI: The boys somehow managed to get themselves out of the room. But, I have promised Tarun and Sreedhar a great time very soon. I even sent them a couple of my scuddy pictures. I wanted them to know that they had some serious leverage over me.
RAJESH: Your husband has any idea about you cheating on him??
MADHAVI: No way!! Not at all!!
RAJESH: How did you manage to do it, all these years??
MADHAVI: At home, in front of my husband and children, I am a very conservative wife and a darling mother. I give my man no chance to have the slightest of doubts about me. But, it was getting harder to bring home the neighborhood boys. My kids were always around me, and it was difficult to get fucked like a whore, in front of my two sons... And that is the biggest reason I have come back to Bollywood... I believe Indian Cocks still love me dearly.
RAJESH: Completely agree to that... We love you!!
MADHAVI: Haha...
RAJESH: What about your past?? How much of it does your Husband know??
MADHAVI: Before marrying me, Shirish wanted to know if anybody had approached me indecently, and I had succumbed to the pressure. He asked me, on my face, if I had to sleep around to be in the business.
RAJESH: That was a very common question suitors asked actresses, back then. Correct me if I am wrong, but there were even instances where they were asked how much they normally charge for a night!!
MADHAVI: Yes, I was aware of that... And, I replied I never had to sell my body to get myself a movie. He said he was proud of me, and he would love to marry me.
RAJESH: You lied about it to him?!
MADHAVI: A lot of people hearing this will be thinking I lied to my husband. But what I told him was the Truth!! I never slept with an Actor, or Director, or Producer to get a role in their movies. I slept with them only after the role was confirmed, and I was already acting in the movie. That is different from spreading your legs to get a chance.
RAJESH: That is actually so True!!
MADHAVI: Yes!! My husband believes all my co-stars, of that period, see me as their younger sister... Maybe someday, I will tell my husband how each of my "Elder Brothers" used their meat on their "Younger Sister".
RAJESH: Who had the best or the biggest dick, among your co-stars from the 80's & 90's?? Give me your Top 5...
MADHAVI: Woooooo... I have always thought about it too... Hahaha... Well...
No. 5 would be Manas Chakravarthy... No. 4 would be Johnny Shroff... No.3 would be Aneesh Kapoor... No.2 would be Sanjog Dutt...
RAJESH: And... Who is your Number 1??
MADHAVI: Hahaha... My Number 1 is Gulrukh Grover!!
RAJESH: What?? Why do you choose the man who has raped the most number of woman on the big screen, above Superstars, as your Number 1??
MADHAVI: Well, he had portrayed a rapist in my movies too, and I felt he was very good at it!! I thoroughly enjoyed shooting with him, and every-time he would rub his hot-rod against my body, I only felt pleasure. His dick was harder than all the others, and his erections lasted much longer.
RAJESH: You seem to be a fan of him!!
MADHAVI: Well... He is a great actor... He was also very intense in these Ra*e scenes, and the way he would tear my clothes, or grab me, helped me expose a lot of my cleavage, and body... It really helped me stay in demand...
RAJESH: Did you have Sex with Gulrukh??
MADHAVI: No, he is the only one from the above list who did not fuck me.
RAJESH: You wish he had fucked you??
MADHAVI: YES, YES, YES!! But he was in a relationship with Rubi Chawla, that time, and was very sincere to her. He would fuck only her, and from what Rubi had told me, Gulrukh would do her in the ass everyday.
RAJESH: So, Mr. Chawla's recently published book, "THE TEAR IN MY WIFE'S HOLE", was inspired from his own life?! I mean... From the life of his wife??
MADHAVI: Very much yes!! Rubi had once even showed me her gaping back-door, and it looked like a whole cucumber was pushed inside her tight round butt. That is how long & thick Gulrukh was. And, also, just like in the book, Rubi's ass-hole was filled with cum, during her wedding ceremony.
RAJESH: That is one big controversy in the making, there... And, speaking about controversies... There is this controversial Ra*e scene in one of your movies, where Gulrukh forces you inside an abandoned bungalow, and in this scene, even before Gulrukh starts attacking you, your saree is torn and damaged.
MADHAVI: Yes, I remember the scene...
RAJESH: And once Gulrukh pulls your saree down, it can be noticed that the red blouse, you were wearing, also had plenty of cuts.
MADHAVI: Yes.. Yes... I remember every bit of it... The memes have not let me forget the details... I even saw the picture pop up as an advertisement for a performance enhancing drug, just the other day... "YOUR GIRL WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!!" was the phrase in the ad.
RAJESH: Haha!! I wish I could tell you where I last saw the picture... But, let's just go ahead with the interview... So... Yes... All the shots in that scene were very close-up ones, and it was very obvious you were not wearing a bra. Your voluptuous boobs were popping out, and your blouse covered nothing. Your cleavage was so deep, people could even notice your brown nipples!! What really happened there??
MADHAVI: The Director, Mr. Nair, insisted on a rehearsal before the Final Take. This was unusual for a sensitive scene, and I said no. Even Gulrukh was not supportive of this. That is when the Director said Gulrukh was not required for the rehearsal, and the very next second, he just punched me on my face.
RAJESH: Raghav Nair did that to you?? I have seen so many interviews of his, where he says he sees you as his own daughter!!
MADHAVI: He has always been a strange person... I did feel he had a special liking for me... But, not after that day... I was not completely stripped or physically infiltrated by him. But, the way in which he unleashed himself upon me, was unbelievable. He would just tear my outfit every-time I resisted, and threatened he would get me naked, and shoot a hardcore sex scene, as well, if I did not cooperate.
RAJESH: I cannot accept the fact that he got away with this...
MADHAVI: The worst was yet to come, Rajesh... He was only getting started... I was soon too tired to fight back, and he was quick to sense it. Mr. Nair just ripped apart the hooks of my blouse... It was in-fact later stitched to cover at-least that much of my skin... My most viral video would have been even more defaming, otherwise...
RAJESH: What do you think made him do that??
MADHAVI: I still don't know... He spent very little time fondling my boobs... He just wanted to remove my bra, and leave my upper body completely exposed in front of everybody... He seemed a lot less violent once he successfully had me topless... But, I was not given my bra back when the shoot began... I was compelled to act in the Ra*e scene, after I had already been semi-raped in front of more than 100 men.
RAJESH: The video of the Director using your body was recorded??
MADHAVI: Yes, the camera was ON, and the Director had recorded my humiliation.
RAJESH: There was this disturbing news about how Madhavi Doshi was being blackmailed by 3 influential Superstars, using a video of hers in a compromising position... Was it this Video?!
MADHAVI: Yes... 3 Big Superstars... The biggest the country had ever seen... They had access to this video, and I was asked for sexual favors if I did not want this video to be made public.
RAJESH: So, Mr. Nair was working as per the instructions of these Superstars, to make this video of yours?! What exactly did they force you to do??
MADHAVI: Well... It was something like... Sex on the beach is great... Especially when you do it in the Caribbean...
RAJESH: Sorry??
MADHAVI: Okay... Excuse me?! What was your question??
RAJESH: What I asked was... Madhavi?! Ma'am?? Are you okay??
RAJESH (LOOKING AT THE CAMERA): Alright folks... I guess that is it for tonight's episode of NO HOLDS BARRED. Madhavi, unfortunately, cannot go on, anymore. And, we do not have further entry into her depraved mind... I know you would all have been eagerly waiting to confirm who the 3 Super Stars are. But, that will have to wait... We will definitely try to bring Madhavi back here, hopefully in the near future, but until then the truth will remain a mystery!!
MADHAVI (AS SHE PASSES OUT): Where am I?! Somebody please fuck me!!
RAJESH: Errr... Okay then... We will back soon with another special guest, and hear from her, even more dirty secrets... Stay tuned for all that and more!! And to everybody watching, don't forget to send in your questions... I will be asking your favorite stars all of it. Thank you & Goodbye!!