Part 01
This story started one afternoon when Lyn had decided to go in to Torquay shopping on her own. Nothing unusual in that, you'd think, but this time the consequences were extraordinary.
Rover and I had got used to her being gone for quite a long time, but on this occasion it seemed even longer than usual. Both of us were out on the balcony looking for her car as she drove back to the flat, though in truth the dog had never quite got the hang of using the binoculars. Eventually we saw her driving along the sea front, and we both went back in to await the sound of the lift, which told us her arrival was imminent.
The dog, of course got to her first, as soon as I opened the door to the flat. However, when I kissed her to welcome her home, it was clear that she had something on her mind.
"You'll never guess what happened in town" she said. "I thought I'd have a look in Hooper's for a new bra, but I found that a new shop had opened just next door, which said it sold custom fitted lingerie for all shapes, sizes and ages. I think it was called Angia V's, or something like that, which I'd never heard of. There wasn't a lot in the window, but what there was did somehow seem to look attractive, without also looking cheap and uncomfortable, which is the case with a lot of what places like Victoria's Secrets or Ann Summers sell."
"So did you get anything?" I said.
"Not exactly, but I'm going back tomorrow and I think I might then. But the unusual thing wasn't so much as the stock, as the woman who was selling it."
"Don't tell me she was only in her undies!" I joked, or at least I thought that was what I was doing, until I had heard the rest of the story.
"No" said Lyn, "she was fully dressed, but there was something about her which almost made you imagine that she wasn't. She must have been in her 50's, not slim, but with a nice figure, and, although it sounds silly, you could imagine that her underclothes must have been impressive if only you could see them."
"Hello, I'm Angia" she said. "Can I help you?"
"She looked at me with really bright blue eyes, which seemed to sparkle, as if she were amused about something. I said I was looking for a new bra, as none of the ones I had seemed quite as comfortable as I would like; even the ones from M&S which aren't bad."
"Well maybe that's because you haven't got the right size. Women often choose for themselves ones which are really too small for them" she suggested.
"I've heard that" I said, "and I saw a programme on TV where a woman had been trained to fit bras for customers with a lot of money, and who can afford to have one custom made".
"Funnily enough" said Angia "I think that was probably the person who trained me. Before I set up on my own, I used to work in Harrod's lingerie department. Anyway, let's go into the changing room. I'll take a look at what you are wearing now, and see what sort of things I could offer."
"Well, we went into the changing room, and she asked me to take of my top, and let her have a look at the bra I had on. She made me turn round and she looked at me from different angles, and felt how tight the various straps were. Then she said that she could see that what I was wearing wasn't really quite right for me. She opened some drawers and after looking through them, took out a couple of bras for me to try."
"Right" she said, "take off that bra, and let's try one of these."
"It seemed a bit unusual, but I thought that if she really could do something for me, why not. So I undid my bra and took it off. Now here's where it starts to get weird."
"Gosh" said Angia "I really like that pendant. Where did you get it?"
"Of course, it was the one I'd got from Madame Kumar, which you don't really like. I found myself telling her the full story about where it came from, that I'd lost one matching ring and had another made, and that you didn't like it. Somehow, it was as if she had me hypnotised, because all the time I was speaking, I was stood there with my breasts completely bare, and with this woman who I'd only just met, gazing at them, or supposedly at the pendant."
"Right then," said Angia after the several minutes it took to tell the story "let's try this one."
"So I put my arms through the straps, and reached round to do it up. As I did so, she put her hand inside the cup and right over my breast, pulling it up."
"Oops, sorry, I should probably have asked if you minded before I did that" she said, "but it just comes as second nature to me these days."
"When I looked her in the face, though, she had this knowing little grin, and I was sure that not only had she never had any intention of asking permission, but that she was really enjoying holding my tit. The crazy thing was that I was really enjoying it as well. Although she was just moving my breast so it sat right in the cup, she had a way of doing it which felt more like a caress, and which somehow also managed to stroke my nipple at the same time. Gosh, Ricky, it was just as well my tits have lost some of their sensitivity now, as if they had been like they were when we were teenagers, I'm sure I would have come there and then. I couldn't believe I was feeling like that, and I was really hoping that she was going to do the same thing with the other breast."
"Fortunately, she did. Not only that, but she repeated it with another three bras of different patterns and sizes. I just can't describe the intensity of feelings it set off in me."
"Well," said Angia, after trying them all. "I think you'd better take that one off as well, as none of those is really quite right."
"Amazingly, I did, and again I found myself standing right next to this hypnotic woman with my tits bare, and quite honestly, straining to feel her hands on them again."
"What I'll do, now I've got a feel for you, is I'll have a good look through my stock, and you can come in again tomorrow and we'll take some more time."
"When she said 'I've got a feel for you' she looked me straight in the eye, and I swear that she knew that I had enjoyed her hands on my breasts and nipples, and that I knew that she had as well."
"So that's it. I've booked to go back tomorrow afternoon. At least, I think I will go. The problem is that I'm just not sure about it. Not that I don't want to – I do – but because I'm not sure quite where it will lead. I'm dying to stand in front of her again with my breasts bare, knowing that she enjoys looking at them, and I desperately want to feel her hands on them again. What shall I do Ricky? I know we've imagined me with another woman, but it felt so much better than I could ever have imagined. Of course, what I'd really like to do is to get her to remove her top and bra, so that our breasts could touch, and I could caress and kiss them. I just keep imagining her nipples, and how they would feel under my tongue. Even more than that, I keep thinking about her putting her hand down my knickers and playing with my cunt, until I came. And I think I would come several times."
"Then again, I'm afraid that I've just imagined all of this, and if I tried to touch her, she would just get upset and throw me out of the shop."
"Oh, fuck it Ricky, just come in the bedroom with me and watch me play with myself thinking about her. It's up to you whether you wank yourself off or not, as I just want to submerge myself remembering what her hands felt like on my tits, imagining how her breasts would look and feel, and how fantastic it would be to feel her hands and her face on my cunt."
"Look Lyn," I said, "we've fantasised about something like this so much and we know each other so well, that I think you should just go for it. You'd never forgive yourself, or more to the point me, if you passed up the chance of fucking another woman in the flesh. Just make sure you stay with me, and you tell me all about it."
"You bastard" said Lyn, pulling me into the bedroom "I'm sure it's just because you hope that if I have her, she'll let you fuck her as well."
I'd never seen Lyn play with herself so passionately or so roughly. She tore off her clothes, and led back on the bed with her legs wide open. One hand was squeezing a tit really hard, while the other went straight into her cunt and was frantically going back to her hole, then up to her clit, then back to her hole again.
"Fuck, Ricky" she said, "she's making my tit's hurt, but it just makes me enjoy the feeling of her fingers playing with my clit even more. Shit! I'm going to come, but I wanted to enjoy her for longer. Shit! Stop wanking and suck my tit. I want to feel what her tongue would be like going round my nipple. And shove your fingers up my cunt, so I can imagine that the clit I'm playing with is hers. Oh fuck, I've just come again. Now you can wank yourself off, while you watch me stroke her cunt and play with her tits, but you'd better get on with it as I can feel that I am going to come a third time really soon. That's right, shoot your spunk out, and I promise that it my fantasy come true, I'll do everything I can to persuade her to let you shove your cock in her and I'll watch as you shoot your spunk right up her cunt."
It was a tense time through until the following afternoon. Even though Lyn had come three times, she still didn't seem to have fully come down. I'm not even sure she hadn't got herself off again when she was washing herself clean. And I think she probably wanked herself off a few more times in the night, as I kept waking up to a lot of movement and grunting. It was tempting to get my knob out and fuck her myself while she was in such a sexual mood, but I knew that her fantasy at the time was for a woman, and she wouldn't thank me for a cock up her cunt.
Not surprisingly she took care showering and selecting her clothes before going back for the afternoon appointment. I pointed out that if things went well, then she wasn't going to be in them for long, but that wasn't considered a helpful comment. So eventually, the dog and I went out on to the balcony to watch Lyn drive back along to what promised to be her first full lesbian experience. I'm not sure what the dog thought, but I had a mixture of excitement, because we'd imagined this many times, but real nervousness about what affect it might have on our relationship. To try to help pass the time I took the dog out for multiple loops of her normal walk. When we got back, she looked at me as if to say that if this was what happened when Lyn went out for a fuck, then she should do it more often!
After what seemed like an eternity, the dog and I saw Lyn's car driving back along the front, and we went to wait for her to come out of the lift. Would she be disappointed? Probably not after she'd been out for so long. Or would she be so cuntstruck that she wouldn't want me anymore? The dog ran along the corridor to meet the lift, but I waited by the door.
"How did you get on?" I said as she got near the door. The only answer she gave me was to pull her towards her and kiss me full on the mouth. As she forced her tongue into my mouth I could already taste and smell cunt on her face, so I had at least part of the answer.
"It was fantastic. Much better than I had even imagined, and I'm telling you that it won't be just a one off" she said. "Come in the bedroom and we can fuck while I tell you everything that happened. "
As she took her clothes off, I noticed that she had on a different bra and knickers than the ones she'd left with. And somehow, they made her look fantastic. Something about the fit, and the way they showed off her body made a huge difference, but I suspect that the glow from screwing her first woman had something to do with it as well. We laid on the bed and Lyn told me the story of her afternoon.
"When I went in to the shop, Angia came and gave me a hug and kissed me on both cheeks. She looked radiant and beautiful, and she seemed to be wearing an amazing perfume. She was wearing a fairly tight fitting jumper with a V-neck which showed just enough cleavage to trigger my imagination of what the rest of her breasts would look like. She also had a tight skirt which didn't show a panty line, making me wonder whether her pussy was naked underneath. God, I really wanted her like I've never wanted anyone since we first met. My nipples were stiff and I could feel my slit getting moist just looking at her."
"I'm so glad you came back" she said, "I wasn't sure that you would. Are you ready for my personal service? There's a little apartment above the shop, so I'll close up and we'll go up there so we can take our time without getting interrupted by other customers."
"She led the way up the stairs, so my face was almost level with her bottom, and all I could imagine was what her bum would look like naked, so smooth and rounded. The apartment turned out to be a studio apartment, so although it was large and had several wardrobes and cabinets in it, the thing which stuck out was the king-sized bed, which was covered not just with bras of all sorts of colours and designs, but knickers, teddies and negligées."
She went over the side and picked something up, turning back to me saying "I thought you might like a glass of champagne to get us started."
"Fucking hell, was she some sort of mind reader? How did she know that if anything would help get me aroused it was champagne? And pink, at that, making me think of the inside... Well, I'll come back to that later."
"I've selected a lot of items you might like to look at, and hopefully try on." she said. "However, I thought you might like it if I actually modelled the set that I thought would be perfect for you. Let me show you."
"And she then pulled the jumper over her head. Shit, Ricky, her tits were everything I had imagined they would be. The bra she had on held them so well that although it was not see-through, it fitted so well that it almost looked as if her breasts were uncovered. I could see the shape of them, and the bumps of her nipples. If nothing else, and actually there was plenty else it was doing to my body, I took this as confirmation that she wasn't just expecting a fitting."
"While I was still drooling over her tits, she had unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. I was wrong about one thing, at least, she was wearing knickers. She just stood there with that fucking smile on her face, and the twinkle in her eye."
"Well, what do you think?" she said, looking me straight in the eye, and I'm sure knowing that I was thinking mainly about what was under the underwear. "So let's get your clothes off and see whether you like any of the things I've picked out for you to try."
"For a while I just couldn't manage to do or say anything. I wanted her body so much, but I was terrified that she either wouldn't want mine when she saw it, or that even at this stage I'd read too much in to the situation."
"Come on, Lyn", she said "don't be shy. I've seen all shapes and sizes of women's' bodies and I've never yet found one I didn't enjoy looking at."
"So she came over to me and started unbuttoning my blouse. I was glad that I wasn't you, Ricky, because your prick would have been sticking out like a flagpole, giving away how you felt. I felt just as excited, but it was all kept inside and invisible. I wasn't really conscious of my blouse coming off, as I was just electrified by the touch of her fingers on my arm as she pulled my arms out. So which do you think she took off next, my skirt of my bra? Which would you have done? I bet you'd have been impatient and taken off my bra first, so you could look at my tits straight away. And I'm telling you, if they had been capable of it my tits would have jumped out right in front of her so they could delight in her looking at them."
"Well, she didn't. She undid my trousers, pulled them down, and held my hand while I stepped out of them. Fuck, I wanted to kiss her, and put my hands all over her, and get as much of my body naked and against hers as I could. But she just stepped back and looked at me."
"Yes, although you're wearing a different bra and different knickers, I can see that these have got the same problem of fitting as the ones you had on yesterday" she said.
"And then she actually said the words I was both dying and dreading she would say:"
"So let's take off that bra and knickers and get down to work!"
"Part of me hoped she would help me do this, but instead, she just stood there smiling, waiting for me to show her all of my secret parts. So I unfastened my bra and let my breasts fall free. I was trying to make sure they drooped as little as possible, but in any case they seemed to have a will of their own, straining to get closer to her, and especially my nipples, which were as stiff and long as I've ever seen them. I didn't dare look at her face in case she showed any sign of disappointment or revulsion. I just let my bra fall to the floor and pulled my knickers right down, trying to kick them so they folded over in case there were any dirty marks inside, not least given how wet I'd become between my legs since we'd moved upstairs."
"Fantastic," she said "that's a beautiful body, but I can make it look even better clothed that it has looked before. Let's try some bras first."
"She went over and picked up a bra which she brought over to me. She put my arms through the loops, and asked me to do it up at the back. Just like yesterday, she cupped each breast in turn with her hand, caressing it and playing with the nipple again. As she was close, I was tempted to grab her and kiss her, but instead I just looked her straight in the eye and tried to telegraph to her that I just wanted to seize her and fuck her. But she just stepped back again and looked at me."
"How does that feel?" she said.
"How did she fucking think it felt. Me with my ass and pussy naked, and worrying that I might be so wet that she'd see some slime running down my leg. What did I care about the fit of a bra?"
"I don't think that's quite right", she said. "Take that off, and let's try another one."
"So there I was, butt naked again with my cunt twitching like hell. This cycle of breast massage (or supposed bra fitting) and her expressing lack of satisfaction came around another three times. Fuck, I've never been so frustrated in my whole life. I almost broke and stuck my fingers in my slit and started playing with my clit several times, while this cold bitch just teased my body. Just when I didn't think I could get any more sexed up, she invented a new move."
"As I suspected", she said "the set I'm modelling is probably what you need. I'm pretty sure that we're more-or-less the same size, so why don't you try this on?"
"And then, shit, she undid her own bra and for the first time I was able to see her tits. They were even more beautiful than I had imagined, and her nipples were really stiff. Well, this time she came right towards me holding the bra so I could put my arms through the straps. I hadn't really thought about it, but this movement pushed my breasts forward and as she came towards me our nipples touched. It was just as if a bolt of lightning had shot up my cunt. I let out a little cry, and realised that I wanted her so badly that if we didn't get to fuck soon I was in danger of raping her. This time I hardly noticed her hands on my breasts as I was already more excited that I could ever remember. However, she obviously must have done the fitting, as she stood back and said:
"Great, that's a perfect fit for the bra, now let's try the knickers."
"If you thought that was crazy, Ricky, what she did next was even crazier. I was expecting her to pick up some of the other knickers from the bed, but instead of that, she just pulled down the ones she was wearing, so she was standing in front of me completely naked. God, she was fantastic."
"I hope you don't mind trying these," she said, "even though I've been wearing them for a while, as they are the only ones I have in this size. I don't think they smell too much of my cunt."
"I couldn't believe it. Hearing her say 'cunt' was exciting enough, but then she held the knickers up to my face for me to smell. I remember you telling me, Ricky, that I had to go for it if I had the chance, but I'm not sure I could have stopped myself anyway. I just grabbed her and said:
"Fuck it Angia, I want to get my face right in to your cunt and suck your clit – the smell of your knickers alone is nowhere satisfying enough. When I leave here I want the smell of you all over my face and my body."
"Then I grabbed one of her tits, put my other hand between her legs, and kissed her hard on her mouth. I could feel her arms reaching round me to undo the bra I was wearing after she'd been wearing it, and I felt my breasts come free and immediately pressed against hers. Fuck, there was that bolt of lightning up my cunt again! This time it was at least partly because her fingers had managed to open up my slit and she'd slid them into my hole. I looked into her eyes, and Angia said:
"Now you know why I always had a smile on my face! As soon as I saw you I knew that I wanted you, and I was absolutely certain after I'd felt your breasts. You didn't really think I needed to take as long over it as I did, just to fit a bra, did you? Well, I don't think you did. I saw that look in your eye when I touched your nipple, and I was sure that if you came back today, we'd end up fucking."
"So come on, bitch, let's fuck then." I said.
"We threw the cover off the bed, and I pushed her back on to it. She just laid there with her legs as wide open as they could go, showing me her long slit, which was shiny already with her cum. Before I could leap on her, which was the only thing in my mind, she reached down and pulled open her cunt lips, so that I could see deep into her hole. You'd have loved it Ricky, open and slimy, just how you like a cunt to be. But I have to say that that wasn't what I was thinking at the time. I just wanted to suck her fucking tits and slide my fingers up and down her cunt until she squirmed and twisted underneath me as she came."
"First, though, I moved up and filled my mouth with one of her breasts. I ran my tongue around and around her nipple, and I could feel her shiver with pleasure. I put my hand down to what I expected to be the opening between her legs, but to my surprise, her legs were firmly closed."
"Not so fast" she said. "just remember that this is my shop, my apartment, and my bed. You've already seen up my cunt, so now it's your turn to show me what you have."
"She pushed me off her and on to my back on the bed."
"Now spread your legs" she said. "That's nice, but with all that hair I really can't see what I want to see. Put your hands down and pull yourself wide open. Wider than that!"
"It's hard now to believe that I really did that. I pulled myself really wide open so she could see the whole length of my cunt, which was by then dripping with slime, but more than that, she could see right inside my hole. She then moved so fast it took me by surprise, pushing her fingers right inside me, and stretching my hole even further open. It felt amazing. I felt as if my cunt was going to explode. But she then surprised me again by driving her face down between my legs, and locking her mouth around my clit. Fuck, Ricky, she was driving me crazy. She was running her tongue around my clit, and then she'd bite it with her teeth. A bit of me was disappointed that she hadn't done any work on my tits, but the combination of her fingers moving around inside me, the biting and sucking at my clit, and the occasional movement of her tongue away from my clit, sliding right down to where her fingers were stretching me open, was just too much to bear. And I came. Fuck did I come. I pushed hard into her face, trapping her head between my legs, and I screamed at the top of my voice. I could also feel that a whole load of cum had been shot out of my cunt and into her face and mouth. Once I'd released her head from between my knees, she knelt back and I could see all of the slime from me all over her face."
"Shit" she said "I can tell you needed that. And so did I. But I think you need a little of this back so you don't get dehydrated."
"And she leapt forward, clamping her mouth on mine and forcing her tongue between my teeth, so that all I could taste in my own mouth was my own cunt, and my cunt juice was spread all over my face. Her hands then went to my breasts and she started to squeeze them hard. She took her tongue out of my mouth and bit hard on one of my nipples, then the other one. It was really painful, but somehow exciting as well. She seemed to know just how far she could go before pleasure turned into real pain, and I could feel myself getting closer to coming, something which hadn't really happened by just playing with my breasts since we had the kids. Then, just as I was getting there, she let go of my tits and straddled my face so that I just had no option but to bury my mouth and nose right inside her slit."
"I think it's my turn to come before you do again", she said.
"And she started to rock herself backwards and forwards so that my face was sliding up and down her slit."
"Stick your tongue right out, and inside my cunt" she begged, "then roll your tongue round my clit and bite it hard with your teeth."
"Not that I really needed any asking. She tasted amazing, and I could feel her shaking and shivering over me as I played with her."
"Wait a minute" she said "let me turn round".
"She stood up, then straddled my face again, but with her head pointed towards my crotch. As I looked up to see her cunt coming down on my face again, I also had a fantastic view of her arsehole and her smooth, silky bum cheeks."
"Well, don't fucking stop to admire the view" she said "because this way round you should be able to pull open my lips and get your tongue even further inside me."
"So that was what I did. I pulled open her hole as far as I dared, and pushed my tongue right up inside her, which gave me an even stronger salty and musky taste as the slime was oozing down from inside. She groaned and shivered again, as I ran my tongue round and round the inside of her gaping cunt."
"Now start working on my clit again, and if you suck and bite hard enough on my clit, maybe I'll start playing with your cunt again", she begged.
"Fuck, Ricky, believe me I'd have done anything then to get her mouth and fingers back into my slit, so I slid my tongue down to her clit, then back up to her hole a couple of times. Then all of a sudden, on the last time, I put my teeth around her clit and bit hard. Shit, didn't she squeal, and I was worried I might have gone too far, but then I felt her ram her fingers way into my hole. Goodness knows how many she was trying to get in there, or how may actually went in, but it felt as if I was going to ripped open. She then started working her fingers around and around deep inside me, in a way I can't describe. Whatever she was doing it was exciting me beyond anything I'd experienced before."
"Now let's see how you like it" she said.
"As she sucked hard on my clit and nipped it over and over with her teeth. I wanted to try to finger her like she was me, but I couldn't manage to get my arm up beyond my head, as my mouth was still locked on her clit, which was by now starting the pulsate on my tongue. However, I found I could get hold of one of her tits, which I grabbed, and at the same time as I bit down on her clit I squeezed her nipple as hard as I could. Shit, it was as if a bomb had gone off inside her. She thrust her cunt back hard into my face then released and then came back again. My nose and tongue were forced backwards and forwards along the full length of her slit, and I could feel buckets of cum squirting out of her hole right in to my mouth. At the same time, she bit my clit hard, and pushed her fingers even deeper inside me. So just a split second after she came, I came as well, and I bucked so hard that I almost threw her off me, which I really didn't want to do. I just wanted to stay there forever, coming into her face and her into mine."
"We laid there for a while just caressing each other's cunts with our tongues, and letting ourselves down slowly. Eventually she moved off me and turned around to face me. Her face was glistening with a mixture of my cum and her sweat. I don't think I've ever see anyone look as attractive and desirable, and I pulled her down and put my tongue way into her mouth, mixing together the juices from our two leaking cunts in each other's mouths. When we let go I said to her:
"You fucking bitch. I just came into your shop for a new bra, and you've made me come – twice – stronger than I've ever come before."
"She just laughed at me, so I pulled both her nipples hard, which only made her laugh more. I don't even know anything about you, except your name, I said. Do you have a partner or family, and how long have you been a lesbian and running your lingerie shop? She looked at me, and the look on her face turned more serious."
"Well, yes" she said "I am married and have been for 35 years. His name's Keith. We thought we were completely happy, and neither of us had ever looked at another person of either sex. Funnily enough, it was him who turned me into a practising lesbian, and led me to move into the lingerie business about 2-3 years ago. We'd been going along fine, as I thought, until I came home one day after something had gone wrong with an appointment for a massage. When I walked into our bedroom all I could see was a bare bottom with the arsehole facing me, and Keith's cock stretching the cunt underneath as it was going in and out. I was absolutely stunned. For some reason I didn't say anything, and they hadn't noticed me, so I stepped back behind the door, where I found I could watch them in the dressing table mirror."
"Then I seemed to notice something familiar about the woman, and I suddenly realised it was Annette, who had been Keith's secretary for virtually the whole of his working life. We'd been friends for years with her and her husband Tom, until he'd died suddenly of a heart attack a year of so earlier. We'd supported her through this, and still thought of her as one of our closest friends. So what on earth was she doing fucking my husband?"
"My first thought was to get really angry and burst in, ruining their climax, which I could hear was not going to be far away, and punch and hit them. However, as I kept watching as he pounded faster and faster into her, and she was moaning and groaning with pleasure, I realised that actually I wasn't angry at all, but jealous! His cock, which had been in me many, many times had never looked as attractive as it looked forcing open her cunt. I'd always enjoyed sex with Keith, but I guess I was never really passionate or inventive, and I found that I didn't really mind him fucking someone else, at least as long as we could continue the comfortable relationship we'd always had. So why was I jealous? Because I realised that I really wanted it to be me that was fucking Annette. Rather than going in fighting, I had to control myself from running in, stroking her bum cheeks and putting my hands between her legs and stroking her clit while my husband shot his spunk up inside her. I suddenly realised that for my whole life I'd found women's bodies more attractive than men's, but I just hadn't recognised it, or maybe hadn't allowed myself to recognise it. I suddenly accepted that this was going to be a totally life-changing moment for me, and probably for Keith and Annette as well."
"Well, I could tell from the sounds and the sights in the mirror that they were both forcefully coming. For them to come together also made me think that this couldn't possibly have been the first time they'd fucked. As soon as I saw her roll off Keith, I walked in on them. I could see the spunk running down his prick, but it wasn't him I was really paying attention to, it was Annette. She'd always been quite a petite thing, with straight brown hair and brown eyes, and a surprisingly large bust. When I thought back, before both our sets of children had got too old, I remembered going to the south of France and bathing topless with her. It was always her tits that got the most attention from the men, not least because she had large and unusually dark aureoles around her nipples, which could suddenly tighten and shrink down, almost as if the edges of the nipple were moving into the nipple itself, making them really prominent. I was surprised at just how saggy her breasts had become, and with darkness of her nipples, it was almost as if it were two large brown eyes with bags underneath looking at me. Strangely, though, that only made them seem even more desirable to me."
"Although she pulled her knees up and tried to hide her breasts and her pussy, I could still see Keith's spunk dripping out of her cunt, which appeared to be clean shaven. God, I really wanted her then."
"Oh Angie" they both said "we're really sorry".
"It was really my fault" Annette said.
"But Keith then said it was really his, not Annette's. So I said that I thought I'd better hear the full story, and no they couldn't get dressed or cover up beforehand. Of course, I just wanted to keep feasting on Annette's naked body. So Keith told his story."
"About six months ago, when I got in to the office, I found Annette sobbing in tears. I asked her if it was because she hadn't got over losing Tom, but she said both 'yes and no'. She said she'd got over losing the companionship through good friends like us. However, the problem was that she'd always had a strong sex drive, and she was finding it impossible to find any way to satisfy it. She'd tried various singles bars and internet sites, and although she was only really looking for sex not a relationship, she found the whole experience frightening and frustrating. Apparently there were men who seemed to just want to stick it in her, climax and go, without giving her any satisfaction at all, and men who wanted her to do strange or painful things which even in her imagination she had never countenanced. She said that what she really wanted was to find someone she knew and trusted, in the way that she knew and trusted me, and who would take the time and effort to satisfy her as well as themselves."
"Well, you know, Angie, that you've never been really adventurous or very demanding about sex. I'd not complained, but I'd always wondered what it would be like to fuck someone else, and it just seemed to me that I could get a bit of enjoyment myself, as well as helping out Annette, who we've known for such a long time. And I didn't really think you'd be that upset if you ever found out. I only really intended it to happen a few times while she found a more permanent solution, and this really was the very first time."
"What a fucking scheming little bitch" I thought, "but she's opened my eyes about my own sexuality, and maybe a woman - me – would do it for her."
"OK", I said, "there seem to me to be two options. One we go in for a messy divorce, Keith, and I make sure, Annette, that everyone knows what a scheming little cunt you are. On the other hand, the other option I can offer is that we all modify our lives, find a way we can stay friendly, and ensure our marriage stays stable. Firstly, Keith, I don't mind you fucking Annette or anyone else, provided you tell me about it, and I mean in great detail, or even you let me watch. Secondly, what has become clear to me is that the reason I never seemed to have such a strong sex drive with you, Keith, is that I much prefer the look of a woman to a man. I'm sure I will prefer the touch of a woman as well, but that is something I have yet to find out. Which brings me to point three, Keith. I've been thinking how I could most easily get to look at, maybe touch, and hopefully to form relationships with other women. I want you to find me a little lingerie business I can run, offering custom fitting to women who want more than they can get at their local superstore. In the meantime, I've seen women doing this in Harrod's, and I'll see if they will take me on as a trainee. Finally, and most importantly, Annette, I want to come over there and fuck you! So get out of it Keith, and clean yourself up, while I use Annette to find out just how far I am prepared to go as a lesbian."
"Shit, you can't be serious" said Annette. "You never showed any interest in my body when we were younger, although if you'd have asked then, I might have said yes. Look at me, I've still got Keith's spunk in me. Can't we put this aside and discuss things more calmly tomorrow?"
"Oh no!" I said. "One of the things Keith always liked was for me to give him a blow job and to swallow all of his spunk, so I got used to the taste. Believe me, once I've found out if your tits still do that amazing tightening of your nipples, I'm going to suck every bit of Keith cum out of your cunt, and when I've finished with you, you won't want anyone else for days. What's more you are going to give me my first lesbian climax, even if I have to pin you down and move my cunt over your mouth myself. But somehow, I doubt that this is really going to be your first time with a woman."
"So I started to take my clothes off, and as soon as I had released my breasts into her sight, I saw a change come over her face. I'm not sure if it was because she'd realised she was going to have to make the best of the situation, or whether the sight of my tits, with the nipples already so stiff in anticipation, was turning her on. I took the rest of my clothes off, and realised just how hairy my pussy looked compared to her shaven one. Whilst I could clearly see her slit still, behind her raised knees, she was going to have to work a bit harder to see mine. I walked over to the bed, hoping I looked more in control than I felt inside, and knelt up beside her, wondering what my first move should be."
"Well come on, then Angie" Annette sneered in my face, "no wonder Keith wanted to fuck someone else if you farted about like this every time."
"If I had any doubts about my courage to do what I wanted to her, this totally put an end to it. I launched myself across the bed and put one hand around her throat, pushing her down on the bed. With the other hand I grabbed one of her nipples and squeezed harder than I thought I would dare."
"Come on bitch, let's see if you tit still works even now it is so saggy" I said.
"My fucking tits are still better than yours, you cunt" she said.
"And saying that, she grabbed both of my nipples and squeezed even harder than I was squeezing hers. Shit, it hurt, but I could feel deep inside me that it was also turning me on. She just looked me straight in the eye, and I could see from the smirk on her face that she was enjoying seeing me wince with pain. I took my hand away from her throat, and grabbed her other nipple and squeezed as hard as I could. It felt good when I saw her eyes start to water, but neither of us was prepared to let up. After what felt like several minutes, she said:"
"OK, then, you can cope with fingers, but let's see how you are with teeth."
"And with that she let go of my nipples and lunched forward with her mouth wide open, until she had one of my breasts, nipple and all, right inside her mouth. Then she bit down. Fucking hell, that hurt, believe me. I tried pulling harder at her nipples, but that didn't make her let go, so I put both hands around her neck and tried to pull her off. I'll tell you, Lyn, I really had to put all my strength into pulling her off of my tit, and when I had, all she did was to laugh and say:
"Well, that got your attention didn't? See my nipples, they're still fucking awesome aren't they, but so are my teeth marks on your breast! Come on then, let's have some fun".
"She put one arm around me and pulled me down towards her, while she thrust the other hand between my legs and right into my slit. I wasn't prepared for this, nor the effect it had on me. It was as if a jolt of electricity had gone right through me, and I could feel my cunt start to twitch as she fingered me, then dragged he fingers and my slime back to my clit. I knew then, Lyn, that if this was what lesbian fucking was going to be like, then I was never going to be able to give it up. She pushed her tongue between my lips and into my mouth, and explored all it. I could also feel our breasts pressing against each other, and I could feel the throbbing of the one that she had bitten so hard. I could feel myself getting ever more excited, and I really wanted to touch and play with her cunt, but I remembered what I had promised her I'd do. So I pulled myself off of her, hearing the squelch as her fingers came out of my hole,"
"OK", I said, "you remember that I promised you I'd clean every bit of my husband from your cunt hole. Open your legs so I can get in there."
"Shit, Angie, I never thought you were serious about that" Annette said, looking at me in amazement.
"Sure I am" I said, "so just spread your legs, and even though I can already see into your bald slit, pull yourself wide open. I didn't think she was going to, but she gave me a knowing look, moved her hands down and pulled her cunt lips as far apart as they would go. Fuck, I knew that there was going to be spunk still in her, but it was all along the length of her slit, and I could see an amazing amount still inside her wide open hole. For a moment, I thought that my courage was going to leave me, but I gathered all my mental strength, straddled over her, and forced my mouth down on her cunt. I'd expected the taste of Keith's spunk, but what shocked me was the taste of Annette's own juices, which were much stronger and different to my own. Or maybe, when I looked back, I'd really never tasted myself, even after the rare occasions when I'd wanked myself off."
"So get on with it" Annette said, "or are you just farting around again? I know what will stop that."
"She shoved a finger right into my asshole, at the same time as she plunged her fingers back into my cunt again. Fuck it Lyn, not only was I playing with my first cunt other than my own, but I had a woman I had thought I had known, sliding her finger up and down my pussy, and at the same time fingering my ass, something Keith had never done. It was weird, but it was also fucking amazing. I then started to move my tongue along her slit, and clear off Keith's spunk. Then I moved my mouth right over her hole, and sucked hard."
"Shit" she said, "what the fuck are you doing? It's amazing, and feels like nothing I've ever experienced before."
"Then all of a sudden, two things happened. Firstly, the work of her fingers on my clit started to pay off big time, and I flipped into the most intense climax I'd ever had. One of the things it made me do was to suck even harder on her hole, and I felt the great gob Keith's spunk shoot out of her and right into my mouth. Not only that, but the experience was so intense that I briefly lost a bit of control of my bladder, or maybe it was just because my convulsion as I came forced her fingers further into my cunt and ass."
"Fuck it, Angie, you just pissed in my face", said Annette. "It's amazing. I loved you as a close and caring friend, but until now, I never saw you as an exciting sexual partner. I can see that we're going to have fun pushing our boundaries together now you've found yourself. Now just work that tongue up and down me and around my clit."
"So I did, and in what hardly seemed any time at all, I felt her thrust against my face as she came, and a great gush of her cum shot out of her hole and down my throat. My first lesbian cunt coming into my mouth, and I promised myself that it was certainly not going to be my last. We just laid there on top of each other, until Keith, who had obviously been listening and maybe looking, came back in to the room.
"So it looks as if it's option 2" said Keith.
"Wow, that was some story I said. But tell me just one thing, when you were telling the story, you called yourself Angie, but you introduced yourself as Angia. What should I call you?"
"Oh Lyn", she said, "that was just my little joke when I set the company up. Given that I was after connecting with women who love women, I thought it might attract them if I called the business Angia V. Vagina, get it? Actually I don't think anyone ever has done, so it hasn't really attracted anyone extra as far as I can see. However, it has been fun going through all the paperwork with all the different boring men in the council offices, knowing that they were doing everything with a name which was just a simple anagram of vagina! And even more surprising has been just how many women have come and enjoyed me manipulating their breasts, and even more surprising that this is how many well-known names I've fucked. Call me whichever you prefer, but as we met as Angia, why don't we just stick with that?"
"You obviously changed Keith and Annette's lives, and now you've changed mine. I guess I'd better get dressed and go back to see Ricky, who must be worrying where I am after so long. But before I go, I probably ought to tell you that I promised Ricky that if he let me fuck women, I'd do everything I could to persuade them to let him fuck them. I wasn't sure quite how to bring it up, but it seems to me it's really only the same deal you offered Keith? So how about it?"
"You sneaky bastard, Lyn" she said, "what would you have done if the story I had had been different? I tell you what, next weekend we've got a party at my house for all of my really close friends, when things usually get pretty wild. So why don't you and Ricky come, and let's see what happens. At least you'll be able to meet Keith and Annette, and fill in some of the details in my description. Well I'm going to go and have a shower, but if you take my advice I think you should go back to Ricky smelling and tasting of both of our cunts".
"So, Ricky, that's my story" Lyn said. "When she made me come, it was like nothing I'd experienced before. Sorry, not even with you. Ii the end think that it takes a woman to really understand what to do to another one. I just don't know what she did to my cunt, but it was amazing. And when Angia said that she had suddenly realised that it was women she really wanted, I think I've come to the same reaLynation as well. I still love you, want you, and want to live with you. It's just that fucking another woman is a whole other level. I guess it's a bit like going to a Michelin restaurant. If you went every day, it would lose its impact, and most of the time you get the same enjoyment from a much simpler meal. But every so often, it is fantastic to get the full Michelin experience, and I want to have the full Michelin fuck with another woman."
"You know, I've just reaLyned what was the most amazing thing looking back?" Lyn said, laughing, "I was so carried away with fucking that I didn't even touch my champagne!".
I was just really confused. We'd often imagined this scenario, but it was always imagined and not real. Now it was. I looked at her body, and could see how red her nipples were, how sticky the hair between her legs was, and I could clearly smell cunt on her face.
"Come on, Ricky" Lyn said, "I'll always be yours, and apart from me getting to fuck what hopefully will turn out to be many, many women, I've more or less arranged for you to fuck Angia or perhaps one of her friends when we go to her house at the weekend. Like Angia, I want to actually see your knob slide into another girl's hole, watch how it stretches as you go in and out of her, and be able to look into your eyes as you shoot her spunk deep into her belly. I still have some fear that in the end I might lose you, but we just have to trust each other. So come on, fuck me, because I promise that before you do it again, I'll have had another man's cock fuck me as well as another woman, and that you will have come up another woman's cunt before you come again in me. I could see how stiff your prick became when I was telling my story, so I know that deep down you really want to do this as well."
She then leant over me and kissed me with her mouth open so I could put my tongue in her mouth and taste her and Angia. We both kept our eyes open, and I could see that she was thinking of the way Angia had kissed her, but also enjoying the knowledge that I could taste both of them. She opened my trousers, and my knob sprang out, confirming her suspicion of the effect her story had on me. She pulled me over on her, and I slid into her cunt, which was still as wet and slimy as hell from her lesbian fuck. And as shameful as it was, in a way, I just couldn't contain myself for very long once my knob was sliding in and out of her, but I was imagining it was in this other lesbian cunt that I hadn't even seen.