Part 02.1
The next couple of days passed in a bit of a blur. Lyn had muttered something about the new girl needing to provide some sort of entertainment at the party, but I couldn't get out of her what exactly was required, and she didn't seem to have that much idea either. She went over to M&S a couple of times, or at least that was what she said. Could I really trust that she wasn't going back to Angia, or at worst that she would tell me if she did? I tried to use my nose to detect if she had any smell of a woman on her. I asked the dog to help, but she just ignored me.
Anyway, Saturday came around and we headed off to Angia's house, which turned out to be a very grand place on the edge of Torquay, with huge rooms and even a swimming pool. Lyn said she had thought of something to do, but she was exceptionally secretive about it, and wouldn't tell me what it was, however much I asked. We parked the car, and as we walked up to the house, a woman, who I took to be Angia came out to meet us. She hugged Lyn, and kissed her not on her cheeks, but on her mouth, but whilst she also hugged me, she just air kissed me on both cheeks. She definitely had something about her, just as Lyn had said, and I started to understand how she had got hooked.
"You must be Ricky" she said, "Lyn has told me so much about you. Let me introduce you to my husband, Keith, and his secretary, Annette."
I had got a fair picture of what I expected Annette to be like from Lyn's telling of Angia's story, and she matched my preconception quite well. However, I had somehow got the impression of Keith as being a bit of a wimp, when in fact he came across as composed, and with a degree of authority. I later found out that he was the CEO of the largest clothes logistics company in the west of England, which explained how he came to own such a large house, and how he managed to get Angia set up in her lingerie business. If things were going to get wild, there was no sign of it, with everyone fully dressed in smart casual clothes, and behaving normally.
"Come inside", said Keith, making way for Lyn then me to enter, "and let me introduce our other guests."
As we entered into a large lounge, with a fantastic view over the cliffs and out to Lyme Bay, there were two other couples already in the room. One couple were both black, he especially so, and while he was very tall and slim, his wife was shorter, and whilst not fat, she had a huge pair of boobs, which wobbled alarmingly as she moved. Her hair was made up in to tight dreadlocks. I found the wobbling fascinating but a bit worrying: either those tits really had to be huge underneath, or Angia's bras weren't all that Lyn had cracked them up to be.
"Hello, I'm Charles, and this is my wife Ruby" the tall black man said, and in this case Lyn and I just shook hands.
The other couple were quite different. The woman was really quite tiny, with vivid ginger hair tied back in a ponytail, and her husband was pretty much like me: non-descript, slightly stocky, and with a full head of white hair.
"Hello, I'm Penny, and this is my husband Tony" the woman said. "We're really pleased to meet you, but I'm afraid we have to leave straight after the buffet, because we have to take our dog to the vet. However, I'm sure that we will see you again. Once Angie latches on to people, they do tend to stay around."
It was hard to believe that these were people who fucked each other regularly and openly, as they all seemed so normal. We had pink champagne, which this time Lyn did get to drink, and we grazed on a pre-prepared cold buffet, with the conversation being entirely innocent and just all about finding out a bit more about each other's backgrounds, just like any normal boring party.
However, after an hour or so, Penny and Tony said they had to get going, and this seemed to be a signal for Angie to tell us we needed to move into the games room. Wow, this turned out to be a huge room over the swimming pool, and it really showed the sort of games that were played in here, as there were several huge beds, three settees and a few armchairs. All along one wall, there was a set of hooks, on which were hung plush dressing gowns of the sort that you see in posh hotels. At one end of the room, there were stair down to the pool area, and three doors, which weren't fully shut, and which seemed to contain either toilets or showers or both, which would make sense given the pool below.
We all sat down, except Angia, who walked over to Lyn and took her over to a settee which was facing the rest of the seats.
"So, as is our tradition, a new girl always opens our entertainment, and obviously, this time it is Lyn, who I had the pleasure of serving last week." she said, with the same smile and twinkle that Lyn had described to me. "However, it's especially exciting for me this time, as I have no idea what Lyn has prepared for us. So, I hand you over to Lyn".
We all applauded and looked at Lyn in anticipation, me as much as anyone. I must say she looked really nervous, and as if part of her just wanted to get up and run out, but she seemed to pull herself together, and said:
"Do you all like sugared almonds? I hope you do, because my cunt is stuffed full of them, and I thought you might enjoy getting them out."
And with that Lyn opened her legs as wide as she could manage, and laid back on the settee. She'd obviously come out without any knickers on, because we could all clearly see her hairy pussy and beneath the hair, the hint of the opening to her vagina. A gasp ran round the room. I was shocked and stunned. Clearly Angia had had a much stronger effect on her behaviour than I'd reaLyned. For a few seconds, no one moved, and I had a brief moment of terror that Lyn had totally misjudged it, and opening up her cunt to almost complete strangers, both male and female, was completely the wrong thing to do. However, the next moment everyone was up on their feet and moving towards her.
"Now let's have some order" shouted Angia "Ladies first, and since it was me that recruited her, I claim the first go".
Given all that was going on, I clearly wasn't able to see everything, but this is how I later told Lyn the story of the evening from my perspective.
I watched as Angia knelt down in front of you, pulled open your cuntlips, and put her mouth over your hole. We could hear here sucking hard, then all of a sudden, she stood up, opened her mouth, and said
"I've got one! It's a pink one, which is my favourite, but better than that it is flavoured with Lyn's cunt juice".
Then there was a bit of pushing, and Annette stepped forward, and said
"My turn next".
I watched, fascinated, as she also knelt down between your legs, and pulled open her lips. But she didn't immediately put her mouth on your cunt.
"Let me see what colours there are in here" she said. "I think if I put my fingers in her hole I can open her up enough that I might be able to get one I want.
Everyone crowded round as she stretched open your hole, which showed several different colours of sugared almond nestling inside you. Only then did she poke out her tongue and push it into you. And with a bit of jiggling around, which I'm sure was more than was needed just to get one out of you, she finally stood up and showed us the sweet in her mouth, which she'd prised out of your cunt.
"Shit, she said, Angia wasn't wrong when she said what a great taste Lyn's cunt has. Maybe I could go back for another one."
But then she was pushed out of the way by Ruby.
"Fuck off," she said, "it's my turn next, then Angie and then Keith and Charles before you get another turn."
She managed to suck an almond out of your cunt, after what seemed a remarkably long time of moving her face around your pussy. I could see that the tension of doing the wrong thing had left you, but was being replaced by a different tension as all of the action around your clit was starting to get you aroused. Not surprisingly, having Angie come over and lock her mouth between your legs only excited you more. Not only that, but she'd already learned how best to get you closer to climax by using her mouth. Of course, I'd got pretty aroused myself watching these women sucking your hole, and this only increased as I watched Keith and Charles take their turns.
All of a sudden, I noticed that Angia had slipped away quietly, taken her clothes off, and just had a dressing gown on, very loosely tied, so that I could see her cleavage and her breasts moving around through the neck. Yes, it looked as if you were right about this as well: her tits looked fantastic. Angia came over to me and said:
"Why don't you go over and change into a dressing gown, while the others finish getting the almonds out of Lyn's cunt? That was really an amazing intro she gave us, and I think things will be kicking off quickly, as everyone will have got nicely aroused."
And she led me over, to one of the changing rooms, and started to undress me. I could smell your slime still on her face, and of course, my knob sprang out of my trousers in front of her, but she just gently stoked it, and handed me a dressing gown. When we walked back in to the main room, I saw Charles claim his almond out of Lyn, though I was a bit distracted by trying to stop my knob from keep poking out through my dressing gown. I also saw that Annette, Ruby and Keith had already changed out of their clothes, but rather than a dressing gown, Annette was fully naked.
"Right", said Angie, "let's get Lyn out of her clothes, so we can give her a proper thank you for that absolutely fabulous show."
She and Annette went over to you, and helped you stand up. You had a look on your face that was a mixture of ecstasy over the sensations and success of your almond stunt, and fear over what might come next. Before you had a chance to say anything, Annette had pulled your dress right over your head and off, and Angia undid your bra. You were then standing, fully naked, in front of three men and four women, most of whom you'd never met before, and you could feel their eyes boring in to you, inspecting your tits, your ass, and trying to get another look at your pussy. I could also see your eyes focus on Annette's tits, which were everything Angia had said they were. Prominent, slightly sagging, but with the most enormous aureoles.
"That was fantastic" Annette said, as she registered you staring at her breasts, "and because it was so good, you get the first turn at making my nipples stiff. I know that Angia has told you how amazing this can be".
She pulled your head down to her chest, so you could suck one of her tits.
"Just suck hard, and roll your tongue around my nipple, and you'll get the amazing sensation as my aureole crinkles up and my nipple extends by at least a centimetre."
As you were doing that, both Charles and Keith moved over to you. Keith started playing with your breasts, which were dangling nicely as you were bent over, and Charles ran his big, black hands over your bum, occasionally letting one stray in between your bum cheeks towards your arsehole and your cunt.
By this time, I'd given up trying to keep my knob in my dressing gown, not least because Ruby had shed her gown completely. I just couldn't keep my eyes off her tits, which were absolutely huge, hanging down on her belly almost to her waist. She walked over to me, opened my gown and pulled herself close to me so that her massive breasts were pressing against my chest, and my prick was pushing hard into her. She kissed me, and I reaLyned that I had actually never been kissed by a black woman before, let alone one who was naked. She moved her had down to my knob and pushed to down so that it was pushing against her pussy itself.
"I think Lyn must have told Angie that you like big black tits, so tonight you can fuck me and Angie, while Charles, Keith and Annette fuck Lyn. If you've never seen a huge black cock forcing itself into Lyn's cunt, then you need to keep your eyes open. It will be an amazing sight!"
Looking across to where you were sucking Annette's other tit, I could see that Charles had also dropped his gown off, and his prick was enormous. Not just long, but massive round as well. I desperately wanted to watch it slide right into you, but I felt Angie's breasts pressing into my back, and her hand came round to my prick, and started to rub it against Ruby's pussy. In any case, I couldn't get Ruby's huge tits out of my mind, so I grabbed them with both hands, and started to play with her nipples. Angia started to kiss the back of my neck, which combined with the effect she was having on my prick really got me bursting with excitement.
"Let's go over to the bed" Angie said.
As we walked over to one of the beds, I could see that you were already on your back on another one, with what looked like Annette, Charles and Keith all with their hands up your cunt. When we got to the bed, Ruby forced me back down, and knelt over me, dangling her enormous breasts in my face. Angie knelt behind her, and caught hold of my knob, opened Ruby's slit with the other hand, and rubbed my cock round and round Ruby's clit. It felt fucking wonderful, the only problem being that I was worried I might come too soon, and lose out on the opportunity you'd promised me to fuck your seducer, Angia. I put my mouth around one of Ruby's breasts, at least as far as I could and sucked hard. I felt her nipple stiffen against my tongue, although I suspected that this was as much because of what Angie was doing to her with my knob as what I was with my mouth. Then Ruby said
"Stick his prick in my cunt, and let me ride him"
Angia did just that. As Ruby sat back, I could feel her slide my knob along her black slit and into her cunt. Shit, that felt good, and the sight of Ruby's tits swinging around in front of me almost made me come, but I managed to control it. Just as I thought I had things under control, Angie, who had moved around the bed, suddenly straddled me and forced my face hard into her pussy. Then I could feel her hand come round and pull her slit open, and she then started to rock backwards and forwards so that my face was sliding between her clit, and even past her cunt hole right back to her asshole. I thought back to your story, when Angie did the same to you, and I began to understand some more why you found her so compelling. At the same time, Ruby was rocking herself backwards and forwards on my cock, and I could feel how wet she was as I slid in and out of her hole. I sensed that Angie and Ruby were kissing deeply, and I felt Angia's hand move down my stomach to find Ruby's clit, which she then rubbed faster and harder, it seemed, than I would ever have dared do myself. Not surprisingly Ruby couldn't take much of this, and I felt her buck up and down, forcing my knob even deeper inside her.
"Fuck it, Angie" Ruby said, "that wasn't fair to get me to come that soon, and I was afraid that Ricky was going to shoot his spunk up me far too soon."
"Well, let's let him cool off a bit, while you play with my cunt. This might also be a good time, because I think Charles is about to push his cock into Lyn's cunt, and I'm sure he'd want to see that."
Angia moved off my face, and Ruby pulled my cock out of her with a sucking noise.
"First, though" said Angia "Lyn said he likes looking deep into women's cunts - and believe me Lyn liked looking in mine, so let's give him a show."
The next thing I knew they were both on their backs on the bed, with their legs wide open, and their hands pulling open their cunts so I could see way up inside them. Angie's was stunning. Although she had kept a lot of pubic hair, which I liked, it was trimmed on either side of her slit so that her entire cunt was clear and visible. She had really large lips, which she was pulling apart, a shiny, erect clit, and an almost perfectly circular inner hole which was open and inviting. Below that, she had the most beautifully symmetrical, puckered little asshole. Ruby couldn't have been more different. She had tightly curled pubic hair, which went right through between her legs and round to her ass. The inside of the front of her slit was still almost as black as the rest of her skin, making her clit harder to see, but then her hole opened up like an amazing flower with different shades of pink, going from dusky through to vivid pink moving in to her hole itself, which looked like the black centre of a pink daisy. Fuck - this was supposed to cool me off? My knob was pulsing with desire to get inside both of them and to fill them up with my spunk. Not only that, but across the room I could see you knelt over Annette, who seemed to be working on your tits. Charles had his huge cock up your cunt, and Keith was fucking your ass with his finger. Unfortunately, I knew only too well that I was only going to be able to come up just one of them, and partly because you had worked to make it happen, and partly because she just looked so fantastic, I knew it would have to be Angia.
So what I did was to pull Ruby towards me, so that I could slide my knob into her slippery, slimy hole, but I could bend forward and lick Angia's cunt, which she was still opening wide for me. I knew that my problem was going to be to stop myself from coming inside Ruby, through the combination of fucking her and sucking Angie. I tried thinking of you, but that just made things worse, so I concentrated on trying to do as good a job at getting Angie to come as you had a few days earlier. I remembered you saying that she liked you running your tongue up and down her slit, then thrusting your tongue deep into her hole, then at the other end of her slit, going round and round her clit, from time to time biting it with my teeth. It was an amazing feeling, as I could also feel Ruby's juices oozing out of her hole, creating the most intense feelings in my prick as it went in and out of her. I just hoped that you might have had time to look up and see it stretching her hole, not just because I thought you'd like it, but because it was payback for you going off and fucking another woman. I also wanted you to see me licking Angia's cunt, for the same reasons, though I hoped that it would also make you jealous, as I was sure that's what you would feel when I described how it felt and tasted when we got back home. Anyway, while all this was going through my mind I must have been doing a good job, as Angia suddenly started to shake and twitch as she came when I bit down on her clit. And just as you'd told me, the amount of cum which came out of her hole was amazing, tasting salty and spicy and sexy.
I just had to pull out of Ruby, else I knew I was going to come inside her, though this almost didn't work because of the loud sucking noise as my cock came out, and the fact that for a few seconds it left her hole even wider open than before, so I could see deep inside her pink heaven. I knew that at some point in the future, I just had to fuck her and come inside her. But I managed to keep my spunk in my balls, and I dived on top of Angie, with one hand grabbing a breast, and the other pulling her face towards me so that I could kiss her and share her cunt juice just as you had. What I'd forgotten was that this meant my prick was touching her pussy, which made me almost come again.
"I think you'd better shove that cock up me, before it goes off outside" Angia said, laughingly, after pulling away from the kiss. "It looks as if Charles and Keith are going to come inside Lyn soon, and I think I'll need to rescue her then from that vicious little bitch Annette. Don't worry, you can suck Ruby's cunt another day. For now, I want to do it again."
She slid her ass down the bed, which turned out to be a prefect height for me, after I'd pulled open her lips and forced my cock inside her beautiful hole. That meant Ruby could kneel over Angia's face, so she could lick her cunt to organism again. The whole feeling was indescribable: my prick sliding in and out of Angia's hole; seeing Ruby sitting on Angia's face with her huge tits swinging around in front of my face, and knowing that you were in the same room getting fucked by two men and a woman. I put my hand down and played with Angia's clit, as my knob was powering in and out of her slimy, squelchy hole. Fucking hell, it was amazing, knowing that any minute my spunk was going to jet deep inside the hole of this woman, who I'd only met a couple of hours earlier, and watching Ruby get visibly more excited as she rocked away on Angia's face. Suddenly she leaned forward, holding one of her tits out towards me.
"Bite my nipple, you bastard" she said.
So I did, and as I did I could feel my spunk shoot out of my knob right up into Angia's cunt.
I looked across to you, and I saw that you were sitting on top of Keith, with your legs held up, and with Charles thrusting his cock deep inside you. Fuck, I couldn't believe it. Was Keith in your ass, or did you have them both in your cunt? At the same time, I could see Annette kissing you deeply, with one hand pulling hard on one of your nipples, and the other violently rubbing her clit. Obviously all of you were going to come pretty soon, and you were going to have some interesting explaining to do on just where those cocks had been when we got home.
As all this was happening, Ruby pushed me away from Angie, so my prick fell out of her, leaving a trail of spunk down one leg.
"Open your legs, Angie. I want to suck Ricky's spunk out of you" she said. "You Ricky, go round and let Angie lick your cum and her cunt juice off of your cock."
This was a new experience. You'd never have let me put spunk in your mouth, let alone suck it off of me after I'd fucked you. I went to the other end of the bed, and Angie took my knob, which was by now quite soft, right in to her mouth. Then I gave a yell as she sucked hard, pulling all of the spunk from right inside the shaft. Clearly Ruby must have been working as hard sucking on Angia's cunt, because Angia climaxed again with my spunky knob in her mouth, and Ruby's tongue up her hole.
I guess that you must have had a similar experience, because I heard you shout "you fucking bitch", and when I looked over, you were jerking up and down on you back on the bed with Annette's head pinned between your thighs. You had Charles' prick in one hand and Keith's in the other, and spunk from both of them was trickling over the back of your hands.
Well, what can you do to top that? I could see that you were absolutely shattered, and I knew I was. And how do you say goodbye to someone you've either just fucked, or you've seen fucking your partner? In the end, Angia just stood up, took hold of Annette by the hair and dragged her off your cunt.
"Wait," said Annette, "I think there's still some sugared almonds right up Lyn's cunt. If I can get them out, then we can share them out. They'll be even better, because as well as Lyn's cum, they'll be covered in the spunk that Charles and Keith have just shot in her."
Pushing Angie away, she shoved her hand deep into Lyn's hole, and to my surprise, out came three sugared almonds, covered in slime and spunk. Annette immediately put one in her own mouth, then went over and popped the others into Angie and Ruby's mouths.
"Well", said Angie "I think this probably makes a perfect conclusion to a fantastic evening. I'll ever forget the sugared almonds trick. Now we've all met properly, I'm sure we will have other amazing experiences, either all together or in separate groups, and I encourage you to come together often. I just want to thank Lyn and Ricky for adding to our group. I've had the pleasure of fucking both of them, or should I say, fucking them for the first time, and they deserve to be full members of our little pleasure community."
Then we all broke up. Although we could have had showers and cleaned ourselves up there, I think we both wanted to look, taste and touch each other just as we were, and to share our experiences when we got home. So we just collected our clothes, and drove back to the flat in dressing gowns, hoping we wouldn't meet anyone in the garage or lift.
When we got back to the flat, we immediately fell into each other's arms, and kissed passionately. Our dressing gowns fell open, and I could feel Lyn's body pressed against mine. When I looked down at her breasts, they were covered with bite marks, and the hair between her legs was matted with spunk.
"Fucking hell, Ricky", gasped Lyn, "what on earth have I got us into?"
"Well, I think you've got some explaining to do." I said. "Maybe firstly to the dog, who thinks it looks like you, but smells completely different! Where on earth did that trick with the almonds come from, and I want to hear all about what you were up to with Annette, Keith and Charles."
"Well," Lyn explained, "Angia had said that the new girl was expected to do something to introduce herself, and break the ice, but she didn't really give me much of a clue what sort of thing it might be. I was really frightened about the prospect of having sex with strangers, and having them all touch and play with my most private parts. It was different with Angia, as the whole business of fitting a bra didn't start out as a sexual thing, but we just naturally moved into it. I just wasn't sure that I'd be able to carry it off, so I thought that I needed to do something really dramatic, which once started I couldn't back off from. What better than just showing my cunt to everyone? However, I couldn't really bring myself to think of just doing that without a reason.
"I've never been confident that my body is worth looking at, even though you and Angia have told me different, so I was afraid that if I just did that, I might not be able to undo it, but that everyone would think "that's a scruffy old cunt, and we don't fancy fucking that, thank you". So I tried to think of some way of making it more interesting. I came up with the idea of having something edible shoved in me, because I thought that most people would be up for trying to get it out of me with their mouth, and hopefully once they had got my taste, they'd be hooked. The trouble was, I couldn't work out quite what. I first thought of chocolate, but I could see that that was likely to end in a fucking mess, if you see what I mean. I thought of celery, but when I tried it, it was really uncomfortable, and I wasn't sure whether people would like it, or even whether I could get enough sticks in to let everyone get one, as I wasn't sure how many people were going to be there. Did you notice, by the way, that the celery you were having with your cheese had a slightly tangy taste?"
"Anyway, you probably remember me offering you a sugared almond the other evening, when we were watching television? It suddenly came to me how perfect they'd be. Most people like them, and when I tried leaving one in my cunt overnight, it hadn't really dissolved at all. Thank goodness you didn't try fingering me that night, else it would have given the whole game away! The only problem was that not knowing who would be there, I really overdid the number I pushed up there for the party. Still, it worked fantastically, didn't it? I really enjoyed the look of shock and amazement on your face when I spread my legs and invited everyone to dig it. It took a huge amount of courage to do it, after Angia had given me the introduction, but actually it was one of the best experiences of my life, seeing the amazement on everyone's faces turn to raw lust. I hadn't realised how powerfully my cunt could control people! I love it, and really hope I can do something similar again, although part of it is the element of surprise, so I'll have to find a different audience. Something to look forward to!"
"By the way, I've got a surprise for you."
And she reached down between her legs, and after a few seconds raised her hand up holding two sugared almonds.
"I though Annette had taken them all out" I said.
"No" Lyn said laughing, "Annette whispered to me that she'd left two in me as she realised that neither you nor I had had one, and she thought we should. I know that they've got Keith and Charles spunk on them but you know how much I dislike the smell of spunk, so if I can deal with it, so can you!".
And she dropped on into her own mouth, and forced the other in to mine, the fucking dirty bitch.
"So come on" Lyn said, smiling and crunching on the almond, "tell me how you got on. Did you get to fuck Angia as she promised me you would?"
"Of course I did" I said. "I fucked Ruby as well, whose tits were amazing, but too big for you, but I managed to save myself so it was Angia's cunt I came in. I totally understand how she managed to trap you in her web, now, but it's your story I want to hear now, and we'll come back to mine later."
And this was what she told me.
I told you how pumped up I was once I'd opened my legs wide open, and told people about the sugared almonds. Believe me, absolutely anyone could have come and fucked me then. I think you saw everyone except you come over and suck out an almond. What surprised me most, though, was that apart from the women, it was Keith rather than Charles who seemed to know how to get me going with his mouth. Shit, though, all of them were great and I'd do it again now if I had the chance!
I guess you must also have seen Angia and Annette strip me off. Being completely naked in front of everyone still sent a shiver of fear right through me, but I guess the fact that you'd all seen and touched my cunt already gave me courage. Well, not only that, but the way that Annette looked at me with animal-like lust in her eyes. The cunning little bitch had already noticed the way I was looking at her tits, as I remembered what Angia had told me about the way her nipples could change. It was as if she had read all the thoughts that had been running through my mind about what I wanted to do to her breasts.
She pulled my face down hard towards one of her drooping breasts, and forced me to take it in my mouth. Well, actually, that's not quite true as my mouth was already open and ready, and it would have taken all her strength to stop me. She told me to suck as hard as I could, and to run my tongue around her nipple. Fucking hell, it was amazing, as I could feel her aureole immediately start to crinkle up, until it was just a tiny circle around a huge, erect nipple.
"Now bite it hard" Annette commanded, as if I were just her lowest slave.
So of course I did, but it turned out to be a bit harder than I'd intended, as at the same time I felt fingers running across my bum and pushing between my arse cheeks, taking me by surprise. Then I felt many hands caressing my breasts that were hanging down as I was bending over Annette.
"Now do the same for my other tit" said Annette.
I hardly needed asking, and got the same pleasure as I felt that nipple stiffen under my tongue. Annette then pulled my head up to hers, and kissed me hard on the mouth. Almost immediately I was jolted by intense pain in both my nipples, as she pinched and twisted them between her fingers and thumbs, and overpowering the pleasurable feeling that I'd had from Keith's hands.
"Keith and Charles just want to fuck you" she said, "but I want to hurt you. Hurt you in ways and places you never thought you could be hurt. But have no mistake, you'll end up dying to come back to me for more of the same. No one forgets me when I've had my way with them".
She grabbed my hair and dragged me over to the bed. Keith and Charles just got out of the way, as clearly they were used to Annette's dominating ways. She threw me down on my back on the bed, and caught hold of my nipples again and squeezed them even harder than before.
"Charles, stick your cock in her mouth so she can't scream, and Keith, get working on making her cunt slimy and her hole as open as you can make it, while I work on her breasts."
Shit, it was painful, and when I looked into her eyes, the looks in them struck fear right through me. Was I going to be maimed or hospitalised? But somehow, she understood perfectly just how far she could go in using the pain to increase the tingling excitement running through my body and deep into my crotch, but avoid going over the edge to truly damaging pain.
"Don't just lay there, bitch" she screamed, "get your hand working hard on my cunt. And I mean hard. See if you can rub away my clit, and whether you can force open my hole so wide that you can get your whole hand inside."
As I started to feel around with my hand, tracing over her belly and pushing between her legs, I felt Charles' cock pushing against my lips. I've never really liked sucking cock, but in this case, I had absolutely no choice, as he forced his way past my teeth and deep into my throat. I thought this was as much pain and torment as I could take, but I then felt Keith's hands opening up my slit, and sliding his fingers down to my hole. I felt first one finger slide in me, then with his other hand he started to play with my clit, sometimes pressing hard, and sometimes soft, going backwards and forwards and round and around. Then I felt a second and then a third finger pushing up into my hole, stretching it out. Although I couldn't see him, I knew with absolute certainty that Keith 's eyes were fixed on my cunt, looking deep up inside me, but craving to be able to see more.
My hand had by this time found its way up between Annette's legs, and against her shaved cunt, allowing me to feel the bulge either side and the tempting valley of her slit in between. I put my fingers into her slit, and ran them back towards her hole, dragging her gushing juices back towards her clit. I found myself synchronising the movements of my fingers with the movements Keith was making inside my cunt. He was really getting me excited, so I'd imagined that Annette would be enjoying it as well. I couldn't have been more wrong.
"Fuck, Lyn," she snarled, "I told you to be brutal with my cunt, not stroke it like a delicate flower. Charles, get your prick further down her throat, I can still hear her breathing! And Keith, work on her holes like I make you do mine. If you don't stretch her hole way out, Charles cock will never be able to get in it."
"Pay attention, Lyn, because I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget. I'm going to bite your tits hard, and I'll keep getting harder and harder, until you are working my vagina the way I want it worked. Believe me, I like the taste of blood, so you'd better do way fucking better than you are doing now! When Angie pointed you out to me, I told her you were going to be too soft, a pussy not a dripping cunt."
The next second, she had her teeth bared, and bit down on the top of one of my breasts. She hadn't got the main breast tissue between her teeth, just the top layer of skin, but it hurt like hell. At the same time, Charles pulled his prick part way out of my mouth, then drove it so far down my throat that I thought I was going to choke. Given the way he'd obeyed Annette's order, I wasn't surprised when I felt Keith pull his hand out of my hole, replacing it with all of the fingers on the hand he'd been using to play with my clit, trying to force it right inside me. I then felt the hand he'd removed touch my bum, and he pushed two fingers right inside my arsehole. God, I was in pain, but in ecstasy at the same time! Right, you fucking little bitch, I thought, if that's the way you want it, that's what you'll get, and I used all my strength to ram my hand into her hole. I could feel her lips stretch and slide towards my knuckles, and just for a second her bite on my breast loosened. Got you, I thought, but again I was wrong.
The next second she'd moved her mouth over my nipple and bit so hard I thought she was going to bite it off, and tears streamed down my face. There's no way I'm going to lose to this scheming little cunt, I thought, and I punched my hand harder into her hole. All of a sudden I felt her lips slide over my knuckles and down to the back of my hand, as I found my entire fist was now shoved inside her. I'll teach you, I thought, as I opened my fingers and tried to open her vagina. I could feel the neck of her womb, and I tried to force my forefinger up inside it. Still Annette hadn't weakened her bite on my nipple, though, so I opened my hand and dragged it out of her cunt, opening her hole more than I thought possible. I felt her squirm under me, as I ripped my hand out of her, with a loud slurp as the vacuum created by her cuntlips was broken.
I sensed, more than felt, a slight lessening of the grip on my tit, so I immediately balled my fist again and punched my hand back into her hole. I used my fingers to explore deep inside her again, then pulled my hand out of her with as much force as a could manage. I pressed my fingers as hard as I could against her clit and held them tight against it. I then rubbed her clit up and down, and round and round, but then punched my fist into her cunt again. Was she relaxing her bite, or was I just getting used to it? So, I repeated the whole cycle over again. Shit, her cunt was wet by then, and I could feel it throbbing. After the third cycle of fisting and playing, she finally let out a huge scream as I pressed my fingers hard into her clit, and she bucked and jerked against my hand as she came. The strange thing was, in the midst of all that pain, with Charles cock fucking my mouth, and Keith's hands opening my cunt and arse, I came as well.
God, Ricky, I'm sorry, and I feel so guilty that my story includes total strangers doing things to my body that I have never let you do. Look at my breasts, I know you used to give me love bites, but I'd have never have let you leave them covered in bit marks like this. If you'd ever tried sticking you cock down my throat the way Charles did, I have hit you in the balls, and although once or twice I've, reluctantly, let you put one finger into my arsehole, I'd have never let you stretch it the way Keith did. Maybe even not the way he stretched my cunthole, although I do remember how you made me bleed when we were teenagers. What's more, there's more yet to tell. And the thing is, even though I've now done it with people I'd never met before, I still wouldn't let you do these things. Today was just brutal fucking, and that's never been what I've wanted with you. I want you to make love to me, not fuck me. I never fully understood the difference, and I don't think you have really either. I think I understand now that sometimes you just wanted to fuck me, when I wanted you to make love to me. I'd never understood why you kept saying you were sorry about wanting my body more than I seemed to want to give it, but I guess it was because all you wanted was a fuck. I'm sorry, I can see how much you've needed some brutal fucking, but I'd only let it happen in fantasy or as you or both of us wanked ourselves off.
I'm sorry as well that I've broken off from my story, as I suspect that you're still in brutal fucking mode, given that your prick has started to soften, when it was as stiff as a rock when I was describing what Annette, Keith and Charles were doing to me. So, let me get on with my story, although at some point we need to reconcile this if we're wanting to carry on down the path we've started on, and I know I sure do. I'm really happy for you to get the brutal fucking you want, but you just need to do it with other peoples' bodies, even if I'm watching, just as I intend to keep doing it with other women, and sometimes men.
"So you have got it in you, after all, bitch," gasped Annette after she had come down from her climax. "For a moment, I thought you were trying to get your hand right up my cunt, through my guts and out of my mouth. Don't think for a minute that I have finished with you though! Come on Charles, let's see if Keith has managed to open her hole up enough to take your massive cock."
Keith took his hand out of my cunt and ass, and Charles pulled me down the bed, so that my legs were over the edge, and my pussy was just positioned perfectly for his cock. Shit, I thought, can I really get this up my cunt, and please, please let him not try get it in my asshole. He put his hands between my legs, and pulled open my lips, then jammed his prick hard in to my hole. Fucking hell, I thought I was going to split in half as he forced his black knob as far into my hole as it would go. Meanwhile, Annette was moving so that she was kneeling behind my head. She bent down and kissed my gently on my lips. Was it possible that I had really defeated her?
"Get ready for your other breast to get my special treatment" she whispered, as she took her mouth from mine, moved it down to my undamaged tit, and sank her teeth hard into the side of it. That was painful enough, but as I flinched away from her, I pushed up with my bottom, and met Charles prick thrusting back inside me. Given what I'd done to her vagina with my hand, though, maybe the agony was no more than justice.
Of course, Annette being bent over me like that meant two things. Firstly, her ass was stuck up in the air, and I could imagine the fantastic vista this would have presented of her puckered little asshole just above her partially open slit. Not surprisingly, Keith had realised this as well, had got up behind her and had stuck his cock up her. I could feel her rock forward as his balls hit her ass, and I wondered which of her holes he had actually chosen. The second, and great thing, was that Annette's breasts were right in my face. Depending on what she was doing to me, and what Keith was doing to her, sometimes her breasts were forced hard into my face, threatening to smother me, but at other times they were swaying free, with the nipples just brushing my face. In any other situation, I'd just have enjoyed those sensations, but given what she was doing to me, no way was I going to fucking let her off that easily.
Every time that Keith thrust in to her hole, Annette, released her bit on my tit, but then moved her teeth to a slightly different position, meaning that I had waves of pain synchronised with Keith's pumping, sometimes coming at the same time as the wave of pressure in my gut as Charles cock hit the top of my vagina. It was both incredibly arousing, but intensely painful, so I grabbed one of Annette's breasts and bit down as hard as I could. I felt her shudder as the pain seared through her tit. Not surprisingly with all that was going on her nipples were tight and stiff. I stopped biting, and just put my mouth over her nipple and rang my tongue round the deep ridges of her aureole, and across the top of her hard nipple. This was my little bit of pleasure, as just sucking and tongue-caressing nipples is one of my favourite things. However, I realised if I was ever going to be able to stand as an equal with Annette, I knew I had to do more. So I snapped my teeth together right on the end of her nipple. I knew that must hurt, and her squirm told me I was right. She repaid me with a vicious bite on the end of mine. For a few minutes, we traded bites of each other's tits and nipples, whilst both of us was being violently fucked from different directions.
Suddenly she tore her breast out of my mouth and let go of my tit, which nevertheless just went on throbbing from all of her earlier bites.
"Right, Keith, time to move up" she commanded, and as one, the two of them shuffled forward on their knees until her slit was over my face. "Lick this you bitch" she said.
She herself leaned forward and pushed her hand down into my own slit, towards Charles cock which was still pounding my cunt. I was just able to get my hand under her enough to pull open one of her lips, and to get my tongue inside. Annette then started to grind her cunt into my face, so that my tongue slid from her clit back to her hole. Contrary to what I had suspected, Keith had been fucking her in her cunt, not her ass. Her hole was being pushed open every time he pushed his cock in her, and massive amounts of cum were flowing out of her hole, all over my face, and into my mouth. I knew I was going to come again any minute, and I was pretty sure from the way Annette's movement on my face was getting faster and harder, that she was going to come as well. And that's just what happened. The combined efforts of Annette's fingers and Charles cock exploded through my cunt and up through my entire body, which jerked around, forcing my face even harder into Annette's slit, and she came at the same time, pushing my face back into the bed and releasing more juice from inside her, which I could feel running down the side of my face.
What surprised me, though, was the neither Keith nor Charles came, instead they both pulled out of their chosen orifice, and took a step back.
"Right," said Annette, with a vicious grin on her face, "now for the main event. Stand up Lyn."
I guess I was so surprised, and still reeling from sensations of coming so violently, that I didn't argue. When I turned around, Charles was laid across the bed, with his cock stuck up like a flagpole. Annette pushed me towards the bed, and told me to straddle over him, facing him. I had a suspicion what was coming, but just knelt over him and bent down to kiss him. That was strange, I realised. This man had had his prick in me for the last ten minutes or more, but we'd never even kissed, except for out formal hello when we came in. Of course, this wasn't quite what Annette had intended, so with one hand she grabbed my hair and pulled me backwards, at the same time grabbing Charles cock and pushing it up into my cunt.
"Now you can go forward again" she said, "and push your bum up so that Keith can put his prick in your asshole".
I felt her pull open by bum cheeks, giving Keith the clearest possible view of my arsehole, which even given everything else that had happened still felt embarrassing and violating. I felt someone squirt some sort of lubricant on my bum crack, for which I was extremely grateful, as the next minute I felt Keith force his knob into my arsehole itself. I had never imagined what it would feel like to have two cocks in me at the same time. I felt powerful, completely stuffed, and in pain.
"I told you I'd hurt you" whispered Annette, "and I always keep my word."
"Fuck" said Keith, after trying a few thrusts into me, "her arsehole is so tight, that especially with Charles cock in her cunt, this just isn't working for me. Find us some other position Annette."
Both Charles and Keith pulled out of my holes, instantly changing my feeling from bursting but exciting, to a feeling of disappointing emptiness.
"Right ", ordered Annette, "Keith, you sit on the edge of the bed, leaning backwards. Lyn, you lower yourself on him backwards, and take him in your cunthole this time.